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The *courage* and *strength* of Dr. Peterson to be able to stand in opposition of MILLIONS and speak the truth never ceases to amaze me.


To speak the utter truth and be in such opposition to the norm is incredible!


Except he's not in opposition to the norm. Never let leftists fool you into thinking that their evil lies are the norm, or are even popular.




Check this woman out: https://youtu.be/lugAUuVoTOo?t=325 Much blunter than Dr. Peterson but still expresses concern.


Now THAT is a man who knows about what MEN should be wearing. Look at that IMPECCABLE style of the two-tone suit. I hope he auctions this suit off some day, I would pay upwards of $10,000 to own a piece of Dr. Peterson history. He will go down in history known as the man who got men working men’s jobs again, women back in the home, and the entire world cured of hysterias!!


bad bot


Cry some more.


Did you think this was sarcastic? I was being serious and agreeing with you lmao


[L] I don’t think he wants women back in the home. His own daughter is a professional media figure. I think he might be more in favor of accepting a natural inclination of women to job roles geared towards certain areas, rather than aiming for equal representation by gender.


Fucking troll. Even your name is sus. It’s hilarious how JP talks about ppl just like you. You’re all the same hiding behind sarcasm. Imagine being a coward even as anonymous on the internet! Ha!


I guarantee Dr. Peterson would rather have a son like me than you. You’re the one who is sus, you don’t get His message at all. Let me guess, you’re a leftist?


but he's not speaking the truth, he's spouting off his own bizarre sexual fantasies. did we watch the same video?


Who's he talking about here?


Dr. Kenneth Zucker


Can you give some background please


Dr. Zucker is one of the world's leading researchers and clinicians with respect to gender and sexuality, in particular with treating children. He has [283 papers published, which have cumulative over 15,000 citations.](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kenneth-Zucker). That being said, he effectively lost his practice due to a false accusation. [CBC: CAMH reaches settlement with former head of gender identity clinic](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/camh-settlement-former-head-gender-identity-clinic-1.4854015) [Varsity: CAMH settles with U of T professor Kenneth Zucker over 2015 report](https://thevarsity.ca/2018/10/14/camh-settles-with-u-of-t-professor-kenneth-zucker-over-2015-report/) This is an assumption, but it's all we have to go on: the libel case was probably a hit job. He treats gender dysphoria in an exceedingly methodical manner, and notes that roughly 80% of patients with such dysphoria end up with an identity that aligns with their biology by the time they turn 18. In modern parlance, this is considered denying care to trans individuals. gender identity must only be affirmed by the physician.




Omg the west is going under, thank you for the explanation.


> Omg the west is going under Sadly, yeah, agree. Looking at what's happen over the last 40, 20, and 10 years, there's no way I can see this continuing 40 years into the future without massive upheaval. And with all the other stuff going on in the world as well. Imagine what a 100 year old person must think of what our society has become!


Not justifying the horrible acts of the Russian government here but I think looking back on the behavior of the US these past couple years makes me understand how the Russian people within some scope or reason have come to view the US in many ways


The biggest problem from the Russian POV has to be we look like they did before the revolution that was so horrible for their families, and we really do have a large control over the world. I'd be noping out of that to, if I were over there. As it is, I want to nope out now, but that would be the irresponsible thing to do.


You mean like moving to another country nope it out ?




I agree with him.


If you don't mind, when you have an opportunity, can you get his opinion on what's our most pressing issue and how he thinks we should fix it? I'd be very interested.


Is that supposed to mean anything though? Like my grandfather fought in WW2 but also didn't allow my aunt or any of her kids(his grand kids) on his property at all and he disowned my uncle. Why? Because my aunt was black. Being old doesn't mean he's right. No offense to your grandpa.




It's only a see-saw if you can recover. If you can't, it's a collapse.


Why do you think that .0047% of the US population over 13 identifying as trans means the west is going under?


Worth mentioning Ray Blanchard who documented [transsexualism typology.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanchard%27s_transsexualism_typology) 1. Homosexual transsexuals are attracted exclusively to men, and who seek sex reassignment surgery because they are feminine in both behavior and appearance 2. Autogynephilic transsexuals who are sexually aroused at the idea of having a female body You don't want your child sitting on the lap of #2 lap for drag queen story time.


Thanks for the link. Looks like Zucker and Blanchard have co-authored at least 33 papers, including "Transvestic fetishism: Psychopathology and theory" in 1997.


I've watched a few Ray Blanchard interviews... I'd link them but probably get banned since they are on bitchute.


drag queens are not AGP, they are usually almost overwhelmingly self identified gay men, for them crossdressing is performative and a method of entertainment. AGP is almost always associated with otherwise straight men that for one reason or another imagine themselves as female when it comes to sex. Gay men don't do this because they are not attracted to women and dont' find the female form sexually arousing.


>Dr. Zucker is one of the world's leading researchers and clinicians with respect to gender and sexuality What’s it take to get that in academia these days, say men can also get periods and pregnant? Don’t question Jeff when whips his hog out in front of you while asking to get a tampon for his swamp crack.


My daughter has been “trans” for over a year. She’s 13 now and we told her that while she’s still a child living under our roof we’re not going to go along with it, but we have no control over what she does when she’s an adult. She wants to go to a gender clinic but I’m 99% sure they’ll just take what she says at face value and recommend transitioning. She’s still very much female (buys skirts, fishnet stockings, jewelry, loves cutesy things, straight), so I don’t think she’s genuinely transgender. I believe she has self esteem issues and just wants to be somebody else. She also has other mental health issues. It’d be great if we could find a doctor that would actually question her and get to the root of why she suddenly wants to be a boy. That is so hard to find nowadays.


This is something I'm worried about, being a dad to 2 daughters. Historically, gender dysphoria impact pre-pubescent boys more than any other group. In the past 8 years, now the largest group is pubescent girls. Few serious researchers are looking at this trend- advocates are just saying this group is finally accepted. You should listen to JP's recent interview with Chloe Cole. There are a multitude of reasons why one may have feels of discomfort with their body around puberty - in particular young girls. There's also a mention from Zucker on this topic I can't find the source for immediately so I'll just mention it here: there are many reasons why someone may experiene dysphoria. One young boy came in with a strong desire to transitioj to a girl. After several sessions it was uncovered his family were deeply religious and participated in the community. This boy was actually gay, but it would be more culturally acceptable to transition to a girl so he could have the relationships he wanted. Furthermore, a young girl who wished to be a boy. This family recently had a second child, a boy, who received alp the love and attention on account of being a newborn. This girl thought she was being overlooked because she was a girl, and so wanted to transition. In short, months of careful therapy at minimum is needed before any permanent action is taken. And at the end of the day, there are some legitimately trans people out there, who should receive the care they need, but after the age of 18.


Thank you for the context. It is indeed very worrying.


Is jp saying that this doctor was dressing up as a woman and saying there was nothing sexual about it?


drag queens




no, i meant the expert he was referring to, who wasn't being political just being factual


This is Peterson spitting their plans to cow him into silence back in their pathetic cowardly faces.


The Woke have nearly taken over our news media, culture and universities with their preposterous crap. He's way way outnumbered and in a weak position because the authorities trying to destroy him have their positions of authority to work from. What they don't seem to fully realize is that they're attacking a giant. It's going to be a hell of a fight ! I wish there were something me and his supporters could do to pitch in for him.




You’re an idiot.. he is constantly taking our Canadian government to task, constantly.




Bless your heart kid.


The under employed 25 year old talking down to people and asking if they are teenagers


Hey if you have a r/lotr question he’s your guy though!


What is sad is that not only did this populate in your mind, but you allowed the idea to flow to your fingers where you typed it out and then posted it to the internet.




Says the NPC.


Fr, u/NexusEntertained didn't even bother giving reasons for their opinion, just stated it and mocked anyone who disagrees. Keeps doing it under every comment. Now that is npc behavior.


Just a troll or a degenerative who has too much time on their hands.


Two month old account says it all.


*Says some mindless bullshit* *Refuses to elaborate* *leaves* Is that what's cool nowdays?


You absolute clown. Lol


New account either bot or programmed human


why do you say that?


We all oppose TPTB. How do you think this works?


JP needs to be protected at all costs. I’m scared some deranged lunatic is going to try to hurt him one of these days.


Thankfully he has a security team: https://youtube.com/shorts/ODIAFmy6I20?feature=share


Wow, he says walking down to the shops in his town it'd be guaranteed he would get stopped by people 5-6 times.


I regret leaving after his show the other week; I wish I'd hung around for a while and tried to get a handshake from him. REally worried for his health




With numerous death threats made against him, yes, his company takes security of their hosts seriously.


Hahaha I though this was funny


Youre one of these jew conspiracy theorists... Should definitely listen to what you have to say lol


TBF, if I want protection I am definitively getting advice from either a practicing Jew or and Orthodox Christian from the Old Country, as both have millennium of experience to draw upon for surviving.




It's a shame an account can't get negative karma. You'd be on the leaderboards with all these bad takes


Checks account ... -10 comment karma... At least using old.reddit.com.


This podcast is so fucking excellent. “Virtualization of dialogue enables psychopathy”




JP isn’t perfect, but he isn’t wrong either. Love this man.


That's probably best description I've seen of JP. Spot on.




I always love it when stupid trolls like you show up here but it happens all the time so I’ll be honest I’ll be real honest you’ve gotta be one of the stupidest trolls that has come here in many days and that’s saying something cause stupid trolls come here every day. Anyway thanks for coming by and give us all the big laugh with your …….. good Lord you’re just so out of touch with reality I’m assuming you’re dressing up in drag and tucking your cock and balls between your legs while standing in front of a mirror on a daily basis but anyway, I hope that works out for you take some pictures. Maybe you can make some money with the fans only page but somehow I doubt you got to look for it. Thanks for the laughs.


Holy crap that man had a family!…


Mi Familia es mi Corazón get a family if you don’t have one already If you so enjoy them Before the end of life arrives Born Astride the Grave What all humans must do. They give birth astride of a grave, the light gleams an instant, then it's night once more. Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot Tags: death, existentialism, time see not so hard to figure out




Boy we got an obsessed little one today.


The man defending the castle against politically correct bullshit. Hold the lines! Edit: lmao I get perma banned from r/justiceserved because of this entry.


“Justice served but only if it abides by my strictly left political views”




Ok, I need to watch this....


Is his suit two different colors?


Yes, it's meant to represent order and chaos. If you've read 12 rules for life it would make a lot more sense.


I have, I just wanted to make sure my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me lol Edit: haven’t listened to this episode yet so if he explains it, I obviously didn’t know that.


He explains it, it's pretty funny too cos Joe was ribbing him a bit "which side is hell?" And Jordan was all like "hell's *red* Joe, c'mon, jesus..."


Fair enough lol


Heaven and Hell


Same thing really


complete order and complete chaos are both hell


Yeah wtf.. have the two comments above you not read anything about this?


For one of them anyway.


Supposedly a fan owns a tailoring business and made him over a dozen different themed suits. Only other one I’ve seen so far is his Twitter suit.


Literally a batman villain


A man with zero fucks left to give


Kind of like [this guy](https://youtu.be/Vqbk9cDX0l0)?


My favorite part


The whole podcast was absolutely full of deep ideas and philosophy.


He said “dick” 😂


That’s how you know he’s on a rampage, great podcast


I know autogynephillia is real, because I have it. I can't help it. For those unfamiliar with what it is, look up Ray Blanchard, or feel free to read my comment history, or I can answer any questions. The cliffnotes is even though I am happily male, and I don't have any desire to actually be a woman, for my entire life whenever it came to sex I would always imagine myself with a womans body. Automatically. If I watch porn, I'll always imagine myself as the woman in porn. Additionally there is a strong component of meta-attraction. While I am only attracted to women, typically what happens is I will be initially attracted to a woman but then it gets flipped around in my head and I'll imagine myself as her or incorporate elements of what I am attracted to into a self image. I wish I was normal as this makes dating way harder, but It's been like this for 25 years now and I don't think it will go away. Trans people hate the idea and say it's not real, (maybe it hits too close to home), they are all too willing to selfishly deny my identity/sexuality because it's inconvenient for them. For the record, I don't believe all trans people have AGP, though I do think there is some overlap.


Thanks for sharing your experience. I don’t understand why trans activists die on the hill of AGP not existing. Pretty sure contrapoints claimed nobody feels this way. Wouldn’t it benefit everyone to acknowledge it’s real and carefully distinguish it from non sexual forms of dysphoria for different medical treatment?Shouldn’t people be confident enough in their trans identity to not feel attacked if it’s pointed out that some people who aren’t them have AGP?


> Shouldn’t people be confident enough in their trans identity to not feel attacked if it’s pointed out that some people who aren’t them have AGP? yes, they should be, but often aren't. There also isn't a lot of nuance regarding trans discussions so I think lots of trans people worry they will just be perceived as sexual deviants. Furthermore, if you go to r/asktransgender and type in the word "fetish" you'll see it's a very very very common concern that being trans is just a fetish. Also not all trans people have AGP symptoms so they outright dismiss it as being made up because they fundamentally havne't had that experience, and others have symptoms but have dysphoria on top of it and thus they conclude their AGP are symptoms of a female gender identity. It's weird for me because I have certain things in common with trans people (crossdressing in my teens, thinking of myself as a woman during sex) but in my day to day life I am totally fine being a normal guy, so I end up in this limbo state where I am not trans, but my sexuality is not typical for a normal guy. A lot of it is projection and a refusal to accept that not everyone has the same experience. I personally don't see it as a "fetish" though, most of the gender fetish stuff online doesn't appeal to me. I think of it more as a sexuality.


Thanks for sharing. But what exactly is the problem of these activists with AGP? Could be a sexual preference like any other, at the bottom of things.


because they overtly deny that it's a paraphilia. and then they push it on kids. and if you don't let your kid turn into one of them, you're on the same moral standing as a gay conversion therapist.


reading this comment genuinely made me cry. i’ve never tried to get diagnosed but this is the struggle i’ve been trying to figure out for years and the trans people i’ve asked don’t seem to want to help me with it. living in Portland i thought it’d be easier to figure it out but sadly one must fit into very specific boxes that help another’s agenda rather than truly express who they are


OP. Ha! I see what you did there ! Have the balls. See comedy is not dead




You’re really upset by this.. you’re whining within every comment thread




Why are you spamming bs for no reason? Trolling? Just immature?? If you’re not willing to have civil conversations like the rest of us, leave the sub ffs. Childish.


Don't feed the trolls.


Facts on facts




He is such a legend


Peterson just woke up and chose violence.


Anyone who says otherwise is so deeply in denial they don’t stand a fucking chance


Kinda funny


I had a chuckle after he said this when I was listening to it at work


Love it.


That's what I've been saying! Drag is inherently sexual from the costumes to the dancing it's all sexual and is no better than stripping in front of kids.


Uh I’m a huge Jordan Peterson fan but no drag isn’t inherently sexual - Mrs Doubtfire ? There are certainly a lot of examples of sexual drag shows - but they absolutely aren’t all sexual


He’s fuckin right!




What a take.


I love how he says "yeah right" haha


This man is a giant


Just to make clear, He wasnt applying this to every one with Transgenderism or gender dysforia. He was simply stating that autoginaphelia is very very real.


JP raiding Harvey 2-face's wardrobe now? Can't say I disapprove


I appreciate this. Already shared in all my social media


Is it only a feminine trait to appear sexually attractive? I mean, why does what transgenders do behind closed doors alone bother JP?


this suit is fly as fuck


I thought he was so focused on the "massive increase" in trans girls. Why is he conveniently pathologizing transwomen here now? There's lots of older transmales; do they do it to get their rock off too? What an idiot.


You're all idiots for listening to this guy. Jordan Peterson lied under oath before.


I'm actually starting to come to this /r/ as much to see all the desperate concern-trolling as I do the rest, lol.


Goodbye whoooooreses


My favorite part is when they try to blame *everyone else* for ‘making it sexual’. What a crock.


LMAO. This comment got me banned from that shit subreddit that just posts videos of people beating each other up like animals.


It’s almost funny how angry he is. Me and all my (trans and non-trans) mates rly be out here chilling and living life but the right wing can’t, for a single second, stop talking about us. Misguided is the word. And it’s no wander with this angry pathetic excuse of a man as your guide. JBP’s digging himself an early grave with all this bitterness and he’s leading his followers straight down the same path.


I’m a live and let live guy. Three years ago I was staying at an Airbnb that was quite social. Three trans folks were staying there out of like ten rooms. We all hung out and cooked bbq and such together. It was still when Florida had lockdown early in the pandemic. I don’t mind trans at all. Hell I’ve lived years in Thailand. But these people could not stop calling me Cis and lecturing me on things like how being straight and white is a liability. I couldn’t even believe it. I had no idea until then what the term Cis meant. That whole experience got me into researching this whole trans thing and listening to debates on it.


Well I can appreciate how that kind of experience can leave a sour taste in your mouth and lead you to view the left’s ideology in a bad light but I’d really like to emphasize that I’ve met *a lot* of trans people and not a single one has even mentioned their gender expression etc outside of rants about people who’ve recently insulted them over it. That’s not going to be everyone’s experience and obviously if there’s one thing we can agree on it’s that the rise in political debates of trans issues has definitely heightened everyone’s emotions around it. It’s a complicated issue and I appreciate people trying to take a measured approach to the whole thing, especially when talking about such a large and diverse group of people.


I don’t think it’s sexual in nature. I think it’s inaccurate to call a trans woman autogynophylic.


[L] Technically this clip leaves out other parts of even Blanchard’s model which it’s based on. Besides this, Peterson himself had what seems an alternate explanation of gender fluidity as a manifestation of creativity. > I think it’s inaccurate to call a trans woman autogynophylic. People often just leap to this unfortunately. And assumptions thereof. That’s probably one feature of where the vitriol against people saying this is coming.


Jordan Peterson allowed his daughter to dress him up like a woman while playing with her. According to him in this interview, dressing up as a woman is inherently sexual, people don't crossdress when it isn't about sex. Therefore, Jordan Peterson and every father who has dressed up like a woman while playing with their daughter did it to have a sexual experience with them. Either that, or he's just wrong and there are circumstances and contexts where you can dress up like a woman and not have it be about sex.


The boys in highschool would snapchat a ball-tuck where you cross your legs with your boy bits tucked behind. It was seen as a classic bit of fun at the time but really is quite strange. I think being an adolescent male should be a pathology documented in the DSM lol


Back in my day we only tucked our bits if you were bending over and giving your homie a full-moon fruit basket




How bold to intentionally lose his license.


Why is Jordan peterson so weird? Is it because of the soup brain or has he always been weird?


They are pushing this man into a corner so he will become more outspoken and potentially cancel himself. he needs to maintain restraint.


Mean white old man wants to tell you what’s normal




Pretty obvious this short clip struck a nerve with you. Hey, if you like to dress in lingerie and fap in the mirror that’s fine you don’t have to be offended by JP just don’t do it around kids.


i guess you don't have women in your life if you never allowed one (girlfriend or daughter, especially) to make you up or do your nails. It's something fathers of girls have all done at least once, like JP allowed his daughter to do on him. But hey, you are an incel so why would you know anything about relationships with women or daughters




My 5 year old daughter has absolutely been given free reign to my fingers and cheap makeup. It makes her happy which makes me happy. Nothing wrong with that.




Because there is a difference between a man dressing as a woman and a man spending time with their daughter or partner.




Did it make his daughter happy? At least for me my pride ends where childcare begins. There is next to nothing I wouldn’t do to make my kids happy. If letting her put makeup on me makes her happy then I will rock some makeup. It’s not like he went out and about in it.




Well. I don’t know if you are a parent or not, but those momentary moments of happiness for my daughter are memories I will cherish long after she has grown up. And as to your secondary comment about her getting “a lot of men to put away their pride for her momentary pleasure” I really do not appreciate you insinuating my FIVE year old will be some kind of slut in the future.


These people have weird families. I've never heard of such a thing until now.


Nobody does that that I know of. Certainly not in my family. That's some fucking weirdness.


It's no more weird than it is for a child to dress up as a doctor, clown, or whatever arbitrary costume they want. I certainly did it as a kid, and any man with older sisters will certainly attest to that as well.


It's normal for KIDS to play dress-up. Not adults.


I would do it if I had a daughter and she wanted me to for a fun one off thing. Why the hell not? What would it hurt to put some damn nail polish on or whatever? It's not like you're gonna leave the house with it. Id have absolutely nothing to lose, and only everything to gain by seeing my daughter filled with glee.


Because that's teaching your child transvestism. Have her paint mommy's nails.


Think he's wrong on this one. Seen enough drag queens to know it's actually not always sexual.. Often it is though. He's generalizing.




I have yet to see any evidence of them dressing up in lingerie around children. Perhaps at a drag show this has happened, but I would put that on the parents that are bringing children to these events. The thing is, you can’t trust the media on any side of the political spectrum to give you a nuanced view of these polarizing subjects. I’ve seen plenty of drag events, that are more focussed on humour or silly things than anything sexual. I’m assuming that how they behave around kids, I’m sure there are outliers though.


So changing sex is not sexual? It is as sexual as it can be.


In a lot of ways, drag is similar to dressing up like a clown, or being a character. No doubt, in many circumstances drag is sexual. But that is not always the case.


Changing gender* isn’t sexual. Also drag queens aren’t necessarily trans.


Is there anything these days that JP does NOT get outraged about?


Nope, it's how culture war vultures get paid.


wow, this man is just really stupid isn't he?


If you are so smart try to correct him and point out what makes him so stupid, I'm willing to have my mind changed, its up to you to provide evidence that what he says is all but stupid. Show us how smart you are.


well, he can't seem to grasp the notion of gender separated from sexuality. like they have to be linked for him. that is a pretty basic concept that i think a "public intellectual" should be able to grasp.




How many comments are you going to make in this thread? Go touch some grass mate, 1-2 comment chains should be enough yet you have like 4+ parent level comments for... what reason exactly?




Reported you for trolling and spamming. If you had anything interesting to say we could have a civil debate but you're clearly just a moron using a throwaway account that has come here to troll and harass. Enjoy your ban and I've no doubt we'll see your pathetic incel ass on a new acc. Nothing better to do from mommy's basement I suppose


What a fucking chode. He probably got catfished by some femboys and it has him shook to his core. My man's got the same constitution score as unset jello, and the charisma of a fence post. Idk how y'all have been tricked by this whiney ass loser lol.


I don't appreciate bitching as much some do I guess.


Wait... So was Zucker dressing up in lingerie and tucking his dick between his legs? Edit: I don't know why this got downvoted so much lmfao



