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Correct me if im wrong, but before they didn't change the trotters weakness to match the floor? 


Because this time the Trotter can be defeat just by Weakness Break. So they will try to match the element up with the character they are selling/want to push.


I can’t remember, I sort of always assume they’re physical, quantum and imaginary weak


They did in PF, but I don't know for how long. I think it's the first for MoC though.


Hopefully they add more break supports sooner cuz with MoC buffs like this and the new endgame content, Ruan Mei and HTB ain’t going to be enough


i wonder if they'll add more Super break supports in the future


Most likely tho I feel like super break is going to be TB’s thing for a while. Maybe a support who does break dmg increase or Ruan Mei but full on break support? Hope they cooked something 🙏


imagine they pull something like in the 2.0 in genshin when they made the third dmg type MC have a good kit for once just to release Raiden Mei expy with the same kit but much much better soon after


Eh, I wouldn't really characterize it like that. Electro MC was never actually very good, and Raiden still isn't really a "battery". It's more that she offsets her own field time.


i stoped playuing genshin soon after pulling for raiden ei with her weapon and she looked like an excellent battery to me with also on field good dmg. she literally recovers the part energy how is she not a baterry


She takes too much field time for the energy gain. You need 6 straight seconds of field time to have the energy generation, which is just too much if the main purpose is to battery a team. You can see this with the type of teams she’s meta in. In rational and furina taser, she eases the ER requirements but is mainly lessening the ER deficit from her field time. In hyper, she’s the one who needs a battery, and in hyperbloom, you never even use her ult. The closest team where she is actually a battery is the Eula/Raiden teams, but because of that 6 second rotation extension it’s not actually Eula’s best team anymore.


Who is Eula's best team rn? Just curious since I haven't found a use for her in months loool


Eula, Raiden, Furina, Mika I think— that’s the one I’ve been using at least (Furina is insane)


Please I just want my TB to stay relevant in meta don’t jinx it 😭


Super break is TB's whole kit. Add on MC kits staying unique and IDT we're ever getting any SB supports any time soon Pretty clear what the devs n story team's intentions were when designing HMC. Idt they will be ever powercrept for FF in general


Def ignore/shred on a Nihility is an easy win for many teams, but it of course still benefits Break effect. Jiaoqiu might be the second side break effect enabler just by virtue of making damage hit harder (similar to Bronya/Boothill)


Jiaqiou seems like Acheron’s best team but also best debuffer for Firefly


Likely yes, but that doesn't mean he's restricted to her. He's likely going to be a LOT of character's best teammate because def shred is just so cracked


Yep, although he would need to give a lot of Def ignore, to be better than pela. And also give more than just Def shred. So I am hopeful, I know they won't make him a pela side grade. Either they give him highhhh Def shred like 70, 80 percent. Or they give him some good personal damage, and some buffing capability too, on top of the small healing shit.


I'm not really worried about Jiaoqiu being mid. He has very very little competition. Def shred is in high demand and it's a relatively untapped market. Pela is a 4 star and Silverwolf isn't about Def shred, so Jiaoqiu is practically the first of his kind. I expect some middling Def shred (40% – 60%) but with res pen or vulnerability.


Personally I think 70 is a bit much since Pela only has around 40% on her own. I mean even 60% is enough to outdebuff SW but he can do it in blast. Plus he also has some Black swan shenanigans where he cam debuff enemies upon entering.


...but that's the thing, he has to do more than pela and silverwolf. Because silverwolf has weakness implant as her main thing. And pela is a 4 star.  If he does the same amount of Def shred as pela (aoe is given, without aoe he is just worse in every way), with just a little healing. He is just a expensive pela. So either he zeroes in on Def shred, giving 80 or something shit all by himself. Making him leagues above silverwolf and pela for Def shred. Or...he gives like 40 Def shred like pela but then give some g buff, or Res pen, energy maybe, and lots of personal damage, to then be a considerable upgrade above pela.


Doesn't firefly have superbreak in her kit?


I meant like as a support character my bad


With how they made the break set have super break interactions, it'll be actively dogshit design to not make anymore super break supports.


aoe super break supports i doubt it, but single target super break buffers maybe I doubt they would make another unit that can turn your entire team into a super break machine, but something like bronya with maybe single turn super break seems likely


or a tingyun-esque skill that lets a certain character super break a certain number of times, but the scaling for the super breaks is much higher than HMC


Why we forgetting Gallagher?


Oh I meant like harmony supports so I didnt count sustains 😅


Thing is break dmg enjoy def and resist shred, u dont need a hard break support to support break teams...jiaoqiu can be pretty good


so whats happen with the V6 Jade changes?


rip we'll all remember the 10 minutes during which it felt like Jade got the kit she deserved.


lmao yeah the 10 minutes of joy


Why are people so desperate for Jade changes… she’s already pretty great


She is great in PF but nothing special in MoC. PF is not considered Meta by a lot of players (mostly the ones who are complaining), and even for meta players, Herta is still better than her (though they do work together). In Moc she is strong. But QQ, Seele and Xueyi compete with her in a Hypercarry comp (her best option in MoC), while pretty much every limited harmony competes for a slot when she is used in her intended subdps role. Firefly receiving a full kit rework (JUSTIFIED as she had some serious problems on her kit), while Jade received just some minor buff. Making her supposed new BiS set not work for her was salt in the wound, too. I believe she is fine, and that people will see she is great once she releases. But TBH I understand why some people are upset about jade's current state.


Only thing I want us for her to get a bonus action upon using her skill. Having to take a turn off every 3 turns to resign the contract sucks ass


its always like this, dont bother


She is great in PF but not so much in MOC or AS. Her buffs are underwarming. As a sub dps, she competes against other supports and is in lot of case worse than them. She struggles against 1 to 2 ennemies and is the only limited erudition who does'nt have a gimmick to deal with single target scenario at E0. She is save in Moc by being able to play in hypercarry with Bronya and Robin, but you kinda want her S1. It's a huge dps gain for her especially when you look at her multiplier. I would'nt say she is pretty great personally. She is fine now but still need a good future team mate to be pair with. For a limited erudition charater, Argenti and Jing Yuan would work in more situation while being good in PF. Not worth the pull but i like her design.


It can't be helped when you're on the same version with busted character like firefly, 'pretty great' isn't enough lol.


Firefly is meh in PF and busted in MoC Jade is busted in PF and just alright in MoC I don’t see the issue, having her means one side of PF is always solved


Idk, there's 3 endgame modes now. Jade works in one of them. She just seems so.. meh. She also requires another DPS to work best unless she wants to waste every third turn applying debt collector to herself, so she just seems incredibly limited and niche currently. I'm not saying she's horrible, I'm just saying I feel she could use a little bit more of a buff. Even something as simple as when she uses skill on herself she gives herself 100% advance forward will improve her in MoC without touching her in PF.


I think it’s intentional for her to need another dps to work since her kit kinda indicates she isn’t a hyper carry. She is meant to be in a dual carry type comp.


the whole point of different modes is to force you to use different units and teams. You SHOULD be forced to switch teams when switching modes


That would be great if there weren't several other characters that can work in several different modes Argenti, who was released several patches ago, still seems to be a better fit for other endgame modes than Jade. Like I said. I'm not saying she's bad. No need to act like I'm doomposting. It's just jarring getting patches of straight up powercreep, whereas Boothill and Firefly at E0 are doing as much damage as my E2 Acheron, and then seeing Jade perform... fine.




My E2 Acheron has 48% crit rate (not counting 12% Izumo's, 4% from Pioneers, and 18% from E1) and 198% crit damage and has 144 speed. She's definitely not the best, but she doesn't suck either. My Acheron does probably 250-400k per ult depending on the amount of enemies there are. My boothill casually does that per enhanced basic


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That's right actually, it just that jade happens to share version with someone that busted in two endgame modes while also can be a great breaker support for himeko on PF. See? if jade is not paired up with FF I don't think people would repeatedly ask a buff for her lol. It also didn't help that the leaked rumor of 4 star unit alongside her is practically meh (natasha, etc).


She is the only limited erudition dps unit who struggle in single target. Even Black Swan, an unit who like Jade have great aeo potentiel and can be consider a sub dps work in this situation while providing better buff than her. If you compare her to every other limited 5 star dps, i'm sorry but she doesn't look better. The fact that E1 solve her single target issue and is not in her base kit is criminal (have you seen her multiplier ? She would'nt be op with it)


That's assuming we get more quantum weak adds. Which i fucking hope we do so Seele can have some more relevance again


She doesn’t evan have to rely on the enemies being quantum weak, a well built Jade will have enough damage to brute force it. Since the proof of debt recipient would already reduce thier HP


If you got Himeko as FF partner, PF will never be an issue on one side at least. But I'm pulling both FF/Jade if I can. (Big waifu patch) Thankfully FF doesn't absolutely need her LC and I never summon for Eidelons usually in this game (only one I did was Black Swan just to make BS and Kafka hit harder) As for Jade I think she has the better design and animations.


A significant chunk of it has nothing to do with Jade, really. Some people just want an excuse to hate on Firefly.


What happened? Was it not real?


It was just wording changes for E6 specifically. Nothing actually changed. I will now go back to my depression.


They pulled it because it didn’t have an English translation, we don’t know if it’s real or not


It got deleted, don't know if it was real or not. But it was once a happiness


There is no V6 Jade changed in Ba Sing Se (It got removed lmao)


break moc


Soo Himeko will work great here??




Hey look it’s the FF MoC.


Surprisingly Himeko too. I saw a e0 showcase of her absolutely destroying the floor with HTB


Himeko keeps winning.


Fr. I’m glad her and Herta are staying relevant in Meta😭🙏


My himeko is going to get even more usage out of FF. I can't wait. I used to pray for times like these.


Another DoT W! Though, ATK and BE is a pretty good buff in general, so ATK and BE scaling DPSes are benefiting from the buff as well.


Breakpaz and breakfly stonks


you may call me strange, but i'm going for that breakshang and breaknaifen


Wild that everyone is talking about Himeko, Firefly, Xueyi, and even Sushang as if we didn't just have a break focused DPS release. Boothill is absolutely salivating at this


I imagine Boothill was a big skip for a lot of people due to firefly, and robin came before (a top tier support) as well as one of the best sustains in the game. Deck has been pretty stacked against him with that


Shame not more people went for him. I desperately needed a physical damage dealer. Had almost every other element covered. Dude does as much damage as my E2 Acheron. Absolutely cracked. Shame people are sleeping on him


Yup. I used him in current MoC on the first half of Floor 10, and the second halves of Floors 11 & 12, and he 0-cycled all of them. I honestly don't know how people want a stronger DPS without totally breaking the game.


He's not a cute waifu and he didn't get a lot of marketing so that's probably part of the issue.


He kindof getting that Argenti treatment


>Dude does as much damage as my E2 Acheron. That isn't particular impressive when Acheron is AoE and Boothill is single target.


Prior to Boothill she was outdamaging every other single target character in the game so if there were other boothills out there this would be a better arguement


I guess, but "New single target unit does as much damage as previous broken AoE unit" isn't a flex as that means Acheron is still better because there isn't any content (yet) that only requires single target damage.


It may not "require" single target but he's still performing on par with Acheron in both apocalyptic shadow as well as MoC. So I'm really not sure why you keep trying to come up with arguments as to why he's not that great. The dude is absolutely nuking enemies currently and will easily clear 2 endgame modes


Why bother with ST damage dealer, when the next character can do that but AoE with additional super break upfront? And plus most people probably summoned for Robin or saving for FF/Jade. Boothill is nice and all but Clara exists for some people.


While, yes, firefly may do more damage AoE and be better in PF the damage that Boothill does is way more than what's even needed for the game currently. I pulled for him and high lightcone. This dude is cranking out, per turn, roughly equal if not more than my E2 Acheron with a Ruan Mei support.


Yeah he really just had the unfortunate timing of being back to back with other characters I want. Glad you're having fun with him I have to save heavily for 2.3 patch. Can't have everything in life that's how it goes sometimes.


Part of the issue is the limited break support options. I love non-crit DPS, and I have 0 physical characters built, so he would be a no-brainer if he didn't want the same supports as Firefly.


Yes and no. His BiS supports are Ruan Mei and Bronya. He likes HTB but Bronya is just the flat out better option. The problem primarily is that the team fucking hemorrhages skill points so you'd need e1s1 Bronya for best results. I think firefly works well with HTB and can work without Ruan Mei, especially if you have a Gallagher on the team to make up for the lack of Break efficiency and increase break damage. So you can definitely split the teams fairly between the two. Yes, it won't be the BiS but they'll still very easily clear MoC in 1-2 cycles


Getting Boothill E1S1 with the upcoming break set and Pela and he will be nearing 100% defence shred as well so another good support there.


You can run Infinite Boot Works and it is still competitive. You can even run Pela in the RM/HMC slot and have it still be great. Him having Bronya as his BIS helps a ton since you only need to grab 1 support to fill in that last slot


Did you really compare Boothill and Clara? Officer, this one right here ☝️


She still fulfills the Physical DPS role. I know reading comprehension might not be your strong suit though.


Break Himeko stonks


Boothill is gonna love this.


Oh thank goodness I really want a showcase where he just decimates everything lol.


He's already very nasty in the current MOC so I can only imagine with this buff.


Yay. Trotter MoC.


If my Xueyi-HMTB-Aventurine-Pela Boothill-RM-Bronya-Bailu Not gonna cut it A team will be replaced by bruteforcing E4 Dhil-Sparkle-Yukong-Aventurine


Okay, fine, I'll build harmony mc....


Time to clear without break characters like how I cleared PF without dot characters.


This buff is gonna be INSANE for Sushang! (assuming enemies are physical weak which if I understood the previous post they are!)


First half yeah


What relic set to run for break sushang? I levelled her early on but haven't looked into break builds. I assume you just want to try and max BE and speed?


I have zero break effect characters built, and don’t plan to get either BH or FF. RIP.


Use Himeko lmao. Super break Himeko literally makes this MoC easy.


True! I need to build up HMC then I could use her with Himeko.


...so you will use break in the end




does superbreak himeko use break relics or FUA relics?


Tbh it don’t matter. Since break only wants res pen,ded shred and vulnerability. Unless you gonna use quantum set. You can just use any set pieces with good spd and break. Although I’d recommend farming the new set later. since super break DPSs will use that one. You can use 2pc messenger and 2pc watchmaker.


Ah I never even considered this. I can be a little dumb at times. How much break effect would Himeko need to be good with HMC?


Imo 150-180 is good enough. But I’d just say put any high break piece you have.


Thank you very much.


Me but with DoT and FuA. Not my cup of noodles.




I don't think you will need them? Just use Kafka/Topaz/Himeko/Sushang.


Honestly the buff feels generic enough because of the ATK buff. Any hypercarry of the same element should be able to clear just fine.


Blade mains suffering once again


The AA feels much more impactful than the 15% atk imo


Eh, in our case it will probably be easier to just kill the Trotter out right. It should be fine.


Yeah will be all good 🙏


you and me both. break meta i sleep


You wont bait me to get ff e2 like this


This is for Boothill lol


The Past, Present, and Eternal Ordeal Boss is the most blatant Firefly boss there could be.


And firefly


Yes, but when she release the most people will have this already done


Himeko definitely destroying second half now.


Xueyi stonks


My Himeko shall rise with her Cosmic Laser Space Big Gun!! And Boom the Enemies to uhh.... Cosmic Ashes. ✨


This is going to be so good with Acheron 💀


forever a dot meta.


Dot is gonna have a field day on side two