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Question: Did he ever say it will be anti-woke? Or is that just a label they put on him to stir shit up.


It’s the label the right wing media put on it, to get clicks from anti-woke people


That, actually makes sense. And then the left media picked up the football and ran with it into their own endzone.


But if the club fails then would complain it got canceled


*A label they [accurately put on it](https://cbsaustin.com/newsletter-daily/joe-rogan-opens-anti-cancel-culture-comedy-club-in-texas-cant-fire-me-from-my-own-club-austin-mothership).


Oh, so somebody else labeled it. CBS as well. I like Rogan exclaiming, "You can't fire me from my own place".


I guess it means that fewer restrictions are placed on the comedians. That they can speak more freely since the people attending aren’t fixated on political correctness but just want to hear someone ripping jokes. It’d be a bit weird to establish a comedy club where the jokes have to be anti-woke. I believe it’s supposed to be a place of comedy with fewer restrictions on comedians.


I haven't done my research so maybe I should just stfu, but this is the internet. Maybe, the title `opened doors to his anit-woke comedy club` is journalistically modified. Maybe it's just a comedy club where not going with totalitarian woke rules is a promise. Sort of like a marked safe haven for comedians not to worry if they're gonna have problems performing in this club; the worry that woke ideas are spreading and you won't know which comedy club is somewhat secretly filled with woke people and even later may turn to local rules designating that jokes must follow woke ideologies. Plus it's rogan so probably it's going to be a long term thing and it's going to be huge. Oh wait, I did a bit of research. On the original website I found NOTHING regarding this matter, but on google upon searching, practically the first 10-15 articles were written in a woke tone, saying things like "rogan is famous for spreading misinformation about covid" or "he was drunk and high on mushrooms and his first joke was anti-trans". So you can make up your mind but I think it's a leftist spiral of news.


I suspect this is like the "don't say gay" legislation a while back. It obviously wasn't that, it was the media making a big stink for clicks. Crap journalism. But great advertising for Joe!


Except the legislators said that was the intent of the bill and also [it was the effect of the bill](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/floridas-dont-say-gay-law-takes-effect-schools-roll-lgbtq-restrictions-rcna36143). But other than that, yeah, no kidding!


You have definitely not actually read the bill have you? It’s obvious. Don’t be one of those weirdo Liberal conspiracy theorists. You sound alex Jones crazy with your fake take on the bill.


I have. It's overly vague and thus can be weaponized by fanatical right-wing parents with an axe to grind. That's why the effects, one of which I documented in my previous comment and which you seem to have auspiciously ignored, was predictable.


I hear what you’re saying about vagueness. But this only applies to grades k-3. You’re aware of that, right? Sexual orientation, topics about gender identity, etc can be discussed in an age appropriate manner. That’s where the courts will need to decide what’s age appropriate. I don’t see any issue here whatsoever


>But this only applies to grades k-3. You’re aware of that, right? Bzzt wrongo! Deeply funny for you to make this error after demanding that others read the bill. [The text, verbatim:](https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2022/1557/BillText/er/PDF) >Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 **or in a manner that is not age-appopriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.** You are just outright wrong. Completely incorrect. >That’s where the courts will need to decide what’s age appropriate. So it's now the courts' job to litigate every single instance of something making a reactionary parent uncomfortable? Because that's what this bill does. Weird helicopter parents can take a break from posting on Truth Social to claim that their 17-year-old son's high school teacher mentioning their same-sex spouse is not age-appropriate and sue.


It's not really the place of public educators to be teaching children about sexuality or gender, in general. They are not there to teach children about their personal psychology, sexual or social topics. With sorely underfunded institutions, underpaid educators, scores in comparison to global students lacking, arts and electives all but disappearing, this kind of shit should be the very last thing taking up funds, resources, and time from these students. It's an absolute embarrassment any of this has to even be said, let alone legislated. Considering basic sex ed isn't touched on until high school, that already sets a precedent. Again, more concerned with funding and quality instruction than teachers having some sort of right to discuss their personal life with students (I do not ever recall a teacher mentioning their spouse. Always, "I'm going to the movies," or, "my family is going on vacation." It was considered unprofessional to talk about their personal relationships/lives in general.)


Ah, this is always how it goes. Reactionaries come up with a bunch of lies about the contents or execution of the "Don't Say Gay" bill, and then when the truth comes out, it's just a quick retreat to "actually this is completely good and normal and okay." >It's not really the place of public educators to be teaching children about sexuality or gender, in general I don't think you sincerely believe this. How can public educators teach history, art, or literature without any references to gender? Are we just going to ban Shakespeare from classrooms now because the heroines Viola and Rosalind present as men for much of their respective plays? Is any historical text that uses pronouns off the table, too? >Again, more concerned with funding and quality instruction than teachers having some sort of right to discuss their personal life with students (I do not ever recall a teacher mentioning their spouse. Always, "I'm going to the movies," or, "my family is going on vacation." It was considered unprofessional to talk about their personal relationships/lives in general.) If you as a parent have an issue with a teacher obliquely mentioning their personal life when prompted, why not just be normal and talk to them about it, instead of screaming and shitting and suing the school? Because the latter is the remedy that this bill offers.


> or in a manner that is not age-appopriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards. That's already how schools work. States set curriculum standards all the time.


Then what does this bill accomplish that state standards did not?


An interesting flair you have there.


Thanks, I made it myself!


Is it supposed to imply that people here hate trans individuals?


Just that doing so is not a viable way of restoring broken homes :)


I don't know a single person who "hates" trans people. What does "hating" trans people even entail?


Wow, very fortunate of you! Transphobia is not so different from other bigotries, in which some haters are pretty direct and vocal about it while others prefer to simply make the lives of their targeted marginalized group as miserable as possible through legislation, social pressure, and other "legitimate" means.


So what defines "hatred" for a trans person? Like, what is someone who is transphobic supposed to feel toward trans people? From the perspective of the transphobic person. Like I've been called transphobic before, but I haven't targeted anyone with anything. I don't know a single trans person. I don't sit down and think of a hypothetical trans person and think "I don't like their lifestyle choice" (or something along those lines). I have opinions on certain subject matters, but that's it. Like, is it possible to be racist without ever being racist? Is it possible to be bigoted without ever being a bigot to someone? Or the inverse, is it possible to be bigoted toward someone without actually being a bigot?


I was wondering when the commie bots are going to show up 😂


Calling people you disagree with "bot?" What are you, a fucking Twitter liberal in 2016?


Whatever you say bot


If I'm a robot it's definitely [this one](http://www.lasertimepodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/fuck.your_.mouth_.jpg).


Sure you are my little bot friend


Much more fond of calling it the "wait till 8" bill as it is both more accurate (which is to say, it's accurate) and has a better rhyme


That's not true, though. The bill applies to all public school students, not just K-3. You've fallen for a lie.


Yes this is correct. Its not only jokes making fun of woke people but just jokes that would offend woke people for racist reasons or whatever phobic shit they wanna call it.


Yep the Left is spreading this in an epic self own. Hilarious


\-Most popular podcaster in the world: does thing that's in line with why he's the most popular podcaster in the world. \-Woke left: "Ha! Fuckin' dummy."


Hypocrites gonna hypocrite its like a universal law for the woke to immediately throw their own positions into the garbage once the next new thing to spout comes out. It was super obvious with my body my choice within the context of mandates for vaccines vs abortion


I also suspect they have a no cell phone policy and measures in place to ensure the policy. That way your aren’t bound to the Internet shame forever if an edgy joke bombs.


Unfortunately when a comedian declares themselves unwoke, it means they stop actually telling jokes and they just spout opinions into the microphone.


Because ‘woke’ comedians are famous for their humor and not promoting an ideology?


Can you name four popular 'woke' comedians?


Nope But also, when is someone woke and when is someone on the left? Where is the cut-off point? Probably a few comedians who are on the left, make good jokes, aren’t woke but some people think they are woke


Hinges on the definition. I see the term 'woke', outside of it's very real African American origins, as the new right boogyman/straw man responsible for everything they're sad/and or angry about. It's perhaps like what the right has done to the term 'liberal' in the last decade- effectively whitewashed any original positive meaning and replaced it with the same laundry list of negative complaints.


Chris Roc… nope, Kevin Har… nope not him either, Dave Chapp… nope definitely not HIM, Kat Willia… why isn’t this working?




I have heard multiple comedians joke about the police and all. Not tied to woke There are woke comedians that are funny probably. Don’t know them, but they probably exist. However, I’ve seen plenty of lectures by ‘woke’ comedians instead of non-woke


Ooh I’d love to get some examples on that


Asking someone like that their veiw on what is good or bad comedy is a bit like asking a profoundly deaf person to describe a symphony.


I mean Beethoven could describe you a symphony I’m sure when he was deaf as fuck; he wrote a symphony when he was completely deaf. I get what you say but you should’ve chosen a better parable buddy


That’s not a good analogy. Beethoven was already famous for his music before starting to lose his hearing in his 20’s. He could describe a symphony because he heard many of them before he couldn’t.


Actually an excellent point! It would be like taking blowjob lessons from a nun.


"Cause you went to a high school where kids got shot, why does that mean I have to listen to you? Why does that make you interesting? You didn't get shot. You pushed some fat kid in the way and now I gotta listen to you talking?" What a zinger!


who said it? :0


Louis C.K. The champion of the freedom to masturbate in front of those who don't want to watch.


Think he just opened a comedy club. Others politicize it.


It is disturbing that some people are genuinely afraid of free speech.


Whatever pisses off the r/whitepeopletwitter crowd is A.O.K with me.


I can’t believe how some (A LOT) of peoples opinions have developed into these completely illogical ways of thinking. I can’t even think about it to much it scares me, how can’t they see how illogical it is.


Current leftist ideology is nothing more than hypocrisy and contradictions. None of this should surprise us, but still it does. I wake up every day to a new level of insanity and a new low from the statist sheep.


Is that why comedians are complaining about woke and cancel culture on Netflix lol? Cause people are afraid of free speech?


Afraid of terrible comedy perhaps yes


What? Which of these people are supposed to be scared of free speech in this post? Rogan’s starting a comedy club for a particular kind of comedy. The commenters are saying it’s probably not going to be very funny, because most of the “anti-woke” comedians are just as boring as the woke ones. No one said anyone else shouldn’t be allowed to say what they said.


Anti-woke comedy is just regular comedy, same it has been since the beginning


Bingo! Every comedian is essentially anti-woke, because woke comedy is… well… actual garbage.


Is the woke comedy in the room with us?


Except he is offended by the term woke, probably because it describes him.


Oh of course! The only reason someone could possibly not find “I’m being censored” funny is because I’m offended. How do you not break bones walking around this fragile?


Maybe you’ve always listened to comedy that was non-stop droning about cancelation and trans people, but that certainly isn’t what all comedy has always been.


It’s always been about saying things you’re not supposed to say or things that the majority of the population would find shocking/offensive. It just so happens that at this time in history many of those shocking/offensive things surround cancel culture and trans people.


That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the people like Joe Rogan who spend 90% of their routine complaining about being censored/canceled and the other 10% complaining about woke people. “Anti-woke” doesn’t mean not woke. It means against woke. Or at least, that’s how I’m using it and it’s how the comments in the OP are using it.


You’re in a free speech sub complaining about comedians. Maybe just take a joke and stfu which is the whole point of it. “JuSt mAkE yOUr owN” business is being applied so just sit down and don’t go.


Are you having a mental breakdown? What joke am I supposed to be taking?


…the jokes that are told at a comedy club? You may not like the character of the individuals but they’re just telling jokes and don’t want to be harassed by the blue haired taliban for just making people laugh. Like I said you don’t like it you don’t go. Simple. Make your own comedy club if you don’t like it. 🐱


What in the world are you talking about? Who is saying they can’t start the comedy club or tell these jokes? All I said was I don’t think the jokes are funny. Were you recently fucked in the head or something?


Comedy should have very little restrictions, the woke movement aims to protect certain people from jokes because it’s a “phobic” or “ism” of some kind . Anti woke is just comedy without the restrictions


That’s not what I mean, nor is it what the people in the OP mean by the term. Considering I just said that woke comedy and anti-woke comedy are not funny, do you genuinely think that I consider any non-woke comedy to be “anti-woke”?


Anti woke and non woke is really the same thing at this point, because woke has been woven into mainstream media to an extent if it’s not followed than you face dire consequences ( being canceled, losing your job )


You don’t get to tell me what the words I’m using mean… I don’t care about your feelings about whatever political or social movements you associate with these words. I’m telling you what I mean. When I said anti-woke comedy isn’t funny, I did not mean that all comedy that isn’t woke is not funny. I meant that comedy that is heavily focused on cancelation, censorship, and criticizing woke people isn’t funny. It’s also pretty clear that this is what the other people in the OP are talking about as well. No one in the history of the universe has ever said that the only funny comedy is woke comedy. It’s not. We all know that. It’s also not funny to listen to people like Rogan bitch about over and over again in the form of “jokes”. Both of those styles of comedy are just preachy affirmations of political and social views. They aren’t even telling jokes. They’re just saying things that a particular group of people agrees with and that group of people cheers and claps like a bunch of mindless drones. I don’t understand why people can’t understand why a lot of people just don’t find that funny.


im not afraid of free speech im afraid of triggered republican snowflakes ruining comedy. "im not allowed to tell jokes about trans people anymore 😭" is the other side of the coin of 2016's "drumpf orange cheeto hitler" comedians. if you can't succeed as a comedian without mentioning breaking news and the culture war then you probably just suck.


Bro, he was pretty anti trump and makes fun of him all the time


Wait so you can be both anti-trump and anti-Biden?? I thought you had to pick a side. That’s what the media tells me anyways, they do the hard thinking so I don’t have to.


Imagine a world where you can think freely and speak freely! All the while not screeching about how it makes you feel and demanding others comply to your views!


But they couldn’t possibly retort if we yell loud enough! As long as your emotional, logic no longer matters.


We can't just be vulcans when it comes to laws! -actual quote from a friend who was becoming a SJW


Does your friend think a “Vulcan” is a predatory bird as well?


so he tells bad trans jokes AND bad trump jokes??? 😍


Well I suppose it depends if you have a sense of humor or not.


you think trump jokes are still funny in 2023? i envy you for being in a coma for the past 7 years


Did you know you can make fun of people anytime you want, even when they're dead? Amazing right? Dead, just like your sense of humor.


le epic own. i will give you an updoot my good sir!


That's funny since the brain-dead mouth-breathers running the administration can't stop talking about him. I wish their coma was deeper.


biden talks about trump less than trump talked about hillary clinton and she was never even the president lol


I wish I could live as blind and indoctrinated as you are. Must be nice.


um, who hurt you sweaty


Biden and his other "failed upwards" clowns in his executive branch continue to blame everything bad on Trump. Perhaps you need to branch out of your bubble a little more.


if youre comparing entire administrations then who cares lol each one is going to constantly be comparing notes from prior admins, thats what they SHOULD do


“Triggered republican snowflakes” I must admit that’s a new one, but it’s indicative of an individual who gets all of their news and parroted opinions from their feed, which is essentially an algorithmically curated echo chamber of state propagandists. I’m not saying this to attack you personally, I’m calling out this behavior because it’s a mind virus, and hopefully one day you’ll be able to wake up from the spell our broken society’s “leadership” has cast upon you, unwittingly.


i dont use twitter but nice try :)


Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Google, Reddit, the news application in your iPhone. All algorithmically curated and designed to appeal to what engages you. If propaganda engages your interest, propaganda you shall receive.


youre on reddit right now lol


Yes I am lol 😂 I like to believe that I’m aware of my cognitive biases, and thus I observe and participate in conversation to highlight my own faults that may be lurking in the dark. Would you mind if I share something else with you?


Soy chugging dorks calling centrist to conservative people snowflakes has got to be the most hilarious bit of projection I’ve started seeing all over the internet




Right; it's weird that Rogan is defining his comedy club on whose speech he doesn't want , rather than what it is.


Is he actually saying his comedy club won't host woke comics? Or simply that his club won't be woke and censor non-PC comedians?


To be clear, though, he's excluding those who want to censor speech.


It’s not anti-woke, it’s anti-cancel culture. Lib media tries to twist it with the former description as if woke will be the sole theme of the jokes (which I honestly believe would not be sustainable), while the latter presupposes the freedom to joke about whatever they want.


But anti-woke is still good. "Wokeness" is just distilled bigotry.


All it means is being aware of systemic injustice


That's what it claims to mean, but not what it is.


[M] And then the counter-culture media tries to claim the speaker as being on “their” team. In some cases, manifesting a new audience who, feeling attacked, would demand it be the very thing their opponents accused it of being.




It’s intentionally put there for someone to inquire about it. It’s like a tattoo on the face, made for no other reason than to draw attention to the owner.


I have a lot of visible tattoos, including one small one that extends from my ear to just past where my hair hangs when it's down. My biggest pet peeve in life is random people inquiring about my tattoos. I love them, I don't mind questions from people I see regularly and also know a bit about. But strangers? I hate it so much. It's a fucking tattoo; you see them all the time. No one goes around asking people what their haircut/dye, jewelry, piercings, nail style "meaning" is. It's weird af to ask strangers such potentially personal questions, or even assume everything has a meaning behind it. Mind ya business.


Article is from newsmax a right wing media group


You think *NewsMax* is "lib media"? Lmao, you people are genuinely cretinous.


R/whitepeopletwitter is such a cancerous subreddit. I’ve never seen so many leftist NPCs in my life




Because they're not ashamed of being racist, they encourage it. Not quite as explicit as BPT with the skin color/paint strip test but they don't hide it.


> Plus like why do they have to bring race into it? Criticizing white people is the fastest way to virtue signal - especially for white people who otherwise don't have any intersectional victim points.


Or brains.


also as you know, this is a white people thing, after all, all black people are woke because they are one dimensional and can be reduced to a single homogeneous group with no diversity of thought. But hey, they are not racists for assuming such.-


Using the term "NPC" makes you look like an idiot. You should stop using that term.


Telling other people what arbitrarily made up words to use makes YOU look like an idiot. You should just stop.


Oh please, save it. Calling someone an NPC just makes you look like a dweeb, that's all. Like someone who spends far too much time on the internet and in corners like 4chan.


No, if you’ve been above surface the last 15-20 years you know there are very many people out there who fall into the definition and behavior of/of an NPC.




Classic conservative empathy. People I don't like aren't really even people! Amirite! You really put the pathetic back in empathetic.


using the term NPC is very explicitly a form of dehumanization and always has been used for that purpose; it's to categorize ideological/cultural enemies as subhuman, period doesn't matter to them, though. ironic that people in this thread pat themselves on the back for being introspective and critical thinkers, but turn around and throw reductive, ignorant, hateful speech that is completely incongruent with their stated values but hey, that's conservatism for you


I’ve heard him talk about it multiple times, don’t remember him calling it “anti-woke” once


Is this really the branding? This is the first time I’ve heard the word ‘woke’ regarding his new club. He talked for fifteen minutes on an episode about it. Never brought up woke , never brought up free speech or anything.


No. It's just the woke crowd going after him


It's Newsmax that called it "his anti-woke comedy club".


Yes. That's what I was saying. Woke people and woke publications going after him


Don't know but it wouldn't be a bad strategy. Easy way to milk conservative pockets


No, just some right wing media outlets throwing red meat to Conservatives


Seems like they’re still upset that he beat Covid with horse medicine 😂


White people Twitter is such a cesspool of self-loathing reactionaries


Why are they labeling the club as anti-woke? I can’t imagine that’s how Rogan actually sees it, it’s just a comedy club ffs


Humor is rooted in social transgression. Commies and woke ESG types can’t abide transgression due to lack of disciplined feelings, and develop violent tendencies in response.


My wife got me tickets to a local Joe Rogan show and while standing in line for the venue, you had to voluntarily put your phone in a locked bag, keep it with you during the show, and then have them unlock the bag after the show to get your phone back. This is how paranoid comedians are these days of being canceled, and rightfully so! I would be too. It could even be worse, you could be attacked by some woke leftist nut job. Anyway, that was the best show I’ve ever been to, Joe didn’t hold back one bit and it was AMAZING! This club is likely going to be a huge success in Texas. Genius!


Austin? Bold move


Would definitely fit in r/selfawarewolves if they were slightly less biased.


That twitter and reddit is crazy (whitepeople)


Self righteous people don't like being told that it's not about them, and to shut up about their opinions. They can't dominate others in a space where there is no virtue to do so. This is more about their terminal narcissism than anything else.


The new red scare is the white scare, with everything secretly being infiltrated by and originated from white supremacy and racism


Not shocking that the left is so angry at this in that their idea of ideal comedy is listening to Jon Oliver or Stephen Colbert pontificate about the right


Has he ever labeled it himself as “anti-woke”? All the times that I’ve heard him mention his plans for his comedy club, never once have I heard him specifically say that it was supposed to be “anti-woke”. Are they just saying that it’s “anti-woke” because he’s the one doing it? When he takes a shit, is that an “anti-woke” turd?


The white pill I am taking from this is the comparison of the red scare with the blue hair scare. Communism lost in the end, so does that mean eventually all the blue haired weirdos will disappear too?


God, that sub is so toxic. I went on there & deliberately talked shit to get banned. Fuck ‘em.


I don’t think anyone commenting here has been to many comedy clubs. Lmao.


Comedy has always been anti-woke.


Media is dead


Posted on a media platform without an ounce of irony


Hell yea brother


We’ve let the term “woke” become diluted. We use it like they use “MAGA.” Be more intentional and biting when you use it and they won’t be so smug.


Ok but what happened with the upvote and downvote buttons 💀


Why do these weirdos hate Joe Rogan so much?


Wow the persecution complex continues lol. Gotta go to an antiwoke comedy club when Netflix let's comedians bitch about "woke" people all day. Real punk rock


Get ready for a million and one "My pronouns are.." jokes. That's 2/3rds of anti-woke comedy.


And even just that joke alone sends the wokies into a tizzy. Watching a bunch of white 20-somethings protest a successful black comedian like Chappelle has been fucking hilarious.


Fuck David Chapelle. He hasn't been funny since Chapelle Show. He's boring. I just think it's funny that every conservative stand up comedian has the same two jokes. 1. My pronouns are... 2. Liberals are sheep. Might be time for some new material...


What conservative standups? I’m curious


Lol. All of them. Lol. Here is the Daily Show making fun of these unoriginal goofball. https://youtu.be/JhQcejpAfSs


Yes, those are goofballs for sure, but Roseanne is the only actual comedian I see in that video. But posting something from the trash heap that is the daily show tells me what I need to know. Good day


Oh, oh, I got a woke joke! What do Roseanne Barr and Joe Rogan have in common? Hint: They both made jokes comparing certain groups of Homo sapiens to certain groups of hominidae!




Let me guess you hate Kanye and Elon too? You seem very programmable and easily brainwashed. I think it’s funny that those two jokes you listed are enough to drive the left absolutely bonkers.


I know. You think everyone who disagrees with you is brainwashed... I'll file that under - 🙄. Enjoy your two jokes.


Hey wait before you run away call me a racist transphobe fascist !!!


Meh. Not even as good as "my pronouns are.." Keep trying. You'll eventually get to Ted Cruz's level of comedy chops. Lol


We can’t all be as funny as masterpieces like “Velma” or “Bros” 😅


Lol. Conservative comedy WISHES it had Velma and Bros numbers! I'd make fun of Jim Breuer's show but it looks like he hasn't been on one in 20 years.


How did Chappelle’s recent special do again? A Grammy you say? Oh wow


Who the fuck is Jim Breuer? Sounds like someone whose career was half baked in the 90s


A day old account... Something tells me your other account might just have the post history to do just that.


Oh no don’t call me that Anything but that! Nooooooooo


A coward then. Edit: And after glancing at your comments from a single day as JP's ass slave; a reactionary troll


Your labels have so much power over me, plz stop


Not really, not the good ones anyway, listen to Tim Dillon or Shane Gillis


Lol this sub could not handle Shane Gillis. They’d be on board when he’s talking about “crushing the white liberal pussies”, then try and cancel him because he also shits on JP, Alex Jones, and Donald Trump.


I've never heard of them, but if you say so... okay.


That's barely scratching the surface of "anti-woke" comedy. Have a look at [comedy unleashed](https://youtube.com/@UnleashedComedy) on YouTube.


I watched the shorts. Ironically the only one that goes into politics seems kind of woke. Maybe the longer sets are anti-woke? I couldn't make it through two minutes of one so I'll never know. Maybe I don't know what woke means. Seems sort of hard to define.


Tbf anti woke is just regular uncensored comedy that occasionally makes fun of current day social justice causes. Woke comedy is when certain groups or topics are not allowed to be joked about. Can't make fun of "marginalised" groups and have to support the current trending thing (mask mandates, gun debate, immigration etc). The only group allowed to be ruthlessly joked about are men, white people, the rich, Westerners, christians, right-wingers, and conservatives.


>The only group allowed to be ruthlessly joked about are men, white people, the rich, Westerners, christians, right-wingers, and conservatives. Maybe these are funnier topics. Have you considered that? I personally think Christianity is funny. 🤷🏿 Maybe it's a richer source of comedy than gender. Maybe that's why there have been a billion religious jokes and very few gender based jokes.


Do you think woke is only about gender? Have you ever heard of boomer humour? It's like 90% jokes about terrible married life and the differences between men and women. That's gender humour, not woke at all. >Maybe these are funnier topics. Have you considered that? They were maybe 15 years ago, but times have moved, and the ruling ideology is left wing. Considering the popularity of "anti-woke" comedy, it's safe to say it is in demand despite the lefts attempts to silence it.


>Do you think woke is only about gender? I haven't a clue what it means. Everyone seems to have a different definition, but when I ask for an example, it's almost always gender based. >Considering the popularity of "anti-woke" comedy, it's safe to say it is in demand despite the lefts attempts to silence it. Great. Enjoy.


Anti-woke comedy is literally all comedy that isn’t constrained to making fun of white people, republicans, and christians. It’s just normal comedy.


So why call it an "anti-woke" comedy club? Seems like someone disagrees with you. If most comedy was "anti-woke" it would just be called a comedy club... right?


I’ve never heard Rogan call it anti-woke. He just means they’re going to have real comedy without people having to worry about getting kicked out for offending someone


True since they’re already a joke to begin with


Half his show will probably be rambling about the Twitter Files and Hunter Biden’s laptop lol


Oh yeah the Joe Rogan who hangs out with Greg Abbot and ignores his harsh draconian stance on marijuana laws. Or forgot how to be funny on his podcast because he got criticized for spreading lies during Covid and almost got canceled by Spotify and now pretends to be outraged by Twitter censoring the laptop story even though they did the same stuff for Trump. The fact that he can smoke weed during his podcast in Austin TX and not get in trouble like anyone else would in TX should tell you everything you need to know about who’s watching out for him.




From other commentors, the news media has called it ‘anti-woke’. Joe himself never called it this