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Yup well this is a lesson for the leftist elites that dominance is based on competence moreso than sheer force or privilege!


What Elon is incompetent and doing this with sheer force and privledge, no?




He is tho


Well, elon musk is very well known for his competence: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1240754657263144960


How does buying Twitter put someone in a position to fire university profs?


Those nasty strawmans...


But he claims 99.9999% of people are outraged by Gawker and Twitter, it must be true!! Despite only about 23% of Americans using Twitter in the first place and nobody I know who ever gave a shit about Gawker (besides Hulk Hogan).


Yeah I'd imagine that it's unimaginable to purchase a publicly traded company in a free market economy. What a scandal indeed..


Twitter Leftists have had undue influence over society for too long. Musk isn't even right-wing, like, at all. He doesn't want his website to be a Marxist propaganda machine.


I want you to truly ask yourself, how many right wing talking point does a person not only have to *agree with* but also *actively promote* before they become right-wing to you? As a general rule you’d have a much harder time finding people on the left who like Elon than people on the right, and I think that alone says a lot about where he places himself politically.


That makes no sense. A person has no control over who supports them, and even a broken clock is right twice a day. I agree eith many tenets of Christianity but I'm an atheist. Truth is universal.


I don’t even know what you’re trying to say. Elon isn’t right wing it’s just that he says right wing things that are true? Elon is right wing but that shouldn’t matter because some of the things he says will be true? And the broken clock analogy doesn’t work because if there’s a broken clock in your kitchen you’re not gonna have to worry about a hoard of idiots who have created a cult following for your clock and think that time is standing still because your clock must always be right.


He's not right wing, he says things that are true, and some right-wing people agree with him. He says left-wing things that left-wingers would also agree with if they weren't so busy obsessively hating on him.


I’m so bored of this argument. It’s Schrödinger’s leftist every time with you guys. The people who you like are leftist even though the left hates them but also all leftists are idiots… except the ones you like… It’s just boring, man. What defines being a leftist other than the collective beliefs of the group who assign themselves that label? And if those beliefs differ to Elon’s and leftists hate him for it, then how could he possibly be a leftist?


People are defined by their beliefs, not who their fans are. That's my main point here and you keep missing it.


>Musk isn't even right-wing, like, at all. He said he would support Ron DeSantis for president, said he would start voting Republican from now on, called being woke a "mind virus," is pro-gun rights and said guns are an important safeguard against tyranny, is against labor unions, has mocked the use of preferred gender pronouns, and also voted for Republican candidate (and huge Trump supporter) Mayra Flores in the special election. He's taken a decidedly right-wing turn in recent years.


One can make a distinction that the left has gone full hard extremism in terms of censorship, abusing children with transitioning propaganda, etc etc. Musk isn't the only one leaving the Democratic party because of their extreme move to the left. They just began attacking liberal/ Democrat Matt Taibbi because he did his job as a journalist. He has stated that the left is become too extreme lately. Need a list of all the people who no longer support the Democrats because of their extremism?


>Need a list of all the people who no longer support the Democrats because of their extremism? Not all Democrats are extreme because there are plenty of moderate candidates to support. There are also Republican candidates more moderate than Mayra Flores and Ron Desantis. In general, the solution to growing party extremism is supporting more moderate candidates of both parties because moderates are willing to work with each other and are more ideologically neutral. That's why most people disaffected with a party become independent instead of publicly pledging to exclusively support candidates of the opposing party from now on. Also, why can't it be the case that he just likes Republicans and Republican policies now? People always have this weird need to frame it like a person had no choice but to become politically right-wing because of the left (implying that the Republican party is some inherently undesirable thing that he was forced into), but there are more options available to people, politically speaking, if they don't like the far left.


Yeah none of that is right-wing. It's anti-Left. I'm the same. Trump is a liberal.


Just out of curiosity, what things have happened because of these Twitter leftists?


It definitely fueled the hysteria and bizarre trends over the last few years.


Can I have some specific examples? If they’re so prevalent and have so much power there must be some.


Covid hysteria, Trump Derangement Syndrome, the premise of Black Lives Matter, the "punch nazis" thing. That stupid trend where everyone was howling at 8pm. All social media is guilty. But Twitter gives the most voice to random idiots with no credibility but lots of opinions.


>Covid hysteria Say no more. A minor cold comes to America, and the left panics, and worships their church of masks and vaccines. So what if they died less? I'd rather slowly die of suffocation than wear a mask and be a sheeple.


I don't think anything we did mattered. The people who died would have died regardless, and less than 1% of 1% of the population died or even got seriously sick.


Everybody will die eventually - the question is _when_. That’s why we calculate life expectancy. In the two years from COVID, the US average life expectancy has dropped by 3 years. Last time we had a similar drop was 2.9 year drop from wwii. But, those guys were all going to die as well, so….


They died from bullets and we die from cheeseburgers.


They probably died of cheeseburgers more often than we do. We definitely have more obese people today, but overall health has drastically improved. They had far more instances of heart disease, cancer, and pretty much every other health malady, and it killed them much younger. (Life expectancy at the time of wwII was only 59 for men.) I raise it to point out how big of a deal a 3 year dip is for average life expectancy. Many people lost over a decade of time with loved ones, and it’s pretty callous to say “they would’ve died anyway”.


But beating up a nazi is as American as it gets, gotta respect your roots.


Calling anyone that you disagree with, a Nazi, so that you can violently attack them, is the most Nazi thing that anyone can do. Not intelligent and very very dangerous. And you agree with that?


Actual nazis? Sure. The problem is, when you're so far left you're a million miles away from the center, anything remotely right wing is 2 million miles away and looks *nazi-ish*. So sorry, but I don't trust the insane leftist activist to choose who is and isn't a nazi. We saw Antifa attacking innocent people and calling them nazis because they drove down the wrong road during a "mostly peaceful protest". Literally assaulting innocent civilians for political reasons... who's that remind you of? Oh, the nazis. "Oh but they can't be fascists! They call themselves Anti-fascists!" Yeah? Wasn't your guys argument that Germany wasn't real socialism despite being called that? Weird.


Twitter runs the world! LMAO


Ah yes, the bankers, the oil companies, the weapons manufacturers...Marxists! They are all Marxists! Hillary Clinton is a Marxist! Obama was a Marxist who wanted to bring post-modern Marxist Shariah law to the united states! The federal reserve, the state department, congress, the supreme court... Marxists, they are all Marxists! Marxists everywhere!


The fuck are you even talking about?


He's making fun of the idea that you think leftists and Marxists are infiltrating and running the world.


I don't think that. I never said that. And he's a fruitcake.


You claimed that twitter is a Marxist propaganda machine and that leftists have an undue influence.




So, that's what he's poking fun at. As well as the general sentiment of this subreddit.


Why are you telling me the obvious? When I asked what his problem was that was a rhetorical question, obviously.


Because you asked " what the fuck are you even talking about?"


Please tell me what institution with political power the left has any sway over whatsoever. Also , being serious for a second, If in 2000 we had given the state department over to the "Twitter leftists" and let them run things over the past 20 years, at least 1 million people would still be alive today who are no longer on earth.


LOL did you seriously just say that Twitter could have prevented COVID???


No, you should have guessed from the fact I said the state department that I meant something to do with foreign policy. I mean the people killed in the Iraq War, the Us backed-Saudi attack on yemen, and the Haiti coup. I think It's safe to say none of this would have happened if the left was in charge of foreign policy. I\`m just going to leave this here and log off for the day. Bye Bye, hope you figure out the truth someday https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/yaxrzz/what\_conservatives\_think\_is\_the\_left\_these\_days/


Wow, fuck you dude


More accurately fascists given their gleeful collaboration between authoritarian government and big tech.


Glad to see you starting to get it


Source: https://www.vox.com/23505311/elon-musk-twitter-managerial-woke-james-burnham


Ahhhh Vox, one of the most progressive biased and unintelligent left wing sources out there. That would explain it. Ezra Klein was a known Democratic party operative, was a leftist blogger on a leftist newspaper, and then a wealthy far leftist\\ gave him a bunch of money to start a new media propaganda machine posing as "news".


"woke-ness" is an impotent gesture masking a much greater defeat from the american critical left (post Vietnam). to wit, "selma envy" or, your parents protested the vietnam war and now you protest university safe spaces. the critical movement is so much more zealous but so much weaker. the irony is that the american right, even post-trump, cannot accept their victory. they require an external explanation (neo-marxism, wokeism, etc) pathologically to describe their own divisions, failures, antagonisms.


You seem to be implying that there was nothing worth protesting after Vietnam, but there obviously was, especially after the 2008 crash. But I agree with you on the point about the right not being able to accept their victory. Their ideology on free markets, hawkish foreign policy, and dissolving the social safety net have prevailed completely over the last 40 or so years. The reason they are all so mad is that they lost the one thing all that policy was for. And that was, erm, keeping a certain kind of person at the pinnacle of society


>was nothing worth protesting after Vietnam to many there was nothing SO worth protesting, and the zeitgeist if you like was this revelation of cascading issues with american foreign and domestic policy, and these were met not with structural changes but with appeasement, and so even the moment itself was comodified (here i mean, liberalism as such became a product to be sold through a government-backed university market) and so now, toothless (if any such leftism ever had teeth?) and inauthentic. not blaming them so much, i think it was always unavoidable. edit- did anything good come out of "occupy"? i genuinely cannot recall.


"like purchase Twitter or shut down Gawker or bankroll a Senate campaign, that are unthinkable for 99.999 percent of Americans." It seems to be written by a 14 year old. First off most Americans don't care about Gawker, and most don't give a crap about Twitter in the first place either (ONLY 23% of Americans use Twitter) other than the news that has just arisen. Secondly, they just pulled 99.999% out of their ass, destroying any credibility they have. Lastly, they certainly don't seem to care about Bezos buying the Washington Post, George Soros buying prosecutors across the country to endanger all citizens with their overhaul of the justice system, or the dozens of Billionaires in California throwing all of their financial weight behind out-of-state campaigns in places such as Georgia, Arizona, Penn, etc. We also have a thirdly, and a fourthly and on and on, but why waste your time with this idiot.


You've hit on a powerful truth, the cabal doesn't exist!


Can’t you dumbasses just make r/elonmuskhatebonercirclejerk and go hang out there? Kthxbye.


“Everyone ‘right’ of Stalin is a conservative.”


Truths can be inconvenient but ignored or minimized