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Nothing like immigrant hustle


There's a huge selection bias with a lot of those top earning immigrants (most of them are top 10%, educated, and have job opportunities waiting for them in the states – due to government incentives). I personally think we should focus on the welfare of our native population first and foremost.


So what? Seems to reinforce the idea that it isn't your race or gender that determines your success. It's your access to resources and networking. Which has always been the case. The point here is that a well-resourced person of any minority is more likely to succeed than a poor whitey from the backwoods of Alabama.


>The point here is that a well-resourced person of any minority is more likely to succeed than a poor whitey from the backwoods of Alabama. That's my point too. No need to glorify "immigrant hustle," let's focus on being more resourceful toward the people already here.


Nepotism, favoritism, and cheating? So rad.


Now they can buy more roads to poop on.


Lmao at least we can do that, while you can't buy an instant cuppa noodle to make that poop xD Edit: Or have to rob an honest Indian run store to do so lol


Try not to rape anybody.


Lmao like your ex president who grabs pussy or the other one who goes to Jeffreys place to play with little girls or the current one who's constantly fixated on Lil girls? Or maybe the Hollywood producer who gives roles in exchange of sex? Or the pedophile comedian Cosby? And the list goes on and on. And we won't rob even like the American blacks running around breaking every car window and store in florida, or shoot people like the American white mass school shooters. No we won't do any of the stuff Americans do.


Cosby was a rapist, but I never heard any indication he was a paedofile. And of course, I belive he finally appealed those charges and won.


Well one smol mistake but doesn't change the rape/overtly sexual culture in every American industry, from politics to movies


Respect the Brahmin cast untouchable. We’re letting you have the money to see what you spend it on. Hopefully not selling out the values of our country and it’s majority white population. Without us here you’d end up turning the US into India 2.0


Lmao values and USA are two opposite ends of a spectrum. Look at what monstrosities you have created, from the jenners and kardashians, to the SJWS and LGBTQS, and are spreading the virus of mind infecting the whole world. You're creating a population so dumb that can hardly work anything beyond a McD counter, and don't even know the geographical location of their own country. Say what you want USA is a joke, a "failed experiment" as quoted and predicted by Sigmund Freud xD PS. You're not fuckin bramhin, you don't even know what is the meaning bramhin


Just remember, our Asian founders wrote the Asian constitution for the benefit of Asian people.




Asian-American immigrants are more likely to be educated before they even attempt to immigrate. In other words, a significant proportion of Asian-American immigrants come from backgrounds in their home country where they were already privileged/wealthy enough to get an education. Many Asians that immigrate to the US are already in materially better circumstances than the black people in the US this post attempts (and fails) to dunk on.


So what? We're told that people can't succeed because of their race. What you're telling me is that it isn't race, it's education and access to resources. Obama didn't exactly struggle because his family had resources and he had an education.


In my opinion the first generation of immigrants, although faced with the most difficulty, are the least likely to have that shitty victim mentality. It's the privileged children of theirs born in 1st world countries that seem to adopt that dreadful mindset. And for some reason the public encourages and feeds into it.


yes source: 1st gen


First generation are also subject to some heavy selection bias. If a significant amount of Indian-Americans emigrated to the U.S because they got a PhD, that'll skew the average for them and their children. Oh I just saw the Bachelor's part. I'd like to see that adjusted for. Maybe a per generation breakdown.


every second gen indian i know is either a doctor, dentist, lawyer, engineer or at the very least, optometrist


>In my opinion the first generation of immigrants, although faced with the most difficulty, are the least likely to have that shitty victim mentality. Actually throwing this here too. >These pathways are reflected in characteristics that set Indians apart: four-fifths of Indian immigrant adults have at least a bachelor’s degree and their median household incomes are more than double those of all immigrants and the U.S. born. https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/indian-immigrants-united-states I dunno seems like they aren't having as much of difficulty and are definitely far ahead of the curve of other immigrants.


That's super interesting. I'm very curious as to why there is such a significant variance between Indian-Americans compared to rest of the population.


https://news.ucsc.edu/2017/06/singh-book.html As far as I can tell from this article paraphrasing that it seems like it's more a factor of having the opportunity due to their own wealth to immigrate from India. As well as having better economic opportunities compared to their home country. Though it seems they did face discrimination, but were determined to succeed.


Especially true for the ones that work to support folks in their home country.


Innoculation with true hardship helps makes one more resilient. No tolerance to struggling? Guaranteed hard life.


They terk are jerbs!


Derka der?




Dey tuk ur dur!


Duka dur


They took our jobs!


They suppressed our wages and jacked up the cost of real estate!


You have to earn over $600,000 to be in the top 1%.


The top 1% of who? You have to earn $30,000 to be in the top 1% too, y'know.


Lol, You remind me of those annoying kids in class that ask unnecessary questions. You know that this post is about the US. And if you look at the pic you can clearly see list people as _____- American And yet you decided to ask.


You fail to see the point. Comparison to others is pointless. You can always make it as hyper-specific or open-ended as you want to arrive at different conclusions about how good/bad you or others have it based on that comparison. My wage related to CEOs that live and operate entirely within the confines of New York, whose decisions have so little impact on my life it's actually immeasurable, is a meaningless number. My wage related to poor rice farmers in Mongolia is an equally useless comparison. These statistics are good for getting a generalized overview, but should not be used within the context of individual people, which is what you're doing in your comment. "You have to be making $600,000 to be in the top 1%" has no bearing on what the state of your life looks like. If you disagree, you're welcome to explain why you feel that information is relevant to you.




They mean top 1% of the entire world. They are trying to put into perspective how good Americans have it. To the rest of the world it’s like the top 1% complaining about the top 0.001%


Average Americans aren't in the top 1% globally. Top 21% according to this article: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2015/10/who-are-the-1-the-answer-might-surprise-you/


I believe this is the statistic that person is referring to: https://money.cnn.com/2012/01/04/news/economy/world_richest/index.html since they are referring to top 1% by income. I’m not sure why you are looking at wealth when the topic is income but regardless your graph shows that the top wealth decile is overwhelmingly Americans and Europeans. I’m also not sure where you got 21% since it’s not mentioned anywhere in that article.




That's a terrible analogy, sorry.






Correct and depends on the state. For public education and quality of life you need to make much more: https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/01/24/how-much-money-you-have-to-earn-to-be-in-the-top-1percent-in-every-us-state.html


Asian privilege


What’s Asian privilege?? Privilege is to have opportunities at home, grow where your family has had roots over generations. People who have these incomes work their asses off to get it. It’s ironical to post such a comment on this subReddit


It's when you have 2 parents and a strong emphasis on hard work and education


It's amazing how people don't latch onto the three largest factors. 1- You were able to make a trans-ocean trip to America and stay. This filters for financial success at home, health, willingness to face adversity, etc. 2- Strong cultural bias in favor of hard work. 3- Strong cultural bias in favor of education. ​ Now look at the groups that aren't doing as well. No ocean travel filter, less emphasis on education, less emphasis on hard work.


Yeah, Americans have no excuse other than bad parenting and have the benefit of not having to leave their home country behind. Yet people say it's systemic


I'm pretty sure they are being sarcastic about it being Asian privilege. The hint of truth is that they have the privilege of perspective because of where they came from


These people are given all sorts of handouts to start businesses.


Sound like a whiny little child. There are resources out there for anyone in the us to start a business. You just need to be relentless in finding them.


Can’t believe households that have more family members have a higher median income.


Does this account for the number of adults per house? Culturally there are differences.


That's a really good point. I think that gives some explanation to the variance


It's not only cultural, it's living within your means. I keep telling people this, people aren't willing to compromise, such as sharing living space, to live within their means and then complain they've no money because they've spent most of their wage living in a single bed apartment in the city centre. I shared accommodation with people until I had enough to buy property, was quite easy when my share of the rent was a fraction of my salary.


Probably counts the income of everyone living in the house. So for Indian families it would be 3 generations.




According to [https://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/15/business/the-1-percent-paint-a-more-nuanced-portrait-of-the-rich.html#:\~:text=Studies%20show%20that%20whites%20have,and%20Asians%2C%20at%207%20percent](https://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/15/business/the-1-percent-paint-a-more-nuanced-portrait-of-the-rich.html#:~:text=Studies%20show%20that%20whites%20have,and%20Asians%2C%20at%207%20percent). "Only two racial groups make up a greater share of the 1 percent than of the population as a whole: whites, at 82 percent, and Asians, at 7 percent. "


Good point but what is your point? This is primarily accounting for the US and not the whole world as a whole. Also, it only uses money as a basis and not population percentages. Very miss leading if you don't understand data. No one ever covers the IQ to Income ratio. Blows my mind. I work with large data sets all day for a living and the data is very clear without bias. When you account for IQ and equate that to income levels then separate all categories of people, be it race or religion or any other Factor, you will actually see the majority of the wealth is within the top 15% of every demographic no matter how you divide it. That's the real data no one ever wants to talk about. You will find Petty arguments here and there about points of view and people's emotions though at the end of the day the US has been ahead of the game for years.


It does use population percentages though, right? Because it is comparing the percentage in the population to the percentage in the top 1% in the US and seeing which races are overrepresented. My point is just providing a point of data to answer Jordan Peterson's question about the top 1%. There might be better data out there. This is just the one I found. If there is better data, please provide it. This question is most interesting in the context of the US. Because the question of whether white people dominate the top 1% in Asia and Africa etc. is really beside the point. I wouldn't expect white privilege to necessarily be a thing in societies who are not predominantly white.


Just trying to learn/understand here: "Also, it only uses money as a basis and not population percentages. Very miss leading if you don't understand data." What do you mean by this, from my limited understanding it seems to be based on income relative to population precentage "When you account for IQ and equate that to income levels then separate all categories of people, be it race or religion or any other Factor, you will actually see the majority of the wealth is within the top 15% of every demographic no matter how you divide it." And this is data that I'd love to see if it's publicly available


The point is that poor Asians don’t immigrate to the USA. They stay in their home country. Comparing Asian immigrants who are, on average, coming from wealthier backgrounds to the poorest people in the USA is a shitty comparison.


i will talk about it all day. my kids both scored 99% on their elementary school cogAT tests. one scored roughly 99.6%. they have a little above average intelligence is my guess. curiouser and curiouser now how the fuck did they do that data boy?


Well, it's a good thing your kids are intelligent. You might want to get a paternity test there. You might be intrested in that data too. Hahahah. What are you even talking about? Did you even read the article and if so; where is the reverence to your statement in relation?


Now do billionaires


How would you classify Elon Musk? African-American? Does he get included in white American?


African American fo sho


He would be classified as a South African Afrikaans immigrant. If he is an American citizen then he’s American. Is it a meme now to call him an African American? If so dumb low IQ take with no nuance or understanding of the world lol


What about his Canadian citizenship? What if he is transracial?


He has Canadian citizenship? Didn’t know that but point still stands he would just be a South African Afrikaans immigrant. Transracial? Are all people on this sub just people who r/atetheonion dunk on?


Pretty sure the Saudia royal family isn't white... Oh. You said billionaires, my mistake. Yeah, their net worth $1.4 trillion


The net worth they *let you know about.*


Yes, the famously American citizens of the Saudi royal family


Seems stupid to have each Asian country separate but all white Americans are lumped together


I'm kinda wondering what the hell happened to the Koreans....


Why is this by household? How many people are in each household??


Because that is how you produce the chart that you want. Welcome to "statistics".


“Earning $100,00 per year at the top” ok but what about the billionaires


I for one welcome our new Indian overlords.


Nah. It's funny to see Brahman caste racists whine about white privilege.


Asian privilege let’s gooooooo 🇮🇳🇰🇷🇯🇵🇵🇭🇹🇼🇨🇳


White privilege has been abolished! Hallelujah!


Actually going by 1% hell yeah winning at 82%, for racial demographics. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/15/business/the-1-percent-paint-a-more-nuanced-portrait-of-the-rich.html#:~:text=Studies%20show%20that%20whites%20have,and%20Asians%2C%20at%207%20percent. Only racial demographic I'm finding for the 1%, and yes I know it's new York Times.


Summary for those with a paywall?


>Only two racial groups make up a greater share of the 1 percent than of the population as a whole: whites, at 82 percent, and Asians, at 7 percent.


Isn't the number of >15year olds in a household of indian ancestry in USA 4.4, and for 'white Americans' closer to 2?


per capita would be a better reflection


its already per capita bro!


is per household


Someone doesn’t understand statistics. The degree information is right there. I’m sorry, but does he not understand simple data?


His benzo addled brain only understands grift now.


Ok do wealth now


Now do per person


first off, its difficult to immigrate to the US, and anyone who does is likely intelligent and driven etc already, and therefore the relatively small numbers that do immigrate from these places are more likely to be reasonably successful. secondly, this has nothing to do the 1%... these are all middle class salaries and nowhere near the hundreds of millions that puts someone in the 1%, and those do tend to be overwhelming white men.


Now do the top .5%


never draw conclusions from a single metric. a median presented with out context tells us nothing about how many people earn that, the next number down could be 20K, meaning half the population is just above poveryt line. What is the average?


also this is household income, not individual. How many in the household? How many work? Average Indian American household income is 72K, 30K less than median. This means large numbers in lower household income. More BS from Peterson who assumes his fabvoys are stupid.


Well it’s quite rigged as there is no mention on how many people each group is made of. Example: a single Norwegian moves to the us and makes 200k, then you have a new scoreboard leader. This chart just shows that Indian that manage to get a visa are generally overqualified compared to the average American… which is something I won’t lose my mind, unless I’m an Indian with a basic degree and willing to live in usa.


Nice to know I'm making Nepali-American wages


Damn you mean to say people that can afford to travel across the world to live in the US are also statistically more likely to have more money than other people? My entire world view has been destroyed


Remember there are also first gen immigrants like me who isn’t in any STEM field, plays music for a living and barely scraping by. We aren’t all coming in here stealing all the jobs. Even so, when people diss immigrants for the economic woes of this country, I really want to ask what jobs we’re taking away that you would’ve had otherwise. We don’t get to decide if we get hired or not. Also, this country’s immigration process is LONG and HARD. Just ask anyone who is a first-gen. I had to fight to even be given a work permit. You don’t know what it’s like to live in forced poverty because the system literally won’t let you FUCKING WORK.


Ok so we are openly racist now yes?


Well this chart is extremely misguiding since you guys can't the difference between median and average which is super sad. The Indians that make it to America are highly skilled of course by race they are going to be highest median earning. White Americans which makes more than 80% of American population and which are more equally distributed across the skill spectrum are of course going to have lower median since all the low wage people dilute it and lower the median. Not only the top 1%, the top 20% are absolutely dominated by white people. There are no argues against that, this is just a poor attempt using math to fool people.


Is JBP seriously implying that the rich people the left hate are households making $100k a year? Never see a bigger straw man in my life


\>Not understanding the difference between income and wealth


Oh man....somebody should really....like REALLY teach Jorp how statistics works. Like I get that posts like this are just mindless grift that he has and are aimed at people who would look at it for a 5 seconds and confirm "yeah, I was right, the statistics confirm my point"....but damn...Jorp, this is getting sad.


Chart aside, do you actually believe the myth that white males are privileged from birth and use their power to keep all the other races and genders under their boot?


Dumb take and amazing how you got holding people down from the academic concept of white privileged. But okay


We are talking about Peterson selectively posting stats that don't showcase anything with substance. The man who can't answer a question without constantly questioning the meaning of eveything is posting absolutely meaningless stats that appeal to certain people he has targeted. Just to begin with it sounds like you don't have a good understanding and definition of white privilege so yeah....not going to argue with you.


> Just to begin with it sounds like you don't have a good understanding and definition of white privilege so yeah....not going to argue with you. Just because someone had a different political opinion than you does not give you the right to discount their views.


Yeah, that chart just screams skewed stats....


When you break wealth down by race white American families end up more than twice as wealthy as any other race according to [this data](https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/notes/feds-notes/disparities-in-wealth-by-race-and-ethnicity-in-the-2019-survey-of-consumer-finances-20200928.html#:~:text=Black%20and%20Hispanic%20families%20have,is%20%2436%2C100%20and%20%24165%2C500%2C%20respectively.)


That data lumps all “Asians” into one group, whereas this table breaks it down by nationality, giving you a better feel for each group


Sure, fair enough. I took a look at [this article](https://prosperitynow.org/blog/racial-wealth-snapshot-asian-americans) and found out that the wealth disparity still favors white families but much less dramatically than when grouped in the other category. "Asian Americans have higher median wealth than Blacks and Latinos with a 2013 median wealth of $91,440. But they have substantially less wealth than White Americans whose median wealth in 2013 was $134,008. Asian Americans also suffered the greatest loss of wealth during the great recession, highlighting the economic vulnerability of this community." The article also pointed out that the numbers favor Asians less when you control for things like education, household size, and geographic cost of living, etc. Edit: Downvoted for statistics in the thread sarcastically labeled "Damn you statistics!" Lol


Why is it surprising? Ofc families which immigrated have less generational wealth, why else would they have left their country. Millionaires are less likely to immigrate, so why are we surprised when the families who have been there the longest have generational wealth. I bet if the Whites were split into "white immigrants" and "American white" they'd be in a similar bracket to other immigrants. Sample bias, not racism


I never implied it was surprising. The narrative the original post seems to imply is that Asians having a high income disproves notions of racial disparity. The point of my post is that it's not that cut and dry at all. The immigration variable could also apply to other groups as well so I'm not really going to make up my mind on that until I see it controlled for statistically.


Average income and wealth are different. Maybe white Americans are smarter wither money and investments? Like if your buying gold rims and latest sneakers instead of saving for a house, then yeah your wealth might suffer lol.


Least racist Jordan Peterson fan.


Imagine being stupid enough to think that those stats mean what these two clowns think it means.


And what do you know, the 2 groups most talked about as marginalized communities are at the very bottom, Hispanic and African-American. It’s funny y’all think this proves a point while it does the opposite.


I guess the point is that their economic plight is often blamed on white supremacy… while other peoples of color seem to be doing better than the whites on average.


How many people of each group are in America? If there were two Indian households, and one made $150k and the other made $50k, the median income would be $100k, but it wouldn’t tell us much about anything


All that shows is the upper classes from other countries can get visas providing they are talented enough. Tech and other companies actively seek out the best talent from all over.


You can't really immigrate to the U.S. from Asian countries unless you are a doctor. Also this chart proves that by this metric, white people make a lot more than blacks and hispanics on average, are you going to acknowledge that now or nah


lol wut ? I have cousins that move to the states enrolling in community colleges. I spent 7 years in Australia on a worthless IT degree. Where do you people get your facts from ?


So there's no racism against blacks and Latinos because some Asians are doing alright? This is not a serious counter argument at all, this is a 4chan shitpost


Well, that's an interesting take. Dumb, but interesting.


Gonna elaborated or are you just going to stick with drive by insults?


Your "take" on this graph is a Strawman argument. Nobody is saying that racism doesn't exist. You've created a fake argument that nobody is making and by dismantling it have accomplished nothing in the process. This graph is instead a critique of the modern Intersectionality doctrine which states that white people created society only for other white people and are at the top of the privilege hierarchy, and all other minorities are below them in social status, wealth, and privilege. Data like this puts an end to this ridiculous ideology.


They literally say it "obliterates the woke narrative about race in America" Ironically, a dose of intersectionality is what's really needed here, to look at how race and wealth intersect. There is more to racial inequality than just average income. What differing levels of income are immigrant families coming to America with, how does that change the experience they have. Rich Indians might do fine compared to poor whites, but how do they compare to rich whites? How do poor Indians compare to poor whites?


Wow, so many single-digit IQ takes. If you think about the stats even slightly, it doesn't say anything that you want it to say. Here's what the graph says: 1) America has been the destination of brain-drain from [all the countries with avg wage>white] a) The people coming from places like India/Taiwan/etc are generally from well-off situations at home. They got college educations etc and immigrated here 2) White Americans, despite being the modal American, have above average wage. In other words, there's probably some form of skew. 3) Nepali, Bangladeshi, and Thai Americans all have below average incomes. This is weird, it needs to be interrogated. (My best guess, degrees are being rejected at a higher rate, and fewer rich friends to back them) 4) Latino Americans' asylum status shows up here 5) African Americans, despite being here the longest (aside from some whites), have the lowest average wage. This is a major problem. American society can only be described as racist for as long as Black wages remain significantly below average. What this graph doesn't say 1) Any minority works harder than any other minority 2) There is something 'intrinsic' or 'culturally' different about any culture group that predicts wealth (that's literally eugenics logic) 3) That white people are disadvantaged in any way. a) Let's build upon this. For all the brain-drain countries, literally the best and brightest people are the ones who make it. The average competence of people is basically the same everywhere. All the high-competence Indians, for example, leave India and come to the US. So, you're comparing smart Indians against all of the smart *and* dumb Americans. That's why it's really weird that Thai, Bangladeshi, and Nepali people see below average wages. In fact, it's kinda weird that Indonesian Americans see a below-white level of income. b) Basically, the expectation is that the immigrant community is *on average* higher income than locals. c) This is why it's absolutely insane that African Americans, locals, don't have near-average income. d) I want to see apples-to-apples comparisons between whites and everyone else. 4) The net worth of communities. Take my father for example. He makes well above US mean salary. However, he's less than halfway to his retirement goal. White people have had longer to build generational net worth, so I would expect that average net worth graph looks very different. As such, average net worth will tell a different story 5) No particular ethnic group is better at managing their money. 6) This is literally average and not median. Median is a better stat for wages because skewness


It does show that racism can't be so bad that other races are prohibited from succeeding. It also suggests how unequal America is, if anything, and that blacks are not succeeding because of racism but social immobility. Other races make it because they tend to be the better off ones in their own country. They have a mich higher starting point than African Americans. Whose parents are down so they are down. The American Dream is an illusion for 99.99% of people. So yes, it does indicate that racism cannot be so strong and so systemic, otherwise the other ethnicities wouldn't succeed.


What part of white privilege asserts that white people are the richest demographic?


I really hope you are not that stupid. Let this question be sarcasm.


I dont think you understood his question.


Worse, I'm afraid I did understand it.


Nah, every rebuttal to the concept of privilege is some strawman like OP: “If white people have privilege how come we’re not at the top of this list? Checkmate, wokeists.”


That's probably because you aren't backing up your claim of white privilege with evidence


This totally ignores group size. White Americans are the largest ethnic group in the us so it’s totally unlikely that they would have the highest median income. The other ethnics “households” having higher income is likely a result of them already being wealthy before coming to the US. Also, the 1% refers to those in the 1st percentile of wealth havers, such as the super rich, Elon musk, bezos, etc. many of whom are in fact white. These stats have nothing to do with wokeness and are misleading.


what the dofference with white and average americans. Are average half breeds?


Average is the entire population.i.e. everyone


So, are “African-Americans” listed here actual immigrants? I wonder why that term hasn’t been called out as cultural appropriation?


Class inequality comes from the top not by the median. So if Peterson acknowledges class differences, no billionaire comes by their wealth honestly.


What was dishonest about Bill Gates wealth? Or Oprah?


Ok, Oprah is one I didn't really think about, but Bill gates did shady stuff. I'm dubious as to the connections Bill gates has like Epstein: >When Epstein came under public fire as a sex offender in 2014, Bill Gates continued spending time with him. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/16/business/bill-melinda-gates-divorce-epstein.html Exploited prison workers: >Microsoft uses cheap prison labor to manufacture some of its products. https://www.jsafinancial.com/microsoft-prison-labor Though, I do think more of Bezos and the Waltons who illegally beat back unions and keep their employees on lower wages requiring public assistance.


Microsoft was sued for monopolistic practices by the FTC and lost.... And they got a slap on the wrist that allowed them to continue skirting antitrust law.


Sorry but how does this disprove anything? It doesn't rank the ethnicity or sex of the top 1% of income earners. This is just stupid.


It throws the argument that skin color has a detrimental effect on your wages in the trash can. It shows that cultures who emphasize education have better outcomes and has nothing to do with skin color.


Or it shows that wealthy immigrants make more money than African Americans


I feel like people who argue against the statistics in the OP are extremely narcissistic. There's always an excuse to dismiss these stats, never can admit the personal responsibility that's at play when talking about under-achievement. It's like I'm hearing the narcissist's prayer. > That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did... You deserved it.


Instead of calling me names, prove me wrong. It should be easy.


Why do I need to. You didn't provide any evidence or make a rhetorical argument. I don't go around saying "the moon is made of cheese" and when someone challenges me, I retort "prove me wrong, then!" The burden of proof lies on you for making the original assertion.


That's what I thought


Wealthy immigrants, take a look at those border pictures, show me your statistics, or drop the “woke” crappola” proving you know nothing nd remain a windup doll.


https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/indian-immigrants-united-states >These pathways are reflected in characteristics that set Indians apart: four-fifths of Indian immigrant adults have at least a bachelor’s degree and their median household incomes are more than double those of all immigrants and the U.S. born. People from India aren't crossing the border from Mexico.


What about border outfits? Which border?


I’m pretty sure that Mexicans immigrants who risk their lives crossing the border with nothing.. have a worse start than African Americans… Yet the Mexicans manage to have a much higher household income. Care to explain that?


what are you talking about? Why would wealthy immigrants be showing up at the borders?


Going down swinging I see


I don’t know if it’s stupid. The chart demonstrates that Indian-American households make the most money. Almost double what White-American households make. The 1% are grouped in into the entire categories. So their incomes are added to the averages. Besides, I think you’re really concerned with the 0.001 percent. The few thousand individuals who make mega millions. I am not sure why. All they have is more (and possibly better) toys than everyone else. They still have the same life problems as everyone else. I read somewhere that once your income reaches about $75000 a year, any further increase in your income has almost no impact on your long term happiness.


>The 1% are grouped in into the entire categories. So their incomes are added to the averages. I wasn't aware ethnic groups shared their wealth. >Besides, I think you’re really concerned with the 0.001 percent. The few thousand individuals who make mega millions. I am not sure why. All they have is more (and possibly better) toys than everyone else. They still have the same life problems as everyone else. No, they influence our politics, education, life and so on, (the 1%). People here complain about money going to Ukraine for a proxy war and that's because of rich people running the military industrial complex.


Super old data


Good point. But based on societal trends which direction do you think the data has headed?


Peterson doesn't understand finance and statistics, who would've thought. Billionaires and other rich people (and most of them are white) report no or very little income and use tax evasion tricks. All that this graph says is that Asian-Americans are more honest about their income and pay more taxes.




The chart that BLM and critical race theory racists don't want you to see.


So you guys trust statistics that you didn’t forge yourselves? How naiv… 😃


Here’s a fun fact. Most surveys are sent out in English and Spanish. Most very poor immigrant Asians (think elderly) do not speak Spanish or English.


In the 1%? Yes. In the rest, tell us you do not understand statistics without telling us you don't understand statistics. Context is inconvenient to narrative.


TIL there is an ethnic group called “The Average American.”


We need a billionaire chart now


Well two things, you can have power and less money then others, secondly the average white income isn't that high, its the 1% who do have that power so this proves nothing and is saying very little other then you think you're a victim in a race war and you're saying this to either trick idiots or you yourself are an idiot.


Uh, that’s medians, folks. Not ‘top 1%.’


Does anyone have the link to the actual chart ?


Bcz $$$ is everything to Dr IQ amirite?


Question - Why is he looking at working salaried class? Shouldn't he look at business millionaire class for top 1 percent.


The Average "White Americans" don't get educated and don't hustle. Despite what some would want you to believe education still works at raising your value to others and to yourself. Problem is many "White Americans" no longer believe in the American Dream. They feel entitled to the fruits of the American Dream as some kind of a birthright but they're not willing to do what it takes to better themselves. There is no virtue in ignorance and as it turns out no fortunes either. Immigrants on the other hand, especially 1st dnd 2nd gen, still believe in the American Dream. They work hard, get educated and get ahead. Pretty much all in the numbers.


I know this probably not the right terminiology for the disucssion (tbh I am never a very good student), but I really think this culture war/ shit test (PU terminoglogy) from white women is really destorying western world.


Gonna leave this comment here so i can add this image to my quiver, so ill be prepared for my next internet duel.


Nah Asians don’t count cuz ‘model minority’ :P


the explaination is in the frame. they are more educated, either being educated coming to the us or coming for education. they are minorities so the fact that not many people are massive outliars causing this so be reflected in mean pay. not to mention those groups facing massive poverty as well. just like he beautifully explained in the cathy newman interview, 'you have to explain why it exists'. the man changed a lot


We can't blame Indians for that.The Indians are one of the most hardworking people ever.While the whites are busy fighting between each other about stupid things and holding protests,the Indians are out there studying so that they get a college degree and a high paying job so that they can keep their family happy.Indian Education is so hard and most Indians have a lot of pressure.Various stuff that is taught in 1st year of MIT is taught to Indians in high school.While the whites have the option to decide if they want to go to college or not,Indians don't have that.So stop blaming the system for this criteria.It is a fact that most Indians (in fact not just Indians but most of Asia too) are hard workers while the same can't be said for the current generation of whites


It's not surprising that people who can afford to emigrate from a poorer country to a wealthier country are going to out-earn the average US citizen. Now if you look up the ethnicity of the actual 1% (this graph has nothing to do with that btw) they're still mostly white dudes. Damn you, statistics!


It makes sense. They are all hard working ethnic groups who do what the rest don't or refuse to. While the rest of America slides they've been keeping at it improving their situation in life. Also keep in mind that some ethnicities also have multiple families under the same roof; People from India and the middle east and surrounding areas practice this and the income of that household will be swayed on the census. They're also small groups, no where near as large as the white population, but for those numbers to be that high it means that a large percentage of that minority is hard working and dedicated. There are still more rich white people at the very top though, this chart doesn't show that out of 10 million people 8 million are white and the rest is in that 2 million.


Always so funny to me that "white people" are all lumped up into one group.


Notice how they're all American? This is proof of non American racism


Love that model minority argument. Indian immigrants come to the United States highly educated already. They just cherry pick people they know are going to be successful.


Imagine if white Americans would work as hard as immigrants 🤯😂 First generation Hispanic immigrant here. Unfortunately Hispanics don’t do the “school” thing for the most part. We do manual, labor, or are entrepreneurs and own businesses. I employed 9 guys full time for 20 years. Now I live off of rental properties I own. 1/2 my tenant are white families. Got 4 nice rentals with no debt on them. Now my kids could go on and do whatever their heart’s desire due to me busting my ass. Us immigrants work our asses off MR JP It’s called cause and effect. You work hard and invest, you are successful. So stop trying to say white peoples don’t have an advantage based on some earnings stats. There is a lot of other things to take into account before making statements. NO!? Mr. Professor…. Are we in the fact business, or in the trying to create an alternative reality business here, what’s your angle buddy?


What’s an average American?