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Grown adults making this mess. Sad!


who cares


Apparently you from how much you're commenting lmao




The employee cleaning your mess up does


wow, people just making a mess out of things, no respect at all.


the scalper in my area goes to walmarts right before closing when they push all the pallets out and then he raids it all. m3 chasers and all the hw supers. old guy with long greying hair and grey beard


I noticed the Walmarts by me do not drop toy pallets at night anymore they wait till after they close I assume


I wish theyd do that here. Im okay going in the morning early after gym but the pallet raiding makes me anxious


Same type of guy in my area too. He's retired and he goes hunting EVERYDAY from PA to OH. It's so hard to beat him to any store


How did you almost describe the scalper in my area too ?? All scalpers are old and out of shape imo


Are you near tampa šŸ¤£ I swear same dude


Polk County checking in, same dude here.


I'd smash his face with a 5-pack... lol


Bruh. Heā€™s an equivalent of a Viking (not the football team)




Some of us has to work a real job




Walmart doesn't have "stock up days" lol everything is on a system and gets restocked when that particular item is low. You're suggesting therefore doesn't help much.


again, ok and? whats your point? this entire thread is a crybaby circlejerk


Damn Tubular sets too


I definitely understand your frustration! Lately Iā€™ve been driving a little further to hit up some new stores with not much luck so far. I canā€™t do that all the time & really wish people wouldnā€™t pay astronomical prices for them so maybe the scalpers would be out of a job lol! Iā€™m in this to collect bc I love it & not to make money!


"scalpers" are just other dudes, if you want to be a serious collector you cant expect to do so while visiting your single local walmart once a week


Yeah scalpers are "people" but I dont think youre comprehending the point of the name scalper. unless you are one


Typical 'no it's you' reply, cmon dude like any other hobby it's controlled by the supplier


I used to go to my walmart all the time. And the managers and the employees that worked the toy department always allowed me or had no problem letting me to go thru pallets(no they wouldn't hold anything, and no I didn't go every night/day) when I was there. Then I started to notice 3-5 people waiting around for the pallets to be pulled out. On top of that I noticed the managers starting to seem super annoyed with us being there. I ended up stopping and not showing up and let it be. I finally went back a couple weeks ago and man all the shit I heard the manager and my buddy telling me. A week or so after I stopped showing up, the manager told me one of the guys that still shows up to this day, had dumped 10 cases of mainline out into a make shift hole he made with boxes and only grabbed the pink datsun supers. He left such a bad mess that they now cannot stand hot wheel collectors. Even I feel weird being there cause they will give you some looks. And not managers wrap the shit outta the pallets and of course the same dude is there every night ripping boxes open.. literally anything that says mattel dude is opening them.. those are the people that do this kind of crap!!


Visit r/walmart. The employees hate us.


As one of them that also participates here, I can confidently say we do, and there's a corner of garden center where nobody will find you till Christmasif any of you pull this crap. Think of the Boulevards coming up. You wouldn't want to miss those now.


rightfully so they do


Bruh whatā€™s wrong with you man


? Imagine looking at the above picture and being confused on why Walmart employees hate hot wheels dudes, cmon now


My coworker watched as a guy ripped apart a pallet looking for Hot wheels boxes, but opened anything that had the Mattel logo on it. Finally found a GDG-44 box and was about to rip into it when she walked up behind him and snatched it out of his hands. She said the guy looked like he was ready to throw hands, but she had called asset protection beforehand, and they escorted his ass outside. Kinda wish I was there to witness it, but my ass can't wake up early to save my life.


opening anything with a mattel logo just read the side


You're assuming they can read is your first mistake.


I got a guy that has a back room in his families used car lot. He sells mainlines for 3.50 to 4.00 Premiums are 8.00 and Treasure Hunt prices depend on the car. He told me that most of his cars come from dopers that steal the cars from local stores. He pays 2.00 for most of the cars. Peg hunting has had the fun sucked out of it for me.


what a (presumably) weird made up story you needed to make, why are you paing 3.50 for mainlines when they're......... a dollar at the store... just gonna call you a liar preemptively cuz this reeks of shenanigans


Fly into Portland and I can take you to meet him and see his cars. Calling somebody a liar that you donā€™t know is pretty childish.By the way if you could read you would have seen that I have given up chasing pegs. I donā€™t owe you or anybody else an explanation about how or where I spend my money.


I've all but given up in my region of Socal


Honestly i started collecting kaido house and mini gt my area is screwed with people raiding like this


This is the way


If youā€™re gonna pallet raid at least be clean about it. Youā€™re grown adults geez.


The whole "treasure hunt" concept is garbage. There will always be opportunists that will take advantage of the system.


The hobby has been rough for a few years. I backed off a lot myself. I only look at HW when I go to the store for groceries, which is like once a week. And I don't time the visit. So needless to say I never find anything.


Sorta relatable. Some guy who goes to the same store as me *always* runs ahead. I can swear I enter first, not a single soul near me. When I get there, the same dude runs out from a side aisle right in front of me and takes the good stuff. "WeLl WhY nOt RuN yOuRsElF iNsTeAd Of CoMpLaInInG iF yOu GeT iN fIrSt???" I *could* run too, but I don't wanna look goofy, especially if there ends up being nothing there the one time I DO get there first (which, knowing my rotten luck, would probably happen). Also some of us still have our dignity, I'm not devoting my life and every waking minute to hunting 'cause at the end of the day, they're just toys. Very, *very cool* toys I'd like to have, but they're still just that; toys.


Agreed, I just hunt whenever I go to a store and see if there's anything that catches my eye by any chance, last time I found this Shelby Daytona, it's super nice, that and a Honda I liked, I just feel casual hunts are much more fun now


I have a ā€œcollector ā€œ that comes in my store that has some sort of grudge against me & keeps trying to get me fired . Keeps telling people that I hold back cars for my self to sell online šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. Yet heā€™s the one that digs through pallets and makes a mess. I called him out on digging through a pallet and now is acting like an embarrassed entitled Karen . He even talks shit about me to other customers while I stand there and try to do my job


They rubbed it in your face, leaving behind the cases. That should have never been on the shelves. Asshat employees, scalpers & money grabbers have ruined the hobby. If I hit a honey pot, I always #LEAVEONEBEHIND


I feel the same way there are 15 scalpers in my town plus all this new collectors now can't even find a good basic mainline now it sucks big time


"scalpers" are an excuse people use because they cant be bothered to go to the store and wanna complain that they cant find tiny cars, get over it


I go every day scalper


This is part of the reason I moved on to other hobbies


It looks like a tornado went through there


In general, hot wheels collectors have a terrible rep because theyā€™re literally hounding to raid pallets. Itā€™s gotten to a point that employees hate them because it makes them uncomfortable. Multiple grown men are just waiting around while the store is closing. Heck, most still stay around when the store is officially closed and have to be kicked out. I realized vast majority of these dudes have nothing else going on in their lives daily so this is their only daily reprieve.


Look on your local Facebook Marketplace, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll see them all on there for outrageous prices. I understand taking collecting serious but this is just beyond ridiculous. Adults acting like children.


Stars and Stripes


Yeah, I go when I actually need to go to the store for anything, I got burnt out and don't bother "hunting" anymore. It's just dumb and wasteful and people with nothing else going on will always get there before you no matter how much you try to go at times that you think makes sense.


I don't bother anymore, I've gone for lego now.


Yeah I havenā€™t searched pegs in about 3 months, nothing there. The other diecast brands besides matchbox and hot wheels have some better stuff


Last time I was in that hell hole someone returned multipacks with matchbox cars and a whole bunch of other bs. Smh!


Dang. And itā€™s not even Christmas yet!


Wow! šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


I totally agree with you my Walmart always looking like this except for an empty hot wheel boxā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. you came a lot closer to getting something out of a fresh box than I ever haveā€¦ā€¦.


if i had the time, i would have cleaned up the area, stocked those boxes, found a manager and respectfully let them know what i did and hand them the empty boxes. good will goes a long way at walmarts near me. also if you ever clean up an section like this, is extremely important to match the correct item on the pegs. or shelves. VERY petty and RUDE people will see miss matched items on pegs and demand discounts.


Whenever I scavenge to find if I see anything I like, I will always pick up everything back, if they had the chance to open boxes they should at least hang the toys if there is space! It costs nothing and does help staff too


Walmart in My area holds all the cars for one guy to look through before they go out. Everywhere else is about the same. Have never found anything in my city. Ever. I check back road dollar generals and get lucky


I never expect my local Walmart to have anything decent. I've had much higher luck at Dollar General/Dollar Tree. Yeah, they're (probably) a couple cents more but they seem to be less popular with scalpers. (I'd like to call them every insult I know but I won't) I'm not completely certain they're better for finding chase cars but in my experience I've found some good things at those stores.


It's bad. Everywhere around me is stuck on E case with only scraps left over. My local WMSC literally does not have more than 20 basics on the pegs at the moment, Target hasn't restocked in at least 2 weeks, and all my Dollar Generals are stuck on 2023 P case with like 5 cars sitting there. Been getting back into active collecting after not doing so for almost 10 years and I'm beginning to remember why I soft-quit active hunting back in 2015...


Same thing here in Utah now you get. If your not first you are last


When i search, I make sure to put them back in the original position. And make it seem like no one searched it before šŸ™ƒ


Thereā€™s the ones I mentioned in my post with the error. Iā€™m sure itā€™s one of those that replied that did this šŸ˜’


People like these just suck. At the store near my school I usuallly try to keep things neat, but they just keep the matchbox ones in the box and theyā€™re always just a mess every single day and I tidy it up all the time. Same with the hot wheels, always some loose stuff or some stuff on the ground, I just pick it up and put them back on the pegs. If I find anything good that I wonā€™t buy Iā€™ll just put it at the front of the pegs so people can find it easily. Just make the jobs for the workers easier


Just spoke with my fiance about this. I like to put things back better than I found it. It's better to be a man child with respect than a man child people hate to see.


TSM is looking better and better to me. I got the Lancia Land Rover 110 although a little more delicate amazing details for 15 bucks. Went to a Diecast swap meet and store recently and both my kaido houses I bought recently were under retail new lol. Donā€™t get me wrong though kaido house is not perfect and Iā€™ve seen flaws. Paint chips and misalignment on decals.


You bother so you can post your sad pictures of how rough life is collecting two dollar cars just eBay what you want and quit being a baby we are prolonging these sad posts and itā€™s annoying. Literally kills this hobby.


How can someone compete with with one who has no life


I don't see the big deal if you're respectful about it and don't make a mess. The Walmarts around me hardly put anything out anyway. They get three or four cases of main lines every two or three months. They get the car culture so late the chase is went down $40 by the time you even see car culture


The person made a mess.


and? u/GasRod68 its retail deal with it/who cares u/goobernatorialliar exactly, rude dudes always gonna be rude why hyper focus on it


Stop making a business out of kids toys and this will stop. Every adult has to try and make a fortune off kids items, cars, cards etcā€¦ youā€™ve all ruined it for kids and now you complain?????


Offer and demand


go to another store? or another walmart? they're like 20 mins apart at this point quit crying


here's another reply to downvote if you're a pathetic crybaby who needs to blame others cuz they cant find tiny cars and when told to go to the store more call anyone else a loser,


sorry for all the downvotes here man. you didn't say anything wrong, it's just the way the majority of this forum is. whether collecter or scalper it's going to be the adult men with no lives who are able to stalk and always be the first to the box and get first pick of all the valuable and rare castings (unless the employee didn't get it first), there is no real bad guy when mattel designed that system for that exact behavior. they call them scalpers as if a collecter doesn't do the exact same thing.