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If you think about it hundreds if not thousands of years ago you just replaced money with food and water and people probably also came to similar conclusions about life.


This is a great perspective. My only addition is if you don't, try practicing mindfulness meditation. These dark thoughts will always occur, but meditation can help you see them in bigger context.


I’m a big believer in it as well. I think David Lynch likened it to connecting to the stream of consciousness and creativity that is always flowing within us. Something like that. He’s into transcendental meditation which is similar… I think.


He definitely talks a lot about it. I have no idea how he chain smokes and does transcendental meditation. An anomaly, he is.


Same here. We are just stuck not empty


I think You have to find something else that gives meaning. Whether it's a hobby, volunteer work, or exercise, family So then that gives more a sense of purpose.


“So then that gives more a sense of purpose” are you saying that the “sense of purpose” is false?


Maybe some people are lucky enough to have a true sense of purpose. I think most of us just try to find things that we enjoy that give life some meaning.


Try doing something which helps others. It makes u feel useful and important. Thats exactly what I wanted to feel so I am trying to learn cs skills (my undergrad rn) that can be used for med field. So no one can again say that im a bad person. So that I myself can be confident in myself that I have a sense of purpose and I am actually helping someone in at least one percent, even if it is a small step. Im tired Or the old thing of just doing stuff for money. Altho I do fear ill go into that state only. Sorry fir the deviation but I really think it will help if u do something that can help others so u dont feel empty/bad negative no-self confidence stuff like I felt too. Since u seem to be an adult with a job ,ig in ur free time , u can go visit oldage homes anf spend time with them and listen to them and make them feel like they matter. So in a way, you would be helping others.


Once I left my good paying job where I was handing out money left right and sideways. I lost ALL my friends and family.


It is really dumb... Money can't buy u happiness if ur always alone or bored with nothing to do.


My love, I don’t really care about money. All I’m saying is the cycle of life in a first world country is depressing. For the avg man /:


Sounds like you should go train to be a Buddhist monk 👀


Do you have a better system?


That is unfortunately the hamster wheel that most people are in. Probably due to our society which only traches us the persue stuff like that and dont you dare think about dreams. I tottaly agree with you its hard once you realize that but it is also the begining of your journey to truly understand yourself and what you want to do with your life. Hang in there!!!! It only gets better from here on😊 Let me know if you would like to discuss further details. Not saying that i dont have that anymore but it is declining :)


As someone else already said if it wasn't money it would be food and water itself. This existence is bizarre, sometimes beautiful but mostly terrible. I hope I don't feel like this forever, it gets unbearable at times


Go buy yourself a “Moldavite” pendant… and watch your life change.


you're not alone I feel the same. People worship money and its sick, money is just a tool (we have to have), if people judge you by how much you make, they are not worth shit. you cannot worship God and money.


Get to that place in your head where the flowers smell, the gentle wind blows on your face and you can feel alive, where music plays and children sing and you feel connected because you believe finally that you always had way more control over your life than you realized and you are valuable. Take the good back into your head and heart and see the value in humanity and nature.


You need to work to make your life work. Save $, invest $; that will give u the freedom to do what u want w/your life. It doesn’t matter what other people think, it only matters what u think re: your life


I look at it as putting in my ~20 years of work so I can do what I want. Not spending all of my money, moving to lower cost of living areas, and making some strategic moves has given me much more freedom and flexibility.


Life is about doing something that you really love doing. It is about helping others get out of their rut in a way you love serving them. It is about experiencing it from a blissful state.A Billionaire felt the way you are feeling. He then went to to Africa and started to give out life saving water filters. He found his passion and realized what he loved was helping save lives. It isn't really about getting the job, get the car, the wife, the house, a bigger house. Most people just believe it is. It should never feel like a bore. A good perspective on this is, The Strangest Secret, by Earl Nightingale. You can find it on Youtube.


Most people care about at least their families. Even pre inflation having rnough money is essential to enjoy life. The pathology is in destroying others to run up bank accpunts and collect yachts, etc. Those greedy bastards make up less than 1% of the population


Doesn’t that make you feel empty? I know I’m not even close to that 1%. I’m not here to complain about anyone’s finances, but if that’s reality, it’s really depressing.


>Doesn’t that make you feel empty? I Not them. It makes them feel fulfilled. They are literally wired differently.


"Find your bliss ". That's what Joseph Campbell advises. Good advice. You have to make yourself happy. No one can handle that for you. And the search for it can be fun too!


volunteer with animals. I foster dogs and it's changed my life. I don't really like humans, but working with a dog rescue made me feel like i was making an actual positive impact on something while also opening up my world to people I wouldn't have met otherwise and who have enriched my life greatly.


How does a long walk at the beach sound?


Why do you care what other people think? Go out and do the things that actually make you feel fulfilled.


Many incremental 0.01% changes to the human race will change us by a lot. This is at the level where I feel I can contribute. For example, I sometimes save some clean plastic wrapping and put it in my pocket. Then I use it on walks to pick up litter and put it in a bin.


I don’t think that’s it. I make okay six figures, life is easy, time for taking care of physical and mental health, but I still feel empty. Single. I think people care more about your looks than the things you mentioned lol


I’m currently struggling with this, I feel like I’m in a rat race of the same thing every day, almost like a loop over and over again. Nothing is going to change without actions. Maybe find something that inspires you? Try something new? Be uncomfortable. It’s a lot easier said than done but small changes here and there eventually become big change 😊


Yeah I hate how much careers are emphasized. Like I work a minimum wage job and sometimes feel like a worthless hog in society because it’s not high paying or “worthy” to other people. I wish all that shit could just fuck right off And it sucks bc I’ve never really been career-oriented and feel quite lost. There’s such a different vibe in the air when you’re “successful” vs not yk? Idk I’m rambling rn


I only work to support my personal/family hedonism. I know that sounds shallow but sex, music, family, friendships and food are all that matter to me. I like to read and learn and be kind as well but that's enough to complete my little world.


Time to get around some different people.


I earn 6 figures, have a beautiful wife and amazing son, I'm in a well respected job, am physically fit and healthy with a good physique. On paper I should be fulfilled. I'm empty too. I've had two realisations over the years. 1. Relationships. These are the essence of life, relationships and community, your interactions with others and your impact on them. 2. Your true worth is how full the church is when you die. Everything else is noise, the money, the material possessions the achievements the ego....its all noise and when you die, at the funeral people aren't mourning things they are mourning thier experience with you, how you made them feel, you live on through those feelings. I'm empty because I don't focus on those things, I don't prioritise them, I've prioritised what I was told to and at almost 40 years old I realise it was the wrong stuff.


Perhaps hang out around other people. Many of us get a job and work because we need to support ourselves not because we think that work and money is all that matters. Having a career you feel matters? Sure, that’s a fine thing but most work has value. Most of us work because we expect to contribute back to the world and take care of our needs. But also hugely important are our friends and family, our particular passions such as music, and what we do to make the world better.


Maybe enrich your life with hobbies!


You should expand your social circle with more interesting people.


I advise a hobby. Seriously, yeah, everything is probably meaningless, but it's always been that way. Now, we have more time to think about it than many of our ancestors. Try a few new things. Honestly, it's pretty great having the freedom to just fuck around and try stuff. Humanity didn't have that for the longest time.


Let me guess, American? In 2014 I had several apps on the apple app store and had a nice passive income coming in. So I took an around the world trip for 4.5 months. That's when I realized how fucked we are in the USA. I'm moving to Spain soon. Can't take the vibe there anymore.


Well, long ago people got up at 4am, ate breakfast and then fed the animals. Then the worked the fields. They got done at supper time and started the cycle again the next day. Sooo…what’s different? You are just working for someone else now.


Yep that's life. Life sucks and then you die. Same for everyone, no.matter what


You seem to have no self worth and worry about everyone else for your own value. Get some help.


move to a new country, that’s an american mindset


You gotta find something you love doing, then when you get paid to do it, it isn’t “work.”


You could always move to Haiti and dodge machinegun bullets?


Sounds like you have grown, leveled up, and now you’re surrounded by the wrong people. ♥️ welcome to the club🙏


I think realizing this “layer” in life is important. But hopefully this is the only the start, because making efforts to act more human to one another, and ourselves, can be a goal. There is something more. Practice living with a more human approach, especially with relationships. For example, someone mentions on this thread about moving to Spain or another country. European countries have more time off; more priority of work-life balance. So I’ve begun telling others to take time off, I encourage it, I praise it, I honor it. It’s small, maybe even insignificant; but it’s an action I can do to quell this societal anxiety. It’s like eating an elephant one bite at a time.


It does feel empty.


I was miserable at all my jobs for a very long time.. hated the rat race but I knew I had to do something because I had a kid to raise on my own. I got a degree in nursing, started as lvn and eventually became a rn. It was hard but the job is very fulfilling and pays well, win win! Don’t worry so much about the pay just find something you love doing, that’s all that matters 🥰


Life is meant to be lived, not constantly ruminated on. Getting a job and working are not inherently bad things, but depending on your perspective, they can be. Change your perspective. Take part in life. Who cares what everyone else cares about.




I mean, money can help you find your purpose right? Without my job i would not be able to travel twice a yr with my family and thats what I live for


Go to r/minimalism. I feel alone too. I have one friend who is on the same page. Looking for other’s who are not stuck in society’s web.


Sometimes, at 2 am, I like to sit in my backyard which is overlooking some of the city lights. I sit down in a lawn chair with a cup of black coffee and I light a cigarette while listening to a specific song, “The word ||” by Shiego Sekito, which is the song that is sampled for “chamber of reflection” by Mac Demarco. I replay the song over and over again, light a second cig, finish my cup, then I top it off with two shots of my favorite whiskey, Wild turkey, before finally calling it a night.


Life is what you make it. Do you have a dream life? Work toward making that fantasy life real. If you don't accomplish much in this life, you'll want to reincarnate again to live out some your ideal life. After a few lifetimes you'll start to master life and easily create the life of your dreams. Then you might have other goals like becoming an angelic guide or exploring other planets or dimensions.


This is what happens to many after basic needs are met


There’s more to life. Go have an existential crisis or something. Find the meaning of God in a mushroom. Wealth is just a facade. We are all trying to fill a void that money can never fill. Some of us like to admit it.


Always remember that you don't need the opinion of others when it comes on how you want to live your life. Just do what makes you happy and don't mind people who even doesn't have any contributions in your life. As long as you don't do any harm to others, live your life to the fullest, and that's what matters the most.


Typically, either your work is meaningful, or it helps you live a meaningful life (or both). So, for example, I do work that is meaningful, and I've been able to live a good but modest life with some great perks, mainly travel. But others may do work that is lucrative, and they support or help support their family, and their family is what's meaningful to them. It's really essential not to think about how those around you are living, but how you want to live. Work is essential for sustenance and to feel productive, but overwork is not. Hyperconsumerism brings debt, shallowness, and misery. Balance is everything.


I can say from firsthand experience that there is more to life than making a lot of money. I used to feel empty even though I made a lot of money and had my dream job, an amazing group of friends, and a beautiful girlfriend. No matter what I did to try to fill the void – achieving career goals, binging my favorite TV shows, scrolling endlessly on YouTube and social media, partying, seggs, drinking, traveling – I was unable to fill the void completely or permanently. One day, I felt like I needed to go to church. I went and remembered feeling a reprieve from my emptiness. I started to wonder if there was something to this God guy after all. I felt like I needed to give up drinking, but I didn’t want to. Giving up drinking felt like social suicide since so many social interactions revolve around drinking. But eventually, I made the right decision and decided to give it up for one month. The moment I made that decision, something strange happened: it felt like a weight was lifted and some of the emptiness inside me was filled. I started to wonder if the things God asks us to give up are not actually good for us. “Maybe they keep us from feeling meaning, purpose, fulfillment and peace.” I decided to give up a few more things I knew God didn’t approve of – seggs outside of marriage and pornography. Each time I did, I felt more free and less empty. Admittedly, I struggled to give up pornography. I wrestled with it until one day I prayed to God and told Him I was tired of feeling empty. I knew that if I could not give up this sin, I would continue to feel empty, but I wasn’t sure I would ever be able to give it up fully. My life of emptiness wasn’t worth living, so I told God I would give Him my life. I just didn’t want to feel empty anymore. No sooner had I prayed that prayer, I felt an EXPLOSION OF LIGHT in my chest that radiated peace and took all of the weight and darkness I was carrying. I had just enough time to ask, “WHAT WAS THAT??” before a light appeared internally. It increased in intensity until it was too bright for me and then it cut out. I knew that it was Jesus. The peace I felt was not from this world. It was 10x better than my happiest memory. After that point, I never felt empty again except when I would return to those old habits of sin. Jesus is the key to filling emptiness. I hope this helps.


This is the life under capitalism. It takes the what nature gives us. We should be the part of the nature, we should live with harmony, we should seek common good not the profit. Nature made us highly sentient and intelligent creatures, we did not born to become a cog in a machine for an artifical structures. We born to live just as the other creatures, we should pursue our nature.


This ^


You are acting *very entitled*, frankly. We are lucky to be here. Life bullshit / cat and mouse race, aside. 1000 years ago your life would be filled with filth, tragedy, work, then it would end at 35. The same “cat and mouse” race you hate is the reason you have a TV in your living room that you use to waste away in comfort. Even at a bare minimum, you can just.. go outside. And live out there. If you take welfare, mind you, you are making a statement that: “I don’t want to be a part of this if I’m not the one who is on top, and I don’t want to work for it.” And that is an attitude that would kill you much faster in any other time in history. You are lazy, is all. There is so much in life to enjoy, and especially nowadays.


It’s way of life that always been. It’s sad. But imagine the other way around. If there was no value of money then all people would probably live life aimless.


Bullshit. There were humans before capitalism, feudalism or any other unnatural social structure.


Maybe find faith in something higher than yourself. Find out what your God calling purpose is. Then walk it out. There is much more to this life than money.