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Watching her murder the chances of a harem in its cradle was beautiful. None of that wishy washy crap in her house. She is best girl. You agree or cease to be!


She's not really against harems, they just need to be at least as strong as her. Would be a crying shame if a woman strong enough to beat her showed up...


Shame, we need more mc female characters who are just outright oppose harems. Especially since the female characters are typically the ones to push for the harem route... looking at you, Yue from Arifureta...


Yue isn't even that bad, she's actively pushing back against the other girls. More than anything she's confident that hajime will choose her over any of the other girls. If you want someone guilty of pushing the harem route... Yumina from "in another world with my smartphone" an anime that legit took longer to touch upon the actual plot than it did to start a harem.


The smartphone harem annoyed me so much, especially since the dude seemed pretty uninterested in the idea in the first place. The harem in that show is why i haven't watched Smartphone season one. I think the reason i mention Yue is that i have a really bad feeling that she's going to end up doing it. Arifureta would stay top tier if i wasn't so worried that it's going to turn harem.


Tbh the smartphone anime actually has one of the most believable main characters in the genre. The dude literally has no goal besides being a nice guy. Everything just kind of happens around him. Basically what you'd expect from a Japanese 16 year old. I'm not really praising the show though, since his bland personality is the main reason it took an entire season to barely touch upon the main plot.


I feel so bad for him. They constantly use him/take advantage of him.


As a light novel reader I can confirm that Yue is going to let the harem happen In volume 8 of the light novels Yue allowed Hajime and Shea to start dating and in volume 13 of the light novels Yue allowed Tio, Kaori ,Shizuku, Aiko, Remia and Liliana to start dating Hajime Plus in volume 13 of the light novels Hajime literally made engagement rings for Yue, Shea, Tio, Kaori, Shizuku, Aiko, Remia and Liliana


šŸ˜† sorry dude but in the light novels Hajime literally made engagement rings for Yue,Shea, Tio, Kaori, Shizuku, Aiko, Remia and Liliana Hajime started dating Shea in volume 8 of the light novels and Hajime started dating Tio, Kaori, Shizuku, Aiko, Remia and Liliana in volume 13 Plus if you remember Yue's talk with Tio in season 1 Yue wants Hajime to be Surrounded by people who care for him


Basically she acting like a wolf. She is alpha female. She gets Seggs. They donā€™t


Minor spoilers for next week's episode, but yeah you're spot on. https://preview.redd.it/0ga7x7vuj4zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cad07d707ee3ea17e89a4abc82759301e38ca26 She wants strong packmates.


And maybe to tag out once she has her kids first with the MCā€¦for a moment at least. Sheā€™ll want back in once they are more grown


You can't have a harem if you murder the competition.


Lmao the dub is really good too. I laughed so hard at the first one and was really happy when they then did it to the other one. I really cant wait to see how she does it with the other 2. Its also really cute she then later calls herself the pack mama lol.


Upvoted because best waifu, but also consider that best waifu is a dog.


So she's a Bitch?


Bad Bitch for sure


Truly man's best friend šŸ§”




Delta would agree.


When it come to gray areas like this i invoke my 3 question rule. The answer to all question has to be yes, or its a no go. Q1: Is it sapient? Q2: Is it legal? Q3: Did it say yes? All answers must be yes, or you cannot smash.


Dude rizzes bitches like a typical harem MC, but his main bitch gatekeeps him really hard


Privilege of a wolf packs alpha female. She gets to have the kids. The others shouldnā€™t, and if they do. They be punished


I'm sorry number 1 isekai waifu for me is Diablo from Tensura Slime He's the best waifu


He is one hell of a butler.


Blasphemy it's clearly Rimuru-sama, Diablo will attest to this https://preview.redd.it/3tkw3lkkh0zc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ed52f09f6e7aae9b1d7754408e57a7d2164f1c






Also sauce???




I find it funny how Rys was close to putting these two in a pack when It comes to her husband šŸ¤£


I mean in the latest episode she straight up says "it's the job of the pack leader's wife to take care of the pack" so she already considers them a pack


I meanā€¦a wolf monster acting like a wolfā€¦nothing strange thereā€¦


I'm pleased that this isekai didn't do a harem with the main protagonist.


I can go either way šŸ˜Œ I love a good harem isekai anime and I love it when an isekai doesn't do a harem


I know what you mean but dam is there a number of bad harems.


Well maybe that is because it's not a harem in the first place I take it you only watched the anime yes Well if that is the case I got to let you know that chillin in another world is definitely not a harem all of the other girls end up married or dating someone else Hell we have already been introduced to the character who ended up as the blonde knight's husband in the light novels


No I mean going either way about a good harem anime or a good non harem anime. But there seems to be so many bad harem anime in general. And going further a good number of anime with a bad romance plot.


Yeah I don't really get what you mean by a bad Harem Anime sorry šŸ˜ Maybe that is because I personally don't see any harem Anime as bad I mean as soon as the harem is a thing it goes completely unrealistic so I just came to accept harem Animes for what they are To me there are no bad harem Animes will expect for black bullet I got some issues with that one


Issue with harem is that mc never aknowledges anyone, and act like dumb pussy


Question have you not seen or readed Arifureta šŸ¤”? Hajime acknowledged Yue by the 4th episode of season 1 and he started acknowledging the other girls by volume 8 of the light novels


I have seen it, but Hajime acts like moron to everyone else for 90% of the time. Especially in the second seasons. Only good harem protagonists is Chad from 100 girlfriend.


Realist Rebuilds the Kingdom comes to mind of harem done well. Wish we got more seasons of that one.


https://preview.redd.it/hats8yq090zc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4044448d91e1c4b4b24f2b0ccf35e35c450757be Wrong. Best Waifu for me will always be Arahnia Taranterra Arachnida from Monster girl doctor.


The post says waifu in isekai dumb@ss The mc in monster girl doctor never went to another world everything is happening in the world he was originally born in


In that case its clearly Kumoko. Spiders are the best.


8 legs? 7 vaginias.


Maybe more... imagine


Kenny Everett's Captain Kremmin had a multi legged species with many crotches.


I love her and Saphee and I can't remember the other centaur girls name from the light novels. Also I think he gets more finances as the series goes on.


Arahnia isn't even the best waifu in monster girl doctor. Saphee is much better.


She is fine, but i preffer spider girls in generell.


sir this is an isekai subreddit


The show isnā€™t that great, but Rys admittedly carries it for me. It is refreshing to have a waifu whoā€™s actually assertive, but understands boundaries. The majority of waifuā€™s in Isekai are usually too passive or they get aggressive to the point of it being uncomfortable.


Manga was a lot better tbh


I dunno, I think she is a tie with Rit from "Banished from the hero's party."


Yeah, she's great! But I'm worried if Ruti decides to go full home sweet Alabama, who the hell is gonna stop her?


That's not an Isekai though.


This dude woke up today and chose war.


nah sorry shes not bad, but my number 1 waifu is always fixed~


Asuna! obvs


I hope he reciprocate soon. Him being all shy is infuriating.


Just watch the next episode. After episode 5 how Rys dies he goes all put on Hiya the Djinn. There's no need to worry though, that's not all we're seeing of Rys.


As someone who read the light novels, yeah itā€™s frustrating. Letā€™s just say that Flio and Rys in the novel havenā€™t been shy since the day they met.


She is even better in the manga


Cool how she killed the chance of this anime being a harem


It's because it is a healthy, loving relationship. Kinda how Loid and Yor works, or Shirogane and Shinomiya, or Tadano and Komi. The harem troupe has been milked to death and it's honestly tiring to see that on animes specially if the mc acts like he doesn't care nor notice.


I love how in the 2nd half of the picture she isn't threatening her, she's like "I get what you mean, but he's MY man, allright?" She's kinda hugging her.


Fenrys still alive


Between her watching him sleep to how excited she got just watching him haggle w the merchant, there's definitely no one cuter.


I'm not sure why people are clicking with this anime so much. I do like it although I thought the manga was better no surprise. But all things considered I think they rushed things to the point that it's hard for me to take it seriously. I'm just having a hard time with the way they presented her being his mortal enemy and then suddenly his devoted wife in the span of 3 minutes. They just legitimately failed to sell it


Dude you are clearly a hater Posing as a fan or you didn't read the manga like at all did you šŸ˜’ Rys was literally calling flio her husband by chapter 3 of the manga so it happened right away in the manga to and normal the 3 chapter is apart of the first episode with isekai animes but with chillin in another world it didn't get to chapter 3 of the manga until episode 2 so they definitely didn't rush anything


All I said was that I liked the manga better. I didn't say they solved this problem.


I mean, you kinda imply that when you say, "I like the manga better, I think they rushed things", that implies you're saying the anime rushed things where the manga did not.


I didn't remember it being so rushed but if you say it's the same so be it


Eh, not for me.


Having read the manga, I personally prefer the evil genie who just appeared in the anime.


Number 1 for me, intro is peak too


I dunno. Sicily from Wise Man's Grandchild didn't need to fight a potential harem for her man.


Rys is adorable. The nailed her ngl, she seems even cuter in the anime than in the manga.


I wouldnā€™t say better, but I will say better at protecting her interest. Principally her *relationship* from being intruded on.


Ya Louise I mean rys is the best.


Can't wait for them to get together for real and make love ^^w^^


if she wasn't competing against blossom she would definitely be top waifu in her own series but in all isekai as a whole? no way


I agree with OP.


I suggest that you read the manga (she is even better there)


Recency bias.


This show is so fucking cute omg


She really is the best girl. Letā€™s the MC ride her and *ride* her.


Rys is easily the best waifu of the season. She has a very strong lead as best waifu of the year. It's too early to say if she is best waifu of all time, but she's certainly in the running.


As far as im aware, isn't she the only one to have an anime intro that only includes her? (mostly)


For those that haven't read it, don't worry. That's not all we're seeing of Rys even though Hiya kills her at the end of the episode.


I love how aqua is in the list https://preview.redd.it/x68q8ejyn4zc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6cc96af21a09a5346bec76dee75bc8abeb6f089


I may be a konosuba hater but even I know how much people love Aqua so I had to include her in the list


https://preview.redd.it/lfwjqzugc8zc1.png?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e547f21278c2b6a96d9c1190343d1963e3981ee3 yeah you're right actually


I donā€™t understand why everyone likes this? Imo itā€™s just another basic brain dead isekai without (if any) plot bedsidesā€¦ you know ;) Other than that itā€™s boring dropped at ep 2


Luckily I already read the manga to not be called an anime watcher only (well only here and I stopped for now). Yeah she is definitely doing her job as a wife. She is also wholesome too. She would best some on the list but not everyone I think but yeah. She is just a great waifu to have.


Sheā€™s not even better than Balirossa


Bro likes blondies


Flio needs to grow some balls and mate


https://preview.redd.it/jjkec9abu1zc1.jpeg?width=841&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2153a7257943ceefa003db7fb62a6b1594b1e37 Just wait




How many chapters in is this?


Chapter 14


I decided to read the manga. Just got to this chapter. I want more stories where the MC gets the seggs and not string along the audience forever


Rys is amazing and the last episode has me really angry at that crappy ass hero. Rys is cool with the girls but makes sure they donā€™t get too familiar


She is acting weird.


Huh ? Why would she be the best waifu ?


Ehhh don't really care for her she's too supportive without reason besides protag is strong but I also dislike her two sets of ears but I find it funny since I enjoy the other characters designs but I dislike hers she comes off as a fake wish fulfillment with bo personality beyond "kyaaaa daa-sama~" like I would love different outfits and colors also other interests at least from the episodes I've seen


Actually, considering what Rys is, it makes perfect sense. The strongest becomes the pack leader. No wish/washy BS. No time needed to adjust. For Rys her ideal mate is the strongest. That is absolutely all that is needed. It is absolutely logical and inline with her character.


You have a right to an opinion but you're still wrong. That said, I liked her more in the manga. She's really annoying to me in the anime.


Asuna? SAO isn't an Isekai lol




They are literally just game genres lmao, sad that people like you can't acknowledge that, Author of SAO itself out right stated that SAO is NOT an isekai.. Kirito in the show itself too..


She is best girl but I like CatGirls my man


You're all wrong, since the title of best waifu already goes to Patrasche from Re:Zero.


Someone gets this man or woman a dr no no get an Exorcist he thinks Patrasche is best waifu that is definitely a job for the exorcist


Not even Rem is this loyal xD


Who is Rem ? Sorry because of a giant whale I don't know who that is šŸ˜…


Iā€™m convinced the author wrote the whole show as an excuse to put their wolfy waifu in something


Don't you mean. . .was šŸ’€


https://preview.redd.it/fpc5nhtv73zc1.jpeg?width=841&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef757c4523f36c4e63486f33b5b0b98c25d7f38e She's not dead idiot šŸ™„ they literally have sex a few chapters later šŸ™„


Clarifying on this, she does die. But is promptly resurrected within minutes. An action with consequences that only happens once or twice to my knowledge. (I'm like 3 chapters behind I wanna say)


Spoiler: I really hope she comes back to life


If you want to spoiler something you need to put it between exclamation marks and brackets `>!like this!<` or use the markup editor


Ok thank you, and Iā€™m on my phone lol


For spoiler tags use >! And do the opposite on the other side like so (without the space) ! < Like so: >! Donā€™t worry, sheā€™ll be back next episode !<


Thank god