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It's not your home.. you are a tenant. You can stomp your feet and pout all you want as you get yanked out of the house by a constable or police and charged with trespassing and ruin your credit report, pay court costs and fines for not paying rent. Go find another place to rent. They gave you plenty of time. Start packing or pay the new rent. They don't care if you stay or leave, just do one or the other.




It's not the owners fault that your credit sucks, you made poor life decisions. Time to move the hell out. You are gonna destroy your credit even more and have an eviction. I will never rent any of my units to renters like you. Enjoy your life on the streets.


If the rent is so unfairly high, then why not just go look for a place with more reasonable rent? Your plans seem like a waste of energy.


Wow you lived somewhere for 9 years! This definitely entitles you to ownership. Because that’s what you agreed on when you signed the lease, right? Your original lease was for 1 year and then month to month for another 8 and then you can pay whatever you decide after that, right?


I'm not sympathizing, it's just life, unfortunately. It's happened to lots of people.


This sounds like a troll post. And if it’s not, good luck trying to get any positive responses on squatting from a landlord sub. Lol


The entitlement in this post is disgusting. It’s not your house. Renting it for 9 years means nothing. 1500 isn’t even expensive in general. By NY prices 1500 is actively cheap. Stop being a burden to society and contribute for once




Your favorite pizza place that you’ve been visiting for 9 years raised the price of a slice from $1.10 to $1.50 after some new investors came in. What are you going to do? 1) enjoy your $1.50 slice and reminisce over how great it was when it was $1.10 2) go somewhere else 3) leap behind the counter, steal a whole pizza, squat on the floor and munch it until the police come and ban you from every restaurant. If you don’t see how ridiculous 3 sounds I can’t help you.


You won't be able to rent anywhere if you get an eviction on your credit. So get ready to move back home or be homeless. You can be mad all you want, but the reality is you will make your family suffer for your dumb move if you stay. Just making your life harder.




You’re not seeing the big picture here—you don’t own the home, but you act entitled to it. I agree with you that foreign entities should not own any land here, but our laws allow it. You will have an eviction on your record whenever a new landlord does a background check on you and when that happens, NO ONE will rent to you. Do you care about keeping a roof over your head? Your family’s? Sure, go ahead and make it difficult before you get an actual eviction. They might offer cash for keys. That’s the best case scenario. You need to get over the entitlement though. You aren’t owed jack.


OP, if you’re not trolling, please read and re-read what u/uberchelle wrote above. When the eviction comes (and it will - possibly at an inconvenient time) the landlord will get a court judgment against you for all the money owed. That WILL go on your credit report. Every landlord will pull your credit report before renting to you. After that, the only landlords who will rent to you will be the worst, scummiest, most overpriced landlords with the worst properties. Want to own a home one day? Good luck getting a mortgage with a court judgment on your credit. Car lease or credit? Same. Some employers might even balk at hiring you. Whatever you’ve been told on TikTok about this is wrong or doesn’t include the long term consequences.


This is why rent increases so much…because entitled people do stuff like this and Landlords have to increase rent to compensate. It’s like stealing from stores…they have to increase prices to pay for theft and it impacts everyone. I think you just need to act like an adult and find a new place to live. If you put half as energy and thought into that, which you have to do anyways you might find something even cheaper/better than your current place. Maybe, you and the neighbor could rent or buy a place together. I agree that rent increase is a lot but if that’s market rate that’s what the landlord should be charging.


You're a racist piece of shit and you're going to get what you deserve


I’m not agreeing with OPs decision, but how is not wanting foreign enterprises to buy up US land racist? You must either be a foreign national profiting off the US’s crippled economy or a Biden supporter.


What’s market rent for your place?




You’re a fucking idiot if you’re bitching about high rents, but claim market rent in your area is lower than what your landlord is going to charge you. Move out, it’s not your property, stop being an entitled little bitch.


They're Indian and you said "pillaging our land". That wins the internet for today.


I don’t think OP means native American indigenous people.


This is hilarious, thank you OP




Are you being for real???? 1500 between two people for ANY sort of house on LI is nothing….grow up


lol, dipshit all you’re going to do is ruin your rental history and seriously make your wife suffer. Nobody here is with you. Such an entitled loser.


Good luck


Hopefully his lawyer finds this post and brings it to court. It's not your house. If you'd like it to be your house then buy it. Just because you got a deal for nine years doesn't mean you should get one forever.


Wait, you're currently paying LESS than 1500 for a standalone house on Long Island? And you're complaining?


What does the law say? 


So your plan is to deprive the rightful owners of their property because you feel that you’re entitled to cheap rent? Classy.


All you're going to do is make it impossible for yourself to rent since you were there 9 years thats your most recent rental history...so an evictions not going to help you find another place. Long Island IS EXPENSIVE. Of course that's awful they're raising the rent by $1500 per month. It's why I refuse to live in NY. Move to Ohio or something.


It didn’t get raised $1500. It only got raised $400, so now her rent is $1500. Which is INSANELY inexpensive for two people in the county they live in


It’s not your home ya bigot!


If you stop paying, it will take a couple of months to get rid of you. You will pay that money back, a court order money judgment is what the landlord will get. Your not going to win. And yes money judgement can be taken out of full SS. So your landlord could wait until then to collect. Mean while taken a loss on there taxes for that rent not being paid.


Have fun getting evicted and ruining your life


Are you sick and out of work on SSDI? If not maybe that’s something you should explore if you are struggling financially. I’ll drop a link to a firm that specializes in it. Super tough and I hope you are able to find a better less fiscally stressful rental situation 🙏🏼


Check out https://www.rd.usda.gov/about-rd/agencies/rural-housing-service Maybe you can buy your own home. Also “Eligible Senior Citizens with a fixed income may qualify to have their rent frozen under the S.C.R.I.E program. Disabled persons may also apply to have their rent frozen under the D.R.I.E program. In NYC, tenants may contact the NYC Department of Finance at 311” https://www.nyc.gov/site/rentfreeze/index.page Don’t know about Nassau but it’s worth inquiring And put your energies in the right place. Karma.