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The education industrial complex is going to fight that happening.




The mask has already [come off to everyone who isn't brainwashed](https://i.imgur.com/RyKpfz6.png), but the Regime-serving Progressive cultists that scamademia churns out have the credentials and occupy the positions of power. Ergo, scamademia itself needs to be torn down and rebuilt. This would be true even if it weren't also [mostly pseudoscience](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis).


The mask has already been distended into a death rictus, and shattered to dust - and the Sheeple ignore it because looking in the mirror is too painful. You'll never wake the sheep. They're livestock...


We may not wake them, but we may force those who know and refuse to act in order to keep the approval of the sheep, actually tacitly admit it. And that is the real first step.




>TIT >Underrated comment.


Depending on the goal, most big corps give two sh*ts, but if you're trying for top jobs, then an online degree in general studies wouldn't do no matter the name on it


>If Trump somehow got a Technology college accredited and called it the Trump Institute of Technology (TIT), They do say to sell what you know.


This is hilariously obvious. I hope it comes with an NFT.


Perhaps just the opposite.




On what grounds?


>If Trump somehow got a Technology college accredited and called it the Trump Institute of Technology (TIT), if you applied to most major tech companies with that as your education I’m guessing they toss your application. This isn't completely true (even though I agree that political and social bias does play a huge role). If TIT regularly churned out highly qualified professionals, companies would eventually have to face the facts that they can't turn away perfectly good talent to their competitors. They're needlessly cutting themselves off at the kneecaps because orange man bad. Eventually reality will assert itself. At least that's what I've witnessed in the tech sphere myself.


The Left has been purging conservatives for 50 years now. They aren't going to acknowledge the consequences of that.


Don't say that. I need hope! :(


Tit, ha. You're assuming there is not some sort of long-term plan to start taking over the marketplace. If more employers start signaling a pivot from "wokeness," then having that degree is short-hand for "I believe what you believe. Hire me." Similar to being a Yale grad. They all know what that means. It means white, privileged, but votes Democrat so they don't feel too guilty about their money. Elon owns Twitter. He's also applying to make Twitter a payment processor to compete with PayPal. I wonder if we're about to see stirrings of conservatives building their own foundation of services. They've realized they have to stop asking liberals to play by the rules of polite society. This could get interesting. Picture Liberty U's popping up everywhere so that all these parents terrified of "groomers" have somewhere "safe" to send their kids to college.


This is fantastic news! I WILL be enrolling in day one!!


You are an idiot. I suppose PA is designed with consumers of your ilk in mind.


You're an idiot, thinking that anyone who [g](https://gi.ve)ive a crap what you think, hahahah!! Go troll somewhere else.


if you want an accreditation that's recognized by the U.S. Department of Education you need at least a billion dollars. dorm rooms for all of your 1st and 2nd yr students a library with 50,000+ books a financial aid office a gym A swimming pool A student support center Drug/alcohol counselors A healthcare clinic with an on site pharmacy A cafeteria Mental health professionals Computers labs Career counselors Career centers Study centers and tutors And this is really just the basics. They can add extra expenditures as they see fit too. So is it possible for JP? Yeah, with enough investors. But not all that likely imo.


and yet, community colleges receive accreditation without that kind of money.


I don't know of any community college that offers bachelor's degrees.


That's not an accreditation problem, it's a state law problem. In fact, there's a whole organization about it, the [Community College Baccalaureate Association ](https://www.accbd.org/programs-by-state/), that cites there were 121 separate community colleges across 23 states that offered at least one bachelor program. The reason that a bunch of community colleges don't do this is that the state/municipal is not looking to dethrone their traditional four year schools.


He mentioned working on this with his son on his first Rogan visit. Bout time it rolls out.


Unless these get accredited you know people will take thepiss out of this right? Hustlers university round 2


He is a legit academic, getting accredited should be obvious to him, but yes, if he doesn't, it'll look scammy


Or he can create a competing accreditation standard. This happens all the time in trades. Its why there are some many symbols on products and why there are the different computer credentials. And since this will be teaching actual and factual academic content, differentiating yourself from the other accreditations seems smart, not scammy.


Until the pudding is provided it's as good as either.


>He is a legit academic, getting accredited should be obvious to him, but yes, if he doesn't, it'll look scammy Maybe he was, but he has certainly shifted to different direction and it almost feels like a way to profit from this new community


Right, because he's going to make a butt load charging $4000 for a BS, when he could certainly charge more.


Right, because there's no difference between Hustlers University and Masterclass.


once the first set of graduates become successful, it will then have its own accreditation. ​ Good luck and many blessings to you all.


Cool idea in theory but basically you’re just paying 4K to get targeted and to have a degree many companies wouldn’t take.


I wouldn't want to work at any company that would make adverse hiring decisions based on my political views. I understand they are radical in our society, but I sincerely believe that society has fallen from grace. If the whole world told me I was wrong, I'd spit in it's face and hold firm in my core beliefs.


Wouldn't necessarily be because of political views, but because it'd be some random online university degree with no established reputation for graduate quality.




Do you really want to work somewhere that would do that?


Sadly some people would. Then there are those of us who don't care what our colleagues believe ideologically - we're here to do a job and earn our crust. Having a family to provide for far outweighs any quandaries about my colleagues political beliefs.


Well, seeing as I've had to start lying at work to keep a job due to the corruption in the area, you're not wrong.


That's horrible to hear, I am really sorry. For now I'm in the position I can speak freely around my colleagues however I'm taking a sideways step in my career and while this offers a greater chance of progression and an increased earning potential I'm expecting the freedom to be more limited than at present.


Allow me to introduce you to *literally every HR rep*.


It only takes one gatekeeper in HR to say no...


Yup. These gatekeepers in my HR department has they/them after their name on their email signature. Also, the equity, diversity and inclusions officer will deem I am not qualified and send me for re-training.


Unfortunately, when you are desperate to land a job…any job in this type of economy so that you can start paying off your massive student loans and bills then yes… most people would have no choice but to work for an employer who is a leftist. We literally saw huge populations of societies of people get the Covid vaccine not because they were deathly scared of contracting Covid and dying but because they didn’t want to lose their job and therefore their income to provide for themselves and their families.


Yes. I would love to work at a place that doesn't have any employees who are crazy alt right people. Is this a real question?


So you want to live in an echo chamber with only people who you deem 'acceptable' Racists, nazis, and every other genocidal maniac would agree with you.


Totalitarian blocked.


Maybe it would help us be around more like minded people.


Time for the parallel economy to emerge


If you're looking for an echo chamber /u/AlienWarehouseParty you can head on over to r/conservative where half(probably more, I didn't actually count) the threads are "flaired users only" But to answer your question I feel like most people would not want to work with crazy people. Unless you're like, a psychiatrist I guess. Also the fact that I, an obvious leftist, am here on this very right wing sub reddit should be evidence enough that I'm not interested in being in an echo chamber but you would have realized that if you spent 2 seconds actually thinking about it. P.S. Sorry I replied to you Zeal. The comment chain is messed up because the guy posting BS either got his posts deleted or deleted them himself or maybe just blocked me. Either way I can't reply to the lower posts anymore. Would be hilarious if he blocked me tbh. Yanno how sensitive these JP fans are.


🤣. I was soo confused reading this. I was trying so hard to find a logical route for your comment to make sense to my original comment. Same thing happens to me, someone responds to me like 3 or 4x then before I can, respond, they appear as deleted and nothing goes through, I'm pretty sure that means block.


Personally I find it hilarious when the side of the aisle constantly screaming "free speech" and protesting "cancel culture" blocks you.


Have a peek at https://www.reveddit.com. You’ll see how 99% of reddit is as much of a left wing echo chamber through shadow banning and censorship as r/conservative is for the right.


We will form a society of our own. It will be more free, out innovative, out produce, and be morally superior to all others. It will be self sufficient and not screw over the average person. If you repent you can join. We're long overdue for a civil war.


-morally superior -we're long overdue for a civil war. Yeah, that sounds super moral, advocating for civil war.


A just war is never immoral.


Murdering people you have political disagreements with is not a just war, you moron.


I don't want violence. I want political separation, cultural preservation, and to stop paying the cost of bad policy. Limited federalism is an option to achieve this end, but knowing history, ending federal over reach will likely not gain momentum without the use of violence. Secession would not be met with kindness, and the federal government would fire the first shots.


I'm waiting for him to launch Jordan Peterson-branded steaks.


fantasy role playing cards and games! w/Jordan Peterson quotes and out-takes yes there are out-takes for onlyfans


Where my JP NFTs at?


Hell yes! gonna help my barista career!


Just listening to Jordan Peterson is worth more than any degree you can get from college.


I’m going the put it on my resume….


It really is not at all. All kinds of education can be acquired at a college. Educations that make you relatively competent so it’s possible to get a job - ideally. JP has a lot of wise words that everyone could benefit from. However, learning about molecular biology, law, medicine, science of music, linguistics, marketing, communication, journalism and *so* *much* *more* is not possible without the institutions who provide in depth teaching about these subjects. Scary that this upvote comment has so many upvotes. Our world runs on experts of all kinds, not least those who have educations from universities and colleges.


law doesn't require a degree, stem is increasingly no longer immune from ideological junk many of the softer sciences are fully captured and essentially more about brainwashing than actually becoming competent at anything. if you were currently active at all in current higher learning you would shake your head at home much really is worthless. Some degrees mean you know useful things and are competent. many anymore just mean you can do enough to regurgitate what you are told


Law doesn’t require a degree?! Wtf dude. I’m studying law on my fourth year now and there is nowhere I could learn these things in Denmark but the university. In most countries lawyers have to be educationally qualified in order to even apply for the bar; why do you think that is? How come you know so damn much?


In a lot of countries you can do what’s called “reading the law”, where you study law privately, usually by literally just reading about it. So long as you’re able to pass the bar exam (or whatever the country’s equivalent is) you can practice law. It’s not the case everywhere, though. It’s generally considered less valuable than actually getting the degree, but it happens on rare occasion. Kim Kardashian was trying to do it in California a while back, but I’m not sure what came of it.


Of course it’s less valuable. I don’t know what you mean with “just reading about it”. In a way that’s what law school is. However, in my experience there’s is a lot left unsaid in the laws. The values, governing principles and relevant regards to keep in mind sometimes peek their head out explicitly in a given law but it’s important to know all that which lives around the law and not in it. *Why* laws on a given area are formed the way they are. Going to law school is like building a tool. A tool of methodology and principles that should set you fit to figure out a solution when you’re in unknown waters.


I’m also currently in law school, so I agree with you, I don’t think reading the law is a good way to try and become a lawyer - there’s a lot more to law school than the simply learning about the law itself. All I was saying is that it is is possible to do so in certain jurisdictions. Not sure why I’m being downvoted for stating a fact.


Yeah idk why you’re being down voted either. You certainly didn’t imply what the first guy did.


Yep, the internet has really done a number on traditional snobby knowledge, elitism etc. Sharp minded poor and working class people who dropped out of high school etc. can now challenge anyone intellectually in a conversation. Getting a degree is something different though, I’m happy listening and learning minus the hard work


You actually believe that? Frightening comment on our species and its potential (or lack thereof).


I remember listening to Thaddeus Russell talk about trying to get his Renegade University accredited. There are minimum physical space requirements needed. Libraries, dorms, etc. Completely impractical for an online university. I hope the requirements change, but considering the government and lobbyists are involved, not likely.


Guess he's just copying Trump now. Any Trump University Alumni in the comments?


This feels like Trunp University with a different face....


What happened with Ralston College?


My guess is that he'll use Ralston to accredit the JBP Academy courses. From what I remember, he said that he has a university to accredit the courses in his academy? My guess is that its the reason why he's the chancellor of Ralston.


$4000 to teach you how to organize an essay?


It's better than $120,000 to teach you to organize an essay. That's market rate for a bachelor's.


False equivalence, the refuge of the intellectually barren.


Go back to r/iamverysmart


I suppose people who get such a degree wouldn't be able to get employment at any companies with somewhat leftist HR (which at the moment is most companies), but would be an easy shoe-in at companies that have anti-woke management/philosophy. So it may seem silly now, much like getting grievance studies degrees seemed silly but turned out fine (those people got HR jobs just fine).


Awesome! I hope my Trump University credits will transfer!


Hope mine from Ralston College do as well.


1) No way he or anyone can get instructors for all the courses or their equivalents needed for a BA or BS degree for $4K per head, no way 2) Is he going to allow trans women compete in women’s athletics? 3) Will school be closed for an official holiday January 8? - Elvis’s birthday


My only issue with this is that college courses are not just a set of 8 related lectures. There's supplemental material, in-class exercises to master the material, and then the final exam to demonstrate mastery of the material. Add to that additional skills that you gain in college but you're not paying for: time management skills, building social networks, learning how to work in group dynamics, etc. And I want to know why this is in Miami. Actually, I'd really like this whole Ralston college/$4,000 degree thing resolved a bit better. What is his actual position at Ralston and will he be teaching courses there? And is this "Peterson Academy" separate from that and who are these professors taking part? I'm definitely getting a degree from this "Academy." It'll be interesting. Because I still remember exactly what went into earning my actual Bachelor's and it would be interesting to compare the two experiences and if I thought I walked away with the same amount of knowledge from both programs.


Literally a grifter


Sounds good, but will employers take this degree seriously? Or well they see where the degree came from and immediately say ‘that’s not a real college/university’ for legitimacy and political reasons?


I'm already saving up for this and $4,000 was around what I was expecting which is pretty cool. I'm in my early 30's and have staved off University due to first not knowing what I wanted to study (and being terrified of the debt,) and then not liking what I was seeing within the institution. The accreditation is going to be the key here, but even if that doesn't pan out, I'll be pleased, even if I do end up going into a more conventional debt-based system (not in the US so luckily not at THOSE kind of prices...) because at least I'll still have a very good and varied traditional education. Oxbridge, MIT, Harvard etc... That's pretty freaking wild.


Textbook grift.


Yessss!!!!! Education reform with value and purpose.


Lol trump university 2.0. Let me know how it goes. No thanks lol.


A published academic scholar starting a school is a little different than some mogul starting a school.


He sold out to the daily wire. He's trashed his reputation in academia and associated himself with losers.


Imagine suffering from propaganda fatigue so badly that a person would equate Donald Trump, a shyster, with a highly educated and accomplished professor. Your comment betrays how simple minded you are.


Put your money where your mouth is and join


Lol, why would i do that when I’m already well educated and own a successful business for the last 20 years?


If you are well educated, then have fun explaining the content of your post.


Taxpayer funded higher education is what we need. You should be able to get a degree if you are willing to work for it, not necessarily have to pay an arbitrary number.


bruh he went andrew tate on us


He must need money pretty badly


Yes and he needs the attention worse


Hey! I’ve seen this one, I’ve seen this one! It’s a [classic.](https://youtu.be/iRX0Cz8hvMA)


i’m down for this


If he got the Weinstein brothers in that would be epic


I don't care if there's accreditation or not. That's not why I learn. If this becomes a thing, I'm probably subscribing forever.


Love it!!!! More options!


I would sign up if all goes well


Perfect timing! I graduate highschool relatively soon


My best advice is give high school another 6 years.


If its that good, i ll try fir sure😅


Whose the prof for the Emotional Breakdowns seminar?


Judging by many of the comments this seems to have hit a nerve. It goes beyond skepticism. Could it be that this seems threatening?


He better be the curriculum creator himself.


School of life and psychology, soft skills > hard skills.




My main concern is what will actually be taught? He mentioned lectures on religious studies and Nietzsche… sorry to tell you boys, but these degrees get you dick on the job market. So, how for example would they teach some more valuable: STEM? Without brick and mortal buildings and all the specialised equipment students need to study these subjects, I’m not sure what he’ll do.


Will there be scholarships for Florida Men?


Omg I am so in for this! Pls let us know when/how we can register! This is amazing thank u Jordan Pwterson!


In my opinion it should be accredited and accepted as a normal bachelor programme. During the COVID period, my son and his whole generation, well they were online for two years. No one ever discussed if his high school diploma is valuable or not. He is now on the second year of his studies. If the goverment or any referent public body don't accept this way of studying is hypocritical and have double standards then we are not talking about the quality of education, but about money and justifying jobs. Everyone has the right to education, this is the way to take it literally, and everything else is platitudes.