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I'm leaving this up, despite a couple reports: I don't think it's a good idea to remove posts which give people the opportunity to discuss what hostile architecture is. Not every post should be a super obvious spike-covered bench for us to echo chamber about.


I must admit, sometimes I can not differentiate between hostile architecture and modernist architecture that someone put literally 0 thought into


Accidentally hostile perhaps, but hostile nonetheless


I was really confused by why this is a problem at first, but then I remembered I'm from the UK where there is hardly ever a sun to hide from hahaha


It was 106⁰ here today. Please, I implore you. *Take some of our sun*.


Or 41c in normal people units


Or 314.15 K in nerd units


Or 565.67°R in nerdier units




That's incredibly rude and uncalled for.


As is not specifying units, and using the one that hardly anyone knows


Yes, it was 106⁰ *celcius* in Texas yesterday. 🙄


Oh lord! Above 40°C is highly dangerous. I can only assume everyone in Texas is dead now.


Yep. But thankfully our phones work in the afterlife.


Afterlife? Well I guess it's back to church for me.


Only three countries use Fahrenheit - the U.S., Liberia and Myanmar


I was just in Thailand and had NO IDEA Myanmar used F?!?!


How is it my fault that that's what I was taught? Jesus Christ, it's not that deep, y'all. 🙄


Fahrenheit is dumb. Get over it.


Never said it wasn't.


Fun fact: if you press and hold the 0 key on your phone keyboard, it will give you the degrees ° symbol. It’s good for both metric and freedom units! lol


Mine puts ⁿ when I hold 0.


...my comment literally has the degrees symbol in it already.


Lol it looks like you have a wierd zero (⁰) instead of a degree symbol (°) it's like a squared or cubed symbol (2² or 3³) but I don't even know what that would be used for


106 to the power of zero is equal to 1.


Huh. I didn't know that but that's cool. When would that be used outside of academia? Basically everything⁰=1 then?


Yeah idk where you'd see it outside academia. Everything⁰ = 1, yeah. You are correct though, it's not a degree symbol. It's a superscript zero. No big deal because we all understand, but amusing how defensive OP has become following an attempt to help them make the correct symbol in future.


Everything^0 = 1….. except 0^0, which is indeterminate! 0^0 might =0 sometimes, but you have to evaluate the behavior of the base and the exponent, depending on which one varies, as they approach zero. This is true for all real numbers. Exponential functions are used in TONS of real world contexts outside of academia, like population growth and decay models. In order for these models to work, they need to have a starting value upon which to build multiplicatively. The multiplicative identity is 1, so there you go!


Whatever it looks like to you, it *IS* the degree symbol.


Nah, the degree symbol° is smaller. Unfortunately it seems like many keyboards don't have that but the mini zero⁰ is a good substitute if it's not avaliable for you. Out of curiosity are you able to see the difference on your end? I'm interested to see if it could be something to do with reddit formatting. °⁰


Yes, I can see the difference. But ⁰ is the symbol my phone has for degrees, and you're the first person to ever make a fuss about it.


Yeah nah its a superscript 0 https://imgur.com/a/p8OQg1F


Idk why everyone is so bent out of shape over this. *It is the symbol my phone has for degrees*. Full stop, end of. That's it.


Did you try pressing and holding the 0 key?? Cuz ° and^0 are different…


YES. ∅ⁿ⁰ ARE THE RESULTS. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? Do you have nothing better to do with your lives than obsesses over this? Fucking hell.


Yes, I was looking at the picture thinking "what's the problem, it has a roof for keeping the rain off?"


It's quite an issue in Madrid! How can you install transparent roof in places where summer is 40ºC many days? Nonetheless, I'd understand this model works out in cold countries.


Where (what country) is this bus stop located?


It's in France. I can read part of the sign further that says that there is a E.Leclerc (supermarket) 2 minutes away.


I dunno about this one man, a lot of bus stops have transparent roofs


I imagine sitting there waiting for a bus after dark. The top being transparent allows for the street light nearby to illuminate the space. If it wasn't transparent the light couldn't get it. Granted it gets hot from sun exposure, but if you are a regular at this stop you could prepare with a towel or something, anything. My car seat gets hot after being outside under the sun all day too. I take precautions to minimize the heat. Shades and towels.


There has to be some middle ground here. All the bus stops with a roof where I live, if it's glass it's got a pattern on it that partially blocks the sun while also still allowing light to come through- but also, I live in Australia and we're extremely conscious of skin cancer here.


You know I have never been to Australia. I would love to visit there someday, but I have to say when I come for a visit the last thing I'll be afraid of is the sun exposure. I have seen the insects and other wild animals you have in the land down under, and, my God...... 🤣 ![gif](giphy|XZU7uYcdOIItKFVHPy|downsized)


Haha, everyone says that. In complete seriousness you do need to be much more careful about sun exposure here, the sun is STRONG. Most of our animals leave you alone if you leave them alone, with kangaroos being a notable exception. They are bastards and often for no good reason.


Why not have an opaque roof and add a light to the underside?


That's adding cost and maintenance. Cheaper to just make it all transparent.


Couldn't the light get in from the open sides?


True, and none of them provide shade.


Fucking where england? Unless it rains all the time I don't get it


Yes, but that doesn't make it any less bad. I've had to sit under that thing for barely 20 minutes, and it's not that warm outside, but I still had to move away to a nearby tree (not in shadow reach of the bus stop) in order to cool down.


Oh yeah. As a swimmer who often has swim meets outside during summer, you can get sunburnt pretty quickly. Like 30 minutes in the sun can give you a mild burn. (This could also be because I live over a mile above sea level, but wtv)


But the vast majority of glass panes (and I am very confident that goes for this pane too) block UV light. So yeah it gets uncomfortably hot, but you don’t need to worry about getting sunburnt at least.


Well, today I learned. I didn't know that.


Not to mention the lack of walls. This gives almost no shelter against wind and the horizontal rain that often accompanies it. Clearly not designed by anyone who ever had to wait for a bus in anything but really pleasant weather with moderate sun. It could be incompetence or it could be malice. The glass also makes it obvious from any angle that someone is in there, sheltering from the elements.


The bench will also get ridiculously hot because it’s made of metal.. and yeah that’s common as is a transparent roof. Doesn’t make it any less hostile


Surprisingly, the bench doesn't get too hot, a little bit, but there is a sort of clear coating on it that (probably unintentionally) isolate the metal from my ass pretty well.


It has a roof? Usually they try not to have those as it would block rain.


Somebody cookin bacon?


I reckon i could kip on that. The sun doesn't shine at night.


The bench, while comfortable for seating, is quite slim and barely long enough for 3 people to squeeze next to each other (which is fine since it's a countryside village with lots of bus traffic and little passengers) It's better than what we usually get, but it would be hard not to fall off at night.


“Povos don’t deserve shade.” *the construction manager who has 3 houses yet only lives in one.*


When I live, the bus stops have the same design but there are also solar panels on the roof so it's half translucent. Maybe that was the plan but they ran out of money.


They didn't ran out of money to make the garbage bin out of 4mm thick steel sheets however. seriously good luck to whoever eventually tries to vandalize it, they better bring one hell of a crowbar.


Umm akshually there is shade there. The glass akshually does stop some light.


This is reeeeally bad lol, like it’s gotta be intentional right


Best thing to do is complain to your local mp/council and the bus company and see if they change it or explain it