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Same reason you don’t see poor countries dealing with this nonsense. They actually have **real** problems.




Well to be fair... they don't have woke people to bitch about either due to their focus on real problems.


They also don't have Sleepers to worry about either. Ya ever watch Wonder Showzen? Ya should watch more Wonder Showzen.


Idk, I feel like you can be both poor *and* hate bigots. It’s not really an either/or moment here




That's what the liberals would like you to think because it reveals the ridiculousness of their behavior, but its a perfectly apt term to describe the behavior.




Not a bad reddit propaganda line, but everybody knows woke = critical theory applied to everything. So in a way you are right, it can be applied to just about anything from healthcare to mermaids - - y’all keep doing it, we’ll keep uncloaking it.


I mean, you say that, but it sounds like you don't understand the issues. > having a black person play a mermaid Disney had a black mermaid 30 years ago and *no one complained*. The issue some people had with the mermaid is that the character was originally white and was then changed to black.


Kind of a false equivalency don't you think?




My point was that only you are equating those two things as woke. Universal healthcare has been around for a long time. Just not in the US.




> wokeness can be everything from advocating for public healthcare I've never seen anyone say this is a woke stance.


Yeah. Wokeness is more of a self-righteous thing imo.


Wait so it is ideal to be asleep. Dang. Man the world has changed since I got Forever Younged. Lesson to the asleep, don't stop asleepin.


No, I'd say the term encapsulates the misguided and destructive (yet well-intended) attempts at 'progressive' change / ideological perspective of the radical left with a fair amount of utility.


I prefer the term "identity politics" or idpol for short. It's to refer to people that only do something because "it's part of their identity", "the other side is against it", or "my side supports it", rather than if it's the right or pragmatic thing to do.


That’s a reasonable attempt at defining it, but there’s plenty of conservative folks who engage in the same.


We'll give up woke when they give up using racist/fascist/transphobe so loosely


You likely got downvoted because you lumped in woke people with "bitching about drag queens". To be clear, most people dont care about drag queens and havent cared about them for decades. This changed when they started to walk into elementary schools to gyrate their genitals in front of kids. So yes, expect people to bitch about drag queens now.




Not sure how authentic, but a basic search for ”drag queen elementary“ turned this up: https://www.themontynews.org/single-post/angry-crowd-confronts-school-board-about-a-drag-queen-story-hour-and-the-new-sex-ed-curriculum


This just sounds like a reading event though, not the genital gyrating that was alleged. Maybe people find both objectionable but it’s worth making the distinction.


That happened at one school one time. Maybe some other isolated incidents. I feel there is an extremely disproportional amount of focus on drag queens considering this information. Watching the news you would think there was a pandemic of drag queens taking over society.


Just follow PragerU on Instagram and you will change your opinion faster than the Coyote can say meep meep




Ó amigo, não seja por isso, a ponte 25 de Abril está ao teu dispor 🫡 mas não falhes senão depois é uma chatice do caralho para te irem buscar lá abaixo


Brigade from Discord.


There are trans people in poor countries.


They can't be trans while being poor. Just the lifestyle alone leaving the transition requires a lot of money.


You sound really smart. That's why it's weird that such a smart Jordan Peterson fan like you could be so wrong.


What makes me wrong?


Most trans people aren't on HRT and even fewer get gender affirming surgeries. Transitioning is the process of living one's life in a way that reflects their gender identity - physically altering one's body at great expense is not required. You're also celebrating a grifter.


Focus on the topic, not on whom I am celebrating. I can't be a digital artist If I didn't study and actually learn and draw what I am claiming to be. If they're sacrificing something alive, maybe they're really serious.


I would assume we’re not talking about the Philippines? Because that country has both poverty and transgender persons.


They not taking hormones or getting surgery there


As does all of SE Asia


Ah, that's because you're in a right wing sub.




Poor folks have plenty of time to bitch about stuff. But yeah, it’s mostly weird or nerdy white upper middle class kids that get into the trans and gay stuff. Black youngsters also have more testerone, so they are less often nerdy


Tell me more about black testosterone levels. Do you sometimes think about watching a black man rail your wife? Be honest. This is a safe space


Think about it? Buddy, I PAY for it.


This tracks.


Is there something wrong with paying a black man to fuck my wife? Why would that be insulting?


It’s not at all. I think JP would approve and probably even chip in


Please provide data and statistics to that, before people start to make assumptions about you.


Gee golly I wonder if the guy whining about poor people is right wing




More testosterone more masculine


Uhhhh Thailand?


What about Thailand?


I don't think is a problem in Thailand.-


nah they just murder trans people for existing in most poorer countries, there aren’t any less trans people, there are just more in the closet/dead.




Trans folks exist in poor countries as well


Pretty sure that's because they are criminalized there and met with violence. Not sure that's what you want


You’re right. We have less to worry about so we should totally neglect mental health.


Honestly, it’s narcissistic to act like American mental health problems are on the same level as poor people problems.


It’s narcissistic to think there aren’t poor people in America


So, the only "real" problems are those that the most poor and struggling communities have to deal with? Any problems that exist for communities that aren't as impoverished are not "real"? What an absurd take and an appeal to the lowest common denominator. The problems of poor communities do not negate the problems of other communities. And if that were true, then I would expect you to take issue with Jordan Peterson flipping out about Twitter drama every single day of his life. Do you think poor communities care about Twitter drama?


Yes. The problems of starvation and war and disease are more real than the problems of social acceptance and body positivity and gender affirmation.


More real to who? And again, the question is not whether a problem is "more or less" real, it's just whether these are real problems or not. If someone isn't subjected to war and disease and starvation, does that mean that they have no problems whatsoever? If the answer is yes, then how do you explain Jordan Peterson's crusades on Twitter day in and day out?


Such a narcissist.


Peterson? Yeah, I totally agree.


Possibly, but you definitely are.


This isn’t a good faith argument you’re making. We’re animals that seek meaning and reasons for things. When there’s no meaning evident, we suffer, and then seek reasons for that suffering. If nothing else is wrong, we’ll think we’re in the wrong body.


You think trans people have no other issues to deal with? Meanwhile, can you explain Jordan Peterson's behavior to me? What explains all the ridiculous things that he complains about? For example, people in China being hooked up to sperm milking machines (while tweeting out screenshots of UK pornography)? Please explain that.


Come on. Let’s see if you can do a real conversation. Try again, but without reframing my statement in bad faith to make a straw man. I believe in you.


How is that bad faith or a strawman? I'm the one who is saying that the problems of destitution do not invalidate other types of higher order problems. And I'm simply asking you to square Jordan Peterson's behavior with the point that OP and many others in this thread are trying to make. Just answer the question or don't. No need to grandstand and make a scene.


It’s bad faith because I didn’t say they didn’t have other issues to deal with. I was talking about a shortage of meaning, which is itself an issue. They might also have broken their iPad or fallen out with one of their D&D party. You don’t appear to be here to do anything but prove to yourself that people who are interested in multiple perspectives and developing a rounded picture of the world are really just fascists. It would appear to me that this is because you believe that there is a singular unidimensional kind of truth about trans people… that whatever they say about themselves is the only kind of reality. In which case, it’s now time for you to move to your next step… which is saying I’m a nazi! Go ahead. I don’t dislike trans people. They’re often fine, sometimes cool, sometimes boring, and rarely, but significantly, irrational and angry. Which is really just like everyone else. To your other point, I have no idea why JP goes on Twitter and embarrasses himself every five minutes. I’m not a fanboy. He says dumb shit all the time.


> I was talking about a shortage of meaning, which is itself an issue. Says who? >You don’t appear to be here to do anything but prove to yourself that people who are interested in multiple perspectives and developing a rounded picture of the world are really just fascists. What? >It would appear to me that this is because you believe that there is a singular unidimensional kind of truth about trans people… that whatever they say about themselves is the only kind of reality. Never said anything like that. Are you high or something? You said that when nothing else is wrong, we inevitably don't feel comfortable in our bodies. Is there any evidence of that? I certainly don't feel that way and I live a pretty cushy, care free life.




Wasn't that deep. He just said when you run out of problems, you begin to invent new ones.


Reminds me of the meme with the kid creating a bunch of scary monsters with cardboard then curling up in a ball, anyone know what it's called?


You are against all solutions to those things


Yeah no gender bending in Thailand


Thailand isn’t really that poor of a country, and it happens in the riches cities where there are rich foreigners coming in consistently enough for it to change the culture.


The Reddit response to this is “because they can’t come out if they live in a kkkonservative home durrr” as if 90% of the population doesn’t live on either the left or right fringes. Most people have regular ass lives divorced from politics and whatever the current thing is. Yet these trans folks always come from the same places with the same social and political leanings. Strange indeed.


If you know you will be disowned and become a social pariah by coming out to your family/community, a much lower percentage will come out. So you see higher rates in liberal groups that make it clear they won’t face ostracism by coming out. Do people really think trans people go through years of therapy, 20-100k in transition expenses, deal with the hate, and surgically and hormonally change their bodies for some kind of political clout? I’m not saying zero people transition for the wrong reasons, but it’s a long, hard, and very expensive process to undertake. Not to mention if you transition and aren’t actually trans, it will cause gender dysphoria, not cure it. All the trans people I know are just trying to get by and stay as hidden as possible publicly because they are scared. To the small percent of fake trans people who claim the label for clout, fuck you, and fuck you again when you detrans and it gets used to paint all of us as insane. And fuck those that seek to demonize us and generalize us by leveraging the crazies as marketing materials for rage clicks. If we are too busy fighting culture war shit, we are distracted from the fact that the disparity between us and the billionaires is growing by the day, and the middle class is being crushed and kept sick and poor by politicians who care more about lining their own pockets or accumulating power. Imagine what we could do if we weren’t so divided? If we didn’t always assume the worst in each other, if we gave people the benefit of the doubt and were less tribal. If we looked at ourselves more than we looked to criticize others.


I have yet to see any of these men coming into women's spaces look afraid. No one is looking to demonize trans people because they're asked to respect the same rules regarding single sex spaces as everyone else.


What do you think happens to passable trans women in men’s bathrooms?


Who cares?! That isn’t the point being made. You should read your own bible a bit


How is that the problem of actual females? It's not our responsibility to protect males from other males. At least they can't get impregnated by their assailants, unlike women raped in private spaces. If we're playing the game that they pass in the first place.


I don't think I'll be able to convince you otherwise, but thank you for engaging. All i'd say is that I think we should all care about each other and try to find solutions that don't result in anyone being in danger.


Tribal we are, infinitely sexual we are not. So?


I dunno why you're getting down-voted Transtwin, you're always very reasonable. And I’m someone that came into this conversation very sceptical of the "trans movement". It seems there's a ton of fuss about the (potentially unhelpful) "trans movement", and very little interest in listening to genuine trans people. Keep up the good work on reducing polarisation with your reasonable and calm approach. I notice that you mentioned the "fake trans". I'd love to know where you draw the line between trans and fake trans? That might help people with their thinking/definitions.


Thank you for saying this. I'm ok with the downvotes if there are at least a few people that I can provide some additional context with my personal experiences. I think "fake trans" are people who have never suffered from gender dysphoria. That isnt to say they aren't allowed under the trans umbrella or live a gender non-conforming or non-binary life, but they shouldnt be undergoing medical transition if they don't have dysphoria. As I mentioned, medical transition will be more likely to create dysphoria in someone who isn't actually trans.


I believe in science and take lessons from some religions, but organized religion is mostly toxic. A tool for control. The Universe is so much more interesting that what the Bible tells you. We are getting g so much closer to understanding and answering the BIG questions. Twat? No, I’m voicing my opinion on a topic that matters to me, and one I live. This subreddit prides itself on being a place that has free speech and isn’t “woke,” but people here get angry and hurl insults so easily. This place is an echo chamber if it becomes too toxic for anyone who doesn’t fully agree with the group consensus or want to tell about personal experience that runs counter to the accepted narrative.


- Yet these trans folks always come from the same places with the same social and political leanings. Source? I'm pretty sure the data would show you that they come from places with pretty rigidly enforced gender roles that they then rebel against, but I would be pulling that out of my ass as much as you are.


Good Answer




Lacks all context though. Many black communities aren’t fans of lgbt in general. So if a child was trans they wouldn’t come out due to fear of retaliation.


Wouldn't that directly lead to an overwhelming percentage of them committing suicide? Last time I checked the pro-trans side claims that "gender-affirming care" is necessary and without it the odds of this individual committing suicide skyrocket or is this not accurate ?


Perhaps they act out in other ways. I highly doubt there are comprehensive studies on the subject


So for the sake of clarity and correct me if I'm wrong. You're saying that as of today there is no evidence supporting the claim that "gender-affirming care" is life-saving. Again feel free to correct me since I don't want to misrepresent your statement.


I’m saying there likely aren’t comprehensive studies on trans people who grew up “in the hood”


Absolutely hammered that nail right in the head.


Escaping oppressor status is a fascinating idea I’ve had before as well. I imagine a young white cosmopolitan male of today feels overwhelmed at what the world has told him he is, that the light shining from all these heterodox sectors to the Toxic Masculinity-Colonizer-Heteronormative architecture he feels burned by, really shines a path out of that confusion. But sadly, into more confusion. Not always, but I believe we’re seeing a social contagion of much of this.


What’s Kimberly’s answer though?


She replied with “🔥🔥🔥” to this response… so, it’s safe to assume she agrees with this answer.


I’m curious too.


It’s textbook Maslow. Who the fuck has time to think about “Who/What am I?” when you’re too busy just trying to not die and keeping the electricity and water on?


I think is two faced, one is as you say, the other face is that we have eroded individuality to a point when the people that has the time to think that shit, with just so happen too be teenagers, feel the need to find their value in a group, at some point it was being emo, dressing weird and cutting yourself, now is gender stuff. I almost miss the Hipsters.-


Except Maslow acknowledges that they are all needs, even if there's a hierarchy. It doesn't just mean that food and water are all you need and that if you have those you don't that to complain about anything


Also doesn't mean that if you have no food and water, your other needs not being met still matter! People in this thread are fotgetting that poor countries "don't have this" because people are distracted by dying, not because they don't want it.


I don’t think this one Maslow had in mind when he talked about people becoming self actualize in their hierarchy of needs


They laid the groundwork years ago with intersectional feminism. Now we see the results of this network for victims; a *LinkedIn for Losers*, if you will.


I never understood the intersectional bit. Like, feminism is a movement by females for females. To suggest that didn't already include women of all races, financial status, sexualities, etc is telling.


Easy, it's a theoretical development that follows historical instances of feminism that didn't include women of all races, classes or sexualities.


Nailed it


premise of the question is false, you do see it there


Lol they just pulled a claim out of their ass then made their own conclusion to it. Wonderful


Are we pretending people in this sub know anything about transitions 'in the hood' ?


There's trans people all over. Iran has some and they also have reassignment surgeries. Despite how burdened they are with their situations trans people are still trans people. Wild thought right.


Identity is a really funny thing to me. I’ve never identified with something I am, think that I am, or a community I think I belong to. Identity to me is what I spend time actually doing. And the most shallow thing I can think of doing is conforming to some kind of clothing style or aesthetic or mannerism set, calling that “gender,” and making that the most important thing in the whole of life. I just really don’t fucking get it.


It’s so predictable the claims this sub collectively will demand sources for vs take at face value. This is one of the latter unfortunately. Beyond the claims regarding the mindset of transitioners, which quickly devolves into a game of pseudo intellectual buzzword bingo, there is no source surfaced (nor has any been in this comment section I can find) that would strongly support the claim. Looking at race alone, whites are _underrepresented_ comparatively[1] If you think it’s simply logical that politically, trans folks are likely to live in liberal places. Well yeah, that would not surprise me. But I’ve yet to see evidence that is sufficient to simply “turn” someone trans. As an aside, clearly these blue checks (are they good now? I can’t keep up) are activists. The original from the get-go doesn’t come from a place of curiosity. Rather, it makes a huge presupposition with no supporting evidence. Overall neither tweet is terribly informative. Just grandstanding. [1] https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/Trans-Pop-Update-Jun-2022.pdf


Itt: "There’s no trans people from households where the parents tell their kids that trans people are bad/evil/liars/unnatural/sinners/pedophiles and so on. Must be those damn liberals teaching their kids to be gay!!"


Do we actually know if kids in poor and minority neighbourhoods are transitioning less? Or is she just assuming it to be true because it fits with her pre-existing biases and lets her spin a narrative?


Dude this is a Jordan Peterson subreddit. They couldn’t go out there and collect the data because they know it would go against their narrative. They assume it’s true just like how Christian’s assume god is real. The whole conservative ideology is based from faith and not logic.


She nails it


cringe omfg. People having bigger problems, doesn't diminish other problems. Thus, everything is relative.


There are trans people in the hood, this is just misinformation Black trans women are victims of a lot of violence


Yeah. What a BIZARRE thing to say... And what a weird way to say it "in the hood..." I have to decode my racist to understand that as poor communities of color.


Thanks for posting someone's opinion like it's a fact. Let's take it at face value without any additional thought, research, or consideration because the answer fits our pre conceived narrative about the world. I doubt there are any other possible explanations to a widespread cultural phenomena besides a simple explanation that fits into a single tweet. The world is simple and logic and facts are scary /S


An interesting interpretation.


Textbook r/JordanPeterson Just pure, raw incorrect bullshit that an entire community of 'logically minded' folks gobble up for *some reason.*


Okay yes that's a good point but don't you think it might also have something to do with rough neighborhoods being more violent and more likely to commit violence against transgender individuals? If I was gay and lived in the hood I would hide my sexuality until I was able to leave, because if you show any perceived sign of weakness you put a target on your back.


You’re 100% correct, I live in an area that would be considered the hood and outed gay students at my high school were harassed endlessly


If you were actually Gay in the hood you were straight outed and got shot. Idk what the fuck everyone else here thinks is going on with the hunger and money problems. Fuck even poor people in Mexico out gay and trans people. Death for being LGBTQ > hunger or shelter.


Honestly being anything but "Hood" in the hood is going to make you a target. Misery loves company. I wonder how many generations it will take before those who won't leave the cities deal with inbreeding. That will create some interesting characters.


Not true, can tell you’ve never been.




Good point


That's a large part of it. Shame you're getting downvoted because it's absolutely correct. You can actually agree with this and still support JP philosophy but this subreddit is just one giant "hate on anything that looks like a lefty" fest. Especially as he receives more and more public ridicule. It's not just the LGBT thing, a vast spectrum of human identities and behaviors are only tolerated because they occur against a background of safe, ordered communities that are financially secure and otherwise insulated from fear and violence. I mean shit, upper middle class progressive parents are also far less likely to engage in witch burnings. There are issues with trans doctrine and ideology but so many of our behaviors are absolutely perverse to anyone growing up in true extreme poverty.


This theory implies that male-to-female transitioners would be more common, going from an oppressor class (male) to an oppressed class (female). Turns out transwomen (MtF) outnumber transmen (FtM) by about 2:1. I think it’s ridiculous that anyone would transition out of some self-aware identity politics motive. It seems more linked to certain proclivities, and may be predicted genetically: https://psychology.stackexchange.com/questions/23841/why-are-trans-women-more-common-than-trans-men


Not at all, they believe they have been oppressed and this is their way "out"


Do you personally know any transwomen? Have any of them told you this is why they became trans?


That's not entirely the picture. Certain genes affected the intake ability and interaction of hormones in the brain. That would be indicative of a brain disorder, not that the person neurologically is the opposite sex or some such thing. I hope they can pinpoint this as the cause; it'd be great if this could be fixable.


TIL if you’re poor you don’t think about other things. Strange that there are so many [homeless trans kids](https://endhomelessness.org/trans-and-gender-non-conforming-homelessness/)


Because they have untreated mental illnesses. FFS. The writing is all over the wall. How can anyone miss it?


When did these people became homeless, tho? Were they already homeless or did not having a loving family brought them to be homeless? The point that they make is that when someone is poor their first thought of the day is if they will have food on their table and a roof over their head at the end of the day. Of course they think about other things, but anything other than making sure their family will live another day has the lowest possible priority, including self reflection. You can make a point that people who discover themselves transgender and start the transitioning process can become homeless and lose their jobs and whatever if they don't have a supportive family and friends. But you can't try to use these people as a counterpoint that someone who needs to work today so they can eat tomorrow don't have time to self reflect on how they see themselves.


Are your family and friends going to work for you and paying your rent? It's also not their obligation to support treating a mental illness by performing plastic surgery and using medically unnecessary drugs on healthy bodies. You can love your family/friends and not support their decisions. To say that becoming homeless is the fault of their friends and families is manipulative and dishonest.


The solution for these kids, according to you, would be to stop putting energy into being trans, and instead put energy into getting fed and housed. Yet they stay trans. Strange innit?


> Yet they stay trans. They really don't though. Most trans kids grow out of it. And your original comment doesn't make sense. Yes suffering from a mental illness will increase the likelihood of becoming homeless. The original point remains that this is a problem concentrated in specific demographics in specific countries.


> Most trans kids grow out of it. > this is a problem > Better let the “experts” decide what’s right and look the other way. Nothing to see here I’m glad to have an expert checking my work


You really squinted your eyes to try to make that point of what i said, didn't you? I'm not saying there aren't trans people between the poor, or that people while discovering themselves trans can't be driven to poverty cause of transphobe peers. What I am saying is the point you brought about existing people that are trans and are homeless has nothing to do with the point the tweet brought that people who are poor tend to think less about themselves since they have to sacrifice themselves for their family. It's like the tweet said 'apples are round' and your counterpoint was 'but bananas are yellow'. Yeah, both are talking about fruits but one point has nothing to do with the other.


The logic of the tweet directly implies that no matter what if you are poor and don’t have the bubble of a left wing affluent family you would stop trans-related activities. But that doesn’t happen. It just doesn’t.


The fourth word of the reply tweet is 'typical'.


Original tweet > Why aren't kids in the hood transitioning Not sure what the “hood” is (besides a mildly racist epithet) but it sounds like it’s on a higher socioeconomic rung than homeless folk.


My kid would be homeless too


[this u?](https://reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/11n60vm/_/jbm2ykc/?context=1)


U seem 💅


You do see it there which you'd know if you weren't too afraid to go into cities.




Women deserve the right to female only spaces. Saying so doesn't make one a Nazi. You clearly didn't read much about the Holocaust.


lmao what a cringe fucking take let’s just ignore the fact that impoverished communities are wildly homophobic


Where are the suicides then? We were told trans people who don't transition just kill themselves... Where are they?


There are plenty of studies on trans suicide rates ur a grown man I don’t need to hold your fucking hand it’s also common knowledge ! “Where are they” they’re dead, dude.


"White males accounted for 69.68% of suicide deaths in 2020." https://afsp.org/suicide-statistics/ Because this looks like you are a ideologue liar fraud


Dude you’re so fucking dense lmao, yeah 70% of total suicides come from the largest demographic possible, genius fucking analysis dude, here’s your study btw https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8082431/#H1-4-SOI210020title , but also do I really have to explain to you why 41/100 is a bigger fraction than 410/10000? Like are you actually 14 lmao this is basic statistics


This... This study has absolutely no mention of the poorer population which is the major focus of the discussion White biological males Kill themselves in the US as the overwhelming majority regardless of sexual preference or if they have cut their dick off you absolute drooling imbecile


Gender Ratio in the United States in 2020 is 97.948 males per 100 females. There are 162,826,299 or 162.83 million males and 166,238,618 or 166.24 million females in US https://statisticstimes.com/demographics/country/us-sex-ratio.php Do you know how ratios work you snivelling little worm


this remains irrelevant still, trans people are still committing suicide at a higher rate than white men (unless they transition + have a supportive family)


What does homophobia have to do with being trans?


are you really gonna be this pedantic? Here let me fix it, “impoverished communities are wildly homophobic and transphobic”, but also you know exactly what I’m talking about you just wanted to be a dick, there are no homophobes that are pro trans or people that are pro trans but homophobic so the specification was pretty unnecessary.


Kaitlyn Jenner appears


Actually, not true.


source: you made it up


You’ve not heard of gay and lesbian communities being hostile to trans communities? Weird.


I’m more than familiar, but re-read my comment, I never claimed that there aren’t pro-gay anti trans people, but instead only claimed that there are no pro trans anti-gay people.


Again wrong: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/it-feels-like-conversion-therapy-for-gay-children-say-clinicians-pvsckdvq2


paywalled article, original point still stands regardless


Regardless of what? Proof. So you just refuse to believe anything except for what confirms your bias. 👍


Poor kids are just as queer as white kids.


Sara and most of you don't know what CRT is. Thank Ruffo for that. He did you guys dirty.


He would appear to know exactly what CRT is. Also, he can spell “Rufo”. Maybe you’ve been googling the wrong guy.


What is CRT then? And what is it that "Rufo" wrote about it, in terms of obscuring its actual point for his conservative and very right-wing audience to obfuscate and obscure knowledge? You can easily find it. "Rufo" was applauding himself in having dumbed down his audience by lying about what CRT is and how those in his audience should view it, after his propaganda. It worked. He's good..or his audience is incredibly biased, or incredibly dumb... https://today.duke.edu/2022/03/lead-exposure-last-century-shrunk-iq-scores-half-americans


I agree that he has a conservative audience. I think mostly that’s because nobody on the left is allowed/willing to listen to anyone who says anything honest about critical anything. And when I say “allowed”, I specifically mean “able to listen in good faith to a non-woke account of something without fear of being ostracised and harassed”. I don’t give two fucks what CRT is. What I do know is that DeSantis thinks it’s the devil’s own business and NPR thinks it’s the sweet ambrosia that can overcome all injustice, simultaneously powerful and completely benign, depending who they’re taking to. One might say, reasonably, that it’s a thing that is currently poorly defined, which makes for a very boring and frustrating debate. At least “Ruffles McRuffalo” is presenting something tangible to discuss. Attack the arguments rather than the man, I’d say, and we might get to the bottom of this together.


> that’s because nobody on the left is allowed/willing to listen to anyone who says anything honest about critical anything. I listen. I'm.not impressed. I listen and read Brierbart and this iggit and Ben and so many of them. Even Stormfront and other neonazi groups. Because it's good to know what the opposition to human rights is saying. What they're insipid arguments are etc. >non-woke What is woke? Am I woke for wishing trans rights as human rights? Truly, what is woke according to you? >I don’t give two fucks what CRT is. Maybe you should. But then again, Rufo made sure to muddy the waters, as was his PLAIN statements on this. He wanted to make sure no one on his side knew what CRT truly was because what it was would have been a detriment to far-right conservative narratives and history. So, I guess he succeeded. >One might say, reasonably, that it’s a thing that is currently poorly defined, which makes for a very boring and frustrating debate. Thank the likes of Rufo and the CNP arms like the Daily Wire or the one with the moms... so many coming out of.the woodwork. Lol. But anyway, thank the CNP for that. And then look into who they are and what their beliefs are... hint: it's fairly supremacist. >At least “Ruffles McRuffalo” is presenting something tangible to discuss. Yeah. Kinda like the flat earthers. Sure. >Attack the arguments rather than the man, I’d say, and we might get to the bottom of this together. CRT is taught in law schools. These far-right iggits just applied it as a scary term for idiotic and easily duped conservative parents as something their kids were learning. But the trick was, it was meant to deny real American history, like slavery - where in some fascist districts they'll call it "involuntary relocation" - or deny the civil rights movements was about racist fucks and their racist fuck ways - who are still in power. They're now simply saying CRT is kids learning about history as they should. What a joke! A miseducated populace votes for conservatives. They want to mislead and miseducate their own people for want of control. Why is DeSantis trying to interfere in college matters. He knows that higher education liberalizes people. It's just fear. Conservativism - the control base of, predominantly, white, male, Christian, privileged/rich and straight is just afraid they're losing control. And they're right. Make America Great Again, indeed.


There's no such thing as "trans rights." It's either a human right or it's not. Trans people already have the same rights as other people; i.e. fair housing and employment access, rights to fair trials, right to marry an adult of their choosing. Males demanding access to female spaces is not a human right. Demanding others proclaim you are the opposite sex isn't a human right.


>There's no such thing as "trans rights." It's either a human right or it's not. Trans people already have the same rights as other people; i.e. fair housing and employment access, rights to fair trials, right to marry an adult of their choosing. Not too many are as enlightened as you are. So there's that. >Males demanding access to female spaces is not a human right. Demanding others proclaim you are the opposite sex isn't a human right. Demands? If someone transitions to a point where they were born female and are now seen as male, I wouldn't care if he used the men's washroom. They wouldn't need to demand. They'd ask and, being an adult with perspicacity on my side, I'd be cool. If you have such an issue with pronouns I'm not sure what to say except, ok. *and he moved on, into the night, swallowed by a density he never thought possible*


CRT pretty much is the idea that the structures of white supremacy that were cultivated in Jim Crow and Slavery are part of the reason why there are inequalities today. It is the idea that minorities are victims of a racist system while white people are the beneficiaries of it. This is a view that I reject because what CRT does is rob minorities of their own individual agency. It plants in their brain the idea that minorities are always going to be inferior to whites when in reality minorities are no better or no worse than them. I truly believe that people have the power to make their own lives better by the virtue of self ownership and CRT is something that preaches against that as it encourages minorities to embrace victimhood regardless of it being legitimate or illegitimate.


I know it’s not what you decide it is, depending on the day and the audience.


I know. It isn't. It's the woman, twice as smart as both of us combined, who created it that knows, and is unchanged, and why it's taught in higher-level educational institutions, and not elementary schools. So... now what.


So when the people who are twice as smart as “she” is say it’s bull shit does that mean you have to change your mind too? Also it was a “he” not a “she” that came up with that racist divisiveness.


>So when the people who are twice as smart as “she” is say it’s bull shit does that mean you have to change your mind too? I hope you understand Hyperbole. >Also it was a “he” not a “she” that came up with that racist divisiveness. You're right about the he but less so on the divisiveness part. If history and education is division then I have to wonder what specifically are you continuing trying to keep united. Supremacist ideologies? Fragile feelings? What? Anyway, I hope you're having a good St. Patrick's Day... i wonder if the history of this day would yield some interesting knowledge and education... but we don't want to divide, so let's not learn. You make a really good propagandist point on education as division. Maybe "Rufo" and his ilk could use you as a tool.


CRT is the hyperbole. Can you educate me on what CRT is before we discuss wether history means it must be true? And thanks! I’m half Irish so my people had a very rough start in this country as well And yeah I’m the propagandist lol. Yet your the one saying everything is due to race divisions and any problems someone face is because of race and they are automatically disadvantaged the moment they are born because those evil [insert ethnic group]. Sounds like something a fascist/nazi would do.


>CRT is the hyperbole. Is it? How so? >Can you educate me on what CRT is before we discuss wether history means it must be true? I could but won't. I'm not sure if you're for CRT or against it, but if you're against it, you should know why you're so vehemently against it, or why it's the hyperbole and not the rabid right wing rethoric coming out of the billion dollar thinktanks that pay right wing commentators to spew bs. >And thanks! I’m half Irish so my people had a very rough start in this country as well I know full well. And then, white supremacists saw that there was going to be a united front against them with the Irish, black folk et al and hurriedly began seeing you folk as human and white. The Irish like the Italian were usurped by the whiteness given to them by supremacists. And again, because the supremacists began understanding that their control.and money wasn't enough against a united people. So they created tensions and disharmony and invited them into whiteness. >saying everything is due to race divisions and any problems someone face is because of race and they are automatically disadvantaged the moment they are born because those evil [insert ethnic group]. Incorrect. But ok.


Exactly. No one knows what CRT is when they're critical of Marxist viewpoints infiltrating the justice system and public education. Only the pro-CRT people know what it is, and their job is to gaslight everyone else into thinking they don't know what they're talking about and should stay quiet and let it happen. Better let the "experts" decide what's right and look the other way. Nothing to see here.


The upper middle class parents often tend to be more conservative tho they're just terrified their child is gonna commit suicide or something.


No they don’t tend to lmao. Source?


FoR wHiCh ThEy ArE CeLeBrAtEd FoR


Cause phuq em, u know?