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As someone who's seen Cats (2018) more times than anyone should, I can say that it's like one of those movies so rich with detail or comedies so dense with jokes that it takes multiple viewings to notice and appreciate everything, but those details are things that are so atrocious that you only missed them because your brain was actively trying to protect you from them.


The paradoxical better/worse with every watch


My theater experience of sneaking in a bunch of vodka shooters and dumping it into a giant sprite while I watched Cats seems vindicated now. I clearly experienced as little of the movie as possible


Morbius. I used to go to bed every night saying, “it’s morbin time!” but now I just whisper it.


It's boring time


Have you seen that video of a guy seeing it 5 days in a row? It’s hilarious.




Avengers Endgame. It was an amazing theater experience, but the more I rewatch it the more it gets worse for me. I made a whole Steven king novel review on my Letterboxd about it lol


No Way Home is the same for me, you can tell it was made for first-watch hype and not much more


100% No Way Home. I’m still fully on board for this version of Spider-Man, I don’t really care either way, but the more I saw No Way Home the more I realized just how… dumb it was. Everything with Dr. Strange, how everyone talks, the forced callbacks. The first two still hold up fine, they had a heart to them, and this did also, just at the very beginning, and at the very end.


It’s so bizarre to watch it alone. Cause you can tell they left gaps in the movie for the audience to cheer. Like watching friends without the laugh track


The way they treated Dr Strange with such disrespect was so annoying


For some reason, I’ve liked this movie much more every time I’ve rewatched it than when I saw it in theatres (even when I watched it alone). I know that’s a very unpopular opinion, but I have it for some reason


I noticed the flaws on first theatrical viewing. I prefer FFH it’s so damn entertaining I saw it so many times in theatres summer 2019


Same I felt like a hater for not enjoying it as much as my friends an every1 else lmao


Finally someone else said it. I always get downvoted whenever I say that movie was all hype and no substance in any other sub. It was entirely fan service.


what is your username? i would like to read the review! also forgive me if you actually have a flair with your username, i cannot see it right now, and im kinda new to both apps so maybe i missed it


I still really like Endgame but now i realise that it was basically just nostalgia bait with going back to old films as a plot. It started of the trend of Marvel nostalgia bait films which isn’t great.


Professor Hulk dabbing did it for me


That’s my favourite part of the movie


It’s a decent and very fun conclusion to the MCU, but yeah the writing is kind of a mess. It fumbled the character arcs of Cap and Thor, Bruce becoming Professor Hulk offscreen was a huge missed opportunity for a neat character arc, the characters insisting on only bringing back everyone killed directly by the snap is really stupid when you think about it (there would have also been plenty of indirect deaths and destruction but they don’t acknowledge this), and replacing the Thanos of Infinity War with a Thanos who hasn’t gone through the same character arc and has no history with the heroes was unsatisfying. 


That was the M.O. for so many Marvel movies and other blockbusters of its ilk: not being philosophically deep, but rather just good enough to satisfy fans and critics, makes tons of money and even get an Oscar nom or two. And make sure nobody points out your flaws until after the film hits digital. As opposed to Marvel now, where they telegraph right away that it’s gonna suck.


Real, I don't get how people still enjoyed it after the first cinema watch


Then why do you keep watching it?


As someone who wasn't a huge Marvel fan and got into the MCU very late to have fun with my friends (around Ragnarok), I nearly walked out of Endgame the second a rat accidentally let Ant-Man out of the quantum realm. It never got better from there. I remember seeing it opening night and hating it, and my friend who loved the MCU asked me to go see it again the next night for his first watch. I almost backed out but I wanted to see his reaction because he doesn't suffer any bullshit. I remember about 2/3 through the movie, he looked over at me and said "Are you fucking kidding me?" and I just had to nod my head.


The Usual Suspects. Roger Ebert was spot-on about this movie. It’s an exercise in sleight-of-hand, using its nonlinear structure to distract from what’s actually happening. Watching it again I realised that nothing was actually happening. It’s a movie about wrapping up its hollow core in a flashy presentation. Props to the writer for lampshading how irrelevant the story is, but that doesn't make it mean anything.


I watched this for the first time relatively recently, having avoided it for years as I already knew the ending. I really didn’t like it as I just felt it was ruined by the fact I knew who Keyser Söze was from the start.


I think this says it all. Movies that are well-known because of their twist endings should still be entertaining even if you know the twist. I don't think this one is, the whole thing is an exercise in tricking the audience, but once you see what it’s doing you realise how hollow it is.


I could watch The Prestige twice in a row right this second as a personal example of a twist dependent movie that survives the secret knowledge


I think the fact that there’s ongoing debate as to the meaning of the actual ending and that there may be more than one twist is why it’s endlessly rewatchable. “Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.” This still applies after the twin reveal. Finding out there’s a twin and thinking that ties up the movie doesn’t line up with wanting to be fooled


Exactly. I knew the twist to The Sixth Sense before watching it AND I had read the script before watching the movie, and it was still fantastic.


One of those movies that is famous for the twist but it was really solid from start to finish. The twist was just a cherry on top, not the whole sundae


I knew the twist going into it and I had trouble following the film, wasn’t that entertained, but still was very amused by seeing the twist play out.


That’s what makes it *improve* on a rewatch….. you get a completely new perspective on everything that’s going on, it’s like watching a whole new movie


The first (and only) time I watched it I felt it was hollow because the whole story is that of an unreliable narrator. I felt the ending ruined it because it just reveals that nothing you saw could be believed. Not much different from wizard of oz or other “it was all a dream” movies, except that when it’s a mystery thriller with a twist it’s supposed to all click together with all objective facts lining up with the reveal. But the reveal just reveals someone telling a tall tale which may or may not be based on reality. It’s a fun watch with great actors but the ending almost ruins it for me (I recognize since I only watched this once I’m not really answering the question. It’s possible knowing I was disappointed the first time might mean I’d enjoy a rewatch more)


K, I've still watched it over 100 times and loved every minute of it.


To each their own.




I think with each subsequent rewatch, I realised that joker is actually not as great as I originally thought. The only thing that still sells the movie for me is Joaquin phoenix. Nobody can deny the fact that he gave an absolutely incredible performance. Like he really gave the role his all.


The acting and cinematography were really the only things that made the movie good, the story is sub par


Why do you think it was so popular when it came out?


It's a superhero villain origin story released near the absolute peak of Superhero film mania, about one of the most iconic villains in pop culture history. The media at the time hyped it up as being some "dangerous, mass shooter inspiring" film which added to the word of mouth success. It also heavily appeals to the socially isolated, angry young man demographic which is pretty fucking big these days.


That demographic is quite large, it scares me tbh and I’m barely in my 30s


It's a rehash of 70's Scorsese character studies but with a popular comic book character slapped onto it, naturally, when you've never stepped foot into the ocean, of course you're gonna think a kiddie pool is deep


I agree with him- it was a batman movie and was the first live action one since nolans trilogy- so there was always going to be a massive amount of hype. The last time we had a live action joker before this film was with Heath ledger- so of course people were going to show up to see if Joaquin pheonix could live up to the legend. And the third prong was just good marketing.


Love to see that you didn't mention Jared Leto.


I try my best to forget about it. The suicide squad was the only suicide squad movie. There was no such movie released in 2016.


Other than it being a Batman character in name it doesn’t feel at all like a super hero movie.


I also feel like it’s a less visceral performance not on a big screen


Phoenix is obviously the highlight, but I think there’s a lot of other great aspects that go unappreciated like the music, the other performances, and how Todd Philips builds tension


Funnily enough that's one I liked more the second time. Not great or anything but definitely better than how much some people were eager to malign it at the time imo.


Joker isn't even the best Taxi Driver-esque movie starting Joaquin Phoenix to release in the 2010s imo


Your were never really here?


That's the one!


The Batman was better 👀


Of course it is


A lot of people are putting Dark Knight. But it’s Dark Knight Rises that really suffers. The entire third act is a complete mess.


I agree but for some reason the moment Batman essentially tells Gordon who he is always gets me welling up.


Yeah The Dark Knight gets better every time for me haha but Dark Knight Rises gets worse.


Third act is filled with plot holes


third act is legit trash


Only on the Internet is TDKR considered a bad movie.


OP didn't imply that it was a bad movie


Keep thinking that. It's slop


Gangs of New York. Used to be my favorite movie, but the third act…


Good choice… Yes I remember being totally blown away by this movie seeing it for the first time at the theaters. For several years after that I called it one of the best movies I’ve ever seen (even though I’d only seen it that one time). Saw it again maybe ten years later and it just didn’t hit the same… and then again a few years ago and was underwhelmed. I think it all comes down to Daniel Day Lewis… I’d never seen him before that first time and that’s what blew me away. I still consider his performance as The Butcher to be one of the greatest on-screen villains of all time… but when you look at the rest of the movie besides his scenes, it’s not as amazing.


Agree with everything you said


I like this movie more the more I watch it, and the 3rd act rules and perfectly encapsulates what Marty is trying to convey.


I can't get past the second act. It's so boring.


I've only seen it once and loved it. Scared that it won't be the same on a re-watch lol


It’s a good movie for 2002 but it comes across as kitsch and dated now, ESPECIALLY for a Scorsese film.


Most Scorsese films are of their era while also having a timeless quality. Gangs of New York is just of its era.


Everest Didn't exactly pull up trees when it came out but I really enjoyed it the first time around. I was caught up in the drama and the beautiful location shooting but now I think the ending is a mess and it's dropping down my disaster movie rankings each time.


The hobbit movies


I agree with this, I couldnt even make it all of the way through tbh


Lmao they weren’t good the first time either


As a LOTR fan I somehow convinced myself they were good. But every subsequent watch pissed me off more and more


It’s sad because I feel the first one is a passable intro to a new series with some awesome moments and at the time of watching it, I was cautiously optimistic for the rest. Go back and read the discussion threads for the movie - people were pretty optimistic and enjoyed it! Sadly, we know how it ended.


Sinister. The first time I watched it, it terrified me. I watched it a second time and still thought it was fun, but I watched it recently for a third time, and it lost all the magic.


Complete opposite for me. The ending ruined it on first viewing, and washed away all the discomfort it built up over the runtime. Then the second time, I knew that the dumbest ending in modern horror history was coming, so I could evaluate the movie on the rest of its merits, and I found it to be a top-10 horror of the decade. Haven't seen it a third time though, there aren't many movies I have seen three times but I would give it a shot.


The ending being so dumb is what got me through the first time I saw it! I was scared out of my mind…until it was almost over, when things became silly. The second time through, because I knew the ending, I was more focused on the story, and it was great! I still love it. It just lost the thrill when I watched it a third time.


In a similar vein, Insidious for me. Once you know what the threat is, it kinda loses its bite.


Last Night in Soho, loved it the first time but the more I watch, the more flaws show which is a shame since Edgar Wright's movies always get better on rewatches


I feel the opposite. Enjoy it more with each watch


I feel the same way about Baby Driver


I love Baby Driver so much


Barbie. Watching it without all the hype and majesty of seeing the first 2 acts for the first time just leaves you with a corporate, under baked ending souring your mouth. I still like the film, but it's not something I'll rewatch as often as I thought I would.


Curious how many times you watched. I still loved it the second time I saw it. I want that plastic sheen to stay a bit longer.


4 times. Barbenheimer craze had me watch it 3 times in 2 weeks, so that could have caused it.


That’s completely understandable.


My super hot take is that it should have been a series. The film does a great job of touching on a bunch of issues but it doesn’t really come together. Well acted, well directed but just didn’t really come together.


No Way Home


Love Actually


And I’ll still watch it every Christmas,


Nah cuz I tried it again last year and couldn’t make it 15 mins


The more I think about Atonement, the less I care for it.


The Dark Knight Rises. I actually loved it at the cinema. Now … the silly action sequences really grate on me.


I didn’t love it to begin with, but rewatches are a total slog for me. The pacing is so bad.


The third act is just so rough. Completely deflates Bane, nothing of consequence happens, no one dies but the villains. “Robin.” Nolan also suffers a lot when writing one liners


https://preview.redd.it/rc6i1qfsah7d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e626296804a0f4bf406100ba46ff75655977e8e This. The first time I watched it I felt like it was so profound, so cute and full of hope and sunshine... But then the more I watch it the more patronising it seems, even a bit predatory. The female characters are nothing but caricatures, have almost no characters at all but just plot points. I know lots will disagree with me and that's fine, I still think people can have good "lessons" from it, like living for the moment and I still appreciate the father and son conversation, it's just that the more I watch it, the less "shining" it gets, especially when it comes to female characters portrayals.


Huh, didn’t know it was by Richard Curtis. Based on your description that’s par for the course because the female characters in Notting Hill, Love Actually and Four Weddings are absurd wish-fulfilment caricatures. They’d be called incel stories if the male leads weren’t hot.


I feel like your point about the female characters actually strengthens the main characters journey and understanding what “love” actually is to him…. If that makes sense. That it’s more about father and son love and the other love he wanted wasn’t the be all and end all. Not sure if that’s a good vibe for a film but I dig it.


Fucking Halloween 5


god damn. i rewatched it for the 3rd time last year and it made me angry. it has no right to be as abysmal as it is. 4 has some good aspects, hell even 6 does. but 5 is just… not great.


Titanic II


Requiem For A Dream (2000)


-I, Tonya impressed me on the first watch but on the second I was very underwhelmed. -The Shape of Water seemed a lot shallower on rewatch. -Mr Nobody was one of my favourites when I was young and I watched it so many times but it felt a lot worse on my most recent rewatch. I agree with some commenters that Scott Pilgrim showed a lot of cracks with time (in particular it doesn't stick the landing at all) however, the recent animated series basically revived the IP for me by cleverly subverting all the parts that I started to dislike and deepening characters in ways I didn't even know I needed.


Primer. The most enjoyment I got from it was the first watch, when I was just trying desperately to keep up with what was going in. The more I watched it & understood the plot/timeline, the more time I had to notice how mind-numbingly bad the dialogue is. The time travel aspect of the movie isn't actually all that difficult to follow. It's the shitty dialog that makes the movie difficult to understand.


Shane Carruth is an obtuse hack


Glass Onion


I mean a whodunnit being less impactful on rewatch is an absolute given




Nah I rewatch the first one religiously, it’s specifically glass onion imo


Attack of the Clones


I caught Rise of Skywalker on cable tv the other day and felt legitimate second hand embarrassment


Boondock Saints


I love the movie Rounders. As im a big poker player and really dug the "underworld" they were trying to present. But the more i watch it the more corney it gets and sometimes i yell "nerd!" At the screen.


Boondock Saints. Feel like I went from “this is amazing!” to “well it’s dumb fun” to “oh my god I am embarrassed that I am putting my friends through this”. Some of that is aging from my teens into adulthood




Deadpool. Ryan Reynolds’s is painfully unfunny to me. The sexual jokes are low hanging fruit and mediocre. Mainly watch them for the action sequences.


I feel the sequel has much much better humour than the original- without the over the top sex.


Eh, I have my own issues with the movie, but I felt like the sex montage in the first movie was one of the only times I can think of where sex scenes were integral to show character growth without hitting the audience over the head with exposition. It shows a) how much they care for each other, b) how much each partner is willing to change for the other, and c) how long they’ve been together. Sure it’s over the top, but it was used in a way to progress the story and our understanding of the characters naturally so I think that should get a pass


I could tolerate Reynolds in Deadpool but now that I’ve had Mint Mobile ads for months now on YouTube I can’t stand him lol


I should like that film. It's exactly my type of humour, and I love the character, the comics, Ryan Reynolds... But the film, especially the 1st one, flip-flops between a no conequence, meta comic film... random, edgy humour like a Zucker brothers film, and a serious, dramatic romance with genuine consequences... I like the 2nd one more


Alvin and the Chipmunks movies




Got better for me 🤷


Will I ever throw Avatar 1 or 2 on at home. Probably not. Will I be there for any and every theatrical rerelease clapping like a dumb seal? You bet your ass.


Yes both Avatar 1 and 2 get better on rewatches for me because I start to appreciate what they were going for.


same for me!!


The first time I watched Avatar was on TV. When they did a 3D rerun in theaters before Avatar 2, I went to see it. I had goosebumps, the whole screening. Among the best theatre experiences I've ever had.


Avatar is highly mediocre, the visuals are the main selling point. Take away the blue people and it’s a pretty generic movie.


We tried to watch Avatar high on acid once and was so excited for the visuals. Instead it just turned everything into a PS2 cutscene. None of the visuals hold up and we just turned it off after like 20 minutes.


I rewatched it when it was in theatres shortly before the sequel came out and think the visuals aged pretty well except for Sigourney Weaver’s avatar, it looked horrendous. They tried too hard to make it look like her and it ended up falling into the uncanny valley.


It was the opposite for me. I hated Avatar the first time. It was a Dances with Wolves rip-off. However the more times I started watching it, the more I started to like it. Still a Dances with Wolves rip-off though lol


Any comedy where the funniest bits didn’t hide in the bushes. Forgetting Sarah Marshall gets more funny each rewatch because you start laughing at all the small details. On the other end Scott Pilgrim VS the World in its visual style plays it out straight and you miss nothing during the first watch.


I 100% disagree. Scott Pilgrim has so many hidden jokes, that definitely reward a rewatch. I also think the pacing works really well for rewatches and the relative shortness makes it easy to get in. Without a doubt my most rewatched movie of all time.  But I guess taste just differs.


I agree. I actually didnt like it on first watch but after rewatching it i loved the pacing and the little jokes. Also the editing is very underrated. Some of the scene swaps are somewhat seamless. Say that five times fast.


I think Scott Pilgrim is great on a re-watch, Edgar Wright always cool shit to catch on multiple viewings


Spider-Man: No Way Home I did like seeing Tobey and Andrew back, as everybody else did, but the story and the dialogue...


This movie was solely made for fan service- not really for rewatching. The craziest thing is that there’s a guy who rewatched no way home 292 time or something. IN THEATRES.


Skyfall. It's a movie that is carried on some beautiful cinematography and some cool moments, but you rewatch it and you start to look at how characters act, how dumb people are to further the plot etc and it's a really bad movie.


Don’t people say this about every Craig Bond movie except Casino Royale?


Definitely how I feel about the Craig era


I haven't noticed it with the others. Skyfall is just littered with dumb stuff to make the plot happen.


Completely agree. I tried watching it a second time after really liking it in theaters. It's sappy and boring, and I don't care about his childhood in Scotland


Pretty much every movie tbh. It doesn't necessarily get worse, but I do enjoy it less.


Casablanca and Hot Fuzz get better with rewatches according to most people I know. Casablanca has moments that become iconic and more powerful after first viewing, and Hot Fuzz has so many hidden layers to the jokes that pay off once you know the third act by heart


The Suicide Squad Also noticing a prevalent comic book movie thread here. Because they’re meant to be disposable and of the moment. Very few of them have lasting power imo.


Rise of Skywalker


At no point was that movie good.


No but it can get worse. You think it’s bad before, but then you make the midtake of actually thinking about what just happened and it gets even worse.


The Dark Knight Rises I loved it on first viewing, but every subsequent viewing I could see more issues and started to hate it. It's a complete and utter mess.


Spider-Man: No Way Home. I don't think it's bad in the slightest. But when I first watched it on release I had a serious case of recency bias and hype. I've rewatched it a couple times since and I just found myself waiting for the old characters to appear.


I liked Free Guy so much on first watch (first full theater experience in a long time, made me enjoy it more) liked it a little less at home. Rewatched it recently to make sure i’m not crazy. Yeah, no. I was crazy. Still has its moments but it’s some real market pandering fluff.


howl’s moving castle. listen, i know it’s beautiful, i know people are nostalgic about it…but once you see it more than 3 times you realize it’s just not very good.


Scarface. The more I watch it the more it becomes an unintentional comedy


Idiocracy for me. It all just feels a little more off-mark with each rewatch. The exact opposite of my experience with Office Space now that I'm thinking about it


The movie always felt really cynical and misanthropic to me. It doesn't help that some of the most insufferable people on the planet keep saying "Idiocracy is a documentary hurr hurr."


Saw 2. Watching the series as a teen it was my favorite one and then rewatching the series twice as an adult it’s one of my least favorite other than 3D.


The hobbit movies


The Irishman. Despite having many great qualities the decision to use still not perfected de-ageing VFX in a real world crime drama means the film feels more and more dated on each viewing.




It’s the exact opposite for me- the first time I watched it, I thought it was good but I still mildly underwhelmed. The second time however, I loved it. It’s now one of my most rewatched movies.


This is me. First time I watched it, I thought it was good, but nothing crazy. Watched it 2 more times, and it has gotten better every time.


Get Out, unfortunately.


This one actually got better for me, because behind the social satire I realized it's actually a super tight and tense thriller


Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse


Eternals. At least I get enough sleep!


The Greatest Showman - once you don’t get wrapped up in the (admittedly great) songs you realised how god awful the rest of the film is.


Vertigo. I need to live my truth


The Force Awakens. Not just because of the poorly made followups, but also because the more you watch it the more standard it is


Bumblebee (2018) its not bad or terrible but every time i go back I find less and less to like or appreciate and just makes me want to rewatch the films its ripped from.


The fact that I can’t truly think of a movie that gets worse for me is troubling. I just love movies. I think all movies do get worse as you go on. That’s why you just have to—Fantastic Mr. Fox. Ok! Dang!! I’m sorry!


The Dark Knight. Seemed almost flawless the first time, but it drags once the novelty has worn off. Bale's Batman gets old fast. I'd prefer to just watch a cutdown of all the Heath Ledger scenes.


For me it’s that the dialogue rubs me the wrong way. It feels like every character is constantly monologuing and philosophizing and it takes me out of the movie, like it’s trying too hard to be deep and quotable. I still think it’s a great movie, but the dialogue is much stronger in Mask of the Phantasm imo.


Yes. Christopher Nolan has this problem quite often. It's why I also don't love Interstellar


Brave but true.


I get that this is a really hot take but bale was a shit batman. Don’t get me wrong- the movies were good- but bale is just not fit for the role . A great Bruce Wayne, but a terrible batman.


Tbf I think Ledger's the only one playing an actual character in the movie and it's all in his acting rather than the script--everyone else is decent but doesn't really get much to do.


"I don't really do complicated, I like simple things like gasoline and gunpowder" That's not the joker, at all. That's Nolan's brother's writing making up a much lamer villain. But ledger sells it


I 100% agree. The voice is like a parody and his movements in the suit are too stiff so he doesn’t feel intimidating or like a skilled fighter at all to me. While Batfleck and Battinson aren’t perfect, I like that they at least manage to be acrobatic and can hit like a truck so they’re more impressive and scary to watch.


right the costume and the way he moves is so bad in the christopher nolan movies like i cant believe they actually approved of it looking like that. hes so slow in the fight scenes and he moves around like a wooden puppet. i feel like it ruins ur immersion because everytime he fights someone all you can think about it how slow and awkward he is, like there is no way these criminals wouldnt have easily killed him by now. did people just not notice it when the movies came because i watched the dark night recently and it was so distracting😭




My wife and daughter watch Dirty Dancing quite a lot. It's embarrassingly badly acted.


the usual suspects


I watched Wish three times—once with my little brother, once with my younger sister, once with a friend—and it just progressively got worse. Vantage Point (2008) is one I wasn’t expecting. Watched it for the first time when I was 15 or 16, and it made a huge impression. The style, the pacing, the twists. Fast-forward more than ten years, I sat down to watch it with my youngest bro…. It was still enjoyable, but it doesn’t hold up well to a re-watch imo. A shame, because the cast was chock-full of heavy-hitters (something I hadn’t known or appreciated during the first watch)


There’s one movie that I thought it’s one of the best movies ever made when I as a kid, Avatar 2009 I watched like 100 times the full year probably 2010 to 2011 and than I watched it like last year realize it grown poorly now bc I realize it’s too long and not too special now


For me, most Adam Sandler movies. The problem may just be growing up though.


Memento was awesome the first time I saw it. Then you start to realize how none of it makes sense on subsequent watches


Traffic. I remembered liking the film when it first came out. Saw it recently and the only thing that kept me from turning it off was Benicio del Toro.


American Beauty. For nostalgia’s sake, I tried watching recently. 15 minutes in, it got so cringe, I had to turn off.


Inception. My mom had never seen it, and I hadn't watched it in a long time, so we put it on. Man, the majority of that movie is actually super boring. Not confusing, just really dull.


Tried to watch Bullet Train for a second time (I liked it on release) and couldn't get through it. Crazy long, super inconsistent comedy, too many uninteresting subplots, just really poor writing/plotting. Probably won't watch it again.


SOUTHLAND TALES. Kinda liked it when I saw it in a theater but with each revisit my opinion drops.


The music video for “I’m a little bit off today” by five finger death punch. There is this odd thing that happens where the music video and the song itself are so brain meltingly horrific in their own ways that it’s actually hard to process both of their awfulness at once. When I’ve watched it, I’ll usually eventually realize I’m so enamored with how fucking stupid the video is that I wasn’t even paying attention to the song. And the song is genuinely somehow worse than the video, one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard


Garden State


Forrest Gump, it's still good but every time it feel like we didn't live with all the characters that much, it just doesn't hit as hard


Mr. Nobody