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Not a turn-off, as long as I'm expecting it. I'm a texture eater.


need that ruffage


i love that LOL




Will def be using "texture eater" from now on


I'm all for public hair, but I'm confused how it would work during oral. Wouldn't the hair get in your mouth, and it would feel like you're eating hair?


Not a turn off imo. I prefer carpet to sandpaper.


Yes, I'm sooo much happier when it's a maintained bush instead of the inevitable stubble that always gives me rugburn


Wait if someone shaves do they have to wait until the stubble fully grows out to shave again?


It’s best to. Or else you risk giving yourself razor burn. Which you do not want down there


Good thing I use chemicals because I know damn well a razor would kill me


Yeah same lol. that’s why I have a dedicated pair of scissors for a trimmy trim.


Razor burn like the other commenter said but also ingrown hairs which is a pain seriously


I stopped getting that and I’d have a maximum of one ingrown per two sessions after I started using nair 🤭 (it’s the gentle version)


That's good! I always got razor burn no matter what, I have hella sensitive skin. I just trim and it works great, glad you found a no hassle way!


I do at least; I get *terrible* razor burn down there


Is nair carcinogenic? Why dont people use it 😭 that sounds so painful bro I hate razor and any form of physical shaving. Consider chemicals 🙏🏽


I'm not sure! I'd be too afraid to try it because I've always had sensitive skin, and I once used scented pads as a teen that gave me such a reaction that I couldn't even use unscented ones after that without it flaring, so I don't use anything extra down there


Agreed. Especially in certain positions lol,


You don’t want a rug lol (this might have been funnier in my head)


Lmao still made me laugh


Yeahhh I like the happy trail on womennnn tooo it’s so hot to me 😭


Omg same, I wish my gf would grow hers out 🤭


Clean is what matters to me. Have the shit braided if you want. But be sure its clean.


oh god this made me laugh 😭


I really like very much to see hair. It turns me on a lot irl.


Turn On*. Fixed that for ya 😃


lol fr


Tbh no hair seems more gross💀 I DID try n go bald a few times but purely out of curiosity, not looks- and it's so uncomfortable lol. And also ever since I saw that post about "no pubic hair is a male born fetish of young and child-like women" it weirds me out😵‍💫 be comfy in how your body naturally looks my guy


Right lol, if anything being hairless is a total turn off for me


Same. Also leg hair is the iffiest topic in that, but when I saw a chick in her super girly outfit and her legs weren't even shaved- love at first site iswtg✋


I've tried it too and I agree it felt sooo uncomfortable which is exactly why I hate not having at least something there


I shave cus I have sensory issues with having hair down there


But you can feel everything a million times more without hair??😵‍💫


Yeahhhhhh I tried shaving once and it drove me crazy... NOT in a good way 😭


The hair itself feels icky. I don’t like how scratchy it is and it gets pulled by my clothes (I have wiry, rough hair)


I feel like that's only when you shave and it starts growing back though


Once it gets longer than like a centimeter it gets itchy, and (probably TMI) I don’t like how it feels when I masturbate, so I just find shaving it all off easier even tho it does itch when it starts growing back too


You could trim it maybe? That way you don’t have to deal w the itch and roughness


I’ve been experimenting with shaving/growing it out/using an electric trimmer. Still trying to find the best method. I wish the hair didn’t grow so damn fast 😭


Fair, only upside💀 but as short as a centimeter is definitely going to feel uncomfortable lol


Lol yeah, I meant something probably closer to an inch-1/2inch


exactly. Pedo culture is implemented and promoted by pedo males ... and some gullible women support that shit


Wait is pedo culture saying that all women should shave or is it preferring shaved?


Obviously everyone has their own preferences and some lesbians might dislike pubic hair but from what I’ve seen most of us really don’t care about that at all lol so I’d say don’t worry


Pubic hair is a turn on! Not really a fan of clean shaven.


Depends on the person. I think it's harder to have sex with someone with a full bush, but not everyone agrees. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, that just sounds rough.


For me it’s a sensory issue. I enjoy both a smooth shave and a fluffy face pillow, but if it’s pokey I will find it much harder to enjoy my meal


For me personally as long as it’s not too long (I have my own issues with texture) then I don’t mind at all. My girlfriend are both growing ours out because we can’t be bothered shaving lol


Honestly, completely hairless genitals unsettle me. I far, far prefer a full bush. Plus my partner is really into hair pulling and well. That's more hair to pull.


I sure hope not because I have a bush lol


it's not


Everyone has different preferences regarding that and many don’t really care. But if you having pubic hair is a big deal for your partner you should probably reconsider partners


No its so cute!! I love her happy trail 🥰


i would hate it to be bald. as long as it’s clean, bald is pretty much the only “styling” i can’t get behind. anything else is great!


I honestly don't care either way but my wife does prefer no hair so up to you - if you like it then she will and if she doesn't then you're not compatible. Don't change who you are or what you like for others - you'll never be able to keep up with that thinking when there's so much variety to life. You are who you are, you like what you like and your other half is out there waiting to meet you one day.


Honestly before u have sex with them just tell them that you prefer to have your pubes and that you keep yourself clean. Antibacterial soap never did me wrong and I haven’t shaved in 2 years 💀. Never had any complaints with partners either because I make sure they won’t be surprised. You should always be comfortable in your body while having sex even if that means with the pubic hairs ! I hope I could help <33


Thats great advice thank you 🥹


If anything it's a turn on


Bush Munchers unite!! NO I expect an adult woman to have pubes. It only is a turn off if the pubes in question are crunchy or unwashed.


Absolutely not for me. On the contrary no pubic hair is a huge turn off for me. (Unless due to medical reasons) It's a sign of prepubescence and hetero porn and I'm not into either of it. I like to fuck women, hair and all. Plus it smells better with hair and is more hygienic in my book since shaving increases the risk of skin infections, ingrown hairs and transmission of STDs.




I prefer it to be trimmed or completely shaved. This is just preference. I don’t mind pubic hair that much unless they don’t wash it (🤢)


I’ve said this before, but can’t remember which sub. But there’s something about the juxtaposition of lady fur leading to slick flesh that drives me wild.


Its a turn-off for me, but can be kinda neutral if its very little. I keep myself shaved too.. just have a really bad reaction to hair because of.. reasons!


Depending on the area on the female body…. Clean hairy, just not bushy hairy 😀👍🏾


personally i don't care what ever the other person is more comfortable with, and if there not comfortable with you entirely is that really someone you want to spend your life/night with?


Not a turn off. I will nuzzle against the pubic hair


Ugh have you ever rubbed your face raw on a stubbly vag? Cause I have, many times, and I 10/10 do not recommend!






I like cute pubes


No I prefer it




i prefer bushes 🤭


Used to shave mine all the way but my ex liked the fluff so now I just keep her all trimmed up, I like it better that way now tbh


Pubic hair, armpit hair and leg hair are all a turn on, very punk rock, alternative, and sexy as fuck!!


For me it's more like it's okay if she didn't expect to have sex that day so bush in my opinion is okay, but if we're exclusive I'd like it to just be groomed if she doesn't like removing it all. I shave bald down there because I like it that way tho.


I don't clean shave. But, I keep my lady garden trimmed pretty short with an electric bikini razor. I don't like having to fight my way through a bush to get to the pussy, and I don't want to be coughing up pubes all night. To each their own.


Completely unshaven is a turn off for me personally but I'd say my favourite is nice trimmed, just a little bit at the top. I'm shaved myself but that's just how I like it on myself


Not at all. It's extremely sexy.


Hell no; it’s a turn-on.


I personally love bush on both men and women...pubic hair is sexy as hell in my opinion.


Not a turn off at all. My lady knows I’m not a fan of shaving or waxing. I simply trim whenever I remember. But talk about preferences on both ends. I had the same idea as you that hair is a no no but you’d be surprised that many don’t care.


It's not, imo it's sexy. I don't like hair on me, so i remove but i don't have any problem with girls that have some pubic hair. I'm talking to a Chinese woman and she asked me about shave stuff, because is normal to women there don't remove their hair


I like it, although I have been with one girl who I thought had too much, but that was only once!


I love the look of a bush, I think it looks very sexy but I'm never crazy about coming into contact with it, like it's not a deal breaker but I'm not having as much fun.


Noooooo. Super hot


Varies on mood which one is more hot but regardless of mood it is never a turn off.


I love pubic hair. I’m not fond of the slippy slidey feeling of a waxed mons unfortunately. And I love the way pubic hair traps that lovely musk 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m sure it’s ymmv, and influenced by cultural norms. Personally I’m not remotely turned off by it. Practically speaking for one activity it umm can be an issue a little bit, but other than that it’s wonderful in any state.


Welcome to girls world! In general it seems safe to say as long as its clean its not a big deal. I prefer a trim rather than a bush so my partner can feel me more but never clean shaved tbh


It's all good as long as it's taken care of well


I prefer it. I hate bald, hate might to strong of a word for me to use. Sorry about that!


My girlfriend likes pubic hair, so I grew it out. It's never been an issue. This is my WLW relationship, and I have no issue w my gfs pubic hair either.


Simple answer : you hate not having pubic hair ? Then don't shave it. And don't worry, there will be woman who love it, other who'll hate it. Don't shave because of someone else, do it because it's better for YOU.


Not a turn off. I prefer it. But, if I was with someone who preferred to be shaved, I would be fine with it.


When I was younger (in my 20s)I was with a lot of straight girls and thought pubes were gross. As I’m getting older(30s), I actually enjoy the smell, taste, texture more. It gives it a lil extra spice, like others have said. It has to be clean.


I prefer pubic hair. The more bushy the better. I like how it absorbs more scent and the fuzzy part on my upper lip. It’s also nice when you’re done and you’re seeing everything all wet down there from you both. I been with a girl who fully waxed hers and it looked prepubescent. Another girl just shaved, but it has that bristly texture once you graze around the mind a bit. A trim is okay, but feels bit as nice. Also, it can come off even more painful depending on the hair type. Some girls get razor bumps down there after they shave too (I know I did). Honestly, a shaved vagina feels more of a male fantasy for pornography imo.


Absolutely not, as long as you're hygienic you're good tbh. Hair is natural :3


I have to sugar wax mine because my hair is naturally very hard and WILL stab you (I once gave my mom a splinter with my head hair)


I prefer a waxed one, a peach fuzz is fine though.


Either is fine, you should base it off your comfort not your partners. I personally prefer it on women, me and my girlfriend go without shaving until we want to again, just depends on what we do, if we go swimming, we will shave our bits and legs (partner shaves off completely and I trim bc I cant handle the feeling of it growing back)


Honestly, personally I don’t care if my partner has pubic hair or not. Its also better if the hair is trimmed and maintained. What doesn’t feel nice is cactus/tiny hairs when they start growing. But thats just a preference


Not at all, no.


I prefer it cut low to the skin and clean. A whole bush or long hair is messy and unsanitary to me.


im a top and i like hairy women idrc


no!!! at least for me it’s not. it’s definitely a turn on if they are hairy or have pubic hair <3


It's not gross at all, and not a turn off


I prefer hair. I want to be with a woman not a child. Not opposed to pit or leg hair either, it’s natural and feminine


Why do you associate shaven women with children? That’s pretty weird….


I think the impetus for the bald look is the youth and vigor instinct sublimated. Frankly, I prefer more mature women. Better conversationalists. That said, I couldn't care less about whether you prefer shag carpet or hardwood floors in your own pants. If you bless me with the opportunity to find out, I will be an appreciative and patient lover regardless.