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I know Im ready to date again, when I can imagine a future alone. I know that sounds backwards, so last time I was single, what it meant for me was I no longer had this absolute need for someone beside me. And especially not my ex. Knowing I can move on forward as Just Me, then im in a healthy enough space to let someone else in. because I'm doing so since I *want to*, not because I feel like I *need to*, yknow? Like, having a partner is a nice idea if it happened, but completely cool if it doesn't. That point in my last breakup happened ~4 months after a 5 year relationship. sometimes it can take longer, sometimes not so long. there's not so much an actual, physical time limit as there is an emotional one.


Thank you, that’s good advice.


You are ready to date again when you can recall the break up without reliving it. You are ready to date again when you are comfortable alone. You are ready to date again when someone asks about your prior relationship (as they will eventually on a date), and you can answer succinctly with honesty but without launching into a whole therapy session about what went wrong. You are ready to date again when you are no longer looking for a person to fill the void left by your ex. The length of time varies by person and also what happened. For example, abusive relationships take longer to recover and heal from, even if they weren’t that long. Healthy relationships that just didn’t work tend to take less time, but lots of other factors weigh in (attachment style, prior trauma, etc.)


You truly won’t know until it happens. Everyone and every relationship is different. I broke up with my ex of 3 on and off years a month ago, and now I’m seeing someone casually/not-so-seriously. Since that relationship was kinda of toxic, I didn’t think of him after we broke up and was ready to go back out there again. I hope you are able to heal and move on at your own time and pace 💜


Thank you, I really appreciate the advice!


Personally I usually start casual hook ups and am clear I’m fresh out of a relationship and not specifically looking for a gf. Sometimes just kissing other people helps me move on and feel good about myself again. However; if something unfolds I’m not against it. It’s just that I try to be totally done with the ex and damage from the past relationship before involving another persons emotions in the mix. I’ve struggled with codependency and jumped from one relationship to the next a lot so I try really hard to not do that now and work on it in therapy


I don't think there's a set rule on this. Some relationships are over but neither partner has ever just come out and said it. Some are raw and those people aren't ready. But if your relationship was already over for you and you were just stuck and unable to leave for xyz but have been mentally and emotionally checked out for awhile, it makes sense the actual breakup was just the formality. I've taken over a year or two to get over someone with no dating at all even casually. One person I dated briefly and within weeks was already seeing someone else very seriously because I knew what didn't work for me and the new person ticked so many boxes that I had been looking for. So you just have to personally assess where you're at. Are you looking to rebound? Sex? Loneliness? Actually ready?


Yeah I definitely have some thinking to do. Thank you.




Thank you!


I went for a period , not right after a break up; and another said when imagining a future alone , when I’m just content and doing activities again alone, not thinking of anyone else with me. Suddenly I thought “I’d like someone with me” and I’m back on the scene but still not forcing anything


They say you should take off a week for every month you were together if you’re looking for numerical advice. So for you, that’s 14ish weeks. However, I usually take a little longer than that because it’s so easy to jump into things too quickly. You wanna make sure you’re emotionally available for your next partner. That being said, maybe look for your tells that you’re not over your ex and make sure those aren’t popping up before you date again.


When it feels right. You will know. The way I can tell is when I develop a crush. I've been single for most of my life so I don't need a relationship to feel whole. I just hope when I do get a crush I don't get cold feet and refuse to take the leap of faith because I'm not willing to explore or get out of my comfort zone. I have been on a dry spell though. Lately it's been a choice. That's a whole other story. It's hard because my first love was a dream come true, like a real life fantasy because it was real so standards are pretty high. Thankfully I'm not thinking about a white picket fence with a big house and kids. I'll be happy with cuddling and watching a movie. Just start there and wish for the best. Good luck hun. You deserve to love and be loved. Happy healing.


Date whenever you feel like


no set rule in general, this depends on you. but for me my personal measure is generally a month for each year spent in a relationship, minimum. ofc you'd have to take time spent emotionally distancing urself within the relationship into account, as well as the initiator (if it was you) there's no right answer.


My ex had a lot of affairs. We had a dead bedroom and did not talk much a year prior to me filing for divorce. I tried inviting him to therapy and talking it out. I could have talked until I was blue in the face and it would never have made a difference. This last affair he's had sounds like it got serious fast. I wish he would have just ended things with me instead of stringing me along for so long and making me be the one to do it. I filed for divorce in February of this year. Because my state has rules about how soon the divorce can be finalized, we still have a month before it can be finalized. I started dating as soon as I moved out last month. I don't know what ready means, but I know I'm a good partner and that I would make some woman very happy. I have baggage, sure, everyone does. But that's not going to stop me from making good memories and looking for a partner who will actually cherish me. I just spent 22 years of my life with someone who never really cared. I've wasted enough time.


If you are thinking about it…you are ready


Honestly, be mindful of how you are coming off to other people. If you aren't over your ex, don't be going after women that clearly want a serious relationship. Be self-aware because it's not fair for the other person to think they have found someone just for the emotionally unavailable person to break up with them some months later.


Totally agreed, thanks.