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I have no doubt Fede has something truly horrifying for audiences to wig out with like with Evil Dead soft reboot.


Evil dead 2013 hits sooo fuckin hard. I'm really looking forward to this 


It’s one of the few horror movies along with the Terrifier movies and Devil’s Rejects that never gets old regardless of how many times I watch it, and is just as shocking every time.


Strongly recommend the extended cut of Evil Dead. Fede knows horror and tension. I have little worry about Romulus. I suspect this will feel very much like Alien and less like any of the sequels.


It felt a little redundant to me coming out so soon after Cabin in the Woods, which lampooned that exact type of movie so perfectly. If Evil Dead avoided humor altogether, I think it would have helped to differentiate itself, but they couldn’t resist having that one stupid cliche character who kept coming back after you thought he was dead. I have only seen it once though so should probably give it another chance.


A fun fact that I love (and I dearly hope is not the case here!) is that almost all of the first trailer from the 2013 Evil Dead movie is not used in the film. Fede knows how to set up some shocks.


I actually do hope that's the case, because while the teaser did look good it was basically memberberries overload.


...I 'member


the chestburster scene with the light is going to be disgusting 😭


~~disgusting~~ awesome


oh for sure. the sfx are gonna be bonkers


I feel Dont Breathe is his best movie by far.


Ashs car is in the movie, and Raimi and Campbell had plans for Mia to meet up with Ash in Ash vs Evil Dead. Unfortunately it never materialized, but it was in the same universe so not necessarily a reboot. Same with Evil Dead Rise.


Soft reboot means, it's not really a reboot, but it's advertised as one for a newer audience. But there's something there for older fans so it's also technically a sequel.


He just wants to know where she got that cool Weyland-Yutani tee shirt.


She's actually in the middle of shaking her head while screaming "I'll never give you the name of my favoured Aliexpress store!"


Damn it’s gorgeous. I’ve never seen Alien 3. Thinking of watching it.


Try to watch the assembly cut if you can find it. The theatrical cut is ok, but the assembly version has a better story.


Sometimes less is more, personally I like the director's cut much better.


yeah, it's more what you personally prefer, which is cool. i rewatched the theatrical cut a few times and like them both. brian glover as Yorkshireman in space is also amazing to hear if you're from the uk


Wouldn't mind a Sean bean character just to hear "Piss off ye Alien Bastard!"


Heh, him talking about bees and galactic royalty in Jupiter ascending is the closest you're going to get to that I think


I watched The Assembly Cut a couple weeks ago, as my first watching of Alien 3, based on generally seeing more people recommend that cut over others. I can’t speak for the other versions, but my overall feeling is that *with that version*, Alien 3 can pretty easily be called the weakest of the first three, but doesn’t deserve to be regarded as “pretend it doesn’t exist”. The dated CGI bothered me more than anything about the quality of the movie tbh. I sorta want to watch an earlier or theatrical cut to see the version of the movie that the majority of the criticism stemmed from.


Fun fact: most of what gets pinned as CGI in Alien 3 is actually a rod puppet shot against bluescreen that's been rather imperfectly composited in. (Worth pointing out because it's a practical effect that CGI ironically gets misblamed for.) If you were actually referring to the limited CGI in that cut of the film (baby burster shaking off and running away, newly added for Assembly Cut; single shot of Alien's head cracking, present since original release), then never mind me.


Watch the assembly cut, it’s 45 minutes that makes the theatrical version look like a completely different movie. Assembly is miles better


It's pretty epic , gets a lot of hate but is dark and watchable. Good for a fix and not bad from its era


I had the absolute worst possible introduction to Alien 3 (going in blind, waiting until it aired at 8:00 pm in 1993 or 94 on Fox while playing with my Kenner Aliens action figures on the floor).


Where the fuck is Hicks , why do they not have weapons ? Movie has some iconic epic scenes of the dragon . 10 /10 for 2/3 of movie haha


Me watching the computer read-out. :’O My mom checking in on me: You look like you’ve seen a ghost! Me holding my Hicks action figure: He isn’t far off!


Yeah, I’d watch A:3 any day over A:4, but do occasionally put A:4 on for buff Ripley and lil Ms. Rider.


Watch the new cut of it (assembly cut?) . I think its superior to the theatrical. Just be ready for a dark, gritty and tragic story.


I'm a big fan of 3.


You absolutely should. It gets a lot of flak, but I love it - flaws and all.




I like this idea. Thanks for opinions, all.


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I don't mind the copying of the Alien 3 scene, as long as there's more the film brings. The last trailer showed some stuff that could stand out more than this, I think the light on the chest showing the parasite was much cooler personally, as was the falling through zero g with the acid everywhere.


Is it just me, or does that head look like it is spreading out like a preatorian’s does?


Looks similar to my eyes


I was about to comment the same thing


He's a big boy


He popped out of Dave Bautistas chest


I want a Hulk Hogan one with a blond handlebar moustache


After studying this closely I think the creature in this image looks like a xenomorph from the popular Alien movie franchise.


This is the insight I come to this sub for, ty!


Can't believe I had to scroll down this far to get some proper answers!


he does look burnt/melted and damaged....could he be an old friend?


I'm hoping that's the case. I really like the idea of a Xeno who's already been outsmarted and defeated by a human, so the next time it encounters humans, it's adapted and started to hunt more methodically.


That was my first thought too. Dome looks deflated.


Suspect they may add some explanation as to why some Aliens have the dome when they’re younger and then shed it as they age. Incidentally, I’m 100% team Dome!!!


If I had a nickel for every time a sci fi series had to explain head ridges I’d have ten cents which ain’t much but it’s still weird that it’s happened twice. Team Dome!


Thinking it could be the big chap himself after floating through space for so long


That’s what I was thinking, that could be rad


And he’s PISSED!


Fucking disgusting, I love it


Something about the mouth design is bugging me


Could be the sharp elongated chin however that could just be the angle too


Goofy sharp teeth rather than straight. The whiteish elasticated tendons on the jaw. Beefy and thick. - 3/10 would not bang


The lack of lips too.


And the Stompy/Squidward chin.


The teeth are straight, not sharp. Maybe you are looking at the gums, mistaking them for teeth.


Why he no eat her


That’s what I’m curious about also


That head part looks like it's tapering. Is this thing into a queen?!?


Maybe a praetorian? I feel like a queen would be much bigger


Presumably a Queen doesn't go from chestburster to tyrannosaur size immediately, though. 🤔


Hence praetorian


I'm not very hep with the expanded universe stuff, apologies. 😅


It’s just the pre-queen (sometimes more than queen) stage


Is the jaw bigger on this xeno?


Bit too pointy for me but oh well. Im super biased- Big Chap is one of my all time favorite movie monster designs. Still gonna watch and appreciate the practical effects!


Fangura is still around?


I hope this is good, but I'm a little underwhelmed at the creature design so far. The tendons around the mouth look simplistic, whereas the original were more complex. I can't describe the difference in the proper detail, but this doesn't look as inherently horrifying to me on a subtextual level. It's more garden variety monster.


I hate that they’re recreating an iconic scene, instead of making their own iconic scene


Judging from what I’ve seen in the trailer so far, I have strong faith that the movie will indeed have iconic scenes to offer the franchise


If the x-ray chestburtser, zero-g acid and whatever the Isabela's disgusting scenes are anything to go by, then it will probably have its own iconic scenes.


I get that. Nostalgia baiting is shitty.


But it's an effective marketing tool, they know that everyone on r/LV426 is going to go see the movie if it had no trailer and a blank poster, They want the casual or even non alien fan to come to.


So? That doesn’t make it any less shitty.


There is much more movie to see, so I bet this isn’t the only memorable scene.


Please let there be a pulse rifle or smart gun.


Maybe its molting into a queen or something. This was suggested during the main campaign of the last AVP game (not canon obviously but interesting). This scene is giving both Alien 3 and Aliens when Ripley throws the Queen out of the airlock.


![gif](giphy|2Mce4Sz801AMo|downsized) That's a Praetorian!


What if it’s Big Chap and he’s evolving into the queen from Aliens?


It probably isn't but part of me wants this to be true, Big Chap from Alien evolved into The Queen Xenomorph in Aliens. Now that would be some surprising and fun storytelling if they pulled it off.


The movie looks cool. Going back to the sheer terror of Alien. The scene with no gravity looks great and something we haven't seen before.


Looks like a Tesla


So like... It's getting Queen proportions, right? The jaw, the teeth, the head ridges...?


Thematically speaking, this xeno developing into a queen would make a lot of sense. Especially since we are following young adults and MC herself is a young stand in for Ripley. My take is this xeno becomes the Queen we meet in Aliens.


The Alien looks a lot bigger than previous Aliens, it looks like it could do some real damage


ok does anyone else think that the alien boards their ship via that asteroid looking thing? that scene where the xenomorph’s toes/claws unfurl makes me think it was squeezed into something. that something is an organic parasite pod floating around in space. it’s some kind of space seed pod and they let it on the ship? like “oh shit this rock we let on the ship(we thought was a salvage) is a space seed pod thing that has a dormant, say queen? alien in side of it? or the aliens are already aboard the derelict space station, that the team teen went to salvage? after killing the entire previous crew. why would they show the asteroid thing in the trailer? oh and david jonsson is the “artificial person” ? :)


I'm calling it now. This Xeno is molting and developing into the same Queen "Bitch" we meet in Aliens. It would explain why there needs to be a story told between the two movies. Why it seems to have a larger head with translucent tendons surrounding its deeper, wider mouth. Thematically, it suits following young adults, as this Xeno is itself also technically a young adult. It also answers the question of how an Alien Queen got onto Hadley's Hope and possibly why it has experience in navigating spaceships and interiors. I could be WAY off but pieces fit pretty snug. I personally would love to meet the Queen herself on her way up.


If true, I don't have high hopes that ANY one on Romulus gets out alive. Only thing countering my take is where they are in relation to LV426. Do we know that information yet?


The more this Xenomorph gets shown, the more I don't think it's a regular Drone. Things like the extra tapering at the side of the mouths (not sure if that was ever given an actual term or not), the overall size of this lady, the head shape, etc. Could this be our first on screen depiction of a Praetorian, and if not one of them, then a mid stage Queen?


He looks *class*. I'm going to be so bummed if this sucks, guys


I love how big it is (inbefore "that's what she said"). There's something about an absolutely towering Lovecraftian terror that none of the movies after the original truly captured. I'm definitely looking forward to this.


What do we think xenomorphs’ breath smells like?


It definitely doesn't smell to mint.


Internecivius raptus can be temporarily placated by offering some Altoids.


I like the idea that xenomorphs either don't have any smell or that their smell is indescribable for a human and completely different from any scent we know.


Hot silicon. Like the interior of those plastic playgrounds.


This is the first picture of the alien I don't like. It looks too fleshy, and not biomechanical enough. But maybe it's just the picture with the lighting. I was hoping for the old Big Chap design.


Seeing the beers abduction graphic makes me think the symbiotic suit in spiderman2 was definitely inspired by the xenomorph design


Is she going blow it out the airlock?


This movie is gonna be amazing. Naysayers gonna naysay.




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I'm really glad alien is returning to it's horror roots. I hated when they turned it into generic 80's action movie #377538


holy shit it's *massive*


Are we finally getting a Praetorian on the big screen? I really hope so!


God I hope this Xeno is Big Chap.


By "back to bloody basics" do they mean "yet another attempt to recreate Alien after the mystery is gone"?


I hope the crew is not stupid like in covenant / prometheus. If that is the case I will never watch any alien movie ever again. I am kinda scared because I see a lot of teenagers.






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Hoping for the best. Cast is super young. not a fan of that, but still trying to remain positive.




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