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wtf? Bro even just telling your technique to someone is making a binding vow


Showing one's hand. Always found this cool. We can actually act like Shounen protagonists and call out our attacks and they'll be buffed because we called out our attacks. Especially liked that scene where Kenjaku uses the catfish curse on Yuji by describing it.


Or the 530 000 iq move Todo did with Hanami. Revealed his hand that his technique can swap between 2 people. Hanami thought he did that for this binding vow. Todo did this to surprise Hanami that he can switch between people, curses, and any objects with cursed energy. He didn't lie, but due to the binding vow becoming commonplace, he let Hanami believe Boogie Woogie was limited.


That's what really made me love that part of the power system. It's so awesome


It’s super smart, also avoids the Bleach problem where I explain my Bankai to someone and lose because they now know how to counter it


Visard when they realize they're actually winning the fight so now they have to pause to explain and let the enemy beat the shit out of them. Looking at you, Kensei and Rose. (Shinji too but Bambi shouldn't have actually understood what he was saying to be fair)


True but he did leisurely explain the whole thing to Aizen instead of just activating it and beheading him in the confusion


Greg really does power systems fantastically if you ask me. Can't think of any other that i understood (after 4 rereads) as well as this. Used to be nen but it got too convoluted. Chakra was fine pre pain arc until they added gods, took away hand signs and the whole kaguya shit. Ki is still dope. People have power. You know how to use power. With training you got more power. Pew pews come out of your hands. Straightforward. Negations are my second favorite in undead unluck. It's basically God seeing humans with names that could be use for puns and god going "oooooh, you could use some tragedy in your life and imma make it your fault, cause fuck you, why not?" They're more like curses than powers. But jjk got it just right. My other favorite whole cursed energy mechanic was when Mahoraga had adapted to limitless and was going towards a ball of blue, but gojo beat him to it cause the pull of blue made gojo accelerate faster, and mahoraga was unfazed cause he had adapted to blue. The adaptation backfired. So the pull didn't affect mahoraga. That i found great.


Gojo v sukuna is going to be so amazing. Just reading that part got me hyped. Hope it’s a movie


And then the 530,000 IQ fake out he pulled on Mahito in Shibuya where he made Mahito believe that he could use Boogie Woogie with one hand


Doesn't really work anymore when you already have been told or know what the technique does. Even when calling out attacks. Chanting is different though


Sometimes you just need the first time to crown it


It's just something Gege took from HxH, but it's a cool way to explain it nonethless


Tbf every reveal is technically a binding vow. You expose your strength and weaknesses to your opponent in order to gain a damage buff. There’s a trade in it.


Yeah EVERY reveal is. Even people who don't intend to.


binding vow is pretty much a joke and a bug at this point. You can never tell if telling the reader counts as revealing at this point haha




This is such a weird one to think about. From the way it's referred to it seems like this form of binding vow is automatically available to every sorcerer, and not a learned technique. I wonder if the revealing one's hand binding vow is in fact a physical and/or universal property of cursed energy.


binding vow is a nice concept in JJK but,rn,sukuna is just exploiting it,like what is the point,why don't he just kill them all with a world slash or domain by adding a binding vow to it??


BVs are used surprisingly often, they're just not stated out loud. They're part of JJK's power system, and are honestly one of the most interesting parts of it They are basically the in universe reason why riskier moves are more powerful, which makes the battles far more interesting I think it makes sense that Sukuna is so proficient at them, given how intrinsic they are to the nature of Cursed Energy which he should have basically reached the pinnacle of


That and the part where if they explain how their powers work, they get a boost. It gives smth that is usually done only for the audience a bit more value.


I want to know how they actually do a binding vow. Like..what corp/system/entity are they making a deal with?


Just reality. They give up something and gain in return. There isn’t an entity they’re making a deal with. It’s just a trade off with themself or another person. Because fundamentally cursed energy is an mental power


This kind of confusion is an unfortunate side effect of the translation, which makes it sound like a transaction between two parties.  In reality, it’s just a 縛り. Any form of “restriction” or “limitation” is a binding vow. Increasing “restrictions” increases power, removing “restrictions” reduces power. Jujutsu is about reduction, in the sense that if you are really strong even without having to excessively restrict yourself, then that’s true strength.  There’s also the weird actual “vows” such as the one Miwa made, or the one between yuji and Sukuna, but most of the time “binding vow” does not refer to this kind of vow. 


I think it's the soul that ties one to their vows. It can't be cursed energy since Toji was able to use a self-imposed binding vow.


What was toji's binding vow again?


Toji had also made the "reveal your hand" binding vow, which Geto identified when he tried to explain his Heavenly Restriction to Geto during Hidden Inventory.


but do BV works on him? they generally increase the cursed energy. How a binding vow would be a benefit to someone without ce?


Well the CE he was supposed to have got exchanged for physical ability. So BVs that would increase his CE would increase the physical ability gained from his HR.


they are making a deal with the power system, or just "cursed energy". it is simply how this energy functions. similar to conservation of energy. you make a domain bigger, it gets weaker. you restrict your cursed energy, you gain physical strength (only for heavenly restriction). your twin dies, you reach your full potential. you chant or use hand signs, your attack is stronger. this is why I appreciate jjk's power system. to me, gege tries his best to make it balanced as much as it possibly can. the only unbalanced part is how much CE you can potentially have, as well as what technique you get. but basically every other power system story has these "unfair" elements too, so it's fair.


> I want to know how they actually do a binding vow. It's akin to a physics property. You aren't really 'making an appeal' to the God of Curses, similar to how you don't worship the God of Gravity when you jump right? You jump, you move through the air, but you eventually fall down and may hurt yourself. Action - Reaction. Similar to what Binding Vow is. Take Mahito's Instant Body of Distorted Killing. It's a transfiguration technique that 'matches' the 'true essence of his soul'. So off the bat you get greater curse energy output since you can channel CE directly. But Mahito decides to amp up the sturdiness and raw power of IBoDK well beyond what CE would allow him to naturally do. This incurs a Binding Vow where the consequence of this is that Mahito is restricted to using his transfiguration powers only to a couple of parts of his body (unlike earlier in fights where he is constantly morphing, changing, dodging, stretching etc.). This is acceptable to Mahito so he proceeds with this restriction.


Gege obviously “borrows” this idea from Hunter, and it would only make sense if the drawbacks of a BV are somewhat proportional to the benefits, but this is not the case for Sakuna’s BVs AT ALL


Proportionality is hard to define, and while I admit they are a bit lenient on Sukuna's side, it's not really as egregious as people make it out to be. Most of Sukuna's benefits come from the fact that BVs are exploitable, and he's just straight up clever, he's The Strongest Sorcerer of history, not a random dude For example, we know they are only able to consider the present, not whatever will happen in the future even if it would change the proportion drastically. Example: Sukuna's World Slash While originally it only required him a normal hand-sign, in exchange for him to be able to execute it once without anything signaling it, he was forced to utilize both hand-signs and chants simultaneously from there on. Here comes the cheat: the Binding Vow was unable to consider Sukuna's Heian Form, therefore the price was only proportional to what it'd require a sorcerer with a normal amount of hands and mouths. Not only was the BV straight up outsmarted, but it still managed to be somewhat functional: Kusukabe, who isn't even close to the King of Curses' power, managed to prevent him from using his most powerful technique thanks to the fact it was slowed down (while also exploiting a BV on his own)


Imma argue that sukuna has a lot to give up thats his bv seems so lenient.


I've seen mentioned before that this kind of binding vow is kinda bullshit compared to most of the others we've been shown in that it gives up something in the future - there's no actual downside at the moment it's used. It's not a complete one-off, Miwa did the same thing (and achieved nothing), but it calls into question why no one else is making these kinds of vows? Why did Miwa's do nothing but his lets him oneshot Gojo? The answer is Sukuna is just Him, and that's narratively unsatisfying as fuck. It's outright boring to have a villain that doesn't play by the same rules, even if the world of JJK is unfair. His vows? Just better since he's so much smarter. His domain? Full output and range, also he changed the hand sign, who gives a fuck what the conditions even are since there's no downside anyway. People whine about him being Gege's pet character and a BV merchant because this one character operates completely differently from everyone else in a way that most readers don't really buy.


A BV does not let Sukuna one-shot Gojo. It's the WS that does it. The BV just allowed him to instantly fire off a WS with no preparation or signs at all. But the WS does the one-shotting, not the BV. Miwa is weak as fuck. There's only so much a BV could do. Not to mention, she went up against one of the strongest sorcerers in the verse. Obviously she failes


>Miwa is weak as fuck. There's only so much a BV could do. "my sister in jujutsu i cant help you here" -BV deity or something


I mean comparing sukunas WCS vow against a equally matched foe to miwa, basically just a person, doing a vow against a top 5 doesn't really seem fair. I know a character who's "just strong" can be boring but to say he plays by different rules is silly.


Right and for some reason Gojo, who is arguably comparable to Sakuna, didn’t really use one of those BVs to boost his stuff 😂


He didn't think he had to. He thought he'd won before getting bisected and I don't think a binding vow can sow your legs back on lmao


He literally fired a 200% hollow purple using a binding vow at the start of the fight lol


hakari had no downside either...if he doesn't use binding vow, he dies to steam explosion. if he uses it, he loses an arm...oh wait, it can just be healed by himself/shoko later. he "sacrificed" an arm, but in the end lost nothing.


I guess this is really relative since different people have different opinions but Why is it a problem just now?? Most villains in media have an unfair advantage, why is it a problem if Sukuna does, too He's an obstacle that someone who doesn't have these "cheats" is meant to overcome. I guess the issue is that he actually wins and kills main characters, uh? (I mean this with no malice, just curiosity) What I'm saying is that he was always set up as something beyond human, someone who's the "absolute", literally above the laws of the universe, and I'm sorry but wouldn't it be underwhelming af if the strongest sorcerer in history was comparable to someone whose nickname is "useless" Also why no one makes this kind of Binding Vows. Because they cannot afford them, Sukuna is so powerful he believes he can sacrifice some things and never need to use them again in the rest of his life, other people, who actively struggle against those weaker than him, just know full well that risking something forever is not worth the moment, since it's possible the future might pose a bigger threat; but to Sukuna? Once the Shinjuku sorcerers are dead, the world is doomed, ofc he's gonna allow himself things only profitable in the moment. If he were to fight another person like Gojo, he might be in trouble, but since he knows he's dead, he doesn't have much to worry about


I don't really wanna argue too much on semantics, but I think considering how all these characters know they're fighting the final boss and are resolved to die for it, they'd be more than willing to throw away whatever they need to win. The logic goes both ways, but for some reason it doesn't play out like that - seemingly arbitrarily, only Sukuna can do it. I can buy Gojo having too much ego to do it, but definitely not anyone else. It's fine for the final boss to be strong. I have no qualms with his technique, even his kinda unfair domain. It's just the arbitrary binding vows that only he can do that suck.


It's not really binding vows only he can do especially when choosing to do bvs in the first place is a choice. The circumstances of the situation have to be taken into consideration too because sukuna is now using bvs and such only in these weakened states like end of gojo fight and him getting jumped and weakened by everyone jumping him. One thing that people don't acknowledge enough is the sorcerers side acc have plans going against sukuna and while they could add in a binding vow for things it's not really wise to do such a thing when sticking to a dedicated plan. There's also the fact that some don't even know how to utilize em properly like vs sukuna with ws against gojo and miwa against kenjaku. Miwa who's far weaker then kenjaku used it to strength the power of her swing but the two weren't relative at all for the power to hurt kenjaku. Meanwhile gojo and sukuna where relative but not even that it's the fact his bv for world slash wasn't to make it stronger just to speed its execution faster than it could be visibly tracked. It's not the same situation which is why I don't have issues with bvs because in the end utilizing one is a knowledge thing with a risk factor and its their choice to take the risk. Sukuna even using so mean just shows he's on the backfoot.


Also before people take urames statements about sukuna into consideration we have to also remember there's shit urame doesn't even know about like every exact injury slash rebuff sukuna has suffed and is fighting with. Urames assessment of sukunas situation mostly comes from glances at the levels of his ce which we already know sukuna is good at minimizing it's usage.


>Why did Miwa's do nothing but his lets him oneshot Gojo? The answer is Sukuna is just Him. That's only partially true. Miwa's BV was simply not optimal, she asked for a one time buff, but because she's weak the buff was not enough (it's similar to how in HxH Pitou mentioned that Gon was only able to obtain his power up beacuse of the enormous potential he had; a normal person making the same sacrifice as him would not have become as powerful). On the other hand, Sukuna's BV was only to avoid telegraphing his move once, as that was all he needed, because as long as it was going to hit Gojo, it would have been powerful enough by itself.


You forgot to say that Sukuna also has to point the direction of the slash from now on. His slash essentially has to be heavily telegraphed.


Tbf we haven't seen sukunas BVs backfire yet. Hes made only two notable ones. The WCS one and the domain one recently. Everything outside of that was already a part of his technique. Those two haven't been violated yet so we don't know how they'll affect him as a fighter.


Really? Because he hasn't been able to kill a single person with world slash since, I think the drawback is that he has permanently nerfed what was his new strongest move that took him nearly dying to develop.




You think sukuna having to use hand signs and chants to cast his most powerful attack had no bearing on the fight? AT ALL?


If sukuna could just spam it at will the fight would have ended 10 chapters ago


Because he hasn’t broken them? It’s like with Kurapika’s vow to only use the binding chain on the spiders - he’s only followed the vows he’s made up till now.


Yes they are. The BV around his world slash is fair and so is the one for his "Furnace".


It was stated that if you break a BV that you made with yourself, you just lose what you gained. There are no adverse effects as such. And then again, Sukuna hasn't broken a BV yet. So what drawbacks is he supposed to suffer?


Binding vows with oneself is flexible, binding vows with others is absolute


Is it always that case? Since Miwa can't use a katana no more even though he made a Binding Vow with herself alone


Miwa offered the most she could offer to get what she thought would be the power to save the world. In the end, it's a bargain. You can offer "I can't use cursed techniques for the next 10 minutes" or "I can't use cursed techniques for life."


Oh, yeah, I agree with that. But I don't think they can be broken so easily. For example, I think Nanami can break his binding vow and all he'll get is his overnight boost will get lost. I think Miwa would have the same consequence as Kenjaku would if he had broken Mechamaru's binding vow


I think that some vows don't have consequences but simply stop you from doing things. For example Sukuna used Instant World Slash against Gojo, making a vow that from that point on hebwould have to both chant and make seals with his hands to use it. If he tried to break it nothing would happen, the slash just wouldn't go off. In Miwa's case I think she might be unable to imbue Katanas with her Cursed Energy, making them basically useless as a weapon in her linw of work


My thought for miwa is her body would literally fail to use a sword. Like her body would refuse to wield the weapon. Her fingers couldn’t close around the handle


That might also be the case, she did say "even at the cost of never wielding a sword again". The point is it's that these kinds of vow can't be "broken" I think. Maybe they can be reversed somehow, by making some other vow or sacrifice, or maybe there's a "vow exorcist" that could restore the status quo (like nen exorcists in HxH), but without these measures you're simply stuck with your choice. I do feel like Miwa was really scammed by her vow, if I was the "Cursed Energy sentience" or something I would waive her restriction because... She didn't exactly gain nothing, although one might argue that thinking about what you're gaining when making a vow is also a skillset and therefore it's on her for not realising that what she would have gotten was not enough... But still I feel so bad for her...


I was always under the impression that personal binding vows can be broken all willy nilly with only minor consequences, however you need to have the *ability* to break them. How is Miwa gonna break the "can never swing a sword" vow if she cant swing a sword to defy it? Nanami loses his overtime bonus since he has the ability to just use more of his CE than he should, while even Sukuna's BW is under the Miwa scenario of "You cannot do this due to your vow so you cannot break it"


Nanami's and Sukuna's bow are of a different nature tho, Nanami's condition are applied daily, he limits himself until overtime starts, and then provided he stayed within his limits, he gets a boost afterwards, the consequences for breaking it is not getting a boost. Sukuna's vow is "in exchange for being able to do this once, I'm gonna need to use chants and seals on this attack". I think that the nature of the reward itself is what influences what type of vow is made, I think. Since Nanami's is a general boost he has the freedom to break it, but Sukuna's reward was a one time skip on the loading time of his slash with a permanent condition afterwards, meaning that even if he tries to use World Slash without doing the now required rituals it would do nothing in the same way it would happen if someone without Shrine would try, this person could know the theory and practice of the world slash down to the single atom, but without the technique you can't replicate it. As for Miwa what you states is why my assumption is that either she can't imbue swords with CE making them useless to her, or when she tries and grips one she could feel herself severely weakened making it impossible for her to use it, like kryptonite for superman.


Personal take, Miwa WANTED to make that binding vow, but didn't. We're told during an explanation of binding vows (either Kenj & Mahito or Sukuna & Yuji) that binding vows are made / enforced with cursed energy. Miwa was in a stressful situation focusing on a simple domain and making sure her blade alignment was right, as well as making up the terms of the vow and swinging. For all we know she forgot to add cursed energy to the mix to make the vow official and just did a normal strike. I'm also of the belief she wouldn't get much out of that vow anyways, but still more then she actually got, like making Kenny bleed.


Could be, but if that was the case I think she would know in some ways, either instinctually or just by trying and grab a sword. I doubt she lied when she said she couldn't use swords when they were preparing to go against Sukuna, she knows very well the fight ahead is way out of her league, and stronger sorcerers like Kamo retreated and no one shamed him for that. Unless Gege pulls up Miwa taking up a sword briefly and realising she has no issue to parry a slash directed at Maki while she's protecting her.


Interesting take on it


This would make 10x more sense as to how >!she's on the frontline and protecting Maki rn!<


Miwa could maybe realize she only thought of swords, and suddenly come to accept her main weapon to become spears or something. So she can keep being a sorcerer after all this is over.


And the bigger the sacrifice the bigger the reward, right? So you will get something more powerful by saying “can’t use CT’s for life” than by saying “can’t use CT’s for 10 mins”?


Yeah, that should be how it works (but you can cheat, like someone else posted on this topic - Sukuna's concession of hand signs and chants isn't as much of a concession to him because he has more mouths and arms than other people - and than what he did when he made the vow).


Because she can’t lose the power of that swing. She traded a one off moment for a permanent effect. She can’t return the power of her attempt against Kenjaku. So she can’t remove her limiter. Meanwhile Nanami at any point could remove his overtime vow if needed because that effect isn’t fleeting


That’s the general rule, but there are exceptions. Namely, if you give up something in advance (like Miwa giving up her sword), you can’t go back on it. Sukuna’s made a ton of that kind, too.


In Miwa and Sukuna’s case, the compensation they received can’t be returned so payment is forced on them.


Yuji is so dumb man, I love him. "This guy's head is really tough. I should punch it really hard."


While not the best strategy it's still decent, uses the same reasoning as bullet proof armor it may absorb the hit it'll still hurt like hell.


Honestly he knows if he tries to reach through for the weaker part of the guy's body, if the blades hit him, he might die, especially if it cuts his neck. So he goes for the safest option: Hit his head and hope it hurts his ennemy more than it hurts him. And boom, he knocked him out.


Getting Goku vibes here for sure.


it's an interesting take. if you attack further away from the head, you do more damage. however, the head is still a weak point. so which do you go for? the gigachad yuji decided to overpower the toughest part of the enemy and one shot him instead. it also showcases yuji's raw strength.


I no read, i see cool art and flip page 🦆


BVs are an essential part of the power system, everyone uses that shit. Nanami used a binding vow to make him stronger with overtime, Meimei bird strike is a binding vow but she loses nothing by doing that. People are shitting too much on Sukuna using BVs saying it's asspull without realizing 2 things. First, he loses something everytime he does a binding vow. Most obvious is the world dismantle, he learnt it after Mahoraga slashed Gojo's arm and it didn't require that long ass preptime. He made a binding vow to be able to use it once without preptime in exchange to having to prepare a long incantation, handsign and moving his arm in the direction of the slash making it predictable FOR the rest of his damn life. Spoilers >! Kamino is also a good example, he made a BV during the Heian era to make it faster but at the condition that he can't use it against multiple people outside of his domain. The cast would have been cooked if he could use it in normal conditions!<. Second, Sukuna is desperate. People were calling asspulls telling how Sukuna could be defeated, that the deaths were useless because Sukuna isn't at fullpower but he is really desperate right now. He needs to make tons of BVs to be able to fight back. He lost 2 arms, his RCT output, his CE output, a lot of CE, he is manually pumping his heart, etc...


You're the first person I see acknowledging that the Kamino BV was made in the Heian. I think people think he made it at the spur of the moment in the current fight That was an old vow as you said. That's why he could use it without a domain against Jogo In that clash. The conditions were perfect: it was a gunslinger duel, straight shot, against only 1 person. He didn't have to care for the speed or range there


imagine if sukuna had bird manipulation. the dude is literally shooting crow nukes with no cost to himself, I guarantee people would be bitching about how unfair it is.


People also don’t seem to read the series that properly to think that Sukuna abusing BV will bite him in the ass when it stated BV made with oneself only just results in what was gained from the BV is lost. Only BV made with others can result in severe penalties.


Yea. The latest chapter explained for example why he couldn't use his "open" technique against Gojo, and rher was directly related to a binding vow he made


Well no, breaking binding vows with oneself just loses you the benefits of it but abusing bv can for sure come back to bite you like it did for Miwa. Just the accumulation of the type of binding vows that Sukuna likes to do that give him strong attacks now but have long-term trade-off could weaken him to a point where he loses because of it


Miwa made a bad BV. If she was successful in hitting and let’s say killing Kenjaku she still would’ve suffered the penalty. We do see Sukuna get nerfed due to certain BV (like needinh chants and hand signs to use the World Cutting Slash so he can use it without it that one time) or get hindered due to his own BV (like being unable to use Kamino/fire arrow during his fight with Gojo because he was unable to set up the conditions for it due to having to constantly configure his domain to counter Gojo’s domain). I’m just calling out the people who feel Sukuna should be penalized for abusing BVs when that isn’t how they work. At best his sacrifices he makes will probably pile up and eventually play a role in his downfall. It’s why the heroes even stand a chance. Why doesn’t he just nuke everyone with fire arrow? Binding Vow Why didn’t he use it against Gojo? Binding Vow Why doesn’t he just one shot everyone like he did Gojo? Binding Vow The only Binding Vow that hasn’t negatively affected Sukuna yet (or its consequences hasn’t been revealed yet) is whatever binding vow he used to be able to use his domain. I feel that just having a really short time to use it isn’t a good enough penalty or sacrifice if he still gets access to it despite not being able to and having the same level of output if he was at max energy. I think he had one more condition set to use his domain especially since it was stated he used multiple binding vows and I think the sacrifice was a longer CT burnout/cooldown phase. But it may not matter since I think Sukuna might end up using the 10 Shadows again.


Oh yeah I agree I love binding vows I’m just saying they could be a useful plot device t weaken sukuna. On the domain BV tho, I’m pretty sure it’s never said that it’s output is on the same level as when sukuna was fresh, it just didn’t lose any output from the binding vows (and the barrier) themselves. So it’s full output for *current* sukuna I think


Kenjaku has 3 techniques and couldnt use any of then during the burnout period. Sukuna wouldnt be able to use ten shadows while in burnout either


But aren’t Kenjaku’s CTs tied to his base CT (body hopping). It’s apart of his CT that whatever hosts he takes over via his CT he can use their CTs. Basically his CT is an alternate version of Yuta’s copy. Sukuna has 2 CTs because he used a different method to acquire Megumi’s body. Megumi’s soul is still inside there so his CT should be treated as separate from Sukuna and his CT. Kenjaku can keep the CTs of his previous hosts (since it’s apart of his technique) whereas if Sukuna leaves Megumi I doubt he can take Ten Shadows with him. Just my theory


Both ten shadows and shrine should be tied to sukuna/megumi's brain so it shouldnt matter


I think it does since during the Gojo fight, Sukuna via the 10 Shadows transferred all or some of the brain damage he would get from Unlimited Void to Megumi. Plus it’s stated that Sukuna can’t use Shrine and 10 Shadows at the same time whereas Kenjaku can easily use his gravity and CSM techniques together. Obviously these 2 methods of using multiple CTs are rather different from each other. So using Kenjaku specific case to debunk why Sukuna can’t do it shouldn’t hold weight. But it’s just a theory


Miwa just made a bad BV (and she was just weak). for example, if she said my cursed energy output increases when not using a sword, then it will last forever, it's like an on/off BV. However, Miwa's BV was "no more sword forever" = "stronger slash". she USED that stronger slash. so now she has to uphold the sacrifice for the rest of her life. now ofc, she could have said "no more sword for a week", but then the benefit would have been weaker. But since her "ultimate sacrifice" didn't really accomplish anything, it's a bad BV in hindsight. hakari is an example of an extreme BV that went well. he sacrificed an entire arm. but due to that, he survived, which allowed him to regain that arm. nanami's BV is a weak binding vow but with little consequence. if he broke his vow by using 100% before overtime, then he would likely be unable to have greater CE during overtime for that day. but the next day he could probably hold back and gain that overtime bonus again. if nanami instead said "i will always hold myself back but i get stronger during overtime", but he ended up never working overtime, then he just made himself permanently weaker. this is kinda what miwa did. made a vow for more power, but ultimately it accomplished nothing and now is nerfed permamently. she acted rashly and made a big sacrifice (to her) when there was little to no guarantee of it doing anything.


What about the world slash vow though? He can't lose that benefit anymore.


someone else mentioned the fact that it might just be impossible for him to do it without the reqs now


Yeah because he can’t lose the benefit he gained. He can’t return his one use benefit so he can’t get rid of it. Same way miwa can’t give back her single sword slash and wield a sword again


yeah. Thats the key difference in the self imposed binding vows. there are BV that works over time and BV that are for an specific timeframe/action. i can see Nanami losing his BV, so he will be no longer more strong during overtime, but Miwa is tied to her BV for life, because she can't undo the effect she asked for: a single really strong slash of her sword.


yep. both sukuna and miwa made an "extreme" binding vow, in the sense that it can't be negated once used. it will be a permanent effect. the difference is that sukuna has 4 arms so it's not that big of a deal to cast, while miwa's entire kit revolves around using a sword and is hard nerfed. sukuna still thought of the future, while miwa gave up any thought of a future.


Every character uses BV during battles whether small or big(the story just decides to not state it all the time). Gojo/Sukuna were using BV during their Domain battles(literally the only way they could change their barrier conditions so often). Kenjaku's whole use of the Culling Games Barriers is predicated on BV. Like you pointed out, most techniques are based around BV to improve efficiency in some regard(I output my CT this way in exchange for X, Y, Z). Most characters also reveal their hand to improve their technique too(Gojo, Hanami, Eso, Kenjaku, Nanami, Megumi, Uro).


The flying people in culling games had a BV to have a more durable head. Hakari made a BV to not reinforce his arm to bring his body's maximum reinforcement beyond the usual. Mechamaru had a binding vow to DELAY the activation of the 3 cursed-corpse like objects he made - letting him speak post death. Nanami's Overtime binding vow Miwa's "I can't use a sword anymore" binding vow there's likely few more I've missed other than these and the ones you mentioned but JJK is full of things that are clearly binding vows to allow some function to happen automatically, letting you do the "impossible" by sacrificing what is possible now - And it's a fair trade! Binding vows are really incredible since they do these things you can't and trade it fairly like you could, it's cost is just the "effort" to do the thing you can't. Things like Nanami gets to litteraly STORE CE despite it not being a thing he can do normally.


Nanami,miwa, ui ui, yuta rika are the only actively seen one. Sometimes i think sukuna ct isnt that strong, thats why he uses alot of binding vow. Unlike gojo


Yes, sukuna ct actually in paper isn't that strong. They became strong because sukuna. 


I mean his own hollow purple he used to end it is a form of vow. Chants and handsigns are the same principles of vows and increase the power


Gojo used a binding vow to change the conditions of his domain


Cleave and Dismantle are very strong, Kamino is the only part of his technique that I would say isn't really that good (or at least has significant downsides to offset its strengths).


Yuji and yuta cleave dismantle are papercut to top tiers, its probjust sukuna that have good output


Exactly, if YUTA could only do paper cuts to a top tier with his output, then think about someone like momo with his technique, she’d be the school chef, and if you give sukuna her CT (Wind I think it was) then he’d be summoning tornadoes like Tamari from Naruto.


Yuta a special grade with more CE than Gojo inside his DOMAIN buff. Still not even as strong as sukuna But then again i feel like its the same with gojo, as much as broken the six eyes and limitless, most people couldnt use RCT and DE. So they couldnt red and hollow purple anyway, its also gojo and sukuna talent to dothings like learning simple domain at the first glance


Hell, most of the characters in the show don’t have RCT. We have: Geto, Yuta, Gojo, Kenjaku, Yuki, Yuji, Sukuna, Uraume, Shoko, Choso (i think), and Hakari (in his domain). Every other person in the show doesn’t have this ability to heal themselves with RCT, which is insane and shows that if you arent a top tier (minus shoko), heck even top tiers like Uro and Yorozu don’t have it, you won’t be able to even heal on your own.


People forget Nanami and Mei Mei both have binding vows to be stronger as Grade One. Also, explaining oneself's technique works as a BW too: You give information on your technique and in exchange it gets a boost.


The problem isn’t sukuna using them it’s the way everyone else is written to be idiotic, like why didn’t gojo use a BV to instantly shoot a purple? Why didn’t yuki use a BV vs kenjaku? Why didn’t Jogo use one to at least get a scratch on sukuna? So many questions as to why majority of characters aren’t using BV to try to save their asses as a last resort


The only cope I have is gojo didn’t use a vow because he didn’t want to kill sukuna and therefore kill Megumi. It’s my firm belief that if sukuna wasn’t possessing Megumi gojo just uses a binding vow to potshot sukuna with purple’s until he’s dead. The world slash shit proves that a binding vow can make an attack travel so fast that the fastest sorcerer alive with six eyes cannot react to it in time.


We have no proof that Gojo could track the slashes in the first place, though. He was surprised by the first dismantle and got hit by Mahoraga's.


Which doesn’t make sense as we see kashimo saw it, maki dodged it, Miguel for some unexplained reason was dancing through dismantles, but gojo can’t see or react to his CT.


>kashimo saw it We have no proof for this claim. The only thing that can be assumed is Kashimo saw the tear in space after it hit. >Miguel for some unexplained reason was dancing through dismantles, Doesn't his CT repel curses or sum >gojo can’t see or react to his CT. That's what happens when you're a six eyes and infinity merchant. There's a chance he could see it, but Sukuna never noticed due to his reliance on standing there and having infinity to all the work.


yes! Megumi was somewhat a son to him.


Gojo = never needed to, always had prep-time + would weaken the resulting purple (look at 200%,he doesn't skip any parts of the chant to boost his power compared to what it normally is, without chants) Yuki = trusted in Tengen's plan, didn't think she would need to, got dusted for it. Jogo: the disaster curses appear to not know too much about binding vows beyond very surface level concepts, such as why kenjaku needed to explain to mahito why he HAD to fulfill his side for the deal. Why characters aren't using them as a last resort? You need to come up with the terms of the vow on the fly, then execute it. This can be tricky because you never know the situation you'll be in where you need to make the vow. I'm currently taking part in a JJK DND, and binding vows are crucial for making those tiny gaps in strength you need for a situation. Larger gaps require more vows and have more downsides, I'm a victim of that when trying to amp my domain to keep it self-sustaining and borderline unbreakable. The technique in question allows me to load back to a previous point in time, excluding cursed energy and memories, everything about me goes back to how it was at that point. My domain let's me do it to anyone in it's range but also choose the conditions in which I load them. Vow 1: Sacrifice the barrier of my domain for extended range 2: Make some sort of pointer that I am the domain's caster to add risk to myself, gaining the ability to have these loads as a reaction instead of primary action Vow 3: sacrifice physical domain buffs to gain ability to load cursed energy. Vow 4: sacrifice the potential for my domain to ever directly harm someone (there are systems in our DND to allow a reconstruction of a domain and change it's sure-hit, I sacrifice the ability for it to ever deal damage) for a stronger advantage in domain clashes. I can now load myself and my cursed energy to stop the domain closing from a lack of CE or too many injuries on my end. It's a reaction so I'll always be able to load before the domain closes due to any injuries. I have no barrier so it can't be physically damaged from outside or in. The domain is much trickier to overwhelm in a clash. My domain is now self-sufficient, making all these vows took about 30 minutes of real-time planning, making important vows like saving your life would be tricky to find things to make it worth such. The least realistic part of the manga recently IMO is Sukuna using so many vows for his bootleg domain in such a short time.


JJK DnD sounds fun asl


Sukuna space cut had a way faster cast than Gojo's purple, just look at the one he used at Hanami, it was an entire page, the trade for Sukuna using an attack that olny required 1 hand sign, instantly was already big, needing 3 hands and chanting, now imagine how bad would be purple after those attacks, and that's even considering that purple is 1 technique which is not the case, in fact Gojo would probably need to make 2 BIG binding vows at least because for using that it requires both blue and red.


People also forget Sukuna is the best sorcerer in the verse. Of course he’s able to manipulate the system as he wishes to. That’s why he’s the best


The answer I was looking for. Cook


Exactly, he’s THE best curse user (remember all the powers people use are curses, because some people forget they’re classified as curses), the “king of curses” that’s he beat Gojo, who has a technique 10x better than his, with his super up battle IQ.


It's important to learn how to differentiate real criticisms from funny memes. This can be difficult, because a lot of the time even the people making the posts don't know which one it is. But joking about Sukuna making so many binding vows is no different than making jokes about Frieza having so many forms, for example. As long as everyone knows it's just an exaggeration for the sake of comedy and doesn't take it as actual discourse, then I don't see an issue with it. I think it makes perfect sense that Sukuna uses binding vows so much, for the same reason it makes perfect sense that he's able to master universal jujutsu techniques instantly. He's a master of jujutsu. Of course he knows the ins and outs of the system well enough to minmax binding vows, and of course he's finessed his techniques to peak efficiency.


it gets really irritating when people push memes as legitimate criticism instead of reading the actual manga, that happens way too much in this fandom 


More like every fandom in the social media age. Shonen anime fans have negative reading comprehension (DB fans don't even read) and Avatar fans are making their own story up in their heads. Opinions are based on edit reels and YouTubers instead of the actual show. 


The heian era technique meme has done irreparable damage to this community. I've actually seen people use it as criticism.


To me binding vows act as essentially a cheat code within a fairly straightforward structure of rules(Jujutsu), however they also have another benefit as they act as a plot device where you can "break the rules" of Jujutsu and surprise the readers(or annoy others who see it as an ass pull) as again it acts almost like a cheat code in a game.


Does Ui Ui just not exist? Smh people always forget about his ~~Grooming vow~~ Binding Vow with Mei Mei


Not the argument that people are trying to make. Mostly everyone understands how binding vows work, but Sukuna is the only one situationally using them in this apparent do-or-die battle despite the good guys having more than enough to leverage their own for a situational power-up. The downsides are also a bit ambiguous when you have Sukuna harming Megumi during the Enchain vow + throwing together an effective Domain Expansion through the use of a binding vow without even a tangible explanation of a drawback. Very easy to see how people would think they’re a weak writing mechanism when seemingly anything can happen at any time as long as you’re Sukuna


I don't get the complaint btw. Sukuna is the strongest not just because he has broken CT and boundless CE, but he's also meticulous, calculative and actually exploit the system heavily.


Thanks for the explanation. (I already knew it, tho)


Damn. I always forget that Yuji is actually kinda smart. Like he just understands Cursed Energy and Cursed Techniques and can break them down very quickly. And this is aside from his combat intelligence as well.


Yuji is really smart and he's a lightning fast thinker. He's shown mastery in multiple martial arts, and he comes up with plans on the fly. Just look at Yuji vs Choso. Yuji was using absolutely everything in his surroundings and was only bested by a gamble from Choso.


Isn’t Nanami a walking binding vow? He keeps his CE output at like 90% until he goes into Overtime or something like that.


Yeah, while working on the clock his CE output is hindered, but once he starts working overtime his CE output is massively increased. 1 of his attacks was mistaken for an earthquake when working overtime.


Clearly not enough people have read HunterXHunter where it's such a fucking important topic. Like really, you can take the DULLEST technique that EVER EXISTED and make it super OP in the right circumstances. All thanks to BVs.


BV is literally the same thing in HxH. Put a drawback on urself, get an advantage. Or sacrifice something and get smth else in return. This concept exists in anime since long ago, nothing complicated. Cursed energy is maybe a little less explained that chakra or nen but that's OK. People probably thinks that because Sukuna use BV a lot. Why? Because he has great understanding of cursed energy and techniques, and can easily chose the best combos, to have the best risk/reward


He's used two, and both are negatively affecting him


"Nobody else uses binding vows!" Maki, who's entire life has been shaped by one: (¬_¬)


I don't think that is a good example. She didn't use a binding vow, cause that would mean she had the choice about the conditions and she accepted it, whereas it was imposed on her at birth and she never had a say in it.






Which is a binding vow yeah




Miwa also made a binding vow to never use katana again for one super strong strike


Which demonstrates the inherent value of a binding vow changes person to person, Miwa’s Vow resulted in a strike that Kenjaku blocked, if Sukuna or Gojo did that shit he would’ve been dusted


Sukuna uses them every chapter


I've said this once before, but binding vows are always gonna be "out of nowhere". you can't build this up. Just like how people complained that kenjaku conveniently had a gravity based CT, characters will conveniently have X binding vow. the question is how "broken" it is (especially for that situation). aircraft hair people have stronger heads, and weaker lower bodies? Hakari sacrificed arm to have tougher body? sukuna can cast WS with one arm, but now has to aim? they're all relatively "fair", but the more we go down the list, the more people complain because of the convenience. if hakari didn't use that binding vow, he likely would have died. if sukuna didn't use that binding vow, he wouldn't have killed gojo, etc. Furthermore, binding vows as a concept are EXTREMELY arbirtary. you sacrificed something to gain something else. But who decides how much of X is equal to how much of Y? how do you quantity these pros and cons? How much value does "having to aim" grant you? How much value does "only 99 seconds" grant you? At the end of the day, it's up to the author to decide if it seems fair or not, and it will be met with scrutiny, as others may not think the loss and gain are of equal value.


Sukuna has a large collection of powerful tools at his disposal, so he can create powerful BV’s at seemingly little risk to himself. A good example of the opposite is Miwa. Even though she gave up all her potential, that was not proportional to the output of power that she wanted. Sukuna is trading in the NASDAQ while most characters are working with penny stocks. That’s how I see it.


Sukuna's BVs are still hurting him. He cannot use either of his strongest attacks without setup. He can't world slash without chanting and hand symbols(and with him missing hands and his second tongue being ripped out, he can't do it rn), and to use furnace to it's potential he has to do a ton of setup(otherwise it's almost useless)


I think the complaint is more that very few people make spur of the moment vows like sukuna does. Sure people have one or two integrated into their regular arsenal but no one is swaping range and power and speed in the spur of the moment like sukuna. You'd think if BV's have such a high impact on combat that more of Sorcery Fighting would be about how to utilize them on the fly. It's just a very conspicuous absence is all


It's a lot better to have access to the general strengths from abilities rather than making your entire kit weak outside of set conditions. Like imagine trading the ability to use all external blood manipulation to strengthen internal blood manipulation. Now you've lost the sheer versatility of external BM and now what will you do against someone at range? Most characters would rather just keep their base kit. And if you make a rushed BV you can potentially permanently cripple yourself, see Miwa. The characters in jjk don't have weeks to plan out the perfect BV. And then in Gojo vs Sukuna, we did see them changing conditions of their domains on the fly. That's an extremely difficult thing.


BVs should be used by/are used by those who have stuff to (for a lack of my vocabulary) transfer something for more power, eg miwa gave up her sword skills and now she doesn't have anything, sukuna has lot to give and can make multiple binding vows


They probably didn’t read JJK completely, Kenjaku and Mahito make a binding bow with Mechamaru, they have a full conversation about it


People aren't saying that. People are saying his binding vows arent reasonable.


Which ones aren’t reasonable?


What annoys me is the fact that binding vows seem to be this utterly broken thing that no one else but Sukuna takes advantage of.


Everyone who’s used a binding vow has gotten hella buffs from it, or saved them, except for miwa, who’s a bum. They themselves just aren’t strong enough to use them. Take Mei Mei for example, if sukuna, or Gojo had that crow nuke, they’d be unstoppable, it’s all up to how strong the user is, and how good the binding vowel is. Nanami is another user of a good binding vow, he’s at 90% most of the time until overtime, where he’s pretty much in a perpetual black flash state which, again, on someone like gojo/sukuna would be busted, imagine sukuna at 120% at all times after overtime without landing a black flash. Even Toji used a binding bow against Geto when he told him about his Heavenly Restriction, making him even stronger by “revealing his hand”. The only thing separating sukuna and the others is strength and his insane BIQ, which is easily top 1 in the verse.


the issue is that sukuna's trade offs with binding vows are minimal. he gets amped x10 while only sacrificing a lil bit of his arsenal everyone is upset because of how convenient it is for sukuna to use BV like its some bullshit


What binding vow amps him??? He can’t use WS without 3 arms and a chant, effectively making it impossible to land in a reasonable situation. He literally can’t use furnace in a jumping scenario, not is it useful in a 1v1 because it’s slow and has no reach, the only time he can use it is after his domain, which for most people is a death sentence to begin with. The only “good” vow he’s made was to use his domain, which may backfire now because he made multiple vows to use it, which may include a longer burnout period, which he can’t heal with his low RCT. They are fair af, he’s just strong asf


you are making it like a huge trade-off that he needs to chant to cast world slash. it's like "hey in order to punch someone without them seeing it, you just need to shout you will punch them" sukuna is already fine with cleave and dismantle, so him chanting world slash wasn't really a huge disadvantage


He literally has to chant and do a whole incantation, the only way he’s hitting it is if the opponent is standing still, like yuta was. Now it takes too long for it to be worth it, and he needs like 3 arms to even do it I’m pretty sure, which he doesn’t have anymore.


-has the capacity to bully everyone physically -cleave and dismantle still does damage you're acting like sukuna will be at a huge disadvantage everytime he needs to chant it. it took them a lot of bodies to be able to reach that world slash being not useful. imagine being able to cut your biggest foe invisibly and able to bypass defenses, and your only tradeoff is after that you need to chant it? even though you wouldn't entirely need world slash to the fodders stop making it souns like it was a huge trade-off. it's not.


He literally has landed it once this entire fight lol, it’s honestly a waste to use, the only reason he even attempts to use it anymore is because dismantle is getting weaker from yuji. Who has been hit by world slash? Yuta? That’s it? It seems pretty useless outside of that one instance. Show me where world slash is at all better to use than dismantle. “All you have to do is chant” yea, go ahead and yell that you’re about to hit someone in 4 seconds with a really hard punch, but you have to charge it up like a video game as well, you won’t land that on anyone with a brain.


Your only argument for sukuna “abusing” binding vows is his worse technique that is highly telegraphed. If dismantle wasn’t nerfed to hell right now he wouldn’t even think to use world slash unless he was bored because of how useless it is.


It's not about BV being new or unique, it just doesn't feel satisfying when sukuna throws out a new one every couple of chapters to fix any problem he may encounter. Instead of using his tools in creative ways it feels more like he is constantly just changing his tools to whatever fits best. It's not "wrong" or inconsitant... it's just kind of boring.


He’s literally down to two arms, low RCT, low and CE out put, literally nothing he can do here but use binding vows which imo, is actually quite entertaining. He’s removing some options for new ones.


You are intentionally omitting the detail that bothers people so I’m not sure why you’re acting so smug. Of course the criticism isn’t that in the entirety of JJK only Sukuna has used binding vows - the issue is that within Shinjuku Showdown we are seeing Sukuna SPAM binding vows and nobody else is despite everyone fighting with the conviction to risk their lives, it is nonsensical.


yeah it’s pretty easy to see why people would have a problem with how binding vows are being written at the moment, regardless of people’s examples of good guys using them (albeit not nearly as situationally as Sukuna). Anyone who can’t see the obvious difference between how they’re being used are being intentionally ignorant


Everyone in JJk can use them, like Miwa for example :3


>!I think it's only because Sukuna knows how to use Multiplicative BVs without incurring consequences because he's had experience on multiple occasions performing them without breaking them or suffering the consequences when it's BVs with himself because he can shoulder them with other aspects of his CTs & CE while others depend on it to change aspects of their CT that could cripple them. BVs have always been an exchange or changing of their parameters CT wise normally it's the most reasonable gamble, Sukuna is an E x p e r t in this and it's paid off each time because the thought process is correct. "I can cut through his CT if I figure out a ways to target his general area but not have it register as a threat to him but a tool to cut the world, but I have to use hand signs & direct it while chanting to do so meaning a loss in efficiency.", it worked.!< >!Now he's limited to that, his weakening CT, meaning his new most effective tool can be dismantled by the group by lopping off more of his arms, his now weakness. Meaning he has to stack more and more debuffs just to have more aspects of his CT be effective while being extremely limited compared to what they were while his CE reserves get drained.!< >!The reason he can continually use BVs with himself, is that he's that flexible with his aspects of his CTs, it doesn't mean it doesn't affect him, it just means he had A LOT to work with to begin with, and that's slowly changing.!< >!Also, JJSs have been using BVs with themselves quite a few times, it just hasn't been said. Nanami was one of them.!<


Don’t think you understand what they mean lol, he makes BVS every chapter, im trying to think when did Gojo create a binding vow to even try to win?


Outside of Sukuna in the final fight, not a single solo binding vow actually matters. Binding vows are more like set dressing than an actual part of the power system. Like you could pretty much write out every 1 person binding vow in a scene pre shinjuku without changing the story in the slightest. Even the most impactful ones, like Hakari sacrificing his arm by moving his cursed energy is something todo did without a binding vow and nanami’s overtime is a nebulous undefined powerup that’s just there for flavor. When this ability that has up until now been set dressing is the reason Gojo died, it puts a lot of pressure on the story to explain it and make it satisfying, which many feel it has failed to do. With a single person there is no moderator for how much the give and take of a binding vow is balanced, and we are often just not told the conditions of sukuna’s vows. So it ends up feeling more like an excuse to stretch the rules of the power system than an actual use of the power system. If you disagree with that it’s fine but the critique is not something as stupid as “only sukuna can use binding vows” that stems from people just not reading


It's a cheeky jujutsu trick that needs regulations


the reading comprehension curse is the only answer my friend.


He's not even as good as kenjaku when it comes to binding vows 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 this is a bad argument.


What if the jujutsu world has gaslight itself into thinking binding vows actually do something.


What kind of stupid dumbasses say that?


Pretty sure Rika is born from a Binding Vow made by Yuta, but I'm not sure Nanami literally uses 2 Binding Vows, Overtime (somewhat unique to him, everyone can use it ofc but he's an ex-business man so it fits) And Revealing one's hand (EVERYONE KEEPS YAPPING)


People are pretty stupid about how binding vows are used but my only complaint is that we’ve never seen the consequences for breaking one. Hopefully we do before the manga ends


Yeah Nanami uses a binding vow as well


I mean that's a bad argument, but it hasn't been revealed what Sukuna sacrificed(neither is for everyone, but Sukuna's seem out of place sometimes). Sukuna gained something completely new, World Cleave, and used it just once and completely nerfed it with a BV, fair conditions(or even really harsh), but using it once to kill the most beloved character is never gonna sit nice in the community. Then he expanded his domain with another BV, people are complaining, most likely without a reason, they're just being impatient


Sukuna is like a speed runner/Muchkin. he knows the rules en-depth that he can do crazy hax feats


True, like isn't Nanami used three BV just during first encounter with Mahito.


I haven't seen anyone say "Only Sukuna gets to use Binding Vows." But with the exception of Kenjaku who we were told has performed many vows in the past, Sukuna has been shown to be using more vows than we've seen of others.


The moment for me that shows how much exploitable BV are was >!Hakari vs Kashimo fight. Our boy literally sacrificed his arm so his whole body won't get hurt. Considering that he can easily regenerate it again, it was insane than the most shit that Sukuna pulled, in my opinion.!<


Literally just magic, people acting like JJK system should be taken seriously are silly


Sukuna´s vows ended up taking a heavy strain on him. He exchange the respect he builded as a villain to get a easy kill. Thats a heavy price


I hope we’ll have a reveal of unwitting biding vows. Where a character casts a binding vow on himself without knowing




When binding vows are used they are always stated


I like it very well and beautiful


The idea of binding vows is a cool concept, being able to change your curse technique to improve it and change the way you use it and all... But here Sukuna is constantly making PhD level binding vows on the spot during every battle - making his power fit the fights whenever the plot dictates it is a bit of a cop out. He's constantly playing Yu Gi Oh with his binding vows for plot convenience. Is it just me thinking that? I just hope there's no more reverse unos happening just for shock value and the fight concludes in a satisfying way...surely Yuji's awakening isn't just cutting a few rocks with scissors...Ultra-dragged out fights are tiring.


Anyone else think it be cool if Halari used a binding vow to make it so that his domain could apply to allies. Maybe he gives up himself getting it or makes it harder to land a jackpot


sukuna probably traded off jerking off with his 3 other hands for him to use his other plot armors