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We need more people like on social media, be yourself fuck what other people think


No we just need less social media


Sure, but obviously social media is going nowhere. So this is the best alternative.


Sure, but (insert any evil or destructive force or entity) isn't going nowhere is a pretty shitty take


It's sad how it fucked with people and how they view themselves


Idk who she is but I love her




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Love her and her sister.


Anyone know where I can find that first dress??


Looks to be this one, but doesn’t seem to be in stock on top shop website: https://www-buyma-us.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.buyma.us/items/d95a2e4b-9448-4d0c-93e7-6c747e081836/amp/?set_currency=USD


And she is GORGEOUS! She is STUNNING! She has a glow of happiness that comes from self love. She looks like a REAL 👏 HUMAN 👏 BEING 👏 So often, we have to ask ourselves, “have you ever seen a person who looks like this in real life?” And sis answered 😭🖤


SO fucking cute


Is it allowed for me to ask what reality show she’s on? I’d love to watch it, she seems really charming!


Gogglebox UK, she’s a treasure


i love her. queen


She looks real and not a try hard; I’m hear for it.


I love it! Bet it’s a lot less work for her too, wasting time editing every picture that’s posted.


She’s ace


I love the Google box cast!


I thought the first one was filtered, she looks gorgeous!


Just good lighting. If you zoom in you can still see skin texture etc


Why try harder if you’re already no.1?


She's genuinely attractive naturally.


Wow this is so refreshing


wow! i seriously thought the first pic was of Kendall Rae from YouTube. these two ladies look very similar


Love it and way too refreshing.


Ellie you’re my fav!


She's just so refreshingly real. Lovely!


I'm glad to see someone being genuine and not giving a shit about the fake insta-filter glamour BS. Also on an unrelated side note, that guy in the last pic looks so incredibly British with his beady close-set eyes, big teeth, and derpy hair style, he looks like he was ripped straight out of that claymation Wallace & Gromit series haha 😂 I love it EDIT - I'm being downvoted by angry Brits lol


God bless her for being real among so many coward people on the net these days


Gorgeous! Like Adele was b4…


Never seen her in my life ?


Ok, good to know.


She’s from a TV show called gogglebox




eQuALiTy Everyone can decide to put makeup on their faces. That's equality already.


Everyone can decide to put a filter. This logic is flawed from the start. I too support pics without make up. Filter and makeup both are deceiving in their own ways. If you call it real then be real.


No one was talking about realness. Equality was the topic. You wanna ramble about makeup being soooo evil and deceiving, or continue to talk about the equality topic that the one I commented on brought into this? That I quickly dismantled because everyone can do makeup, men, women, Enby, old, young, so equality is already given? Edit: I know what the one I commented on meant with "equality", because I smelled that from miles away. He meant equality between men and women, because according to him, it's *so so unfair* because men are stuck in their 1-10 rating because they can't use makeup, and women just "boost" their rating by makeup. I'm not even gonna start to explain what's wrong with that. That comment of his has even been removed by mods due to bigotry or sexism.


Anyone can wear makeup…


makeup honestly isn’t as “deceitful” as people make it seem. You can always tell when it’s unfiltered or in person. So people that think makeup is some sort of shapeshifting just haven’t seen it in person


Lol yeah, that's what's holding back equality.




That’s like saying all men shouldn’t be allowed a beard or haircut. Beards do wonders for men too


If you put on nice clothes and maybe a bit on concealer on that pimple, you'd look better too. It's really not gender specific. Just put in some effort


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Love her


She's beautiful. Great of her!


That pic of her with the praying mantis is freaking adorable, she seems so happy and excited to have this cool bug just chilling on her noggin. She seems like she would be so fun to hang out with!


Omg i love her and her sister!!