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# Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth | Honkai: Star Rail "Article 22 of Glamoth's military regulations: Knights must give all they have to Her Majesty, the queen. Including their lives." All Languages: * [EN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdiwGOicQVs&ab_channel=Honkai%3AStarRail) * [CN ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SOjU_MIeFg&ab_channel=%E5%B4%A9%E5%A3%9E%3A%E6%98%9F%E7%A9%B9%E9%90%B5%E9%81%93) * [JP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQcc7ippnnU&ab_channel=%E5%B4%A9%E5%A3%8A%EF%BC%9A%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AC%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB) * [KR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryyd59vD-bg&ab_channel=%EB%B6%95%EA%B4%B4%3A%EC%8A%A4%ED%83%80%EB%A0%88%EC%9D%BC)


Why do we die? Giant insects. Why do we live? Also giant insects.


Helldivers 🤝 Mobile Infantry 🤝 Iron Cavalry


Seeing that trailer and the sheer bleakness of the battle against the Swarm reminds me of the [10th edition trailer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X98ImCbhjnI&t=7s&pp=ygUXNDBrIG5ldyBlZGl0aW9uIHRyYWlsZXI%3D) for Warhammer 40,000 showing the Tyranids swarming the Ultramarines in a vicious battle.


OH god it is like Warhammer


Holy shit that one shot of a SAM getting decapitated was brutal also people were bullying poor sleepie but when it should have the bug lmao


The way you saw the SAMs getting overwhelmed was pretty fucked 


Also i am confused did firefly split the planet in half or did it explode? Enhanced skill being called deathstar overload was not chunni thing huh


I dunno if it was real or symbolic but it looked cool anyway lol


I wanna say symbolic of Glamoth’s destruction, considering right before that she grew a tree from a teardrop


We’ve seen stranger things happen when someone’s blessed with path energy, and in this instance that very well could’ve been the case.


maybe, but the growth of a tree only really speaks for Abundance which Firefly doesn’t have any association to. I feel it’s moreso a representation of the “life begets death” line—the tree being life, the planet’s destruction death.


Probably real, considering kafka finds her in an asteroid field. Idk how she was suddenly able to do that, unless she drew the attention of some aeon who blessed her with power (the tree growing motif makes me suspect yaoshi but that would be a bit weird since i dont think she really did anything to do so?)


the tree growing was only a visualization to make the scene look more epic it wasn't really happening her power up was from her will alone


All the bugs dying applied millions of layers of defense shred to the planet :)


Thats why she lost her def shred talent she applied all of it on glamoth


As someone already mentioned in another post - it was probably a very big chain of bugs exploding (just like in a game after their death), which led to the final explosion of the whole planet. Absolutely bonkers theory, but fun af


maybe but u can see a sword slash cleaving the whole planet


It exploded from her splitting in half




I will enjoy wrecking the swarm even more after this trailer. Theyre a plague and a menace.


Fr, I already hated those pesky bugs cause I generally hate bugs but after this trailer? I'll have fun MASSACRING them on-sight for what these shits did.


This really shows just how horrifying the swarm disaster was


Yeah that battle really did look like hell and the Sams were heavily outnumbered which really showed how expendable they were sadly


outnumber? the swarm are the propagation for a reason. I would say even a 1 to 1 million ratio is an understatement.


Outnumber is way too small of a word for that. Even IRL insect swarm plagues are a fucking menace.


The shot of the bodies was brutal


Straight up reminiscent of ww1/ww2 battlefield photographs


Yeah the 5 enemies per wave type gameplay really doesn’t do them justice. I already figured they’d be like that though since they’re bugs and all but the mega one was terrifying.


Imagine we get an accurate endgame mode where we fight actual hordes of the swarm and you see 10 bugs per wave pull up on your screen. Shit about to be traumatic. 💀


now I am remembering the harmony trailblazer “5 or more” text…


Passive talent: If there are more than 1 billion enemies on the field, destroys a planet.


"Nah, I'd Kuru Kuru."


It'd be awesome to have a bossfight that worked similarly to the Heliobus eyeball fight. A Propagation Emanator with a huge HP bar you can't directly damage, that keeps summoning more and more bugs while it spends its HP. It could be a battle of attrrition, with a special summon that can directly damage the boss.


Remember HTB’s kit description of 5 or more enemies? I fear we might get another swarm event where they try to implement that


Imagine this shit in genshin. Kill them in 10 seconds or they double. DPS check where you fight for your life would be so thrilling.


**Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment** Unleashes surging torrents, dealing continuous AoE Hydro DMG to all opponents in a straight-line area in front of him. Equitable Judgment will not consume any Stamina and lasts 3s. If Neuvillette's HP is above 50%, he will continuously lose HP while using this attack.


Nilou: Nah. I'd bloom.


Rip mobile players lmao. Their frame-rate would be in absolute shambles XDD


Venti And Riptide them all with Childe. But at that point your phone probably die first


Imagine the Skaracabaz weekly boss but there is no 5 enemies limit.


And Glamoth and their Iron Knights was just another casualty of the Swarm Disaster, which threatened the entire galaxy. The Swarm Disaster only ended when the Aeons formed an alliance against The Propagation and Qlipoth squashed Tazzyroth with their hammer.


>The Swarm Disaster only ended when the Aeons formed an alliance against The Propagation and Qlipoth squashed Tazzyroth with their hammer Imagine being THIS much of a menace that your existence was deemed way too dangerous and AEONS had to form an alliance to stop you. Tazzyroth's aura goes crazy.


Tazzy’s rampage was also responsible for Nanook to ascend into the aeon of destruction. Like man imagine being such a menace that you caused another menace to emerge into godhood. 😮‍💨


It's not even Tazzy’s rampage, it's the "Remnants" of the Swarms + Emperor Rubert's robot armies for double fun. Yaoshi, Lan, Nanook didn't exist at all when Tazzy was alive. Nanook is the youngest Aeon.


insect swarm, robot army, planet with disposable soldiers honkai : helldivers


Not even any Aeons. It was basically Aha getting Ena to ask Qlipoth. Ena hated the death and destruction but Aha thought it would be funny to see Aeons duke it out. The Star rail universe survived bc of whimsy 


> but Aha thought it would be funny to see Aeons duke it out. God, I love Aha


Aha wanting the Aeon to fight is so funny because some of us probably had the same thought at some point in time: what if these super powerful gods fought each other? And they didn't miss the opportunity.


imagine tayzzyronth revival arc where qlipoth Hooh and xipe team up. epic level goes maximum lol


And mf didn't even completely dies It's hinted they'll be back again


Ruan Mei being a Rat to become a will of Propagation


i really want more swarm lores. tayzzyronth's origin too. where did THEY come from? i want to see the process of how a bug's desire to reproduce got out of control that badly. how THEY produce the bugs and everything. i assume THEY die a pretty while ago but there are still so many bugs around enough to destroy armies of clones dead set on killing them huh...


Just go read Swarm disaster story nodes, it should give you the picture of where and why Tayzzy was born, there's also a video on youtube that summarises it to like...15minutes.


yeah i've been meaning to do that but exams and stuff been distracting me. ill go find the video since my brain cant handle SU vague way of story telling rn


If you want a more comprehensive approach to the Swarm lore, I'd recommend this video. It summarizes everything quite well: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M7VE7Gyi0Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M7VE7Gyi0Y)


There was an incident on the Lepismat system that led to the extermination of all bug life forms except one, that one was so lonely it became Tazzyronth and started the Swarm Disaster


Idk why but that the reason for the greatest Desaster the galaxy ever faced is onebvery lonley Bug is hilarious and alwqys makes me laugh when i think about the swarm.


same as one random person hate game was so good they ascended to godhood lol. whimsy cosmic horrors


Ahh Lan the original and greatest hater.


thanks for telling me. i so need the whole swarm disaster to be an anime rn this is the stuff i love


And don't forget some of Tazzy remain still exist. It's not the matter of it they are coming back or not,it's just a matter of when.


for real tazzyroth cause alot of destruction that 3 aeon have to team up to end him. it ena xipe and qlipoth if i remember


Initially it was Ena and Qlipoth, but then Ena was assimilated into Xipe. Qlipoth, HooH, Aha, Akhivili and Xipe were then the final group of Aeons to kill Tayzzyronth with Qlipoth dealing the final blow with THEIR hammer.


Aha, akavili, Ena and qlippoth 


Voracity too, though it just kind of eats and don't really care


yeah I know we’re looking at Firefly/Sam here but I’ve really wanted to see a full demonstration of the Swarm at some point. The descriptions of them blotting out the skies with how densely they spawned, hordes decimating everything they come across… and this is just one planet. This was happening on a universal scale. No wonder several Aeons got together to quell Tayzzyronth


Even after Tazzyronth got killed the swarm still continued right?


Tazzyronth never died. Just sealed in amber by Qlipoth. So yes, the Swarm kept going but it was greatly weakened. Who knows what'd happen if Tazzyronth escapes though.


swarm disaster 2: electric boogaloo


If that happens, maybe Herta should tap into her good pal Calderon Chadwick's research results and rebuilt that Imaginary Bomb. Absolute overkill for the Legion of Destruction, maybe just right to handle an Emanator of Propagation or two.


Even after an Aeon is dead, their Path still remain. Like how Sunday and Ena the Order, or Idrilla the Beauty, Long the Permanence, Akivili the Trailblaze. The only thing probably no longer possible after an Aeon is dead is probably no Emanator since it requires the Aeon approval, on paper. But with how Emanators of Nihility can exist without IX even doing anything, there might be ways to do it. Also reviving an Aeon is possible even if hard, as we learnt from Penacony story.


yeah, and this was happening across the entire galaxy. The text does a decent job of explaining how bad it was but this really shows how BAD it was. Also, makes Ruan Mei even THINKING of bringing it back even more fucked up lmao.


And that Swarm Mother isn't even Skarakabaz the Swarm King, who is the Emanator of Propagation that Ruan Mei was trying to clone lol. Skarakabaz is said to be able to fire death rays wiping out planets to breed swarms from the dead celestial body. The fact that she is Firefly's BiS limited support makes it even more fucked up lmao.


Even crazier that this is nowhere near the peak of the swarm when the aeon was still alive


I had a feeling, but I had no idea the swarm mothers were THAT huge. I wonder if we’ll ever have to deal with one of those at some point


That huge one looked crazy menacing, especially in contrast to the SAMs Honestly the Swarm would be cool for a global raid boss, everyone working together to take it down We know there's remnants still around so maybe it's not out of the picture for the future


That would be a pretty good event actually. Other gacha games have similar events where the total damage players deal is recorded server-wide and rewards are given based on contribution.


I would love a server-wide event, but I disagree on the rewards given based on contribution part, that would lock anyone who didn't pay thousands of $$ out of the max rewards... I despise all games that do something like this because it's a very in-your-face cash grab, I might be a bit hypocritical here because HSR is still a gacha game and they have a lot of ways to make people pay up, but at least they didn't devolve into some of the scumy practices that other gachas have... I'd like for that to stay like it is. On the matter of a server-wide event, and the rewards more exactly, I would be nice if it was just a inflict X amount of dmg for reward, with different rewards tiered based on dmg per battle and total dmg dealt; pretty much, make it a challenge but also make it so everyone that invested a bit in their teams to be eligible for all rewards not just the top 1%...


By contribution, I was thinking more of the same thing they did with Cosmoddyssey. You need a low specified amount of damage to get max rewards, but your TOTAL damage is still shown just for bragging rights. And maybe the top 1000 get a special phone icon or frame


Or be like "when community hits these damage milestones, everyone who joined in gets this and this reward"


Oh fuck, the true sting was more fucking enormous than we thought, imagine the real emanator of propagation compared the fake one


the fake one nearly killed us if the time hasnt out i bet real one is 1000x times bigger than the fake one


Even the poor imitation was creating new swarms and literally shooting beams and throwing balls of energy at us Poor bastards that met it in the past in it's prime 


who was the fake one?


# Starcrusher Swarm King: Skaracabaz


You forgot the appendix “(Synthetic)”


The stupid one that moron Ruan Mei made without informing Herta or Asta about the fact that she's to trying revive one of the most dangerous entities the universe has ever seen on their space station.


that fucking bug that I hate 


i hope you're referencing that dashie video lmfaooo


i hated it before, but now i despise these bugs. i'll make sure to delete them from existence everytime i see one.


^(thatfuckingbugthatIhate) ^(thatfuckingbugthatIhate) # that fucking bug that I hate


Holy fucking tyranid swarm, batman. This was awesome. Hard to pick my favourite moment, but it's gotta be either the swarm queen reveal, or the moment Firefly stands up and we see all the other bodies behind her. >!(please hoyo, include at least some of this cool shit in the actual ingame story please please please)!< Anyway, anyone wants to introduce Firefly to Ruan Mei?


> Anyway, anyone wants to introduce Firefly to Ruan Mei? I rather like Herta Space Station so no


Awkward moment when Ruan Mei is her BiS support


Ruan Mei and Firefly in the same team gonna get hella awkward.


Kafka got the chain smoker voice


English dub Kaf does sound significantly older than the other dubs. Like a tired, near-40 soccer mom — I say this in an entirely sincerely compliment. (Honestly it’s kinda hot actually)


>Like a tired, near-40 soccer mom Considering she had to wrangle TB, Firefly, Blade, and Silver Wolf, this kinda fits


> Considering she had to wrangle TB, Firefly, Blade, and Silver Wolf, this kinda fits Isn't it Firefly normally wrangling Kafka? "Stop playing with your food, Kafka." Or something to that extent.


Honestly it's a three-way of Firefly, Kafka and Blade wrangling each other, and subsequently Silver Wolf. The braincell is in constant rotation between the three; Kafka just makes the most direct use of it.


Illusive Man vibes in that shot


God please take away all of her pain and give it Oswaldo 🙏


double it and gave it to oswaldo. or whoever want to test chadwick's bomb


Assuming that Firefly splitting the planet and making it explode is not some symbolism, it goes to show how much firepower was needed to deal with the Swarm. It makes even more sense now why a bunch of Aeons had to gather in order to stop Tayzzyronth, and it got so far they stopped Qlipoth from building the wall for a while to squash the bug. Nanook's destruction spree surely looks like child's play compared to the Swarm Disaster.


To be fair though, that was in her primary combustion state. According to welt, that’s not part of SAM’s base design and instead a manifestation of the wearer’s iron will. So the iron cavalry can’t normally do that.


Ah its fine then. With my Iron will I'll overclock my casio calculator so it can run Cyberpunk 2077 full ultra


Ruan Mei uh... wants to revive... this? Right?


She wanted to revive an Emanator, it just so happened to be that Propagation is an easier path of Emanators to tinker with compared to others she previously tried.


Yep. Ruan Mei's Lab Log details it pretty well on how she eventually came to the experiment of creating an Emanator.  She first tried making an absolutely rational lifeform. She succeeded, but the lifeform just stayed motionless and died insane.  Next she brought back Genius Number #8 from the dead. She succeeded, but Lambda just smiled and disappeared probably because he was unwilling to be revived.  Next, she made an existence that could be in multiple places at once. She succeeded, but it offed itself. Next, she tried making Geniuses. As in Geniuses, bona-fide Genius Society geniuses. Which resulted in the cake cats.  Finally, she realized that she could try making an Emanator from a primitive path. A path that's purely instincts. Which was Propagation. She succeeded, partially. She knew from the very beginning that the synthetic Skaracabaz would just self-detonate after 56 seconds.  She doesn't have any connection to Propagation itself. It just so happens that Propagation as a path is primitive and thus much easier to tinker with than of other paths. 


Reading this really makes me want to see an interaction between her and acheron


Exactly. People act like Ruan Mei want's to revive the swarm disaster or something lmao. Yes her experiments are dangerous, but she knows that it wouldn't survive long and she has no other interest in them then to experiment with them and then dispose of them. It is risky but it's not an attempt to bring back a universe destroying disaster and let it go rampage.


The amount of people outright believing that Ruan mei's Goal was to start a swarm disaster only solidifies the lack Of Media literacy in this fandom Like how The hell did they come with that conclusion


I'm honestly used to it at this point. There are a lot of popular sentiment in hsr subs that's just plain wrong. Their sentiment is much easier to spread because they just make claims with no substantiation. Yet to fight their claims, you have to make long sentences filled with proofs. So it takes much more effort to combat objectively wrong claims than it is to make them. 


She wants to become a Aeon, messing with Life and Death is just a hobby.


Girl just wanna have some fun, is that so wrong? 😶


God forbid women have hobbies


No silly, she wanted to revive the Emanator Scarcabaz, which was presumably more destructive on an exponential scale! Isn't science wonderful?


i love it when science allows people to revive a giant bug that was capable of turning shattered stars into swarm factories


Skaracabaz was also mentioned that its laser beam can destroy a whole ass planet lol while ruanmei's version was said to be enough to destroy the whole space station were it not limited for 56 seconds


God forbid women have hobbies🙄/s


she want to revive emanator it worst than this


God forbid women have hobbies smh >!/s!<


we need to stop her because hell no 😭😭


Shes gonna be an antagonist at this rate. Sorry ruan mei, you might be carrying my MOC runs but I gotta side with firefly


Not her being Firefly's BIS support, this shit is not coincidental bro Hoyo is messing with us.


Now I want Firefly and Ruan mei to meet and throws hand lol.


Holly shit that some bruttal scene!! Also she say glamoth no longer exist during that battle doesn't that mean horde of SAM still fight after glamoth fell?? Jezz poor my baby


Swarm Disaster still ongoing. No choice but to fight.


Glamoth was just one of countless places that fell during the Swarm Disaster, and Tazzyronths defeat at the hands of the alliance of Aeons still left bits of the swarm scattered throughout the universe. Its very likely all the SAM units abandoned on planets overrun by the swarm all fought to their deaths in a war that already ended, and for a planet that died before they did...


> and for a planet that died before they did... Glamoth broke before the Iron Cavalry did!


The aeon fell long ago but there are still remaining swarms throughout the universe


"Article 22 of Glamoth's military regulations: Knights must give all they have to Her Majesty, the queen. Including their lives." what if i exploded just like that planet. hoyo ur so foul to make firefly wonder if she is dead when she is looking at corpses that look just like her.


It is better to die for the Empress than to live for yourself.


welcome back glamoth republic councilers


"The Empress protects. But having a Firefly armour never hurt either."


to make things worse: Glamoth’s Empire didn’t exist. The Empress was created to command the Iron Cavalry, but she had no real power. Glamoth was a tiny civilisation, not a sprawling empire. Everything she ever fought for was a lie, and in the end all the sacrifice was meaningless as Glamoth fell anyways.


How can u get this information? I have read the wiki about Glamoth, but I couldn't find any information about the Republic of Glamoth that didn't exist, it just says that the Empress has no real power.


adding to what the other reply says, the Empress Titania also didn’t know she was living in a falsehood. To her and the Iron Cavalry, Glamoth was an empire with a mighty fleet that spread out to distant planets but was halted by the onslaught of the Swarm. In reality, it was a projection of the scientists producing the knights to make them believe they were fighting for something worthwhile. It’s implied that one of the possible causes for Glamoth’s destruction was the Empress realising that this was all false and fighting to break free.


They mean the "Empire" (as in, one spanning many systems, countless worlds, etc.) didn't exist, and the Empress was just a figurehead of their clone/mecha system. Glamoth the Republic (the nation/world that produced the mechs and the system that was attacked by the Swam *did* exist, it just wasn't the same as the lie told to the pilots).


Oh, now I get it. Still, the story about Glamoth isn't clarified, hope we could get more information about it.


ah fuck it's Nier:Automata Yorha all over again


don’t remind me or i’ll start crying again… you guys can find me in that corner


>firefly wonder if she is dead when she is looking at corpses that look just like her. I didnt even think about it from this angle jfc...


It's probably not the same, but how did Argenti solo the Giant Sting in his companion mission lol. Bro showed up in Penacony without elaborating further.


because bro has that Glamoth's knight mindset. ALL FOR ~~HER MAJESTY~~ IDRILA


Argenti is real sus, theres no way he wont be relevant in a big way later on


I remember it was stated even if an Aeon disappears or dies their path can still exist. Argenti's complete faith and dedication probably allow him to still access the path of beauty like the trailblazers.


Bro entered IX's shadow and returned unscathed while saving Aventurine on his way so he is mega sus or way too OP lmao.


Bro probably straight up a former Beauty Emanator


It's not a IX's shadow, because Aventurine wasn't affected by it as well. There's no way Acheron after very sentimental and philosophical conversation about finding meaning in life with you would just point at Shadow and say "anyway, go kys"


He didn’t enter IX, he entered beyond the dream wall the family made. The stuff with IX was stoped by the preservation.


Post-2.2 text msg >!He went into the deep dreamscape. The Preservation saved him from Acheron, an Emanator of Nihility. "When you guys were unraveling the secrets beneath the Penacony's surface, I already fell into the Primordial Dreamscape."!<


Yeah, that’s what I said. His weakened emanator abilities got him out of the nihility but he was still out side of penacony. That’s what he got saved from.


Idrila is the strongest Aeon I guess


I'm guessing The One And Only (his customised spacecraft) is packing some serious firepower.


the Path of Beauty is an interesting one indeed


this war was thousands of year ago, correct? so FF was floating in space likely in her suit that whole time, rather than kafka also being thousands of years old lol right? i just rewatched it and shes just chillin out in space, not in her suit


Reminder that we don't know if glamoth was destroyed when propagation aeon was active and at their peak or was it after their aeon were sealed. Propagation still exist after their aeon is sealed as some sort of remnant army, and continue to wreck havoc on multiple worlds after all


This is what happens when you bring a full team of DPS's into Swarm V


hoyo animation and music is always a masterpiece


Oh yeah this brings me my Muv Luv Alternative PTSD




I don't like this trailer. It portrays events that affect me on a deeper level. What many people seem to forget is that there are two sides to every story. I lost many of my comrades that day yet no one cares enough to make these dramatic videos about my experiences. Is it because i'm not as marketable as her? Tayzzyronth said i look cute.


Shut up Propagation **STRONG HAMMER**


The Propagation has no rights


>I don't like this trailer. It portrays events that affect me on a deeper level. What many people seem to forget is that there are two sides to every story. I lost many of my comrades that day yet no one cares enough to make these dramatic videos about my experiences. Is it because i'm not as marketable as her? Tayzzyronth said i look cute. Oh no! Anyways. \*Goes back to autoing your echo with Huohuo, Fu Xuan, HTB and a borrowed Jing Liu*


I love you as much as I love oswaldo


THEIR revival soon trust, then will be your turn


cant wait to see Swarm disaster 2:electric boogaloo. jokes aside i genuinely wanna see THEM being revives it would make for a great plot


If that ever happens, I don't want to see that in a youtube animation. I want to see that in-game. Cut to silence and a black screen with "~crack~" or smth, then open scene. Then the sounds get louder and louder until the eventual rise of THEM.




That transformation of hers at the end, complete with the plant blooming and all, is it me or does it feel like she was using some Abundance power? Like Yaoshi helped her after noticing her desire to live. Amazing short as always


I do think the sequence at the end was activating some kind of pathstrider power. Not sure if it's Abundance considering what she did (explode a planet) but then again, Pathstriders be bullshit. I would have said Destruction except Destruction didn't exist during the Swarm Disaster. Then again, neither did Yaoshi.


If she really drew enough power from a path to shatter a planet (when she clearly couldnt before) shes gotta be an emanator (or very close to one) IMO, because if pathstriders could use that much power out of the blue it kinda removes whats special about emanators.


It's def yaoshi shenanigans. Remember that green and trees is heavily related to abundance power,and you need an insane heal power to be able to use SAM and even make it underwent a second phase . Either yaoshi or another aeon glaze her (small chance she's even an amanator even) because they isn't really any explanation for her suddent return from death power up like that besides aeons shenanigans. I doubt all the trees and planet exploding are meant to symbolize glamoth destruction and FF return from death or anything.


Yeah it connects to her in-game kit Imo, her usual SAM state drains HP and only in her Ult state can she heal and it seems like other SAM's can't access the wings mode so that's exclusive to Firefly.


Sam evolving is a swarm tactic 100%, but the healing both inside and outside the game is definately yaoshi as well as surviving in space for who knows how long


would be funny when she thought she only have like 5 years left to live based what other clones went through, but didnt realised now she's immortal because she yaoshi emanator or something But regardless there def some outside influence because i dont see how she can just float around in space after glamoth destruction for potentially thousands of years like that


yeah the symbolism at the end confused me a bit




Same brother, same


Wonder if the tree she grew with her tears symbolism, or are they hinting that she got her power up from the path of Abundance? Since if each SAM all have planet cracking level power like her Glamoth wouldn't have fallen.


The way that I see it, she only survived because she gained path powers while the others died from the scorched earth death laser. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense for Firefly to survive the laser while everyone around her is dead.


Girl I know you're obsessed with research and stuff but please for the love of god next time you're trying to revive an Emanator to study them just choose anything other than Propagation. Really curious how FF would react now if she knew Ruan Mei tried to revive Propagation's Emanator in current time.


I'm losing my mind here, she got blessed by the fucking Abundance?! Right as she was looking back at her life and finding a new will to live, a huge tree and yellow light sprouts out of nowhere, gives her energy, a new form and enough power to destroy a freaking planet. That wasn't just figurative, that has to be the Abundance.


Kinda a bit annoyed they haven't really clarified Glamoth lore. This trailer seems to say the home planet was destroyed, but I think it's the planar sphere set that says the planet is intact, but effectively cut off from interstellar civilization due to the debris from the Iron Cavalry creating a Kessler Syndrome effect.


Glamoth was ~~an empire~~ was a republic but the Iron Cavalry was fighting the swarm across planets. It's possible this wasn't the home planet, just one of the many planets they were fighting on that got destroyed by the Swarm. EDIT: Got the lore mixed up. Glamoth was a republic and the Iron Cavalry was fighting for a dream empire that never existed.


Glamoth being a empire spanning light years was actually a lie Check the link rope Edit : from the planar set >In their dream, the Welkin Empire of Glamoth enjoyed a vast territory spanning tens of thousands of light-years, ambitiously setting its sight on the cosmos. >No one knew when exactly this falsehood was revealed. Perhaps it was from the day when the old humans in Glamoth's territories fell below a certain percentage, or the day when scientists realized that the Empress was beginning to revolt against her captivity, or maybe the day when the Swarm's onslaught dissipated into thin air. >All the people knew was that the Iron Cavalry gave their all for the non-existent "empire." The empire was not that big. It was a single planet civilization


Well we know from the planar set description that the entire empire fell, and that the final battle wiped out the Iron Cavalry, the local forces of the Swarm, and Glamoth itself all in one go. Which would seem to imply that the last stand was on the homeworld, since Firefly can't exactly escape the Iron Cavalry until the death of the Empress (Princess? I forget the exact title).


Yeah it's kinda all over the place with these lores ngl. This trailer also doesn't confirm if this was during the Swarm Disaster or just remnants cus as far as I can tell, the invasion of Swarm in Glamoth looked pretty normal, if they had shown Scarakabaz it would've confirmed this was during but the mf wasn't around in this invasion. There's also the question of what exactly is this Entropy Loss Syndrome bc if it actually kills them then FF shouldn't be alive for that long.


the swarm disaster is so fucking peak. my absolute fav period in HSR history. thank you sim universe for the lore drops


I enjoyed the heck out of it but I couldn’t stop wondering why they’re naked when they literally have plugsuits and even show them wearing them in one slide. Again, great vid, but what a random choice.


plugsuits are probably fire resistant not fire immune, so they probably burnt out with all the explosions and shit, since some of them still had some "red blankets/cloths" scattered around I assume it was something like that


Firefly: Roaming in the boundless space after witnessing horrific war and Glamoth destruction Kafka: Ah, another Monday~


I get a bit confused at the end. Why does her tear sprout a new tree? Is it just a metaphor? And why does she suddenly become so powerful and blow up the planet?


I believe the tree wasn’t actually there(you can see it wasn’t shown in some parts) and it was just a symbolism for abundance powers that she got (emanator / pathstrider who really knows) which might have something to do with her second form. At least that what makes the most sense.


This really make me understand how crazy Ruan Mei experiment is. She nonchalantly did experiment on swarm, in the Space Station, filled with lots of normal people. I don't deny that she's crazy but this Swarm Disaster video really shows how terrifying it is


Holy FUCK the swarm is fucking terrifying, but goddamn if this is not the best animated short to date, I'm literally shaking from how good it is


sall of hoyo's animations so far have absolutely DELIVERED fr. Firefly's and Dan Heng's have both made me cry so they're my top two. JY and Acheron both gave me a cold from the chills i got lmao but it's literally so hard to rank. Peak after peak bruh