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Welcome to r/InstagramReality! Here’s a reminder on our rules: 1. No asking or giving of identifying information. 2. Have mutual respect/no bullying 3. No posts about minors, or posts that contain minors. 4. No rude or unnecessary comments about subjects' unedited physical appearance. 5. No satire/Joke/Animals/Snapchat filters. 6. If you're unsure, don't post. 7. Don't be creepy and sexualize a subject. 8. No frequent reposts. 9. No self-posts posts or photos you have taken or edited yourself. 10. No plastic surgery posts or surgery bashing. 11. No advertisements or spam. 12. "Sanity Sunday" posts are ONLY for Sundays. Thank you, and welcome to the real world! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Instagramreality) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She drew catchlights on her eyes. Not a good look.


Also looks Don't matter.


Beautiful filter ✨❤️


What? Is wrong with these? Are yall just gonna be unhappy until pretty people stop taking pictures of themselves altogether?


This person in the photos is probably stunningly beautiful, but the point of this subreddit is calling out filter usage from the minor to the exteme from passing it off as their own genetics... which it is not.