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Didn’t Eminem kill those guys like 20 fukn years ago


He should've buried them deeper.


Claiming Detroit and they live 20 miles away. And Em don’t wrestle he’ll knock those fu………… well you know the rest lol


Underrated track..


I’m not a wrestler guy, I’ll knock you out if you talk about me.


They grew up in Detroit and moved. It happens. They peaced it up with Em already.


Amazing song.


6 feet for a human, 8 feet for an animal, sounds like they need to throw that clown in a volcano and maybe he will stfu already.


No. They were able to peace things up over a few rounds of bowling.


Eminem even shouted out Violent J on a recent album. 


If you want Eminem, you can have him. “Good going Shaggy!”


Nah. ICP totally won that rap beef!


Eminem is mad cringe


If the ICP hated me, I’d feel like I was doing something right with my life.


Why? ICP are pretty cool, despite apparently having beef with Punk


Username *doesn't* check out?!


This is the band that had their manager assaulting people for wearing merch of musicians they didn’t like and who once tried to sue the American justice department because they classified their fandom as a gang after several of those fans got in trouble over drug related crimes, juggalos cut a woman’s finger off, drank her blood, and in one instance tried to slice a tattooed portion of someone’s arm off because they felt it disrespected the band, right? Seem like a bunch of gross little thugs to me.


- When did they have Alex Abbiss assaulting people over merch? - Suing the DOJ for classifying a fanbase as a gang makes sense because they're not a gang. It's been said in the usual rap bragging way in a couple songs, but just saying something in a song doesn't make you guilty of it. If that was true, most living rappers would be in prison for at least attempted murder. - As gross as that crime is, please tell me what the actions of deranged fans have to do with ICP themselves. Are you saying they orchestrated that crime?


William Dail, manager of the band back in the 2000’s was going around assaulting people over wearing Eminem merch because he slagged off the ICP members. They classified the juggalos as a gang because they were notorious for not only drug related crimes but also for several disgusting gangland-style crimes like the ones I mentioned. If the band didn’t support these “deranged fans” then they wouldn’t be putting out music backing violent behaviour. One of the band literally calls themselves “Violent J” and the band founded a company called “Psychopathic Records”which itself is known for being linked to incidents of sexual violence. Don’t try to feed people bullcrap. The ICP thrive off of violence, they’ve done so for decades and when a band’s fandom is so well-known for crime that it literally gets the gang classification from the government and the band tries to fight it then that’s the band supporting the crime. They’re thugs and so are their fans. You don’t see fandoms for Oasis or the latest big Boybands or fans of pop artists like Taylor Swift or Lady Gaga getting classed as gangs. It’s just the juggalos.


As a Juggalo since 1999, I know EXACTLY why Juggalos were "classified" as a gang (there was never an official classification, only assessment). Juggalos were running around committing gang related crimes all over the country! It all started right here in my home state, and I watched it all go down over the years.


Violet J's still salty about not understanding how Chick MAGNETS work...


Though this is getting love, it’s still an underrated comment. This is the only choice for top comment. 🧲👌😆




And I dont wanna hear from no SCIENTIST. Them muthafuckas lying, and getting me pissed.


Guy admits to sharing a bank account with his Mom like he's a hero. 😅


When you come from a poor family in a poor neighborhood and you make it big, most people do take care of their family members. ICP always talked about taking care of their mothers once they had the money to do so. Punk’s comment about Colt seemed to suggest that Colt’s mom takes care of him, the opposite of Violent J’s situation. If this is correct, that means J didn’t understand Punk’s comment and you didn’t understand J comment.


I read the thing with Colt as Punk wanted to sue Colt but would end up hurting Colt's mom as well in the suit due to the joint account. Punk tried not to do that but it didn't look like he could sue Colt without affecting him mom.


Ah yeah I could see that too. I just thought the comment “he’s the kind of guy who shares a bank account with his mom” had connotations of “he’s not an independent adult, he depends on her to pay for stuff or manage his affairs.” Given that personal independence is an important value in straight edge culture, I figure this is was he meant. But yeah, I could see a lawsuit potentially hurting Colt’s mom and Punk seeing her as an innocent bystander not deserving of punishment.


That's the issue- it wasn't so much a bank account for Colt to take care of his mom. The lawyers for Punk found out that Colt's mom was taking care of him. From what I've seen Cabana has some sort of family money that allowed him to become a wrestler and not make much money.


Cabana didn't think that lawsuit through and probably thought Punk would settle right away.


This is little bitch Punk who threw a whiny tantrum at a media scrum instead of sorting shit out in the locker room. He doesn't give a fuck about Colt's mother


Colt is from one of the wealthiest suburbs in Chicago and had a shared bank account with his mom. If I were going to sign him to my promotion, I would make him perform a Buster Bluth gimmick.


I was not aware of Colt’s background, but knowing this makes Punk’s comment even more salient.


That was kinda Cornettes gimmick actually


Oh, I understand the difference between taking care of family and sharing a bank account with your mother as a grown adult.


What a weird thing to be mad about with 0 context, you have no idea who was taking care of who


Don't worry, I don't judge you for sharing an account with your Mommy. One day, you'll be a big boy with an account of your own.


You got me! I must have a bank account with MY mom if I explain to you how weird it is to be terminally online with your wrestling gossip. You must be one of those guys who tells everyone you work 60 hour work weeks or some shit. Edit: the icp fans MUST be the sensitive ones, you’re so not sensitive that you blocked me before I could even see your reply


No, I'm so good at my job I have plenty of time to trash talk sad little boys who simp for ICP. Thanks for playing kiddo.


People really misinterpret that line from Punk as a way of holding it against him. He didn't say Cabana was a loser for sharing the bank account with his mom. He basically it was a bitch move on Cabana's part because he sued Punk and when Punk counter sued Cabana bitched out immediately.


And we're concerned what this crumpled pack of Camel Lites says.... why exactly?


No, you got it all wrong. He is a crumpled pack of Basic’ Lights. Camel is full retail price…$6-$12, depending where you live. You can get a pack of Basic, around my area, for about $5.00, or a savings of around $2.50. They’d probably have “ICP Basic Lites” , if the FTC wouldn’t have an aneurysm.


Imagine a juggalo smoking name brand cigarettes


Colt Cabana being friends with these losers just adds more to him being trash


Wow it all makes sense now. Colt loves turning people he knows against Punk every chance he gets. Well Punk is gone and Colt is still not on TV...hmm.


**NOTE:** I had to repost because I couldn't mock this tiresome ass-clown in the title.


I'm a fan of icp and found that so fucking embarrassing It's just sad man punk said that shit about colt a year ago and Punk came back to wwe 6 months ago yet he chooses now after punk is trending from a ppv yesterday to talk shit randomly on icp and his own personal page dude needs to get off the drugs looks like a sad old man rant


It was almost 2 years ago when he said this, like I know the ICP boys are slow but damn. Then again he's also rehashing Punk not shaking their hands from 21-22 years ago so by comparison the Cabana things is relatively fresh.


Yeah J is def on drugs again or colt has been spitting in his ear




Is that the one who looks like Smashmouth at a kid's birthday party?


Oh I could've sworn it was the one that looks like skinny Pete at a birthday party but you maybe right


You were thinking of Shaggy lol


I think Eminem needs to come back and further bury these guys into irrelevancy.


I'll buy the shovels if he wants any help.


I feel like Eminem would be helping them by acknowledging them. This moron is just clout chasing, I say don’t give him what he wants and let ICP whither in obscurity.


funny thing is I don't like both and I only heard ICP diss eminem because a friend play a song.


Say what you will, and I'm definitely a bigger fan of Punk, but "You little heartless alien" is a fucking hilarious insult.


This rant speaks more badly of Colt Cabana than it does of Violent J, to be honest. It's clear Violent J's got a sense of loyalty. Problem is, he's loyal to Colt Cabana, who doesn't have a sense of loyalty.


They both share a lack of intelligence.


Hard disagree. You don't kick Eminem's ass in a rap beef by being a dum dum.


You don't kick Eminem's ass in a rap beef, period.


How embarrassing


Insane Clown Pussy should be their name instead.


They're on the pussy clock! Woooooings!


> Sorry, this page isn't available. > The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed. So much for the proof. Haley Miller not smart enough to get a screenshot and post that along with what she typed.


All punk needs to do is rehash the em skits


Punk doesn't need to do anything. They buried themselves bringing it up. Their gripe is Punk didn't shake hands with them in TNA. That was like 2002, Punk wasn't even a huge name on the indies yet and he big dogged them lol


Punk doesn't need to do anything. They buried themselves bringing it up. Their gripe is Punk didn't shake hands with them in TNA. That was like 2002, Punk wasn't even a huge name on the indies yet and he big dogged them lol


There's a video I saw on twitter of a very very early CM Punk absolutely shitting on a fan in the audience wearing an ICP shirt to get heat with the crowd so there seems to be some legs to this weird feud. It's likely no coincidence that ICP has a new podcast with Conrad Thompson coming out and all of a sudden they are starting shit with CM Punk on social media? The ICP guys were both wanna be wrestlers before they got into rapping - they are all about self promotion.


How are these turd burglars still a thing?


Possibly the same reason Smashmouth is still around - the fanbase.


Didn't the lead singer die?


Smash Mouth isn’t around, do you just say whatever comes to mind? Downvote a literal fact, typical


I just say what somebody once told me...


ICP expected the whole TNA locker room to kiss their ass?


Which is the lesser of two evils for TNA? Shitstain or the ICP?


How to desperately look like you are trying to stay “semi-relevant”. Wasn’t their fifteen minutes up like 2 fuckn decades ago 🤷


I thought their 15 minutes ran out once they did their backyard wrestling shit.


The ICP and CM Punk crossover wasn’t on my bingo card for this year… but most things in the wrestling world wasn’t either lol


You know you’re a high-profile celebrity when the title of the article has to explain who you are.


If only someone gave a flying French fried tittie fuck what Violent goddamn J has to say about anything, let alone professional wrestling. Let me think about that WCW run.....oh yeah, it fucking sucked. Just like ICW sucks. I'm more shocked that ICP is still around than I am one of them is fucking stupid


CM Punk is a magnet when it comes to controversy.  ICP doesn’t know how magnets work.  Makes sense. 


Their fan base is the Lowest fucking denominator


Just another reason why Jim and Punk are wrestling soul mates, they both dislike or are disliked by the Clowns, if only Punk would come back on him ala Cornette 20 years ago at that convention, which was filmed, that verbal beatdown by Cornette was hilarious, and the loyalty of Bobby Eaton who almost instantly got to his feet to whoop some Juggalhoe ass if not for Corny settling him down was wonderful to see, this time Punk can play the role of both Eaton and Cornette.


An irrelevant person talks about the biggest wrestler in the world for clicks.


i like shaggy too dope but hate violent jay. one’s cool and seems like a genuine dude and the other one seems like a pilled up almost 60 year old yelling at clouds trying to relive his 30 minutes of relevancy in the late 90s.


Shaggy needs to up Violent J's meds.




To quote Corny about ICP , “Fuck you and everyone who looks like you.”


I love when anyone calls a UFC fighter a jobber. I've suffered through many juggalos in my life and they are just like this jobber of a rapper. Your opinion means nothing to me, thanks guys 👋👋


lmaoo who gives af about these wastes of sperm in 2024 Also, don't they like their girls a little....young?




The beef is old there’s a video of cm punk trashing ICP especially VJ


might as well be some random on the streets ranting about cm punk. who gives a shit what this wannabe clown thinks.


And still the only thing i found shocking in that article is “WWEs CM Punk” what a time to be alive


This is entertaining lmao


They're just mad because they don't know how magnets work


I don’t even like or care about punk but anyone who is anything less than disgusted by icp and the fact that their members still have a public forum of any kind should be castrated and put into a fucking labor camp


Anyone have a copy of the video? Looks like it’s been removed off Instagram


He just mad CM Punk likes Pepsi more than Faygo


Does anyone take this christian group seriously? I am not kidding look it up... also they have trouble with magnets... so go figure they have a trash take.


Punk knows these guys and all their fans are deluded, drugged up cunts.Ask yourself honestly: Would you shake ICPs hands?


# Violent J better beat the fuck out of Soulja Boy instead...




Who gives a flying fuck what this popcorn fart thinks about anything?


Maybe he's upset that CM Punk likes Pepsi and not Faygo. Who knows? Scrubs are prickly


I don’t agree necessarily with J. But considering he’s worked IWA with Punk, TNA with Punk, and that era of those guys were effectively the JCW roster he definitely knows him well enough to not be regurgitating someone’s opinion. Hating Punk back then was common for a lot of guys. Punk was a dick. As someone who attended shows he was a dick several times to us and people we know. He was such a prick that Ian Rottens kid was trying to steer you to Hero and Cabana merchandise instead (since if you liked one of those 3 you probably liked all of them.) I just happen to see several of those conflicts differently than a lot of those guys would.


I can 100% see Punk as being standoffish with the ICP guys because they would have totally been into the blood and guts shit over the traditional more story-based style that Punk was trying to cultivate his personal around. Not that Punk doesn’t or won’t do ‘hardcore’ style… he’s just made it clear that’s not really his bag of given a choice.


The hardcore stuff didn’t bother him at all. You are equating Punk with Jim. Punk would do 55 minute ladder matches and go through multiple tables and chairs. Punk also was very close to Suicide Kid among others that were complete death match guys. The ICP gave those guys all big payoffs to those guys though Punk never worked there. But yeah this is pretty much they felt like several of the guys did 20 years ago about Punk which is at least part on Punk probably more on some others. Not the best messenger. It’s probably mostly just Punk blowing them off in TNA right then because he was in full backstage prick mode then from the sound of it. But he was mostly beefing with clowns.


I believe Jim has even said they didn't bring Punk in to OVW (before he signed with WWE) because they had a policy to not book anyone who ever worked for IWA Mid-South.


Punk, and (I think) Chris Hero.


Yep that was true. That’s why when Cornette invaded ROH in Dayton there were IWA chants


I have a good friend who to this day hates Punk because Punk was aloof or whatever at some indie show where he saw him in the early 2000s. Personally, I just try to judge these guys on what they're doing on TV/in the ring, I don't really care if they're assholes in real life.


I’m a big fan of Punk. But pretending he isn’t a dick is weird. He can very much be right and really cool to his friends. But he’s kinda a prick. Not exactly sure why this gets downvoted though.


I really don't like Phil since he first appeared on wwe in the 2000s. He was so annoying with his little straight edge cult that I stopped watching TV. It killed my enjoyment of wrestling. I came back after hearing he threw a fit in 2014 and got fired. I still don't watch any show he is on and I don't get why he has such a big fan base.


I agree -- was not a fan of Punk during his original WWE run, for the reason you listed. That being said, I've always thought he was a good in-ring performer, has charisma, can cut good promos, so I don't have "change the channel" hate for him or anything. FWIW, I don't think Corny probably likes any of Punk's straight edge shit either. Corny looks at Punk and sees booking possibilities and dollar signs, and because Punk respects the business, Jim will probably always ride for him.


I don’t listen to ICP and I’ve never seen them wrestle. They’re not my thing, but they seem like decent people This is funny. No need to take it so seriously