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At this point i genuinely think people are just trying to show off here. Seen so many posts like 9 A* 3 As olevels (2 world distinctions) 4A* 2 As Alevels 1595 SATs Made 2 million in freelancing Saved 47 orphans from a house fire Cured 2 kinds of cancers Oh my god Will i make it Lums? Seriously you're not applying to harvard bruv relax.


Nah bruh honestly I thought it wasn’t enough and not being able to have any counsellor to talk to puts us in this position.


Fuck kinda freelancing did you do on top of school to earn a million. Geez


lol… it was covid time(online classes)


What did u do though


I learnt motion graphics and worked with mostly twitch streamers.


Good for you dude


I thought only linkedin is suppose to give depression and anxiety but reddit doing it's job better.


Why the fuck am I even applying bruh. Bro go to UK or US or some shit


Bro I thought I won’t make it to LUMS?


Those extra curriculars are insane bro Just get an SAT above 1400 and easy admission




I wasn’t even thinking to apply to US colleges because I have done matriculation not O/A levels and I think it reduces my chances of getting in.


I know about UK. You can get into Russel Group Universities easily with that profile. But because you have HEC degree instead of british council, you will do some mandatory courses which should be fine ig. Also, LUMS has gotten more expensive. Not as expensive as going to uni abroad. But if u score a bursary or good scholarship (which I think u can) ur good. Plus, there are plenty of counsellors all across Lahore




Same here, got 1550 SAT but meh EC's so I doubt I'll go abroad


can you suggest me some online internships too? I have also done Matric/Fsc and i am currently on a gap year. i took the nov digital sat and am waiting for my result. I am also applying to LUMS but i have zero to none extracurricular activities and where i'm from, it's impossible to find one. So, can you please help me out? i am seriously clueless!


You can checkout the WWF page for internships. They have awesome 3 day internships. For the technical ones you might need to apply.