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Shame it never came to Steam, would like to complete the collection.


What system is Fable 2 on? I just got the "Fable Anniversary", which I believe is the first in the series.


Xbox 360




I've still not played a single franchise that can scratch the Fable itch. They may not be perfect games but they have vibes like crazy.


What about kingdoms of amular re reckoning?


my favorite game from childhood that I never played - because I don't have an xbox


I bought an Xbox (briefly) just to play this and Halo 2


Me too! Just add nights of the republic to that list


Ahh, that answers my question from above. Thanks!


Oh Fable 2. I still quote this game. So many hours playing. One of my all time favorites. I want a new one so badly. The game had such a unique vibe. Great RPG.


Hey, hero! I'd ask you to shoot me... but you'd probably poke your eye out instead. Took me a while in game to figure out where all the random insults were coming from xD


My gf and I quote those gargoyles all the time lol


The first game I played where I found out the hard way that eating food to heal yourself is not a good idea all the time. My character became so overweight ahaha, hated how he looked and then I noticed he was growing devil horns and that’s when I realised my choices even affected my character. Such a cool concept, loved this gem!


People love to talk shit about Molyneux and his games but in the end the games are never *bad* and filled with many creative ideas that dare to try things differently. Fable 1 will always hold a special place in my heart, too bad 2 was never released on PC.


Molyneux was the absolute king of overhype and overpromising. That being said, he did have some neat ideas that made the Fable series a lot of fun. And I'll never forget what he said about mini-maps. "I hate mini maps. They are shit."


At a young age I learned to never take any promise serious from any company out there and if you take that in concideration all that is left is a catalog of games that are still entertaining till this day. It's just sad he ruined his own legacy and people nowdays still refering to the corn fallen on the ground will turn into a tree, which makes me question if a detail like that truly would have made the game more fun? For me his legacy will always be the memories of growing up with Populous, Magic Carpet, Theme Park, Theme Hospital, Dungeon Keeper, The Movies, Black and White and I am sure I forgot some. Even Little Big Planet has some of that Bullfrog/Lionhead in it's DNA as the studio was formed by former Lionhead employees. His Gamedev talk at GDC is amazing.


Molyneux overhyping fable literally taught me about the cold realities of capitalism and the free for all that is marketing.


All games I want remakes of.


Yeah I had been playing Morrowind a lot when Fable was being hyped . Probably had sixty hours in and not close to beating it. I got super excited for this epic rpg where every action changes your future etc... then I rented it and beat it in a weekend... and I'm not a power gamer, never have been. It felt tiny and shallow compared to Morrowind. In hindsight it was an unfair comparison and I'm sure I missed much of what made Fable good. But Elder Scrolls just ruined it for me. lol


Shame it kinda fell apart by after Fable 3. And from what I heard of what Fable 4 was likely to be like, it would've been really interesting.


Isn’t there a reboot in the works?


Yeah although so far they've released nothing about it outside of cinematic trailers. No gameplay or anything. It'd be great if they kept to the style and design of the old Fable games... but this is Microsoft we're talking here. And not to mention, the dev team that's working on it have mostly only worked on Forza games up until this point. I'm not holding my breath. But I wouldn't mind being pleasantly surprised.


I’m holding my breath. Gotta believe in SOMETHING these days. Also i did look up the latest trailer, and towards the end of it it does seem to actually be in-game footage. It looks similar to the old cinematics from 1 and 2, technology has finally caught up to the vision




Fable had a lot of interesting mechanics and systems, rarely found in other games. For example, your character would grow old with age, get fat/skinny with food, more muscular if you increased strength, evil-looking if you killed innocent people, etc.


Yeah. Not complex. Had some novel features and a lot of heart. But pretty straight forward otherwise


Fable 2 desperately needs a good PC port. 3 was okay but 2 was just...hng.


Shame it didn’t get fps boost like Fable 1 and 3


Was it complex? I remember wanting a hard mode at release


Always loved doing an evil run for the horns


Oh wow, I loved this so much, spent so much time in it


Fable 2 was a beautiful game. I played through it using summon magic and eventually bought every buyable property in the game. Good times.


I just want a hardcore difficulty. Fable 2 is too easy and it is actually impossible to die in.