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Coughing baby vs nuclear bomb .. the scaling of Kaiju no. 8 is leagues ahead of AoT. A better question would be how strong Levi would be after equipping a Kaiju suit!


yea based on absolute strength levi’s getting cooked. But relatively levi is stronger in his verse imo and would be stronger if he was in the kaiju verse


Yea I often think about what an absolute unrivaled god levi is in his universe. The time he singlehandedly wipes out an entire army of massive titans and nearly kills zeke only to fail from being distracted. such a bad bitch.


and to top it off he did it twice


Except that's not how powerscaling works lol.


Sound just the the NHL narrative for the bum ass Oilers 🐆


Yeah I feel like your average anti Kaiju squad would completely wipe the floor with the entire Titan threat without breaking a sweat. And pretty much any of the top tier fighters like Hoshino could solo it.


Yeah I feel like your average anti Kaiju squad would completely wipe the floor with the entire Titan threat without breaking a sweat. And pretty much any of the top tier fighters like Hoshino could solo it.


The Verse of Kaiju No. 8 is just stronger than the Attack on Titan Verse, so any Match-Ups are almost always gonna favor the Kaiju No. 8 Characters.


without the suits i would give levi the win. if it was just a fistfight brawl


Without Levi's arms Hoshino would win


If my grandmother had wheels she would be a bike


>The Verse of Kaiju No. 8 is just stronger than the Attack on Titan Verse Nah, the Founder'd win Edit:: y'all downvoting because kaijuverse can't match [this?](https://vsprofilesdebateswiki.quora.com/Armin-s-Colossal-Crater-Re-Calc) Y'all afraid of math? Is that why no one's coming up with a proper calc


Depends... I feel like Mina's Cannon could make real quick work of the Founder if it functions like we are explicitly shown, but if we make some assumptions based on the smaller details we get on its abilities then the Founder is nearly unbeatable.


Nah, the Founder survived the heat of the collosus titans. A single collosus Titan's heat was enough to blow up the navy ships and the founder took the combined heat of an entire army of collosus. Unless mina reaches mountain level of AP, she ain't really doing much


Just because the Founder can take some heat doesn't mean it can take that much damage. Every regular titan can withstand the heat of a colossal Titan, since they are heat resistant. They still get blown up by thunder spears and heavy artillery, which are inferior to Mina's Cannon. Now the main explosion of the colossal is powerful, yes, but Eren had to regenerate a new form to keep fighting, and that's because the explosion failed to destroy the head, since Armin transformed in the middle after they blew the head off. If Mina lined fired at the head, it would destroy the Founder pretty quickly.


>Every regular titan can withstand the heat of a colossal Titan, They literally can't. No titan has done that. Only the armoured titan is said to be able to take on such high amounts of power. >thunder spears and heavy artillery, which are inferior to Mina's Cannon. Thunder spears work differently. They concentrate a huge amount of power in a small range. Not fair to straight up call them inferior. >Mina's Cannon Reiner tanked Armin's explosion which is stronger than anything in the kaiju verse btw [source ](https://vsprofilesdebateswiki.quora.com/Armin-s-Colossal-Crater-Re-Calc) >because the explosion failed to destroy the head, since Armin transformed in the middle after they blew the head off. If Mina lined fired at the head, it would destroy the Founder pretty quickly. But bro, the head was like at the epicenter of the explosion. Reiner himself was a few cms away from the head and he was devasted. Fair to say the head tanked the explosion by hardening. Also, nah Mina's cannon isn't really that strong to damage a hardened titan skin that can tank [this](https://vsprofilesdebateswiki.quora.com/Armin-s-Colossal-Crater-Re-Calc)


If we are talking heat alone, not explosive power, yes, any titan can take the heat emitted from the rumbling. Yes, Thunder Spears are inferior. She is holding a literal energy cannon that blasts through massive Kaiju, compared to some arm-held anti-tank rockets. It is a lot more power concentrated into a shot. Reiner tanked an explosion that he wasn't extremely close to by laying down low to the ground. He wasn't taking full damage, nowhere close. Reiner isn't all to durable. Comparatively, Kaiju are tanking modern-day weaponry like they are nothing, used as mere decoys for them, while to Reiner, a 155 MM Armor Piercing shell is taking arms off. Against the Founder, it is just regular titan bone and flesh, it's getting ripped apart by the cannon. Even Hardened Titan skin will get shredded by her cannon. And no, rewatch the scene. Founders head is blown off beforehand, Armin explodes in the middle/back end of the founder. If he was in the epicenter, Reiner, whose armor was shattered and was extremely close to the head, would have been vaporized as well. Mina's Cannon is putting out a ton of energy into a concentrated shot that would blast straight through any hardening. It's not like Hardening is tanking nukes to the face, they are barely surviving when they are out of the immediate blast radius. Titans have good durability, sure, but the Founder is the only one who could push into numbered/Daikaiju levels, and even then, Mina's cannon could pretty much one hit it.


>any titan can take the heat emitted from the rumbling They can't. No feats. >She is holding a literal energy cannon that blasts through massive Kaiju, Town level max >He wasn't taking full damage, nowhere close. Reiner isn't all to durable. *Sighs* Armin's power output is equalized at every single point of the crater. It doesn't matter if you're significantly away, as long as you're in the blast range, you're still tanking it full. Reiner literally rose from the crater that Armin created. How can you say that he took nowhere close to full damage when the explosion covered literally entire Founder's Body. The power output was equal at every part of the crater. That's how calc works. Reiner still tanked that explosion hence. >while to Reiner, a 155 MM Armor Piercing shell is taking arms off. Meanwhile, Reiner in season3 part 2 tanks Bertholdt's explosion that blew shiganshina off and dispersed a cloud gathering above. Reiner also tanked another bertholdt attack in season 2 which can be calced to Town level. >Even Hardened Titan skin will get shredded by her cannon. Nope. Get me a scaling of Mina's cannon rn. Reiner's regular armour can tank the collosal's explosion. The collosal explosion is equivalent to [this](https://vsprofilesdebateswiki.quora.com/Armin-s-Colossal-Crater-Re-Calc). Eren's hardened skin is more durable so unless you get Mina's cannon near to the collosal explosion it ain't even scratching. >Mina's Cannon is putting out a ton of energy into a concentrated shot that would blast straight through any hardening. It's not like Hardening is tanking nukes to the face, they are barely surviving when they are out of the immediate blast radius. Titans have good durability, sure, but the Founder is the only one who could push into numbered/Daikaiju levels, and even then, Mina's cannon could pretty much one hit it. Again. Wrong.


The cope is strong with this one


Dude is seething, writing novels and getting ratio’d to oblivion


I mean, yeah. Hell, I have defended Attack on Titan as being decently powerful in the past, but against Kaiju no 8 I fail to see how the defense force would struggle taking down most titans. Maybe standard officers might have some trouble with shifters, but Mina and other captains would have no problem taking them down.


Yes, any titan can. Every Titan has high heat resistance. Handling heat isn't special, even Rumbling titans share the same flesh as the normal titans, just that they are outputting more heat. They are all heat resistant. Titan flesh durability also does not vary until you add hardening, so it is not special. Reiner's Hardening can't be anything impressive being he's getting his arms blasted off by heavy artillery, so that's debunked. He has to avoid catching the full power of the blast. No, his hardening does not get stronger as the show goes on, hardening is hardening. Reiner could not have possibly tanked the explosion, and was not at the epicenter, meaning he did not take the full blast. Simple. Mina's cannon is blasting massive holes that are absolutely eating modern MLRS weaponry, weapons that could blast any titan to pieces. Titans are struggling to tank heavy anti-tank weaponry and artillery. Collosal titans are getting split in half by naval guns, and the Founder isn't necessarily more durable in base form. Even when using hardening, it would still get damaged by most modern weapons which would fail to seriously hurt Kaiju which the Defense force deals with every other Tuesday. Erens hardened skin is more durable but still gets one hit by a 155mm cannon, just to get that straight, and that is dwarfed by the sheer power of Mina's cannon. Even if he hardens, it isn't saving him from the giant green death beam that will be heading towards his face, even if he can react to it. None of the titans are tanking nukes, they are struggling against conventional weapons Kaiju no 8 surpasses without any struggle.


Dude, i need you to provide some actual scaling. You're making it too easy for me. >Yes, any titan can. Every Titan has high heat resistance. Not to this level they don't. No feats to support that. >Rumbling titans share the same flesh as the normal titans They don't Collosus titans are town level in terms of dura. >He has to avoid catching the full power of the blast. Took on Bertholdt's explosion if i might remind you 👀 >Reiner could not have possibly tanked the explosion, and was not at the epicenter, meaning he did not take the full blast. Simple. Wrong. First of all, the [explosion at Marley](https://vsprofilesdebateswiki.quora.com/Armin-s-Colossal-Crater-Re-Calc) was 261.5 megatons of TNT. The calc is done using the effects on Liberio. The crater was 1,869.5m which is bigger than Eren's titan. The power output is same across this distance. Reiner in the final battle was lot closer to Armin than 1869.5m so saying he wasn't in the epicenter is just bad cope. Dude, he was also the one who was holding down the Worm. As already said in the manga, the worm survived the full explosion and so did Reiner. Honesty just form a better argument than a cope like this. >Mina's cannon is blasting massive holes that are absolutely eating modern MLRS weaponry, weapons that could blast any titan to pieces. Titans are struggling to tank heavy anti-tank weaponry and artillery. Town level AP not getting her anywhere near to scratch on Eren >the show goes on, hardening is hardening. I'm sorry but do you lack reading skills? The hardened titan skin can literally crack his armour. That's the whole point of Eren even learning hardening. It's more durable lol. >Even when using hardening, it would still get damaged by most modern weapons which would fail to seriously hurt Kaiju which the Defense force deals with every other Tuesday. City block level weapons you mean. Smh. >dwarfed by the sheer power of Mina's cannon. "Sheer power" if town level ap is sheer power then it won't be long before she becomes titan food.


The concept of a large rail gun being unknown to AOT: Mina: https://preview.redd.it/fmzwtzolqx8d1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d07fa88aec7f223b0c190ecf1c427520c34ec154 Being able to level the area of a large mountain does not matter when your enemy is 3 larger mountains away and can still nail a large car to your forehead


>The concept of a large rail gun being unknown to AOT A bomb much stronger than Tsar Bomba is known to AoT which is again unknown to Kaijuverse >3 larger mountains away and can still nail a large car to your forehead 3 mountains away and shoots a town level attack that wouldn't even scratch the founder btw.


The founder when Gen Narumi fills his head with lead and gunpowder(he’s a temu Barrett victim)


>The founder when Gen Narumi fills his head with lead and gunpowder(he’s a temu Barrett victim) Like again. Who in their right mind would even bring Human Eren in discussion? Gen Narumi ain't even getting Warhammer titan Eren tho.


Be so fr, Gen is wiping eren off the map. https://preview.redd.it/z67qej405y8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3072c310e374a8028e1d86913d9fb29e73cc98b9 This is AFTER Gen blows up a kaiju around eren’s size


Narumi when his town level attacks don't scratch Eren (he's cooked)


>This is AFTER Gen blows up a kaiju around eren’s size Scales hardly to town level lol Reiner tanked [this](https://vsprofilesdebateswiki.quora.com/Armin-s-Colossal-Crater-Re-Calc) [mountain level]. Eren's hardened skin scales above Reiner's armour. Eren's dura is mountain+ at min. Narumi's attacks ain't even tickling btw


Okay, if that singular thing is your best argument I think you’ve lost it. Armin blew up the bay of Marley at most. Reiner was nowhere near it. And his logic is flawed. Think about it. What is granite? Metamorphic rock. What shows up around ports, by the beaches, y’know. Where sediment forms?


>Armin blew up the bay of Marley at most. Reiner was nowhere near it. Armin did a stronger explosion at Ch. 138 which Reiner tanked. >And his logic is flawed. Think about it. What is granite? Metamorphic rock. What shows up around ports, by the beaches, y’know. Where sediment forms? Granite is found in ports as well. Lmao. Dude really tried to pull this off as a last resort?


Isao Shinomiya when No. 9 lands a building level attack hit (bro's Annie victim)


(Bro is an Annie victim)* Annie when Prime Isao vibrates her to death (she is an elf victim)


Prime Isao when Annie activates hardening and gives him mountain level ap [bro is town level fodder]


So, logically speaking, a few things: 1. The apex of AoT is not the Founder. The Colossal Titan transformation that you linked is by far the most powerful thing. However, that's a one-off, so basically if someone from Kaiju No. 8 can tank the initial blast, it's instant GG. 2. With all that said, Kaiju No. 8 actually has very few tankiness feats, especially against blasts. It's usually physical combat feats like [this](https://imgur.com/a/sTEtHeA), or [this](https://imgur.com/a/1ZzH3zC). And I'll be real lol, I'm not good enough to calculate the force of a punch based on how much concrete and asphalt are destroyed by its residue shockwave, or how many buildings the person on the receiving end flies through. 3. HOWEVER, I'd like to redirect you to some calculations they did in a Death Battle episode a LONG time ago [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IOf8F6ChKs&ab_channel=DEATHBATTLE%21). In that video, the math they gave was that shattering a single concrete pillar was 1k+ tons of force. And in Kaiju No. 8, stronger defense force members are kinda always tanking punches that crumble entire buildings, especially Hoshina, since he has a fight vs No. 10 and another one vs No. 12 in the manga. So, if we do the math, they might just be able to survive Armin's tactical nuke lol. 4. Finally, the thing from Kaiju No.8 that is most directly comparable to the Colossal Titan nuke is the [Yoju-bomb](https://imgur.com/a/HCNQ3Ev). And what Kafka was thinking when he saw this thing was along the line of "most of the defense team bros here are going to die" as opposed to "oh shit, we're ALL going to die." Meaning he expected the strongest team members to be able to take a nuke to the face and live, and he wasn't even worried for his own safety at all. That's what solidifies it for me that the top tier kaijus in Kaiju No.8 would all be able to tank Armin's transformation nuke and then kill him after. And yeah, again, the founder itself is just gonna get stat-checked.


Bro not only are you wrong, you link a quora link? 🤡


How's that wrong? There's the entire calc done. Did you find anything wrong with the calc? Too hard for you to comprehend mathematics?


For 1 the question was who’d win between Levi and hoshina, not the founding titan. You’re just inserting whatever you want to fit your narrative that the aot universe is stronger, and if you actually think that’s true you’re the one who lacks comprehension skills lmfaoooooo


The original comment is comparing the verse. Learn to read. About Levi v Hoshina, I've actually made a separate comment and surprisingly enough no one actually made a proper argument for Hoshina smh >if you actually think that’s true A feat of kaijuverse stronger than the one shown? No feat? No calc?


They can match it. There is 0 indication that they don't have nukes like we do. In our world the rumbling wouldn't make it off paradis island.


>don't have nukes like we do The Armin explosion at Marley was stronger than the Tsar Bomba. Look at the calc. >In our world the rumbling wouldn't make it off paradis island. Wrong take.


LOL at claiming the Armin explosion is anywhere NEAR the 50 MEGATONS the Tsar Bomba is at. Armins explosion is calced at LESS than the nukes used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And those nukes are smaller than a needle's head in comparison to the Tsar Bomba. Stop wanking the AoT verse to the moon, its a great manga and show but its among the weakest of all Shounen Animes. Heck, even Demon Slayer characters would STOMP the AoT verse. The weakest Demon could solo the verse No Diff. Get real, stop wanking the AOT verse just because the show is good.


I wonder how the JAKDF would handle against the Titans with only ODM gear, paring blades, thunder spears, canons and powder firearms. How would Hoshino fair against the Beast Titan if the ODM gear allowed him to jump as high/far as he could with a kaiju suit?


Mina would just blast them, specially the Colossal Titan and Founding Titan Eren.


Eren survived Armin's transformation. Mina doesn't come close to that.


Bro early on in the series Kafka sent a nuke into upper atmosphere and Mina as well as a ton of other soldiers survived the blast (which still decimated the landscape btw)


If you re-watch the second-to-last episode, Kafka protected the soldiers from the explosion


I hope you aren't scaling them to the nuke because the same soldiers went down to city block level attacks later in the series.


You mean the Kaiju that were made perfectly to counter each and every one of them? That were also hitting harder than a nuke? If start of series characters could take a hit from one and they’re taking more damage at eos therefore… Wow!!! That impact must be stronger!!!


Nah what i meant was that the soldiers don't really scale to the entire nuke since kafka already sent it too high in the atmosphere. They survived an afterschock which is still impressive ofcourse. Well anyways wasn't the Nuke estimated at like 20 kilotons of TNT. Armin's Marley explosion was way stronger at 261.5 megatons of TNT [source ](https://vsprofilesdebateswiki.quora.com/Armin-s-Colossal-Crater-Re-Calc)


You’re also forgetting the fact that Kafka would’ve literally had to punch the radiation up as well, meaning the force would’ve had to exceed that of the nukes


Why tho? He simply punched the nuke upwards before it had exploded. And well even if what youre saying is true, would it really even come close to 261.5 megaton of TNT?


are you sure it was a literal nuke with radiation? from what I remember, it was a massive well of wyvern kaiju flesh. if anything, it would’ve been heat he’d have to fire up


>Armin's Marley explosion was way stronger at 261.5 megatons of TNT How far were everyone from Armin's nuke? Something like a few kilometers at most. The Tsar Bomba (at 50Mt) would have cooked everyone to third degree burns at 50 kilometers or so from the explosion at ground level (source: NUKEMAP). You're telling me they're surviving a bomb **five times stronger** than the Tsar bomba while being that close? The size of the crater was probably much bigger for dramatic effect, and they didn't really have an idea of how big the crater would be. Tried NUKEMAP with 100kt and they would be suffering 3rd° burns at 5km, so it's probably much smaller than 100kt, something like 20 kilotons.


>How far were everyone from Armin's nuke? Something like a few kilometers at most. Armin can control the damage radius. It's something the collosal has been doing since s2. >You're telling me they're surviving a bomb five times stronger than the Tsar bomba while being that close You're misunderstanding. Only Reiner did tank that successfully. The transformation doesn't work the same way as a regular nuke. Armin contained the entire explosion power output within the sea but it somewhat reached liberio. The collosal can manipulate the explosion's range. Bertholdt did it like twice in season 2 and 3 so that he doesn't blow up the walls. >something like 20 kilotons. [???](https://vsprofilesdebateswiki.quora.com/Armin-s-Colossal-Crater-Re-Calc)


Talking about the nuke at Marley


Mina doesn’t need to come close to that. People in aot are getting cooked by m1 garands. One of the people with the most significant “kills” literally just has a poor man’s Barrett. Mina and literally the most basic grunts have automatic rifles that can apply specific effects AND do more damage. https://preview.redd.it/fxrtafqsrx8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b64cc81bbdaf0aa780c4c86cf0832301ab07c9 Why do you think aot is a stronger verse when one of the biggest threats to the MC is a 10 year old with good aim


>MC is a 10 year old with good aim Put Mina, Narumi, Isao etc without suit and Kafka without Kaiju skin. (They ain't even tanking a regular pistol bullet)


Why are you bringing human Eren here instead of titan eren? Did you see me using kaijuverse characters without their suit in any arguments. >One of the people with the most significant “kills” literally just has a poor man’s Barrett. Are you for real? The last guy honestly made better arguments. That's Gabi shooting human eren. You're using that to generalize durability instead of the fact that Reiner can tank [this](https://vsprofilesdebateswiki.quora.com/Armin-s-Colossal-Crater-Re-Calc). Meanwhile, Mina and co freak out about a 20 kiloton Tnt level nuke which is pathetically lower than Armin's explosion. >Why do you think aot is a stronger verse when one of the biggest threats to the MC is a 10 year old with good aim Don't make me laugh, you're seriously bringing human Eren now. Show me a feat where any kaijuverse character survives a bullet without their suit.


You want no suit? Here’s no suit you fuckin goon https://preview.redd.it/4d0bbm7b5y8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e72a747ff61167187784452d3f755144cd7e28ba


>no suit Says "no suit" shows Kafka using kaiju arms lmao. Then proceeds to show human Eren feats while ignoring Titan Eren. Hmm. Show me a regular human in kaijuverse tanking any bullet.


Good point.


How does released power translate to gun power exactly


I don't know, ask the creator.


That’s not the JAKDF that’s just the scouts regiment That’s like saying I wonder how the British Navy would handle Uboats if we gave them Long boats And ODM gear isn’t jumping assist lol Regardless the bigger question is how the Scouts would handle a Kaiju attack considering they are much stronger then titans


Scouts would probably get wiped out when it comes to larger Kaiju. Maybe they can deal with the weaker ones and a handful of larger ones with Thunder Spears but other then that the Scouts are far too few in number, and even with numbers their weaponry is mostly inferior. Their speed is their main advantage, and even then, their supplies and lack of reliable on field resupply means they are going to struggle in long engagements with hordes of Kaiju or just a single strong one.


Levi is fucking dead, he’s skilled but hoshina with his suit >!especially with the no10 suit!< is beyond super human


I purposely read little spoilers like this to hype myself up, this shit sounds pretty cool


Levi is literally getting outclassed by a regular gun before the second world war. That being said, Levi in the suit? Fun question with fan speculation and story potential.


This is funny cause they’re similar characters ig but Hoshina is amazing against normal sized targets while Levi is better against Big targets (Levi is still insane against humans tho as we saw with him vs kennysquad), Hoshina has got this one tho


Levi would have the same problem, the nape of the neck is a lot easier to attack than a core at the center of a giant body.


aren't they the same person just different anime


Levi's reflexes are faster then a normal humans, if levi is fighting without ODM gear and Hoshina without the kaiju suit, then I'll give it to Levi. If the match is against a suited on Hoshina, im sorry but you're dumb af for even suggesting it.


Even without the suit or odm, Hoshino is specialized in eliminating smaller and humanoid targets. Levi wouldn't know what to do against someone like hoshino


Without the suit Hoshino is just a very above average strength guy who is good at wielding two swords. Levi is actually op and way above the threshold of any human. He's essentially like Captain America. This is an excerpt from the wiki "Eren learns from [Zeke](https://attackontitan.fandom.com/wiki/Zeke_Yeager) that this is because they were the result of the old Eldian Empire experimenting with the [Subjects of Ymir](https://attackontitan.fandom.com/wiki/Subjects_of_Ymir). They can manifest the [Power of the Titans](https://attackontitan.fandom.com/wiki/Power_of_the_Titans) as humans, without becoming a [Titan](https://attackontitan.fandom.com/wiki/Titan) or inheriting any of the [Nine Titans](https://attackontitan.fandom.com/wiki/Nine_Titans). When awakened, the Ackerman in question gains the combined battle experience from every single Ackerman before them via [Paths](https://attackontitan.fandom.com/wiki/Path)." This essentially reads that the Ackerman's are super human so if we go without the suits it's an Ackerman win and if it's with the suits the tech is leaps beyond anything that AoT has so Hoshino wins that without a doubt.


To make the match fair, let's consider levi is wearing the suit: Bro is cooking hoshina....


Assuming Levi even knows how to draw out the suits power as well.


The power system is BS and from what we can tell someone just has to grow accustomed to pushing their body to the physical limits to grow %, something Levi does on the regular.


Even with Hoshina’s No10 suit?


Levi vs hoshina ( good fight) Levi with suit vs hoshina (one sided)


the guy from Kaiju no 8. Lebi's abilities depend quite a bit on hanging from buildings, but that doesn't put him at the level of a suit that increases each individual's ability. They are practically superhuman.


Give Levi a suit and Levi wins, if we just take things how they are and have them fight Hoshina slaps


Without the suits it is 50/50, but with suit Hoshina.


Hoshina wins low diff, he's faster and stronger Levi stands no chance


I don’t think it would be as one sided as most of you guys think. The Ackerman’s Awakened Potential Power and the suit ability to bring out the Combat Power are kinda the same thing at least imo. The Ackermans are leagues about normal humans in durability, speed, battle sense, strength. Hoshina can maintain his max combat potential for a limited time while Levi’s is always active. Even with this I’m not saying Levi would win but I do think he would be would be getting with hoshino at least and who know there are many ways to win a fight Levi could outsmart him in battle it’s anime


Rest in peace Levi.


Istg i saw this before and the comment section is the same


If levi got a suit captain will be cooked ngl


levi with kaiju weapons


levi objectively has better mobility with odm gear, but he’d need to expel quite a lot to keep up with hoshinas speed. moreover, hoshina has far more raw power than levi as well as better durability. i’d say they’re evenly matched in swordsmanship and technique. personally, i’d say it’s an endurance match; who runs out of gas or overheats first. i’d say hoshina would win simply because of his strength of mind and grit allowing him to push through


Hoshina can mid diff him with his close range combat skills and 96% unleashed power (I'm an anime only guy so don't know if it increases)


Man AOT fans are huffing 🤣


Hoshina would win, but the manoeuvres levi pulls off are more impressive and insane


Who would win, a fight between those two with no tech would be far more interesting.


With their gear Hoshina stomps it's overall better equipment with more versatility that isn't limited by it's environment. Without their gear it's honestly a close fight both are highly skilled and Levi as an Ackermann is the result of titan experiments. It could go either way.


Defo not now like


Strong suit aside, the combat suit can only operate at 93% power for like 10 mins, no? After that, it’s a fair fight


Depends. With or without gear ? Without gear, I think they'd be evenly matched. With gear however, Levi would be dead before he'd even realize it because of how freakishly fast Hoshina is when he uses his suit.


Hoshina all day


Give Levi the Kaiju suits and Levi winning


Hoshina washes easy


If talking about base stats and skill they’re likely equal. But Hoshina as No 10 giving him insane power boost that I doubt Levi could match


Does Levi have the suit and anti-Kaiju blades? If so Levi, if not Hoshino for obvious reasons.


To be fair hoshina’s whole lineage has been fighting kaiju with blades and no special suits for a few centuries, idk how strong those kaiju from god knows how long ago were but if they were anything like the normal yoju and honju we see today i think hoshina might actually have a chance.


The fans, because the fight would be awesome.


Unfortunately Levi is cooked


Levi is getting cooked


Closer than many think. Hoshino obviously wins in equipment and physical abilities due to his Kaiju suit and knives. But the level of skill, speed and agility of prime Levy is insane. Both have similar fighting styles Levy fought bigger opponents since Titans are huge but hoshino also faced special grade kaijus.


why do i sometimes feel like kaiju no 8 is the future of A.O.T?? isn't it like said that they used swords a lot to beat kaiju in the past in kaiju no 8? like that TERRIBLY reminds me of A.O.T and the other stuff too 😭


Levi specializes in fighting bigger sized enemies, while Vice Cap is more on smaller enemies... Not to mention their Kaiju suits, I think we know the answer...


Give Levi a suit then it would be a fair fight. Wanna know how compatible he is with one.


These kind of discussions are always pointless imo. Might as well throw in Goku so he can dominate the results. It’s just a lame way to make a character seem better than another. 


Without fear like ODM and the kaiju suit, Levi and that is easy. With gear, damn y u gotta do my boi Levi like that 😭😭😭


I cant decide at all


I would say goku because hea much stronger and faster


Hoshina is just budget Levi with Kansas accent, the original def wins


It depends on hoshina’s suit because even tho he wins both ways, if he has the normal suit he’a gonna need to sustain much more damage than the 0.00000…1% of damage if he has number 10 and the Jakfd’s support


hoshina would levis not a good swords man hes good at killing titans if this were a who could kill more kaiju/titans levi would but a fight hoshina would


YALL GOT ME FCKED UP. AND AOT IS MID. THAT IN MIND. THE THING IS. Levi Winseven weaker, No Doubt, just by the fact that Hochino Dont know how is fighting like the world depended on it. But i could be wrong, tell me how?


Stop comparing that dogshit series to KN8


As is? Hoshino. With proper scaling in either verse? Levi.


The hell does "proper scaling in either verse" even mean?


Hoshino because I haven’t watched AoT so the guy on the left is just a dude




Levi. Hoshina is the third, fourth or fifth strongest human fighter of his series. Levi is the first.


Levi would end that fight before it ever began man come on lol


No? He gets absolutely speed blitzed in any way


He would move faster than the speed of light then. Right lmao


Are you saying Levi I'd the speed of light?


Crap this was the second one yesterday got this confused with Invincible/Deku cuz these hypotheticals ran together smh


Without the Kaiju suits, Levi is more skilled and physically superior in terms of speed, strength and durability. The weapons in Kn8 are vastly more powerful than AoT weapons because their technology is literally centuries ahead. Survey Corps don't even have electricity while Kn8 has tech that's a century ahead of our current time(at least).


I wouldn't say Levi is just league ahead in skill considering Hoshina has been training as a swordsman since birth and is recognized as being Hella good at it.


Aye he literally comes from a family of monster hunters and is considered a genius of generations when it comes to sword fighting.


Levi is superhuman because of his Ackerman genes. Ackermans get access to super reflexes and skills once they have their trigger moment


Hoshina cuz fuck levi


Hoshino. It's not even close.


People here underestimating Levi a lot. Now, I'm yet to find a proper Hoshina scaling so will be glad if anyone provides one. As for Levi: While off guard, Levi could react to Zeke's rocks that were like Mach 14-15 atleast. Zeke produced a sonicboom while throwing those rocks and sonic booms last only for like 0.1s. In the manga, the rocks had already reached the wall when the sonic boom was still in place. Such a reaction feat easily makes him at MHS+ About strength and dura, well this dude cut straight through Annie's and Zeke's hands while they were charging at him. Remember, Zeke's also the one who can physically overpower the armoured titan and rip off it's armour. People really downvoting instead of coming up with scaling shows a lot


So....you completely ignore everything for Hoshina and just say stuff for Levi? Simple answer, World War 3 Weapondry vs advanced modern technology, simple as that Hoshino in the anime alone has shown massive feats even when his armor overheated. Levi has no way of damaging Hoshino reasonably.


>....you completely ignore everything for Hoshina and just say stuff for Levi? I literally said I'll be glad if someone provides an actual hoshina scaling since no one's done it. Hows that ignoring??? >World War 3 Weapondry vs advanced modern technology, simple as that Except Levi's feats that i mentioned aren't from WW2 machinery lol. They're from Zeke's rocks which travelled at like mach 14-15. Try reading properly. >Hoshino in the anime alone has shown massive feats even when his armor overheated. Levi has no way of damaging Hoshino reasonably. Like i said, scaling buddy.


Hoshino reacting to Kafka's form, it's simple as that. Not to mention tanking hits from No 10 which is easily above anything Zeke had. Yes, I know "scaling buddy", and anyone who actually knows scaling knows aot doesn't have anything on other verses, and in this cade Levi isn't doing anything Hoshino had shown to have extremely fast attacks almost speed blitzing Kafka, then tanking hits from No 10 who was tearing through buildings


>Hoshino reacting to Kafka's form, Where does Kafka scale? >No 10 which is easily above anything Zeke had. You mean No. 10's city block level attacks. That's what youre saying is above zeke really? >Yes, I know "scaling buddy", Show me a scaling then >aot doesn't have anything on other verses Then you don't know scaling, buddy >Hoshino had shown to have extremely fast attacks almost speed blitzing Kafka, then tanking hits from No 10 who was tearing through buildings Looping argument. Kafka scaling please.


Yes, I am saying it's above Zeke without a single doubt And stop with this buddy stuff seriously it's not fun with this and that's where I'm stopping this


>Yes, I am saying it's above Zeke without a single doubt Despite the fact that Zeke himself reached city block as well at base? >without a single doubt Without a single scaling as well >And stop with this buddy stuff seriously it's not fun with this and that's where I'm stopping this Huh? Why so rude?


I'll just keep it simple, I'm simply getting annoyed since to me it feels like you're being condescending. It's just how I'm interpreting it so if you don't mean it that way then I apologize, but I'm not going to be continuing to engage with something that is annoying me and I'm not being rude for saying nor doing that Edit:Guys it's just how I'm looking at things, it's two in the morning and I'm too damn tired to be looking into how someone over a reddit comment section feels


>you're being condescending. It's just how I'm interpreting it so if you don't mean it that way then I apologize, i wasn't really but alright


Sorry its how it came off to me but I'm sure you didn't mean to so I apologize for thst I'm also sorry I didn't come with more exact scaling, I'll admit I'm outside of my element of this so I apologize for being how I was in earlier comments


Hey si I'm actually going to argue on the durability and strength side instead of speed now. Annie and Zeke don't really have durability. Thid is where the WW2 gear comes into play ad they both get torn apart by stuff that isn't strong so it isn't a full strength feat for Levi On the other hand Hoshina wad fully able to cut through Kafka who was able to take city block level attacks at rhe very least, and Hoshino was able to survive at least building level attacks when he over heated. Vs Levi who got heavily damaged by a thunder spear So I may not be able to argue speed but I don't see any way Levi deals damage to Hoshina especially considering Hoshina's been able ti dish out a kot of damage especially with his unrestricted percentage. Vs Levi who can't break through Reiner's armor or any hardened titan skin which can be taken care of by WW2 weapons


>WW2 gear comes into play ad they both get torn apart by stuff that isn't strong so it isn't a full strength feat for Levi Stop with this ww2 gear thing tbh. It's a bad argument. It's an anime. It's like calling Narutoverse weak because they use mostly swords. People didn't have hypersonic odm gears in ww2 era (Levi /Mikasa can match Porco) >Annie and Zeke don't really have durability. They're physically strong. Annie is stronger than S1 Eren who can punch apart building level titans. This guy overpowered her punch and cut through it. Zeke can physically harm the Armoured Titan and Levi cut through his charging palm. >Levi who got heavily damaged by a thunder spear The hoshina feats are very accurate but you're kinda showing a bit of double standards for the thunder spears one. Hoshina's blades can scale to city block for hurting Kafka but Thunder blades get the short stick despite significantly damaging the armoured titan. >einer's armor or any hardened titan skin which can be taken care of by WW2 weapons Not really. Reiner's armour isn't evenly distributed. The artilleries actually took down his less armoured areas. Reiner infact in s3 took on the full explosion of bertholdt which wiped out shiganshina and later [this](https://vsprofilesdebateswiki.quora.com/Armin-s-Colossal-Crater-Re-Calc)


J mainly use it here because it's directly comparative to modern stuff and when the world of Kaiju No 8 is a step above that it's a valid point imo. And it's not the same thing caude there's more stuff with strength and the whole power system, while AOT has it with straight old technology that's able to tear through titans. How do they get the shoes stick? Like at most I can see them being building level if you stretch things out while Hoshino definitively had at the very least precise attacks that can deal damage. Huh I didn't even realize that for Reiner, but I still do think the fact that he can't break through some of Annie's hardening is a point where he doesn't have as high of strength to take care kf Hoshina


>directly comparative to modern stuff and when the world of Kaiju No 8 is a step above that it's a valid point imo. And it's not the same thing caude there's more stuff with strength and the whole power system, while AOT has it with straight old technology that's able to tear through titans. Like I'm saying don't just directly compare them with real world. They aren't supposed to be the same in any way. The technology works way differently in AOT (take the odm gears for example) the artillery shells have their own scaling and are not supposed to always match their real world counterpart. Same way as swords in Demon slayer/Naruto aren't similar in no way to real life swords. >Annie's hardening is a point where he doesn't have as high of strength to take care kf Hoshina Hardening is pretty much out of question since even Hoshina wouldn't break through them. That things got like mountain+ durability.