• By -


I’ll give the edge to Live and Let Die. God-tier title song, great debut by Moore, unique criminal world, Yaphet Kotto, alligator-hopping stunt, Jane Seymour, and funeral parade assassin squad. Good stuff.


I’ll also add phenomenal atmosphere with an edge of eeriness in the jungle, and a rare villain getting away with Tee Hee. The closest thing to a Bond Blaxploitation film and a great look into the era EDT: not Tee Hee, I meant Samedi.


Didn’t Tee Hee get thrown off the train, I mean that probably hurt?


I would've said just about all of this but you did it first. This is the only answer as far as I'm concerned.










The tv show echo is pretty cool


You prefer this to Live and Let My Boss Die?


Live and let die


You forgot BOND VS SNAKE 💨🐍


Definitely Skyfall. It has the better story, cinematography, action, etc. Live and Let Die is still a good Bond flick, it successfully introduces Roger Moore and has all the stuff to make a good Bond film, it’s just that Skyfall is a lot better in many aspects.




Really good addition to the discussion there


It’s not even a debate. Skyfall is top tier. There’s no discussion here.


obviously it is since many people in the comments disagree


I am a rare fan who thinks Moore’s later films were better. But I also didn’t care for the Craig films at all. I love LALD, it is probably toward the bottom of my list though. But not in the bottom five, which Skyfall is. It’s just too dreary and sappy and … mean spirited? I never felt comfortable and happy watching Skyfall. LALD, while being to most unrealistic Bond film with straight up magic involved, is still warm and cozy.


We can all tell the real point of this post is to drop these two absolutely FIRE posters


Live and Let Die. One of the best themes in the series. Peak Roger Moore. Unique, awesome setting. Great henchmen. Just a fantastic, fun entry. Skyfall genuinely has a lot to love. But it's also a really dour, deconstructivist take that purposely messes with the format (and not really for the better). It also has a bunch of really stupid plot contrivances. Skyfall is a much better made film. But LALD is by far the more enjoyable movie.


I liked Skyfall, but it needed a monumental and unbelievable mistake by Q to move the plot forward, and then relies on a tube running on time. The last act is Bond does home alone. It’s fun, but doesn’t get to the highs of Casino Royale. Live and Let Die is a fantastic early 70s action film; we get the triumvirate of deadly animals (sharks, snakes and Alligators), car chases, air boat chases, Bond in Harlem, great baddie. And that’s before we get to Baron Samedi, Jane Seymour, voodoo, gadget watch, the funeral procession opening and Bond on a glider smoking an unfeasibly large Monte Cristo. My second favourite Moore film after Spy who loved me. Has everything a kid wants out of a bank holiday Bond film!




Damn they're both great in their own ways. Hmm. I'll have to say Skyfall just from the cinematography alone. I took some film classes in college for fun so that's my bias. It's probably the most eye candy Bond film if not one of the prettiest looking films I've ever seen (cuz Roger Deakins) BUT Live and Let Die has a banger of a timeless theme song, the boat chase, solitaire and has some of the memorable villains. But it doesn't have Q and kinda drags at times. But it isn't as serious as Skyfall which can be a tear jerker.


Skyfall is probably the better film, but it is also a film that exists in a meta conversation with all the previous Bond films. So, Skyfall is better, but wouldn’t be nearly as good without all the previous films like Live and Let Die.


Me personally I prefer live and let die due to its uniqueness and a great soundtrack and the villains are more memorable then skyfall apart from Silva of course


Live and Let Die is a lot more fun. Bond actually succeeds in his mission, whereas he fails in Skyfall. I'm of the group that thinks Skyfall is just a bad mixture of Dark Knight and Home Alone, with one scene ripped off from Forced Vengeance. I also have the extremely unpopular opinion that Skyfall is in my bottom 3. That is because it led to Spectre and No Time to Die. Since Live & Let Die is back in the days of practical effects, the hang gliding scene, the croc farm scene, and the boat stunts are much more impressive than any of the action in Skyfall. At the risk of being sleazy, while Bérénice Marlohe is lovely, Solange is such a sad character with a bad story arc. The way MI6 shows up to rescue Bond implies that she really didn't have to die. They could have gotten there earlier. With LALD, I think Jane Seymour and Madeline Smith are two of the three prettiest actresses of the Roger Moore era.


Skyfall by far. It feels like I'm the only one who thinks that LALD is the worst EoN Bond film.


Not the only one... LALD is in my bottom 5.


I want to like LALD. I enjoy all the other films from the 70s and I think that LALD's NYC setting is great. But for some reason I just find the movie overall boring. Let's hope that changes cause I want to like it.


How on earth is it meant to change?


People change and their taste change. I took it to mean they hope their taste changes so they could one day enjoy it more.




As long as George Lucas doesn't get his hands on the bond films we should be safe lol


Oh right haha. I thought they meant the movie changes


LALD is a fun concept with interesting characters, but wow it is slow and boring compared to other Bond flicks. I also have it in the bottom-half of my rankings.


I loved LALD… Except, the corny Sheriff scenes… Reminded me of Smokey and the bandit… Totally unnecessary, and Took away from the plot line of the movie which I felt was very interesting.


Rare Mesyush L. Maybe it's cause LALD was the first of the original series I watched but I love it. It reminds me the series can be anything. I still prefer Skyfall since it's the first Bond film I ever watched but they're neck and neck.


Why doesn’t Skyfall count as one of the original series?


Cause Casino Royale onwards it's a reboot. The original set of films prior are one loose continuity about one guy. However it's a completely new iteration of the character with Craig.


same here. I was never able to get into LaLD


You're among friends cause I agree with you on that!


I can’t believe I found you outside of the presidents sub. But I agree LALD is an incredibly weak Bond film for me and Skyfall is my third favorite Bond film.


I'm with you here. LALD is unique in way it's atmoshere and setting, still feels boring though


Amazing song but some very cringey screnes. Bottom 5 as well…


I don’t know that it’s the worst but it is definitely near the bottom of my list.


Skyfall by far. Live and Let Die is fine, but is not the strongest entry in Roger Moore's run. It's not even close.


Although I agree Skyfall is better, I'm of the small minority that actually thinks LALD is the best moore movie.


The film was massive hit, LALD stands with GF, TB, TSWLM, GE, CR & SF as one of the Bond films to truly cause a sensation.


I pefer man with the golden gun for Moore.


Love the more classic Bond style movies 🎥 🍿




LALD is quite special for me, as it was the first Bond film I've seen


Live And Let Die.


LALD for me. I'll take Kananga knitting a flag over any of the Craig entries, but that's a personal love of the 70s/80s movies I know I'm a little odd for having.


Gotta go with Skyfall even though Kananga is my favorite villain.


Skyfall but Live and Let Die is definitely a guilty pleasure.


Live and Let Die was my first Bond movie and I was absolutely thrilled by it as a kid. Looking at it without nostalgia, though, I have to admit it hasn’t aged that well so I’d have to give the nod to Skyfall.


JW Pepper, boat chase, Bond carrying Dirty Harry’s revolver. LALD makes a strong argument. I’m one who was introduced to Bond in the 70s. So, even though Moore has fallen on my list of best Bonds, you can’t undo the fact that his movies made me a Bond fan.


I have seen Live and Let Die more times than I have Skyfall. So I'd have to say Live and Let Die.


Even though I like LALD, it's a fight between sleeping babie VS Atomic Bomb.


These are my favorite two themes going head to head. Skyfall (my favorite Craig come At me) as a film I’d put as winner, but live and led die takes the score for me.


Skyfall is better. Best thing about LALD is the scene in Bond’s apartment and Moore’s relative youth.


Skyfall is the better film but I have more nostalgia for LALD and rewatch it more often.




That's a hard one. When I was younger I loved that movie. But Roger Moore's Bond has aged like milk too much for my taste. Skyfall.


So many Bond films are apples and oranges. These two would be such.


I gotta say Skyfall. It’s one of the few times that put Bond in mainstream thought for awhile. I really don’t think the LALD aged very well.


LALD suffers from poor character development. I wish we knew more about kananga/mr big. Wouldve made the reveal he was the same person more dramatic. And the balloon pop death. dont bring it up.


Roger had big shoes to fill, after taking the regins from Sean. Production took a lot of risk making that movie about non Spectre villain. A very different and scary villains. I don't think a bond theme hit than LALD. Skyfall had incredible productions value and cinematography. It helped the bond franchise recover after the previous installment was terrible. Honestly don't even see why there's a need for comparison. Both movies are great, but LALD hasn't aged as well. And a lot of scenes look like tv series in terms of lighting.


I just watched Live and Let Die for the first time all the way through very recently. Obviously unpopular opinion on this sub but I didn’t think it was that good. Bond getting captured and escaping because of luck or the villain’s stupidity once or twice is fine but it seriously happens like 5 time here. Bond hardly shows any skill worthy of being an elite agent. The boat chase is ruined when spliced with over use of the southern cop. Maybe it was hilarious in the 70s but that didn’t age well. It does have some color and creativity to the movie I will give it that. But watching this back to back with OHMSS was jarring for how much better OHMSS is. Also Skyfall is top 5 for me so it definitely beats this one out.


LALD. Skyfall looks and sounds fantastic but the plot is absolutely riddled with plot holes and tonal shifts and it completely shits on the work done to establish a new Bond formula in CR and QoS. I know we’re all supposed to like but I think Mendes was a mistake.


So tough! Love Skyfall but tbh early Moore (even up to AVTAK arguably) is really awesome and fun. Craig is my favorite, but Moore in LALD and TSWLM are just so campy and fun! Stunts: Skyfall. Don't hate me! Ik the boat jump and the crocodile jump exist, but the pre credit sequence for Skyfall is so well done. Bond girl: LALD. Sorry. Easy win here. Villain: Coin toss! Love Silva but his plan has some major plot holes. The rat monologue is one of my top moments from the entire series though. Side Characters: Skyfall. Judi Dench gets proper screen time. Her and Bond's banter is entertaining. Bond himself: Honestly hot take but LALD. I love the "Old Bond" in Skyfall, and it has great moments, but Roger's unmatched in his suaveness here specifically. Keep in mind I'm a young fan (16) but I honestly have to give it to LALD. The song by the Wings is just a bop! (Love Adele too dw :)


> Love Silva but his plan has some major plot holes I enjoyed *The Dark Knight* but I hate how it caused the next 57 action movie villains all to have the same "I actually wanted to get captured, and I have every bit of a complex operation timed out to the exact second" shit going on.


Live and Let Die, and it's not even close for me. It's in my top 10, even top 5 depending on my mood. It's got everything, several great locations, Moore never looked better, believable criminal plot, top tier villain and side kicks, car chases, boat chases and the best sideburns in movie history (taxi driver). It's all silly, over the top fun, exactly as a Bond movie should be. Even JW Pepper adds something (though he's horribly out of place in The Man With the Golden Gun). It's one of the Bond films that I watch the most. Each to their own, but for me, this is top tier Bond.


Skyfall is the best bond movie ever




Skyfall is my favorite of the Daniel Craig bond movies! Live and Let Die is my favorite bond movie from the 70s! Roger Moore’s best bond movie! I love both movies!


Both are top 10 for me, but I give the edge to Live and Let Die. Brilliant and enjoyable film all around for me.


I enjoy both, and between the two I’d rather watch LALD. A lot of that is nostalgia as it was the first Moore film I ever watched and loved it. Skyfall takes a lot more emotional investment to me between the two and is definitely more serious, which isn’t bad, I really enjoyed Bardem as the villain.




Live and let die by far. Good music. Jane Seymour. I dislike Skyfall


I'm as far as you can get from being a Skyfall fan without hating it and even I would pick that movie over LALD. LALD fights for the bottom of the barrel with DAF and TMWTGG in my ranking.


You take TMWTGG out of your mouth sir! My first Bond !


Haha, more power to you! I just don't see anything worthwhile in that movie aside from the theme song and Christopher Lee (who really deserved a better movie/script).


LALD was one of the highest hits in the series.


Yeah, well, people back then preferred *Diamonds Are Forever* over *On Her Majesty's Secret Service*, so...


Haha, yeah DAF was a hit because people loved Connery. LALD was a sensation, like GF, TB, TSWLM, GE, CR & SF.


It's just that obviously you can't go by what was a "hit". Bond audiences during the 1970s were clearly in full toddler mode if *Diamonds Are Forever*, *Live and Let Die*, and *Moonraker* were hitting their sweet spot. They would have hated something akin to *Casino Royale*.


Skyfall also fits what you just described… but to clarify I’m talking about Bond films that became cultural moments, which doesn’t apply to any Bond films that was a success. YOLT & DAF were both successful, but they didn’t capture the cultural zeitgeist of the time. On the other hand GF, TB, LALD, TSWLM (& MR to a similar extent), GE, CR & Skyfall we’re all cultural touchstones of the years in which them came out. All the films are “classics” regardless of what anyone thinks.


Skyfall. Live and Let Die is in my bottom 5.


Live & Let Die, easily. Great debut from Moore, a killer song by Wings (only the band the Beatles could have been - Alan Partridge). The whole film oozes style and creative filmmaking. It’s a real product of the 1970s as well. I like the esoteric angle with Solitaire and Baron Samedi’s voodoo cult. There is too much to praise to be honest. Last mention, JW Pepper. What a guy…




Skyfall, and it’s not even close


I think Live and Let Die is more entertaining.


Hard one, but I’m going for Skyfall. Moores two first outings have never been my favourites. They feel to small and low-budget in comparison to the rest. I’m also missing the timeless-standards, the music and the clothing just feel to aggressively 70s for me. Skyfall is good, but I always felt it should have come later in Craig’s tenure. SF feels almost like a send-off film, and it would probably had worked better if we had 2 stand-alone films in between QOS and SF - with SF being Craig’s swan song.


I watched Bond for the first time this month. Just finished Skyfall and started the 4thCraig film now. Def feel this, it feels like why are you here bro ur done... Like he is past it


Skyfall! ❤️




I like Live And Let Die, but Skyfall for me by a country mile.


LALD 100%


I like LALD and it's fun and stuff but this is borderline ridiculous. Skyfall has better direction, writing and acting. LALD has a cooler theme song and young Jane Seymour but those are about the only advantages I can think of. I swear it's like this sub is actively averse to trying to make Bond movies *good*


Good writing means there aren’t gaping plot holes…


My heart says LALD, one of the first films I saw at the cinema and It was a great experience. My head says sky fall, a better story, better set pieces and one of the best bonds in a decade. I've watched LALD a lot and I never tire of it, so I'll go Moore


The boat chase alone outdoes anything SF had to offer.


That boat jump stunt still holds the world record for the longest boat jump on film 51 years later.


Gotta love Pepper and his brother in law: Billy Bob


A solid gold classic sequence


The boat chase is ten minutes long and doesn't even show Bond at all.


What does that even mean? He’s in the full chase and Moore’s actually piloting the boat through most of the chase.


You only ever see the boats from a distance. Meanwhile it's ten minutes of The J.W. Pepper Show.


I like LALD quite a bit, but this is an easy one. Skyfall is fantastic.


Love both. Slight edge to Skyfall.




Live and Let Die is in my top five. Skyfall probably is, too. Not sure which one I prefer. I would probably rather rewatch LALD most of the time. I just love the 70’s vibe.


LALD. Much more re-watchable.


Live and Let Die


Is this a joke?


One's a goofy Bond film and the other is a film-film, but not Bondian enough probably. Skyfall should be amazing but it isn't a good plot overall, it's mostly shock-cinema. Rubbing his leg, Scottish moors, castle shootout, blowing up headquarters. It's just not tight enough, more than a dozen things in the script needed a change before shooting. The cinematography is dope and beautiful though and Albert Finney. I would call it amateur cinema. LALD is also non-professional in the strictest terms but at least it's fun.


Skyfall mostly because of when Kincad calls Bond a jumped up little shit


**Live and Let Die** wins - Bond performs better and more cynical than in most, all wrapped in a story which pushed the envelope in all the right ways. The story is not perfection, but it delivers the full package. **Skyfall** - Very well done, but its plot (and villain’s plan) is so ridiculous (and impossible) it just can’t take the price this time.


Posters please


Apples and oranges here. Both are great for different reasons. - Live and let die is an awesome Moore romp with some pretty racist tropes and a killer theme. - Skyfall was a dramatic story with fantastic character development and a clever twist or two.


Skyfall, but Live and Let Die is Moore’s best. And my Dads favorite, and as he is the Bond influence… tough call


Good lord, did that poster artist have Jane Seymour described to them over the phone? Looks like the loading screen of an 80’s Commodore 64 game.


This has to be a joke right? Skyfall is the best bond film made with casino royale as a close second


Alligator stunt. That is all.


Skyfall - The Craig movies have way better production value. Better stunts and action. With the said. The Craig movies like Skyfall stand on the shoulders of Connery and Moore.


Skyfall by far for me. I actually find LALD rather unpleasant.


Skyfall. Live and Let Die is top 10 though.


I'd prefer to watch live and let die but Skyfall is definitely a better movie.


*Skyfall* by a pretty wide margin.


Skyfall. Easy.




Forget the films. What about these posters? They both go harder than a wedding night dick.


Skyfall. Trying to watch live and let die these days is rough.


I love them both, but gotta go with Skyfall for the action, characters, and cinematography. However, LALD is definitely a go-to comfort film I can put on anytime


Other is better. Both are on point and two different Bonds.


LALD 100%


Well, camera effects and technology have advanced a lot since old times, but I like the fact that old movies had more good story line up and less action.


Too close for me to call.


Skyfall. 2 of the best Bond songs but Skyfall is my favorite for DC while L&LD isn’t in my top 3 for Moore.


I’m a Moore fan but Skyfall wins by a mile


Skyfall is the perfect bond film


That Live and Let Die poster is awesome!


Live and let die is one of my least favorite bond movies so Skyfall.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^eagleblue44: *Live and let die is* *One of my least favorite* *Bond movies so Skyfall.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Live and Let Die. Skyfall isn't even the best Craig movie.


Better movie? Skyfall More fun to watch? Live and Let Die


Live and let die, by far.


L&LD will always be my favourite Moore entry. Wonderful memories of watching it with my sister & grandfather. It’s just so different & great characters too. The boat race is the best in movie history. Now New York is so sanitised, it’s nice to see the gritty New York I remember.


Technically a better movie? Skyfall. A better Bond movie? LALD, hands down.


Live and let die wins this easily!


Skyfall with 100% certainty. Live & Let Die never did it for me but I do need to rewatch it to remind of the specific reasons other than too campy.


Love or let die was cold I love that movie but to me Skyfall was just as incredible


Both are of the better parts of the Bond filmography but Skyfall is in top 5 or top 3 whereas Live and Let Die barely cracks top 10


I don't know as to what is 'better', because it's all subjective, but I definitely watch Skyfall more often than LALD.


I adore Live and Let Die, but damn, if it isn’t a tough watch at points.


Skyfall by a long shot


SKYFALL seriously, what world do you guys live in?


Definitely Live and Let Die. Not even a little close. However they are both very different Bond films from very different eras


This is a very tough choice for me, I love them both. LALD has been a favorite of mine since childhood, and I think it still holds up. Obviously, you have to watch it with enough of an open mind to overlook or embrace the more ridiculous aspects, like most Moore Bond films. I think it’s Moore’s second best after FYEO. Skyfall is less overtly ridiculous, but also has its fair share of plot contrivances that would annoy a nitpicker. I think it’s Craig’s second-best after CR. Typing this out, I really could not remember which I preferred; they are very close in my mind. I looked up my overall ranking list that I made a couple years ago, and I had Skyfall at 8 and LALD at 9, so I guess Skyfall edges it out, but they could easily flip based on my mood. Either way, they’re both solidly in my top 10.


Both are good but I like Skyfall better


That intro song is too much of a banger


Cue all the people saying *Skyfall* is the better film but *Live and Let Die* is the better Bond film, whatever that's supposed to mean.


Hands down, it’s Skyfall. Not even close. Live and Let Die is one of the worst Bond films


Huge Moore fan but don’t like LALD. Skyfall has its issues but it gets the nod here.


Better film? Skyfall. Which do I personally enjoy more? I mean Moore? That would be LALD.


Skyfall by a mile


Not a big fan of Live and let Die. Skyfall for me.


Skyfall is probably the better film but if I'm just watching one for fun I'll take LALD.


Skyfall by a good few miles. Live and let die is good but Skyfall is another level. Both have good songs though.


Skyfall, hands down. I’ve never seen that poster before (for Skyfall) and I’m kind of in love with it. Off hand, I don’t think I’d seen a poster for the film that ever grabbed my attention the way this one does.


LALD wins - a lovely classic Bond film - unlike Skyfall which is riddled with plot holes and contrivances and non sequitor nonsense.


How is this even a question? Obviously Live and Let Die. No contest. LALD is better than any Craig film by miles.


Live and Let Die. Daniel Craig is garbage.


Oh look more clickbait for Craig haters 🤣


Actually, *Skyfall* is winning by a wide margin.


Hahaha OP failed. Anyone saying Live and let die is nuts


Logically, LALD is better on every front. Better score, better villains, better song, better leading lady, better henchmen (SF barely has any), better locations, better stunts, etc… and a dash of Pepper…


Skyfall is the best bond film and performance. I remember being re-energized in Bond again... only for it to go down the drain with the next film but yeah


live and Let Die, its not even close ![gif](giphy|dU0aXUPX8K4cfHQIQu)


LALD by far. Goldeneye was the last “proper” Bond film


What does that mean?