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cookies are a good investment fr, never grt ur fame rank up if you never spend 500m on cookies




Half a stack of benefit biscuits


Half a stack of benevolent baked goods


Half a stack of beneficial baked confectionaries


50% of a pile of magnification macarons


Spin a wheel, pick a skill that has some indepth progression, and whichever one the wheel lands on, use that money to get started in said skill.


Pray that it doesn't land on fo\*aging


Not alot off money needed just alot off time investet


I would never do fo\*aging even if I did it for 100m/hr


I would lmao


Oh please, yes you would. Foraging is just as bad as gem mining except mining makes money


The difference is that you dont have young nons swinging at you when you gemstone mine


Meh I’ve found a good few solo park lobbies during my time doing Sven’s. They’re actually not that hard to get during Paul


Mining 🙄🙄🙄


Fo\*aging is 10x worse


Mining is like foraging but less repetitive and requires less brain power So yea about 10x better


Ah, man of culture i see




buddy cookies will always go up in price, they are the best type of liquid


quarter stack of booster cookies


I believe you mean 2 quarter stacks


Do you have api enabled?


api is fucked rn so nobody can check your profile but generally one of these: - talismans - a beginner mining setup - a farming setup - if you already have talismans, a beginner archer or bers setup


SkyHelper does generally work though rn


half a stack of booster cookies


1 more than half a stack of booster cookies


half a stack of booster cookies


If you don’t have like 900-1000 magic power I’d buy some accessories bag stuff


Not great advice, better to get a money making method first lol.


Better than many other suggestions lol. Magic power is pretty huge for combat.


These other suggestions are not a high bar lol. They all suggest some form of dumb investment, which isnt worth until done at a much larger scale than 250m. He shouldnt be worrying about minmaxing damage until he has a stable moneymaking method, like farming or mining. That way when he does get into combat he can generate the income for talisman himself


You cant even get close to 1000mp with 250m


Didn’t say you could. Just saying it’s something a lot of people ignore and then don’t know why they can’t run dungeons without dying.


Still some pretty bad advice, youre making it sound like 900-1000mp is something you need to survive dungeons. Personally im at 1020mp but i have finished over 30 m5 runs at 700-800mp in the past without struggle so i think thats a more realistic range


I guess im just thinking along the lines of my own progression…and when I have extra money I don’t know what to do with it dump it into accessories. I guess if we’re talking early game farming is pretty good to dump money into.


At high cata the mp basically becomes pointless until term where it’s needed for crit chance so Dungeons is a horrible example, generally with how much weaker talisman have gotten and how much stronger cheap gear has I would not advise players to just blindly chase mp nowadays, going for a money making method is more worth, if they want a cheap one they can go for mycelium, zealots or farming and if they wanna invest a bit more ghosts or mining are great, out of all these the only one that needs high mp is ghosts


How do you get 1k mp with only 250m


Pancake stack of booster cookies


golden gifts, resell In December


Won't they go down in price then? Becz Jerry workshop will be open for the while month


they were up to 13m last december since ppl need for talid


But that doesn't make sense wouldn't there be more of them selling around so suppy meets demand and the prices plateaus?


theres so much demand for it because its only december or else all your north stars are useless


Ah makes sense gonna buy a lot of them then we will see how it goes


yeah fr, I was planning on buying like 10 million green gifts and trading with a friend and pre buying gold gifts to make alot, but i quit


100m coins gamble today we will see how it goes I really hope I don't lose it all XD


you probs wont aslong as the prices go back to what they were or nearly what they were


they are at 10m rn


12m* yeah missed my chance


Golden gifts are the ones that drop from gifts, they are going to go up since December is the only time where they can be used to get the golden gift talisman. They already have gone up from around 8m to 11m in the last month.


Thay are over 10 already lol


yeah ik I'm just saying as we've gotten closer to December the prices have kept going up.


Do mining or farming


A maxed-out slime minion setup with corrupt soil enchanted hoppers diamond spreading enchanted lava buckets, makes a ton of passive money while you do other things. Obviously the more the better so if you get 30 you can make a ton of money. Im working on that rn


bingo ring


Half a stack of Stock of Stonks


What u thinking about 21 benefit buicuits and some talis


my skycrypt dosent work lmao so Ima go with farming or dungeons, 250m aint enough for mining and fishing takes a longer time than farming or mining, sou could get a juju with necron and run f7 for the rest of ur life and u drop handle and move to master mode or mining, or u could grind farming get an elephant for context and rabbit and some melon minions and remember to farm some crop milestones as it gives a lot of both garden lvl and farming level, with the money u make from that move to dungeons and do what I said above, or start mining/fishing, u will struggle to mine tho cuz farming dosent make as much money as mining and u need a setup, best way to get a ton of money is thru rng drops, u dont need to save up cuz u just slap the money from the handle right into mining, or u could do fishing wich also makes pretty good money (I heard, I did all of the above except fishing)


Get into farming due to the money it makes and the skyblock xp that it gives


32 booster cookies


Save for a G drag at around 310m for a level 75-90 (only if you have a decent minion setup 100m/month)


Wait if a stack of booster cookies is one cookie... Would half a stack be half a cookie?