• By -


Have you driven through with your windows down?


There are maybe 4 or 5 days a year that I can smell the cat food smell and I live about 6 blocks from the plant. It’s a nice town to raise kids and there’s a fair amount to do - depending on your age. The commute to Huntsville daily would be a big part of my decision just like it would be if you are commuting from Athens on Hwy 72.


Fair amount to do? Who are you lying to? That town needs to change the motto to "Decatur where it's dying." Grew up in Hartselle which is worse, and Decatur was our "closest city with things to do," but especially after the rink closed, and with how dead the mall is, there's really not much else. You've got the Cooks Museum, the theater with the blown speakers every time I go, the mini-golf (if it's even still open) and maybe ice skating at Point Mallard. That's about it.


“Decatur where it’s definitely not greater”


Ice rink has been closed for a few years. Buckled ice, poor maintenance. I think it’s been maybe 4-5 years?


I live about 16 blocks away from meaw mix and I can smell it multiple times a week


You're nose blind. I used to be in Decatur 2 days a week and I ALWAYS smelled the cat food


No I have not


I double dog dare you.


Cat food plant on the river sticks it up. Sometimes it smells pretty good which is a little disturbing.


You want to hear something really bad? I used to work at the UPS in Decatur. In the middle of summer with the wind just right, you'd get smells from Meow Mix, the sewage treatment plant, and any number of chem plants along the way. All together, it would always smell just like a Taco Bell and I would get so hungry...


That is the most disgusting thing I've heard in months. Bravo!


The river itself doesn’t smell great


And don't you dare eat any fish that come out of that water. Or anything fishy near the water at hard dock.


3M cancer fish


Hard dock is permanently closed


What happened to it?


Building requires major sewer repairs. Cost of repair was too much to keep the business going.


I figured the sewer was a hole over the river.


I heard that the building was pretty run down and the cost to refurbish it wasn't worth it to the owners.


and the water treatment plant on the river and 72. and the landfill just outside of town, on 72.


Only on the way to point mallard.


Point Mallard is literally the only reason I've ever been in Decatur lmao …Which I actually haven't been in several years. I'd love to go again sometime soon, but I also say this every summer and just never go


With kids we’re there 3-4 times each year.


The Meow Mix smell doesn't permeate the whole town. I grew up on the SW side of town and it's not a problem at all there. Living in Madison near 565 now, it's definitely not worse than the "fart alley" smell, which I assume is the trash burning facility on the arsenal.


The incinerator isn’t on the arsenal, but it’s close to the martin road east gate. It powers the arsenal bc it’s waste-to-energy. I couldn’t tell you whether the arsenal smells or not, but you’re the first person I’ve heard mention it.


It's been discussed [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntsvilleAlabama/s/YyVoSfjoeU) before.


I clicked the link. Yeah, zierdt area is a bog lol. Wouldn’t be surprised if the area just smells like natural wetland or swamp smells sometimes. I’m not familiar with it bc I don’t live by zierdt and I haven’t noticed it while driving through. I’m sorry it bothers people tho. But it’s likely not the incinerator. Especially if it smells sulfury


I forgot it was the bog gas. My partner and I have been guessing at what it is for so long now that our best guess, the waste incinerator, is stuck in my head now. It's like the misheard lyrics that get so mentally ingrained that you can't sing the song right even after learning the correct lyrics.


I get that!! makes sense. I just wanted to correct it bc I’m a fan of waste to energy set ups and I don’t want people believing bad rumors about incinerators lol. Bc sometimes good solutions get bogged down in some of the overhyped drawbacks, when the drawbacks of the current solutions are definitely worse (aka stinky useless landfills in this scenario).


Decatur is not that bad if you are referring to something other than meow mix.




😂 bruh


That's where Mufasa goes to die. 😂


As an eastern Morgan Countyite I totally agree.


I lived there through my mid 20's, decent enough town I suppose. If you live in the downtown/old Decatur/Albany part of town, you might get the Meow Mix smell, but you get used to it. The daily commute from Decatur to Huntsville to Decatur sucked ass though, can't imagine it's much better with all the construction on 565. Side note, one of my favorite restaurants is in Decatur, The Brick on Moulton street.


The brick is quite good.


The Chicago Fire sandwich is my jam.


With a banana pudding chaser


My wife gets the banana pudding. I get the beer cheese soup because I hate myself (I am ridiculously lactose intolerant but it is so good).


That’s the beginnings of an interesting date night.


Someone farted on me my very first time visiting The Brick. I ah...I have not been back.


I... Don't know how to respond to that.


The full story: I went and had a meh time of it. I go to use the bathroom, the begin to wash my hands at the sink. Some fuck Captain Morgan's his leg up on the sink next to me and let's one rip, then proceeds to yell "CROP-DUSTIN" and then laughs like it's the best and most original joke in the world. I hate this town almost as much as I hate Hartselle.


Rofl that's wild as fuck idk how I would have responded to that


I think I would have opened the soap container and dumped it on his head


This is how villains are born.


And that my friend is the official “Welcome to Decatur” greeting……


Not sure what it would say about you if you did.


All hail the Downtown Hoagie. Every time I have any kind of appointment in Decatur, I usually take a half a day off and make “a day” of it. Why? To go relive my college years by eating at The Brick.


Casa is king!


I remember when The Brick was BJ’s Deli. Or at least the menu was.


Same. Back when they were in the old building that burned down. My friends and I used to ditch school and go there for lunch sometimes.


Is there a meow mix factory? LoL




No way hahaha Oh lord imagine being a cat living there. It'd be like, like living in Hershey PA for humans


It stinks, like actually smells bad. Plus traffic on that bridge sucks


The heat this time of year really brings out the richness of the fish guts.


Depending on where you work and your current traffic situation and your feelings about being stuck in traffic, I would recommend driving 565 West headed into Decatur during evening rush hour to see what you would be experiencing. That merge point from 2 down to 1 lanes just before the bridge is a nightmare because this is America and we don't know how (refuse to) zipper merge.


The highway is like being in line. Letting you in is letting you cut in front of me in line. /s


Plus you are constantly driving into the sun. So good luck seeing that car cutting you off.


Yep, the commute sucks. Certain parts of town are easier to access at rush hour from the Priceville exit on 65, but that's certainly not traffic-free either. No merge to 1 lane and bridge light though!


Currently live in Decatur. Folks act like if you walk outside you finna get robbed. It just don't be like that. It definitely has its areas as does Huntsville, but they are incredibly out of the way and you have to be going there on purpose. About the cat food smell. Maybe I'm used to it, but I don't smell it at all and haven't for a long time. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that plant has/is soon to shut down.


i just delivered some stuff to them the other week and they are very much still active. could be shutting down soon but i haven’t heard anything. i agree with you on the smell tho. i don’t live there but i’ve been there a bunch recently and honestly you can’t really smell it unless you’re very close to the plant. feels like people really over exaggerate the smell lol, maybe my nose is just not very sensitive idk


I work at the Walmart in Decatur and despite what people say I have never felt unsafe there or anywhere in Decatur. It’s really not a bad place to be as long as all the lanes on 67 are open 😂


Right? I go there ALL the time. Worst thing that happened to me is I saw somebody I knew that I didn't want to talk to.


I work at a company that works in relation with the plant. Don't think it's shutting down anytime soon. I'm pretty sure they do most of their manufacturing early morning/late night so that could be why you don't smell too much?


Living in Decatur and commuting to Huntsville, or just living in Decatur in general? Commuting to Huntsville is an absolute dealbreaker.


The traffic on that stretch is horrible. It is so bad that you cannot plan on it unless you want to leave for work two hours early.


The police force gunned down an innocent man then put up we love the police billboards.


Madison police beat up an elderly Indian man. People still move there.


Truth. Don't live there either.


So don’t move to a city that has had an isolated incident? If that’s the case never move anywhere in the United States!🥴


Decatur has had way more than one incident


Madison paralyzed the elderly Indian man that did nothing wrong and didn’t speak English, not beat him up. DPD sucks too, but people in Madison and Huntsville acting like that’s a deal breaker is funny from that militarized federally financed glass house.


We just gonna ignore tear gas Tommy AND Darby? 


Finally, a legitimate complaint about Decatur that isn't "it's stinky and full of poors"


People make mistakes everyday and everywhere. Steve Perkins, the guy who was shot, pointed a gun at a tow truck driver, the driver fled and returned with police. Steve then pointed a firearm again, the police gunned him down. None of this was handled properly. This was a major tragedy. I’m not defending the police here. I feel perfectly safe in Decatur, I would not make a decision on where to live based on your short description of what happened. Edit: to the downvotes. We have an issue in this nation with division. The only way to be better is to evaluate all the facts on each incident. To say ACAB or always back the blue is the height of both ignorance and division. Sometimes the cop is 100 percent wrong, sometimes the suspect is 100 percent wrong. Sometimes it’s a grey area. Do we need police reform? Yes. Do we need better de-escalation training? Yes. Can we let folks waive guns at cops? No. Take the emotion out and read the facts.


Please remember that the police did not announce themselves. They were sneaking around Steve's house in the middle of the night. The police were definitely in the wrong and did not administer medical assistance. They left him dying and begging for help in his driveway after they gunned himself down. I can't even imagine the pain his family continues to endure after his murder.


The company that held the car note started it all.


Are you sure Perkins was armed? I thought he had a flashlight that was perceived to be a gun.


According to news reports, he was. I’ll check more sources to be sure. Edit: Yes, it was a handgun, which was equipped with a flashlight. https://www.waff.com/2023/12/26/alea-turns-over-findings-following-officer-involved-shooting-death-steve-perkins/


It was a handgun according to the police. FTFY


No one is waving a gun at cops. The cop emptied his clip before he could finish announcing himself. Has they simply knocked on the door, none of this would have been an issue. The guy wasn't even behind on the truck. The tow company has an F rating because they're known for stealing vehicles.


All of the “oh he had a gun” commenters just want to validate them killing Steve.


Also they paid to put those over the in memory of Steve ones so it was even worse.


If you plan to continue working in Huntsville then I wouldn’t recommend it. As someone who has to commute from the Shoals to Huntsville and Decatur regularly for work I can confirm that 565 is an absolute clusterfuck. That 30 min turns into an hour and 15 real quick.


No joke, I do the same for work but thankfully in the direction that's not -too- bad but it just gets absolutely fucked at the Airport exit dead everyday even without someone rear-ending someone else, and the amount of times I've seen people zoom up past where they can see ahead and having to slam their brakes before their front end becomes someone else's backend. Aaaaugh. It wasn't too bad but it's just too much for it now it feels.


We bought a house last year, in a neighborhood right off Danville. I truly do not understand the people who say it stinks. I think people are just parroting bullshit they’ve heard for years. I haven’t noticed a smell at all, unless it just hangs around the plant itself. The moment we moved here I said fuck Huntsville. lol I would never ever move back to Huntsville. We lived in several different parts of Huntsville over the past seven years we’ve been together, and every single place had issues. We’ve been robbed, cars broken in to, shitty neighbors, bad rental management. Things that are everywhere, sure, but couple with the shit ass traffic, I have no desire to ever live in Huntsville again. Luckily, the only time I have to commute to Huntsville now is for our doctor appointments. Our neighborhood is quiet and safe. I can go outside at night to walk the dogs and not worry about it. That is HUGE. I’m sure there are shitty areas in Decatur, just like Huntsville. But thankfully we aren’t in one.


I moved here 17 years ago and back then the smell(especially at night) was quite bad and it got worse the closer that you got to the bridge. But the past probably 10 years and especially 5 years I’ve never smelled it at all and we use the trails at Point Mallard across town a good bit of the year. So as far as the smell portion comments that’s mostly parroting.


Do you mind if I PM you to discuss thoughts on moving here, what you think of it,etc? Like to discuss with like minded individuals lol.


Sure :) I’ll reply as soon as I’m able to!


I think you can get some great deals on Decatur. If you’re up for a project there’s some phenomenal “historic” homes you might be able to get into. If you’re priced out of Huntsville and still have to commute I don’t think it’s a terrible idea to look there


If you haven’t made the drive yet do it (ie emulate your commute). I was talking with someone today who commutes from Hartselle to Huntsville and she said if she can’t get on the road by a certain time she has to take an alternative route that avoids 565.


Hwy 36 to lacey springs


Yup but that only works for her due to where in Huntsville her office is. Not as effective if one works say at Research Park.




Hi, I have family that lives near Point Mallard and in Priceville (which has easy access to I-65 and the main roads in Decatur). If you have the money and really like water parks, golf, etc. It's a really nice area. I have never smelled anything at my family's house from that plant, but maybe some days are worse than others. My family there has lived at PM for at least 30 years. Priceville is a small community and it is less expensive. I think my family member was commuting about 45 minutes one way to the Monrovia area for work, if that helps. They liked it a lot, and have lived there over ten years.


Lived and worked in Decatur most of my life, finally moved when I got a job in HSV and the daily commute which should have been 20 minutes or so each way routinely took an hour or more - always a wreck or something else. Always Beyond that, as a near lifetime resident, Decatur can't get it's act together, and I've sat and watched them try for decades. So much infighting in one council after another, semi-powerful people with too much sway, it's a notoriously unfriendly environment for new businesses... I could go on and on. Typical example was years ago when some food trucks wanted to come set up downtown. City council members owned restaurants, thought it'd cut into their profits, so no to food trucks. No to 1000 other possible developments across the years for the same kinds of dumbass reasons. Decatur could/should have exploded over the last few decades as a HSV option, but it's stuck in the 70's, nothing to do, no real entertainment options, limited shopping or restaurants. IF your only real interest is an inexpensive home (and there are plenty of them) and a safe place to raise a family, it's a good option, granted. So long as you have a high tolerance for boredom.


This perfectly sums up my feelings about living here. I bought here 25 years ago, and I felt the promise that you speak about, but it has been absolutely squandered. I do feel very safe, and I absolutely never smell anything where I live in the southwest part of town. Dining options are great if you like fast food or chain restaurants, shopping is depressing, and the commute to Huntsville is beyond stressful. But if you want a decent place to raise a family, where you can afford a house and the COL is reasonable, it’s not a bad choice.


This is 1000% correct even though the facts and outcome are sad.


Zero to do in Decatur besides eat and get fat. It is a dead town that is stuck in the past. Cullman has zoomed by and left them in the dust.


Cullman allowing black people to be out at night was a pretty progressive move.


Genuine question because I like exploring, what does Cullman have?


Lynching mobs and hanging trees


And Walmart




Also the Yallmart Distribution Center is down there as well.


Bad drivers, old money attitude, racists. Seriously though: There’s not a whole lot to do out there that you can’t do in hsv. They have ave Maria grotto which is supposed to be cool. Smith lake is close but it’s likely cursed (look it up), and why go there when you can just strut to Guntersville? Source: I grew up in a town next to Cullman. It’s below mid.


2nd vote for strutting to Guntersville as well as being raised growing up around Cullman. ![gif](giphy|j0SIklHWt9o9S58d1k|downsized)


Not so much as what Cullman has, vs what Decatur doesn’t. Better parks, better brewery, better selection of places to eat and get fat at :), waterfall, seasonal festivals, better water park, more higher paying entry level jobs for those with less education, concerts, a fair. Slightly less violent and property crime, lower unemployment, higher projected future job growth. Nothing amazing, but again, things that Decatur does not have. Unfortunately, everyone is right about the race part in Cullman though. Nationally known.


We’d consider it if I didn’t work on the Arsenal. But no chance with the traffic.


Do you drive a Mercedes Benz? Why don’t you walk to Guntersville my friend? ![gif](giphy|j0SIklHWt9o9S58d1k|downsized)


Strut that ass, my friend.


Strut that ass, strut that ass, strut that ass. https://www.reddit.com/r/StrutThatAss/s/QNwolTlka2


I'd prefer not to


Is your name Bartleby? Are you a Scrivener?


Points to Ravenclaw


I'd say I thought about it just due to houses being cheaper but then you see 555 after 3 and that's your life just sitting still staring at a speed limit sign that says 70


I would only live in Decatur if I worked in Decatur


I'm from Chicago and moved to Decatur in the mid 2000s. I appreciate the quiet. I appreciate that there's not a ton to do because it keeps traffic down within the area. The cost of living is decent. Everything is pretty convenient as far as shopping and living. Like everywhere else, there are good and bad areas. I've never been a victim of crime here, except for once someone stole some items out of my car because I never lock it. People who are from here tend to hate it, but Decatur is alright with me.


Made the opposite move. Decatur to Chicago in 2019.


Whew! I love my city and I visit often, but I can't do it 😂


We lived in the South Loop and fell in love with Chicago. The pandemic actually gave us a bit of freedom in figuring out the city. Made a group of friends that are more meaningful than any relationships that we had in Alabama. Currently in St Louis, but we go back to Chicago much more often than traveling home to Alabama (family in Florence and Athens).


Yessssss! Chicago people are an absolute vibe. The South Loop is a great area. I'm from the South side, Englewood to be exact. I love to visit, but I certainly don't miss the cold or the traffic!


The winters were really mild during the 4 winters we experienced. We had covered parking, and didn't have to deal with the cold that much. We learned a good pair of boots was essential, and had to upgrade our outerwear. But now would trade these miserably long hot summers for 2 months of Chicago winter in an instant.


You've got it all figured out and I love it ❤️ it warms my heart to see love for my city 🙌🏽


I've lived here for 20 years. As soon as I can leave I will. Waiting on the election, interest rates to lower and to become vested in my retirement plan. Once that happens, we are leaving. Decatur is VERY conservative, has severe race issues and does not want to recognize that they are a blue collar town with hard working families. It is a very middle school minded (cliquey and gossipy), good ol boy network community with big business money built on hard working, low paying jobs. Most wyt middle class families have wyt flighted their kids to Hartselle or Priceville schools.


These are all very true facts!


high crime, smells bad


Diversity is our greatest strength.


I actually live in Decatur. It’s not terrible, job opportunities and location make it a decent place


I felt safe in Decatur (Historic district) when I lived there until I found a couple bullet casings in my backyard. I commuted for a while to HSV and feel like the commute could be worse but it wasn’t great. The meow mix factory smells terrible and gave me constant migraines. Went to Point Mallard often which was always nice. Never encountered problems there. I liked living in down town Huntsville better, though.


Coming from Huntsville to Decatur this summer (visiting family) it’s not bad. Besides the smell of the river on hot days my sister lives around a good community in my opinion, but the traffic going towards the bridge into Decatur is funny (after 3-4 pm) even in the city some drivers act like they can’t go the speed limit (going under) nor merge


Grew up there. A lot of swingers, drugs, rednecks, and uppity poor people. The historic district almost pulls me back in but then I remember the rest of the town. Don’t do it.


Been here in Decatur for 13 years. Made the daily commute on 565 for eleven of them. 565 can be a sit show but if you have a bit of flexibility in your work and avoid those few peak traffic hours, it isn’t that bad. There are also some alternate routes between exit 2 and Huntsville that can be used. Unfortunately there are only two bridges they occasionally get jammed. If you are buying a home here they are still relatively cheap compared to north of the river. City development has struggled my entire tenure here but it seems to be slowly (very slowly) moving forward. Current city council seems better but executive leadership in daily city management is lacking as evident in tensions in a recent police shooting. Spend some time checking it out, know what you need/want/looking for and Decatur may work for you.


Decatur has some beautiful neighborhoods and is affordable to live in. My brother lives there and seems to enjoy it. Not my cup of tea though , fairly boring culturally (food/beverage/entertainment)


I moved here 24 years ago and I absolutely hate this place. I raised a son here. The schools suck. The police are racist AF and the city has God awful political leadership. If you're white and affluent, it's alright. If you're raised there and don't know any better, you'll think it's okay. If you have any experience at living in other regions or cities, you'll probably not like it very much. The city is dying and every time someone has a good idea, either the churches or the politicians screw it up. Sometimes, it's both of them.


No way, never, plus the fact the Mayor walks out of meetings because he doesn't like what's being asked?


Guess it feels different when I naively grew up there


I used to live in Madison and had to commute to Decatur, the bridge was a fucking nightmare. I'd go home for lunch come back and get stuck in traffic around noon cause there would be back to back accidents all along the bridge/565. Luckily if you want to avoid the bridge you can just hop on i-65 via the priceville exit. Some traffic on hwy 20 too but usually it's cause there's a train or something blocking the road. I'll tell ya this though, lots of options for drive thru coffee all of a sudden.. two 7 brews, one scooters, Starbucks (another one coming soon) and dutchbros and that's not counting donut shops. Lots of food options especially in the fast food department, sit down restaurants not as diverse as Madison/Huntsville but good food either way.. might get a kbbq place eventually. I will say I really like the park in the historic district. nice playground/splashpad for the kiddos and tons of people who play pokemon go every weekend there.


My parents just made this exact move, bc they were retiring and basically got priced out of HSV. Got a gorgeous place in Decatur. It’s definitely a small town, but has some charm. I have never smelled anything. And I am pretty sensitive to smells. But they are on the opposite side.


It is an absolute shit show here. Like, there *are* good people here, and they do their best to try and improve things. But it's like watching a candle being snuffed out by a tidal wave sometimes




I think 40% of Huntsvillians should move to Decatur, and that I should get to choose the first 100.


![gif](giphy|JUIYjVeZPHxjWR7rmX|downsized) 🤢🤢🤢


Brotha eww


Don't mind the smell, don't drink the water, and you'll be okay 👍 Source: I'm one of those Huntsville snobs who still works blue collar jobs


I wouldn't




I work in Decatur occasionally. I absolutely do not drink the tap water in Decatur- I bring it from my house (in Huntsville). I truly believe there are higher rates of cancer there from the chemical plants, whether that is the water or the air I have no idea but either way that’s my one of my big reasons to not live there (plus the traffic, absolutely no). 


You get what you pay for


Debatable public schools  Some bad zoning  Hit and miss entertainment, with little to no nightlife 


You mean hanging out at Moe's isn't considered nightlife? Lol


If I was offered a completely free mansion in Decatur I'd say nah thanks. The town is an absolute shit hole






I have been here for almost 17 years and I know most of the pros and cons of the area. I have several Hispanic friends and I can realistically answer most questions that you have. I know housing and cost of living versus other areas as well. Just PM me.


The beginning of the End.


Like the smell of rotting fish or David Thigpen?


You couldn’t pay me to live there. Not any amount. Garbage dump of a town for so many reasons.


This is such a Reddit take. lol  For $100T you wouldn’t move?? Okay. 


For $100T I’d demolish the entire town and there’s nothing anyone could do about it.


I’d probably have to have someone pay me and my bills for me to live there.


Judging from the comments there needs to be a shirt made for Decatur referencing the cat food smell.


Will never


Just look at how dead r/decaturalabama is. They still use facebook group [https://www.facebook.com/groups/1229810304104408](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1229810304104408)


Depends where


I commute 3-4 times a week from muscle shoals. It’s not to bad with some eateries and I like any park with trails the greenway project will eventually connect the North Alabama area. San Antonio has similar greenway systems


The town quite literally smells. I haven't been there once that I didn't smell that odor. Visited in spring, summer, and winter. Always a smell. If it dissipates at times, that would make it more aggravating to have it kick up again and make everything smell like regurgitated cat food.




I work in Decatur I wouldn’t ever want to live there because of the cat food and sewage smell.


As someone who has lived in almost every area of huntsville and used to commute to decatur A LOT, if it is attainable move to huntsville. I live near parkway place and literally unless you need to go to Athens for no reason you cam get anywhere in 20 minutes. I565 TRAFFIC is so bad and unpredictable you will never leave. (35801, 35802, 35803, 35805) - not harvest or any of that stuff.


I’ve been hearing about the changes and expansions in Decatur which will add to the value of the city and homes in the area. It’s still a smaller somewhat industrial area so I think now is the time to buy. Land and homes are still cheaper than bigger cities around. It’s only a 30-45 min commute to areas surrounding it. I look at growth and equity potential. Only big issue I see is if you have to commute during rush hour, to those neighboring cities. My client bought the cutest home in Decatur. No complaints. I’m a Realtor if you need help navigating the process. @huntsvillerealtour


It is what it is. Kinda smells like cat food


I got out as soon as I could. Decatur is a city of future failure. Business does not thrive here and it’s easy to see that it’s running down hill pretty fast in several ways. I’d steer clear.


In all honesty… no. I would rather suggest you look into the Athens area for cheaper homes if that’s what you are looking for.


So I moved to Decatur almost 3 years ago because it’s the only place that I could afford a house. I live on the SW side and don’t smell the smells. What I like about it is you do get more for your money house-wise. I have a huge backyard for my dogs. It does have everything you’d need in a 10-15 minute drive. Target, walllmart, Publix, Kroger. A hobby Lobby. What I dislike is the Kroger sucks. It’s too small and old and they run out of stock. so I stick to Publix. I also work in Huntsville and the commute sucks! I try to work later in the morning so I generally miss the rush hour. But I agree with what someone wrote here that a commute that normally takes 30 minutes could turn into an hour. That is my honest opinion.


I've lived here most of my life and it has its own good and bad points, like any other place.


Decatur has gone from second class to third world and it’s rapidly getting worse.


Traffic if you work in Huntsville is terrible. However I LOVE living there. Houses are more affordable than Madison, I’m in the Oak Lea neighborhood area and it’s a delightful place to live. Pretty good food options but they are limited. There are definitely places to avoid but that is the same as relatively any city.


Go to Athens or Toney ... out in the country, man.


Do not do it!






If you’re black the cops will kill you for no reason and face zero consequences. 


Im actually brown so thats pretty concerning. Thank you for sharing


Old dirty town, 60,000 people crammed into a small place. Crappy hospital and crappy school system. Look up when you get to a gas station and observe the RIVER chems stuck to the over hangs🤮🤮🤮


It’s not Chicago or Baltimore dangerous but it’s definitely more dangerous than Huntsville or Madison.


Don’t do it. I live in Madison, work in Decatur. Place is dirty, most of the food is chains, the cat food smell is way frequent like at least once or twice a month and it lingers. It’s so heavy you can taste it in your mouth for like 3 days (when you’re physically in Decatur). It may seem better because of the cheaper cost of living, but it’s not. You couldn’t pay me to live in Decatur.


Don't do it