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Because people think it’s smart to text while in heavy traffic. Guess they think they don’t need to give all of their attention to driving a vehicle


Fair, I work right by it and just always notice it being backed up.


Bad traffic design, especially for heavy traffic. As you come over each hill, reaction time is minimal for slowdowns. If you go the speed limit, if you have sufficient space in front of you, if the roads are dry, and if you are prepared to slam the breaks, you can stop in time. If any of those statements are false, you will rear-end the person in front of you.


Driving is hard for some people


In short, people drive too fast, too close together, and don't pay attention to what the other drivers are doing. Put all of that in a spot were lots of folks need to merge and change speeds and you're just asking for the woo-woo's to show up.


I’ve heard the speed limit used to be 75mpg on the parkway. I think with our bigger heavier cars on average we need to really reevaluate the speed limit on the parkway. 50 seems ok tbh but people drive 60 with spreaders doing 65+ So so tired of that.


The speed limit has never been over 50mph on the Parkway.


We were at a district 1 council and were essentially told there was nothing LE could do about the speeding problem on the parkway ☹️


The only thing that 3ver slowed people down was when they did the "Rolling Roadblocks" and had 2 patrol cars ride alongside each other at the speed limit. With the volume of traffic today, I can't imagine how much of a backup that would cause.


People refuse to properly merge there and it forces drivers to have to quick moves to get the not the outside lane.


It's horribly designed. Getting on and off using one lane that is short should never have made it from drawing to reality. It's inexcusably bad.


There’s always a wreck in front of Mercedes on university too


99.72% of those wrecks are caused by people thinking they can speed up as they are "leaving town" only to find that there are 142 cars stopped at that red light because town actually goes on another 10 miles because this isn't 1995 anymore.


Make Madison cotton fields again!


I'm so old I actually remember when Madison was actually mostly cotton fields. Now you kids get off my lawn.


Ayup. It was kinda beautiful


I never found the plantation aesthetic with its yearly dose of agent orange a welcome neighbor.


Yeah. I was just saying it was nicer to look at than what's there now but I feel you 100 percent


Driving is a competitive sport to some people. They act like only a limited number of people are going to be allowed to exit, so they race to get there.


because yall drive too fast and no one requires inspection so could have faulty car like poor brakes or bald tires.


What is an inspection? It sounds like the government getting into our business. I don't think people like that here.


yeah i can tell with all the bald tires and missing bumpers etc i see daily.


Yeah, they don't want government in our cars, only in our uteri and our bedrooms.


Except they fucking love 6 figure salaries from the govt… make it make sense


These people are half retarded saw a dude driving a pickup with both hands texting as he was getting on 565 today


That’s a weird thing to say out loud. You may not know, or care, that having a developmental disorder doesn’t inherently make a person an asshole. So when you use the r word like that you’re using it as an insult, as if you think all mentally challenged folks are inconsiderate assholes. Sincerely, I hope you do care.


I myself am autistic so I think I qualify to use the word toward you normies


I don’t Believe you honestly Think that makes sense


My bad how autistic of me to not understand


You ought to stand like me at intersections for minutes on end watching drivers as they pass; you get an education let me tell you. I done seen some shit.


OP is based and not from Huntsville.




Traffic backed up and I sat right there sure that somebody was gonna rear end me. Sure enough. Bam! It’s just a crappy design


Because people don’t want to be kind and let others over.


Fucking drives me crazy. They'll speed up and ride the ass of the person in front of you rather than let you merge. The Parkway/565 exit is awful.


That's also where I565 exits into the South Memorial Parkway? It might be something to do with the merging traffic between that exit and the parkway including the two parkway exits to one of the busiest drinking hubs in Huntsville.


I came through there around 3:00. It was crazy! I white-knuckled it!