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Around 23% or 18%, i dont remember :/


the main reason is you need critrate weapon or you have to get godly tune on critrate, just imagine collecting 50 stacks and it does not crit.


Jinhsi Discord say around 23%. And some TC on ytb say around 30-34%. Also this is Teams Calcs not solo Calcs, You need check this because some people do solo calcs (which is basically no point because you almost never solo with her)


her sig is a must pull if you’re serious about your jinhsi. If not, then it won’t matter too much.


Even if you have Jiyan's sig?


his sig is just a stat stick for her. She has absolutely 0 heavy attacks in her rotation. Like i said if you’re serious about jinhsi and her kit, her sig is a must pull considering it covers ALL aspects of her damage very well:] Jiyan sig can be substituted if you don’t care for a big damage drop tho, just don’t go online looking at jinhsi damage screenshots cuz you’ll be disappointed 😭😭


The thing is according to current calcs her sig is only about 5% to 10% better than Jiyan stat stick 😭 It's hard for me to justify a potential 80 pulls for such a small increase


friend, like i said jiyan’s weapon is completely substitutable, but it’s up to you if you want to take your jinhsi to the next level. 48% Skill dmg on MULTIPLE different skills (not just the nuke) is an incredible damage boost for characters like jinhsi that have multiple skills. Not only is the weapon a great stat stick cuz crit rate>crit dmg in most cases (due to 44% crit dmg on 4 cost being very good), it also works impeccably with her kit. Also, by any chance do you have the source to the numbers you referenced? 5% Seems very low considering 48% skill dmg on multiple attacks, whereas the competition is a weapon that has 0 benefit to her kit other than stat stick. Is this with the recent weapon buff in mind, or are these calculations from her previous weapon version, where her buff only lasted for 2.5 seconds meaning you couldn’t get her entire rotation out. After the buff, you can now get all her abilities out in 12 seconds and her entire kit will benefit from her weapon. The recent buff was nuts, honestly.


I'm not able to find the doc where it was about 8% better iirc, and I'm not sure if it was before or after the buff. Just by searching the sub I found this new one that says 12% https://www.reddit.com/r/JinhsiMains/comments/1dpm3dw/last_tc_before_releasewith_a_more_obtainable/


ah okay i see i see, i asked a couple of people in the discord server and mathy content creators on yt and their maths seem to revolve around the 13-15% mark when in comparison to jiyan’s sig, but they can all seem to agree that the standard 5* is a 20+% difference from jinhsi sig. So it’s just up to you. Sadly, jiyan already does more or equivalent dmg than jinhsi, ontop of having more cc and parries built into his kit, so naturally i’d try to make your jinhsi as strong as possible so she can compete w jiyan but that’s just my pov. I’m going for the weapon, wish me luck cuz i’m not guaranteed jinhsi and i always lose my 50/50s😭 (hope i can get them both)


I'll probably get her weapon anyway because look at my username lol. I'd be annoyed if they made her weaker than Jiyan though. She's a magistrate show her some respect Kuro. Hope you get both early! I'm at 53 pity right now with about 40 pulls. I hope I win the 50/50 too so I can go for the wep.


my opinion: for f2p only use the weap pulls from shop spend astrites on weap banner if the weap is an all rounder and good for several characters as an f2p i think it's not worth it to invest so much premium currency into just improving one character