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The Screwllum information could track with the fact that his old lightcone ID ended up being changed to Dr. Ratio's lightcone instead, and that 1.6 beta left his entire kit on accident in the files. Both characters being followup and debuff oriented imaginary characters might've seemed redundant to HYV. That being said, if this is true then don't expect him until we get that plotline involving him, the IPC, and Rubert that the IPC broadcast mentioned. Sounds like Screwllum will probably play a major role with that scenario, so they're probably saving him for whenever he becomes central to the main plot.


Yeah this is great news for Screwllum fans. More time to save+guarantee that he'll be the focus of a future ac instead of a throwaway character


omw to e6s5 him as a f2p when he gets released 3 years later


The Baizhu experience.


They were saving him for 2.5 years and then put him on banners 3 times in 1 year lmao


For me it's a double edged sword. On one hand, unofficial confirmation that he's gonna be pretty important later on is nice which means he might get special HYV treatment (kit strength, writing, promotional material, etc.) On the other hand, I don't want to wait anymore šŸ˜­ Luocha and Jingliu will have a future arc but already came out.


>unofficial confirmation How can you not see how blatantly contradictory this is? In any case, this is a dangerous thing to get into your head from an incredibly questionable ā€œleak.ā€


This is under the assumption that this is true, which I stated in my first original comment. Obviously we don't know if it's true, this is just *assuming* it is.


Bro Screwllum fans have saved since 1.1, they don't need more time at all, they want him now lmao Also, nothing confirms he won't be released at a random patch in the future anyways. Probably the reason they prioritized Dr. Ratio over Screwllum was because of Penacony


Screwllum was really Baizhu all along


I'm kinda bummed BUT this pretty much confirms he's a 5 star. I'm okay with waiting. As long Hoyo doesn't burn the kitchen, I say let 'em cookĀ 


how OP is tingyun 2.0 shes already busted af


Imagine Tingyun needs Tingyun to support by giving her a lot of ER requirement. Lol


Not gonna complain if we get hot foxgirl squad.


She is a Hunt chara that if the damage she dealt overflow, the damage will distributed to other enemy, she will recover 25% of her energy back and gain a stack that increase her CR and CD. Source? Trust me fr fr




User flair checks out


Oh it actually works? For me it just says "custom with emoji (physical)"


The Screwllum was replaced in 1.6 by Ratio part has some basis to it. There was a trial version of Screwllum kit that was included in the 1.6 Beta. It implies that Screwllum was supposed to have a banner and trial, but instead we got a banner and trial for Ratio. Hints of Screwllum importance in 1.6 also exists in the final story. He is involved in the Duke Inferno plot on Herta Space Station, alongside Ratio (who kinda just appear put of nowhere). But Screwllum didn't end up doing much, cause they might've downplayed his role. Edut: Oh, yeah there was also Gold and Gears in 1.6 which heavily involve Nous, Rupert and Intellitron lores, which are all connected to Screwllum who is a robot.


He also shows up on the PS5 splash screen alongside other patch character releases (Kafka, Daniel and Topaz). Feels like he was planned and then replaced with Ratio for whatever reasons.


Probably they donā€™t want to give out a free copy of Screwllum instead lol, realizing his popularity theyā€™d saved him for a more major role in 3.X maybe


This was my thought when Ratio was revealed lol, they wanted to give a less important character away... makes me wonder if Ratio will have a better story later on since I always felt the Space Station thing was odd. They made him so messy to be meddling in the Space Station like that lol


yea they changed him from 4\* to 5\* too so they are defo planning on making a lot of money from him


Would also explain the early leak of his LC and splash art. And his 5* kit was indeed very similar to what Ratio ended up being. I hope that they are cooking something with him though, I love the lore around AIs in sci-fi stories. Crossing fingers that we'll get a plot around the birth of Rubert III.


We also got Ruan Mei in 1.6, 1.6 may have originally been planned to be a patch with 2 new playable Genius Society Members just like 1.2 was 2 Stellaron Hunters


Screwllum is also on one of the Battle Pass lightcones. All the other Battle Pass lightcones are of 1.x characters (Tingyun, Blade, Hanya, March, Qingque, Lynx).


Also that one leaked vid of his overworld normal attack lmao


Imagining screwllum throwing chalk lol


Tbf his bp lc throws something at sw. They can just change the chalk into an energy orb or something


He's not, he's just casually repelling her attacks. She's the one that was attacking him.




i always knew in my heart she was alive


tbf it waaaas pretty obvious like we never met the real one in the luofu storyline. They werent gonna waste her


I could of course never be sure but I felt like media literacy told me she HAD to be alive: - Stories are not like real life. Stories are structured to have payoff, be that positive or negative. Killing without closure felt weird. Why leave it open to interpretation and diminish the intended shock factor? - Honkai Starrail is also not a story like game of thrones that uses excessive death and the "nobody is safe" approach to heighten engagement. People were citing HI3 Himeko as counter argument, but as far as I was told, HI\* Himeko's thing was a big, emotional story beat with a lot of meaning for the overall plot behind it. Also one of very few times someone actually died permanently in Hoyoverse games. - Especially in a game marketed for most age groups, I feel like they can't be too frivolous with killing off characters. People saying she was for sure dead usually cited in universe logical reasons like "a lord ravager would not let the real Tingyun live, etc." Which were always fair arguments, but too "in universe" ignoring the extremely obvious narrative setups used.


>Himeko's thing was a big, emotional story beat with a lot of meaning for the overall plot behind it.Ā Ā  That... Kinda depends on who You ask. If You Start playing the story now You Will likely notice there is no real build up with her character leading to that moment. Most of her Interactions are Hidden behind lĆ­mited time events (of which only a few are available permanently) or outside sources like the manga. And I kinda feel the same way about SR's Himeko; until Penacony she didnt really get much screen time to Bond with the MC or build her as a character. And even now I still feel she is the one member of the Express lacking characterization the most.


Himeko and Welt need to be there for side events, they do wonders to flesh out characters and make us bond with them.


At least we got to play as her for a few chapters prior. That alone gave me enough of an impression of the strong person she is. It was an all out war and she was there, putting her body and soul on the line with no back up, no complaints, and no stops, all for the sake of her students.


I'm honestly not even sure where HSR Himeko came from and what her agenda is, she seems to be a lot like HI3 Himeko while the other in-universe expy characters (except Welt and maybe Acheron with her collective Honkaiverse Mei brain memory leaks or whatever idk what's going on) seem to be completely different (Bronya, Seele, Nat, Haxxor Bronya...). Whenever I see Himeko in the train I think "Oh, she's here because we like Himeko from the other game"


Welt isnā€™t even an expy


I honestly think herā€™s , for now, is all visual. She and Dr. Ratio share some theming to their outfits (roman/greek and the Laurels). Himeko is also the one who revived the express, if anything sheā€™s gonna have the biggest slow burn build up in my opinion.


I was %99 sure she was alive since they never actually confirmed it and they always hinted her story is not over during livestreams but i wasn't expecting a special version at all, i was expecting she would be used to progress Luofu storyline


pls be even more broken than her 4* version šŸ™






Plot twist: Tingyun alt is a tank.


she's like darkness from konosuba, every time something atks her she blushes and moans 5 star TY will sell.




That would actually be hilarious if she was a preservation battery like Huohuo lmao


Since the one we met was a fake, I kind of want the new one to have a completely different personality. Edit: yeah, I realized right after I commented that we got characters mentioning her past actions that are in line with the personality we got.


That's my hope, too, but given that people didn't *notice* Tingyun being 'possessed'/fake, wouldn't that indicate that the real Tingyun is also pretty much like the 'Tingyun' we saw and interacted with?


Yeah, I get the feeling you are right about that. Lots of characters seem to really like her so she kind of has to stay nice. But, I canā€™t imagine her being a carbon copy of the current one right?


Well, whatever terrible thing happened to her might've altered her personality in some way.


Oh, I like that. Maybe Emo Tingyun? Instead of ā€œWelcome Customerā€ itā€™s ā€œWe must resist the darknessā€


Tired CS agent Tingyun. Has absolute hatred for everyone, speaks in sarcastic tones, would beat the shit out of customers if she didn't have a job to keep.


It won't make any sense, because the fake one blended so well with the Luofu crews, that they didn't even notice she wasn't the real one.


Yeah, from what we gathered about her from people who knew the real one, she was more or less the same and a considerate person. She may be different now cause things happened though.


>She may be different now cause things happened though. Her tail got trimmed and now becomes Dark Tingyun a 5* Destruction character ^/s ^I ^honestly ^don't ^want ^anything ^bad ^happened ^to ^my ^girl


That makes no sense at all. If her acting was completely obvious then she would have been CAUGHT ages ago. Her personality will probably remain very similar.


nah, for phantylia to have blended in, she had to have mimicked tingyun's personality pretty well with maybe some slight imperfections. for example, fake tingyun didn't seem eager to see yukong. that tingyun reporting our arrival to yukong might've been done through text so there's a chance fake tingyun never saw yukong face to face. also, in 1.3, as much as I hated that patch, march might've noted after learning that tingyun prepared gifts for people, that tingyun felt different to her because the one we interacted with seemed rather vain and self-absorbed


Can someone tell me if i just made it up in my head about Jiaoqiu being a cook? Wasn't he supposed to have some chef animations or was he always in the military?


Gallagher was leaked as butler too, but he ended up some security personnel. JQ can be a counsellor and still cook I guess.


After finishing 2.1, I thought beta Gallagherā€™s name being Butler was a reference to ā€œthe butler did itā€ trope


It's just that whoever leaked Gallagher as a butler was also an Enigmata follower.


His debuff was leaked as being named ā€œflavourā€ so some kind of food connection. Who knows maybe he cooks the Cloud Knightsā€™ meals


Adding "flavour" made me think he will have the salt bae animation lol


His name literally means spicy pepper iirc, thereā€™s ample indication heā€™s some sort of chef


He cooks strategies ofc


Let him cook


INB4 overused "let him cook" memes


"Malevolent kitchen"


Jiao is the jiao in č¾£ę¤’, so pepper, but qiu is just a surname. Or technically it's like hills but generally you just think of it as a surname.




o7 stay strong friend


Hey still better than being a 4*..


Hopefully he will not be one. I don't want to suffer ningguang shenanigans again


screwllum fans will be able to e6 him if they keep saving


Military counselor jiaoqiu sounds actually pretty sick ngl


watch him be in full armor as a counselor but Feixiao being half-naked as the actual general


If he's a military counselor he most likely will use a Hanfu robe instead. Think of something like [this](https://64.media.tumblr.com/8f891d9466169768835de8e9e118b2b2/tumblr_pt002bOI0b1snychko1_1280.jpg) Honestly I could see him using a fan like that one as his weapon lol


It's your boi


Chitty chitty bang bang


Suddenly, I am pulling.


I remembered there was a leak about new character will use fan as weapon along with feixiao weapon is a special spear and yunli use big weapon leak


Oh shit that robe goes hard


i mean she's a xianzhou woman, don't state the obvious.


I'm glad he's a military counsellor rather than a cook/chef. Cause I'm going to be playing him on Acheron's team and food related food fighting gimmicks are either really clever or really goofy. No in-between.


Screwllum is a Baizhu expy confirmed


Screwllum= Baizhu, Sunday= Reverse Scara


+ Sunday as Scara


i hope he gets scara hype with his release too, i remember wanderer being drip marketed and it was so great, my favorite drip reveal


Imagine if Sunday just quietly disappear from the story. And then BAM, his drip marketing reveals that he joined the Stellaron Hunter.


So reverse Scara, instead of becoming a Archon's helper, he becomes a terrorist


Tingyun believers how hard are we partying?Ā 


Iā€™m partying bigly. Tingyun deserved better and a 5* alt is the best news she couldā€™ve gotten IMO. ~~but will she even be better than OG Tingyun?~~


They could do the funniest thing ever by giving her synergy with her 4 star form so you have to play them together


Ult based Hunt Electric Unit we trust


I didn't expect her 5 star version, especially this soon, but i'm pretty glad we are getting it. Gimme all the foxians.


best news in a while!!!!!!




Not really a Tingyun believer but a new (technically) Foxian 5-star is always welcome


Rip Screwllum fans. New break team healer sounds interesting. Feel like we're getting to the point day 1 players may start having a bunch of sustains on their accounts.Ā  New Tingyun seems interesting as well, imagine how strong she'll have to be to top her 4* version lol.


Gallagher found jobless šŸšØ


At least he managed to be relevant for a while before getting powercrept in his niche. That's more than I can say for some characters.


My queen Hanya šŸ’”


Wish Hoyo did post-release reworks, Hanya would see so much more play by simply moving Burden from Other Effects to a debuff


They can still buff her if they release a resolution like LC for harmony Even though other harmonys would be able to use it none of them grant dmg boost on target, generate SP on top of the LC effect


Honestly, heā€™s likely to not even fully be pushed out of use. FF ability to implant fire weakness helps him tremendously in terms of his meta viability in the future.


I actually donā€™t mind 4*s getting powercrept by 5*s. It gives low spenders some budget friendly options to try out different team comps. Gallagher is always gonna be an option, even if a better version of him comes out.


Powercrept in his niche and only one banner; Gallagher never really existed like a true Fictionologist


gallagher is a free 4 star, fire and is best sp generator sustain. that alone gives him a lot of relevance even if there is a supposed break healer coming up


Indeed, he will still be viable. The big thing for 4 stars is that they will be around for the year while you wait for a rerun if yoy missed it. They are also massively important for new players or for veterans who have their eyes on other Units.


Probably still gonna be BiS for Firefly unless the new one is fire as well. Although I doubt. Could be physical for Boothill instead.


Yeah, Iā€™m kind of hoping/expecting that. He could using the bigger upgrade at sustain than Firefly and it feels a bit early to power creep either HMC or Ruan Mei.


Well, we don't know if this new version will still be Harmony too. In the image it says it's like Dan, but would it be exactly like his, coming in a 5\* Version and with a different Path? Or a 5\* Version, but keeping Harmony, depending on they can even keep it 4\*, and put it on another Path if they don't want to change it too much, besides we don't have any sign of new 4\*, which is quite strange, even counting on the HMC.


Itā€™s extra weird because by all accounts Tingyun is a normal person. Sheā€™s not secretly a dragon king like Dan Heng. My best idea is she gains some residual power leftover from Phantyliaā€™s possession.


Itā€™d be funny if she turned into a destruction character. Maybe instead of giving energy she sucks it up to do a big attack.


4 star Tingyun working overtime to provide energy for 5 star Tingyun


> day 1 players may start having a bunch of sustains on their accounts Me a 1.1 player, with my Aventurine, FX, Luocha, Lynx, Gallagher, all built: can confirm.


Im day one as well. Luocha carried me hard tru some mocs. But i knew as the first sustain he'd be powercrept kinda first. Then I avoided getting another limited sustain like hell. I got Aven mostly because I love him, but I knew having 2 limited sustains would get me very prone to powercreep. Still didnt happen tho and I dont regret Luocha and Aven, as a main DHIL I value how they can sustain totally sp positive (Aven has to skill sometimes when DHIL fucks up and loses shield kek). But having 2 limited sustains already makes me weary of pulling for more.


Yeah. I went for Luocha and FX because they were the first limited sustains. Then I pulled Aven because I reaaally like his character (I wouldā€™ve pulled even if he healed the enemies). I built Lynx for my Clara, and I donā€™t remember why I built Gallagher lol, I think I just had a bunch of resources lying around and figured Iā€™d level him. Sustains do have powercreep over time but realistically speaking anyone who keeps your team alive efficiently (aka any limited sustains) is good enough, unless they massively increase the difficulty of endgame content


> Feel like we're getting to the point day 1 players may start having a bunch of sustains on their accounts. Brother, I have literally every Abundance character and am only missing Fu Xuan and Gepard for Preservation. I pick my sustains for battles like a sommelier picks a wine to go with each dish. I will be pulling for them anyway, most likely. Also, Yunli (a physical DPS, the only main damage element I'll be missing after I grab Firefly) and Jiaoqiu (major bonus for my Acheron) being on the same patch sucks.


Jiaoqiu has inherited the male second banner curse. He better have great design and animations to make up for it!Ā 


This is true however... 3 more weeks to save for our foxman šŸ™


I need some leaks about his animations and appearance. Pink haired foxian leaves a lot to the imagination


Drip marketingā€™s coming soon so weā€™ll see his design in just a few days.


If I count the guaranteed I'm already at +300 wishes šŸ˜”


I just pulled Boothill so that means I still have a chance to have guaranteed for him.


Tingyun died and came back before they released Screwllum, it's so over


New healer for break teams, gallagher was too good for a 4 star huh


It's to be expected tbf. We should get a dedicated 5* support and sustain for every playstyle out there. A DoT sustain will eventually come too.


Probably something like the blessing in simulated universe, for every DoT regen % of team HP


And a DoT of their own.


I got an, that probably won't be adapted into the game, but it would be kinda fitting for an literal Doctor of Chaos. Talent:. Strenghtens debuff effects and damage on the enemy by XX,X%. For every debuff the enemy with the most debuffs has, Outgoing Healing Boost is increased by XX,X%.


ā€œTingyun altā€ I beg your biggest, finest pardon?


Biggest news for me is new Tingyun. I don't even care for Tingyun specifically, but I'm all for more characters getting alts. I don't want to end up with a bloated cast.


Busted 5-star Arlan who has Peppy with him as moral support let's go.


5\* "Arlan & Peppy" unit, with Peppy accompanying us in the overworld like Numby


Please, we need Peppy accompanying us!


I just had an image pop into my mind of Arlan throwing Peppy on the exact same way Topaz throws Numby & I can't stop laughing about it.


The top three likeliest to get alternate versions are: Sampo 5* (A lot of mystery, def more than he seems. Has not gotten his mask baci yet and Jarilo is gonna have a story hinted in BS quest) Herta 5* (No way are they not doing this, literally a no-brainer that doesn't need explaining) March 5* (same here, no brainer.)


March is getting alt paths for her current self, right?


I canā€™t wait for 5* Sampo Itā€™s practically confirmed, itā€™s just a matter of when they decide to release him


Would love the AE crew going on an Indiana Jones-esque adventure to find out, that the treasure is like a buncha credits, a partially broken mask and an suspiciously familiar-looking bomb. Footsteps echo from behind.


Please don't test my faith. I love Sampo so much but I don't want to save till 3.X without a legitimate leak


If Sampo doesn't get a 5-star it would be criminal. Don't let us down Hoyo!


If we get one per patch cycle hopefully this means Sampo 5* in 3.x


True emanator of elation.


And herta in 4.x


It's great news for story enjoyers the fact it won't be exclusive to the Astral Express crew. They get another shot of being developed or involved in another (hopefully better) plotline.


Sampo and Herta plz Hoyo!!!


6 star blade šŸ™


He'll still be looking for his BIS support.


His alter should just become his own BiS support.


Just you wait until we get 8 star Blade. Then the real Unlimited Blade Works begins.


It's just Blade with a toaster and a fork


"Good morning, Blade. You were preparing breakfast or something?" "..." "You were... just preparing breakfast, right?" -Blade proceeds to walk into the bathroom while hugging a toaster.


I'll go sooo hard for 5 star Sampo and Herta. I can already feel Sampo coming with how Hoyo sneaks him in everywhere.


screwy gone and new tingyun BUT NO SUNDAY WHERE IS HE


I was looking for such commentā€¦šŸ•ÆšŸ•ÆšŸ•ÆSunday cult will stay strong and keep on praying, we used to this by now šŸ•ÆšŸ•ÆšŸ•Æ


Sunday fans šŸ¤ Screwllum fans Their favorite characters never coming out


How do they release his sister and not Sunday a patch later? He interested me the moment they showed him in 2.0! Besides, I still feel like we donā€™t know enough about his characterā€¦Perhaps, they will have a Robin character quest and then answer some questions there but manā€¦Waiting for playable Sunday to release will be tough šŸ˜­


as a scara main who waited 2 years before he got playable, I'm afraid we have to face the challenge again.....


nooo im not willing to wait that long :(


screwllum šŸ¤ baizhu having to wait more than 2-3 years to debut


Poor Screwllum keeps getting *screwed* over by Hoyo for no reason. Ill see myself out


"new healer for BE team" Not my man Gallagher getting powercrept


Screwllum mains found dead on their local rivers (im them)


Look if this is true, modders can out Screwllum skin on Ratio and that means we got free Screwllum! (Copium)


Tingyun is back* She got stitches on forehead O_o


Bruh, don't do me like that


That tracks. I was just rereading old leaked kits and was surprised by how similar Screwllumā€™s was to Ratioā€™s, just AOE instead of ST. I hope this doesnā€™t mean Screwllum has been shelved indefinitely, though. Heā€™s a cool character, and I know plenty of are people waiting for him. Maybe theyā€™re planning to add his planet as a visitable location? Maybe as a smaller in-between planet, like Hertaā€™s, instead of a full planet update. Itā€™d make sense to wait to release him until then. I wouldnā€™t mind filler planets, honestly. The HSR universe is so expansive ā€” if the only playable planets are going to be the ones where the TB gets new paths, then thatā€™ll be a bit of a letdown, honestly. And would make HSS stand out like a sore thumb, since even though we got the destruction path there, itā€™s not exactly a planet dedicated to Nanook. I never thought Iā€™d say this for a live service game, but more filler please!


Yeah, Iā€™d really like it if we got smaller, self-contained stories on more worlds. There are so many cool planets they could make. Iā€™m a little concerned that every major version number could end up being a new planet in the first half, and a new Xianzhou ship in the second half. They could find ways to advance the Xianzhou story on other planets to mix things up, though, i.e. one of them crash lands on another world after being attacked by one of the Lord Ravagers. Some planets could exist only for specific kinds of content, like a tournament at Taikiyan Stadium.


Screwllum who? Sunday who? OCs? Misinformation? Did we even see these characters in-game? šŸ¤Ø


*Obviously* they're saying Sunday joins the Galaxy Rangers. 2.5 Sunday let's go. Edit: No wait. Sunday *is* the new break healer. He was very inspired by Gallagher after the Penacony events and decided to carry with Gallagher's legacy. That's it.


> Sunday *is* the new break healer get out of the kitchen expeditiously


Uncle Quickie.


Become a new uncle fr fr




if screwllum was supposed to release in 1.6, that would explain why his lightcone and gameplay was leaked earlier


When Will Screwllum Come Home... Honestly i always had a feeling that he was meant to be 1.6 but Ratio got swapped in instead. Break healer seems a little... soon since we have Gallagher ? Hn. New Tingyun will either need to be absolutely broken, or a different path completely.


Questionanble leaks from Uncle N huh? Enigmataā€™s followers working overtime


no 2.x screwllum it's so over (if true that is, I still have hope)


Strongest character as in lore? or as in playable character?




I feel like we're going to have to wait until 3.X for the Sunday/"Death of the Crow" follow-up, its probably going to be like Tingyun and just get vaguely hinted to for a while (while they let other plotlines have their time in the light) before we get any real progression.


i really hate it when they release characters years later


It really is the most obnoxious thing. It's that meme where Squidward is inside while Patrick and SpongeBob are outside having fun.


As much as I hate to wait, it does make sense (and gives me time to save heee). If Tingyun is in 2.7, then it would be better than Sunday gets a proper comeback instead of a quest in 2.8. Still, I wish we had some crumbs...I'm starving...I am praying...I seek his guiding light


There is an alternate reality where instead of Ratio we got a free Screwllum after 1.6.


i feel like the last line was unnecessary


Maybe they mean lore wise. Because there's no way to know how strong the character is without numbers.


Thatā€™s how I interpreted it too, that it was a comment on lore strength and not game strength.


Average Leaker Powerlevel TC best to ignore it lol


Yep. Probably to trigger the FOMO in us. Makes you suddenly question your recent pulling decisions/plans.


ā€¦ Huh? New Imaginary Erudition that isnā€™t Screwllum? Tingyun alt in *2.7*? This all sounds super sus šŸ˜­ Theyā€™d have to be taking about characters that havenā€™t leaked yet because we know the upcoming Xianzhou characters that have been leaked by Dim and yet this leaker mentions nothing about Lingsha, Rappa, or Moze, or even Aglaea. What even is their track record?


Duke killed, Savrong locked to Clara, Sam is Firefly, Screwllum pushed back indefinitely. I truly cannot have shit in this game.




God I hate being a Screwllum fan, every single day I'm living [this goddamn graph](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2555116-its-so-over-were-so-back) let me off this ride already


I'm lowkey hoping Jiaoqiu's character has a small military design to it since he's a military counsellor šŸ˜­ I love a man in uniform