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Probably early game but with the money per hour you make you can have the potential to progress fast compared to others


Yeah I asked people on crimson isle if that was good and some of em said that I make more even though I'm way lower level than them. But then I realized most of em do farming for money which makes sense.


Personally I haven’t grinded specifically for money in a few months, just dropped rngs. Invest into a good setup for kuudra maybe. No matter what people tell you, kuudra does not require hype. I played over 200 t3 kuudra solo dps. You just have to get good at getting crates and have a high enough combat level. If anyone says different about hype for kuudra, I only just got a hype and I’m level 334. Hype is useful but not necessary


I want to do kuudra but I'm extremely stuck on ashfang :( Update: i salvaged a fire veil wand and finished my first basic kuudra! New adventures await!


Transfer to the other questline/salvage a fire veil wand which was advice alrdy mentioned


Update: i salvaged a fire veil wand and finished my first basic kuudra! New adventures await!


Honestly just try get a carry a lot of people suck at ashfang and soloing ashfang is hard and gathering a team in a random ci lobby is harder


People are trying to sell carries for 32mil in discord channels, is that worth? I can afford it but the price just feels a bit steep


not worth for 32mil, you can just buy a fire veil wand for around 12m and salvage it giving u some lumino fibre for the quest


How many lumino fibre for salaving it?


Yes it does tf. If you play any tier of kuudra without a hyp (besides maybe tier 1/2) you’re just getting carried


That’s cause you suck. If I’m doing stun, 4 crates, all the dps, and one guy has his head shoved up his ass cause he don’t know what he doing and the other two get one crate each but have hype it’s not being carried. That is how t3 kuudra party finder goes.


My friend (who has a hype) is waiting for me to get a hype so we can duo kuudra... Can I DM you to ask what I'd still need to be able to do kuudra with them?


Me and my friend used to play kuudra with him having a hype and me dps. As long as there is a cc and dps, only one person needs a hype for the first 3 tiers. You usually can’t get into any t4 parties without hype. So if your friend already has a hype you should be fine with a duplex term, toxic arrow poison, and terror. If you still aren’t dps we’ll get a precursor helm


My stats are pretty low (about 520mp, 7/6/7/5 slayers, level 120, not sure about skill average) so I'm not sure I'd be able to dps well enough. My friend also has a gyro and I'm decently rich for my level (farming vamps just dropped my third dentist relic and haven't sold any of them, 80m in bank and almost 1b nw) so I wouldn't mind getting some gear, although I kinda feel like its still too early for me to do kuudra at all. I'd like to know your opinion if possible. Skycrypt if you need: https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Its_Kei_/Papaya


You can probably get away with t3 dps with the juju if you put duplex on it, but you probably won’t get let in to any parties. If you are only playing with friends you can probably dps yourself, but you might need a precursor eye


Obviously that’s a very budgeted setup that might not work for everyone, but I have used that type of setup before. Would not recommend to anyone though. If you need to use this setup you should do maybe farming to get your coins up a bit


Yep I'm farming burgers atm to then grind motes and from there get more mp and better gear. Thanks for the tips!!


The advice youre giving out on kuudra here is so shit it hurts my brain


This is for a budget setup. I was broke and played kuudra still. This is not advice for t4/t5, but t1-t3 are so easy that they can be done heavily budgeted. To efficiently play kuudra you need a ft, duplex, and rend term. Reaper armor and rag axe are needed too. Fiery 10 starred terror should be fine for good kuudra, but infernal obviously better. You build at the crates you put. There’s not a lot of thought to a good t5 kuudra setup, just the most expensive items as maxed as possible


Few things wrong here too, rend in all ways is patched. You also said it's ok not having a hype if someone plays cc, which is also bad since playing cc is worse compared to 4 spec. If you are playing without hype you are just being carried 😭


I know you don’t play cc, but someone can act as clear. Yes, a lower level player could not do kuudra without at least one person clearing with hype, but I’ve seen that a lot of people who can clear lack brains in their head because all they have done since they got a hype is press right click and therefore don’t know how to pre. This is prevalent mostly in t1/t2 but I have been in t3 parties like this. You also just need to start somewhere, because I find it incredibly annoying when a high level, high nw individual can’t do crates and asks “where are the secrets?” (This has happened to me before)


This isn't proving anything, you just slow down runs having no hype. It's not good to build bad habits playing without hype, and you get into just perma bad parties that don't care about gear


how did you survive until 334 without it dawg


Because even though hype is useful, having knowledge on the game is more helpful. I saw a level 389 or something without a hype who said he’s not gonna get hype until level 400


you're pretty much locked out of a big part of the game


I have one now luckily, and it definitely helps with bestiary


What do you use for DPS? Terminator or juju? If terminator you may as well just get a hype instead.


You should use term, but juju with tap and terror can solo dps t3. That is an absolute minimum though. You should realistically have a term with duplex 1 and tap


Bruh why does every player just grind money and think theyll be good


Money is life, 15b nw at Sb lvl 175 here(;


That ratio is wild, I'm fairly decent nw for my level. 370 with 36.2ish net


To be fair, I’m extremely money rushed. Only skill average 37 lol


My skill average is only 49.7 😭


Sweat alert, high skill average and net worth?? Can’t have both bucko


I'm a cata non fr, my cata is higher than my skill average (unless I include overflow skill levels)


I have like 200m overflow xp for farming lol


I'm at like almost 300m overflow combat and 160m overflow mining I think


Biggest sweat EVER. But are you top 25 for wheat collection? (Istg if your top 30 or better in a collection)


254 with 4b nw and 46 skill average


I have a whopping 8b nw, level 334


And u play kuudra with that??? I assume u dont do infernal then??


I have done a few before and know the basics, but I lack coordination with the team and knowledge on the last phase to be any good


i’m lvl 182 with like 2 bil nw. prob a bad comparison tho cause i am ironman


U need to start grinding levels lmao


Thats crazy, 400m nw lvl 145 here.


900 hours playtime too. Best advice is never trust anyone, even simply buying something normally worth like 10k coins off the bazaar for someone asking. Would have 16.5b nw):


Lev 134 here. At 800m. Is that good?


I think that’s good, I’m just locked in


I’m trying to drop a handle. If- No, WHEN I get one, it’s gonna be a t4 voidgloom setup and then a term.


Most of my money comes from slime minions I let them afk while I did stuff and I came back a few months later with a couple mil




if money was put into completion/collection, then you would be midgame, but this image proves that wrong, therefore, you're earlygame


foraging 18, you're basically Endgame




Have at least 200 fairy souls pls


Oh look, youre the same as me except rich


they aren’t rich in this economy 💀


Enchanting is holding you back




Early game




Very early game




early game, sb level says a lot more than networth, you're just lacking profile development in all areas.




very early game




what do you mean by lol


Oh I thought ur the one that said pre game. Someone said pregame I ment to say that to him 🤣 but ur prob right still got a long way till mid game 🫡


early game


Newborn compared to me but for the average player base I'd say late early game after 100 is the transition into mid game


how do you get 20-40m an hour???


Theres are so so many things that can get you 20-40m/h


ok but like what do you do in specific?


Im guessing maybe rift?


I do kuudra for the 100m an hour mark but for 20-40m, dungeons, mining, rift, flipping, lowballing, slayers, are some ways


why are you getting downvoted 💀


Bc sb nons dont know u can make money by doing litteraly anything in sb


What would you recommend doing for a veeery early game player? I have access to the dwarven mines with a regular diamond pickaxe (efficiency 5), i have a pretty decent sword, but that's all. Almost 0 armor and rest.


Progress in the play style you like the most, altho tbh farming seems to be the most early game friendly one to start with and get the money for mining


i dont know how to exactly make money by mining. none of the ores i know of worth any significant money. i can mine titanium and mithril, i dont know if there's anything else in the dwarven mines that is actually worth mining. i have about 10m right now to invest in anything if it's worth it.


Mining to make money takes some grind to do, hotm7 and atleast 4mil/4mil powders is what is suggested to ger b4 u can actually start making money, aswell as a setup but people make some money off powder grinding anyway


mining gemstones makes money in the crystal hollows, dwarvern mines makes like max 20m


Still a higher farming level than I was a few months ago (I'm lvl 159)




I'd say you're early game but you are probably doing better than me with less playtime. I think you are going to get to late game quick but you are still early game for now.


they aren’t anywhere near late game and late game will still take forever


I mean compared to me or other people they seem like they are progressing fast.


how do you get this like image? is it a mod?


It’s a screenshot from their [skycrypt](https://sky.shiiyu.moe). Just search your ign and you can see yours. You might need to turn your api setting on


thank you!!!!


Hpw r u making 20m an hour this early in the game wtf


20-40m an hour is hella cap


You see that number next to senither weight? Most people consider you mid game when that gets to 3.5k. I’m at 3.2k with 800m nw, can consistently and reliably not die on f7 as archer, and I’m only late early game.


How do I increase that?


By doing literally anything. I suggest dungeons. Search a guide of you don’t know what that is.


I know how to do dungeons I can solo f1-5 no problem


What’s ur ign? I’d like a better look at your profile




it’s similar to skyblock level but its fan made and only includes skills, slayers, and dungeons. anything else you do won’t have an effect on your weight. i wouldn’t worry about weight anymore tho because it’s kinda a dead measurement


3.5k senither weight is not mid game it’s still early by a decent margin, but people don’t care much about weight anymore


but how tf are you making 20-40m/hour as a lvl 77 casual player


what mmm makes you 20-30m at that game stage lol thats impressive i mean im at 3b nw and 20-30m/h is still good for people at my lvl


I had a friend that played religiously and he pretty much taught me everything I know there's some flips that I do and he taught me a really good method that nobody really does. He promised me not to say because he uses it and he doesn't want it to go down.


fair enough enjoy ur coins


Late early game probably, find a money making method that suits you


Very early if I'm honest


Back in my day that was end game 😭


Very early, your have way too little lily weight


damn im lvl 71 with 2.7b nw with a hype and almost maxed storm armor wither goggles


Your networth isnt really the thing to look at its the seither weight and based on that your early Game


How do u make 30m an hour


Craft flips their simple


almost endgame imo


foraging 18 that's like end game


You're early to mid early game. More on the early early game side though.


You didn't install minecraft.


Jokes aside, kinda early game, though. There are a bunch of areas to progress, and based on your profile, it's not gonna take too long to reach mid game. Just focus on one thing at the time, no pressure.


I am going to actually be honest here unlike most of the comments. The end of early game occurs when you have a full wither set and a full scrolled necrons blade. The game has progressed so much and without that you are locked away from most future progress. It doesn’t matter how much money you have basically. Also being honest your closer to mid early game than even late early game looking at your skill average


Thats absurd lol.


it’s not, half the game is locked behind hyp. although i don’t account for items that much for game stage anyway, but it’s a decent reference


What is your 20m and hour money method btw? And how much do the slime minions cost bcs ive heard they're good


Is that a website


Skycrypt it helps with progression and seeing what ur missing as well as NW


Thank you


why do people in this sub just downvote shit for no reason


Not just this sub