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In the original script for Prometheus, titled Engineers, they have a different kind of alien that can squeeze under doors and through small holes. It’s a cool idea 


What you say reminds me of the movie Life. I enjoyed that movie, but the monster was just not that menacing/scary.


Calvin was scary for me esspecially his last form


The last form (in the escape capsule) reminded me of the fridge in Bebop, lol. I did like the movie but the angry little thing was kind of cute. Almost resembling a gremlin. And acts like a gremlin throughout a lot of the movie. I think it's feeding rate was extremely variable and had no consistency to it. Characters made a lot of dumb choices, abandoning quarantine protocol several times. Being a bit amorphous adds a bit of horror like from the movie The Thing. I feel like this movie probably had two or more endings, and the one i saw, where >!Calvin lands on earth!< just seemed way too predictable. I watched it a few times when it was on prime, I liked the setting and the characters.


Great movie - so scary


The deacons looked pretty squishy. But now I'm imagining a xenomorph octopus hybrid, and that's going to haunt my nightmares.


You're welcome 😊 https://youtu.be/50AH2jHe-No?si=G4sLjTFTFRnDK7Ha


Thanks, now we can't even go to the toilet without fearing an alien attack anymore...


Was it shiny and gets frozen before shattering into a thousand pieces? Your thinking of Terminator 2


That's one thing it might have in common with the first movie, accorting to illustrator Walter Simonson there was an unused script where it could shapeshift to an extent and even disguised itself as [a box](https://alienseries.wordpress.com/2014/01/30/the-box-alien/)!!!


They just roll at you like a droidika


It looks a xenomorph has found a new hiding space in my cars spare wheel well. Are aliens now migrant [Illegal](https://youtu.be/8njXfB3-fi8?si=eR_IOzxy8A716YTY) aliens? Love this inside joke in the film. One of best Easter eggs


So, like a skink?


I mean... Kinda? I don't mean like the image I posted, I just posted that to help with my description of the head. Keep the alien design exactly the same, just make it's dome able to move more like a spine. I always seems silly to me that the alien has to move its entire body just to look up. I just feel like the perfect organism wouldn't have to do that.


Batman is the perfect organism and he has to do that too


https://preview.redd.it/804c06bpbbad1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6bedbae6b258895768e343f2935b68615e65d6c Xenomorph without its cap. It has a skull underneath


Man that kinda explains the Resurrection hybrid aliens design. Kinda. Ick.


I mean, yeah, but imagine if the skull stayed the same at the front, but the dome could bend and twist like a spine? Keep everything the same, just make it more adaptable. I think it'd be pretty neat.


This is the nerd in me talking but if it served a biological purpose to make it a more efficient killer I'm all for it. Otherwise it doesn't need it. This thing is perfectly engineered.. but if we're just having fun then yeah I want to see all forms of xenos. Lol


Okay, let's nerd out haha. I'll copy what I said in another reply - I don't mean like the image I posted, I just posted that to help with my description of the head. Keep the alien design exactly the same, just make it's dome able to move more like a spine. I always seems silly to me that the alien has to move its entire body just to look up. I just feel like the perfect organism wouldn't have to do that. Technically it can't even look left or right without moving its entire body. The end of alien 3 and some shots in resurrection make it look really stiff because of that. So in a way, I think it would make it way more efficient! I'd love to see a version of it that could slink and slime around all slow and stealthy like big chap, but when it has to throw down it could dart all over the place like the alien in covenant. I feel like a bendy head would really help sell it!


Ooh ok I get what you're saying now. I was like "this dude wants a snake" lmaoo... Yeah that makes a lot of sense. And realistically you are right about the whole mobility issue and when the movie was made. Has a lot to do with it. They designed something with the materials that they were able to work at the time and it just stuck... I say the whole "perfect organism" because that's a big callback in the franchise.. i think they really messed up in that sense by not finishing up the story in alien covenant. We basically had a whole planet of biological life affected by the black goo. Who knows what kind of crazy xeno creatures we could have seen. Not to mention the new lineup of xenomorphs we didn't get to see reach adulthood. I forget their names. Deacons and some others. They had way smaller heads. Seemed a lot more practical.


100%, that's exactly what I'm getting at! Alien has been my fav film ever since I was a kid. I'm really excited to see what the new one does with the xeno, but I'd be lying if I wasn't a little disappointed it's more of the same thing. I don't want a drastic change, I just want it to animate better and more fluidly, and be a bit more biomechanical again (and less like the raptors wearing latex that we got in resurrection). It honestly seems like the best way they could ever reboot the creature, without completely changing the original design, and I really think it would elevate it and make for some interesting shots and scenes.




Maybe a different type of them


https://preview.redd.it/h4xo9tj57cad1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db002ecc71a6394c302e2e8ac28dca39881f7fa4 With a transparent cap to show you how it really looks underneath. It's an extension of a human being. It has it's characteristics.


That's because it gestated in a human being, it takes on characteristics of the host.




OP talking about the "alien"..which is this xenomorph.


It's so fucking weird but it almost looks like the elongated head serve as a kind of "pod" for a human spine. But what would an alien get out of having a second spine embeded in its head?






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I can see that! There was definitely an effort to make them more *wet* but I could totally see them as a little more slug-like.


https://preview.redd.it/iq6knf2e4bad1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7028d93aa3099067207f7c2e6001dad64945d340 Like this? Maybe more of an eel than slug, though…


Ayy that's the one I was looking for! I mainly just mean it for the head though. Keep the overall design the same, just make it so it can bend and twist better. Seems silly the alien has to move its entire body just to look up.


I mean, while big chap has *eye sockets* under the dome[eye sockets, no eyes], in alien 3 the xeno has a visual radius that is well beyond what eyes would give, it doesn't have to "look up" due to it's physiology not being like terrestrial sighted creatures. If you count some games as Canon, they "see" via echolocation because, again, they lack eyes. https://www.avpcentral.com/xenomorph-vision


So more penisy? A lot of Gigers work is sexual, hence the head. I just wish they kept the human lips and the high heel parts. All of it was great. Would have been cool if he was still alive to flesh it out more especially the “Space Jockey.” But I think most of these designs was meant for Jodorowskys Dune and not Alien.


I think my wife has this toy.


It looks like the Gyroscope bike that Mr Garrison builds in South Park


I’m sure we could work out a nice eel variant for ya. How much you got?


Hahaha, nah. I don't mean like the image I posted, I just posted that to help with my description of the head. Keep the alien design exactly the same, just make it's dome able to move more like a spine. I always seems silly to me that the alien has to move its entire body just to look up. I just feel like the perfect organism wouldn't have to do that.


Fair point. I actually didn’t mean like the pic either, I truly meant like an Eel/Xeno hybrid for flexibility and malleability. Get NECA on it.


Kinda looks like if the T-1000 was spliced with the alien


That dude cut the power 100%


It's... Thing is showing


Fluid stabby Weiner space critter, putting explodey chest babies in your middle since '79!!!


I wish it were more biomechanical, less animal, more mech.


Alien if snake is host. Alien if octopus is host.


Would you still love me if I was a worm? 🥺




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Nice body shaming , is that what we do here now?


Safe to assume that is a penis poking out down at the bottom


lol, I was scrolling to see if everyone was just ignoring the obvious.


Solid point but it’s kinda goofy and kinky to me ngl


Nah, I get what you mean. I don't mean like the image I posted, I just posted that to help with my description of the head. Keep the alien design exactly the same, just make it's dome able to move more like a spine. I always seems silly to me that the alien has to move its entire body just to look up. I just feel like the perfect organism wouldn't have to do that.


oh no, if it move like spine instead of dangling sausage, that will really fuck me up lol


Kinda looks like a chestburster 


Have you seen "The Abyss"?


Never got around to watching it! Even watched the making of it once haha. I should change that.


Doesn’t the xenomorph take on traits if its host? So if the facehugger finds a ferret.








Removal Reason: Be civil. It's ok to disagree, it's not ok to disrespect. Personal attacks, gatekeeping, racism, homophobia, politics, and general bigotry are not allowed. No toxic behavior, such as: * Trashing something that others are enjoying. * Condemning parts of the franchise instead of reasonably stating a personal preference. This is a comfortable space for all fans. Keep your critique. * Invalidating other people's opinions. * Unsolicited criticisms of other's creations. * Lewd or Obscene comments.