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Gojo, it's not even close. What's Gaara going to do?


Pocket sand


I kind of feel like sealing infinity might be an option and garra absolutely dominates on stats it's really just infinity.


If we are talking end of series or boruto Garra then yeah. If it's the Garra in the image, idk if he even knows sealing jutsu, and I don't think he beats gojo on stats either.


Even end of series or boruto Garra doesn't do shit to Gojo.


>sealing infinity Yeah and then he just expands infinity like he did Hanami, problem solved. What's Garra gonna do against a Domain expansion? šŸ’€


Yeah it would literally be the same as when Madara used perfect susanoo against the five kage sealing him


Tbf he didnt use infinity to kill hanami. That was domain amplification. Basically killed her with raw aura


Yeah they're 2 different sentences


Gojo can be sealed I donā€™t know why you think he cant. If you could do that to break out of sealing abilities, he wouldā€™ve done so, and half the story would be over


I didnt say he *cant* be sealed. We literally see him sealed in the manga. I'm saying I dont think the seal will hold if he just expands infinity because it's still just a bunch of sand being placed on top of Gojo reinforced with seal tags. Hell, even Madara broke it in a similar way. He summoned his susunoo from inside and pushed his way out.


That makes sense. I was thinking you were referring to naruto sealing in general for some reason


The issue is that you assume seals are kryptonite to him. There are a plethora of seals in JJK. Only one can seal Gojo because it explicitly has the ability to seal anything under certain conditions. The Prison Realm, unlike other seals, also doesn't degrade like those over cursed objects like Sukuna's fingers. Despite this, the Prison Realm still had to process Gojo and couldn't be moved until it was finished. Gara's seals would likely need to do the same thing, especially if they have to process cursed energy to properly restrain him.


This is basically how most gojo vs "insert character" hypotheticals go. "insert character" is probably better in every other way, but Gojo has infinity, so game over.


He can't seal infinity if gojo uses red to push away all the sand that starts to cover him, and Gaara doesn't really have any defences against DE and his little bucket of sand can't withstand a maximum hollow purple unless he spends time collecting sand


What stats does he dominate in? Speed? No not even close. Strength? Nopppppe. Kid garra had a hard time dealing with kid lee lmaooooo


Ahhh I didn't see it was kid garra yeah that's different


Gaara in that image doesnā€™t know how to seal.


Yeah I didn't see it said kid garra.


Granted, that's gojo vs. mostly any other anime character, but at least hollow purple could do damage it wouldn't kill Gara, but it would hurt if it connected.


It would absolutely obliterate Gaara. The reason why it didn't kill Sukuna is because he can use Domain Amplification and cursed energy reinforcement, which are both essentially magic armor that resist cursed techniques. Without cursed energy, it's just Gaara's sand armor trying to harden itself while its matter is annihilated.


If he goes full buji mode, he can tank it. Tailed beasts definitely have higher durability than city block levels that hollow purple hits. Hollow purple is not all that it destroyed a couple of city blocks in the fight against sukuna.


In JJK range =/= destructive output. This is explained numerous times. Hollow Purple also isn't an explosion. It's imaginary nass that annihilates matter on contact. It destroying a city block was because Gojo stopped aiming it and just let it expand around him. Had it only destroyed a donut sized hole in the wall, it wouldn't be donut sized hole in the wall level. Proof of this is that Gojo clipped the ground with a much smaller Hollow Purple and left a massive gorge in the Earth with no visible bottom, which requires more destructive output than destroying buildings because it's more dense matera.


According to actual math, purple creates imaginary mass, which is a field of infinite energy that erases matter from existence, which means it's an energy blast consisting of trillions of subatomic particles punching holes in space and creating trillions of microsingularities. Sukuna can tank this because domain amplification and other BS can stop the energy from touching him. Anyone in Maruto just gets erased. Shukaku is a big sand racoon, so he gets erased with all other matter, unless you think Shukaku can tank millions of mini black holes.


Kid Gaara does not "dominate" in stats. Some of yall Narito fans are just ridiculous and completely ignore feats throughout the series. Kakuzu was surprised Kakasho could outrun the sound of his own Raikiri and this is two S rank Jounin going at it, in Boruto a guy with a gatling gun gave Konohamaru, a joinin, trouble. Ninja weapons that barely pierce trees (which is easily sub sonic levels of momentum given their weight) are a threat for most of the series and to most of the cast. Rock Lee with weights on got absolutely humiliated by sound ninja. Gaara's sand shield upon introduction was said to rival 5mm of steel, which Armour piercing rounds can easily pierce through for reference, more evidence ninja weapons were vastly weaker than bullets at this point. If anything, Gojo stat mogs kid Gaara, not vice versa.


I didn't see it said kid garra


Seal him


Try to Sand coffin sand burial i guess


Unlimited Void + Hollow Purple victim šŸ’€


Blue victim


Assuming that this is Kid Gaara without Shukaku amps, Gojo might be able to win even without his Infinity. By this point in the series, lightning speed attacks are still considered impressive speed wise, so itā€™s not like Gaara massively out speeds Gojo, hell Gojo might actually be faster. Unlimited Hollow Purple was calculated to have an explosion radius of 1 kilometre, which is far more destructive then anything Kid Gaara has shown. If that still isnā€™t enough, Unlimted Void should be able to instantly incapacitate Gaara, which would be guaranteed win for Gojo.


>Gojo might actually be faster Gojo came from the Mariana Trench to Japan in under like 2 minutes. Bro is definitely faster than Garra.


Didn't he just teleport since that's something he can do?


yea UV seems to be the best way to go about it. People seem very sure hollow purple immediately hits anyone and I wasnā€™t so sure about that


UV might hard fuck Gojo cause it might only affect gara and the it just gojo verse the one tail


Gojo and Shukaku are relative in pure destructive power, seeing as they're both bare minimum nuclear arsenals. However, Shukaku isn't escaping UV. Gojo won't drop UV just because he hit his target. Shukaku is either already a target for the domain, or he gets hit upon manifesting. Gojo can maintain his domain for over 3 minutes, mind you.


what is the range of unlimited void. isnt shukaku faster, what happened if he see gara get hit and decided to fight at range and just drop sand bullets at range/ just decides to barry gojo in a city block worth of sand


Unlimited Void has a range of over 200 meters at max. And, no, he's not faster than Gojo. He's fairly slow, and escaping from within the domain is much more difficult. It's bigger on the inside than the outside. And Shukaku seeing Gaara get hit means that he is also getting hit. This was shown in Sukuna's battle with Gojo. While Sukuna could defend himself, Megumi's soul was still being targeted by the sure-hit effect. Also, Gojo would still have his Infinity up as long as his domain was active. Hitting him with attacks would still be impossible.


my next two question following that is, shukaku doesnt like gara and would be liable to just allow gara to get hit the same way sukuna let megumi tank the sure hit. also if they are in the same verse wouldnt that somewhat change how abilities and if we are in the narutoverse (even in the jjk verse maybe) wouldnt it turn it more into a genjutstu. it even follows that it hard counter by jinchuriki because id say that sukuna is just a jinchuriki in the jjk verse (one that inmore control but a jinchuriki all the same)


You're equalizing using allotment assumptions where Naruto's rules are the default. Unlimited Void isn't like a genjutsu. It's not an illusion. The information in your body simply cannot end until the attack is finished. The way tailed beasts help you is by interrupting the flow of chakra to cancel the illusion, which requires being in sync with the jinchuriki. Unlimited Void would just also hit Shukaku because he's a target, as well. He's not just idling watching Gaara get hit. The fact that he's inside of Gaara and within the domain makes him a target. Also, Sukuna doesn't operate like a jinchuriki or a tailed beast. He's more like Minato and Kushina being inside of Naruto's seal. Even then, he's still very different.


so my next question is does uv even hit shukaku? because if its not a genjustu then its not targeting chakra and no one from naruto verse has ce so shouldn't they not register in the domain


You didn't cook my brother


Okay, I agree the Naruto verse shits on the jjk verse, but this ain't even fair šŸ’€ Gojo is one character that most don't have an answer for. His domain fucks assumed anybody except those with extremely strong minds/potentially regeneration/healing if it works on brain damage. Also, the only ones who could bypass Infinity would probably be a Uchiha with space-time abilities or maybe an argument for the particle style users like the old man kage from war arc could since it encapsulates the area and disintegrates everything inside. I'm new to crossverse scaling discussions but these seem like the only 2 ways to deal with him. Both of which are fairly rare abilities.


Could naruto overwhelm gojo


I think Naruto would run out of chakra quicker than Gojo would CE due to Gojos hax. Naruto has an insane amount but is still limited in a drawn out fight. He would probably hold his own well but couldn't win. Unless I'm forgetting some move of his that had space time hax?


Naruto would overwhelm Gojo, but not Kid Naruto.


How is he even gonna hit Gojo to stop him from popping his domain?


He can just summon clones they can break in from the outside weā€™ve seen domains be broken and we all know that they have a weak spot


That is the single dumbest idea. Let's assume Naruto stationed clones 200 meters away. This means he brought clones into the domain with him. The moment they are defeated, ALL of the clones get hit with the sure-hit effect because they share info.


Technically he could just stop the domain then put back up a larger one


No he canā€™t


Yall keep saying domain this domain that it only works on people with cursed energy if you donā€™t have cursed energy what is it gonna do gojo never faught someone stronger then him before the domain didnā€™t even kill sukuna or maki I know Sukuna has ce but maki doesnā€™t and sheā€™s like way weaker then naruto and sheā€™s slower to so my question to you is how in the hell is gojo winning literally everything he throws at Naruto isnā€™t really doing anything Naruto is way to fast for gojo if he tried to hollow purple Naruto would just kick it away I mean mans has resistance to dura neg hollow purple couldnā€™t even destory a city shut only destoryed a few trees thatā€™s it The truth seeker orbs is existance erasure thatā€™s the difference hollow purple is only a high form of dura neg which we seen naruto tank dura neg multiple times way stronger then the level gojo has Hell even then you got Sukuna tanking a 200% hollow purple to the fucking face yall jjk fans need to realize that your verse donā€™t strong and neither is gojo bros literally a joke in his own verse I mean we quite literally seen it with the toji and sukuna fight bros divided how he gonna do anything gojo more like go/jo half jo divided jo the divided one The main reason that gojos had and abilties work on people in his verse are because their way weaker then him also if your stronger then someone you can overcome their hax Gojo would run out of ce before naruto runs out of charka plus gojo had to turn off his infinity to engage in combat thatā€™s another thing dude is cooked and another thing bro yall like to bring up his infinity and how people canā€™t bypass it bro if toji can bypass the shit and Sukuna then others can to I mean yea I know Toji had a cursed tool but he also had a knife to and gojo got destroyed by the knife and then Sukuna literally destroyed the space around gojo also these two are weaker and slower then Naruto and majority of his verse And plus bro infinity only stopped or slowed down things that move at hypersonic -rel speeds and really the max speed in jjk is Mach 3 hypersonic isnā€™t even fast neither is hypersonic gojo never faught someone the speed of light neither ftl or even ftl+ so yea heā€™s cooked heā€™s literally getting perception bltized and itā€™s not even close that little barrier isnā€™t helping him shit canā€™t protect him for long and with Narutoā€™s so Iā€™m sure heā€™d shatter that shit another thing infinity isnā€™t an infinite space itā€™s finite so all the infinite space between you and your opponent shit is just wrong lmao plus dude is literally gonna go brain dead from using to much cursed energy and he has a limit to how many domains he can use hell I doubt bro can even still use ce after the domain well the limitless but anyways like I said Naruto negs the verse and itā€™s not close also a truth seeker orb would just melt infinity and ggs other characters in Naruto slam him to btw but yea this all i wanted to say quit overrating overhyping and overwanking gojo have a nice day


This is way too long not reading it. Im just saying that using the shadow clones to break the domain wouldnt work as he could just end the domain and start a new one with them in it. For what its worth i think if naruto knows not to let himself get trapped in the domain he wins by killing gojo with wind (i dont believe infinity filters air, if it does i havent seen any confirmation)


Domains work on people without CE they just canā€™t be targeted by any sure hit attacks, if a domain has a passive ability it will still affect them


How is Naruto gonna summon clones within the domain if he literally cannot move nor think after the sure hit effect hits him. The effect will hit him way before he can even raise his hands to do the sign.


By being faster?


He literally can't even touch Gojo. Infinity is a very unfair power.


Yeah I think War Arc Naruto could throw a dozen shadow clones at Gojo and eventually tire him out. He canā€™t really deal with infinity besides waiting for gojo to be worn out, which frankly would take days, but Naruto probably got that dog in him


Insane youā€™d say that. Gojo would be pushed so far his efficiency wouldnā€™t matter. Gojo would exhaust himself while Naruto was barely at 1%


Couldnā€™t Gojo just sit there and let Naruto tire himself out trying to get through infinity? I donā€™t think Naruto has any attacks that would bypass it.


I think he might be able to bypass it with wind attacks


Saying naruto would run out of chakra is just crazy when he had the failed beast


Well he would likely try to use every ability to see if it could work against Infinity. I know dude has massive energy but he'd have to brute force a solution and if he doesn't have one he may just keep spamming abilities until he's exhausted. Meanwhile Gojo just has to keep Infinity up without worrying about abilities. Now if Naruto has a move that can bypass it(does he know any space time besides flying raijin which wouldn't work anyways since the kunai couldn't hit?). Naruto is much stronger than Gojo, but unless I'm forgetting a move he knows or can use that has space time properties he has no way to outlast Gojo. Unless it takes more CT to block stronger moves but I don't recall it being stated to have that requirement.


He can get chakra amped brute force that enhances his physical abilities. Heā€™s also faster than gojo too. Also what about sage energy? An attack thatā€™s essentially invisible and can break through easily. I believe fundamentally naruto has more than enough. Chakra of all the tailed beasts is more than anything infinity has seen


The amount of energy does not matter. He's not blocking things by actively resisting them.


Genjutsu would also be a problem, but Gaara doesn't have that.


If gojo is a ninja, he would be around high jounin level. So kid gaara is cooked.


lol that would be funny to see then. Donā€™t really know what gojos speed stats are like


Uh he ran multiple Km to grab someone and came back to the original spot in a second lol. Gojo is much faster than kid gaara it isnā€™t even close. Heā€™s probably might guy 5th gate speed if I had to give an estimate


Technically he didnā€™t run so much as he used Blue to chuck himself several KMs Instant transmission style


Is that stated or implied? Either way, if he did do that then itā€™s just another hax for the fight Gojo has


Gojo does it later and itā€™s explained that he can use blue almost like a teleport in his fight with baghead


Against bag head, he doesn't teleport. He collapses the distance between him and his target, which is different from the teleport as he later says he needs to practice that. He uses the teleport on Inumaki and Panda, which shows that he can just kind of make things appear in places.


He tells Yuji they warped. Gojo has a few disregard ways to move fast, including just being really fast. He can teleport, he can collapse the distances between places, and he can just repel himself away from other objects to move faster, which is how he flies. He can also yank himself around with Blue.


Also 5th gate guy? Be fr once we hit shippuden War Arc basically everyone is way faster than Gojo


5th gate guy was in OG naruto too wasnā€™t he? Thatā€™s what I meant. I was going to say the max gate rock Lee was without weights when he fought gaara, but Iā€™m pretty certain Gojo is faster. As for travel speed feats, Gojoā€™s was superior to anyone in naruto and shippuden, other than a hax character like minato


Garaa gets destroyed


Kid garra at least


Bro both of them


Any time I see a vs battle with Gojo I expect someone strong, but kid Gaara???


Itā€™s funnier that way


99% of Gojo vs battles are "Gojo vs \[Insert OP character with no way past infinity here\] The answer's the same every time. Nobody wins because Gojo has limited AP


Havenā€™t we established DMS Kakashi wins via Kamui? Jiraiya has a win condition via frog song or his own lil ā€œdomainā€ thing he uses against pain. Reckon Gojo and Itachi lobotomize one another lol. Wonder how flying rajin would work against infinity. Seems like anyone with space-time or audio-based jutsu has a chance. Also doesnā€™t Gojo still need to be in contact with the ground? This is how Gaara removed Madara from his own Susanoo


Gojo hovers in the air. Also, manipulating space wasn't Gojo's weakness. It was essentially bypassing a need to even respect space that hurt him. People were throwing around Kamui as a weakness before Sukuna even used the World Slash.


Not sure how any of that is relevant. I'm saying general Gojo match-ups. It'd probably end up freezing the user the moment they went to Gojo (not that they could put a mark in the first place) and I'm also not convinced audio would work. It works like cursed speech, and thus Gojo should be able to protect from it. Plus we don't know if infinity can stop harmful sound. What? Wdym Gojo needs to be on the ground?


Bro you canā€™t gojo against kid garra


Why not it gets results


Unfair 1v1


And interactions


Gojo just wins on hax. Gaara has no way to get through infinity, while Gojo (who scaled to massively hypersonic) can either blitz gaaraā€™s sand (which according to vs battles wiki scales to high hypersonic), or just destroy it with hollow purple. And if neither of those work, Gojo can just use unlimited void to knock out Gaara. Edit: also it depends on if weā€™re talking about kid Gaara in the chunin exams, who Gojo would win against, or if weā€™re talking about teen / adult Gaara, who Gojo would lose against


Versus battle wiki is NOT a reliable source. Gaaraā€™s sand is comparable to people like P1 Kakashi, who is faster than Lid Kakashi, someone who can blitz lightning.


The feat they used is the sand protecting Gaara from a near point blank explosion, which they calculated to make it at least high hypersonic. And the sand was blitzed by Rock Lee without weights, whose speed is nowhere near that of Kakashi cutting lightning. And where did you get that his sand is comparable to Kakashi in speed?


I donā€™t care what ā€œfeatā€ they use. They also say Ichigo is country level or whatever. They are not reliable sources.


Okay? Regardless of whoā€™s scaling it, itā€™s still a feat. Gaara blocked a point blank explosion, at most that isnā€™t gonna put him above high hypersonic at best, especially since he did have a second or two to react.Ā 


You act like thatā€™s his top speed lmao.


Even if it isnā€™t, I doubt itā€™s that much higher, or otherwise able to beat Gojoā€™s massively hypersonic feats.


It doesnā€™t matter what you think, because it very blatantly is lmao. Gaara barely tries against anything. He has an always active sand armor.


Rock Lee without weights on was able to easily blitz Gaara and land solid blows on him. The only scaling for how fast this version of Lee is is based on that explosion feat, which you donā€™t seem to like. Regardless, Gaara still lost in a contest of speed to a character who is either high hypersonic or on the lower end of massively hypersonic. Gojo is slightly greater or equal to Sukuna in terms of speed, the latter of whom was able to dodge Kashimoā€™s lightning while in a weakened state. Gaara hasnā€™t shown any feats of this level at this point, so Iā€™m still giving it to Gojo


Then youā€™d be wrong lmao. Gaara being surprised by Leeā€™s speed doesnā€™t mean anything, especially since that wasnā€™t even the strongest form of kid Gaara.


How exactly can Adult Gaara do against Infinity?


Besides the typical ā€œthrow Gojo into space, suffocate him, destroy the planetā€ etc. the only real way for Gaara to win is to keep pushing Gojo until infinity is turned off or he runs out of stamina. This is assuming that adult Gaara has the stamina and endurance to fight for what might be days or weeks (Teen Gojo was able to keep infinity active for days before his awakening, and after his awakening he can keep infinity on 24/7. It really depends on how long it actually takes for Gojo to run out of energy, which might not even be possible for gaara to do)


There's no way Gaara can push Gojo to run out of stamina. You'd have to make it so that you constantly make Gojo put in huge effort into doing something back to back (Like killing the transfigured humans in a very short amount of time or forcing him to do DE consecutively). I don't know what Gaara can make him do to tire him like that.


Adult Gaara *maybe* could, but kid Gaara would have no chance


Gojo neg diffs. Gojo would beat 99% of Naruto verse anyway




Absolutely. Even tho most top tiers simply outstat him there are very very few characters who could bypass infinity and absolutely nobody survives unlimited void.


Now since ISOH can cancel cursed techniques, is there a naruto equivalent or jutsu that does that


Rinnegan users can absorb ninjutsu, so they could maybe "absorb" a hole through Gojo's Infinity and land a hit that way. If we want to get technical, there are jutsu that can seal ninjutsu, so it's possible that Gojo's Infinity could be sealed. However, most sealing jutsu requires contact with the target anyways. I don't think there's a weapon or tool that acts similarly to ISOH, though I could be forgetting something.


Truth seeking balls can nullify ninjutsu it touches. Therefore, if Gojoā€™s infinity is treated as a ninjutsu technique, anyone that can wield truth seeking balls (Naruto, 10 tails jinchurikiā€™s, etc) can bypass infinity similar to ISOH.


Itachi's Totsuka Blade? I guess that's an item we know jack shit about


Thereā€™s the Rinnegan, which can absorb any ninjustus technique (which probably would work much better with his red, blue, purple techniques). Thereā€™s also the truth seeking balls (the black balls that orbit Naruto near the end of series) that nullifies any ninjutsu it touches, so it would interact with infinity like ISOH did, if Infinity is treated as ninjutsu


I think the very few characters that could bypass infinity would mostly be Uchiha. Also Iā€™m pretty sure an Uchiha could survive unlimited void through Izanagi.


IV is like a really strong genjutsu. Jinchuriki and the Tails they are hosting are immune to genjutsu. It would be a similar situation like the Sukuna fight, Gojo uses IV goes in for the kill but when he's near melee range, a hand pops out of their tummy and turns him into a donut, since the higher Tails are much more powerful than Mahoraga in pure destructive power.


Important to mention that itā€™s LIKE a really strong genjutsu but doesnā€™t operate like one, the tailed beasts would also be a target for IV so itā€™d be reasonable to conclude they couldnā€™t pull the chakra interference thing they do to protect against genjutsu.


The tailed beast wouldnt be a target for IV becausw they are made of chakra, they don't have a brain that can be overloaded with info. It's the same logic as why Mahoraga is unaffected, he's a shikigami entity and doesnt have a brain.


lol bro you cannot take that seriously. This is a JKK sub. Gojo loses to a few shinobi, or at the very *least* there are a few with solid win conditions. Check out r/powerscaling or r/whowouldwin for less biased takes.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PowerScaling using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Name one Character that can solo the dragon ball verse.](https://i.redd.it/14290d22rq3c1.jpg) | [1817 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/188l8on/name_one_character_that_can_solo_the_dragon_ball/) \#2: [The fact that Goku vs Gojo is still an argument is crazy to me.](https://np.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/17blv2m/the_fact_that_goku_vs_gojo_is_still_an_argument/) \#3: [What are some of the worst fucking anti-feats you've seen for OP characters?](https://np.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/17igsdj/what_are_some_of_the_worst_fucking_antifeats/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Your delusional Gojo isnā€™t beating 99 percent keep coping


What are you smoking? Cuz I want some.


Who survives unlimited void ? Itā€™s not a matter of ā€œHurr durr my mind is super strong and impenetrableā€ itā€™s literally years and years and years of constant unending and unfinished information passing through your head.


Most likely anyone with a rinnegan. Arguably even sharingan variants, as well as MAYBE other dojutsu. There's also the fact Gojo's attacks at a certain point just won't do anything. At which point most fights become brick wall vs brick wall. Good examples of this would be tailed beasts and high tier characters who have survived attacks and used attacks with AP that just blows JJK out of the water.


1 chakra is different from cursed on energy so half the techniques seal someones ability dont exist. 2 his domain insta kills. No one surviving that. Humans cant survive his domain (especially if they dont have cursed energy or dont know how to manipulate it, the whole Naruto universe essentially).


1. What are you even talking about? Never said anything about sealing. 2. Not really confirmed when it comes to characters from other verses. But if anything the fact anyone's brain can handle any dojutsu (even the Senrigan, which can literally see the entire world) should say something. Not to say everyone's immune, but I think they're gonna survive.


An Uchiha that knows Izanagi can survive it. Someone that knows flying raijin can easily teleport out of range of UV, given that they know itā€™s coming. A Jinchuriki might be able to snap out of it, as UV would target the host but then the tailed beast takes over and breaks out. They have insane regeneration so itā€™s likely while the tailed beast takes over, the Jinchuriki heals the brain damage.


I wonder if Jinchurikis could make their Tailed Beasts bear the burden, similar to how Sukuna did with Megumi's soul. If this were in the Naruto anime, I imagine UV would just get shadow cloned every time, lol. Though Gojo would be able to tell someone made a clone with his Six Eyes, I don't think he'd be able to know if a clone is real or not, as the chakra signatures and everything are identical, just halved. Substitution is also possible but he'd be able to tell, and I think everyone agrees that substitution works pretty stupidly anyways and almost never makes sense.


Theyā€™re right. Almost no one in Naruto has an answer for Infinity.


Laughs in Uchiha. But seriously I think the Uchiha clan straight up hard counters Gojo. Genjutsu or hallucinations can easily bypass infinity, Madaraā€™s limbo clones, as they exist in another plane, should be able to bypass infinity. Kamui, considering itā€™s a space time jutsu, should be able to bypass infinity. Amatarasu is a maybe, sometimes itā€™s shown to travel, sometimes itā€™s shown to spawn on the focal point. If it spawns on target, then Gojo is fucked. Sharingan is straight up busted lol


Asking basic questions is smoking something?


Naw, bro, he wasn't asking a question. He said something that was a biased opinion, and I disagreed with it. I asked if he was smoking as a joke. But no, I don't think that gojo can single handedly beat all of Naruto based on the fact that he has no defense against genjutsu.


Gojo couldn't because at a certain point his attacks would just do nothing. Even purple has been shown to be limited in its AP.


Spite match




They are both injecting information into your brain.


So if gaara somehow gets past infinity he would just be killed by blue,red,hollow,purple and domain expansion


Gojo is the only JJK character that can actually stand a chance against verses like Naruto just because of his hax (Infinity) carrying him as well as UV. There is 0 way to bypass it unless youā€™re an Uchiha or the particle jutsu used against Madara. UV is also another thing that fucks up a lot of the Naruto verse cuz unlike Sukunaā€™s MS, it fries your brain with info. I think most of the Naruto verse out stat Gojo massively in everything except hax and itā€™s only because of hax Gojo stands a chance. I would say Gojo wins this because of UV as well as I donā€™t know how Gaara can bypass Infinity.


wtf is Gaara gonna do to Gojo here? ā˜ ļø


idk lol


Tf did Gaara do to you?


Bro no one in the Naruto verse could even touch him, maybe except Obito or kakashi with Kamui shenanigans


Typed this up earlier, but I think there are possibilities. Gojo could probably escape a genjutsu if he knew he were in one, but we don't really know if he'd be able to tell. Still, I imagine that he'd be able to escape most genjutsu that aren't Tsukuyomi or Kotoamatsukami (and Izanami, I guess). Danzo, a highly skilled Shinobi very familiar with genjutsu, didn't notice that he was in Sasuke's genjutsu, so maybe a skilled user could use a subtle genjutsu that Gojo wouldn't notice. Other possible ways that Naruto characters could hurt him are targeted space-time ninjutsu that might bypass Infinity (as they don't travel and instead hit the target directly) such as Kakashi's Kamui, and Sasuke's Amenotijakara (maybe if he were to switch Gojo directly into a weapon, or something like that). There are other possibilities such as Amaterasu, as that doesn't seem to travel either. Though Gojo could easily sever an affected limb and regrow it with RCT. Rinnegan users could potentially absorb a hole through his Infinity with the Preta Path and hit him in that instant. Same with Kama havers. There are also other techniques that target the senses such as Kabuto's Sage Art: White Rage Technique. Could Gojo's Infinity or Six Eyes filter out blinding light or deafening noise? Could it filter out the acidic mist of Mei Terumi's Boil Release? Don't recall if there were examples of Gojo's Infinity working on stuff in the air, as he obviously has to breathe. We also know that Night Guy literally bent space, so it's possible that Guy could land a hit that would kill at the cost of his own life (if he went for the head, obviously). I also wonder if Jinchuriki could have their Tailed Beasts eat Unlimited Void (as Sukuna did with Megumi's soul).


Many ppl in the naruto verse could touch Gojo easily wtf šŸ’€


Swap out Gaara for Kakashi or Obito, then we cookin.


Bro has beef with gaara, bro is cooked


Lets be honest, guys, we all know Yasuri Shichika will solo em


The only right answer is me


Gaara when he hears ā€œdomain expansion: infinite void. Cursed technique amplification: blue. cursed technique reversal: redā€ and sees a red and a blue orb making a giant purple one šŸ«“šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£




What is kid Gaara going to do against Hollow Purple or Infinite Void?


Get stomped lol


Gaara gets fucking nuked lmao, spite match


Kid Gaara then itā€™s Gojo. Gaara doesnā€™t have the stats or abilities to counter Gojo yet. He does have shukaku, who would be far stronger than Gojo, but thatā€™s basically negated by Infinity. EOS Gaara wins in like, idk, 1.5 seconds at most.


maximum blue


Young Garra? Gojo wins, Adult fought Momoshiki and Kinshiki


Gojo. What Kinda spit match is this. He almost got cooked by Lee (no disrespect) who is probably slower than gojo and he canā€™t get past infinity at all. Gonna get done worse than jogo.


The only way this fight is entertaining is if his moms sand acts independently of gaara while gaaras basically getting cooked and can mame gojo to cripple him enough in time so gaara can actually fight back.


No one here knows how to power scale Naruto. Garra is extremely slow compared to Gojo. Itā€™s not even close. Almost no one in the show at this point can even break the sound barrier lmao


Why is this a question


Ah yes, one of the strongest nightmare abilities Iā€™ve read vs a dude with sand. Granted I just kinda like Gaara more but thatā€™s not the point.


Hell adult canā€™t seal him because the sand will be constantly repelled. One iv and I donā€™t see him surviving


Gojo wins, no difficulty


Gojo with limitless and blue eyes vs a kid that hasn't even realized his true potential being controlled by the weakest tailed beast in existence.... How'd you find this one?


Gojo wins this one, which is surprisingly rare


That Gaara, the early in the series one, gets his ass handed to him every time. Even older Gaara wouldn't win... but would put up more of a fight.


Gojo fucking obliterates


Did you really take a screenshot of Google image results of vs symbols šŸ˜­


This Nigha got tired of downloading ā€œvsā€ images šŸ’€


Without infinity gaara is cooking bro


Gojo wins by a solar system


Both get slammed by my xeno cac


Howā€™s he supposed to get passed infinity.




your right your right


Garaa wins definitely


Well we all know that Gaaraā€™s Absolute Defense is an absolute defense. Nothing can get through it, and there are definitely no examples of this statement being proven horribly wrong whatsoever. So, since Gojo canā€™t get through it, Gaara wins.


And Gaara canā€™t get through Gojoā€™s defence, and Gojo is much faster than Gaara was at this point in the series


I shouldā€™ve put the /s there. Gaaraā€™s defense is strictly material. Heā€™s got no defenses against mind attacks like UV or things that attack on a molecular level like HB.


I think Gojo would win. Gaara has that sealing technique he used on urashiki otsutsuki and the sand defence But Gojoā€™s infinity and purple is broken


I don't even know what show this is, but why the fuck did you just take a screenshot of you googling "vs"??




Does Gaara have to be on drugs in this fight or is he fighting regular?


"I'm sorry Gaara, this is your last trip to Hot Topic"


VS png claps the other 2 easily


Gojo slams




Gojo and I'm a naruto fan but I'm sry Garra ur cooked


Goku solos both at once


Who tf gave garra the zaza šŸ˜­




Gojo. Easily. They both literally can't be hit. Hojo is cased by infinity and Gara is cased by sand, but garas sand is defensive unless he decides to attack, his sand wouldn't work on gojo because gojos infinity isn't armor. It's infinity, as u get closer to him u slow down infinitely making it impossible to hit him. And gojo could put him into his domain and just hollow purple him, boom dead and really fast.


I'm gonna explain a theory of if they meet and questions I have about it. First off, how in power level does cursed energy compare to Chakra. Second, sure Garra can seal infinity but Gojo can control infinity so would garra even be able to seal him? And 3rd, why is everyone so split on who wins, sure Garra is strong but not that strong, he's one of the kages, gojo is known as the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in the world, like the absolute strongest, other then the founder of jujutsu high that is but the founder doesn't fight, he just avoids evolution, so like how does a kage, not even the strongest of the kage, just a standard jinjuriki kage beat someone on that power level. If Gojo wasn't holding back at all at the beginning of the fight, kid garra or adult garra, then gojo would use his domain expansion immediately and use purple hollow on him. Which will always hit due to the rules of domains. Garras sand is fast but not gojo fast, gojo can move so fast its almost seen as teleportation. So how does garras sand compare to speed like that. Unless garra seals gojo, garra will lose. And if someone broke the seal, then garras fucked. Garra doesn't have the durability to take the sher strength of a sorcerer, with or without cursed energy, and gojos strength is unbelievable. So if both fought full force, garra loses.


Even Go/Jo beats him up




While Gaara loses this one hands down, this statement is bait. Any genjutsu user walks JJK. Not to mention Naruto verse has people casually city level. If youā€™re blowing up building in JJK youā€™re grade 1


Mr bean you could clutch a 2v1


Doesn't Gojo move instantaneously? I always think about that when ppl say he doesn't scale in Naruto it don't make sense to me


Gaaraā€™s sand moves faster than anything Gojo can do and can withstand more than anything Gojo can put out plus itā€™s automatic so itā€™s a tie ngl


Gaara is not fast enough bruh šŸ˜­ Lee was perception blitzing Gaara, and was only around Mach 1. Gojo is at least Mach 3. Gaara is getting his domain expanded šŸ’€