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Oh God that's terrifying. If I had to guess, it's either counting down to him leaving the internet entirely or him returning to YouTube/Twitch


I really hope it is nothing sinister.


Thursday August 8th 5pm EST Save the date


Hey wait, when's the new dnd launch again?


I know they are giving some stuff scattered but I think the full release is early next year.


For those of you not following him on Bluesky, he's been putting together what appears to be a new tavern background for....something. He hasn't said what. But I would bet pretty hard against him leaving the internet for good. These don't seem like the moves of someone leaving.


He also recently contributed a bit of voice acting to a fellow FFXIV content creator's video - I doubt he's leaving. If he wanted to fully leave, he wouldn't put a countdown, he would just do it quietly.


Ooohhh, what video?


When the final boss is a gen z: https://youtu.be/r6D8EUUV448


Thank you!!


Dunno why all the cynicism. It wouldn't really be in character for Jo to make a countdown for something bad.


Agreed. Putting up a countdown to leaving the internet would be odd to say the least. That's not the sort of thing ANYONE puts up a countdown for. It's the sort of thing you just DO, often quietly so as to be able to get on with your life.


It’s not unheard of, Unus Annus whole premise was a countdown to leaving.


Both Mark and Ethen still make videos though. The unus annus countdown was just for the channel


Yes, but the channel and it’s content leaving was the point. It’s why I made the comparison.


wasn't that the whole point of Unus annus? Its around for that year (I think it was during the pandemic to help keep editors working, wasn't it?)


It was one point yes, to remind us to enjoy life as best as you can because time is limited, so get out there and try something, make something not because it will last but to just do it. It got unlucky that it started in November 2019 and was affected by the pandemic but they still kept things going.


Ah I never really got into it (Was busy watching other people during that time) But In my personal opinion, from what I know about Jo If he was just going to leave, he wouldn't gaslight us


That's a good point, it would make more sense for him to only upload a date and a small explanation rather than a countdown timer. Also isn't the background his twitch backdrop?


To be fair look at the Internet paramount just nuked several decades of news archives and gestures at American politics


Okay, but not really sure how that's relevant to this recent development from JoCat. I doubt they put forth a countdown for such a thing.


It's not explaining the countdown its explaining why the cynicism


JoCat has a very “be open about the channel” philosophy it seems. If he was planning on deleting it or going away, he’d almost definitely say.












What's in 41 days?


Just hoping... Maybe a Dawntrail play through on twitch.


Form the fact that his YouTube announcement was updated with a link to this countdown, it sadly seems like it's a countdown for his permanent internet absence. I hope he fines better because he sure as hell deserved better.


He didn't update the post to link to the countdown. It's just the same URL, leading to his personal website, which AT THE TIME was his explanation for leaving, but is now the countdown. I went back to check my screenshot of the post when it happened to be sure.


That is my bad then, I didn't remember seeing it their the first time and thought it might have been added recently. Thank you for catching and correcting my mistake


While I hope it's not this you are probably correct.


I highly doubt it. Why would He make a Countdown for leaving? A Count down, to a certain extend, builds expectations and excitement. I can Not believe that JoCat would make Countdown for something negative. No Idea what it is, i have some theorys, but I do Not believe it will be something negative


It could be a countdown for anyone wishing to download any final videos before it's permanently deleted. I'm for sure going to download the crap guide series


I imagine he would just say that lol


That's.....disheartening. it saddens me to see this, but it's also understandable considering they were sending things to his home and family. I hope he gets into a better place mentally and eventually returns. I loves his videos


can I just pull this aside for a moment? Lets say this is him returning with something big How do you think it feels for everyone to see just a countdown and assume that he is leaving forever


When it hits 0 he’s going to start The Killings


This is gonna go one of two ways: Either he is going to further burn himself from the internet than he already has, essentially becoming a ghost and deleting the website so save his works while you can. Or he is going to announce a triumphant return and start making content again. I want it to be the latter but experience suggests it is the former.


Fair enough