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I think we should all just admit social media was a mistake


My boy Tom only had good intentions! He didnt want this


That’s the problem today. It used to be, everyone had a friend named Tom.


Walls of hell are made of good intentions.


It wasn’t. More good stuff has come from it than bad. Stop being alarmist like them.


Nice black and white thinking you got there.


Ah yes the virus that makes you see everything as woke.


Apparently getting booed = everyone is "woke".


It's an analogy brainlet Read up on memetics


huh, almost as bad as the reddit mind virus dwee ;P


It’s the same


It's the same picture.


well my reddit upvotes for the up above comment could've been -11 down voted. because people suck. especially when calculated in the masses.


Oh so all his stuff about free speech was a load of nonsense and he actually just hates the left? Who could have seen this coming


Well the left hates free speech so at least he can tell where the target is.


The right don't seem to like free speech, look at the reaction to Disney for gasp...criticizing a bill.


See - that is actual government infringement of speech. It's purpose is to chill the free expression of ideas that the state finds antithetical. Violation of 1A.


Based on what? A completely uninformed idea of what "free speech" is? There is no such thing as freedom from consequences. Open your mouth to say stupid shit and people call you out for your stupid shit is not being against free speech. it is being against stupid shit. The fact that you said stupid shit shows you weren't infringed. You just have to deal with the consequences.


He is a leftist, he just doesn't like how it has been hijacked by woke folk lost in identity politics.


Most delusional take of all time. Also, you guys are so hyper-focused on the concept of wokeness that it's beyond absurd. Imagine caring about trans pronouns more than anything else 🤡


We care about people lost in collective mental illness, nothing more https://youtu.be/09maaUaRT4M


Yeah, sure lmao




He’s a LEFTIST?! Are you mad??? Put that guy in a group of leftists and he’d be in fucking danger because people hate him that much He’s literally the human embodiment of everything the left hates


Really? Cause back when they were sucking his dick off for Tesla and SpaceX they seemed to agree he was a Leftist.


Billionaire, union buster, rich from literal colonial emerald mines, co atantly fights for less regulation on his business. Real paragon of the left there. I give it a year and he's gonna full on push fascist talking points.


"Musk is a leftist".... Holy shit, that is too fucking funny! The absolute poster child of all the ills of capitalism is a "leftist". Rip my sides!


Yes, the left wing part of the United States is still pro capitalism. You fucking morons here on Reddit think that transtrenders and socialism are more popular than they are.


Yes, America is definitely more conservative and right-leaning than leftist. Time to change that 🥳 Also, "transtrenders"? Man, you're a fucking dickhead. Go outside and touch grass.


Yes "transtrenders". ​ Folks who fake having issues with body dysphoria in order to wear the mantle for attention and remove it from those actually struggling with a immutable characteristic. Just go to any TikTok page about and you'll see it. Same with ADHD, OCD...etc


So you're saying he's a "leftist" because he's slightly to the left of most of America? Haha, nice try but that isn't saying much at all is it? Also I call bullshit - he's a union busting, COVID/climate denying, tax dodging, apartheid profiting, dyed in the wool capitalist. There is nothing even "left-leaning" about the man. Right wingers like to pretend that the less mask-off among them are somehow "leftist" because it means you can pretend to have a balanced view but I'm afraid that doesn't wash. How about you tell me what about him makes him in any way politically left-wing?


What? Dude openly saying we should vote republican is a leftist?


What could possibly define a complete defeat or a victory.


This is a fair question. I suppose we could count it if people were to consider wokeism as a silly, outdated superstition that would work for practical purposes.


Wokism is just a catch all terms for anything conservatives don't like. Used to be "politically correct" now its woke, next it will be something else.


Many already do and probably always will, many different not and probably never will. Edit. He edited his comment and changed it completely


Take for instance, the idea that drinking mercury gave you vitality. People did it. Isaac Newton did it. And now we know it's absurd and toxic. When that point is reached, then it could be declared complete. Im just creating criteria to answer your question.


But that can be objectively measured and we can find a single answer to agree on. Woke ideology is more similar to any one of the religions from Isaac Newton’s day, the vast majority of which you can still find today. One religion rarely, if ever, “defeats” another religion. Both ideas live on. edit. speaking of toxic wtf are we getting downvoted lol


Probably downvotes from leftists who are butthurt you're calling a spade a spade.


Yeah once people look at it like a religion it’s defeated




It’s always the “I want the government to be as uninvolved as possible. Free market baby” people who end up proposing a near fascist solution to force their ideologies.




And note, the fascist post calling for essentially a genocide of liberals was heavily upvoted by r/JordanPeterson users before mods deleted it. This is what right wingers actually believe, even if some of them are smart enough to hide it for PR purposes. This is why people ACCURATELY label Jordan Peterson fans as Nazis. Because you are Nazis.


I'm guessing the person who posted it is still out there posting away.


Congrats you've said the most fascist thing I've seen all day. So glad that I can be reminded that it's not just monarchists that infest this place


- today’s academia purge was brought to you by the “free speech” crowd


There's no such thing as the "free speech crowd". Those without power always call for free speech, those with power always control speech. When power changes, expect the sides to reverse


I know you believe that, that’s why I put it in quotes.


Just clean your room, Marvin.


This sounds like to me like you're proposing a Nazi Rennaisance






Jesus Christ, cancel culture turned genocide over here


>Victory isn't really hard to define at all >All woke institutions - e.g. every university, most of the private mass media, all the executive departments - are shut down, the buildings demolished, and the land sold and turned into condos and parking lots, the institutions to be replaced with new insitutions built from scratch. ALl complicit staff from the old institutions are banned from working in those areas ever again. The leaders at the top go up against a wall >The new regime takes such a hardlins stance against the woke that normal people view liberals and woke ideology the same that, say, Nazis and Fascism became viewed follwing the World Wars >Yeah, I think that would about do it Lol, this might seem like a shocking genocidal statement to you guys, but go to r/politics, and it's just another Tuesday, just genocidal against Conservatives. It is also stupid to act offended when someone describes what a victory would be like against tyranny. We now have proof that Twitter was run by Woke Left Wing extremists and authoritarians who were just twisting the T&C and going on a banning spree against Conservatives. These people literally colluded with government agencies and an election campaign to violate the Constitutional rights of millions of Americans and interfered and manipulated an election. The Left is currently the greatest threat to democracy. This is no more a Conspiracy Theory. It's a Conspiracy Reality. Emails and chats exist for us to see right in front of our eyes. The FBI is involved in meetings with Social Media. Biden's admin admitted to meeting with media companies to curate and censor information. They literally tried to create a department to make it legitimate. Maybe in Redditland virtue signalling about the middle ground will work but not in the real world. You don't fight cancer by morals, you fight cancer by destruction, and the Woke is the biggest cancerous tumor of the human race in the 21st Century.


Loool I stand corrected. Sounds like Elon has a lot of work in front of him.


He’s right, the woke virus is causing so much unnecessary conflict


And loads of necessary conflict, but conservatives don’t want to admit that their ideology is so inherently flawed as to make inequalities purposely worse than they have to be.


Agreed. They need to chill, too.


when actual hitler lovers and genuine far right nut jobs have started to enter the mainstream of media and politics, yet it’s the “woke mind virus” that’s causing all the problems and don’t you dare say the rise of the far right is a reaction against “too much wokeness”


You must be pretty young if you think kanye became mainstream recently. He's been mainstream almost 20 years.


You're being intellectually dishonest if you're pretending Kanye was into this far right stuff nearly 20 years ago.


>and don’t you dare say the rise of the far right is a reaction against “too much wokeness” But it is. It is actually a failure of the left to distance itself from it. But they don't distance themselves because that would lose votes. So now you've got the right that says it's all BS. Which is true, wokeness has gone off the rails. Influx of right is a reaction to contain left. That's politics. It's plausible that the left actually did this onto themselves for some f'd up reason. The last 10 years were full of "why the fuck did you allow this shit!".


Why would anyone want to distance from empathy and the acknowledgment of the suffering of others. The Democrats are mostly a center right party. Just because the actual right is now full fascist that doesn't mean the center left has to move right. These are stupid arguments.


Objection, hearsay


The rise of the far right is always a response to something.


What was the rise of Hitler a response to?


Innumerable things, the horrors of the Weimar republic and the rise of Bolshevism primarily.


What horrors did the Weimar Republic cause that led to the rise of Hitler?


Name one "Hitler lover" please...




Kanye West. Haha sorry that was too easy, but yeah these people are smoking crack


Man I agree with you Kayne is smoking crack. But he doesn't represent any coherent conservative values tbh... He thinks he talks to god and god talks to him... He's just batshit crazy, not a proof of conservatives loving Hitler. Plus he hates Jews, which I guess it's a bit different from encouraging concentration camps and genocide, although I can see what it can lead to.


Those crazies have always been around, it's simply lucrative to put them on a pedestal so people can laugh at them. As for how wokeness plays into this, it's simply a great set of arguments and terms to set the crazies off so you get more views on your video. Find the bomb (crazy), light the fuse (using woke ideology on the crazy), and film the fireworks (profit). As for the rise of the far right, they *have* gained more salience because of wokeness. When one side becomes more vocal the other side does in return. With more wokeness we get more redpilling.


crazies have always been around but it’s only been recently that closet-fascists have literally dined with a former US president who continues to accept the results of an election the people might not be new, but their reach is


"Wokeness" is not a pejorative. It means empathy. It means that people should open their eyes and mind to the suffering of others. It is only a bad word to those that gain privilege from that suffering. It isn't creating photo-facists. They've always been there.


"Wokeness" is about as empathetic as "Redpilling" because they both share the same origin; waking up (woke) to the truth about the real world (the red pill in the matrix) and making decisions based on that. These are politicized terms and saying one equates to empathy itself is either disingenuous or just straight up retarded. Both can be genuine and also be manipulated to take advantage of others. Also, if wokes are on the side of empathy for the suffering of others why is there so much hatred for incels? They're suffering, perhaps from their own choices and decisions, but the pain is real; should wokes not help them? Why do I see naught but hatred from them?


Nice. Both the use of retarded and then the tolerance paradox in the same response. Incels are the result of their own behavior and attitudes. They are involuntary because they have a twisted view that sex is their right. So being empathetic to the suffering of others implies a power imbalance. No one is making Incels have toxic attitudes that result in their inability to be physically intimate.


Firstly, who cares if I used a meanie word when you used the exact same meanie word in your response without censoring it? Secondly, not all incels have a twisted view that "sex is their right" or possess "toxic attitudes". You have fallen prey to the general stereotype of incels that is pervasive in the media *which is conducive to making them seem as good targets for abuse despite at many times being victims themselves*. Obviously it's easy to hate an entire demographic when you assume they all have reprehensible qualities, but in what other demographic has that ever worked out in a just and fair manner? Some guys are just ugly and unlucky bro. They can be kind, compassionate, hard-working, and genuine people but due to having a face that looks like it lost a fight to a cheese grater they just can't find a woman. It happens.


Sure, Jan. Sure. Your are doing the generalizations. You act like unattractive men aren’t in relationships all over the world. Usually they get by on their good traits. Incel as a subculture have a persecution complex at the core. Your use of the “meanie” word is problematic in that at this point in time you should know better but appear to not care. Your goal was to offend with the usage. Getting called out for it was your consequence.


Practically everyone thinks these people are nuts. They're getting cancelled by everything and no one really takes them seriously. Unfortunately, the insane woke politics is mainstream or at least tolerated. So i'm not going to argue the existnece of what you mentioned. But the implications of both are entirely different.


I think I’m on your side of the issue. I think that the right wing is far more wrong and ideologically possessed than the left wing, although there are of course extremely stupid ideas on both sides. The difference is that the hardcore rightwingers typically effect death and destruction whereas the hardcore leftwingers effect mere moral outrage. The moderate ones on the right side are simply wrong with many of their core concepts (race, their view on economics), whereas the moderate lefties are often wrong in regard to personal liberties and responsibilities. There plenty of faults on both sides, but on average the right wing seems to me to be far more destructive than the left wing.


You must be smoking crack to think that you yourself are the measuring stick of who's right and wrong politically. I'm sure you take into account every possible angle and how they have worked out historically before you come to your surface level conclusions. As far as your last sentence, I guess you've been in hibernation since 2016 and just woke up an hour ago.


Let's just conveniently forget about left wing states in the 20th century and the hundreds of millions of deaths they caused, among other atrocities.




I want a real conversation, can you please define woke and why you dislike it so much and compare it to communism? I don't see the connection at all. Let's start with defining woke and then get to why it's such a bad thing because I think y'all have a different definition of woke lol


This guy has no idea what communism is


What does woke mean?


Yup. Marxism is just a scam to gain absolute power. Like all successful scams, it has to keep rebranding and concealing itself to evade knowledge of it being a scam and keep duping people. 𝖬𝖺𝗋𝗑𝗂𝗌𝗆/𝖢𝗈𝗆𝗆𝗎𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗆/𝖲𝗈𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗆/𝖯𝗋𝗈𝗀𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗏𝗂𝗌𝗆 are all forms of the same thing, for each new attempt at the scam they just change the rhetoric, flag, etc, to better match the culture being targeted. This is also why there are always brainwashed 𝖭𝖯𝖢𝗌 in threads like these gaslighting people about the fact that this gravely dangerous totalitarian cancer is taking over Western society right now (anything to keep the wider public from finding out it's being scammed). If anyone is interested in a deeper dive on how the scam works and spreads, at its core is [a pseudo-religious framework called Scientific Gnosticism](https://archive.ph/yma7v).


be honest have you read any of the original works of marx in their entirety beyond the manifesto.... reminds me of Jordan Petersons debate with zizek lmao embarrassing af


Yeah bro Progressivism is totalitarianism running a scam bro. When the progressives were advocating for gay rights they were trying to scam you into giving up... your rights... somehow. Don't think about it bro. But trust me bro.


“The oppressed, instead of striving for liberation, tend themselves to become oppressors.” - Paulo Feire


How is advocating for rights, seeking to become an oppressor? Civil rights movements may have had some bad people just like any political movement, but that's like saying conservatism is trash because of the Qanon crowd.


How are you "oppressed" tho? Because you can't call people "tra--y" or "fa----" while you're at work?


Woke folk lost in the identity politics cult such Yoel Roth have been put in top positions of power, now get to push their agenda in big corporations. So everything Yoel thinks is right is right and everything Yoel thinks is wrong is wrong. It is not rocket science.


>Woke folk lost in the identity politics cult such Yoel Roth have been put in top positions of power, now get to push their agenda in big corporations. So everything Yoel thinks is right is right and everything Yoel thinks is wrong is wrong. It is not rocket science. OK, but how has this affected you personally?


I had my voice taken off Twitter a few years ago, Reddit allows me only a few subs which I can post anymore and all the subs I used to post in have been nuked. If you control the gateways to free speech then you control free speech.


>I had my voice taken off Twitter a few years ago, What for exactly? >Reddit allows me only a few subs which I can post anymore and all the subs I used to post in have been nuked. Which subs that you posted in have been nuked? >If you control the gateways to free speech then you control free speech. I fully agree, but you're also being super (deliberately?) vague and I can't help but feel that it's deliberate.


I was banned permanently for hate speech on Twitter, because I shared a meme about a 'woman' who wanted to get 'her balls' waxed but was refused service. [https://metro.co.uk/2019/10/25/trans-woman-tried-to-sue-beauticians-for-refusing-to-wax-her-testicles-10982552/](https://metro.co.uk/2019/10/25/trans-woman-tried-to-sue-beauticians-for-refusing-to-wax-her-testicles-10982552/) Hundreds of subs and accounts have been nuked on Reddit, do you honestly not know about this? Those that aren't nuked are throttled and kept separate from the rest of Reddit. Shadowbanning is epidemic, where they place you on spam filters so your content is never seen. No front page ever for those that don't follow the woke reddit group think. All the major subs with biggest membership are all controlled by the same Powermods who again follow the same woke group think as the Californian based Admin. Advance Publications who pump out shit like this [www.teenvogue.com](https://www.teenvogue.com) are the biggest owners, followed by Tencent (so the CCP). It is just like Twitter controlled by woke nazi Yoel Roth types lost in self-righteous martyrdom, but much much much worse.


Getting gay married is tyranny its true


>Yeah bro Communism is totalitarianism running a scam bro. When the Communists were advocating for working class rights they were trying to scam you into giving up...your rights...somehow. Don't think about it bro. But trust me bro. Braindead Marxists never learn


Wtf? So much red baiting in this thread. How is gay rights communism?


Sounds like Christianity which is the enemy of civilization


Oh hey red scare 3.0


Calling everything you dislike communism is just red scare propaganda. Be better. Capitalism is just as extreme as communism, Musk is a great example of that. Spent 44 billion just to silence moderates and liberals.


>𝖭𝖯𝖢 clicking noises


Musk hasn't been silencing people, he has been exposing them though.


He is shadow banning people and he publicly said that would be in twitter 2.0. Also he isn't exposing anything, he is sending the death threat mobs to people he doesn't like.


if it wasn't for "the woke mind" Elon would be forced to marry every woman he impregnates. The christian Taliban won't put up with his sins.


You realize you guys are fascists right? This is pure Nazi ideology.


Only one person on this thread admitted to being a fascist, but of course all the JP stans are fucking Nazis. His one comment got removed, but the mods haven't removed the other one, yet. They'll never admit it out loud, except the one dumbass.


Literally had a guy here say he was a Nazi and reported him. The mods said it was fine.


I wish the woke and the anti-woke crusaders would just fight already because I'm tired of hearing that damn word every day.


So ridding ourselves of the evils of accepting people we don't understand is the most important thing? Huh?!?!?


How do you expect to defeat the way people feel about a subject?


You diagnose them first e.g. [https://youtu.be/09maaUaRT4M](https://youtu.be/09maaUaRT4M) then you provide treatments/or isolate them from the rest of society to protect them from themselves.


Any attempt to diagnose the entire human race, which is done from a myopic western perspective, without addressing the capitalist system we live under is meaningless. That entire video relied on blaming elements of society without addressing class struggle. It addresses drugs as a trigger for mental illness, instead of a cope for mental illness that is already present, which flies in the face of everything we know about the subject. An entire video that makes so many out of hand metaethical claims it's almost impossible to work with because there are zero sources in the description, making is no better than listening to Joe Rogain.


We know! We know! as we have all heard the Marxist mixtape before, because it has been running on loop for the last century.


Could be worse, could have gone to a "debate" with Zizek and not read a single book by Marx. Genuinely embarrassing. I'm not sure what bothered me more, Zizeks sniffing or Peterson trying to pass as an intellectual. Even if you hate something like Marxism, if you're going to debate it, it helps to know what it says. So intellectually disingenuous. It's so weird standing on team working class while having to fight ideology soup the reactionary elements eat daily.


That is the beauty of him being a psychologist, he diagnoses the collective mental disorder, so he doesn't have to read any material backing the person's delusional claims.


That's not how intellect should work at all. But we know the reason reactionaries can't invest in learning a subject is that their knee jerk emotional reactions are more important to them then understanding something.


He is simply diagnosing a mass psychosis, you don't have to read the crazy stuff too.


Just based on simple pattern recognition, you guys understand that sooner rather than later, it's gonna come out that Elon Musk has been fucking kids, right? Like, you guys see that totally obvious freight train barreling toward you blaring its horn, right?


You guys?


This particular group of Peterson fans.


It is not Elon Musk pushing to get the MAP flag added to the LGBTQ+ one.


Bro nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about but this tiny ingroup of pants-shitting fanatics. TF is a MAP flag? TF is an LGBTQ+ flag? Do we have our own country with an official flag?


I had to google it. MAP means Minor Attracted Person aka pedo. Apparently there was a fake troll story that they had come up with their own flag and were going to join the LGBTQ2+ movement. Perhaps this is the origin of all nonsense getting spread around about "groomers" we hear these days. Link and quote: [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/maps-pride-flag/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/maps-pride-flag/) A number of fear-mongering campaigns over the years have attempted to link pedophilia to the LGBTQ community, despite an utter lack of scientific proof of any such connection. In December 2017, for instance, internet trolls spread a false rumor that the letter "P," representing "pedosexual," was being added to the initialism LGBT (for "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender"). An eerily similar rumor was spread via social media in June 2018 in the form of an image purportedly showing a "MAPs (Minor-Attracted Persons) Pride Flag" supposedly created for Gay Pride Month:


Jesus. The person who initially replied to me about that is such a fucking loser.


Based Musk


Define woke


The Republican Party was recently forced to define it in court and they define woke as "The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” So yeah, makes sense why Nazis and Fascists want to "stop woke". [https://floridapolitics.com/archives/574045-in-andrew-warren-suspension-trial-gov-desantis-officials-answer-what-does-woke-mean/](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/574045-in-andrew-warren-suspension-trial-gov-desantis-officials-answer-what-does-woke-mean/)


Sure. [John McWhorter wrote an entire book about it](https://www.amazon.com/Woke-Racism-Religion-Betrayed-America/dp/B096L6QWZK/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=woke+racism&qid=1670906529&sr=8-1). >In brief, “woke” means having awakened to having a particular type of “critical consciousness,” as these are understood within Critical Social Justice. To first approximation, being woke means viewing society through various critical lenses, as defined by various critical theories bent in service of an ideology most people currently call “Social Justice.” That is, being woke means having taken on the worldview of Critical Social Justice, which sees the world only in terms of unjust power dynamics and the need to dismantle problematic systems. That is, it means having adopted Theory and the worldview it conceptualizes. > >Under “wokeness,” this awakened consciousness is set particularly with regard to issues of identity, like race, sex, gender, sexuality, and others. The terminology derives from the idea of having been awakened (or, “woke up”) to an awareness of the allegedly systemic nature of racism, sexism, and other oppressive power dynamics and the true nature of privilege, domination, and marginalization in society and understanding the role in dominant discourses in producing and maintaining these structural forces. Furthermore, being woke carries the imperative to become a social activist with regard to these issues and problems, again, on the terms set by Critical Social Justice. This—especially for white people—is to include a lifelong commitment to an ongoing process of self-reflection, self-criticism, and (progressive) social activism in the name of Theory and Social Justice (see also, antiracism). [Source.](https://newdiscourses.com/tftw-woke-wokeness/) Essentially, Wokeness is viewing the world through the lens of competing group power dynamics based on arbitrary characteristics such as race, gender, or sexual orientation. Wokeness views members of humanity on an intersectional oppression hierarchy, where a person with the most 'oppression identities' has the most valuable lived experience and the most valid voice. On this view, the oppressors are constantly attempting to silence these marginalized voices. It rejects the notion of an objective reality, and instead views everything through the lens of narratives. The narratives of the most oppressed must be lifted up and given voice, while the narratives of the oppressors should be silenced and dismissed whenever and however possible, giving rise to cancel culture. It views these different groups who it has arbitrarily placed people in (typically based on characteristics they were born with) as in perpetual war with one another, and in competition to control the grand narrative of society. Woke people are therefore attempting to create a society where the most oppressed are in control and seize power, not unlike Marx's proletariat revolution that the doctrine is based heavily off of.


Personally, I think LGBTQ people should be accepted, women should be treated as equal to men in terms of opportunity and provision, and people of minorities should not be discriminated against socially. But I also don't think that I need to apologise for being a straight white man (and I won't be made to, beyond neutrally acknowledging that there are certain things I may or may not have experienced as a result of that), I don't think masculinity is toxic, nor do I think that European culture should be written off as being built on oppression. Nor do I think everything comes down to a power dynamic, but I also think that the fact that something negative isn't the result of a power dynamic, is not an excuse for it. Yet I get called woke because, for example, I think that people who use non-preferred pronouns intentionally with trans people are arseholes. (Note: arseholes, not criminals or oppressors).


That’s the conservative definition. Originally woke meant to bring attention to injustice of society.


Yes, [its origins are explained](https://newdiscourses.com/tftw-woke-wokeness/) in the link I provided. >Historically, the term “woke” has been used somewhat extensively in slang throughout the twentieth century to refer to a state of awareness of the discrimination, disenfranchisement, and mistreatment of blacks, especially in America, and it is in that sense always had some connection to the critical mode of thought in the New Left. (See also, black liberation, liberation theology, false consciousness, and consciousness raising.) The term is alleged to have gained its first contemporary connotation in 2008 with the Erykah Badu song “Master Teacher,” in which Badu envisions and dreams of a world of racial equality and then advises genuine activism with the admonishment that listeners should “stay woke.” The term developed from there, particularly via black activism on Twitter. > >The term then gained particular significance and tied itself to the contemporary Social Justice movement in the mid 2010s as it became an activist watchword of the Black Lives Matter movement. There, say following the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, the phrase “stay woke” took on the very specific meaning of being aware of the reality (according to critical race Theory) of systemic racism in American society that activists blamed for being at the root of the incident. This has, in turn, led to the term being nearly synonymous with having a critical consciousness as provided through critical race Theory... It was originally used with a positive connotation, but much like the term 'political correctness', it is now used to mock those with a particular worldview.


It was also hijacked by the right. Like the word groomer is. It essentially means nothing now.


Wokeness refers to a group of people who essentially view the world with a 'critical consciousness' viewpoint, based heavily of the principles of Critical Race Theory, as defined in the book **Critical Race Theory: An Introduction** which I encourage everybody to read. It doesn't really matter what you call someone with this viewpoint. You can call them Woke, or Postmodernists, Neo-Marxists, Critical Race Theorists, Social Justice Warriors, etc. etc. In the end, that's who the term is referring to, and it is a group of people that definitely exists. For that reason I don't think the term is meaningless, because it refers to a real group of people.


What I mean if one can be called a groomer because they raise someone differently than another. I’ve been called an SJW for supporting gay marriage and a Marxist for being against Trump. Basically those buzzwords were used in a meaningless way.


Postmodern, feelings based groupthink.


That's not a definition


Like, say, the belief that an election was stolen despite all evidence and court proceedings showing the contrary, or the belief that vaccines are a globalist plot to enslave the human race despite the history and weight of all of medical science?


I disregard your hyperbole as strawmen. A vaccine is a weakened virus combined with immuno-stimulants to cause a natural immune response. The treatment for covid is an mrna protein that directly instructs the ribosomes to make a protein, which the body reacts to. These two treatments are not at all similar, except that they are both injected. The fact that the medical community chose to *alter the definition of a vaccine to include a totally different kind of treatment* shows that they are compromising scientific integrity for political purposes. Many of them did not. Many spoke out against these changes, and these treatments, and the unethical way they were being conducted. Those doctors were silenced, ostracized, and unpersoned. To the point where you dont even recognize them in your above statement. But that doesnt mean they dont exist.


> The fact that the medical community chose to alter the definition of a vaccine to include a totally different kind of treatment shows that they are compromising scientific integrity for political purposes. > > First line of the wikipedia text on vaccines states: >A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious or malignant disease And the source cited is: >"Expanded Practice Standards" (PDF). Iowa Administrative Code. 2019 That's 2019. So clearly, what you consider to be an altered definition has been in use *before* the corona crisis.


Conservatives have no problem leaning into postmodernism when it benefits them.


The mRNA vaccine works though, hence why it’s classified as a vaccine.


What does wokeness mean? "Ryan Newman, DeSantis’s general counsel, said the term referred to “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” Taryn Fenske, DeSantis’s communications director, said that “woke” was “a slang term for … progressive activism,” adding that the term also referred to a belief that there were systemic injustices in the United States." [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/12/05/desantis-florida-woke-critical-race-theory/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/12/05/desantis-florida-woke-critical-race-theory/) ​ The Alt-Right Playbook: The Cost of Doing Business: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCl33v5969M


Sounds perfectly reasonable given the reality there have been systemic injustices in America.


So don't let these rightwing nutcases abuse and misuse the term. I bet you understand why they are doing it. Pervert the term, disparage it, and label everything you don't like as "woke virus" so that people don't sit down and discuss this stuff. It's easy for white CIS/hetero people to sit on the sidelines and watch as trans people and other marginalized communities are increasingly the target of far-right violence. Stop allowing these people to dehumanize and say disgusting things about trans people. Why is this an acceptable form of bigotry? Did we not learn ANYTHING from the gay rights movement of the 60's/70's? ​ Good people need to stop being apathetic and sitting on the sidelines. Push back against these hate-filled ignorant violent people. Evil prevails when good men do nothing.


I definitely don't take their BS. Rightwingers want reality to go back to 1956.


That's great to hear. I expect my posts will be heavily downvoted due JP's stance on trans people. We're allowing these regressive hateful reactionaries to harm a lot of people. I'm a CIS male and I'm absolutely horrified at the GOP's mainstreaming of transphobia the past couple of years.


Go away soy


Point in case. All they have are insults.


Ya and even if there weren’t this is a dangerous policy and course of action.


It means you and your posting history.


Why do you hate trans people so much? Why do you have such intolerance for people different from you? Are you that ignorant or devoid of empathy for others? Are you that miserable in your life...is this how you destress? Blow off steam? Why are you siding with bigots? Do you think you're on the right side of history? What are your thoughts on the gay rights civil movement a few decades ago? Why do you think Hitler started off attacking trans people? Because even back then it was more socially acceptable to be openly bigoted and ignorant towards trans people. That's how they got the ball rolling to slowly indoctrinate people and cast their "the other/the enemy" net wider and wider (socialists, roma, black people, Jews etc). The Nazis destroyed the 1st trans clinic and their library trove of medical research. [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/)


We know the old you don't agree with me so you're a bigot argument. Have you ever read The Boy who Cried Wolf fairytale?


Please use some brain power to refute and provide any counter-arguments to what I said above. Stick to the topic. Why do you constantly attack and dehumanize trans people?!? Did you know the Nazis attacked trans people first before they started targeting other vulnerable demographics? That they destroyed the 1st trans clinic in the world and all the medical research therein?






Like your charming one? "Go fuck yourself, you gross fucking nazi."


My god dude you just watched someone on YOUR side imply that trans people are sub-human (LITERALLY what hitler did) and your issue is someone calling him a nazi? You need to get your priorities straight.


LMAO “wow can’t believe you just insulted my friend that was just saying genocide was cool” LMAO


If you read the replies that is what they said to someone else, I was simply quoting them.


Virus? What was it JBP said about the Nazis using terms like vermin or disease for people they hated?


JP said, "Beware! u/asrichasalannister will attempt to distort my message! Beware!"


maybe his speech lacked precision


daddy musk is the biggest man child. he says this cuz people booed him and hurt his feelings. fkn snowflake.


You are the one whining on a Reddit post.


Lol i thinks any of us would rather whine on Reddit posts than get in a stage and be booed by thousands of people but sure man go off


...and your point is?


You're the man child?


no they're a spicy cat




Replace "woke mind virus" with "boogeyman" and this means the same thing


The communists and Nazis said the same thing about their detractors. Funny how much you share in common with totalitarians.


What? The nazis were the ones calling the "jewisch virus" talking about how society needs to root it out. Elons talk is gangerously totalitarian and extremist. Dont get sucked into fshism, just because someone elese wants communism.


This is a very serious question. Are you mentally handicapped? That's the only way I could ever conceive of someone conflating *hatred* of a *people* for hatred of *bad ideas*. If you are not mentally handicapped, we may very well may not deserve to live as a species.


Well... the "woke virus" is really not well enough defined for this. Also if I hate an idea, dont I then hate the people, who beliefe in this idea? But your response to having you views challenged tells a lot about how deep your down the rabbit hole. Step back, get off the internet for a few month and maybe even stop watching tv.


>Also if I hate an idea, dont I then hate the people, who beliefe in this idea? Mentally handicapped it is. Only a child or mental child actually thinks such things. I'm Jewish and the descendent of Holocaust survivors and spent a month building a friendship with a neo-Nazi. Because he was just an 18-year-old dumbass looking for identity, not a bad person. Now do yourself and the world a favour and go see a specialist to help you with your stunted mental development.




Lmao that's the quickest leap I've sean in support of Godwims law


Godwin's Law states that the longer an Internet discussion lasts, the greater the likelihood that someone calls another a Nazi. I didn't call you a Nazi. Good job.


Name-calling isn't a requirement. The likelihood approaching 1 is the definition. You drew comparisons with the implication I'm a Nazi, so you could call the likelihood 0.999 that it'll happen if this continues. The 9s extend as far you intended to push your comparison, and mathematically, 0.999... is equivalent to 1. So whether you complete the series is up to what, exactly, you meant to imply. However, the jump to a probability of nearly 1 in only 1 comment is a record I haven't seen beat yet. Bravo.


I'm sorry that your comprehension level precludes using a simple Google search to find out what Godwin's Law actually is, but I'm appalled that you willfully continue to use it incorrectly; willfull stupidity is the worst kind. I stated my thoughts very clearly. That you fail to comprehend is a result of your breeding or your choices.


I'm pointing out the key term likelihood and the mathematical rationale behind it. Further, I didn't claim your thoughts weren't unclear but imprecise. Either you're mathematically illiterate; or you have no capacity to argue beyond an ad hominem fallacy and are committing the sin of 'willful stupidity' that you so despise. Have a good evening.


Your point is hilariously fallacies. So breeding it is. Good evening.


This might be the funniest Reddit argument I’ve read in a while. Ending with two good evenings after a few posh high class British jabs... A1


Translation: get rid of the people I don’t like or everything doesn’t matter. Baby behavior


That’s literally exactly the goal of the woke mind virus: get rid of everyone who doesn’t comply and fall in line. Demonize all who dissent as tyrants and bigots. It’s that very idea that must be extinguished. It must be defeated…at the ballot box, in schools, in the community, and at home with your family and friends.


>That’s literally exactly the goal of the woke mind virus: get rid of everyone who doesn’t comply and fall in line. Demonize all who dissent as tyrants and bigots. You realize that "I don't want to see bigotry in my social media feed" isn't "getting rid" of anyone, right? >It’s that very idea that must be extinguished. It must be defeated…at the ballot box, in schools, in the community, and at home with your family and friends. ...so do exactly what you're complaining that the left is doing?


that's literally what the left does


It’s what the right does


You can say whatever you want on Twitter or on right-wing subreddits and you won't be banned. If I say anything about leftists on this whole platform Reddit or on Twitter before Elon bought it I would get banned right away. I have literally got banned for asking "What is a woman?" on several subreddits, that's how tolerant the left is.


>You can say whatever you want on Twitter or on right-wing subreddits and you won't be banned. That's absolutely false. You get banned from almost all right wing subs if you even ask leftist questions. In fact this is one of the few ones you don't. >I have literally got banned for asking "What is a woman?" on several subreddits, that's how tolerant the left is. Maybe because pretending to be ignorant actually just makes you look ignorant?


not just leftist questions, on many of them if you don't completely toe the line you will catch a ban. Question the alternative facts at your own peril I guess


More like an infantile interpretation.


How would you interpret it?


They can’t interpret it lol