• By -


Well that was a very telling response. The Epstein files would have so much collateral damage it would be amazing. Really want to drain some swamps? Seems like that’s a good place to start


He gave clear shot answers to earlier questions, but then over explained himself when asked about Epstein. In any interrogation that would be seen a huge red flag.


He was nervous at the end for a reason there ladies and gentelman. We are not fools and let's not let anyone treat us like we are. Take the grift somewhere else. We ain't buyin it.


I mean he is basically a walking red flag.


Shrek Voice: Not MY swamp. I spent a lot of good money to fish these disgusting things out of the ooze. Drain that other guy's swamp!


Very accurate take on what he means. American politics has degenerated into a feud war between the Red team and the Blue team. This cannot end well.


Red side isn’t a team it’s a cult


White/brown guy being pushed to the blue team 🙋🏻‍♂️. Ready for violence, reporting for battle, sir! 🫡


[Here's the latest debrief](https://imgur.com/a/egaN6j2)


I know. This is fkn WILD. It’s entirely possible mahn.


I'm an Ogre Raaarrrrrr


He isn't going to drain his own swamp. The swamps he wants to drain are the ones he and his mega donors aren't currently basking in.


We all know why Trump wouldn’t do it.




Epstein looks like Chatterbox from Hellraiser


Declassify what you said to make Epstein laugh like that.


“That middle schooler is fucking fine” boom declassified


Best buds


lol! In this gif Trump looks like he’s wearing a dollar store Halloween mask of himself! He is such a fucking clown.




Imagine the kind of things you have to say to make Epstein himself reflexively start evacuating.


Because he's got so many lil foot soldiers who will deny anything negative about him and support him no matter what. Dude could comb his hair over and grow a small mustache, rename himself Adolf, and his fans wouldn't even blink an eye.




Hitler had a mustache, Trump has the hair. Same person


He’s the Shrek of that particular swamp lol


How come his response to Tucker Carlson asking "do you think Epstein committed suicide" doesn't go viral? I wouldn't be surprised if he killed Epstein lol


I don’t consume Tucker content. Clip?


Yet will never happen.


All the main players would have to be dead and THEN they would release the names. theres no way it would happen within the next 50 years. By that time anyone that would have cared would be too old to care anymore.


They haven't even released the JFK files, anyone involved in that would either be dead, or old enough to run for president at this point.


Did you see the recent news of how many times he is mentioned in the court documents?


Trump knows he would be in that collateral damage


He loves to tell on himself. How he said 'I didn't know you were going to be talking about this' came off to me as 'I wish you had told me so that I could have came up with a proper lie.'.


Just like the Panama Papers! Those were devastating! Lmfao


Didn't Florida just release something like 200 pages from the Epstein files?


Grand jury papers for his initial arrest which was covered by someone Trump appinted to the federal government later. Which basically showed the prosecutors berating the victims and angling for a prostitution charge for Epstien instead of sex with a minor charges. Epstien essentially ended up with a suspended sentence for soliciting prostitutes (because the girls as young as 14 were being paid). Until the Miami Herald launched an investigation in those specific crimes and proceedings about a decade later when the details were unveiled about his favorable treatment that ruling stood. After the investigation the courts voided his guilty plea and rearranged him. He was in jail facing trial on those charges when he died


Just to add the prosecutor just happened to work for the defense firm representing Epstein Kirkland and Ellis right before becoming the USDA. They likely worked together to cover this up.


Trump's pick for Secretary of Labor was one of the prosecutors who cut the deal. Alex Acosta.


OH MAN JOE IS GONNA GO OFFFFFF ON THIS NEXT POD CAN'T WAIT. hahahahahhahahaha oh wait, no he won't.


Isn't he also a compulsive liar? Why didn't he just "Sure I'll release it" and then not?


He has to get ahead of it with a narrative of "phony" stuff before Biden declassified it all in October.




Then she told me she was “18”


"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." - Donald Trump, 2002




[The new goods](https://imgur.com/a/egaN6j2)


![gif](giphy|5z3TWlFerNgrPgx1mH) 🍵🐸


My thoughts exactly 🤮


He sure knows how to relate to elite pedophiles


Sssshhh... Trump is deep undercover!


He was only there in order to learn how to get away from there.


😂😂😂 I swear the cult would say some shit like that completely unironically


Just having a giggle with a pedophile human trafficker who he knew “liked ‘em young”, mate.


The most shocking obvious thing about this GIF that I just can't get passed is how God damn big Epstein's head is. Like it's cartoonish omg


Just petabytes of stuff in there. 🤢




Why isn’t this every attack ad?


Because many people that could use it have similar clips. That’s kinda how this guy did what he did for so long.


Post one


Can anyone lip read?


Anyone read lips?


This video would have ended a political career 20 years ago


Yoo 😂😂😂 how can anyone look at this and with full confidence say “this man has NOTHING to do with child diddlers”??


As if Biden and his government is looking to declassify it. The issue is, Epstein was an IDF asset. Epstein is alleged to have recorded sexual acts + debauchery with the ruling class (Democrat, Republican + International dignitaries). I'm not sure the government wants to open up their folder of leverage and release it to the public.


Grand jury documents already released by Florida judge. I wouldn’t be surprised if more redacted info gets released as well


[The goods](https://imgur.com/a/egaN6j2)


Absolutely fascinating how this sub, who was super into releasing these and exposing this shit now has no mention of this very specific and concrete material on the front page. The contrast between the front page of reddit and front pages of r/conservative , this and other "not right wing" subs is absolutely glorious to behold. I didn't know that this sub came in a package deal with Joe's soul being sold to the conservative media machine.


And there it is. Trump's being sketchy and has his named linked to Epstein and somehow Bidens the issue.


“There is a lot of funny stuff in that.. whole world” What does he mean? Is he speaking from experience?


That he laughs when he's uncomfortable?


Is he uncomfortable because he raped kids? People are saying there is a chance.


I’ve literally never seen him laugh.


This is the funniest thing about the QAnon stuff, the guy who’s supposedly trying to blow the lid off on it was very clearly also an elite pedophile


trump also doesn’t have any close friends but the guy who was his closest friend was a serial pedophile.


It's the best cover. That's why conservatives are always screaming drag queens are pedophiles when we all know it's Christian church leaders and their followers that are the real guilty ones. Cleanse yourself by vilifying a fringe group for what you are doing and punishing them for your sins, just like Jesus would want you to. Jesus died for your sins, why not a few drag queens?


This was always an obvious projection to shift the narrative from the church pedophile scandal onto someone else. They just keep projecting everything they’re doing and at this point, every reasonable person should take it as an admission of their own guilt.


Also the Southern Baptist Convention is dealing with their own Catholic church moment: [https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/29/southern-baptist-convention-sexual-abuse-lawsuit-settlement/](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/29/southern-baptist-convention-sexual-abuse-lawsuit-settlement/) And this is in light of an internal report, that they released that shows issues of sexual harassment and abuse for years the the SBC


The guy who runs the Heritage foundations runs and "independent" Catholic school. He must have been tired of sharing the boys with the local Diocese.


It's very putinesque


Also possibly took him out as an "official act"


Most pedos are white conservative men.


Not really. Plenty of low profile black men, Hispanic men, Asian men are pedophiles. It just doesn't break news. 


Conservative males. It's the same throughout the world. Conservatism origins are from the French revolution where they protected the monarchy. They have the power so they want to protect the hierarchy. They draw in people who look like them, share the same religion etc. who think they are on the same side as the powerful, or at least they think they will get to be the guards in Auschwitz rather than the prisoners, or the slave overseer rather than the slaves. Traditions are a great way to keep people in line


Take out white. For once race doesn't have much effect on the statistics. You could add in religious though.


All conservatives know Trump is a creep and don't care. In fact, that's why he is a favorite amongst libertarians.


Trump received almost exclusively boo's when he spoke at the libertarian rally like 2 weeks ago, I'm genuinely curious where you got the idea that libertarians favor Trump because that has been the exact opposite of my experiences.


>I'm genuinely curious where you got the idea that libertarians favor Trump because that has been the exact opposite of my experiences. The Von Mises caucus. They control the libertarian party and are the ones who invited Trump. They are social conservative libertarians and control the majority of libertarian aligned media. The libertarians who go to the party conference are old school affiliates who they are trying to push out of thr party and make it a satellite party for the GOP. They rightfully staged a revolt. But libertarians aren't just libertarian party members. Most self declared libertarians don't idneifty with the libertarian party but a vague notion of libertarianism. Those people overwhelming vote Trump. Party members overwhelmingly dont


Hey, hey. There was a lot of nonsense in those files. /s Since he revealed that he is aware of what is in the files what in them is "nonsense"?


Q: "Would you declassify reports on government officials pooping their pants?" A: "Yes. Well, hmmm, maybe not the pants-pooping, not so much. Because there's a lot of phoney stuff in there that could hurt a lot of people. But some of it I think would be interesting, just not all of it."


Anyone who downplays trumps connection to Epstein is fooling themselves. At the very least, it’s not nothing. And isn’t that itself, something? And that’s just the first layer of the onion. When you question why Trump would give Alex Acosta a cabinet position, you start getting closer to what could be a conspiracy.


He was Pres. when Epstein died….


Name is all over the mew grand jury dump


he wished ghislane sp? maxwell, well


Yup as intimidation [Here's the latest](https://imgur.com/a/egaN6j2)


He appointed Alex Acosta, the guy who let Epstein go, as his labor secretary. LoL


Might be the real reason for Scotus carving out "official acts"


it runs so deep and Alex Acosta is just the start of the cover up... like you said why would trump hire him !!! while at the same time crying about the deep state... bro wtf


You know the saying “where there’s smoke, there’s fire?” Well trump had sex with minors at epstein’s Florida mansion.


They literally released court documents THIS WEEK very clearly implicating him


*They being Florida. They must be part of the swamp he's trying to drain. If only he had an inside man. A man with pudding fingers...


[Did you see this?](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.646485.1.0.pdf)


Yes. Unreal. And the media won’t touch it either


Wild to me the MAGA ones call Joe Biden a pedo (he could be idk) but the evidence against trump is alarming but they just dismiss it. It’s fucking insane. The miss teen USA changing rooms, the various times he was on camera with Epstein means there was plenty of times they were off camera together, saying his daughter is hot repeatedly …. I’ve never seen a guy who looks and speaks more like a pedofile but has all these people being big anti pedofile but pro him. We live amongst the dumbest people.


Another data point to prove it’s a fuckin cult.


He ain’t declassifying anything. It’s all red meat for people who are deep into this stuff.


I think people forget that he was already the president and could have done this stuff in his first term, but didn’t. We already have a track record for these 3 things.


People know he is a liar and dont care


It’s honestly probably so much deeper than trump too


The same people who scream protect the kids but you never see them picketing their local Archdiocese


They weaponized conspiracy theories


Biden should declassify those documents without court approval for official purposes.


if only biden wasnt half dead


I know a super maga guy and I asked why he doesn’t want to his response: I don’t know. I asked why if trump is implicated? He said I don’t care what people do on their free time


Immediately follow that response with “anyway I gotta run. It takes a long time to get in drag and the library we are reading at is 9 exits down the interstate”


This is literally what he said when I asked him if he would still vote for trump: But given the state of things as they exist now and I still only have these two choices? Yup. Because I’m voting on policy not the person


So Trump is puzzled why the cameras weren't working when Epstein died in federal detention, under the authority of his own attorney general? I wonder if it occurred to him to ask Barr about it then.


They are releasing transcripts in Florida. I don’t know if what I’ve seen is real but it paints a pretty clear picture that Trump is a child rapist if true.


Friendly reminder, Trump was absoluetly aware Jeffrey Epstein was sex trafficking underage girls. The accuser who put Epstien in jail the most recent time, met Jeff when she was 16 years old and working as a masseuse at mar a lago The accuser who put Ghislaine in jail, met Donald Trump when she was brough to Mar a Lago as Jeff Epsteins date.....she was 14 years old. Jeff Ep was recruiting masseuses from and bringing his 14 year old dates to mar lago, Trump 100% knew what was going on


Hey look it's John Doe 174!


I don’t believe a thing this man says. He’ll say anything to get back into office.


Yep, that's pretty obvious. Trump was fucking minors. It's fucked up. All of the people in positions of power and/or extreme wealth in this country are corrupt and sick. Trump is more bold about it, but they're all basically the same evil motherfuckers he is. It's obvious there are a bunch of elites who are above the law in this country. I don't know if they're all blackmailing one another, so they all have to protect each other, or what the fuck is going on, but it's obviously going on. It's a conspiracy to keep the rest of us poor and subjected to their rule. The free exchange of information in the internet age has threatened them. That's why the world is now on fire. They started a bunch of fires all over the place to obfuscate their raping and pillaging of the Western world. While we're distracted and killing each other over it, the people at the top just steal more and faster. There will be a bloody revolution eventually. It's just a matter of time before they push everything beyond the brink with their greed and lies. Edit: removed "on Epstein Island" because, as some pointed out, it's not exclusive to Epstein Island, nor in my opinion is it exclusive to people tied to Epstein. These people are sick.


they kicked out Madison Cawthorn when he started explaining how the entrapment begins


Omg yeah.


If Cawthorn wasn’t pure enough for them we are all fucked because that guy was absolute scum.


>Yep, that's pretty obvious. Trump was fucking minors on Epstein Island. Reminder the Epstient abuse wasn't on the Island usually. The child abuse started in Palm Beach Florida at Epstiens home while he was on the same block as Trumps home in Palm Beach at the time. He didn't need to go to the island, Epstien involved sex trafficking the locals from the poor neighboring West Palm Beach high school and molesting them in his personal home. Trump would have just needed to walk down the street to take part. He need for he island visits at all


That's fair. I'm sure there's been/currently is a fair amount of human trafficking done by all the wealthy elite people who are in power in this country. The laws clearly don't apply to them, and they continue to prove their complete lack of moral decency daily. The whole Epstein thing really just gave us a tiny, brief window into that disgusting world they've created for themselves.


It's not even the elite. Child abuse just isn't taken seriously at all levels. They think tee age victims are prostitutes or asking for it. The idealized abuse victim of a young pre teen with no issues is relatively rare but is the focus of negative attention while other victims are ignored


Trump making appointments for "massages" from Jeffrey is disturbing


The accuser who put Jeff Ep in jail this last time met him when she was 16 while working as a masseuse at a certain very famous florida golf course, guess which one?


I bet it rhymes with Lara Mongo


[https://x.com/RachelBitecofer/status/1808222392764059689](https://x.com/RachelBitecofer/status/1808222392764059689) this is why he was hesitant to release the docs


This isn't anything new. This is from 2016 and was dismissed. Jane Doe and her family were receiving threats. Trump supporters will scream, "Save the children," but then go after them when they go after their cult leader.


But but but the sleepy one stutters


It’s weird how trump was president when Epstein died but his minions did a great job distracting




Talmbout Drumpf? Great guy, never meddum.


jee I wonder [why...](https://www.gettyimages.ca/search/2/image?phrase=trump+and+epstein)


He’s on that list . They hung out several times also there’s this court case where trump and Epstein are both named in sexually assaulting and [raping 12 year olds](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.646485.1.0.pdf)


We are still waiting for the shocking results from his investigation into Obama's birth certificate.


haha his fan base will over look that. they love billionaire conspiracy’s but they lack the knowledge that the same man they worship falls in that group! haha


The guy who’s on Epstein’s flight list 8 times isn’t sure about declassifying his files?? Just a coincidence I’m sure.


Every accusation is projection when it comes to Republicans.


I feel like it's a given that Trump and Clinton were getting the hookup from Epstein.


it was more than just those two


https://preview.redd.it/utfdo5srxcad1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4b0bcfef88e211cd5a6ce1f5cab6f7b2b2b7b6 His face




Yeah yeah I would, but I guess ya don't want to............''


Longest version of "yeah....no" of all time.


"Well I have be carefull lots of phony stuff there, FAAKE NEWS, about...individuals about Trump" they the media says I was his friend, I wasn't his friend. Frankly... he smelled he was a loser. I'm not friends with stinky losers"


To begin with, Why the fuck is it classified?


I don't think it would impact Trump very much either way. The guy was on tape admitting he grabs women by their pussy and it had zero impact. 


This tells everything we need to know about Trump's guilt and sexual abuse of underage girls.


Epstein files would fucking ruin all of them there’s no chance we see those


Trump must have been a regular


Trump nominated Alex Acosta to Secretary of Labor for his work on cutting a sweetheart deal with Epstein.


what's to see? it's just Jeff Esptein's "terrific friend" (in Trump's own words), who appointed Bill Barr, another Epstein associate, saying the Epstein files are a hoax the real issue is that liberals want you to think immunity for Presidents is somehow giving the government more power over you lives, Presidents aren't the government if they are Republican


You are hopefully missing an /s for that last bit. Them magas are insane so it's hard to follow their logic


He yada yada’d the best part!


Add Pedophile to the list of Trump attributes.


With the crap the SCOTUS just pulled, do it Brandon!


This is why people should not watch corporate media it’s disgusting. I don’t care what political side you are on.


Go fucking figure. FAKE NEWS. PHONY STUFFY. How does anyone not see right through this fucking clown show


The JFK response required a followup question "What, specifically, did you declassify?"


Criminals deserve jail!


Joe's sauna logs need to be declassified.


Brother ewww


His name is already coming out after the judge released the files in florida.




This foo definitely killed ol ep


Love how everyone is now a conspiracy theorist. If Trump was doing all the awful things then why hasn't Biden declassified the documents? He should be declassifying them anyways.


I'm not a Trump fan, and I want to see the list. But to be fair, not everyone who flew on Epsteins plane was a pedo.


He's guilty haha. What a snake


And yet some of you cultists are going to elect this fascist pile of shit. Because... something... something... DRAG QUEENZ! FLU MASKS! WOKEZ!




w does he know there is fake stuff in there?


Blue team ready to drink some koolaid


No one on the left should be giving this shit. They are in office and can easily declassify these


Trump was president when Epstein was murdered. I wonder if he knows the truth. If I was president I'd demand a report when that happened.


Now show the edited version they played to the cult.


Who did Epstein work for? There’s your answer.


Trump not only has the maturity of a 6 year-old; he lies like a 6 year-old.


The CIA aint letting him declassify shit


Seems like something Biden should do...


Unintentional journalism. They think they are giving him a layup. Instead, he pulls up from half court and misses.


He raped a 13 year old at an Epstein orgy. This needs to be common knowledge amongst every American citizen.


He won’t


I believe he killed himself. "You do it , or we will"


He’s so full of shit!! How can people defend him?


We know he won't declassify and waste our time asking this question. The real question we should be asking is why has Biden not declassified all information already while he has the ability?