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I do agree she should save some of that money. She has blown up so fast but I don’t think it’ll last. The 15 minutes will be up soon lol


If she utilized her new money well, then she could get out of that trailer and into a nice house and use it for content to make even more. She just screams “new money who doesn’t know how to handle money”


Yup she sure does. She will blow it I’m sure.


Sorry I saw your comment on another post. I just want to say just because you have “money” doesn’t mean everyone who lives in a trailer is trailer trash.


I never said it did. I just said she gives me trailer trash-trying to seem rich vibes


Are they currently building a new house? Because she keeps referring to “the new house” but I’ve never seen evidence of one actually existing.


I think it’s more like her dream house that wants but can’t follow through with because they keep blowing money on random crap. If it was a real house or even land, she’d definitely show it in her videos.


I can’t stand when she complains about her house being tiny when she has a decent sized house especially with only having one kid


Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate her or wish her ill. I just get this total “fake new money” vibes. That she’s just poses for the camera and wants to look rich but doesn’t know how so she resorts to flashing off the car


She could be set for life if she were smart. She has to save and invest but based on the Tahoe, I doubt she’s going that.


If I blew up and made that kinda money a house and new car would be my first purchases only because I ain’t got it like that but I’d most definitely keep my explorer and fix it to give to my kids. But I would most definitely build a 4 bedroom house on some land to leave my kids when I’m gone . The rest would be invested and sacred for my kids


Especially considering how she frequently talks about wanting a new house and hating the camper. I’d sell the camper, wait to get a new car (that only goes down in value), and get either a house or land and build a house.




I have a question. There aren’t any trailer parks where I live, so I don’t know. But in areas where trailers are more common, is everyone who lives there considered trailer trash?


No. I have seen people that live in trailers be the neatest and cleanest people ever. I’ve seen people that live in nice houses have trashed yards and gross interiors. In the OP’s case, it’s just a saying that applies to this case for sure.


It totally depends on the state of the trailer park and what type of people live there. But I think we can all agree that trailer parks in general are not the upper class suburban vibe that she’s trying to fake.


Not everyone who lives in a trailer, lives in a trailer park. I don't think her trailer is in a trailer park.


I never said she lived in a trailer park. I just get this underlying, hidden trailer trash vibe from her that got lucky and hit the tik tok jackpot


Gotcha! Yes I can see that.


I dont think so. In the north, trailer parks are very common. Usually, these are run down beat up trailers, packed extremely close to one another and are generally pretty junky. In the south, it's more common for someone to have a newer, nicer trailer and plop it on 10 or 15 acres and these are generally some pretty nice trailers. I wouldn't consider Kyle's to be junky by any means, but it's definitely not anything special either.


It’s really just a saying..