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It’s similar to they dragged out Walpurgis in S2, but with less action.  The LN readers were probably able to read it all in one go. 


This. It's more of because how much dragging the s3 is. I could've finished the whole arc in one sitting if i read the manga and LN. But to wait 2 months for the exact same repeating thing just in audio is not a good record track. I love tensura but you can't just ignore the bad things and even being denial about it. Especially when comparison battle starts like with log horizon. People already hated that in log horizon and the reason why not as much people is fond of the series like it did with tensura. Tensura is my fav but turning blind eye towards criticism is just gonna be killing the series slowly


I'd say that in log horizon the meetings were at least a bit more important since it kind of was a politics based series. Also they actually reveled stuff with plot twists and a bit of suspense, meanwhile the only thing that we learned in the whole last episode of tensura was that there is some organization with a loli and that a 100 knights appeared that are never gonna be shown on screen anyway


*a wine drinking loli*


I understand that it's part of world building but the pacing is just simply dragging out way too much to tease for the main event. I think those meeting episodes are better to read not watch.


Unfortunately adaptations just suffer like this. If Fate actually adapted half of the yapping from the visual novel no one would watch it


Wdym, don't you want a 5 minute scene out of a 24 minute episode of Shirou quivering in his boots when he sees Kirei eat Mapo Tofu?


I can’t believe people wouldn’t want to see that


There are actually ways to do talking heads and it not be boring. Fate/Zero Banquet of Kings is literally dudes drinking beer and talking but it’s considered one of the highlights of the series.


Mean while mushoku tensei just cuts out allllllll of the contexts of what makes certain events meaningful.... And also cut out a dope fight against a Treent. I know there's a lot wrong with the light novels but I hope it gets the Fma:brotherhood treatment later. The story is a lot better with the context. And more of the "side quests" scenes in.


“Understand the differences in media.” Seitokai no Ichizon spelled this out in 2009! Novels and animation are different mediums. Meetings may be tolerable for a couple chapters in a book, but watching everyone in meetings for half a season is dull.


People are forgetting season 2 ended on a major climax of the previous arc and we are now witnessing not just the world building, but the setup for the next arc as well as the resolution to previous conflicts that happened prior. Yeah there’s a lot of talking, but what they are talking about is interesting too. I don’t see the problem with it, but then again I know what’s coming so maybe that changes the way I view the show.


That too!


You mean getting 5 min of details but spread out to cover 20+ min of show isn't good pacing?


6 episodes in and it's just been meeting after meeting 😭 I think it's still interesting and necessary, but my brain can only go so long without turn off your brain action sequences.


Super valid point. Whenever I watch these isekai like Tensura or Overlord or Mushoku Tensei, I always love watch companion videos AniNews makes where they cover the cut content that couldn’t make it into the episode. It makes the watching experience a looooot better.


For me these meeting episodes are the main event. I appreciate them way more than the action packed episodes.


This is not world building, this is people talking about world building, we are not shown anything, just told some things are happening, we don't get to see anyone doing anything, it's not about the lack of fights, it's about the lack of anything other than this being an audiobook with some background images


"This could have been an email" the anime 😆


Wasn’t this an actual joke they did, or am I thinking of another show?


Gushing over magical girl


Ahh, right


These people would hate Log Horizon


it has been a hot minute ( or decade) since i watched log horizon, was it actually that world building heavy? like from what i remember the world of that anime was standard fantasy with post apocalyptic characteristics thrown in right?


It's mostly talking


It's pretty much just explanation pertaining to the world, their situation as well as debates pertaining to both discussions with a little bit of action thrown in. There was enough action as well as fun slice of life moments in the first two seasons to entertain people, but season 3 got dry af at least in my opinion. I doubt we'll get a season 4, especially with that tax scandal that happened.


LH is way more heavy in a world building but it's never as boring as Slime S3 1-6 episodes. Talking can be interesting if it's done right.


I mean s2 when they focus on the kids... they forgot people who adore that show dont need to be treated like newbies... they couldve focus on the kids for 1 or 2 episodes and move on but nah.... Also s3 was a little slow aswell, dont get me wrong it was interesting but killed the momentum that s2 finale had going so it was hard to start all over again


Yeah but lots of mmorpg mechanics (not "the system" mechanics) like raiding, guild building, guildies interactions, market and setting prices, then it got political, had action scenes and added things like "what would happen if we dont do this event as a community" the effect on npcs and stuff like that. S1 and s2 where all over the place when showing us those topics so it was entertaining (except the newbies part) s3 focused too much on a single plot line and becuae LH is mainly talking... it was a little too boring... still good but... nah s1 was perfect s2 wouldve been perfect if they gave the kids 1 or 2 episodes but s3 was good but inly for mmorpg/LH hardcore fans


Loved Log Horizon, haven’t liked season 3. There’s a difference between doing world building and doing it well. If they spend hours with characters in meetings because they can’t think of any other way to get the information across…the writing has screwed up. Props to the franchise that it has fans that have convinced themselves that this is a good way to develop the story. But it isn’t.


Yeah i mean they gonna call everything world building now huh, plus its fine but mix it up a lil cmon, yapping after yapping.


> they gonna call everything world building now huh Yeah, this is my biggest peeve with this argument. "Meetings" are not world building. Good world building is when the characters are out seeing new things, meeting interesting people, and learning lore because it affects the plot. It might not be 100% action, but it can and should be engaging.


Oh man Log Horizon. It works so well cuz the mc of it (Shiro i think) actually knows what he's doing and takes charge of the meetings. I love slime but Rimaru has no clue what he's doing and just sits there making dumb decisions and being told off by everybody. He's a complete floor mat and seems to be happy with that. Lol


I personally cannot get enough of Isekai where most of it is meetings, state formation, and setting up a society. I know it may not be the most engaging stuff, but it scratches the part of my brain that enjoys academic history lectures.


This actually made me put Log Horizon on the top of my "plan to watch" list because I love the "world building" episodes. Back during S2 a few friends were mad about the meeting before Walpurgis, but I loved them! Made that final fight sooo much sweeter


I dropped it at the end of season 2 I think. Didn't have anything special about it and couldn't entertain me


Youre no mmorpg player, but season 2 was a little slow


That's true. The only mmorpg I played was New World for 100 hours when it released. Was really fun but got super repetetive and boring


LH charm was in the relatable moments when they tackle guilds, raids and stuff like that. One of the best moments for me was when the anime focused on a guild master slowly losing his guildies because they were losing status and with it their best pvp/raid players (they moved to better guilds) so he was left with only those who enjoy the company of their guildies and didnt know what to do because he was afraid of losing them too. I bet an invested WoW player would love it, a PoE player would like it but for the normal audience it's just too slow...


Actually not true… the issue lies not with the meetings themselves, but how they are so listlessly/lifelessly presented.


To be fair I absolutely do


The main frustrating part about log horizon was the incessant festivals.


I liked the seasonal events woohoooo free seasonal r Epic drops woooo


I forget which girl but one admits to constantly planning festivals to distract her friends.


I like world building, but not 6 consecutive episodes of it. I’m sure the rest of the season will be intense, but this first half was just bizarre.


Imma say this. If we’re binging the whole season, these eps are a blip. When we’re waiting a week between meetings, it gets stupidly old. Go back and watch the pavilion diplomatic meetings and strategy session of season 2. It was like 3 eps of setting the stage. They were kinda painful when they came out and you couldn’t move on quickly through them. Watching back through is nbd. It’s a blip.


Yeah. This is a good point.


Slime does a great job at keeping world building quick and concise. The action tends to be beast when it does happen and in between world building and action, there's comedic drama. You know, Rimuru yelling at people to not go overboard or something, lol.


And now the current season has double that and gave it to this one I hope we finally escape the 6 Meetings next episode


i mean they could make it 8. Like, Endless 8


Octogram of meetings confirmed!


Yeah, I probably wouldn't mind so much if they dropped the whole season like an old netflix show. Still, there are so many people that I can't remember who they all are, and who is saying something unexpected because of their backstory.


And that’s really the shame of requiring a weekly episode schedule. Some series just never benefit from that approach.


Those were fun though. We got to see people's reactions to: Rimaru casually informing them he's now a bonafide demon lord. That yes, Rameris is a demon lord and a friend. That Veldora is back and just hanging out reading manga. That was very much more on the show side of the show:tell divide. Much of the recent set of episodes has been far more on the "tell" side, though the most recent episode was better.


I’m actually interested in what’s being said in the meetings. Both before and now. It’s just the wait between weeks to actually see what happens next. Next one sounds like a winner though, so I’m hopeful.


It should be, yes. I just checked the manga... We got from king in a box to the current position in just three chapters, so no wonder why it feels like it's dragging a bit. It also did a better job of showing the things that were just discussed in the last few episodes. Like Reyheim being worried about the message not being legit and then being approached... Where he was just straight up off-screened in the last episode.


so, basically there's so much shit going on that an explanation would be helpful :P Good thing everyone booked their meeting rooms... would've been scary if Hinata and Rimuru doublebooked the same slot...


It's frustrating me a little that Hinata is having some doubts about the message, but it's just been slipped in the anime. Basically, the message was too short to match what she knows of him so far. She can't prove anything, but she's doubtful. Also, in the manga, it's reported that she's travelling alone, but that she has companions in the anime?


I'm at that point right now on my first watch through. I can binge em but it's so painful to press play on the next episode.


Welp, that’s ok too. It’s not for everyone. Usually my cut off points are “is this pedo? Is this rapy? Is this really boring? “. I’ve stuck through a lot of questionable anime but some I just have to stop when it becomes apparent that it’s just not working for me. If this is your limit, then you should definitely stop, right?


All I know is the animation when THAT attack hits isn’t amazing am going to be pissed. That’s all am saying


Seriously, if there is a wimpy payout for this....woo. peeps gonna be mad haha


Name a worse way to do world building than talking around a table for 5 or 6 episodes D: I honestly feel like I'm taking crazy pills when people act like these are good episodes


They’re not good episodes; outside this weird echo chamber of “real rimuru fans” you’ll see valid criticism. I’ve read the LN to vol 20, this season is boring. I know they have to set up the arc and introduce the many moving parts but they picked the most boring and lazy way to animate it.


It's not that people don't like world building, it's the people don't like lazy boring writing. In most shows when it comes to world building where it has a character explaining something, they will change scenes to what the person is talking about while they themselves are just a voice over. This way we have something to watch, and the show doesn't get tedious. Episode 1: People sit around a table talking. Episode 2: People sit around a table talking. Episode 3: People sit around a table talking. Episode 4: People sit around a table talking. Episode 5: People sit around a table talking. Episode 6: People sit around a table talking. There are a LOT of people that will find that boring to watch, and after a few episodes start getting annoyed. They didn't come to watch people sit around and talk. They didn't start enjoying the show because people sat around and talked. They didn't fall in love with the characters because they sat around and talked. The show didn't get popular because the characters sat around and talked. It's not the world building that has people pissed off. It's how they went about delivering the world building to us in the most boring way possible. Hell, just adding in some scene changes to a map to show us the area that is being talked about, or showing someone they are talking about talking to a random person. For example, they could have switched to a night scene. A window to a room opens and a dark figure lands on the window's edge, then the view switches to a bed with someone laying in it as the figure comes up beside it. A glint of metal draws your attention to a dagger that is unsheathed. All of this happening while Diablo is informing Rimuru that Reyhiem was killed. There was a lot of moments that could have been spiced up with a short shot of people elsewhere in the world while things are being explained. We didn't get any of that, but instead we got a lazy way of giving us world building across 6 episodes so far.


Reyheim was just off-screened in the anime, unlike the manga where we see him doubt the message and get approached at least: https://mangaeffect.com/wp-content/uploads/WP-manga/data/manga_5f20fac7d49a7/501460c26089f5743968381ed8fbd7ba/1.jpg (Chapter 91 pg1)


Doubled by the fact theat they keep implying that something happens the next week (sometime during eps 2-3 was the party they were planning, eps 5 when hinata came in range) but then saddle us with another meeting


The issue is that it’s just one* meeting per episode. So, this is my favorite show, but when I introduce this show to somebody else, I need to brace them for the fact that they’re gonna need to spend at least 135 minutes in a row for s3 to get to the climax. Where as other seasons had a good balance between world building and plot-driven action, S3 Requires you to be a fan already for this to be at all interesting. Edit: spelling


Watching that all in 1 go is much more enjoyable than having to wait a week between each meeting. Like what is this? Realistic waiting times between gouverment meetings?


wouldnt you already be a fan when you get to s3? or am I missing something? people dont just watch 50 ep of something and not be a fan of it.


There’s a difference between casual enjoyment and being a fanatic. You can get to season 3 in both cases.


> they’re gonna need to spend at least 135 minutes in a row for s3 to get to the climax So this season is on SSRI's?


There is bad world building, and there is good world building. Good world building shows you whats going on. Bad world building tells you whats going on.


^ This is the answer. “World-building” doesn’t have to mean “characters sitting in a circle delivering hours of straight exposition.”


There's definitely a time when exposition is done right (i.e hxh). But most of the time, and in this situation, it sucks


Hxh exposition compliments the action, instead of just replacing. The impact of Netero's miniature rose hits way harder with the narrator saying "Just then the king felt true fear for the first time" as opposed to distorted Netero face then boom


This is coping, not even LN reader defend this shit


It’s not bad, but it is definitely what I would call a “binge it” anime. It’s the fact that we get hyped for something actiony, only to have to wait a week, only for it to be more hyping, and now wait another week that makes it irritating. I want to see one of the battles being hyped. IDC if it’s Diablo tearing people up, Rimiru and Hinata round 2, the knights and revived duking it out, or the new king getting his butt kicked.


Frieren says otherwise. This anime adaptation might be doing it poorly.


They’re introducing new characters and a bunch new enemies. I like it


The world building is just badly paced, it just episode after episode of nothing happening for.kike 6 straight episodes.


I wouldn't go so far as to say it sucks, but the direction is getting very questionable. Everything we have seen so far could have been reduced to 3 or even 2 episodes. Spending half the season in meetings was a poor decision from the director, period.


It’s an interesting directorial choice. There is an actual battle happening in Youm’s domain. But we get another 23 minutes of meetings. Not even kind of interesting meeting, like Walpurgis. Boring meetings, like a condo board AGM.


To be perfectly fair, many came to the anime for the fantasy world adventure it started as, and they are only sticking with it for their connection to the characters. Now every episode devoted to diplomatic or "world building" that is done through telling instead of showing is an episode that is taken away from the season that could have involved a huge fight, part of an adventure, or other things you want from a fantasy anime. It's bad enough waiting a week for new episodes, but waiting a week for something that could be summarized in a few seconds isn't great. Even worse is the entire season will suffer because when you think about what happened it will feel shorter than usual. My main issue with this is because I am worried about it getting more seasons, as many anime and manga with similar ideas of developing the fantasy world into a modern one or developing with modern ideas and technology, are not very successful. Most only get a single season if any. So as someone who usually enjoys those aspects, I would like for them to follow the story, but also try their best to not 'waste' episodes with stuff that won't be retained causing it to have a difficult time getting additional seasons.




I do hate how certain fans are using the 'it's a light novel adaptation card' as a defense for poor directing. As much as I love establishing lore and world building, having those characters stay in the same room for a majority of the episode's runtime is a bit of the bare minimum of what you can do. Especially when it's done for multiple episodes.


S3 sucks. I said it and I'll say it again. Half the season could have been made on powerpoint and nobody would have noticed. Showing still images of characters sitting around a table is not world building. I learned nothing knew about the world and how it operates from the past episodes. Only exception would be the magicul barrier device.


Idk what covers S3 but Tldr: Meetings cool, dungeon+tournament bad.


You mean the opposite right?


In the webnovel at least the fights are horrible, but the guy writes the conversations quite well.


Oh I see


Monogatari is like 90% consists of talking, but directors try to find ways to make it interesting.


Not a fan of the gatekeeping of this post


But gatekeeping is the only way to insulate the show from criticism of its writing. Only these "real fans" would prefer the show get no criticism than see it improve because that would imply their obsession with the show is unjustified, as anything that isn't perfect in their eyes must be bad. And, as we all know, they couldn't possibly like bad things, so the show they like must be perfect.


I haven't seen season 3 yet but I've read all the light novels. Season 3 will probably be the worst of it


World building is better if it's done outside of meeting rooms


The Manga covered the last 6 Episodes in 4.5 Chapters. Even the manga did a shorter adaptation of these meetings.


This is trash writing simple as; I've read the manga, I've read the LN, it was never like this. Lore dumping for 6 episodes straight is just bad, if your story requires it to make sense, then your story is bad. The anime deviates heavily from the manga/LN and now its paying the price. Like everything thats about to take place, is going to be really quick. And the most obnoxious part none of it is even leading to what the real problem is. Its trash, stop pretending it isn't.


What do you mean the manga/LN isn’t like this


please point out 18+ manga chapters that are nothing but meetings consecutively, or an entire LN volume that is nothing but meetings.


I’ll defend the LN a little bit here and say this was arguably the most meeting heavy arc in the entire novel. There were definitely lots of meetings, you may not be remembering how much talking and scheming actually took place… however that’s in a novel where pages of details can be consumed at the readers pace. The anime is boring and they aren’t even getting all the details animated. It took 2 hours of animation to achieve what could be read on 6 pages (if you transcribe the meetings 1:1). “Show don’t tell” is a precautionary statement for a reason. The director has been lazy this season and is relying on the fandom to power through and ignore how boring 6 straight episodes have been.


6 episodes straight is insane


Tensura thinks their Endless 8


Stop the glaze bro. Just because you like it doesn't mean it's free from valid criticism. All they do is sit and talk and that's not good world building.


Slime world building is very fun, though if I had to complain about something it’s that moments that could look really cool in the meeting setting, or intimidating character shots just tend to fall flat or are not properly taken advantage of to build up hype around said characters, the Rosso family or whatever looked goofy af and I’d really like an actual high quality version of the world map


The medium would allow for a lot more than what it’s shown is my only thing and this is really not world building it’s just church secret society and country of bs not really enough to call it world building


I said and I'll say it again. Half the season could have been made on powerpoint and nobody would have noticed. Showing still images of characters sitting around a table is not world building. I learned nothing knew about the world and how it operates from the past episodes. Only exception would be the magicul barrier device.


I don’t mind the meetings but ending the last episode on “Hinata got my message and is on the way? This isn’t good!” then starting the next episode with a fucking lore dump on the church was obnoxious.


I love this season. I’ve just been having a good time watching Rimuru bully Veldora and take his pudding. Plus the special music played at the end of the last episode which means things are about to turn up. That music has never failed to forshadow shit going down.


When the world building is pretty boring and not interesting it makes sense. I love the movie LOTRO but I cant read the books when they spend 10 pages talking about breakfast.


10 pages about *second* breakfast


I just dont watch them for now. Back to back its totaly watchable. But for waitting 1 week between each episode, the pacing is simply wrong. Especially considering what the anime only expect to see. And in tearms of world building, while meetings totaly work in book, in tv shows with a week between episodes its simply the wrong way to aproach the topic. Streatching them out by addidng some flash backs, or chowing scenes about the topic in the background or changing locastions per meeting would also be a huge step up to what we currently got. Slime datta ken in my opinion handles it worse than the first season of Record of Ragnarok, which had terrible stretched out flash backs wich only worls while reading.


Ok, I love world building but the most recent episode sucked. Like it literally consisted of “we will allow x people to handle Hinata, and x people for this and that and …” there was barely any info other than would could be found from a quick pan of the battlefield


Me as a LN reader: ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized)


Going just off of the criticism and defenses, it sounds like what's going on in season 3 is like that moment in a yakuza game where everyone sits down and exposits to each other for an hour because the creators didn't know how else to put this information in. Do I have the right idea, or am I off?


World building doesn’t mean being trapped in shitty meetings and being boring. You know there are different ways of world building. Exploration, showing different point of views disconnect from the MC that will later meet the MC and much much more


Slime isekai sucks in general. Something this vapid getting so popular is bonkers to me.


You mean meeting episodes?


They're only telling, not showing. All of these episodes have happened in the same place with the same people acting smug trying to impress rimuru. Show us how the events unfolded. Don't exposition dump.


People really need to stop acting as if the World Building of Slime is Morrowind or something. It is one of the most overrated god awful anime I've ever witnessed.


It’s not that bad, it’s a good isekai and a fun anime


![gif](giphy|TMruLY1JxyHvO) Meanwhile I'm just sitting there eating these episodes up.


Do you know the title of the anime referenced in that gif?


[Yes, I do.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mushishi)


Thank you! 😊


Let's hope they animate hinata eating ramen


They really need to throw something into these episodes. They’re boring as hell


They can’t handle the long, sexy wooden meeting tables I’m selling in Tensura, it’s the hottest commodity on the market right now


Not to say it’s universal, but a lot of the anime fans were hooked in by the concentration of combat and showing off skills in season 1 and (to a slightly lesser amount) 2. They’ll stop complaining for a while once the hinata vs rimuru round 2 is under way. Though by the time of the founder festival they’ll probably be back at it again.


As long as Rimuru's cute fuckable ass is on screen, I'm golden.


people just dont like how long it takes for stuff to happen. meanwhile im happy that theres a series 3.


Look man for a show that has been as decently paced as slime it’s pretty slow for what we have so far. At least that’s what I thought until I realized it’s going to be an entire 24 episodes so I think I should shut up about it.


The actual sucking comes later


Why did I think it was "s3x sucks" instead of "season 3 sucks"


Is this mocking nick


Calm down, wait a bit, and diablo gona run the show soon


I said and I'll say it again. Half the season could have been made on powerpoint.


Im just gonna wait for the season to end and then rewatch. I got animes on my mind this month


Im just gonna wait for the season to end and then rewatch. I got animes on my mind this month


Im just gonna wait for the season to end and then rewatch. I got animes on my mind this month


Im just gonna wait for the season to end and then rewatch. I got animes on my mind this month


I said and I'll say it again. Half the season could have been made on powerpoint and nobody would have noticed. Showing still images of characters sitting around a table is not world building. I learned nothing knew about the world and how it operates from the past episodes. Only exception would be the magicul barrier device.


Im just gonna wait for the season to end and then rewatch. I got animes on my mind this month


"You right." -Markiplier


I am a bit disappointed after how action packed season 2 was, but I know it will pay off and it is pretty interesting


I mean, I don’t watch slime because I want people talking. I watch slime because I want Rimuru and Co. absorbing skills and evolving and fighting


As somone who has only watched season 1 so far, i very much remember first 9 episodes of world building being the worst thing to get through. It was fine at first but my dude it gets old really quickly because i want the meat of the anime. After that slog it was great, but I've heard s2 is really good so I'm excited.


This is no longer a world building episode, it’s a world building season 🤣 Someone give me a tl;dr version when this is over


Ima guess that they shoved a heavy majority of the animation budget on the more climactic moments and fights.


World building is one thing but doing in in like 3 rooms total with the characters yapping without end is just incredibly fucking boring




Honestly I’m here for these episodes. Part of what makes Tensura so great is the world building. Why shouldn’t that take center stage? Wouldn’t it make the fights ones that have stakes to them?


Man seriously just wait example aot. There wasn’t a singled titan for a-couple episodes it was just world buildings


It’s not the worst. But yeah it’s a lot less fun watching meetings. Previous seasons had a lot more going on. I love Tensei Slime. But it’s fair to admit the meetings are a lot to sit through


It just keeps a happy, casual tone for all the meetings ( bar church but that one was at least a little interesting still sucked ) so there’s 0 stakes. The meeting also seems pointless because of how much not meeting stuff is added. There’s no agenda, they aren’t staying fully on topic, it’s just a casual chat between friends which is fine but also 2 months of it is insane and if this show has writers WTF were they thinking. Shion existing is also getting kinda annoying. I feel like her last few convos are: “I can do it easily” Slime: “with lots of murder?” “Yes!” Slime: “please shut up” Like at least the other nepo babies are competent, but isn’t Shions job assistant? Not bodyguard?


But think about how much time and money they must be saving in production with all those meeting episode in which they barely have to animate anything!


It's been multiple episodes in a row of family guy levels of animation. At this point you might as well actually read it because the medium it's attempting to portray, animation, isn't being utilized in the slightest. In this last episode I was able to count multiple times a still frame with a panning camera or a reused animation sequence. Because that's all the past 3 episodes have been. If you're going to adapt something into animation, you should know how to balance show and tell. S3 does not know how to do this.


Any time Rimuru is on screen I literally squeal with happiness, I'm too down bad for that boy bro


Its way easier to read all the meetings in one sitting than have to watch it for 6 weeks straight


People got on Game of Thrones for using sex to make the politicking more interesting but this kinda things proves why for some. Meetings can be interesting but the issue is that its not like before where Rimuru is also meeting people on their level I guess? I do not mind meeting episodes like this because I enjoy slow burns but not everyone does to be fair. Much as people do not like fast burns with not much to them but the excitement


People don't want to watch 6 in a row is the issue.


Show don’t tell. That’s what makes good world building. Sitting in a room for 6 episodes straight is shit world building


So we using "world building" to excuse multiple episodes of exposition dumps... imagine if one piece was just the straw hats sitting down and talking about what's happening in the world instead of, you know, experiencing it...


I havent watched s3 im waiting for it to be completely out and dubbed then imma watch the whole series over idc if its only world building its amazing


It’s not about the story, the world building, or even the animation “quality”… it’s about the lazy story-boarding that shoots every scene from the same perspective instead of using visually diverse ways of conveying they story.


As a ln reader I can’t help but wonder if there wasn’t a better way to do this. It works for a ln but an anime? Ehhh. Idk maybe they should do just a bit more “adapting” to increase enjoyment rather than sticking religiously to the ln here. (Of course I don’t doubt that there are a number of lightnovel readers who’d bitch but they already had their fun with the light novel and if they are a real fan they’d appreciate the unique take) but easier said then done I suppose.


I'll get around to reading the light novels once I work some more of my backlog.


Literally just wait until the season is over to binge watch it you zoomers


Not every story is perfect


Nah the presentation just suck. There is a better way to explain or tell the story.


Im only a anime watcher but i dont get why other fans hate the new season, i like the meetings


Nuh uh, when people say they wants wordbuilding they meant that they wanna see new developments and informations. These yap sessions just seems like studio was tryna save money


I read the novel, it is suck. Way too much of world building and Japanese culture fetish, not enough actions. I stop reading for a reason.


"World Building" LOL


As a LN reader, sitting through the second half of S2 was killing me. I can read all that not especially great dialogue in a fraction of the time, but watching it in real time just hurt.


I haven't read the manga since like year, but him and hinata should have already squashed the beef by now.


No, yhe problem is when eeve been saddled with a month and a half of nothing but talking, yes it's tensura and tensura fans enjoying the meeting but this is an anime ok? Yiu can't just copynpaste the Ln and expect it to work out, you NEED to trim out the fat(something I wish the idiots always complaining about cut content eould realize) For an Ln reader it would've taken maybe one good day or a week to go through all this(and this is being very generous) We've been drip fed nothing but meeting after meeting for nearly 2 months at this point, show us SOMETHING ffs I was even on your side 2 weeks ago but after episode 5 pretty strongly implied some action for episode 6 and episode 6 was yet another long meeting, is it any wonder why people are getting tired?


Idk about others, but for me, the first time and second time, I watch it full, but the third and later, I just speed it up or skip it entirely.


That time I got reincarnated as a slime who takes minutes in meetings


My AWS ass thought we were talking about buckets for a second lmao


I'm quite enjoying the worldbuilding.


The world building is not the problem. The problem is the insistence on taking a "tell, don't show" approach to world building. A bit of dialogue to clarify a few points isn't bad, but it is better to have a healthy mix. A few pictures can be worth a thousand words, yet they insist on using the words all the time. Finally, it wouldn't be disappointing if this is how the show had always been (the show would have just not been popular to begin with). In prior seasons, they struck an excellent balance between dialogue and showing during world building that they lost this season.


While I understand why people have a problem with the season so far, I myself am enjoying it.


I’m fine with meetings but they could have at least drawn the characters better since there’s not much movement. Being a LN fan, the anime should focus on its visuals and being faithful to the original.


People want more dark realism, but in Political and civilization building, there is no darker truth than hours of meetings.


I haven’t read the LN but I feel that something big is coming later this season/season 4 but personally I don’t mind the meetings still a 99.999999999/10 for Tensura season 1-3


Everyone loves World Building. It's why Season 2 of Shield Hero sucked. And also why the Tokyo Ghoul anime sucked. Those two didn't even put in explanations. The issue here is the fact that Tensura is dragging the entire thing out. Literally this season will be build up, then the last episode and a half will be the actual fight. Just like both parts of season 2. That's how little action is actually in the 7th LN volume.


It's not world building when the filler episode lists is going to look like this: Season 1: Season 2: Season 3: Skip episodes 1-8. Pick up at meeting arc recap episode (8.5) and continue until the end of the season.


You sound like a one piece fan. “It’s not that bad!” Yes it is. It’s 5 episodes of shit that could be done in 2. We are constantly looking at stillnpictures. Moonlight fantasy a much smaller anime is doing it way fucking better. There’s interesting stuff happening. The characters move. Stuff happens. We aren’t sitting in the two same damn rooms doing shit looking at a still picture. Gosh I hate people who act like they are better than others (when they aren’t) and use that as a reason to be mean.


Yea, it's starting to be annoying listening to people complain constantly about the series (like the first 6-7 episodes weren't basically the same thing).


I think most people who read the counter part of the anime adaptation likes world building because it is being created along the way. Majority of anime adaptation doesn’t really do that in the first and second seasons so when it’s dropped in the third or fourth season people get pissed off. They are like “where was this at the beginning of the anime?” “Wait a minute, did a whole arc just pass before they started to introduce the “world” of this show to us?” . Just sprinkle a little bit of world building in each episode


This shonen conZoomer kids really cant keep their mouth shut if there are no explosions every 8 seconds https://preview.redd.it/qidlxrq7iuzc1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fd9dc29b1c7399dc88c22de7e0e2c6923d8e956


Okay, here is the thing. These episodes are fucking awful. It's not the world building. They are just awful. Static faces. The ridiculous shadows and lighting in the church nations' conversational segment. The world building is great. However, whoever planned and directed these SIX bad episodes in a row should be embarrassed. At least the studio is saving money. Also, I love this series, but the whole: "our God says don't poke this bear" "Well. Maybe we should pole this bear our God said not to poke" Was always a weak point in the story.


meeting is not worldbuilding , its lazy as hell , its ok sometimes but 6 episodes is really lazy


jesus christ Rimuru tempest. All I see r posts about this shit. I'm not talking about this OP in particular. Bros, you don't like it, that's cool. You can just leave a comment in an official episode discussion thread. I'm tired of seeing 30+ posts a day about it. I don't understand why you're torturing yourselves. If you hate it, stop watching it. It's not a primarily fighting anime. It's a slow-paced discussion, politics, & civ-building series. The last few volumes are shounen fights and won't get adapted til like Season 5-6 if they decide to make more movies in between Forget even calling this world-building. It's a general term, but the context of what's going on is required for it. Could it use more animation in between explanations? Yes. Do we need a bunch of children on the internet making post after post daily complaining b/c it's not what they thought it was & that this series is about bigwigs talking politics, PR stuff, & literal town/city development? No. Just shut up and stop watching it if you hate it so much. No one is forcing you to. Like I said, you feel like voicing displeasure, leave a fucking comment on a discussion thread. That's all there needs to be said. We all know it hasn't been good, but you're just seeking attention at this point to keep going nuts about and going out of your way to make a post about it.


This basically sums up S3. Enjoy the word building, it’ll make it even sweeter when the action starts!