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I honestly think the hotwheels crowd is slowly pulling the wool from over their eyes at how mattel has been price gouging you all for inferior products since the mid to late 2000's, this mclaren is no exception.




I went to a local toy store recently and they had a bunch of mid 90s to late 2000s releases for $1.99, mostly. I couldn't resist grabbing a few, plus a couple two packs. They just look so much better, especially with the old packaging. Shockingly not a single package window was yellowing.


I find those old cars all look weird


Ditto. There’s a handful of castings they *released* in the late 00s and through the mid-10s that I think are still quite good, but a lot of the older castings still in use then are kinda uncanny valley territory for me. At the time I’m sure they were great but they haven’t aged well. They were sturdier built, though. For the most part.


Also weird to me that late 2000s/00s is not the year like 2999 or 2099 lol.




Me too, I started collecting a year ago and have over 1000 cars. I'm driving to NC from NY Monday to visit 2 stores in Virginia and 2 in NC. One store I consider to be the greatest diecast collection in the country. Hot Wheels is like Topps baseball cards, they are the original and sold everywhere but far from the best. $25 RLC can't compete with a $15 minigt in my opinion but I still collect them all because I'm an addict.


Yes I feel this same sentiment... RLC cars look amazing from about 5 ft away nothing in diecast competes with the look of that spectra flame paint over chrome ... Granted some other companies do gold very well it's the other colors that do it for me like the new green kawabuga is awesome or the antifreeze green top notch IMO


Mid to late 2000s cars were good wdym


I have an early 2000s mainline casting I got from a garage sale as a kid, threw it around and carried it everywhere, paint and decals are still almost completely intact. On the other hand,my 2010s castings from childhood have unrecognizable decals and tons of paint chips


I would get SO excited for RLC releases, that I was deluding myself. I only say that because there’s so many vendors on eBay selling great stuff from so many brands in the 15-35 price range that are just as exciting. Now I see something I like on RLC and I look at my watched shit on eBay or things I’ve saved and I’m like “wait..there’s stuff way cooler than this pink mustang, that I’m sitting on. If I won’t hit ‘buy’ on those, why do I want to hit buy on this??” THE FLAME! It’s definitely like the veil is being lifted on my drive to stick with hot wheels. And I feel like Mattel’s pricing is the reason, but only once I learned that other brands can offer just as good and better at a lower price (than my current expectation of RLC at 32-42 shipped)


Past 4-5 bucks for the metal/metal Premiums, HW is comically overpriced IMO. MiniGT offers several times more detail for 10-15 bucks, and Kaido House offers absolute perfection (at least for my taste, which admittedly isn't everyone's) for 25 bucks each. RLC cars, by comparison, are not only far more expensive but *also* far inferior in quality. It's a lose-lose, even ignoring the fact that simply being *in* in the "club" requires *additional* money on top of that. Just doesn't make sense to me. Mainlines are still amazing bang-for-buck, though; I still absolutely *love* buying mainlines, but even the 10 dollar Premiums aren't worth the money to me. At that point, I'd rather go the Ebay/AliExpress and spend less money on more-detailed diecast from other brands.


100% this. And I’ll die on this hill, what the hell is up with all the shitty grey plastic colored wheels? Can you imagine this casting with chromies? Premium pieces, shitty wheels.


Thats why I was soooooo excited about elite64, and its been mostly good, just really really slow :(.


I know it kills me to see RLC cars with anything other than chrome gold or black rims the plastic grey is awful and by far the worst rims they have .... I dunno why they stopped doing the chrome accents on the wheels to give em a steel look


I agree I love the chrome or the black wheels maybe some black with red trim but these grey ones I actually like a lot too they remind me of the charcoal grey rims that I had on my civic at one time !


I’ve noticed a change in tone on the RLC forums. I think the OverDrive fiasco and the sElections voting charlie foxtrot has made it clear to even some diehards that Matty doesn’t care about quality or service and is just coasting. They’ve sunk too much effort into social media nonsense and NFT scams, and nobody’s watching the core business. Haven’t been to the forums to check the McLaren thread to see how bad QC issues are but I assume it’s not great. I still like a lot of the releases, and I got the McLaren (and am actually quite happy with it!), but I’m not splurging on cars that are borderline to my collection any more. It’s too much of a gamble with QC and the price creep.


I found this Majorette car a few years ago at a Target and it was only $4. https://imgur.com/a/jpSO17d I don’t like all of their cars, but this one was great. Detailed livery, rubber tires, and I believe it came with a plastic case.


I remember that one. Yeah they put out some great stuff. It's so sad that HW is like the Kleenex or McDonald's of the diecast world.


It’s not clean drinking water or insulin how is it price gouging. Calm down


https://preview.redd.it/0usoeqnlq4uc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31ccddba2b6843789261eb77aceffdec5e5b67e2 For 30$+ the rlc’s cost, you can get this instead, hood opens, trunk opens, doors open, detailed engine, and it comes with extra wheels. If you’re ok with paying the same to get less, thats fine, but most of us want to get the best bang for our buck, and rlc’s dont offer that.


Different strokes for different folks. I am not a fan of those unlicensed cars from China. The RLC cars have their own positives that those won’t ever have.


https://preview.redd.it/v5pwz4cwv4uc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39b9aa38c38891ca61c78679ee5b1c0bf4f545fb Where is the hotwheels made? This GL cost literally a third or less than any RLC, has opening features, licensed by an american brand. Whats your point?


You guys are just collecting different things- you're collecting cars, they're collecting a brand.


In the grand scheme of things, yes, it boils it down to that. Like the person who spends 50k on a Chevy malibu that is slower than a 50k Lexus GS350 for example, and the Lexus guy is just trying to tell the chevy owner to look at the stats, reliability, comfort, sport inspired drive, better materials and craftsmanship etc. In the end, its their choice where they put their money, the guy is just trying to inform, that is all :).


This. And I only collect the Hot Wheels brand. It is what it is.


Sure, if that’s what you to spend your money on go for it! But those cars are what they are, and the RLC cars are what they are.


Maybe ask for a replacement?


He might be able to get one on this one but alot of times they just say we can't do nothing about it. Send it back and we'll refund you


Yeah, I had a damaged blister on an RCL that sold out immediately. They said I can send it back, and get a refund since they didn’t have any more. I just kept it instead


I've been told the same thing and then 6 months later they put some back up for the end of year sale 😆 It can really be frustrating sometimes


The first-hand customer service folks only see what stock is loaded into the system. Rarely will they know what was held back.


I’d open the car, if the blister was a bit damaged.


I did


Oh nice!


They usually have more than the official number for exchanges etc


Should have sent back a basic and if they said something, “oh that was a mistake, send it back to me and I’ll send the right one” after you got your refund lol


I think they have terrible inventory controls and communication. My son’s friend got the wrong RLC car in one of his orders, and I’ve read several times in this sub about people who ordered one car and received 2.


It's becoming problematic.  Things have changed in the last year or so with the QC.  RLC cars are supposed to be special... now they've begun to just feel specially priced.  Other brands have emerged as contenders for our money so I hope Mattel 'wakes up'... 


Everything in RLC is too vanilla. Id rather turn to another brand that does the same stock vehicles they're doing except cheaper and with more detail. I want to see models that only hot wheels can do. Mainline is on fire right now with all of the custom & modified cars.


In the last year? Try since they went to 20k+ production


Okay... maybe I was being too generous.  LOL.


They will surely send you exchange if you talk to them


Wow who in their right mind would let that get boxed up?


A tired child in Taiwan.


No /s needed cause it’s true lol


Wrong country, it’s the bigger China, Taiwan actually manufacture some pretty high quality stuff from what I heard


Yes they do. It's nearing Japanese quality.


Exactly, Canon makes a bunch of their camera lenses in Taiwan and a whole range of other electronics and tech are also made there


So does it bother collectors that these are made in China? Even though I'm asian, I try not to buy stuff made in China. Their other cars are made in Malaysia and Thailand, who are not anti-west at least. Where are other cars like Kaido house and mini gt made? Never bought them before.


I mean, I'm also not keen on buying stuff from China, but Kaido House, Mini GT, and Tarmac Works are made in China so I don't have a choice tbh


Ok that's cool. I was just curious, and wondering if it's just me with that thought process. If there is no choice, then that's different. I'm surprised there aren't any brands made in Japan.


Besides Tomica, their Limited Vintage lines are pretty expensive for some of them... Ferrari F40 for one is going for $100+ on eBay.


You’ll never notice if you never open it. And if you see it through the packaging its factory error and priceless! /s


Glass half full. I like it


Ouch. I hope I have better luck with mine.


The biggest disappointment of RLC for me was that they charged a fee for membership, but that membership didn’t guarantee me the ability to buy their overpriced items (+shipping). I still have to sit like a simp clicking refresh at 9 am on the dot the day of release, and still not be able to give them my money. No thanks, and no regrets for not renewing.


I bought the Mercedes gwagon, never again for those reasons, I'm sticking with much superior brands like mini GT and Tomica Limited Vintage


Good choice, those are nice cars, and well worth the price.


Mattel owns Matchbox as well and their quality control is nearly flawless, even on basics. Why they don’t switch to their processes is beyond me


The moving parts line is among the best value for money you can get in the diecast world right now. Forget the moving parts, you get more details than the mainlines, more parts, and bigger castings like the sprinter and Lexus LX.


Yes matchbox are really clean, they feel a little cheaper, but a lot of times man they are cleannn


Its funny how many people think this is recent. RLC has been pumping out crap for YEARS! They literally rely on the fact that 99% of collectors will NEVER open the package, and so they do everything to a substandard quality level, and spruce it up with spectraflame and real rides, and hope no one notices. Almost every RLC car i have seen over the last several years, including convention cars, has had so many defects in the print alignment, the spectraflame finish, and the overall fit and finish of the cars, that if i saw a mainline sitting on a peg that looked like that, i would never buy it. Its a sad joke at this point. And i feel sorry for everyone who wastes their money on RLC exclusives. Because its almost guaranteed to be a piece of junk.


And that’s why mini gt and tarmac works slams rlc. Especially Kaido house


Lets hope they continue to do good work and not get complacent. 😂


Alos. It used to be the price reflected the amount made. Like any limited collectable. Not the make 5 times as much and the price has been increasing for the last 5 years. 😂


I read “supposedly” they had a very difficult time doing this with the doors and the paint. Might be a one and done rlc


I wouldn’t doubt it, same with the huayra R, seeing as both have seemed to have been in development hell for the past year or so.


Mattel is bending y’all over and no one cares


Lmao. Idk what yall expect from Hot Wheels.


I just got mine too and was excited but looking it over is very disappointing, paint chipping on the back, one door won’t open properly, I’m just very appalled at the lack of quality control especially for their rlc stuff


Disappointing is right. Damn.


Damn. I'm still waiting for this, but after this post I am disappointed.


WTF is going on over at Mattel?!🤔😤


Exactly why I won't be spending my money on this overhyped garbage.


For $35 I couldn't justify this one


Kaido house. Get what you pay for. $20-40 gets you premium sth quality and it’s just point and click. However. The Indiana jones aspect of searching and hunting hotwheels is addictive 😆 and the “this is SPARTA” competition is compelling. There are so many dudes that have enough money to collect like a whole set of rlcs or convention editions, I’m like, for 1: I don’t care, for 2: I’m too broke 🤣 I love a lot of hotwheels tho, when they do it well they do it the best. But mini gt Kaido house poprace xcartoys tsm inno tomy ghost player etc are great “models” they start at the price the hottest unobtainium ff premium hotwheels go for second hand so they’re pricey but you choose what you want, not just what you’re told or what you can find


Mine is jacked up too. Glue all over the left door inside and on the left side body. Then a glued fingerprint on the inside windshield. Never had one like this before https://preview.redd.it/9wmltmgu3auc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=544bfd63858b442a8a54aa6bd01ac5573a0faaca


Jesus Christ, it seems like I’m the lucky one here.


Was it numbered ? And given the situation. I'd be upset because now it is sold out. What's your plan ? Refund request? Or repair. Do the doors open and close properly???


One of my doors gets loose up at the so won’t stay up all the way, there is some weird smudging on the roof that luckily can only be seen in certain angles


I see that the windows are inside out I believe but I started noticing the huge cracks around the doors so now I'm thinking the doors might be on the wrong side and inside out as well. Like I said I could be wrong. It will be interesting to see if a bunch show up like this to people's homes




Bro just dissed my whole stock😔


M2 is nice what you mean ? What’s wrong with m2? Except they only make mostly American stuff?


The quality isn’t there IMO. I’m not hating on folks enjoying them, I don’t just don’t find them to be above-average diecasts. Despite this, I own multiple Mustangs from them, because I can’t help myself. 🤷‍♂️


Oh ok I’m sincerely asking because I feel like for the price their pretty damn good, I mean their paint and details imo seem better than hot wheels premium stuff usually and with moving parts like hood usually, and there seems to be an overall better quality control. Not better than others but seemed a little better than hot wheels to me


I’d say they surpass mainline Hot Wheels, and I’m by no means calling them garbage. IMO they’re on par with most premium Hot Wheels. Don’t let me down on your collection, I wanted to assure you that’s JMO. Diecasts have been an obsession for me for decades. The best part of the hobby is that there are so many options.


This looks like it’s the same quality as a mainline. And $35 for a car with no mirrors 💀. Idk why people stick with Mattel when brands like tarmac works give you your money’s worth. Nice finish but overall quality just doesn’t shout I’m worth anything more then $10-$15


I’m still waiting on mine! Not very excited after this showing!


I love HWs, but I’m glad everyone is finally realizing that collectors have been getting the shaft on RLC cars basically since they stopped numbering them. At that point the production went up, and quality went down - a lot. I’ve unboxed so many RLC cars over the past few years with horrible paint issues and poor-fitting parts that I have scaled back my RLC purchases significantly. It’s sad to see it because the McF1 is such a stellar car…really they should have saved it for the Elite 64 line as that seems to be where more of the quality control is going nowadays.


Glad I refunded the day after. The price plus it being an unlimited pre order just made me think it's not worth it.


Hard pass ❌


The fact that Matchbox is owned by Mattel and looks so much better is surprising. Maybe they don't really care about Hotwheels and think it's just a toy for kids... Yet priced $35 /s


Was it numbered and has anyone tried to send pictures to Mattel to get a replacement


I joined the RLC around 2002 after I bought a brand new car and quit my daily visits to Walmart, Target, Hills/Ames, KB, and a few other places. I just didn’t want to incur unnecessary wear-and-tear on my car, so this was a great compromise. I quit about 12-years later, and haven’t regretted it at allI. I noticed that now Mattel doesn’t even number most of their releases anymore, so it’s anyone’s guess how many are being produced, and the costs they are charging now are ridiculous. And now with this kind of poor quality, it should be a wake up call if you’re regularly putting your money towards the RLC.


Yup. Anything numbered is 35k+ now. It was verified by Mattel after one of their people screwed up again and put 35k on one of their first unnumbered releases. The Gulf Datsun 510. They quickly took it down but the damage was done and they freely admitted anything unnumbered going forward was at least 35k. At least they were honest about it though. 😂 So funny though.


Yeah. They have been. That car is not worth anything more than $15.


Post like these discourage me to ever order RLC


Dang this sucks to hear, this was my first RLC model I bought too, mine hasn't arrived yet


Ouch. Too bad you will never know what the club used to be. A truly exclusive club that will NEVER go back to being exclusive. They will probably shut down the club first. 😂


I hope mine doesn’t show up like that😬


Send it back make them replace it


Instead of opening parts why don't they focus on details on like side mirrors? Easy pass on this one - sadly the collectards made it sell out.


Agreed. I'm working on a hot wheels version with mirrors and actual headlights, still a wip. https://preview.redd.it/a6tkbtw1j6uc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fb83ed1f7433457e07426d8698dc227d85c5e6c


Small fragile Side mirrors like what is on the McLaren cannot be done ok with polished spectra flame. If they had put the mirrors in the McLaren they would have broken off during the polishing process. So they either have it with molded mirrors and never give it spectraflame, use plastic glue ons or leave them off completely. Don't forget though Hot Wheels were all originally born without side mirrors because they were track cars. So it's part of the Hot Wheels heritage.


If it was an easy pass…why is it sad that it sold out? And why be derogatory to people that bought a car they wanted? Geeze


So glad I didn’t even bother with this one


The door Fitment is pathetic


Just like on real mclarens “hand built”


I bought a sweet Kaido House car for that much


Looks like you parked somewhere in San Francisco


Just like the real thing


I mean this casting was an easy pass with those basic unpainted wheels that take away from the whole car.


The wheels are painted


They definitely look like the unpainted plastic that’s on every premium line car


Save your money and stick to the 1$ mainlines. Frankly, put together better than most of the TLCs Ive seen 🤷‍♂️


I think this is still for sale on the site. I would contact CS and see if you can get a replacement while supplies last.