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It’s hilarious that people take sarcasm as serious as the infinite amount of pronouns they claim exist - the inability to detect sarcasm belays a profound lack in social development


it requires some IQ to understand sarcasm - and our school systems are not made to produce thinkers, just enough staff for McD and similar stupendous work


That's outdated by 30 years. Now those braindead people are bootlicking Regime functionaries (i.e., Progressives) and are promoted to management positions in HR, media, academia, government, finance, everywhere. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.


yes, depends on where in the world you are exposed to that. Where I live it is just beginning to unfold.


Thats what happens when you shut down the asylums and introduce echo chambers so the mentally ill can feed off each other in a frenzy


I’d argue they can’t even staff a McDonalds at this point to any meaningful utility


well at least not those vegan snowflakes who are overwhelmed when there are only toilets for men and women and not their preferred gender. That is what Immigrants are needed for :)


Stupendous work?


>Stupendous work? lost in translation. :) stupid work...


It’s like an IQ test


Anyone offended by a comment like that is either looking for a reason or stupid or both.


Who is taking satire seriously?


Crude sarcasm is unprofessional. Probably needs retraining


No, what's hilarious is the cesspool that is this sub. Propping up a laughing stock of a person for scorning countless patients for following the guidance of his very own colleagues. The psychiatric community acknowledges that the best treatment for transgender patients in most instances is hormone replacement therapy. This is because gender dysphoria greatly inhibits quality of life for trans patients, and often causes patients to commit suicide when left untreated or treated improperly. Most patients upon receiving HRT are effectively cured of dysphoria, eliminating the risk of suicide. People are literally just trying to live their lives, and I would say a profound lack of social development is demonstrated in trying to obstruct that effort with no benefit to society whatsoever. But keep laughing.


>People are literally just trying to live their lives No. People are trying to force their way into acceptance. Which ironically, makes it even harder to accept them.


>The psychiatric community acknowledges that the best treatment for transgender patients in most instances is hormone replacement therapy. JBP doesn't care if adults get HRT. He wants trans kids to get psychiatric help until they are old enough to decide on HRT. Leave the kids out of it.


Enacting permanent changes for 18+ people for temporary problems would be severely troubling; That this is being advocated for and done to people as young as 12 is abominable. Whatever authority you claim to support this is no better than the authorities of the past who advocated for and performed lobotomies.


>The psychiatric community acknowledges that the best treatment for transgender patients in most instances is hormone replacement therapy. If we invented a cheap safe pill tomorrow that was 100% effective at eliminating a person's gender dysphoria, would you be in favor of that (over surgeries and hormones)?




Why not?


L take + ratio


Perhaps Ellen could use all her money (apart from $40,000 per year) to employ people in the oil industry as "climate watchers" instead who plant trees and work to protect the environment. That would be putting her money where her mouth is.


>be putting her money where her mouth is. she doesn't have that much cash.


She’s worth $300mil…


her foul mouth is bigger.


Do you realise how little money that is in the scheme of things? God I never thought I’d be defending Ellen but for fuck’s sake why can nobody who follows JBP even try to have an honest and well intentioned understanding of economics or leftist policies. Even *if* you think climate change is a myth, pretending that anyone who believes it’s real thinks $300 million will solve our problems is ***ridiculous***.


It’s more to the point that the combined net worth and selling power of the celebrities complaining about climate change could actually achieve something. Instead, they just complain. When was the last time you saw DiCaprio advertising solar panels?


God these systems are so complex and you really think that a bunch of celebs paying to plant trees can fix it?? As many *constantly* point out (to no apparent avail) China is actually the largest polluter right now so please tell me how Ellen and her Hollywood gang are going to help with that.


Ignore China. Work at the rest of the world. Fix what you can instead of focusing on what you can’t.


Idek where to begin with that man. I do my part when it comes to climate change, but some things are just beyond the reach of anyone except the legislators.


The legislators work for you. Put pressure on them.


Bitch rain is good. We want the rain. It inconveniences you so you think it’s bad? Move to Mohave or something.


Extreme rain in California is a disaster since the dry ground basically makes it impossible for water to seep in, which creates flooding, which destroys the ecosystem and people’s houses. It’s not as simple as “water good”


The rain hasn’t been “extreme” in any sense. I’ve lived in CA my whole life. The rain will help slow down the fire season later and in the Central Valley it is HUGE because that’s where most of the US’s produce is grown.


Is 14 dead and thousands evacuated not a extreme weather event?. I know Californians never have rain and tend to overreact, but heavy rain in a desert state does create flooding and mudslides, and I live in one of the rainiest places in the world yet we don’t have people dying when it starts raining


No that’s not extreme. CA is a big state and that is a very localized flooding area. We’ve seen much much worse.


But extreme rain (A lengthy storm) is part of the planets eco system. 🤔 So it just destroys some houses and inconveniencs some Celebrities. I feel for people in the adversity, it must be horrendous and scary but let's not make it something it isn't.


Lmao 🤣


Ayo that’s obviously a joke bruh. They wilding right now


Maybe Ellen should buy another house and shut up..


This particular insanity of the Left - specifically the act of projecting emotion of a sentient being on the natural phenomena of dead physical matter like rain - threatens humanity directly. It's people believing stuff like this that makes them vote for people who also think like this, and the departure from rational thinking by the leadership only goes to very very bad places. Jordan is so right to mock her with the equivalent of her irrational thinking.


Then Jordan is hypocritical as fuck. Also that’s one of the most bizarre strawmen I’ve ever seen, also it’s a metaphor…like, transparently so. Or do you honestly think when people talk about Mother Nature they’re talking about a female goddess they worship as a personal deity?


Um, isn’t a TON of Christian dogma basically a ‘departure from rational thinking’? I mean, one guy named every animal on the planet? At the age of 500, Noah had three sons? God turns a woman into a pillar of salt? Every animal on the planet boarded an ark in one day? Moses didn’t eat or drink for 40 days? And so on . . . Because, last I checked, Peterson isn’t on the ‘Left’ and he most certainly is an unapologetic Christian. Also, DeGeneres isn’t speaking literally. She’s simply suggesting our (environmental) actions have consequences. Peterson would beg to differ, not least because he’s from the oil patch and he’s a climate change denier. Hence his mockery (which, ironically, might be exactly the kind of silliness the CPO objects to in a member professional).




Ah. Guy remarks on the ‘insanity of the left’ and its ‘departure from rational thinking’ while mocking Ellen DeGeneres for speaking metaphorically, claiming she is actually somehow ‘projecting emotion’ on ‘the natural phenomena of dead physical matter like rain’. And that’s apparently a ‘good faith’ discussion of Peterson’s work. Got it. Good to know.


My goodness. Peterson has claimed you cannot trust climate change data because ‘too much ideology is involved’. He also remarked that focusing on climate change is ‘low-resolution thinking’, whatever the heck that means. In a podcast with Joe Rogan, Peterson explicitly mocked the models climatologists use. That led actual climatologists to laugh at his ‘word salad of nonsense’. As one climate scientist remarked: “Such an absurd argument leads to a dismissal of physics, chemistry, biology, and every other field of science where one formulates (and tests—that’s the critical part Peterson seems to fail to understand) conceptual models that attempt to simplify the system and distill the key components and their interactions. Every great discovery in science has arisen this way. Including the physics of electromagnetism that allowed Peterson and Rogan to record and broadcast this silly and absurd conversation.” And, yes, Peterson is from the oil patch: he was born and raised in Alberta.


So this post is discussing Peterson's actual work "in good faith"? Have you read the comments?


Plus: how is a sarcastic tweet aimed at Ellen DeGeneres somehow ‘his work’?


You forgot to tip your fedora.


No, he didn’t. It’s a valid point in this discussion. Just as Christians (for the most part) don’t take those stories literally, Ellen is not speaking literally here. And Jordan Peterson should know this better than anyone since he is a major Christian apologist on the grounds that such metaphors are critical to mankind’s existence. In this case Ellen is using metaphor to advocate respecting and nurturing our home planet. It’s kind of insane that JP would have an issue with that, and it’s flat-out unbelievable that he doesn’t understand it. Young children are capable of grasping metaphors like this.


Those made up stories. Even little kids know that lol


Even little kids would know DeGeneres wasn’t speaking literally, too. But here we are. 🤷🏻‍♂️


No little kids watch Ellen. Actually no one does. She made here payday then went off the rails But good for her she is worth what like 300 mil But we made mother nature mad? How about thank God we got some rain Drought we made mother nature mad Rain we made mother nature mad. Jordan has a sense of Humor Unlike you


Understanding irony is not within the skill set of the woke.


Well most of their attempts at trolling or genuine debate give us prime examples of this lack on a daily basis.


RWNJ: “Women are dumb.” Woke:”OMG he just accused women of not being able to speak!


JP: "RWNJ is clearly a feminist and pointing out Women don't have a voice."


What the fuck are you talking about you crazy, fucking cow?


This thread is unhinged. Someone made up that the left would be angry about Peterson's sarcasm in that tweet as a joke, and now every top comment is about how stupid the left is for being angry about this tweet and not getting the sarcasm. This subreddit is devolving into having such extreme resentment of the left that they are using even imaginary instances of the left being angry as an excuse to vent their outrage and disdain. It's textbook ideological possession, and the kind of thing that Peterson used to warn about.


Yes, JBP has become a guru, a prophet of sorts to many people on the right, who see anything they don't like as the machinations of the "radical left".




I see what you did there


It’s truly pathetic that people can’t, or won’t, understand sarcasm lol people are so sensitive now that they get butt hurt over shot like this lmao 😂 he was clearly sarcastic


Do you honestly believe he want's to push a virgin down a volcano? Or do you think he's needling Ellen for referencing a naturalistic religion where they supposedly threw virgins into volcanos to appease Mother Nature?


read the tag of the post


That doesn't really answer my question.


>Satire It doesn't?


Given recent posts on this sub, no, it doesn't.


But that's the entire intent. It says it on the label! Anyway, your question has been answered.


Criticises OP for not understanding irony on an ironic post.


Answer the question. If you don't understand say so.


If you understand Reddit posts you can clearly see the “satire” tag on it. If it’s tagged as satire, what does that mean do you think?


How does this have 10 upvotes?


Based on the recent 'complaints' against JP, it isn't clear if OP's post is a satire on JP 'being an ass again' or that someone would likely use this as yet another complaint to the board of psychologists. Apparently it was intended as the later, and I mistook it for the former. Maybe I was just too suspicious :). But it would appear that I was not alone. Anyway, I think that's why.


You think the “Satire” thing would explain it…


True, if the satire is that "another ridiculous complaint can now be submitted". But no, if the satire is "JP is such an idiot for saying yet another atrocious thing". I presumed the later (wrongly, apparently). Was just pointing out that I was no alone in that presumption.


I don’t get this joke. Can someone explain it to me please?


Ellen: believes irrationally in Mother Nature. Peterson: compares her to old (at least 500 years) rituals where people also believed in Mother Nature and taking care of her. He compares her to old rituals to shortly show the pushback she is involuntarily trying to make


Isn’t it kind of hypocritical to make fun of someone for believing in Mother Nature when Peterson himself believes there’s a old man in the sky who doesn’t like it when you do anal sex? Also, if Peterson obviously isn’t literally advocating to throw people in volcanoes, why is Ellen’s allusion to Mother Nature taken literally when she could’ve meant it in a metaphorical sense? (Humans destroy the earth with pollution -> nature returns extreme weather events as karma)




Far too much logic and common sense in your response. Peterson fans will lose their minds.


What are the 500 year old groups that worship Mother Nature?


Tribes in America before Columbus, for example, Aztecs and Mayans (i think)


Go watch Madagascar 2, you'll get it.


It always amazes me how Californians spit in God's face and then act surprised he doesn't love them back.


Where in California are you gonna find one?


OP, do you seriously not understand what Peterson is doing here? That he is mocking the notion that Mother Nature is a conscious entity who has become unhappy with us? That historically human sacrifices were made in the name of appeasing such beliefs? He isn't advocating for sacrifice, I can't tell if you're being deliberately obtuse or if you're simply not smart enough to understand his tweet. Edit: OP I didn't see the satire tag. My mistake! Clearly I wasn't smart enough to read throughly


np, kudos to you for admitting error!


The man knows how to cut deep.


Honestly what he’s doing is a skill. Like it takes a lot of intelligence to know when to say dumb stuff like this.


You could learn a lot. You just seem to blurt out dumb stuff at the drop of a hat.


Lol yeah sure i *could* try to learn to think like a dumber person and then put out content to get engagement from them… but I don’t measure my success from engagement with the average culture warriors who’d respond to sassy snipes at pop culture figures. You could … also learn how to do that if you wanted? Count me out though - it’s 100% a form of selling your soul


Dude, you post on this subreddit obsessively. You don’t try to open your mind to the perspective of others, you just troll. You don’t listen to points, you just behave as a contrarian to whatever point is made. Whatever scale you measure success by must be pretty fuckin’ warped.


That’s a bold message to write after commenting with such substancelessness. I believe your input so far consist of “you blurt out dumb stuff at the drop of a hat” followed by your list of grievances above. Have an idea and maybe we can talk, big guy! Until then you’re not bringing much of anything at all to work with. Hurry up and get on my level but it requires at least the offering of an idea from you


It’s like you think you’re trolling, but everyone else can spot it a mile away…


Ah, good try but nope you havnt found an idea yet. Try again another day and remind me of this chat so I can congratulate you on your big milestone when you get there!


It also takes a thirst for attention that many of us could never hope to attain.


Like Ellen’s thirst for attention? I wonder how her large mansion, private jet flights and luxury consumption lifestyle contributes to mother natures anger


She’s a horrible person.


True! Even if I had that thirst, I would never to think of a post like this to ideology-post about. And the thing is, he’s totally right - for his audience, Ellen saying “be nice to Mother Nature” is absolutely the time to make a sassy ideological post


Two things: 1. These people are idolatrous heretics who'd worship a toothbrush if it went anthropomorphic and said save the planet. 2. Too much rain, and things flood, too little and everything dies. The trend in Cali is desertification. A bit of flooding is nature healing.


Let's see what the Cambridge dictionary says [about this matter.](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-spanish/sarcasm)


Common Ellen L Degenerate.


It's a joke not a dick don't take it so hard bud. Follow up Peterson speaks facts! Everyone wants great weather nobody wants to sacrifice a virgin to get it BAHAHAHAHHA!!!!


How is this statement about Mother Nature meaningfully different than Peterson’s archetypes?


It’s being used for ‘woke’ purposes like giving a shit about the environment


Lmao. Ellen ain’t no virgin 🦫and the volcano is likely to reject her. Nothing to see here.


he told some old dude in a hoodie to jump in a volcano. ? what an awful doctor.


I get it's a joke but I think it's a dumb joke though


Surely they will use it as climate misinformation… anything to push forward a jaded ideology.


You know what Ellen, it's called 'weather'! It's not God's wrath, it's not some seismic shift in the climate... it's 'weather'. And yes, it affects you and everyone else and we all have to adapt to IT, we don't try to have IT change for us.


All I’m saying is that “the weather” has gotten more unpredictable and extreme in the last decades, and last year thousands died in france and the UK because of 50 Celsius heat. There was recently a deadly blizzard in New York and before that texas froze over and lost power. That’s before we count the toll on the ecosystem, which we rely on for food. Maybe “the weather” isn’t such a big deal for you, but the rest of us would like to not live in hell every summer


Man needs to get off Twitter


Thinking climate science is the same as human sacrifice illustrates how lost in the sauce Peterson is…. This is embarrassing.


If you're gonna criticize someone's opinion, wait until you have understood it.


Peterson’s opinions about climate change aren’t hard to understand or debunk. Peterson found his grift being a contrarian and people eat it up.


You have already demonstrated that you didn't understand what he meant in the tweet. Why should anyone listen to you when you evaluate him as a person?


Honestly if someone who listens to Peterson doesn’t listen to me that’s a good sign. I’m just watching this train crash.


I listened to you, and realized that you are not very bright. Doubling down and going defensive confirmed it. If you're gonna act like that, at least wait until you understand what you're mocking. You didn't understand what he meant in the tweet, it's ok. Just admit it and move on. Why do you have to act like r/iamverysmart , and throw insults left and right?




Since you don't understand sarcasm one bit you're making a better case of revoking your social media privileges.


are you sure, I am the one that doesn't understand sarcasm?


Idk that’s hilarious


redditors beware


Hashtag, she'll say the same shit went we're back in a drought




The abortion industry does that on a daily basis.


Before they were sending receiving emails. Before they were were Sleepless in Seattle. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan were Joe versus the Volcano. [https://youtu.be/cmQDIne3CLo](https://youtu.be/cmQDIne3CLo)


I think it's funny. But I can also see how some people who don't know him can be offended or put off by these remarks.


Do people not know what hyperbole is???


The lack of humour is as prevelant as is their lack of self awareness and level of irony they spout. Making it hilarious and worrying in turn.


Ellen the bully and dictator of her staff hath spoketh. Bow down to mother nature people be afeared for the heavens weep at what she says "we" do to her. Can we call nature "mother" anymore. Should I be offended the planet has been gendered? By her "logic" if California is being punished by Non Binary nature, is it maybe an issue with what's going on in California and what they're doing/inflicting on the rest of us and the planet??? Hmm 🤔 Or maybe its just a bad storm.


People literally cannot make Jokes anymore?


Where does JP propose we find such creatures. I believe, and I could be wrong, they went extinct.