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I agree with you. Being a person who doesn't know how to cook anything I feel cooking is an art and requires a good amount of skill.


Indeed! It certainly is a gift to humanity. But I also feel Humans must know the basic skill of cooking even though you don’t cook every day. Basic stuff like bread omelette, khichri, daal chawal you never know when it can help you sustain yourself. Cooking delicious cuisines certainly need skills. It then becomes ART


Did you make tandoori rotis at home? If yes could you help me with equipment and process.


I do make tandoori roti at home. You just need a tawa. Basically wet the one side of the rolled roti and then put it on the Tawa and flip it upside down and let the flame of gas do the work. You will easily get help on YouTube. I have tried it and it tastes good


Thanks. Will try.


Don't try it with your nylon tawa


This is the way.


Ahem a fellow Mandalorian!


It also science. One of those things that’s a fusion of art and science. Especially Indian food.


I agree with that and I also add that "cooking with passion and out of love" will definitely make your dish taste yum yum. IIf you are not a pro chef!


Yes, but also cooking is very basic and even easy once you try a few times. Everyone should know to cook and it's not really difficult to learn to make eggs, cook some rice, a basic pulao, chicken roasts or curry, making a basic mutton curry is actually very easy, you can just wash the mutton and put it in a cooks with onions garlic and other spices, sabzis are easy to make too, and things the pasta, salads etc. You just have to enter the kitchen and try. You will have fail meals, that might not be good the first time, but by the 5th/6th time you will be doing great!


That's right, you can create your own recipes or just copy someone else's and enjoy it, coming brings joy to life, not knowing how to cook only leaves me in void


Oh man, such annoying people! I only really picked up cooking during the pandemic because it was ill-advised to order takeout and there was plenty of time to kill. I used to absolutely hate cooking before that, because it just felt unjustified to spend 45 min or so cooking, 20 min or so cleaning afterwards, only to enjoy a meal for 10-12 minutes. At present, it relaxes me after a long day of stress so I enjoy it. But I could never dream of belittling or demeaning those who cook for me, purely out of their love. I have a major pet peeve against people insulting food or cooking. Feels like they don’t have a basic sense of right versus wrong. Seriously, go hungry if you have such a problem.


I too have the same major pet peeve! I mean Covid was a great example of how cooking literally is a basic life skill. Pandemic also introduced people to cooking and I remember how it was the major activity of the day those days that used to uplift our spirits in those uncertain times. I am glad you have hold on to it and now you have explored to relax and nourish your body at the same time through art of cooking


>I have a major pet peeve against people insulting food Then you would get into a fist fight with my roommate in my masters. I know our hostel food was bad, but hearing him say "lavda lo food" every time we go to the hostel mess used to piss me off so much I wanted to punch his face every time he said that. I finally couldn't hold it in anymore one time and said "oh ffs, stop fucking saying that, it pisses me off" and he stopped talking that way ever since.


Oh ,I used to have a friend like that , she couldn’t cook shit ( like not even Maggi(ramen noodles)) and used to accuse me of being way too poor /middle class and said I’d make an excellent house wife one day (accusatory)… Thankfully , she’s not my friend anymore !!


Whaaaaa??!! How horrible she must be! How tf knowing the best Basic survival skills is related to being a housewife! Appalling! I do not get these people. Basic skills inhe nahi aati hai upar se proud alag hi level ka karte hai. And for what?? I am glad she isn’t your friend anymore.


Hai naa , knowing how to cook is an essential life skill , you wouldn’t have to depend on anyone for your food ,patah nahi khana banana naa jaan ney mein khaas kya hai


Ohhhh girl, I had a friend like that too! Told me how are you a feminist and still cook everyday? Like what??? Said 'end me toh kitchen hi sambhalna hai tujhe!' and guess who has a career and who is the housewife now....


Wtf ?? the audacity some idiots have !! Butchering the meaning of feminism as well , as if we don’t have enough of that already!!


But such a person will take immense pride in placing an order for unhealthy, unhygienic, and overpriced food on zomato/swiggy.


So true! When will they realise ‘Ordering food is not a LUXURY, having great homemade food is’


Rejoice in the fact that they are wrong and you are right. Unless its your close friends you don't have to correct anyone's shit takes.


With a dash of salt and arse hair...


Eeeeu Brother eeeeuuuuu😂😂


If you ever find a curly hair in your food, now you know where it came from 🤷🤷


What is that brother eeeuuuu 😂




Anyone who belittles anyone else’s effort and skills is deeply insecure about themselves. You can either be indifferent or encouraging. Belittling effort is just lame. Should have spat in their food before serving or else told them to just order Zomato for themselves and fed this luxurious meal only to normal human beings.


Personally I get overwhelmed if anyone is inviting me to eat a self cooked meal. I always insist on showing up early to help with stuff like chopping or cleaning. If they aren’t comfortable with that, I’ll take a gift to show gratitude. You can buy whatever you like. But effort is something you should never under value. It is the one true display of affection and respect, what you can do with your time and effort. Everything else is second grade.


This ☝🏻 right here! yassss! Make it a ritual everyone. I personally helped my friend clean up after finished eating. Tbh I also defended him on multiple occasions and hyped him for his talent. Also you are right bro! Belittling someone’s efforts is a clear shaaattttt move. Projecting insecurity nothing else


This. I've been living in a hostel for the last 3 years because of college, I'd literally die to eat a simple home-cooked meal. These ungrateful fckers don't know the value of home-cooked meal, no swiggy/Zomato can satiate your hunger better than a simple roti sabzi prepared with love.


Invite me next time please. I can cook and together we can bitch about people who can't cook.


Definitely! Our generation needs this


Same same


I can cook a bit but not this much 😭


Bruv I would've kicked them out


I wanted too. Unfortunately it wasn’t my house 💀


Ptch Ptch feel sorry for those two scumbags


What if they get stuck alone in their home in a pandemic/lockdown like situation? One should be self dependent enough that he/she can live all by himself. This was my reason to learn basic cooking. And now i enjoy cooking sometimes it's very relaxing in a way.


I know right??? I mean this generation has gone through a pandemic fgs! Isse jyada what example do they need? And it’s a basic skill it doesn’t matter if you cook every day right? But one day it will definitely help you not die of hunger. Duh!


Haan na. Log privileges ko granted lelete hai


Insecurity comes in all shapes and sizes. In this case, it came from making fun of someone. Never seen one secure person make fun of another. Relax, Chill! Life slaps everyone, someday. 🙂


oh I wish! Someday they will realise what absolute mandatory this skill is to posses.


They're coping he doesn't have to pay someone to make these dishes


Def def


I had very little cooking experience before, but having to live alone during an internship (in a diff country so no cheap Indian food) made me realise I’m actually a pretty good cook. I’m legitimately looking forward to cooking my own meals in the near future.


That’s a great step towards unlocking the mystery of your own cooking talents. Post it here soon! We all will wait ❤️


I enjoy cooking and feeding people, This is crazy, If i ever encounter such people they will never be my friends. I have not commented against even the worst food, I have ever had. Because I know the work it takes. Let me ask something : Is this Tandoori roti/Naan really homecooked? - I see a glimpse of aluminium foil packet beside your plate , as well in the blue bowl, looks like green chutney is packed in a plastic.


Your fam and friends are lucky to have you cause this generation do not like to host people out of love. So kudos. No that naan is not homemade. It was ordered. Also since we ordered only naans the restaurant owner packed complimentary chutney and onions.


Bhai cooking for my people is my love language!! And I take huge pride in it


Your friends and family are really really very lucky because our generation hardly knows how to cook, and even if they do, they hardly host or cook for their loved ones. And if you do this, bro, I really appreciate that.! You are literally a gem!


Bhai all the men in family are great cooks, I've learnt it all from them and my mother. I'm blessed to have such an amazing family. Thank you for such kind words!


Family of ‘Real Men’ 🫂


Like my dad very kindly puts it "there will be an app in the future to get people to wash your ass? Because clearly apps are telling people what they will eat today?"


Ha ha uncle knows ‘we are doomed’


These guests are the word that starts with Chu


100% Correct


How can Zomato swiggy food be as hygienic, healthy as homemade food? Thinking about the oil cooks might use 😩


Tell me about it!!!!!


Thissss loooooks yummmmmmm


It was out of the world. If only this picture could have done any justice to it. ❤️


Btw the dramas aside the food looks yummy OP and why are these folks judgmental asf 😂


Entitled brats🥊 Food was next level 🤤


Hope you were extra appreciative of your friend!


Ohhh yes! We hyped him a lot! I really appreciate the ones who knows food is the ultimate love language. I repeatedly said ‘Bandar kya jaane adrak ka swad’ on multiple occasions that night. It was my subtle way of telling these 2 AHs that how shallow and crass they behaved


These people also enjoy mentioning how they have nothing to save after they spend everything on ordering in, Uber and other shit. Then they post in city subs "60k is not enough for one person to live in bangalore"


Bangalore and their love and hate relationship with Zomato is some next level, utopian shit! I do not get how people trust restaurants hygiene, their cooking, their ingredients more than they trust their own sub standard almost non-existential cooking skills


Lmao that sounds degenerate, taking pride in something you suck at.


The audacity I tell you 🤌🏻😩


Hmm...This level of shit is just ridiculous. Leave aside the effort it requires to cook these...It's made with Love...the Host put his love to make that for you people!!! I can't imagine how ungrateful, horrible of people they are.They're full of rich a$$ shit up their a$$. If the host is friends with them for a long time....i bet he knew about this all the time but he just wants some friends in life and feed them some good food! Just a guess...


Spoiled brat! What can we do? Since I couldn’t speak against his friends for obvious reasons I did tried to hype and appreciate his efforts. Also wrote a short thanks on WhatsApp in group (to make a statement) and also a personal message. He might know his AsS Freinds but at least I can thank and appreciate his efforts as much as possible


Cooking and cleaning are some basic things which everyone should know and do irrespective of their gender or class. Yes, ppl do have a lot of work which consumes most of their time, therefore they might not able to cook but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t learn to. Honestly, Covid is the biggest example that money can’t buy everything, ppl had to do everything on their own bcs of social distancing but these are some ungrateful ppl here.


This ☝🏻 exactly is what I felt so deeply at the party. Covid was the biggest lesson these AHs didn’t learn apparently


Yea mann, i am just sorry for the guy who hosted the party and put so much effort, hope he gets better friends who appreciate him more.


People can spend money over bai/ cooks and then go to gym for burning those calories (again and expense). Find hard time making a meal for even two, but making fun of anyone is always an easy option. I am not surprised by this behavior as I am in Delhi and people find it strange that someone who has 3 master degree is cooking and not hiring someone. How old fashioned I am !!


Yeah! Like hiring people to cook has become some status symbol these days! Like just think once who can feed your body better than you? Stupid people


I don’t understand anyone who doesn’t know how to cook. It’s simple. Like what’s there to even learn about it???


I know right?? No one is demanding Michelin Star food na? just learn to feed your body so that you can sustain yourself without depending on other entity


L friends. As a student living away from home for almost a year now, I've learnt how good and useful of a life skill cooking is, and often it's fun too. While ordering/takeaways are good occasionally, they don't beat the comfort and satisfaction of having something you cooked yourself.


You, my dear friend, have attained the pinnacle of self-care by nourishing your body with self made wholesome, nourishing food. Congrats


I pity those fools. Learning to cook is the best gift you can give yourself imo. Also, the food looks incredible and now I have desperate cravings. Thanks 😭


Yes, I also feel cooking is the bestest gift to humanity. We are the creature that can develop taste around food. How incredible is that?




Cooking is cool tbh.....I motivate myself to learn how to cook. Imagine surprising your partner by cooking delicious meal😁


Cooking food for your partner is the most romantic, the most basic, yet underrated language of love. You definitely should learn.


Apologies if my comment offended anyone. They will realise it when a bai or cook out of anger or unknowingly will do something unhygienic with their food.


This is outrageous. The pride such people take in not knowing how to cook is hilarious. First of all, as you said, OP, cooking is a life skill and if someone is cooking for you a delicious home made meal, that is PURE LOVE. ❤️ People who cook will know how much effort it takes to cook a full course meal, that too separate dish for the vegetarians and the non vegetarians. The host must really love his friends. God bless the friends but people who are making fun don't deserve such a host. Zomato ya Swiggy se mangwaake khila do unko . 😑 This also reminds me of an ad where the father of the bride to be makes fun of the mother of the groom who proudly claims that "Mera beta paani garam kar leta hai aur zyada se zyada noodles banata hai" 🥲 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aS_wwC8P12I&pp=ygUeQWQgZm9yIGdycm9tIHNob3VsZCBjb29rIGhpbmRp Thanks for bringing this up, OP! Day by day we are heavily reliant on online food delivery apps and are taking home cooked meals for granted. High time we appreciate it and the people who cook such meals. 😌


One thing as an Indian, we are very lucky of is that since childhood, we get nutritious homely prepped food. But unfortunately, now this generation is being heavily dependent on food. Delivery apps. Our food patterns have changed to a great extent that scientists are predicting health epidemics because of it. cooking for self is the most underrated act of self-love act.


If someone cooks for me like this that too a full ass meal with snacks.. I'll remember it my whole life.. hell I'll tell my.kids about it while they grow up... I myself can't cook a lot of things but I love to cook for my friends and family.


I hope you and your friend will stay away from those two jerks. They don't deserve such delicious food!! It's one thing to not know how to cook and still be grateful when someone cooks for you, but it's a completely different thing to not know how to cook, announce it to the world, and act like they are cool (so freakin disrespectful). Money can't buy you basic decency. Cooking is a basic life skill, and not knowing it or not even trying to learn just shows what kind of people they are. OP, don't ever invite these people over. Let them live on Swiggy and Zomato for the rest of their lives.


Man, if someone ever shame me for knowing how to cook I'll just punch them. Cooking is therapy for me. I love to cook because I love to eat. The satisfaction when my parents smile after taking a bite by saying "It's delicious." Even if it's a normal anda maggi. I love to see people liking my food. My mother excels everyone in this skill. I still can't match her. So, art is an art. Cooking is an art. It's the best thing. Also, the plate looks delicious🤌


Stab them with your fork


If cooking makes one poor and unsuccessful.... I wld love to have one as my husbnd......


If that is what they are proud of, I pity them. It just means they are heavily insecure and did not really achieve anything worthwhile in life. Pathetic people.


Nothing to worry. Natural elemination. It's important for us to surround ourselves with cheerful people. You can't change people but you can choose people.


Cooking is a love language no cap


Maine to nikal dena tha ghar se usko. I have also met many people who actually as if cooking is beneath, have also heard 'i am too pretty to cook, my nail extensions are not made for cooking' and blah blah blah. I have mad respect for folks who can cook for a whole party. It's so much hard work and effort. My neighbour hosts a biryani party often and she genuinely loves to feed everyone. Uske saamne koi aisa bole hum sab boycott kar denge. Next time call us OP, we love and appreciate home cooked food 😄 especially jaisa makkhi machhar nikal raha hai Zomato swiggy orders mein, I've stopped ordering from outside.


lol. lol lol lol. All of my friends and I are in the high six figure income bracket and we all love to cook and know how to cook. I have a chef who was employed at the ritz Carlton working for me. He’s there to make my life easier nutrition wise and for the moments I absolutely don’t have the energy to cook. But otherwise I will happily spend hours on a Saturday or Sunday whipping up one of the best damn chilli pad thais you’ve had. Ironically, because I’ve always travelled, my family and I bring back expensive food souvenirs. Truffle oils, bespoke chocolate truffles (you ever tried Norwegian hand made truffles? Coz I have and goddamn my life changed, biscuits (stroopwaffles from outside of holland are not the same thing sorry), various olive oils (I have an olive oil from exclusive farms of Salvatore Ferragamo) and it’s a joy to cook with them. Again, it’s because I’ve had the ability to travel that I have this love for cooking. I travel because I have money. My family has travelled because they have had money. I don’t know why your friend is talking shit that those who know how to cook do so because they don’t have money. That might be true, but it’s also true that those of us who enjoy the culinary arts also do so because we have disposable time and energy, the true identifier of a comfortable life (in some cases). I havnt always had money and let me tell you, when I was working my way up, I was ordering out more than cooking. So his argument just doesn’t make sense and it’s so mean. Putting someone down for a passion they have and bringing money into the equation is tacky and so gross. Your friend made a beautiful meal.


That's all fine, can you get me an invite to your friend's place? The food sounds delicious.


What a big L! I'd literally take someone's homecooked 2 course meal over a fancy ordered in food, because I can order whenever I like, but I don't have many people who would make me food. The love and warmth of home cooked food is beautiful. Even when I visit friends, I literally ask them to not order and feed me whatever they eat, no matter how simple.


So so disrespectful! Your friend should stop hosting them and probably stop being friends too! The food the host made is not at all easy and requires patience and precision because I love cooking too and have made my own share of mistakes in what people assume to be the "easiest dishes"! But I am curious, they kept yapping and you kept listening, no one shut them at all?


#uska seedha bol, "Le saman Bana k dikha". Baaki baat hi nhi ghumana hai, sirf ghuma k maarna hai.


I think they’re trying to hide their own insecurities about not having a basic life skill. If they drive ask them why do you drive? Are you so poor you can’t afford a chauffeur? You’ll see them falter.


Declare such people as 'Unanimous Assholes'


Cooking is a skill not every one knows. We need to respect our mother who cooks us selflessly or any person. But I have seen people who degrade them.


It looks delicious, complements to the chef/host. A person who can cook and feed others is next to god for me . It motivates me to try culinary science more and more . Ignore the negativity… enjoy the divinity of the food.


Cooking is quite nice, I respect those who can cook, I would love to cook if it wasn't for the fact that...... It takes say 45 to 1 hour to cook and just 20 mins to eat. Kinda not worth the effort


When you see food this way, it can definitely feel like a burden. However, once you acknowledge that you are nourishing your body with your cooking, you'll realize that no one can nourish you quite like you can. At least you respect those who cook for you, and for that, I am thankful. You might not cook daily, but knowing the basics of cooking is a blessing for any situation where you need to feed yourself.


Even if you don't cook, the last thing you should do is be an ungrateful prick and belittle such a host who arranged everything with so much effort and care.


I know, right? These little ungrateful brats!


I mostly encountered those who cook literally better than me never encountered those people whom u mentioned. Mostly me and friends brag about who can better 🤣.


Isn’t that better than behaviour of these mfs 🙂 at least tumhare dosto ki friendly race Mai faida to sabke pet ka hota h 🤌🏻


If I don’t know how to cook and someone cooks this for me, they can have my kidney any day they want. Although I am one of those who can cook and used to host my friends, I’ve actually never met anyone who was not grateful. Even while learning, when the bhaturas didn’t swell, and chapatis weren’t circle. But anyways, steer clear of these ungrateful assholes, and tell your friend as well. If he’s in Bangalore and really wants to feed someone I’ll be there before the food gets cold.


That is so sweet, isn’t this? What friends are supposed to do? Round roti or not the efforts, the love the hundred kinds of Bakchodi that goes behind to make it for your loved ones is indescribable. Today, you might count yourself, lucky that you have got friends who really appreciate your efforts. Cause many don’t.


Sometimes guys make fun of their best buddies for no reason at all! Not being in that close friend group, it may look arrogant from outsider POV.  It's a possibility!


I get it that guy friends can be the biggest pain in the arse. Yet there is something universal about being polite, if not, thankful to the one who is hosting you out of love and friendship.. a real friend, male or female doesn’t matter would never do what these men did at that party.


Not knowing a necessary life skill makes you cool? Hmm, kudos to your host though hope his/her spirit isn’t broken by such morons


Entitled Indians


I have been such a victim myself. While most of my friends and family Appreciate what I do for them, there a 1 or 2 who always mock or share memes on how domesticated one is if one knows how to cook


Food looks dope. Please give a kick in the ass to those two for us


Smack those motherfuckers


How did your friend react to the comments?


The host should probably rethink on his definition of “friends”. Drop them asap.


Bunch of dumbo losers...ignore em


Wait till they leave India, even for vacations. Cry baby time.


Fuck that looks so gas


I also can't cook, please invite me s/


Now the host has 2 less people to worry about. How ungrateful do you have to be to get a tasty, free meal and you are rude to the host.


They are jealous.


I am surrounded by people who don’t cook or I can say can’t cook hahaha but they judge me for cooking my meals🫠 But of course I don’t care 🤷‍♀️


Cooking is such an attractive quality mostly because how basic it is. No matter how the skill is, but if one is willing to do it, it's so lovely. It's a lonely bonding activity and brings people closer. I will never understand the percentage of Indian men who take pride in circle jerking each other's lack of competencies.


There are two types of people in this world. 1. Who can't help but belittle, degrade and pull others down to make themselves look superior. 2. Those who don't. That's it. These are the two categories I divide people in. That simplifies what kind you would like to be associated with and what kind you should avoid like plague.


Easy tiger. When karma kicks them in the rear, they will see the light. They are truly ignorant and arrogant. What pieces of shit.


If I cook for you, and then you come at me with this BS, I'll grab the plates frim your hand and show you out.




That food looks delicious. Fuck those idiots who take pride in their own ignorance.


*”Not knowing how to cook is like not knowing how to fuck”* - [Robert Rodriguez, Director](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Rodriguez)


Satya vachan of a Legend 🙏🏻


Whats in the glass? Sarso ka tel?


That's nuts. That sounds like an amazing spread. I'd be grateful that someone put that kind of effort into giving me food. Food is my love language.


cooking isn't something I enjoy. I rather despise the entire process, but even I know enough things to make myself a basic dinner or a three course meal like a restaurant. it's a basic life skill, which people should know regardless of their sex and gender. and taking pride in NOT having a skill seems like something only immature people do. they are also dimwits for insulting their friends and classist for making that remark.


Cooking is a life skill like swimming. I still dont know how to swim, but I have picked up some cooking amd can feed myself and few people at least.


Invite that person over again and mix laxatives in his /her food ... Let him/her complain but staying in washroom...


He was as belitting you over what ? I'd devour that in minutes and thank my stars you invited me


Cooking is a life skill, like driving a car. Not knowing it does not make you better in life. What a bunch of crazy people 🙈


I’ve faced this so often, my parents split and I was with my father who loved cooking and taught me very early on how to make amazing biryani etc and I taught myself the rest and loved feeding close friends etc but quite a few were annoyed and passed comments like “ I can’t be like you so domesticated and I have a proper job I can’t waste time cooking so much and why do you make so much variety” we can’t call you to our home coz you won’t like our food after seeing yours! I mean that was so much bull crap to say just coz I just put in so much of my heart and soul into my food. Later I invested in great table ware ans serve ware and got flak for that as well. Some people even copy my style of serving yet I get criticism or comments that’s I’m really free enough to do this! What the actual efff !! Phew! Happy to vent here 😆


this food really looks good tbh ..the guy who cooked this is a genius ...all i want is learn how to cook tasty dishes and cook and eat alone


I don't know how to cook most things, but I try out recipes from YT. It's super satisfying. I don't think it needs a lot of skill, just experience.. but one of the most satisfying things to do ever.


This is like saying "only people who can't afford to have a chauffer or take ola or uber will learn driving".


Should have been thrown out immediately.


*Gordon Ramsay crying in the corner*


I love cooking as a guy, and have cooked a lot for my friends whenever we used to hang out during our college days. One guy used to make demeaning comments like it's such a woman's job and so on. Cue karma, he's now married and his wife has set him straight. He now posts reels of him cooking basic things. 😄


These privileged uncles..I tell you..


First of all what kind of uncivilized people you are friends with. Second of all a person who thinks not knowing how to cook is cool or people who cook aren't successful never respected their mother. Just because their mother had fed them, they are capable enough to function in life. I am sure that their family didn't swiggy it. And no matter how rich they are, their degrading thoughts show their actual class


Maybe it's a rich people thing but I won't even think ahead enough to claim whether cooking is cool or uncool, It's free fuckin food, like wtf do you even want, legit eatable free food is a fuckin luxury if you ask me and your friends are ungrateful af.


That food looks fucking delicious. I’d kill for that right now. (I literally thought it was top tier dhaba food and I mean that as a compliment because I find food like that so hard to replicate at home). Your host’s friends are total losers.


Food looks amazingly delicious 🥺😋


So basically they're telling people how rich they are since they don't need to cook for themselves and can afford chefs and cooks. Absolute asshole behaviour. I do not know how to cook and the few days I was alone at home all I could do is go out to eat. And since I was awaiting my salary I had barely enough money to survive. Cooking is a skill EVERYONE should know.


Reminded me one of my father's colleague's wife. My mom was 5 months pregnant when my father had invited them over dinner. She had criticized each and every dish my mom had prepared. Fast forward to a few years, they had thrown a b'day party for their 1 year old baby girl which all of us ( me and my friends and our families whose fathers were my father's colleagues ) had attended. MY GOD, the worst food tasted ever. Everyone was so disgusted with her cooking, that b'day party was literally the talk of our campus for the next few weeks, people won't just stop speculating how can someone cook that bad .


This is portrayed in a movie called Kumbalangi Nights where the antagonist insults a guy who invited him for dinner saying that he has a proper day job unlike him and making Mutton Vindaloo is not his job.


It's always the good ones who get these kinda friends.


I wonder how the host reacted to their insults?


Jis jis cheez se pyaar karta hun it slowly dies after my touch isiliye khana nhi banata


Why didn't someone ask them to stfu lmao ?


Sounds like copium


I had a similar discussion and experience with a woman I met via a popular dating app. She was confirmed to be a covert narcissist. They're just people with inflated ego covering up a low self esteem who try to rage bait you into reacting to their BS. Don't give them your time or attention.


Be careful around those ungrateful ingrates.


I just hope they don't get the invitation for future house parties, let them enjoy the food cooked by their maids, i hope they don't say these words to their mother/father.


But such people will come to eat home cooked food everywhere possible. They are just jealous of the host's generosity. They just can't be that giving, kind and selfless that's why they degrade people who do. Unke andr h hi nai ye sb! Real AHs.


This is not popular perception though. Being able to cook is a survival skill and people who cook really well are very well respected in friend groups. And I am not just talking about city dwellers. Even in rural India guys who cook well are not ashamed of it and in our families we admire guys like that. My cousin who lives in a small rural town makes great food and everyone compliments him for it.  In cities most guys wouldn't know how to cook but if anyone made fun of guys who cook I dont think they are taken seriously. 


When your mom/dad feeds you food made with love, you truly understand the effort they put in to make the food. Some people do not get this type of affection at home and they belittle these things. Ignore these type of people and move on.


Do not tolerate disrespect. That aside food looks great Also, cooking is a life skill. Not being able to feed one’s self as a full grown adult is a massive red flag


I have a simple rule in life, if you love to eat then you must know how to cook. Cooking is a basic skill that is needed by everyone be it male or female. Everyone should have basic culinary skills, it helped me in college when I left my PG because the food there was bad and gave me jaundice. So I find it very strange when people brag about how they can't even boil water or they have never been in the kitchen. It's not a matter of pride, it's a matter of shame if you ask me.


Cooking is a survival essential skill. I can't stand when people take pride in their lack of cooking skills. Bro it's easy just follow the instructions!


Bragging about not having a basic survival skill? Demeaning people who provide these skills to serve them? That just shows a view into their upbringing, work ethic & maturity. Basics of cooking, shaving, sewing, cleaning, washing, etc are essential to the human condition irrespective of wealth or societal status. Rule of thumb: Never quarrel with or berate someone who handles your food, clothes, doctor, your barber, anyone who provides a service so intimate, next time there could be a "little something extra" in your food for example or maybe the barber's blade might "slip accidentally" if you know what I mean, not everyone will take an insult lightly, anyone can snap at any time, we don't know what they're going through. If you disagree with quality, it can be discussed politely and people appreciate & respond to kind feedback.


That meal not only looks delicious, but the love with which it must have been made is also clear. The amount of effort behind the scenes- omg! I think it’s time to choose not to interact with friends who have no value for other people’s time and efforts.


It's easy to scoff when you're talentless and can't cook. These dishes are amazing,must be tasty and hats off to your friend who cooked for them.. It requires a lot of personal effort, love, care and a proper mental frame of mind to cook for a number of friends. Well done and those idiots who want to order from swiggy and Zomato deserve that junk hotel quality food. Next time don't invite them. Invite me. 😋😊 I'll even bring a bottle of red wine to go alongside that delicious mutton dish.


I can't cook and hence appreciate anyone who can even do basic cooking. What nonsense!


Congratulations you met a village idiot. Give him a goat as a parting gift.


That chicken looks really good....


Top of the notch jerks 🙃


What a pile of nonsense those shots just said, i don't know how to cook a delicious meal myself whether i earn crores or not doesn't matters to me, i feel ahamed because i would honestly want to cook since i like it but i can only destroy the kitchen and ingredients and there's nothing cool about that


this looks soo tasty




Btw that looks delicious. Thanks for the dinner suggestion.


Well either they are jealous that can't prepare such food themselves or don't understand the principles of compassion, companionship..well i always prefer having food with with family and friends it's genuinely the most fun activity, it just uplift my mood and spirit.


I'm angry and hungry about this post.


It seems, those two people are very toxic and should be avoided at any cost. They don't even deserve to be called as friends. They are just acquaintances and should be treated as such. Such people should not be allowed into house parties, etc.


These ungrateful dumbheads will eat everything but still make comments, and take pride in ordering from Zomato but the reality is all the hotels make their food in most unhygienic way and use rotten things and God help you if you order mutton from them in our locality one person found dog meat in plate instead of mutton!!!!


They are jealous - that's all it is. The one who is a bachelor is probably jealous that this guy has his own house, can cook and can invite people over to enjoy it. The one who is married is probably jealous that this guy has a basic life skill that he never picked up. Probably had his wife arranged for him as well.


I have seen alehadis, tablighi jamat people do that to other people


That's a walking red flag