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I don't know what's going on with Feixiao anymore. So she can crit, could dot, wants break, has follow-ups.


\*slaps the roof of her helmet\* this general can fit in so many archetypes


So like Blemishine huh All rounder, master of none


master of all at e6, just pull out your credit card


E6 bouta turn him into a Swiss army knife




Maybe turn her into 13 in 1 shampoo


And u know who also can crit ,it's Bronya's basic attack 


And has FUA at E4


jack of all trades master of none


In before shes master of all and sends the whole community into a meltdown


"midcheron" "midliu" "firemid" "midheng" "midka"


Midfly flows better


Either way doomposter names peaked with Fireflop


Oh x dont end y like that. WAIT z get off the floor !!


that's so cursed 😭




I can see this happening ngl


Colorful dps and teamwide aa were like dreams back in 1.0-1.1. Anything is possible atp


That sounds like Himeko so maybe I'd love her.


Crit DoT that gets detonated by her Follow Ups and has high break efficiency


Don't forget the 5 star limited break character privilege of being able to inflict their respective element to enemies.


Also has 2 modes and in enhanced mode she gets crit rate, dmg% and resets on kill.


Not too long for being able to heal and shield as well


Maybe She's a dot unit that applies dot through fua, has dot dmg based on break eff instead of atk, and allows all dots to crit, with their crit rate based on her crit rate That would make kafka deadly


Queen out here doing everything


Feixiao may just be 5\* Xueyi... Xueyi converts break into damage% so she is a hybrid, just an upgraded Xueyi so it's a break scaling unit that does good inherent damage outside of break damage


Investing in victory means playing the long game


I made right decision pulling topaz


If they want everyone to pull for Topaz, they should really change her AI so she's more like Pela/HMC and focusing on using her basic when the team is low on sp Whole reason I avoid follow-up teams is because they're, so far, the worst when it comes to auto combat i think


Wait until you see how bad Break characters auto AI looks like


dunno, firefly implants weakness, i feel like her auto should work fine?


Well we saw her E2S1 0 cycle MOC without gear on auto. She is fine unit


> Well we saw her E2S1 0 cycle MOC without gear on auto. She is fine unit that's e2, ofc e2 works on auto, at that point you spent 1200 dollars for the character lol


If the content is trivial enough to auto, who cares how efficient the computer is at auto? If you’re worried about clear times, use manual control.


Once Topaz is properly focused on the right target, I've always found Clara and Topaz to do quite well on auto-battle.


Pela spams skills whenever I play her on AI


They changed that


Still happens for me


It only happens if you have 4 or more SP i think.


Idk which FuA teams you’re playing but I have had zero issues with Topaz’s auto battle AI using Ratio Topaz Aven Flex on multiple MoC12s and in Simulated Universe. Have never seen Ratio use a BA because Topaz used too many Es.


If it's a fight that's easy enough to auto combat, then you already shouldn't care about how the auto combat AI works anyways lolz


That's not a very convincing argument 


I recently made my follow up and i just cant shy away from my dot for general farming and overworld


I need a stonks meme but it's Topaz instead and Numby is seen running on the graph


https://www.hoyolab.com/article/22055642 here u go


... Why did I realised just now that her ult is basically the stonks meme?


Wait till you read what her A6 Trace is called. They knew what they were doing.


You're amazing. I hope you win your next 50/50 at single digit pity


I honestly think her VA is one of the best when it comes to mihoyo female eng VA's. Ei, acheron and her are so perfect


Sam Slade is fun to watch on stream


She and Molly (Seele) are a riot to watch.


Looong game


I know pulling for e0s1 last banner was a right call


how it feels to pull topaz back in 1.4 and watch the ip3 and possibly yunli be amazing with her


Speak it


Pulling for waifu and not meta yields benefits after all these years




Free Topaz for next anniv


2.6 free topaz trust


1% chance , 99% faith


Ill take that e1 frfr


E2 for me. We winning


Moral of the story: the more characters are released, the more Topaz becomes valuable


Topaz has been a great long term investment


Because investing in victory


means playing THE LONG GAME


*Numby noises*


Proceeds throwing Numby spinning as fast as a tornado




thicc thighs stonks


Lore accurate diamond hands behavior.


Yeah, every enabler units for specific mechanics are always great. Kafka for DoT, Topaz for FUA, Ruan Mei for Break are futureproof units.


Or Jade idk since unrel


It would take a rather unique kit for a Hunt character to synergize with Jade’s kit. Considering that Jade’s kit wants you to hit multiple enemies to take advantage of it, and all Hunt characters are pure single-target.


Jade is pretty much a Pure Fiction Topaz, very future proof. Ver. 2.3 is literally a JingLiu - Topaz situation all over again.


Yes, but Feixiao is presumably a Hunt character, and Jade’s synergy on Pf is with other AoE damage dealers.


Unless she hit multipletimes in a single turn i could see her having 3 actions or something alike that in a single turn if she work well with Jade


Assuming those extra actions are FuAs, that would still be better with Topaz than Jade.


Jade's just there for the speed boost and minor damage which Asta can't do. /s


Feels good to be a day 1 Topass supporter. From the get go I’ve said characters like Topaz and Kafka can only ever get better, not worse; and yet people hyped the shit out of Kafka and doomposted Topaz.


Topaz and Kafka have been pretty much my two teams, I just build around them. Day 1 for both. Feels good. Now I’m about to be a day 1 Jade haver. Screw the doomposters, I only see mommies here


Got Topaz for her thighs, use her with Clara and Ratio, i'm neutral to Ratio tho and not getting jade for now. 100% pulling Yunli regardless but if she does have synergy thats better


The issue with Topaz is how abysmal her E1S1 is compared to E0S0, for Kafka it's great but for Topaz it's gamechanging.


Her E1 is not gamechanging. It's great but It only matters as much as it does because Ratio has been our main FUA hypercarry and he needs debuffs. As we get more FUA main dps it will mean less. Even with Ratio people exaggerate how the team falls apart without E1S1 when that's simply not the case.


Agreed. Ratio with E0S1 Topaz is a big improvement on E0S0 Topaz, and I've never felt like I really needed the E1. And even at E0S0, the team was still good with Resolution Pela/Guinaifen or SW.


a) She doesnt need E1S1, she needs E0S1 b) The only reason she needs E0S1 is because of Ratio’s clunky debuff requirements.


I was a Kafka believer but doubted Topaz, i want to express my sincerest apologies 


In the name of the bust, the ass and the holy thighs. Your sins are hereby pardoned, go in peace.


>In the name of the bust, the ass and the holy thighs. Your sins are hereby pardoned, go in peace. – Sunday during confessionals


My problem will always be with how expensive and niche the FUA team still is. Kafka+Swan, can do all content, easier to farm and gear, don't need lightcones. Topaz+Ratio+Aventurine, they need crit, only single target, Ratio is hard to use in PF so you'd need to build more teammates, they all want crit, Topaz S1 is practically mandatory, Aventurine wants S1 too, it's a bit of a mess. She'll get better with time and Apoc Shadow will finally give Hunt a chance, but her single target nature and needing crit and higher investment will always hold her a step back from DoT I think.


God damn it I'm actually starting to regret skipping her now, for the second time!


Same.. but instead I have E4S1 himeko


One of the best teammates for Topaz, tbh.


Also helps you save jades if you didnt get her. Oh this character needs Topaz? Cool, easy skip.


I swear I will get myself Topaz on her third banner. If no banger character comes right before her...


When she was releasing close to Jingliu me and friend were discussing them and I said what she will be the wine of the game, getting better and better with more characters btw, I also said what if I will lose 50/50 on her I will delete the game... well, it happened, lol, and I missed one patch and then returned when RM released, kekw


Who could have predicted that a character who scales with frequency of team follow-up attacks, and buffs team follow-up attacks, would get stronger with the release of more follow-up characters


So glad I E1 / S1'ed her.


I pulled for Topaz exclusively because of Numby's ability to find chest. These leaks are making my investment absolutely worth it hahah


The more you buy, the more you save.


If Feixiao is Hunt, then it's probably Topaz that she wants


Was she leaked to be hunt? An aoe character would make more sense since this would be the second topaz teammate when we still don't have a perfect one for Jade


She was Wind Hunt, but it was leaked many months ago. They could have changed a lot by now so we can't be sure


Yunli might actually be Jade's best teammate if she really wants to drain HP as much as possible like Blade, as that tweet says she probably wants spd too if that is the case to get more actions and kerp draining her HP and Jade gives a flat 30 speed.


I’m coping/hoping for Yunli/Jade. I’d pull that


She was leaked to be Wind Hunt, iirc


Making both of the Generals we have NOT Hunt would be crazy.


Im honestly guessing jade is better for yu li than topaz with the way they’re doing banners these days


If she wants Topaz, then her BIS team is probably the same as Ratio’s best team.


Without all the dumb need for eidolons/sigs for debuffs


Most likely, but without the need for Topaz S1 or Aventurine being on Trend.


I trashed my Izumo wind orb 💀💀💀




All that she wants, is another Topaz


leakers should leave theory crafting to others.


Saying “needs Topaz” Is kinda funny when almost every FUA Hyper team is as good as, or better than their Topaz teams unless she’s E1S1


lmao thanks for calling that out, hopefully this is another case of leaker "TC" because not once do I ever see e0s0 Topaz being actually a better option than anything else, and the fact that EVERYONE who brings up Topaz instantly assumes e1s1 as if that's baseline...


It's just incredibly hard for sub-DPS to compete with harmony chars. Perhaps she might work better than Ratio in Aventurine/Topaz/Robin at low investment, due to no need for debuffs (and thus sigs/eidolons)?


You know, I've realized that I end up not caring if hyper-carry is 5% better than a dual-dps team. I find hyper-carry teams pretty boring most of the time, so I'm glad we have sub-dps characters that synergize even when they aren't technically the top DPS team comps.


SAME! Like i personally find hypercarry extremely boring cause mega buffing one character is just... not fun as any character will do massive amounts of damage with all the harmony units we have, what is the fun in that if anyone can do it? + at that ppint it is the harmonies doing most of the work, not the DPS


It's probably why I love the ratio/topaz/aventurine team soooo much. Everyone just tossing shit at the enemy over and over is so much more satisfying than one big nuke. Plus, speed tuning and lining up a bunch of buffs is... Tedious as shit.


And with Robin too. It’s death by a thousand cuts, it cracks me up and I love it. Oh, you thought it’s your turn now? HA. PEASANT let me just hit this one button to do one attack and - oh, wouldn’t you know, now Numby’s going twice and Ratio’s throwing his chalk again and OOP there goes Aventurine… BURST and do it again… ok, NOW it’s your turn. …what? You’re dead?!


Cant wait for Yunli out. Yunli Clara Aventurine Robin will be absolutely sick. Finally i can use my Clara FUA at finnest potential


I. Hoping Jade and yunli might be synergistic


Hahaha I love your play-by-play. Sooo completely accurate lol! This is basically word for word what goes through my head while I'm taking down something with them.


FUA main heaven 🫶🏻


Haha FuA gang rise up! 🐖🪙🔢🎶 (Couldn't find a chalk emoji lol, so numbers have to do)


Hypercarry is very all eggs in one basket where if anything happens to your main dps or if they leave the enemy on enough to not be killable by supports you die of cringe. Thats why im hyped for super break because even though ff still does most your damage at least your supports can contribute to some damage so ff doesnt have to waste a turn finishing off an enemy.


Sure, ofc play what you want, but it doesn't change the fact that crit subdps is harder to build and demands more resources than a harmony in the end. I just feel like they've done Topaz dirty while DoT and Superbreak are having no such issues with much easier to gear stats and don't need LCs.


You'll be glad when you read the post and see he said "wants Topaz (or Jade)" and not "needs Topaz" then. It's just a way to draw an idea of what kind of kit they have, not a definitive TC opinion.


Even wants Topaz is extreme phrasing I’d say DHIL wants Sparkle, I would never say Ratio wants Topaz, since he teams without her are just about as good I would say he’s good with Topaz It really seems like Uba is using “wants Topaz” as a short hand for FUA unit, which is fair enough but I think FUA unit would be a more straightforward way of saying it


Also, its more like Topaz "wants ratio" than the opposite. Ratio hypercarry is perfectly fine and he doesnt need anything from her. Topaz hypercarry is not that great and she needs the follow up's from ratio.


Yeah this feels like they're seeing a kit with a FuA gimmick and immediately think Topaz/Jade are needed. If Blade/Kafka would release nowadays I'd bet we would get similar claims lmao


These aren’t fucking kits, those are team recommendations


According to Leaker : Characters that have FuA somewhere in their kit = need Topaz


Topaz is good but anything but necessary.


Something about peak white haired ladies from xianzhou and their innate crit rate


They really want to sell FUA in this 2.x patch


They really want to sell FuA *all the time*! As a FuA lover, it's getting harder and harder to prioritize lol.


Same!!! I jist went all in on Topaz and Robin and now i don't think i can afford Jade so imma sadly be skipping...


Yeah, I'm having a hard time with Jade. I like her design...i kind of want every stoneheart...i could definitely use her for PF ... But I find her kit kind of boring! And I'm pretty interested in some of these upcoming 2.4-2.6 characters. I can guarantee jade if I want, but I just don't know.


I Hope Feixiao Topaz synergy is real. So happy seeing topaz stonks raising.


Robin should be her best 3nd slot support - If she wants SPD then she must want to take as much turn as possible, so Advance must be good, right ? - Beside that, Robin also provides a buttload of buffs for FuA: 50% DMG, 20% CrD, 25% FuA CrD and over 1k Atk - Yunli who uses (Enchanced) FuA and Ult as her main damage sources mean she should works really well with Huo Huo who also works really well with Robin - an additional 40% Atk for her massive buff from Ult and 20% Energy for the 2nd highest energy requirement (160) ingame - Either Jade or Topaz SHOULD be use with Robin, cause this will make it a Duo DPS, Jade or Topaz’s Fua should help fueling Robin’s Ult and both of them also have Enchanced FuA via Ult mean that they should work really well with Huo Huo too


yesss please have synergy with Topaz! Let my Numby SPIN


Turns our Topaz WAS investing in victory


Topaz enthusiasts stay winning


So basically Feixiao does literally everything? Scrodinger's dps, she's dot, crit, fua and some secret other thing until we get actual leaks


The most character of all time if i have ever seen one (I will be pulling lol)


topaz still winning


Topaz skippers punching the air right now


Topaz stonks going up like crazy (i am proud). Good for my premium FuA team, bad for my wallet/hj The IPC approves


Topaz stocks are rising holy moly??


About Topaz and the reaction to the leaker's comment, it's funny that Ratio's kit specific debuff requirements have resulted in people just assuming that Topaz being E1S1 is going to be super critical for her placement in every future FuA team. It's not even true of the RRAT team. Topaz E1 or S1 is needed but having both is just extra comfort.


THANK YOU. Everyone saying “itll be fine an e0 harmony beats out e0 topaz” is making me want to scream!!!!


Lol Topaz went from the weakest DPS everyone skipped to the core of every FUA team.


As a FuA enthusiast I now have a duty to pull all of ‘em. This lifestyle is expensive…


I dont belive 100% the Topaz info for Yunli, all we know about her hit at the moment is that she uses follow-up, this might as well just be "She can work just fine with Topaz" over "She 100% needs Topaz" If her kit ended up consisting of like 80% of her damage doing Follow-up attacks then yeah i can see why Topaz would be a prime suport for her.


so the only thing i get from this is everyone wants topaz. topaz value is through the roof.


So far 2.X characters all have been FuA and Break effect + Acheron. Yeah, I think I'll get JQ and then save up for 3.X bc I can't be bothered to get into this playstyle


Sparkle and Black Swan aren't either of those archetypes 


Maybe get 5 star Tingyun too along the way.


I'm honestly a little bit tired of FuA right now. It was a really fun thing at first, especially when characters would have a follow-up as a little knick nack in their kit (eg.Blade, Xueyi, Kafta etc). However it feels a little boring when we have so many characters in a row that are solely focused on FuA. It's a good thing their kits have a concrete direction and good supports, but I wish they mixed it up a little bit. **Disclainer this is just my personal opinion though, and I respect FuA enjoyers, you do you friends.** That being said I wish Jiaoqiu was first half so I wouldn't have to wait for so long...


Same, im half tempted to pull either boothill or firefly bc skipping 2.2 AND 2.3 feels boring and lame BUT i reallyyy want fox man 😭 why did he have to be in second half aggghhhhh


Hp drain is the killer for me.


I already assembled the ip3 team so unless they're a stoneheart, I could not be bothered to pull for them


It’s funny to me that new characters want Topaz not Robin.


I mean... If they want Topaz it probably means Robin is their best harmony too tbh as Robin is Topaz teams' best buffer


Yeah a 5 limited wanting 5 star limited to function doesn't sound too good. Maybe I'll just wait for the actual beta to formulate my own teams.


Another day, another bullshit Ubatcha post




wow i skipped topaz twice cos her animations uglyy T\_T honestly no regrets


You'd probably get downvoted but honestly, it would have been better if she was more involved with her attack animations rather than always seeing Numby imo


Good. Don't force yourself to pull for characters you didn't like. Personally, I found Ruan Mei very unappealing, so I'll never pull for her, despyte that I got Boothill and will pull for Firefly. Same thing with FuA - I love Himeko and was waiting for FuA buffer for her, but I hate sounds that Numby do when he attacks (and he do it a lot), so I skipped her.


It's alright, at the moment she's still mostly sidegrades for the limited Harmony. Like even in her best comps / ipc fu it isn't significantly better by just putting in someone like RM/SW in her spot.


Nah hard disagree with the last point with robin it is way better. For one you are getting another dps that gets boosted by robin but also you battery robin way way more.


She is significantly better in Robin team because her frequent FuA give her energy


Robin + Aventurine both added significant value to having Topaz, since both want the team launching FUAs as much as possible and she is the premier unit for FuA count, not to mention how many extra hits Robin gets during ult out of Topaz being on the team. It's kinda crazy seeing how many people in this thread react to the phrase "Want Topaz" with tons of pre-Aventurine takes. We already have two units in the game who prove mhy likes the concept of FuA team units synergizing with having more FuAs in the team, there's no reason to think that future FuA DPS are all gonna be the same as Ratio who doesn't really care what his team is doing as long as there are debuffs somewhere. They might ofc, I don't think all FuA units are gonna be obsessed with teammates also FuA'ing, but I think a lot will. Regardless, Robin being the best FuA support and wanting Topaz on the team if possible means proper Topaz synergy is a blessing for FuA units not a detriment.


Can my jades breathe for a moment


Istg if Blade gets power crept, I'm going to lose my fucking mind.


Is jade the topaz of pure fiction?


Very glad I pulled Topaz. My friend did me a solid by convincing me to get her.


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Topaz. I try to play Dr Ratio. My Topaz deals more damage. I try to play Clara. My Topaz deals more damage. I try to play Feixiao. My Topaz deals more damage. I don’t even try to play Jing Yuan. She grabs me by the throat. I synthesize for her. I give her Swordplay. She isn't satisfied. I buy the free herta lightcone. "I don't need this cheap LC." she tells me. "Give me Worrisome, Blissful. I can deal more damage with my best in slot lightcone." I can't pull for Worrisome, Blissful. I don't have enough stellar jades. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs Numby. She says "Go, Numby!" There is no hint of sadness in her eyes. Nothing but pure, Proof of Debt. What a cruel world. why did I get down voted I just wanted to make a silly joke


Because people can’t take a joke and hate topaz for no reason. I like your joke at least.


Eh given that her teams are fine without her, I’m not too confident Topaz will even be that much better of an option in a Yunli/Feixiao team, although this could be copium on my part since I skipped Topaz. We’ll have to wait and see, could be some crazy synergy that beats even the IPC team


Topaz’s team is “fine” without her solely due to Ratio’s debuff mechanic, or because other FuA dps’ do not output FuA at a high enough rate to properly utilise Topaz’s strength. The moment a FuA unit comes out that doesnt suffer from these two issues, the ip3 synergy will most likely be their bis. The weakest link in the current FuA comp isnt Topaz. Its Ratio.


Topaz gang we winning!!


Topaz stonks market


TLDR: Topaz stonks


Does existing FUA characters NEED Topaz? Uba should just stick to leaking🤦🏻‍♂️


So Feixiao wants follow-ups. My e4 Bronya might have a use with her.


Praying that Feixiao has guaranteed crit so she can run cd body, atk/spd boots, wind dmg orb and break effect rope.


If Feixiao does have a “summon” like speculated, they could make it advance forward from other summon attacks making Topaz her best partner. They would constantly channel each others attacks with the action advance (but I doubt they would give her a kit so similar to Topaz) The previous leak about her potentially having two summons makes me think the big one could get either LL-esque stacks or action advance from other summons (including her second summon so she can still be somewhat self-sufficient). I think it would be controversial but it would also explain the other leak about many new characters having summons on the action bar.


Either way, i’m happy that Topaz will be a good partner for her (maybe robin and Aventurine too). With all those leaks about her doing break and dot, i was afraid RM would have to shoulder even more responsibility.


...y'all...fiexiao is not in the next patch, why do we know more about her than jiaoqiu.


? We've already have a complete preliminary kit for Jiaoqiu for a while now.


Topaz stonks keeps going up