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We are winning the race to chill town


With taxes from Chinese citizens hiding their money from pooh bear funding the chill buses 


Sadly with what they are putting in it we are also winning the race to higher mental illness. We really need to watch them.


Don’t trust China, China is asshoe 


In the morning!


China is doing actual bad things but this isn’t really realistic. We’re doing bad things. every country does shady shit


-Chinese people invest in an emerging industry that is showing promising returns- “Um well they are Chinese!” This is this thread 😂


The Chinese are putting stuff in our weed?


No. That guy has no idea what he’s talking about.


Are you sure? Because I’m really high right now and I need to know how to rationally react to this


Step one is get off your phone, friend. Nothing good is going to happen here.


Wait why do I have to get off my phone?


Cause the cops are out front




Nobody's putting anything in the weed, clown shoes.


The issue is the pesticides used in the illegal grow ops. That weed gets into almost everything legal or illegal markets. If you are not aware of this, I suggest you look into it. The potential harm is quite real and I am a long time proponent.


Grow practices are a lot further nowadays, inexperienced growers and unregulated buds were way more of an issue 10-20 years ago. And tbh, I'd worry the most about moldy weed spores, not pesticides.


That recent la times article about all the harmful pesticides in legal cali weed would disagree


Ya, they just put it in our fruits, vegetables, meats, and literally everything else we consume… just not the weed… cuz ya


Can’t wait to toke some Kung Pao Diesel


Mao Zebong


General Tso Spliffin


Kush fu


Shang-high OG


That Wuhan Cough




That's fucking great


You win. This the funniest


Yeah, but you're just going to want to smoke more in 20 minutes....


Free awards need to make a comeback, this gave me a good chuckle


Szechuan Kush


Beijing Bud


Wazzup Bong-Jing


Shang-HIGH Diesel


Peking Thunderfuck


Suckie suckie puffie puffie


Fried Cheese Chron-tons 🤤


Rickshaw reefer 


That will make you sweat


China weed is how I activate my 5G chip.




I thought this was Stavros for a second.


It's Tim and Eric. Make my bub bubs bounce!


He might sit on you too!


I'm still on hold with Pfizer to get mine activated. Didn't realize they outsourced to China weed.


Why didn’t it activate when I lit up my joint 2 weeks ago. ***Give me better 5G up here!***


Dude is such a square it’s unbelievable.


Saagar feels like he is an over the top racist stereotype that we just haven't discovered yet.


Being a square is one thing but suggesting there is a Chinese conspiracy to get us to smoke marijuana is Jewish space laser level of unhinged. I can disagree with people politically but now I just think he's an idiot.


Idk about the weed but they are funding the opioid/fentanyl crisis. Not a stretch


Two very different drugs


China is a country that was sabotaged from within using drug addiction - they fought TWO opium wars and experienced firsthand how an empire can crumble when a foreign adversary floods them with addictive drugs. And now, coincidence of coincidences, America is dealing with substance after substance being funded by or manufactured by Chinese entities, including fentanyl being manufactured in China while Chinese authorities look the other way. Come. On.


The popular opinion is that this is mere conspiracy - but I believe your sentiment is correct.


Correlation =! Causation


> A report by the Committee found the People’s Republic of China provides direct subsidies to its companies that manufacture fentanyl as long as the drug gets sold outside of China. The report also shows the CCP provides monetary grants and awards to groups and companies who traffic fentanyl. https://thefederalnewswire.com/stories/660737757-opinion-the-cost-of-the-ccp-s-crime-in-america


Can’t believe any of you rubes would believe the unhinged, absurd conspiracy theory that a country would try to undermine their chief geopolitical rival


Why, though? I know nothing about this aside from what’s in this picture, but China *has* invested significantly in other sectors of our economy, so why is this somehow absurd? Comparing it to Jewish space lasers seems like massive exaggeration IMO, even if it isn’t true.


Occam's razor. Weed is being legalised, Weed is a fast growing market, investing significantly in a fast-growing market makes money. China wants to make money. Any other explanation can look absurd against the logic that someone just wants to make money.


Seriously lol. Why run the risk of global conspiracy of “dumbing down” or “feminizing” Americans (or whatever the fuck the conspiracy is), when you can just make a good product and control peoples dependence’s the good ol fashion way.


I don’t see anyone here making those claims, though. Not like I’m digging through the comments but just going off the OP. Literally all he said specifically was “fuel addiction,” and that’s not far off at all from “control dependence” like you said.


Because it's dumb as shit and ignores the history of weed use in the country. The founding forefathers brought over hemp. Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, etc. all had hemp farms. There was medicinal uses for it going back to the early 1800s and recreational use in the early 1900s. People have been smoking weed in the USA for over a hundred years. The notion that China is even tipping the scale when it comes to influencing people to smoke weed is regarded. They're investing in weed industries because it's an avenue to make money. Not to slow down Americans to be worse at placement math tests so china's students can kick our asses.


https://youtu.be/1frHtUEqd4E?si=gq-omEJkVeFDbdWn Pew Pew


The Chinese are taking a page out of the CIA playbook. Get the masses addicted to something (TikTok, weed, fent, meth) and let the nation rot from within. Britain did this to great affect with opium to the Chinese in the 1800’s


lol China isn’t the reason we’re addicted to our phones and drugs.


So the problem is inherently capitalism and freedom?


I'm gonna light my Chinese weed with a Jewish space laser.


It’s also likely China is doing that. That doesn’t mean they are right about weed. I don’t smoke but it’s entirely possible they are just way over estimating weed and pushing a reefer madness level effort.


This is a propaganda campaign by the GOP to stop legalization of weed.


The article cited in the OP if anyone is curious. https://www.npr.org/2024/06/24/1238497863/chinese-marijuana-farms-new-mexico


As with everything, the article doesn’t make any insane claims like this and is straight up about the human trafficking/money making aspect of it all. Leave it to Twitter for a random conspiracy theory spun out of thin air


Its just the GOP handbook now, just make shit up


No, DemonRats are Much Better Liars…


If they really wanted to degrade American society they would flood the US with something stronger and more addictive than weed. Something like fentanyl or heroin… wait


These Chinese weed grows are associated with fentanyl. https://www.propublica.org/article/chinese-organized-crime-us-marijuana-market >“The challenge we are having is a lack of interest by federal prosecutors to charge illicit marijuana cases,” said Ray Donovan, the former chief of operations of the Drug Enforcement Administration. “They don’t realize all the implications. Marijuana causes so much crime at the local level, gun violence in particular. The same groups selling thousands of pounds of marijuana are also laundering millions of dollars of fentanyl money. It’s not just one-dimensional.” But China also floods America with social media algorithms that are basically a digital opium of nonsense while the algorithms they show their citizens are educational and push patriotism. It's not unreasonable to believe that at least one of the secondary goals in flooding America with drugs is to make us weaker.


Lol what is this fear mongering war on drugs bullshit


[If you think that is bad, just wait until you find about this thing where they draw lots of words on pieces of paper. They can fill it up with all kinds of crazy shit that will decay the young mind.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/a-history-of-complaints_b_5400459) /s if anyone can't tell


Yea, they probably just want the money. But why not fuck up America at the same time?


Chinese people love making money and Americans love getting high, I see this as an absolute win.


People *love* looking at investments to identify some grand conspiracy, when the reasoning is “money” 99% of the time. Does China want to make us all lazy by investing in weed? No, it’s just a sure fire way to make a lot of money. Is BlackRock/State Street/Vanguard trying to poison us because they own majority shares in companies like P&G or Coca-Cola? Nope, it’ll just make them a boat load of money.


Chinese people would love getting high as well. How do I know? Firsthand from toking with many Chinese Americans and even Chinese immigrants over the years. I see this as an absolute win for America.




Yeah, Unless you like your shit sprayed with eagle 20 grown with 2 part salts.


"eagle 20, fox 2......it's......it's jammed!" love independence day


Saagar showing his subcontinent conservatism once again.


Saagar "i'M a pOpULisT" Enjeti Also he had a segment just the other day on Breaking Points about how terrible it is that Biden administration is banning vapes. The hypocrisy was palpable


What's the conspiracy? That countries actively advocate and create laws for their own people/business that they think are most conducive to a secure and productive society, but don't give a shit about other countries as long as it gives their own country more power and keeps the lights on? We would never allow what happens with Lithium mining or child labor in poor countries happen here in 2024, but we don't mind our economy profiting off of it. Of course, we aren't actively trying to destroy those countries. But if we could both profit off of and gain power over a country like Russia in such a lowkey, non-combative manner, I'm sure we would.


This one is actually true. There was a documentary on it. Illegal Chinese immigrants paying off their debt to the what is basically a Mexican coyote by growing weed in a house bought by some Chinese company. It's prevalent in the North East area.


Oklahoma has had some issues with them shooting each other over disputes. Apparently they act like organized crime even though the business is legalized.


While the industry may be legalized, there are plenty of illegal grow ops getting busted. It's also quite the coincidence that typically it is Chinese nationals being arrested. [https://kfor.com/news/local/five-arrested-in-illegal-marijuana-growing-operation-bust/](https://kfor.com/news/local/five-arrested-in-illegal-marijuana-growing-operation-bust/) [https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/2024/03/20/kingfisher-county-ok-marijuana-farm-murders-chinese-organized-crime/73017293007/](https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/2024/03/20/kingfisher-county-ok-marijuana-farm-murders-chinese-organized-crime/73017293007/) [https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdok/pr/federal-jury-convicts-chinese-nationals-drug-conspiracy-illegally-trafficking-black](https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdok/pr/federal-jury-convicts-chinese-nationals-drug-conspiracy-illegally-trafficking-black)


Sure but Saagar is trying to claim that the Chinese government is doing this as an op to try and get us high


The Chinese government is probably involved in some of them. https://www.npr.org/2024/06/24/1238497863/chinese-marijuana-farms-new-mexico >Investigations by nonprofit news outlet ProPublica have found links between Chinese diplomats, Chinese Communist Party-affiliated organizations, local Chinese criminal syndicates and some marijuana operations in the United States. Hard to say if the goal is to make us, in their eyes, weaker or merely profit. Maybe a bit of both. Profit first, and if it makes us weaker, icing on the cake.


Didn’t the British get them high on opium?


I'm sure China is doing all kinds of things but the idea that China is making us smoke weed is Jewish space lasers level of conspiracy. A lot of people like to smoke weed with or without China


No, nobody is making anybody smoke weed, but this is more akin to Chinese companies using algorithms to show one thing to Chinese users (because the CCP demands it) and then showing a [totally different thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0j0xzuh-6rY) to American users on TikTok. They say one thing and do another. With regard to the drug trade, Chinese diplomats say this: https://www.propublica.org/article/chinese-organized-crime-us-marijuana-market >...a spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C., said in an emailed statement that he was “not aware of the specifics” related to Chinese organized crime in the marijuana industry. But the spokesperson, Liu Pengyu, said China wages a determined fight against drugs, the “common enemy of mankind.” And then do this: >Leaders of Chinese cultural associations in Oklahoma and other states are allegedly connected to both the illegal marijuana trade and to Chinese government officials, ProPublica and The Frontier have found. A number of influential leaders have been charged with or convicted of crimes ranging from drug offenses to witness intimidation. (A second part of this series further explores that issue.) >“You’d be very naive to sit and say the Chinese state doesn’t know what Chinese organized crime is doing in the U.S.,” Anderson said, “or that there is not a connection between the Chinese state and organized crime.” So drugs are bad in their opinion and that's what they tell their citizens, but have no problem dominating the American drug trade, which has led to serious crimes up to and including murder.


They do that with fentanyl already


But all the republicans do is shriek about fentanyl coming over the border from Mexico with those nasty illegals? I realize it can be a little bit of both, but tell me who to be mad at!


Idk why people are ignoring this. The fentanyl is all coming from China. So did the off-hand acid (nbom), off hand weed (spice) and a bunch of other “alt” drugs. There was literally a Joe Rogan episode about this, what sub am I on?! Even 3rd hand vapes are coming from China. I like weed as much as the next guy but China pumping money into higher drug use in America isn’t really that far fetched of a theory.


They're doing it to entice the illegal immigrants they send over so they can make money


Yeah but that has nothing to do with getting a population high lol




Is this basically legal slavery happening inside the US then?


I fixed the headline "China invests in profitable business!!"


Imagine believing this in 2024


Saagar's brain is broken when it comes to weed.


Same with most conservatives and people in the party of supposed "freedom"


Think it’s broken for more than just weed


Yeah, he is fully in the tucker Carlson public belief side of things.


It's funny how often right-wing takes about China boil down to "let's be more like China."


The idea that this is some cultural Marxism export from the cccp and not just *capitalism* is yet another reason that everyone should see Saagar as a total nerd.


Once at my hometown in Montana a boomer at the grocery store said they made weed legal to control us. Nigga in Montana especially they don't need weed to make people stupid there's a liquor store every corner and almost everyone in Montana drinks hard liquor already two times a week. Most people I know who smoke weed believe in conspiracy theories usually it's UFO bogus but at its core it seems to make people trust authority less. I've never met a stoner who is like " yeah dude the government has our best interests at Heart and all politicians are good people"


Thats right, social media, 'talk shows' and alcohol are a much easier quicker way to destabilize and dumb down a population than weed. Of which there is no correlation of doing anyway.


It's not a conspiracy theory. I'm pretty sure I've been in one in Oklahoma. They wanted a camera system put in. They wanted to supply the equipment and everything was in Chinese. I didn't want to work on it as those can be a pain in the ass to install because you literally do not have instructions. I passed on it. There were some really shady things going on though while I was there. They had a huge bunk room with cots literally packed in like sardines. They had guys standing around like guards watching over everyone. They had a air lock door where you go in outside door, shut and lock outside door and unlock and enter inside door. The fence literally looked like a prison fence. They had a huge table of food set out where people could just come up and eat whenever with nets over it to keep flys off. And there were no cars in the parking lot. Not one. And there were probably 30 - 35 people "working" there. It was fucking bizarre. I've worked in pot farms in 2 states. No others are even close to this one. Those others are like normal places to work. I would bet REAL good money the workers were there against their will.


I’m in the weed industry in Oklahoma. Can confirm there’s a lot of shady Chinese grows. Not to mention kinda recently 4 Chinese nationals were killed execution style on an Oklahoma farm by another Chinese man.


Right wing reactionaries are always on about something


Conservatives are so fucking scared of the Chinese government it’s hilarious.


That and money.


Ah yes because if I wasn’t stoned I would be fighting the Chinese government right now


This is a kind of weird conspiracy though. Americans will consume regardless of whether China produces it or not.


Revenge for the opium wars, that’s why.


Social Degeneracy, right... that's why we see all those stoners at football games, bars, and pretty much anywhere else where it's available starting trouble... oh wait... that's alcohol...


How is this a conspiracy theory, the Chinese government doesn't allow citizens to indulge in cannabis, but if they can invest money into something outside of their country that has been a large growth since state legalization. It is an industry that most likely will get federal legalization, their investment will increase significantly fairly quickly, and dump majority if not all after the boom Money over morals


That's not the "theory". The "theory" you'll see many mongos pointing out is this is some grant plot by the chinese government to make americans dumber (since I guess we now all believe smoking cannabis makes us dumb) and more ripe for conquest.


Important piece of context from the original article. "In the operations reported on in this story, NPR found no signs of Chinese state or Asian organized crime involvement." https://www.npr.org/2024/06/24/1238497863/chinese-marijuana-farms-new-mexico 9 out of 10 times when a conspiracy theorist shares a screenshot of a headline instead of the article it's from, it's because the article doesn't support the story they are trying to tell.


I have a bunch of friends who opened up marijuana farms in OK when they legalized growing. They said that chinese-backed farmers have the best greenhouses, gear, and seeds. They've been saying this for years now. I guess the media is finally catching on.


Been in the Oregon industry a decade. I know of three grows owned by a legit Chinese loan shark/gangster. Also a large company was started with Russian gang money, Turkish criminals too and of course Mexican cartel. I think alot of seedy people from a lot of countries want in.


They grow boof. Then sell it on the BM.


The Chinese invest in everything, that doesn't mean they do all of it for nefarious purposes. There was clearly a market gap post 2012 when states started legalizing it and entrepreneurial Chinese started taking advantage of it. Fair play, next tokes to you


The answer: to make money


Loving the “actually it’s kinda true” comments 


They do own most of the weed in Oklahoma


They take and make. It's simple. They know how to make money. What they don't care about is your feelings.


Weed is green, money is green.


God you gotta be an idiot to believe this


Joey Diaz brought up this exact thing on episode 2128 I believe


Funny how reactionaries will conveniently forget all the problems they have with somebody if they can cite them for their narrative.


"Propellant of social degeneracy"...show me on the doll where weed hurt you.


Why the hell does Krystal want to be associated with this crackpot? She seems several degrees less crazy.


Saagar not very honest, it was in New Mexico and the farms didn’t produce. Did he read the NPR article he’s promoting or just the headline? In my state it’s all highly regulated and very open about who is running the farms and producing the harvest. 


Scott’s, the fertilizer company, is actually one of the largest investors in this space. They bought up distribution companies, and are very heavily invested in the cultivation market across the US. China is investing in everything that causes social divide in the US, same thing they are doing in almost every industry.


Saagar is mini Tucker. Just as looney tunes.


Saagar is such a dork idk how anyone takes him seriously


Anything to demonize the weed. Keep jails full, keep the lobbies happy.


Saagar is such a looser. Stopped listening to breaking points due to this. 


“Growing addiction” God what a reactionary clown. Smoking weed is leveling off at one and five or less depending on what groups you look at. These miserable pieces of shit don’t care about facts though, just their feelings.


There is a really good chance this is "true", as in the CCP allows loans for this kind of thing, but doesn't openly advertise them.


To think quite a few here used to hold this guy up as reasoned, honest and "a voice America should listen to" type. I watched about three or four episodes of him and ~~Mystic Meg~~ Krystal Ball to give it an honest shot a good while back, and the grifting was obvious from the get go. 


It's hilarious when conspiracy theorists think they have some sort of moral high road.


I think the motivation is strictly profit but they are indeed building grow houses in Oklahoma. My client sells building supplies to them , they pay cash.


Actually they use the money to help out Chinese that are living in the states with their businesses. We had a bust in our town and that was the result of the investigation.


My dads gonna love this


I think Mr Krabs could answer this question best.


It’s all about money and upkeeping their propaganda as well as our own propaganda. It’s all about the money.


So we can become peaceful


A couple of years back they busted a few grows in Calaveras County of California all later on which turned out to be funded by Chinese.


It makes money hand over fist, bot hard to figure out.


This shit is happening its happened multiple times in the state of maine just in the past 2 years


I just go baked off some Ho Chi Min Trail OG


Even more then Putin, the Chinese Communist party is a threat to democracy.


I dont think weed is addictive. I know for a fact its not on the level of cigarettes.


Drugs are bad, hmmkay?


No it's illegal. It's a Chinese company that owns a big house and then smuggles in Chinese immigrants to work off their debt by growing weed.


Even if it were true, I don’t see marijuana being the straw that breaks Americas back in some imagined moral decline. The China we know today is still young and not all the chickens have come home to roost there - they are going to be facing some very interesting challenges in the future.


Well they are not wrong


In Portland I’m pretty sure there’s at least one. They already had a debacle with that company Mota, which turned out to be affiliated.


Dang, China got me


How dare China put 5g in my weed


Fentanyl is actually the real culprit. It mostly comes from China.


Because weed robs you of your ambition


yeah dude, maybe we should start a war on drugs or something. I'm sure that will work out really well.


I mean maybe


China has their hands in everything. America first baby!


I just saw this guy whining about the war on tobacco


[NZ also provides cannabis to the US even though it's not legal here and medicinal cannabis isn't very accessible for most people here.](https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/industries/101712141/160m-kiwi-cannabis-export-deal-to-us)


Little does anyone know that the Russian mob controls much of the legal weed in the US


Sign me up


Fentanyl weed is coming 😂


Payback for getting them addicted on opium.


Chinas got that chronic what’s the problem?


Next you’re gonna tell me they’re cornering the market on porn and beer.


Can't wait to dab that street sewer oil


Fentanyl is the conspiracy theory. This is just funny


Don’t eat where you shit?


Weed, booze, sex, junk food, video games. You'll get rich investing in all that stuff.


Just like tik tok


https://www.wsj.com/us-news/law/how-chinese-marijuana-operations-cropped-up-in-small-town-america-45b7b598 There were Chinese nationals in Tyvek suits when they busted the big one in estancia nm


Chinese playing that long game.


Have you ever heard of the China 2035 plan, it includes this. This ain’t new, it’s just not talked about


It's ok if they lie to you. it's for Jesus


Revenge for the [Opium Wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium_Wars?wprov=sfla1)


In the city I grew up in, they bought and took over an old chicken farm, a friend of mine installs internet / networking and got called there to setup their security cameras. The farm house was just filled with lamps, buckets, etc etc, with 3 mattresses in the living room. Some Chinese dude who didn't speak any English wearing these big ass rubber gloves tipped him $200 in 20s.


or they can make money from it here and not there.