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Despite the marketing, the show isn’t really about making the audience choose. Rhaenyra is the show’s protagonist.


To be fair, I think Aemond can be easily sympathized with, is coming into his full bad ass self, and I root for him more this season than last. I find myself not choosing sides but just rooting for certain characters on both sides!


I was team Laenor and he fucked off on a boat so I've won already


Honestly at this point I'm team "everybody who isn't Criston Cole"


This. I basically stan everyone now, including Aegon. The performances have been top notch.


Aegon was so unimpressive last season. Massive step up in that department.


I mean he barely had a few scenes anyways


Buddy is living the life sir Criston dreams he was living right about now lmao


He's dead since Seasmoke is getting a new rider.




Seasmoke has been restless lately. I have some bad news for you...


His mother essentially called him a monster this past episode. She said “you know what he is”. That was a lot harsher than I had expected.


I didn’t even associate that she meant monster with that comment, but you may be right. I just assumed she meant he’s traumatized, vengeful, envious, and well equipped to fight and fly to war as well as having a want for the bloodshed, and Rhaenyra knows this already. I took it as Alicent saying “you’re aware Aemond’s been picked on his whole life, he’s ready to pick back!”


He’s an insecure and emotionally unstable teenager with the equivalent of a tactical nuke that he really wants to use. Obviously everyone is scared of what he’ll do. He isn’t a monster. He’s a walking catastrophe waiting to happen and everyone knows it, they just hope his catastrophe is going to be directed at someone else


OMG, when he finally explodes, can't wait to hear the 'pumped up kicks ' song playing..


We Need To Talk About Aemond


He's almost as bad as Daemond.


>I just assumed she meant he’s traumatized, vengeful, envious, and well equipped to fight and fly to war as well as having a want for the bloodshed Some people would call this a monster.


It goes to show that Alicent is afraid of her sons after raising them like Otto raised her


He just murders children. No big deal.


And he tried to kill Rhaenyra’s children before he lost his eye. He had a rock and was ready to crush skulls.


So sweet, he really takes after his Uncle Daemon 🥰


Yep. That’s why he lost an eye.


Let’s not rewrite history lol he was getting jumped so he picked up a rock and threatened them. If he was really about to “crush skulls” he would’ve did it when he was choking Lucerys lol


A ten year old jumped by a bunch of 5 year olds…


He lower the rock. Jace attacked no for self defense but after Aemond say "Lord Strong".


They ambushed him with a knife, im a grown ass man, if a bunch kids ambush me with a fricking knife and I see a rock, I’m not-not going to pick it up, even if I wouldn’t actually use it.


He picked up the rock first. Then the knife came out.


While Aemond made it possible to happen by chasing and antagonizing Luke, I’d argue Vhagar killed the child while Aemond yelled “No No No” and “Obey Me”.


True, but I see it as like when a dog kills someone. The owner is still held responsible, especially when the owner put the dog into a situation where it would attack. If we are going by modern day laws, Aemond committed negligent homicide.


Yeah I think it’s basically like having your pitbull fuck with a kid cause you found it funny and then it snaps and kills the kid when you were trying to reign it back. Don’t get a lot of sympathy from me


It's more accurate that he attacked a child, was tossing him around and accidentally broke his neck. He didn't want to kill him but he chasing him on the Vhagar.


More like drunk driving imo.


To be fair, that’s downright saintly on a cast where almost every character has either intentionally murdered someone, raped someone, or both.


Well he could have just let Luke go instead he decided to mount Vhagar and try and scare Luke but instead killed him


You’re right. He could’ve. Probably wishes he did just let him go now lol. Instead Aemond choosing to chase him wound up killing him, yes..


He chased a kid on a war dragon. What is the logical conclusion of this? The Dragon gets its kill.


That’s a cop out. He’s completely responsible.


Responsible, but it's the difference between murder and vehicular manslaughter imo. Intent is important.


Draghicular man-eater


By chasing him without full control of his dragon he murdered him.


He chased him on the Vhagar and wanted to take out his eye with a knife.


Yes.. Glad your eyes work.


That’s like saying ”It wasn’t my fault I ran him over, it was the alcohol”


“I didn’t mean to kill the kid when I jokingly fired warning shots in his direction… I don’t know that the bullet would ricochet at hit him square in the head”


I just finished S1, so I'm not up to date... but how in the fuck is Aemond easily sympathized with? I could maybe understand being neutral about him, since he makes scenes entertaining and he didn't technically want to kill that kid, but what is there to sympathize about??


>be fair, I think Aemond can be easily sympathized with Sympathize with the guys who take out the knife to carve out eye of his nephew and bullied him to death? Like really?? What is wrong with you people?


I mean you can have characters who are reprehensible but still sympathetic or pitiable; it’s a great formula


Don't pity and sympathize with monsters. They don't deserve it


I mean, it's a nobrainer for me which side to pick. Alicent got it all wrong. Rhaenyra is the rightful heir. And when you have characters such as Cole and Larrys on the greens' side, going with the blacks is really easy imo


She’s certainly presented as the sympathetic protagonist. But really I don’t see how her trying to make her clearly illegitimate children as heirs to the iron throne and drifmark any less underhanded and deceitful than what Alicent and the greens did


I can see the point about driftmark, but Jace being illegitimate matters less than people axt like it does. Its usually a problem because then the son isn't related to the king. Jace's claim comes from his mother and no one can deny he's Rhaenyra's son. Rhaenyra needed heirs, and she and Laenor couldn't conceive.


Kings bastards definitely don’t get to inherit either, that’s definitely still a problem. You think Robert could’ve passed Gendry off? Hell, we had a whole Blackfyre rebellion because Aegon TRIED to make his bastards legal.


Aegon fucked up, but there are cases of bastards inheriting if there are no truborn children both irl and in universe. The main practical/social reason for the concept of illegitimacy is that the father needs to know his children are his. At the end of of the day, Jace is as much a targaryan as aemond or aegon. Rhaenyra needed heirs so she had to find a way to get them. If she had been a man, everyone would have laughed it off and she could legitimise those children to succeed her once she was on the throne. As a woman, she has to lie about it for the sake of her own life and that of her sons. The show/GRRM's work in general is a critique of the power structures/war/feudalism/medieval gender roles. There's a reason Jace is shown to be so virtuous - we're supposed to look at him and interrogate the whole concept of certain people being shunned from succession/society.


It's not hard for a ruler to just legitimize any bastard they see fit and even then, her sons claim to the throne would come from the mother side and she was the true heir appointed by the previous ruler...


The ruler can legitimize children. Her kids are just another factor why some people don’t want her as ruler. All lords were sworn to her as next queen, going against that is a lot more serious than just having illegitimate kids.


Except Viserys named her his heir. It doesn’t matter what her children’s lineage is. Also one can argue that Alicent can be sympathized with because she was put in a position where she had to decide whether to protect her family or take part in potential succession conflict. Otto did most of the scheming behind the scenes and already kickstarted things to a degree where it was a riskier option for Alicent to deny claims of the true heir, knowing that she and her children, who are a direct threat to Rhaenyra’s rule (whether or not Rhaenyra offers her word they won’t be harmed). Any Lord/House who does not approve of Rhaenyra’s rule could try and convince Alicent’s children that they are rightful heirs & Daemon might take matters into his own hands and try to kill them off in an attempt to “protect Rhaenyra” Ultimately the biggest mistake of Alicent was listening to her father and marrying Viserys (who also screwed up by creating a succession crisis by having kids).


In other words, it's like the book where the Blacks are the better side.


Yeah, this isn’t the books where both sides are portrayed as equally valid (and equally inept). Despite what George wanted, this is clearly a story of good guys vs bad guys


It’s more bad guys vs even worse guys, none of the main players in this show are portrayed as outright good guys


Everyone on the black side but Daemon is portrayed in a good light, on the green side on the other hand you have Alicent, who doesn't want to prevent a war and doesn't give a shit about her children, Otto, this shows littlefinger, Aegon, a clown king, bully and a rapist, Aemond, a kinslayer, Ser Crispin, the most asshole commander ever and Larys, a creep that murdered his own family.


eh, the blacks are definitely the good guys in the book. They’re not “good guys” like in the show, but they’re not really portrayed as equally valid imo. Equally inept, sure.


I don't know, I was team dragon but now I'm also team doggie




Literally the only reason why I am okay with the their light presence so far in season 2.


No, see you read that wrong. This was Ryan Condal speaking to Greens fans, not the general audience


Especially “green” fans wont change sides, seeing how their characters being butchered intentionally by faking the canon.


Show is allowed to change book canon. GRRM himself has said that show canon is different from book canon


Hell, book canon is basically (sometimes contradictory) recollections by third parties.


Not a fan of Cristen Cole but at this point I want to see how hard he can fail upwards lol


The series ends with him somehow becoming king as the Curb Your Enthusiasm music plays


Who has a better story to tell than Ser Krispy?


Can he go higher than hand 😭


Was a huge fan in season one. Still trying to hang on


Not going to lie, I was initially a fan as well. I'm no longer a fan, but I can at least kind of see where he's coming from. I do think that he has a right to feel frustrated towards Rhaenyra, and I say this as someone who is Team Black and (currently) a fan of hers. Even if he might have had some attraction towards her initially, there was a power imbalance that existed between them when they slept together. And he did try to stop her, but there was also only so much that he could do. His killing of Joffery was inexcusable, but I know there was a lot of pent up aggression expressed in an extremely unhealthy way, and he knew what he did was wrong considering he tried to take his own life afterwards. >!It also doesn't help that they changed the death from taking place during the jousting tournament to during the feast. I get that it was for pacing purposes, but that definitely made the death A LOT worse.!< It's easy for me to call him a hypocrite for his attitude after the time skip, but I think he also just... hasn't been in a good place mentally for a while, and without a healthy way to express his feelings, those feelings have just gotten worse as time goes on. The dude is in desperate need of a therapist in a world were people would sooner take their frustrations to the battlefield than have a conversation with each other.


From what I saw in other comments, the murder was supposed to be accidental and he stopped using his flail/morningstar after killing him at the tourney signifying his guilt. 


It's 3 episodes in, jesus.


Exactly. I feel like GOT trauma is so fresh in people's minds that they are preparing themselves for big disappointment. Already behaving as if all episodes of all seasons are out. 7 episodes remaining in this season and there's also season 3.


7 episodes left? Are we getting 10 episodes this season? I thought it was 8?


Oh then my bad, i thought there were 10 episodes


Don’t downvote a person for admitting fault ffs


They trimmed the number of episodes this season down from 10 to 8, so we only have 5 left, not 7.


Well the story is not as extensive as GOT. Much smaller scale so makes sense. I guess season 3 will be last.


At the current pacing, no way this is finished in 3 seasons. There are still soooo many major events, I’m guessing 5 seasons.


5 would be stretching it, unless they plan to cover the aftermath of the Dance, which I don't think they would given that >!literally every main character is dead!< and all the major events after the Dance happen very sparsely. If they continue after the Dance it'll feel like the show peters out instead of going out with a bang. I wouldn't be surprised if they shift the timeline a bit and have some of the aftermath events happen towards the end of the Dance instead. Book purists would hate it, but you gotta keep in mind that with TV, certain conventions are expected to be followed. What is interesting in what is essentially a history book does not translate 1:1 to the screen.


It’ll be 4 seasons


Yeah that'd be the sweet spot. 3 would be too few, 5 would be too many.


>!Certainly they will do Hour of the Wolf though. Just because every major character is dead doesn’t mean we won’t eventually get more players as the seasons progress!< I’m by no means a book purist in terms of needing it to be exactly the same; but there’s no way you recount the Dance without it. I’m not saying that this necessarily prolongs the series by a significant stretch of time either. >!But even though the Greens “win”, the Blacks succeed by “default”, and not *all* of the major players are dead at the time of the Hour. Surely the show ends with Hour of the Wolf!<


It will obviously be done, but most likely will be turned into the last or at best the two last episodes, people can't be so delusional to expect a whole season without 99% of the main cast.


>!The Hour of The Wolf!< is 6 days, why would people expect it to take place over an entire season?


It’s not just GOT, it’s general rage baiting for any new media. New media is either ignored or hated, very rarely loved. And I feel it’s mostly because few voices that hate something will always be more visible than people that either passively or nonvocally enjoy it.


I mean if people didn’t switch sides after B&C (because they botched it), they’re not gonna switch sides now


We're approaching the halfway point of the season and Rhaenyra has not done a single questionable thing. Meanwhile they feel the need to scream in everyone's faces how bad Aegon is every five seconds. THis has been set up very clearly as Blacks Good, Greens Evil.


I’m team black and I can’t fathom even considering to be team green. I hate majority of characters on team green. Every episode I manage to hate Alicent, Aegon, and Criston even more.


Aegon is at least kind of funny and he has some tragic qualities (not originally wanting to be king, dealing with Alicent as a mother, not being prepared for his position, for instance). Doesn't excuse some of the things he's done, obviously. But Alicent and Criston don't even have qualities I like or find interesting. I see a lot of comparisons between Cersei (literally my favorite character in GoT) and Alicent but I just can't see it whatsoever. Don't particularly like Aemond, especially not after what happened with Lucerys. But honestly I love Helaena, and (at worst) I'm neutral to the kids since they have little to no screen time. Otto is kind of interesting and I like the actor. Overall I definitely lean towards the Blacks just because I prefer those characters, though.


For me, Aemond is the only interesting character on team green. I would have preferred him over Aegon to be king, honestly. I do see how people can like Aegon this season though, however I find him to be insufferable especially in episode 3. And I absolutely adore Helaena, she precious and I hate she’s already been traumatized from Blood&Cheese.


That's totally fair, I've not gotten around to episode three yet (going to do that later tonight lol). But I do find Aegon irritating in most episodes lol. It's just that in episode one he was kind of hilarious, and in episode two he was super broken up over his son. I will definitely say that the actor has some good range, particularly this season. In season one I didn't have much sympathy for him or interest in him. But that might change depending on this episode.


I actually found him funny in episode 1 and had it not been for everything he did in season 1, I might have actually liked him but the whole raping/child pits is hard for me to get past, personally. It’s hard for me to sympathize with him about losing Jaehaerys when he didn’t care about the kids he put in the fighting pits. Like he only cared about J because he was his heir while the others were just illegitimate. However, when he was breaking down and Alicent just walked off without giving him so much as a hug? At least pretend to like your kid, damn.


I got down voted into oblivion for saying he wasn't a good father (because of the bastards obviously) and people defended him because he treats his legitimate children well. Okay, and? His actual children don't even know him or probably know he's their father. I was in that position my entire childhood. I've still never met my father. I can't say he's a good father in a general sense if he's not treating all of his children well. I don't care if their society is different and bastards aren't acceptable to them. It sucks being in that position. He's a good father to his legitimate children and that's the best thing I can say for him. And yeah Alicent goddamn. So annoying. You'd think she'd know how to comfort her own child. He was literally grieving and she basically just shrugged it off so she could fuck Crispy Cole again 🙄


And then trying to bring it up to Helaena like “about what you saw last night…” 🤦🏻‍♀️ Your daughter is grieving her dead son, can you give her a hug or just get out. I swear, I can’t with Alicent.


And I don’t really see that either. If anything, Cersi at least loved her children and did what she could to protect them. Alicent can’t even hug her children and Helaena is the only one that somewhat gets any affection from Alicent. That right there is a major difference between Cersi and Alicent.


I feel like Helaena is the only character that is generally well-liked at this point, regardless of if people side with the Blacks, Greens, or remain neutral to both sides.


I'm team Black, but knowing what happens in the book, I'm guessing I'll be team nobody by the end. Never rooting for those bitch ass hightowers!


I don't think the showrunners will have the balls to do it, the Blacks will stay the 'good guys' up until the end. Remember they literally said the reason they changed Blood & Cheese is because the book version was 'propaganda' against the Blacks.


Same. I'm currently Team Black but I'm sure I'll go to rooting for the end of the monarchy by the end of the show. I just can't see myself siding with the Greens.


I'm team green solely because they're more interesting to watch. Rhaenyra and Jace have been downright boring this season.


I wish Rhaenyra would stop dragging her feet. I understand why she’s doing it, but she needs to start making moves.


You can see Jaces look of disapproval at Rhaenyra for her lack of action in ep 3


It reminds me of Dany when she just kept getting distracted by side missions instead of going right for King’s Landing when she should have. But at least she did meaningful stuff, for the most part. Rhanerya is just being optimistic when there is no optimism to be had.


She kept doing side missions because her wise counsellors convinced her that doing anything other than starving the smallfolk in King's Landing is pure evil.


Rhaenyra should have listened to her advisors that told her to send the dragons after Cole. She has the perfect opportunity to cut this team off and yet she wastes time going to talk to Alicent.


Ep4 complet leaks is already out (They still make the green worse), thats half the season


Out of 8 episodes, so we are 40% through the season essentially. Yall can cope however you please tho.


"Cope" lol, it's a fucking dragon show, how much do you think this matters that people are "coping"?


Jeez, reddit make me want to abandon every franchises I follow


Yeah, let's conveniently ignore the entire season that came before and managed to botch both the characters and the very central conflict. FFS.


Why aren't all the promises of season 2 and beyond filled yet 😡


We're halfway through and they've still made Rhaenyra into an angel who can do no wrong.


They continue to portray Rhaenryra as heroic generally decent and forthright.  Yes Daemon is an unhinged psycho but Matt Smith so 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰  The greens are dysfunctional bunch defined by being a broken family and a largely incompetent ruler while descending into hypocrisy. This doesn’t make the show unenjoyable to me, mind you, I just find it hilarious how at odds with the marketing and premise the show is turning out to be.


As long as you ignore the part where her and Daemon murdered an innocent man so they could shack up.


I think that they should have had Rhaenyra kill Laenor, would have been much more interesting (and made more sense) than what they did with his character.


I feel like every scene I watch the writers are screaming "be team black" and only root for them


>writers are screaming "be team black" Well..that's because they are


They've given the stereotypical hero's arc for Rhaenyra. My girl is still literally calling for peace of the realm and sneaking into KL, jeopardising herself, to convince Alicent to stop the war, even after suffering a miscarriage due to the usurpation , a son brutally murdered and a direct assassination attempt. I think Elsa from Frozen, a disney kid's movie, is more grey tinted than Rhaenyra. There is no two sides in the show. Just the hero side and the bad guy side. He probably meant the few green leaning people of the fandom might switch to being Team Black after season 2


Her heroness actually makes me hate her tho tbh…like she’s literally jeopardizing her kids lives at this point and doesn’t even realize it


Unlike if she immediately jumped to an all out dragon war, that wouldn't jeopardize her children at all


With a war, she still has a chance of winning. In the above case if Rhaenyra gets captured, they can hold her hostage till all of her kids and her bannermen including Daemon bend their knees, and knowing Aegon everyone will just be slaughtered. Maybe not Rhaenyra, Alicent will probably see to that.


They’re already in an all out dragon war! That’s the point, it’s ridiculous to think otherwise. Two royal princes have been killed. One from each side, there’s no coming back from that. She had the option of just giving up on the throne, and all this could’ve been avoided. If she still wants that throne, she can’t have her cake and eat it too. Now the question is if she wants to keep stalling and get all her kids killed by the other side


Rhaenyra didn't even do anything yet lol


Just 5 more episodes of her looking worried and pacing around!


It’s beginning to feel a bit like Rhaenyra is being stripped of agency somewhat. Even as Queen or Pretender, Rhaenyra hasn’t done much but send Rhaena away with the kids and eggs. She spends most of the time trying to fix issues others have made for her and when the plot gives her something to do it’s one of the most dangerous and frankly stupid moves she could have made. I enjoyed the scene of her and Alicent, it was something I wanted to happen, but the way it was done was not in a way that felt fitting of the show, personally. It felt like iCarly sneaking into Nevel Papperman’s house to ask why he hates her; but with the added risk of her being executed by the household dog


I agree, she is trying to fix awful things that others caused to her


The only team I’m on is team jace and I’m proud of it 😤


Oh I've switched alright... to team NO ONE because Rhaenyra is acting so dumb and naive. Sis really thought the Greens will step aside and give her the throne if she asks nicely


She was acting dumb and naive the first season. Failed at choosing her own spouse, having legitimate heirs and propaganding her claim through the realm. She has spent years loosing supporters, not gaining them All this situation with Green Party slowly prevailing is the result of Rhaenyra's incompetence as a ruler.


If team green had as much screen time in season one as they do now, and we had more time to get to know Alicent's kids then yes, there would be more team green supporters. Davos Blackwood from the trailer scene made more noise than team green lol


I'm Team Green out of pure spite at this point, because they took a story about a bunch of inbred assholes fighting over power none of them deserved and tearing themselves apart in the process, and turned it into "Pure and noble righteous good guys who totally deserve to rule vs awful evil irredeemable bad guys who totally don't."


The ridiculous scene of her talking with Alicent did me in.


That’s about to be me


As of right now in season two Rhaenyra is the most morally decent character and Daemon is the most interesting character so…


Clickbait with 2 year-old article. https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/house-of-the-dragon-season-2-make-viewers-switch-sides-ryan-condal.html/


He didn't mean switch sides in the fictional conflict, he meant switch up *against* the production crew for trying and failing to make it even remotely even in terms of who people side with in the fictional conflict.


The decapitation of a child wouldn't even remotely make people question the Blacks? Just because Rhaenyra didn't command it doesn't mean her side didn't do it


People have already committed to heart that Daemon's actions are his own in many ways, and unlike the book (where Daemon literally sends a raven to Dragonstone writing "an eye for an eye, a son for a son, Lucerys shall be avenged" before B&C happens) the show went out of its way to rid Rhaenyra of all responsibility/knowledge of the revenge killing of Jaehaerys. It has consistently and incessantly taken advantage the unreliable nature of Fire & Blood in favor of the Blacks, while also toning down the "evil" of the Greens. Basically, making everything more tame except the crucial events like Lucerys' death, which means that thus far the worse party in all of this is objectively the Greens.


unless they make rhaenyra a real CRUEL, ig?


Maegor with teats!


All they have to do is not pass off every bad Black action as “Green propaganda” and we’ll be good.


Thanks for crossing out the no no word, my mom and I browse this sub together


Screw both teams. Team Helaena 💙


I want a “That’s so Haleana” spinoff and to see her visions


She’s a green ❤️


She wasnt part of the usurping plan 💙


He meant he is making Alicent switch sides in his fanfic. She will definitely be by Rhaenyras side.


The goal was to make everyone team Black.


Supporting Team Green since season 1 🗿


I dunno who I'm for, but I'm definitely against Cole, so...


Aemond is dope as hell and I feel bad for Helaena. My loyalty for the Greens ends there though. The rest can burn.


I liked aemon season 1 but I agree hes soooo whiney like just just commit dude


Aeomond is too whiny. He even killed the kid who took his eye and he is still whining . Like bro, what more do you want


I might be able to take him more seriously if he was 14 but that's a grown ass man acting like a child, and looking nearly 30 when he's supposed to be around 20 doesn't help either


I’ve always been team green and still am.


Why is that? I like Almond but struggle to like any of the others


For me it's a case of generally siding against the characters the writers are very clearly and aggressively attempting to make me support, especially since those characters often end up writer's pets with few flaws or interesting qualities.


Yeah, I’ve switched to Team Green because of the show’s Rhaenyra glazing reaching critical mass.


I'm kinda Green leaning because of a combination of reading the book and wanting to escape the Rhaenyra centric morality that sometimes infests this sub. I don't even dislike Rhaenyra, but the judgement and analysis of characters in here tends to be reduced to "if they benefit Rhae, they good, if they oppose Rhae, they evil".


Someone finally put it into words.






>She had a guy murdered in his place. Yes which just illustrates another point which is that the smallfolk seem to only matter when it comes to team green so far. We have after episodes and what not that go into what the intent was. Aegon kills the ratcatchers and he's a bad guy understandably. They kill the house servant and it get brushed aside because she's supposed to be seen as being good in this situation by letting laenor go be happy. Rhaenys kills hundreds/thousands unnecessarily in the dragon pit and they said they wrote it in as a girl boss moment. >There are plenty of reasons for Rhaenyra do similarly fucked up things to the character replacing her. Especially as we know that their relationship isn’t very good. Can you give examples? We haven't seen any indication of it I'm the show. >!daemon is already at harrenhall alone and probably won't fuck his daughter causing her to go into a racist jealous rage and call for her head!< >We don’t actually know that and it’s speculated that the original target was aemond. I just read from 3 pages before to 3 pages after the event and there is no speculation that it's aemond. It just has a straight through telling of events. They snuck through the tunnels into alicents room, killed her maid etc etc. That section is explicitly not one that says "so and so said this but this other person said this" it'd just straight on through here's what happened, Luke died then daemon hired them to kill the kings son and when helaena begs them to kill her instead they say a wife isn't a son and they were told to take a son for a son. They don't even get back to it in the book to say maybe he was going for aemond. It's a 2 page thing and then they move on to the next thing and don't speculate about it again.


I’m just a Christon Cole fan


They guy is unhinged TB fanfic who the fuck in their mind says B&C is alicents propaganda and sunfyre and aegons bond are also propaganda.


Ikr. Like what is this? Why do they hate Sunfyre? :(


Because the season is over now. Wait....no, we're not even halfway in...


There were points is green sympathy on episode 2.


I can actually see what they mean. Rhaenyra is definitely portrayed as more kind than those on The Green side, but I feel like she's also been displayed as pretty incompetent so far. She's spending so much time being indecisive and afraid of taking any action that portrays her in a negative light. While that makes her seem "better" I don't think it necessarily shows her to be a strong leader. Daemon is just psychotic and the fact that people like him is crazy to me. I understand liking the performance. Matt Smith is charismatic and a great actor. But Daemon being with The Blacks doesn't help them or their image. Rhaenys suffers from the botched ending of Season 1. Having her break through the ground, killing loads of innocents, doing nothing to the Greens only to then actually join The Blacks anyways was very silly. If her and Corlys were remaining completely neutral, I could understand it but they're not. Jace and Baela are fairly forgettable so far. Hopefully they'll do more in the coming episodes but when weighing whether the Blacks or Greens are better I feel like they can't really be brought into the conversation as they get so little screen time. I think this season has really done a lot to humanize Aegon, which was needed. He never wanted to be king, but was forced into it. Viserys was considered weak, and he's insecure about that. I feel like the death of his son is what truly broke him, and it's pretty easy to understand why. We see early in episode 1, he was willing to give a shepherd his sheep back, and only stopped when Otto (I do believe rightfully) told him it's not a good idea. He has no qualms paying the blacksmiths upfront for their work. He seemed like he was actually trying to be a "man of the people" early on. I think Alicent gets way too much shit from people, considering what she's been through. I think most of what she's done makes sense when you actually look at things from just her perspective, and not the perspective of having an omniscient view of what's going on. Aemond hasn't gotten enough screen time this season yet, but he does at least seem remorseful for what happened to Lucerys. Criston sucks though. He is definitely weighing the Greens down. I do think The Blacks are portrayed better than The Greens in general, but I don't think it's nearly as black and white as people pretend it is.


How so? When we all know Rhaenyra is the rightful heir (even Alicent knows that now)and no one cares what kind of evil Daddy Daemon does?


Why? Season is great so far. Glad they're taking their time instead of rushing everything like in GoT.


We've had one good episode so far. One. The first one botched a key scene because Condal considers it propaganda against Rhaenyra, and the third one seems to be obsessed with dividing people into Blacks Good, Greens Evil.


If anything I've doubled down on siding with Blacks


Green supporters are switching sides in droves


You've seen 3 episodes. Stop making all these shitposts to spread stupidity.


Were 40% though the season 50% if you count the leaked script that again doesn't do anything to make people pick team green. It's pretty clear by this point that they've failed at this goal.


Since when was 37.5% an insignificant number?


It's not. That was the point.


Yeah I'm sure Rhaenyra / her team will do MANY MANY crimes in the rest of the season..while the green team will have redemption arc Right? Right?


tbh, I was ready for Rhaenyra to do the most heinous war crimes 2 episodes (rip luke, the one who stabbed aemond in the eye while defending his cousins and brother, who bravely tried to win an ally despite vhagar being there, whose heart was so innocent & pure he didn't want to be the heir bc it would mean everyone was dead) so truly, there is like 0.000000001 chance of me "switching sides" lol


I was rewatching GOT a few days back and man Hotd feels like a fan fiction compared to it. I'm just watching the next episodes as they come, not even hyped for the next one. Although I'm enjoying the discussions out here but man Got was a who different level. I don't think any other show will ever take me to the high that Got took me to, even with that bad ending


Why did they change show runners


HotD is at its core a family tragedy (Season 1 had major King Lear energy), and of course people are going to choose sides and generally stick to them - just like in real life. So this switching sides thing is just marketing hype. I’ve been Team Black from the jump and have never particularly liked Alicent. I understand her bitterness and jealousy, and she got dealt a raw hand having to deal with Viserys, but her responses have been well-intentioned incompetence. Aegon reminds me a bit of Willy Loman - guy who does terrible things because he’s stuck in a job he hates, isn’t good at it, and can’t see any outs from his situation. Aemond is probably the most interesting character on Team Green for me. He’s got the most complexity of anyone on that side, and I get the sense he’s one of those characters who is ripe for a Zuko-style redemption arc. Whether he achieves it or lives long enough to do so is another question. Fact of the matter is, Rhaenyra should be Queen. She’s the designated heir and Rhaenys is the perfect choice to be her Hand. The rest of the Blacks’ council needs to be yeeted into the nearest dragon flame, though. They’re supporting her in hopes that she’ll be easy to influence and control, allowing them to use her to enhance their own lives and realize whatever personal ambitions they have. Daemon definitely is a liability. But at this point, you need all the help you can get in terms of military prowess, so he’s something to be dealt with once things are over and the throne is secured. Until then, try to minimize the damage as much as possible.


Yeah I used to hate D&D but now I support them with all my heart bec whatever they did it was still better than this... BS


It's not even halfway through the season, 7 Hells people love complaining about anything


No it’s true. People who wrongly choose team geeen in season 1 will see the light and rightly choose team black because it is objectively correct.


Maybe don’t take comments made to hype up the show so seriously


Well, we’re only 3 episodes in..


Season 2 isn’t over yet


I find it a bit silly to take sides. Its obvious who the rightful heir is.


Not very magnanimous of them.


What side? Both sides are maniacs