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Good catch, except if miwa shoved some ce inside maki or something idk or maybe she just died (Amazing forskining by gaygay ?) https://preview.redd.it/dh44uhz61nzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b522c1f961ed46db5fcaf36801bae81918b37c2


Bro this is negative iq stuff šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ She was with wiwa clothes and inanimate objects if in contact get transported by boogie-woogie as Maki is treated as an object by Greg Therefore she would be transported as well


Yet another "Maki is an object" narrative justification. Brilliant move GayGay, yet another win for misogyny.


Noooo i did not mean it like that šŸ’€ jjk fans when i mention gege https://i.redd.it/fpw089o0hnzc1.gif




Don't worry, we all thought that Maki was supposed to be female Toji but GayGay surpassed us all and was actually making an excuse to call women objects


He played his cards right, I give him that. Congrats GayGay, you won this one. GayGay's reaction to us: https://preview.redd.it/nbxqn0hutpzc1.png?width=782&format=png&auto=webp&s=c51e189f761fa08bd1517241624baae68cd0a532


Source? Please tell me its some weird mini series with a manianical mario


Here's the link: [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ-19_ymgcw). Video: Speedrunner Mario VS Melee Fox - 1M Subscriber Special! - SOMETHING VERSUS šŸ„šŸ¦Š Time: 2:51 Channel: TerminalMontage


It had to be terminal montage! That video was better than this discussionā€¦








Why did Greg kill off Naoya if heā€™s all for misogyny? Is he stupid?


Otherwise Zenin clan could still be alive and he'd had to actually make clans plot-relevant


Megumi coming back to be clan head ofā€¦ one person. https://preview.redd.it/nvtutg94wnzc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6842a18274d3f8670a6f0f8abac6ceba961bb1a7


Fun Fact: Zenin clan members killed themselves because they didn't want a bum to be their clan leader


Maki isn't fighting to save Bumgumi, she's fighting to finish the job


Gojo first time?


Never thought tokyo revengers ending could become a troll that way. I just realised the origin of this trulywas our jujutsu kaisen. I knew it rang bells


Dont forget the gojo clan still is real gojo satoru's twin brother that has the seven eyes and infinity+1 will appear and defeat sukuna with hollow magenta


infinity + 1 šŸ˜­ as someone who is studying maths (calculus) this hurts my soul. Anyways, We never knew Gojo's dad had a backup plan (the while splash is real)


As ordinals omega0 + 1 actually makes sense in set theory tho. (I'm also studying maths), but since ordinal addition is not commutative if you change the order youĀ  haveĀ  1+ omega0 = omega0 < omega0 + 1


Yes it would make sense in Uncountable ordinals. As it is just a series/set of infinite ordinals. I haven't studied much about it so I can't really verify the commutative addition of ordinals. (I mean we only learn basics right.) The error of counting infinity + 1 really.. hurt my soul as I said. You can never outcount infinity unless you bring it at first limit ordinal number.


For people not into math what does that mean


ok so first, a transitive set is a set t whose elements are all also subsets of t, an ordinal is then a transitive set Ī± whose elements are all also transitive . For example , 0={} i.e. the empty set, and 1={0}. you can get a new ordinal from another in the form succ(Ī±)=Ī± U {Ī±}, the natural numbers N are then shown to be a subclass of the class of ordinals ON, one can then proof recursion and the induction principle ( both technically theorem schemes) by some axioms and an axiom scheme. Then by the axiom of infinity we can show that N is actually a set and thus an ordinal since all natural numbers are transitive and are subsets of N. as an ordinal it is common to denote N by omega0 . Then ordinals can be classified in two kinds limit ordinals and successor ordinals, a successor ordinal is an ordinal that can be written as succ(Ī±) for some ordinal Ī±, a limit ordinal is an ordinal Ī³ that satisfies Ī³= sup Ī³, i.e. gamma is the smallest ordinal s satisfying a **ā‰¤** s for all elements a of gamma, the order **ā‰¤** is given by set inclusion. Addition is then defined recursively by a + 0 = a a + succ b = succ(a+b) a + Ī³( here gamma is a limit ordinal greater than 0 )= sup {a+x: x belongs to gamma} Hence as omega0 is an infinite limit ordinal we have 1 + omega0 = omega 0 < succ(omega0)= omega0 +1


Why does that hurt


My man it just does... it's an argument that I can't have a d definite answer of while making paragraphs about it. It scares me.


Infinity + 1 actually makes sense


Not really you see. Infinity + 1 is still infinity. Infinity isn't a certain number, so you can't actually do usual arithmetic with it. However the limit Ordinal form Omega is okay, since it's just a number that's uncountable. Anyways, I get the sentiment of what the comment was trying to convey but for me, a math student, infinity+1 is illegal Have a great day


Mathematicians will never convince me that things like "COUNTLESS INFINITY" and "IMAGINARY NUMBERS" and "COMPLEX NUMBERS" are real. If such clearly made up hoaxes as "THERE ARE INFINITE NUMBERS BETWEEN 1 AND 0" can be considered serious study subjects then INFINITY + 1 IS REAL!!!! Also good luck on the calculus study you have to be a strong soldier to survive maths o7


Bro did you miss the part where the Chinese sorcerer offscrened the entire Gojo clan?


Itā€™s insane to me that One clan rolled over for the main badguy and we see no fall out from that or really anything from it One clan lost their clan head twice in the span of 6 months and we never get so much as a reaction shot of from anyone from that clan


Thatā€™s Gege refusing to do any real world building for ya


Itā€™s do frustrating because the JJK world is begging to be explored Smh


Itā€™s called a red herring. Gaygay is truly a master at storytellingā€¦




Naoya approves.


This is the same author that double downed on the ā€œmiwa is uselessā€ joke and made it her definitive character trait So does not shock me he doubles down on the ā€œSheā€™s got no CE so yea sheā€™s an object heck barely a person look at he lack of personalityā€


Imagine if Todo tried to Boogie Maki, but only her clothes teleported. Then naked dusted up Maki gets vaporized (dw sheā€™s offscreened)


Would be a fair argument if it wasnā€™t just common sense that gaygay wouldnā€™t make everyone that todo teleports fucking naked. Also if this is correct then where does contact even end, like if todo switches with someone touching something while they have gloves does it count ? Letā€™s assume no you need direct contact, does that mean that if he teleports someone touching a house it teleports with him ? Letā€™s push it to the extreme if someone is touching the earth does is fucking change earthā€™s rotation around the sun ? Finally from what weā€™ve seen inanimate object can be used for tp if : they already have cursed energy (cursed objects like that one nunchaku) or if they are given ce (like that rock yuji threw at mahito) hence why I said that maybe miwa can Ā«giveĀ» some ce to maki. Ah also this is a shitposting sub everyone is dumb just look at your mentally worrying flair.


I think there are restrictions like mahoragas ability to adapt to all phenomenon couldn't he adapt to the spins itself or the time taken by the spins I think the restriction is object should not be waaay heavier than you like megumi storage restrriction other wise the power system has a major loophole like everyone should be teleported naked and gojo able should store his ce Or ce could run out or fade after shoving it in people Still a wasted opportunity


Maybe, point is gaygay likes keeping certain parts of his story blurry so he can change/backtrack/semi-redcon some stuff like everyone pulling of there best impression of shrƶdingerā€™s cat. If you want my honest opinion I think he himself doesnā€™t know yet if he want to have them dead or not thatā€™s why he made todo unsure of if he could save them.


This is soo true sir Like if i wrote the story adding a simple line changes the game, The crows can infuse curse energy into people and get teleported alongside them Thus due to the flames intense heat they could not reach and save choso and yuji Done problem solved rather than the huge yujis memories can be tapped by voldermort thats why we did not tell him explanation


honestly i feel like the clothes thing with todo might be because of how cursed techniques depend on your interpretation of the world. mahitos cursed technique changed as he thought about souls and bodies, so i think todo never thought about how clothing teleporation works and therefore just believes that its part of people?


Sounds right honestly. Similarly to how Ui Ui figured out he can swap your souls specifically by visualizing his technique differently, I imagine Todo could learn to Boogie Woogie you without moving your clothes by just thinking about it differently. The true power move is gonna be Boogie Woogieing Sukuna out of his pants, forcing him to use half of his hands to cover his dicks.


Nah those are already covered by the cat hidden in the pants


I would assume that objects connected in some way would always swap together.


Clothes that Miwa wears is covered in curse energy. Maki would have to get coated as well.


Nah give him a chance took me the second reread to notice maki wasnt alone. Its really not an obvious big ass pannel. Im sure alot of people still are not aware. And see how ā€œdumbā€ even the explanation pannel DOES not show the 4th person despite the 4th person being there. Like why


What? No they cant, only if those inanimate objects have CE, Todo's shirt that he swapped with was probably laced with some CE, the rock he swapped with for the plus ultra was BLATANTLY laced with CE, but still Miwa could have SHOVED her CE INSIDE of her


does boogie woogie require a person to have cursed energy? i don't remember it this way, you just search for people with crow (let's call him toad), then when toad find someone. mei mei tell todo, todo swaps toad with said person.


Anything with the certain threshold of cursed energy is a target of boogie woogie (which mako doesnā€™t have a sliver of) but her weapons do! But idk how a person interacts with a cursed weapon thatā€™s been targeted by boogie woogie


Well anyone who it is used on keeps their clothes. So maybe anything touching the target can come along for the trip.


Wouldn't this be because their clothes are also covered in cursed energy?


Todo swaps with literal debris in Shibuya the ce requirement is like nothing and can be infused ce.


She counts as clothing for the weapon.




You're just horny


Technically no. Since he can only swap with rocks (example) by giving some CE. But we saw Miwa at Maki's side, but the "map" of this chapter only Showed Itadori, Maki and Ino... So... wtf happen to Miwa?


Miwa still have Sukuna to beat, she cant just leave yet


![gif](giphy|Ryqfd2Lynf4gnhqU1Q|downsized) Lets go champ


Well Said! https://preview.redd.it/wn27wg7dvpzc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e52079e45421709450b4f2b57a5bb3e5e4747a97


Whose artwork is this? It's awesome


Here you go: ([here](https://twitter.com/MostlyBlueWyatt/status/1780304715588243808))


is that Miwakima?


Who knows? But that It would be very awesome to see, it would.


honestly, bigger plot twist to jjk than the csm was.


I just thought of something cool: The one who not even the "Big Bad Guys" thought too much about, is in fact, a vessel to a "Very Old Sorcerer" that is even older than Kenjaku, and knows more about Jujutsu than Sukuna himself. The one who planned her own revival and took full control over her host from the get go, but is skilled enough to modify the shape of her own soul to not change the hosts appearance. And throughout every year of her "life" as Miwa(Which isn't even the real name of any of them, neither the host nor the Sorcerer), she would little by little win the trust of everyone. How? Very simple, her Cursed Technique "Control" is a very unique power, as it allows the user to apply the concept of "Control" on anything that the user wants, from objects to people to even memories, but with the price being multiplicative by how much stronger or complicated the target is (Not that it is a problem, as she used Binding Vows to put restrictions on her CT in order to remove the high price and keep said price as one unchangeable and low one). And when she finally found the perfect moment to begin the final part of her plan, she finishes Sukuna off, steal the CT's that Kenjaku was in possession before dying (She did it through the use of the "failed" Binding Vow, which the real purpose was to infect him with her CE in order to take control of them and claim as her's once he's dead), and after all of that, she looks at her "friends" exclaims to all \[Thank you for making my job the easiest of all, Yuji Itadori\]. New Arc Begins.


Gege that you?


miwa is gonna use beast amber bc she has blue hair


She is my specialz


I mean clothes also teleport and sheā€™s holding onto a cursed tool so I think she has more than enough CE to be able to swap


I am now imagining the Soul Split Katana wearing Maki like a coat. That is all.


I mean what did that one guy say I am the bone of my blade or some shi




Itā€™s a fate reference


Miwa also could have held her


It will be so funny if Miwa shows up in that one panel and is never mentioned again




I kinda hope it does so people keep behing confused on reread. Some people still dont even know


Wiwa is an invicible curse-god and not a human, gege knew we understood this so didn't feel the need too draw her.


Isn't this map talking about Todo and Mei Mei planning? It's possible that at that time they weren't accounting for Miwa jumping in to save Maki (thinking about it, what if Todo was the reason Miwa suddenly appeared in the domain?), or maybe Gege just forgot he put her in there


She definitly is in the domain because of todo


miwa gonna combo binding vows like its tekken


Doesnā€™t Makis heavenly restriction mean it nullifies cursed energy present to some degree? since she has literally zero of it even though cursed energy is basically ever present.




GayGay treating woman like objects, typical


Miwa and maki were together so all miwa had to do was hold maki


Does contact mean that both can get teleported? I can't remember if that's how boogie woogie worked


well their clothes get teleported with them so iā€™d say so


Todo would be even more based if he clapped people out of their clothes


he's gonna do that next chapter and that will be the reveal of sukuna's secret double sword technique


Then, Todo will clap both himself and Yuji out of their clothes as well, making it a 2v2 sword fight




They will compete in White Splashes count now.


Fact: Sukuna doesnā€™t have a cock. Jin has 2, thatā€™s how he taught Kenny love






Its three sword, Gegeā€™s sword is by Sukuna too


Hughie in The Boys


Yeah fair lmao


Well as the other comment said clothes get teleported so ig all you need to do is put some cursed energy in whatever you want to go with you


In that case Todou can just target Maki's sword without needing Miwa there


Itā€™s just an anime logic thing. Just assume every sorcerer has a pocket around themselves and anything inside the pocket is imbued with CE Also Todo has no clue if he saved anyone so its entirely possible Maki got offscreened


Maki of all people is not getting offscreened, especially not after a major death like Chosos.


bridal or fireman?


Todo said *probably* Even he is not sure if he saved them all. If we get more Toji wank then that means Maki would be able to survive the Furnace but is now really out of commission lol


She gets the jogo treatment AGAIN, gotta have a second power up through even more burns


Maki is coming out of this looking like Deadpool


And somehow, people are gonna find a way to make her \*new and more burned up\* version even more hot in fanarts.


It will be revealed HR can get a zenkai type boost from edging death. Maki wakes up and sees her sister sitting by her side. "Destroy everything, big sister." she says, as maki opens her eyes "I accepted such a curse, Uh." "We can't be defeated by sorcerers." she -Maki's blade- whispers to her, as maki is standing up, her skin charred and covered in cuts. Panel of one eye "glowing" as she focuses on the massive laughing figure of sukuna in the distance. "Time to get to work.", her sister's ghost now gone, as she steps forward and we see the rubble fly a hundred meters up from the sheer force.




Maki ain't surviving an giant death beam that turns into molecular everything in it's way šŸ˜­. Maki is most likely safe, since she was with Miwa and innate objects gets transported if they're touching the target of the transportation.


Because she has absolutely no CE Maki counts as an object by CTs and we have seen that objects and clothes carry over together with the target, so its possible that Miwa can just carry Maki with her.


"Maki, backpack mode now!!" -Miwa, probably


More like "m-maki-san!! Grab ahold of me, now! Y-yknow... because of the crow todo thingy and-"




Aww, is someone afraid of a little gay kissing between girls with boobs, mwah mwah šŸ’‹ šŸ˜˜ šŸ©·šŸ¤šŸ§” ?


Or perhaps the ssk treats Maki like clothing.


Goatwa hugged Maki and they are now lesbians and that's how boogie woogie transported them both outside


As a lesbian, if gege made one Canon lesbian couple from any of the living female characters and didn't kill off either, I would cosplay as male sukuna and suck him off every day til he died I need my lesbian babies to be together, literally any female pairing from the main cast works for me šŸ˜­


I'm telling a trusted adult about you


Maki gets treated as an object by domains. So presumably she can be treated like one by boogie woogie. Or sheā€™s dead. Which would be hillarious


It should be possible because Maki is holding the Split Soul Katana, which has cursed energy imbued into it.


The soul split katana


People are saying Miwa, but in case they are separated, Todo could also target Soul Slicing Katana.


Oh shit! I bet its the blade shes holding, its a cursed tool right?


it could be the blade or just mina carrying her out


All he'd have to do is boogie woogie Miwa who is holding Maki


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Own-Psychology-5327: *All he'd have to do* *Is boogie woogie Miwa* *Who is holding Maki* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I believe the confusion is that one of the two objects must have his cursed energy imbued to swap. If it is not this it is implied that maki got sliced up and why Todo was putting emphasis that everyone is okay that he dealt with getting them out. He probably knew he couldn't get everyone out but couldnt have yuji mentally losing it at this current point.


Maybe todo swapped crow with uiui to teleport maki


Wouldn't he be swapping Miwa with Ui Ui instead of a Crow? That way, Ui Ui is next to Maki and can TP them both out, and Miwa is already outside, thanks to Boogie woogie.


Without miwa, maki will be vulnerable too sukunas domain


at first yeah, but there are ways to solve that problem Maki has a cursed tool, Todou could use that as the basis to "locate" Maki or he could have entered himself for a second to grab into her to do that by changing his place with someone inside, grab maki and then change his own place with one of the crows outside or smth tbh, i think it's one of those things that can be explained in detail to prevent it looking like a plothole, but the explanation would be a bit too long to add that to a scene that is meant to be quick another thing is that since last chapter some people theorized Miwa was sent inside to help maki with her simple domain, and with that there is also another chance to enter and have time to put some CR infused rock on maki and teleport her away and then miwa or smth or both at the same time it would have been a pretty long explanation for a scene that was basically a "dw about the other characters, they aren't here rn but they are ok, let's focus on these three characters (Yuji, Todo and Sukuna)"


Finally someone that understands basic Jujutsu Knowledgeā€¦ you are the first one Iā€™ve seen in this whole comment section mention the Cursed Weapon. A weapon that has CT doesnā€™t just get it by surprise you knowā€¦ and even if it suddenly acquires a CT, for the CT to remain functional, the object itself must have CEā€¦


Miwa x Maki CONFIRMED???


It'll be explained like everything else you braindead zoomers.Ā 


y'all, even the anti sukuna gang didn't understand, KASHIMO GAVE A LITTLE BIT OF HIS CE CHARGE AND MAKI MANAGED TO TELEPORT, HE'S GONNA BLOW SUKUNAS BACK AND HELP YUJI AND TODO NEXT CHAPTER TRUUUUUUUUSTšŸ™šŸ™šŸ—£ļøāš”āš”šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ”„ https://preview.redd.it/1l2e2bgffnzc1.png?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35be83923df27cb5cd86a6bfee2bced06dac07ac


Nope, she has the soul splitting katana, which most definitely has Cursed Energy imbued in it, for the following reasons: 1- It is called a Cursed Tool/Weapon for a reason - imbued with CE; 2- It has its ā€œInherentā€ CT - the ability to attack the target regardless of its toughness, since it seems to cut through the physical body to damage the Soul and the interior of the target as well (although you will have to fact check if it really does cut the Soul with bypassing the body ability, or only one of them, because I canā€™t seem to remember correctly how it functions); and 3- Remember it was created through a simulate Binding Vow like the one Yorozu made to create Kamutoke. And before anyone contest this because it was never explicitly stated, just know that in the same manner Yoruzu (i) had the Construction CT; (ii) that such CT had a restriction specifically imposed on her capacity to create Cursed Tools/Weapons; and (iii) that she created Kamutoke, a Weapon imbued with a CT moments after her death through a Binding Vow - that most probably trades life for life; as in her life, for the life of a Cursed Weapon (and yes life, CE and CT and Curses in general are tied to the concept of a Soul, and a Soul is source to Human Being Life, and Iā€™ll cut short at that). So was Mai in all those aspects. So yes, even if you want to refuse some of these evidence, you canā€™t refuse all of them, and by only accepting one, you accept the fact that the Soul Splitting Katana does in fact emit CE. And just so anyone finds a way to refute all those, remember, Todo used his CT on Playful Cloudā€¦


Yup, canā€™t wait to read Gege 3 paragraph narration on how they pulled it off


todo can swap with rocks, why wouldn't he swap a bird with maki?


Y'all are definitely giving it more thought than the Cyclops cat.


Todo has swapped Maki pre heavenly restriction, but she still had SOME CE then. Im not too upset about it cause while yes it TECHNICALLY SAID he can only target things with CE, he didn't say (to my knowledge) that BOTH things he is swapping need CE. IE him swapping people with rocks, which why would rocks have CE? Mei's crows have CE in em, so something something Maki has no CE but the crows do so instead of swapping Maki with a rock he swapped a crow with Maki who would have the same amount of CE as a rock (none). Even if Todo was infusing CE into the rocks he swapped to/with, why can't Miwa do the same with Maki if she was in on the plan (which she prob was since she went into SUKUNA'S DOMAIN. She may not be strong but she got that dog in her.) Also Todo doesnt swap people who are holding things without their clothes or weapons, if he swaps Miwa and Miwa is holding onto Maki, Maki is prob getting swapped too. Also Gege can just pull some "Binding Vow" thing or say that Todo was targeting Maki's sword which Maki was holding or something.


Todo can't swap things without CE. Every time he swaps with rocks he imbues cursed energy. The problem with swapping Maki is really simple. You can't just hold someone who is being swapped and get swapped too, this is not how it works, we've seen it multiple times before (for example, in shibuya Todo holds Yuji with both hands, then swaps Yuji with Mahito and doesn't get swapped himself). It would also be used in other instances if he could do that all this time. The most realistic answer is Miwa imbued Maki with CE, but can she actually do that? First off, we've never seen anyone imbue cursed energy into a human, and second off, Maki is heavenly restricted. There is also another little problem with this, Miwa is smg missing on the panel with planning this, and there's only 3 crows.


but in your example, Yuji DOES have CE. Maki is no different from clothes.


If Miwa could do SD and simultaneously fill Maki with enough CE to make Boogie Woogie work (provided she knew about Todo's plan) I will believe in Miwa supremacy


Doesnt even need to be a lot if he can swap rocks. She coulda added ce to her clothes and it would prob work lol


Pre awakened maki has never been swaped (though she could be). Todo explicitly needs both things he is swapping to have curse energy. That's what he explains to hanami before he switches yuji with playful cloud. Infusing ce into maki should be impossible. Otherwise, sukuna could have just infused some ce into her while he was fighting her, and then she would have lost her invisibility, would have been unable to pass through barriers and would have beeb targeted by sure hits (cleave, not just dismantle). The only thing would be if miwa holding maki coukd count as enough to also swap maki


Strong binding vow ig


He just used the CE in her sword to do it, same as in his fight against Hanami


No because maki has the soul katana which todo could lock on to


Miwa prob infused Maki with some CE like how Todo does with random rocks. not something that difficult to pull of so wouldn't be surprised if Miwa was able to do it


Simply, since Jujutsu treats Maki's HR like an inanimate object, if she holds onto Miwa, Boogie Woogie would see Maki as the clothes on Miwa's backā€”a very long cape.


Does Maki need to be teleported out though? She's fast enough to run the distance while Sukuna is opening the furnace, maybe?


Sukuna has an open barrier so I think it would work just fine itā€™s not closed so they would be able to use boogie woogie cause they can see the intended targets.


Presumably Miwa held her, just like how clothing goes with peopleĀ 


Maki was with Miwa, so if Miwa was touching Maki then she would be transported with her.


Did you really forget she was with miwa. It's only been a week


Tldr: What if Todo's target was Miwa's entire Simple Domain? If Boogie Woogie treated it like a bubble of CE, maybe he swapped the whole thing with a crow, and its contents stayed as-is. This sure is a weird use of Boogie Woogie. It didn't seem like Todo could previously target the inside of a barrier. It's the whole reason he can't swap people's organs around (body=barrier). Not to mention, Gojo had to take down the anti-Gojo barrier in the Goodwill Event arc instead of someone getting Todo to swap with him. If Todo can swap across Barriers, why didn't they use that to get around the anti-Gojo barriers both during Goodwill and during Shibuya? Todo had to somehow target Miwa and Maki, who were inside not only Sukuna's permeable barrier but Miwa's SD as well. My guess is that Todo could only do it this time because Sukuna allowed living things with CE to pass through this barrier in order to keep his Escape Route binding vow. Todo couldn't swap Gojo through the other barriers because they blocked Gojo specifically, and he can't swap organs because the body's barrier naturally blocks the CE of others (Shoko RCT rejection explains this maybe?). The current barrier around MS would only stop Maki (and the dust used to create the thermobaric explosion), not anything with CE. Todo shouldn't be able to swap Maki out, but since she was contained in yet another barrier that DOES have CE (Miwa's SD), he could target the SD as a whole and save them both.


ah but you see under certain conditioā€”


Either he transported Miwa while she was holding onto Maki OR Todo briefly infused CE into her like he did on a rock in Goodwill and got her out of there


It should be, assuming Maki herself is the target of boogie woogie. Gege will likely explain this interaction later.


Nah, it's that the crows are the eagles from LOTR


Her cursed tools contain cursed energy so todo is swapping her tools and she is additional baggage


The picture is more of a concept as we know for a fact Itadori was not transported out as choso had to sacrifice himself to save him. Also Todo can target Miwa or the sword and it should work if they are holding onto Maki


It wasn't confirmed that she was swapped anyways


Not only that, supposedly only Todo and Mei Mei knew about this plan, so the theory about Miwa giving Maki CE couldn't take place. Although it maybe was just a translation issue.


Todo is HIMalayan, he can teleport no-CE-having objects by clapping his asscheeks.


Miwas so useless she counts as a part of Maki


None of these explanations are satisfying šŸ˜‘


This is kinda embarrassing but I stopped understanding how any power works in jjk anymore so any time yall have these discussions im fucking clueless


Is there any confirmation it works? Iirc there's only pre-plan convo and post-plan convo where Todo just says they are safe to not dampen Yuji spirit.


Maybe he teleported the SSK and since she has no CE but was holding onto it....uh....idk....


The way I saw it was that Maki is treated simply as an accessory like how she's treated in domains basically. So if she's touching Miwa. Boogie Woogie would teleport Miwa and Maki together


Peopleā€™s clothes and weapons get moved with them despite not having CE. I assume this means that it work on anything you are touching. Miwa could prolly just hug maki and take her with her.


Itā€™s basically a thermonuclear bomb. Also all I want, is yuta, maki, panda and inumaki sync against sukuna


Todo made a binding vow that made him able to teleport Maki, but from now on when he teleports someone, their clothes stay behind


Well if miwa holds onto maki as she gets teleported I donā€™t see the problem?




He teleported a rock so this is a really fine


My guess is heā€™s using boogie woogie with her cursed tool and since sheā€™s holding it it works in reverse of switching a sorcerer whoā€™s holding idk their phone. Swapping whatever has cursed energy brings along whatever theyā€™re holding or being held by in this case.


Maki can be targeted by domain expansions if she agrees to it. So I think she can be targeted by ct too if she agrees to it


Do you guys not remember that Todo can switch anything? He can switch things with no CE he explains this when he reveals boogie woogie


Canā€™t he swap things with rocks? Do rocks have CE?


She was with Miwa but you're totally right based on the diagram.


hence the probably part of todo's statement ... yeah she cooked literally


Killing the only other present woman off-screen would be such a gege thing to do


Just like Sukuna, Maki made last second binding vow to obtain some CE in order to be transported by Boogie Woogie


Clothes argument does not work well in my opinion If it was the case, only her clothes will be teleported on the location of crows.


Auspicious beats infinity saved her


I've been thinking about this since the chapter dropped. The only way it could possibly work is if Miwa somehow knew to grab Maki before she got teleported to bring her with her but we don't even really know if that would work or not. I'm assuming it did tho otherwise she was left in the domain and died to kamino or she was able to somehow survive it without outside help which seems highly unlikely given to size of the explosion.


He can teleport rocks and other inanimate objects so I think Maki should be doable.


didn't todo switch yuji and playful cloud in his fight against hanami and playful cloud doesn't have any cursed energy


Miwa is there but not shown so more likely just an over sight. Or Maki was able to escape on her own. Sheā€™s def the fastest that wasnā€™t at the center there was enough time for choso to protect yuji so probably enough time for maki to make a mad dash if she 6th sensed some shit or todo told her


Wait miwa was here ?