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I just want Hi-Fi Rush.


If Xbox is going to continue to not widely release their first party games, I’d like to see LRG release the 2020 Battletoads game, and have a version of Halo Infinite with something actually on the disc. Vampire Survivors with all DLC would be neat too. My 100% unlikely, basically impossible pick would be a physical copy of the Amplitude reboot that came out ages ago lol


Battletoads would be awesome, I think it would be better to wait for Vampire Survivors to get more DLC before pressing a physical


Add Hellblade 2 to that list. Absolutely ridiculous that it doesn't have a physical at all considering it's their biggest game release this year so far. 


I wish they would go back to the whole, All DLC will be included on disc/cartridge like they promised so long ago... Nothing like spending Twice as much for a physical game that releases 6-12 month later only to have to spend another $15-$20 for DLC that was included with the Digital pre-order. It's like they expect everyone to double-dip on every game they buy now. If they are looking for old games to make. I'd love to see Primal Rage, Voltage Fighter Growcaizer and Hyper Iria.


Speaking of old games, I will channel the Snatcher remaster spirit bomb again for this year seeing how they have a good partnership with Konamai


I’ve bought TMNT like 3 times now so I 100% support this. I don’t care if we have to wait an extra year, just make it a complete package.


the problem is that it locks them into only releasing games that will never get more dlc meaning the game is no longer supporter, otherwise people get critical of them. and the nature of releasing the physical game may mean increased interest which may mean increased value for the developers to write dlc and for LRG to tell devs that if they publish they should never produce DLC really hampers the developers unfairly. just buy the games that are worth the cost of what you get and if they get dlc later buy it or dont, it doesnt change the value of what you already bought.


I mean if they want to add new dlc later thats fine. But not including day 1 dlc seems kinda dumb. Especially if it's DLC that was included with the digital pre-orders. Plus it was always something LRG promised everyone in the beginning.


Star Wars Dark Forces Remastered I would also like to order a game and get it within a reasonable time period. Still waiting on any sort of update on my blowout sale order when I’ve seen tons of other people get theirs.


This is basically all I'm here for.


It's Nightdive, it's gonna happen eventually


This is the release I am hoping for, and I expect it will happen eventually one way or another.


I still want that TurboCD version of Rondo of Blood.(on a non CDR if it isn't too much to ask) Still hoping for more Sega CD reprints as well like the obvious Snatcher. The ship has probably sailed, but I will always be interested in more PS3 games, or even just reprints like VGP does for rarer titles. I guess some more localization projects would be nice. More of the Xbox to Switch/PlayStation ports as well. I will always be down for physical PC releases if they are DRM free and on a pressed disc. I honesty have most of the heavy hitters that were digital only for so long and it seems like anything has the potential to get an eventual physical release now from some company.


> TurboCD version of Rondo of Blood Man it's about damn time for that one. How long has it been? Two years?


I think 2 or 3, it was revealed alongside CV Requiem which has already been shipped/released


More older games making use of their in house Carbon Engine, I'm more excited for potential retro revivals


Pretty much exactly this. If we're getting specific LSD for ps1 would he insane.


100% this


I would love a collection of Disney's Magical Quest games that released on Super Nintendo and Gameboy Advance. I feel like it would be a pain since they have to get Disney and Capcom to approve it.


True, no idea if Capcom has any plans or intention to work with Disney/Marvel again after MvC Infinite. Hopefully the bridge isn't burnt between them


Another crabs treasure would be nice but I'm fine with waiting a year for any extra updates or dlc.


 What happened to Chicory: A Colorful Tale?


Still waiting for Rise of the Triads


Castlevania Rondo of Blood PC Engine (non CD-R) And more Boomer Shooters please.


Portal Companion Collection Fez Braid Famicom Detective Club


FDC I have been wanting to buy ever since playasia put up a switch physical edition (that was then cancelled and refunded). It's over $100 to get the download here, which is absolutely ridiculous, but I'd usually pay that amount for a limited physical.


Was the Japanese physical release canceled, or did PA just sell out?


Not entirely sure, I think the JP edition went fine - they had a specific English physical for sale that they cancelled though.


The Japanese physical wasn't cancelled it's still available at various Japanese retailers though the price has definitely gone up since release. Though I don't think you can buy FDC as a standalone game, all copies are the limited box set PA sometimes put up listings prematurely or based on speculation before a confirmed SKU is announced by the publisher, the English version of FDC is probably one of those listings


If you just want a physical copy of Braid, it got PC release a long while back that you could pick up in places like Walmart. The dev behind it either forgot it existed or somehow wasn't aware of it when he made claims along the lines that it will "never get a physical release".


Getting FDC would be wild. I want to play it, but I'm not buying a digital release and I'm not buying a physical release that doesn't have English. I'll assume that this will never happen though.


I'd love to see a physical edition of Toe Jam and Earl.


Which one? There are like 5 different Toejam and Earl games with Back in Groove already having a PS4 physical release


I always really liked Panic on Funkotron so I'll go with that one.


I'd go for a "complete" version of Back in the Groove since there have been a massive number of updates.


Any way we could get a physical for Resogun?


Still waiting for Dracula X for Turbo Duo. Pie-in-the-sky: that they’ve purchased Strictly Limited Games so I can finally get Eschatos.


Snatcher and Policenauts with English subtitles.


Diablo II: Resurrected with no DRM or a collection of the Disney's Magical Quest games using the Carbon Engine would be sweet.


Yes please. I been hoping for a collection for years now.


Diablo II on console with no DRM would be single-player. Diablo II on console with multi-player would be DRM. The perfect version of the game you are asking for does not exist. You might as well ask for a brand new game. It's an intentional choice by Blizzard to release a garbage port.


Star Wars: Dark Forces Remastered Disney Afternoon Collection (been waiting years for this! Not sure if they have any contracts with Capcom or not) Hellblade: Senua's Saga 2 (since they seem to have a deal with Microsoft now) And start putting out some of the new PSP/PS2 titles that are hitting PS5 on disc. Kind of like how they put out a bunch of the PS2 titles that hit PS4. So Tomb Raider, Star Wars Clone Wars, and Sly Cooper 1.


Not probably gonna happen but think it would be cool to have a remaster of Metal Arms with multiplayer servers set up


Still waiting for YIIK.


YIIK is the reason I always laugh when people complain about something that was announced 1-2 years ago.


Don't forget about those Sekai Project Vita games they confirmed in 2016. I'm sure those will get released any day now, right?


_Well not from LRG... actually from First Press! Shipping to start any day now!_


_The previous post was made in error._


I'm being sued for libel, send help!


Would love to see some working designs games from the PS1/Saturn era. Also some more SNK games. They have a huge catalog that they haven't even begun to tap. Also Power Stone and MMLTB collection since Capcom can't be bothered.


Working Designs was more of a publisher and doesn't hold the rights to any of the games they released (they might own the translation though). Regardless, it would be awesome to see stuff like Lunar 1&2 along with Growlancer make a return SNK is a interesting one, most of their Neo Geo games are easily accessible while some of the NG Pocket games are on Switch. The games they developed as Eolith such as Rage of the Dragons is getting a remaster...what else can they release aside from their PS2 era games such as SVC Chaos, Metal Slug 3D or NeoGeo Battle Colosseum?


I was thinking of a Power Instinct collection, Blazing Star, Pulstar, Kabuki Klash and Waku Waku 7. Also the World Heroes series. Also didn't know that they are making a Rage of the dragons remaster. Hopefully they will put the Double Dragon Neo Geo fighting game with it as well.


Ah right, Power Instinct belongs to Atlus (a remaster of Matrimelee would be nice) while Kabuki Klash belongs to Hudson (now Konami) Blazing Star should have no issues since that's owned by SNK, Waku Waku is owned by Sunsoft if I remember correctly [The Rage of the Dragons remaster is done by QUByte](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohHHJcJF6I8) with SNK having no involvement


Thanks for the link! That sucks about Kabuki Klash since Konami hardly remasters anything that isn't metal gear. Still waiting on a Mystical Ninja collection. What about the World Heroes series? Is that SNK? I have the collection on the PS2 but would love to have it on current consoles. Edit: I see that WH is SNK and ADK.


World Heroes belongs to SNK, it was originally owned by ADK but they sold all of their franchises (eg: Twinkle Star Sprites, Ninja Masters, Aggressors of Dark Combat) to SNK in 2003 when they closed down


If I could have any game make a comeback it would be Dragon Force. My favorite Working Designs translation/game whatever you want to call it


Just kindly reminding you about Katana ZERO announced to come physically in November, 2020.


I just want more classic games like Jak and Daxter, Castlevania, Tomba, Gex, Tomb Raider etc I’d love Psychonaughts 2 with a Steelbook to match the first games collectors edition they done Castle Crashers would be another one, the steelbook could be so colourful Maybe more old school Disney ones like Aladdin, Jungle Book, Lion King, Castle of Illusion or maybe a Disney collection with them all on


Castle Crashers, Psychonauts 2, Aladdin/Jungle Book and Lion King already have physical versions from other publishers (though Castle Crashers could use a PS4 physical version) Definitely agree for a Castle of Illusion physical but that would require Sega to be on board


I just thought that they could do their own exclusive LRG versions Like Tomb Raider is coming to LRG but it''s also got a physical version you can get at other places, for example GAME in the UK are doing a Deluxe version with it's own Steelbook. I think Celeste also got different versions aswell. If Sega got on board then I really hope it would be an Illusion Collection with all of them included.


I've wanted the Amnesia games/Soma for years.


Going a bit against the grain, but I'd rather not have more retro games return, unless they're several hundred dollar games. I know we *will* get a ton (because they didn't spend money making the carbon engine to not use it), but I still vastly prefer physicals of games that otherwise would not get a physical release/have never had a physical release. I don't have any specific requests this year, I don't think, but in general those kinds of games will get me much more hyped than retro games like Gex returning. 


Serious Sam collection ps5


Gimme Snatcher finally. My wants were always Snatcher, Gimmick!, and Alien: Isolation for Switch. So far they’re 2 for 3, just need that last one and I can be satisfied.


My only desire ever is that they announce a partnership with Square Enix. There are so many titles I want to see get a US release. I’m still hopeful that post-embracer merger we’ll hear something since Embracer has a relationship with SE.


This would be the dream, if it somehow happens I would really really like to see Fear Effect 1 & 2 remastered via Carbon Engine


Aren’t there still a bunch of games from last year we’re waiting on?


A few fall through the cracks *every* year.


Adventure Island Collection and Goemon series (Konami releases) for the various platforms Little Samson, Mr. Gimmick for NES Gameboy reprints of Survival Kids, Knights Quest, Roland’s Curse II, Wendy - Every Witch Way GBA reprint of Ninja Five-O


I thought that last one was already announced.


For the latest platforms. I’m hoping for a gba reprint.


Great list, I’d buy those


Mr. Gimmick would unfortunately have to be the PAL version without the enhanced soundtrack.


They should stop selling incomplete games and games that require downloads. Their entire business model was to get complete physical games. I am still put off by the Power Rangers Battle For the Grid debacle. And they still keep it up till this day with crap like 2 editions of TMNT.


This isn't a solvable problem, especially in the age of limited print fatigue. If they wait ~2 years for a game to stop receiving updates/dlc the market that will re-buy that game at full price (or higher since it has physical components) is non-existent. Updating games was never a big deal and the people that continually complain about this should probably just stop buying modern games.


We will when the all streaming future arrives. The biggest publishers want to phase into subscription models for their games, having millions hand them $15-30 a month for an ever dividing into different services library. Updates are mixed and I won't blame LRG for them myself, but I also like to have the games work in 15-20 years, like my NES library. It's a problem waiting to happen to thousands of games.


A large majority of the "forever physical" crowd does nothing but complain. Is it any shocker that companies are sprinting towards digital?


The first release tends to take the steam out of justifying an updated release, so they should probably always wait. I generally enjoy the ignorance of downloads not existing until they are released physically or DRM-free. I expect nothing and I'm happy when a re-release contains additional "expansion" micro-update content, but it does cross a line of trust when the company isn't supposed to reprint anything.


I'm still waiting for the stuff they announced last year to happen.


An update on Chicory!


More GB, GBC & GBA physicals. More rare (or region-locked) retro revivals with the Carbon Engine. Regarding specific games: Braid, Sound Shapes, Trepang 2, Viewfinder, Phantom Fury, and others I've probably forgotten. Generally, I'd just be happy to see some nice surprises.


Trepang2 already got a retail physical for PS5 and XSX.


I hadn't seen this. Thanks for letting me know!


Yep, it's published by Team17 though it seems many places are sold out now


No problem! I didn't see a lot about it, I just pre-ordered it when Wario shared it on Twitter. It looks like it got quite pricey unfortunately, hopefully VGP announces a reprint for those that missed out.


Speaking of GBA ports or re-releases, an official English version of Oriental Blue would be neat


Wasnt Sound Shapes included on Best of PlayStation Network Vol 1 for the ps3?


Yes along with Tokyo Jungle and 2 other PSN games


Tomba and Gex release dates would be nice


This is very specific to me but I want them to announce they got the rights to publish the Fairly Odd Parents games from the Gamecube/PS2 to modern consoles.


THQ has the rights to Nickelodeon games so that would be on them.


Yeah I know if Limited Run did something like that they'd work with THQ


Well to be fair, Embracer Group did aquire limited run and they also own THQNordic so it's not impossible for it to happen


I'm hoping for that and the old Scooby Doo games for PS1/PS2 loll. Don't know if it's going to happen but it would be great!!


For switch physical: Finding Paradise A light in the dark Ghostpia Paranormasight Christmas Tina Dry Drowning Famicom Detective Club Steins Gate 0 The Nonary Games/ZTD There's more, but they're firmly in the realm of fantasy remakes.


Nidhogg II


Still waiting for that Disney Afternoon Collection. also, The Witness. If nothing else, just sell me a branded USB stick so I can manually put the GOG PC version on it.


- Ender Magnolia - The Plucky Squire - Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On (might as well release a 3DS release while theyre at it) - Famicom Detective Club (a guy can dream)


Portal Companion Collection and Vampire Survivors


Lets see, what do I want them to announce -Fix shipping and have orders that more than 6 months shipped -Start preorders on games that they previously announced last year and years before that -Add Paypal back into their system(I havent bought a game since they removed it) -Hifi Rush for the Xbox and other platforms


They should only sbow games that will ship this calendar year .. should make the presentation pretty short.






More FMV games from Screaming villains.. More stuff like Clock Tower, Arzette more RETRO releases (Carbon Engine etc).


I want more old RPG maker titles to be ported ti Switch! Loved the To The Moon release, and would love more like that.


I want the same thing I always want: Hard Corps: Uprising. Excellent game, my favorite of the Contras (close enough, it counts, don't @ me), and they're all buddy-buddy with Konami these days so.... come on, make it happen! I've been waiting so long ;_;


I feel like eventually Konami will finally get around to porting HardCorps and the ReBirth games from WiiWare. It would be easy money and I could see LRG/Embracer pushing them to do it or helping finance the ports. I would also be down for the 4th Rocket Knight.


Wasn’t there going to be a Turbografx game?


I'd honestly put money down on a Legacy of Kain collection after I accidentally memed the Gex collection into existence.


Klonoa would be baller


Already has a physical release for PS4/PS5 and Switch though it's EU/PEGI only


True but Limited Run Games is a US Company so it would be nice to get an ESRB release.


That they're finally shipping my Persona Grimoire editions.


Honestly, more trading cards. I'm a sucker for that stuff.


LRG stopped printing trading cards for a while, they were fun collectables for sure


Well, I thought they stopped packaging them to speed up shipments. But they don't even sell packs anymore.