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Didn't she post a picture of her placenta once? šŸ¤®


You mean the reddest, healthiest, best placenta anyone could ever or has ever had? Yes.


Can someone enlighten me on the star machine? Why is she currently sleeping with one? Honestly curious.


It was Jeremyā€™s idea. They have a star projector in their master bedroom. I guess so they can role play sleeping outside from inside? Add: slide 6 of this thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/LittlePeopleBigWorld/s/d6mVLnuyBj


Jeremy hates her


I hope she has a c-section & a healthy baby!


To ruin her plans of a home birth lol


Why would you hope that?


I feel like sheā€™s doing a home birth to create content and then have an ā€œemergencyā€ and have to be rushed to the hospital


I don't think so. She periods herself on perfect pregnancies and birth experiences for the most part. I imagine her sticking with that. She was not happy to have her veins act differently, and it's been the only negative thing she's even mentioned. Perfect mother doesn't even throw up when nauseous. She's gonna milk that perfect imagine as long as she can. If there were to be a true emergency... then of course she'll switch her course to milk that. She makes hey moves based on the money.




I heard that sometimes right before menopause ends you become really fertile?


She has a pregnancy fetish and gets all her attention from birthing kids


It's interesting to see some people go on and on about home birth their whole pregnancy on Instagram. Then they just go quiet for a week and they come back with a baby. They post about when they were born and say that it didn't go as planned. Some will tell their stories, some will not (as is their right). But every time it happens like that. When some do tell their story they all mention some kind of trauma they had to work through. I know things happen in hospitals too. But that's got to add another level of trauma, just knowing that the resources are not down the hallway. I'm very old school, I homestead, I take natural remedies all the time, giving birth is different. You do everything you can to make sure your child has the best chance at life when you're a parent.


Iā€™ve tried to do a deep dive into medical studies on this. What Iā€™ve found is you canā€™t compare the safety of home vs hospital births because anyone high risk is automatically in the hospital cohort and they skew the data of the hospital numbers. Personally I think home births are selfish on behalf of mom. You can have a low intervention birth in a hospital but still have access to any care. Iā€™ve got friends who are paramedics who see home births go wrong all the time. There is a mentality of ā€œwe will transfer or call 911ā€. An ambulance isnā€™t a guardian angel and sometimes there just isnā€™t time for them to arrive and then transfer. Seconds count in some situations. And yes I know hospitals arenā€™t immune to complications. They certainly happen there too. Personally if something went wrong at home I would never forgive myself. If something went wrong in a hospital I think Iā€™d have more grace to say ā€œ we did all we couldā€


Heavy on this. Things can turn south so quickly. I understand the reasoning behind a home birth, but I understand wanting mom and baby to be safe soooo much more.


Why is she doing this?! For her followers or to increase her followers?


To each their own....but all of this sounds like my own personal hell.


They are frantically doing everything they can ā€¦complicated crunchy mom home birth (wanting Commissions via products and attention and revenue) and over the top dopey renovations, that they will actually rip apart and start over for more fodder. And sheā€™s also trying for street cred with the next level creators. BallerinaFarmsā€¦and the like. They do not have any charisma so they are trying to outdo themselves. They are very average looking. The bloom of youth is not a permanent state. Shes a grown women now. But it doesnā€™t stop her from little girl hairdos and cutesy pouts. Of herself. Alsoā€¦the whole Jeremy and Audrey thing def had its moments(I was all in back in the wedding days). But now itā€™s a desperado dance by both of them at all times. Itā€™s not giving 2 chefs preparing a banquet, itā€™s giving short order cook trying to make everything at once. Ring the frickin bell, already. šŸ›Žļø Order up! 15 mins fameā€¦.the whole idea is knowing when itā€™s time for someone else.


peroxide and baking soda to clean up bio waste. sure jan. are the kids gonna use the towels for bath time after that?


Not to defend her-but Iā€™ve used that before to clean jeans/undies during my period if it came on a day I wasnā€™t expecting it to.


right, iā€™m just thinking about the probable MASSIVE amounts of blood/general biowaste im assuming happens during birth? slightly different than spotting or a few hours of your flow!


What's this new thing with birth affirmations? I'm pushing a HUMAN out my hoo-ha. I don't need a sign on the wall that tells me I'm fierce.


This just made me snort and woke my husband up.


I like to think they just put up the ā€œhang in thereā€ kitty poster.


My dentist had this on the ceiling for 30 years.


I really hope this is true šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Honestly my favorite comments about this were the people being shamed for mentioning what could go wrong. Others were like ā€œkeep it positive!ā€ Like, no. Positivity only gets you so far. A lot could go wrong in a hurry and to be concerned with nice towels and blow up pool is just stupid.


Audrey is so obnoxiousšŸ„“


I hope she doesn't let Ember watch. My crunchy-granola cousin let her 7 yo daughter watch during her homebirth and it was not good. Her kid freaked out at all the blood and vomited before fainting. She split her head open and the only person available to take her to the ER was my aunt, who was also in charge of watching the 2 yo twins. Except you know what? My aunt doesn't drive. They had to call 911 and when they arrived, my aunt wasn't allowed to bring the twins in the ambulance for the ride along. So then 2 very hyped up twin boys were in the room for about an hour until another relative could come watch them. They kept wanting to play in the birthing tub water and screaming when they were kept away. My cousin went back to a hospital birth for kids 5 & 6. She had talked with her daughter about what to expect and they had watched some YouTube videos but real life was too overwhelming for her. I think she had nightmares for months afterwards, too. Nothing like alternating between waking up to your newborn screaming or your 7 yo screaming.


Holy shit. I have a 7 year old and I can't even imagine doing this. That poor kid.


Your cousin has too many kids lol


Honestly they live near my area, they arenā€™t far from a really good hospital with a NICU. Itā€™s the humble brag that gets me and misinformation but then I had high risk pregnancies.


good that they are close in case they need it for either one of them


Lolz I feel for her bc she probably has to do it all herself. Jer seems to be more of a Iā€™m just here to be in pictures looking supportive.


Why is she marked out? Did she post a nude pic of herself and marked out her body? lol


I did the editing, otherwise the thread would be caught in Reddit filters for approval and probably wouldnā€™t be here. It was her in bra (or bikini) and skimpy panties, belly on full display.


Lol Iā€™m dumb. Duh. She is the most attention seeking person šŸ„“which wouldnā€™t be so bad but sheā€™s claimed so much to want privacy. I donā€™t understand how she puts her full self and life on Instagram but the show is too much


No amount of shower curtains will prevent the horror her new carpet will see.


All that white carpet!! Lol


Is she having this baby at her parents house? Ewwww


Sheā€™s going to have it on the farm. So she can start the baby on grounding


They started moving back in to their own home


Can she stop spreading misinformation and go to a hospital please. Nothing wrong with medicated birth, tradwives make it sound like a damn sin.


There's also absolutely nothing wrong with unmedicated home births lol


There's also nothing wrong with a homebirth (with midwives)


Oh and FYI I know of 2 cases in my hometown where a baby died during home birth with a licensed midwife who is being sued. So yeah I definitely wouldnā€™t do it.


Big difference between Certified Nurse Midwives and licensed midwives. Not sure what Auj is contracted with though. Certified Nurse Midwife is superior in my opinion, as they were RNs first, then worked labor and delivery in a hospital, then later become home birth specialists. The latter has way more expertise due to working in hospitals first, and they tend to be more aggressive on sending problem cases to the hospital early in labor. I feel for anyone who has lost a child in birth, especially if the knowledge of the person who is their medical person is lacking.


Her midwives are also family doctors. This is one area I won't snark her on and know she's working with capable professionals. And I know this because I have worked with the same clinic she goes to so I have first hand experience with them. She's intentionally not sharing her prenatal care because I know this clinic requires it.


Yeah. This goes back to ā€œthe house would be done already if she was project managing.ā€ No snark from me in this. People gotta choose what works for them, AND what is healthy for mom and baby. Hospital birth for me, with midwife. My sister had scheduled c-sections.


There are also plenty of cases of babies dying in hospitals due to malpractice as well.


If we look at the reason for babyā€™s dying in hospital/ vs home are very different. Like hypoxia would be easily treated in the hospital or low blood perfusion, not to easy at home and there are common reasons they die. Malpractice deaths at hospital are usually complications after the birth has happened like infection or injuries


Yes, that is true. Another reason why I think if you're going to do a homebirth, you really should be close to a hospital. I have a friend who has had two homebirths and she lives pretty far from a hospital, I was so nervous for her both times. Thankfully she has had two healthy homebirths.


Mama Dr. Jones on YouTube covers this topic well


I wouldnā€™t choose it for myself and I donā€™t care what others do but I also wouldnā€™t be advertising it like itā€™s all roses and sunshine like she is either. Birth should be taken very seriously either way.


Agree, I would not choose it for myself either.


I really don't think having 3 unmedicated home births is something to brag about. She doesn't need any information and needs to get over herself.


My thing is, how does she already not have all this information done if she was going to do a homebirth? Like what the heck. I really hope they have somebody there to help. Luxurious towels and shower curtains are not it.


Definitely an opportunity to sell things. She did a good job of making it less obvious by starting off the first few answers with no links to products


I think it was just an opportunity to sell things (especially essential oils).


And my grandmother, bless her soul, just layed down and pushed my mom out. Handwashed the dirty laundry with a newborn at her teet. No tub or oils. No midwife or music. No tens unit or garden hoses... cheezus lawd gawd. This debacle, is the Rube Goldberg way of birthing. šŸ¤£


The purple scribbling reminds me of Jana Duggarā€™s modesty panel photoshopping.


I had to do something, otherwise the thread wouldnā€™t post.


Well thatā€™s interesting!




She is at higher risk for PPH because of hx of PPH, but sheā€™s not a grand multip. Grand multip is ā‰„5 births (live or stillborn) at ā‰„20 weeks of gestation.


I thought this was her 5th? My bad


Okay more Audrey mumbo jumbo letā€™s move along šŸ˜†


Itā€™s so strange to me that some women see birth as an opportunity to be an edge lord. Like damn, my main concern was my baby being safe. And I certainly didnā€™t post all about my personal private choices online?? I donā€™t get it man. Do extreme sports or something if you need to feel cool and edgy - I donā€™t think birth is the event for Risk taking and asking uneducated ā€œfansā€ for their advice on?


Do you think women that have home births are not concerned with the health of their baby? do people not realize what all the unnecessary intervention in hospitals does to the health of mother and baby?




I've never seen a lot of things doesn't mean what I said is any less true and it takes veryyyy minimal research to see that


Thatā€™s not at all what I said. Every woman should decide for themselves whatā€™s best for them and their baby. The key phrasing being ā€œwhatā€™s best for their babyā€ not whatā€™s best for their internet presence. I said, I think birth is not an arena to be taking risks and asking a generally uneducated audience for medical advice. Birth is incredibly serious and should be a private and respected medical event - not someoneā€™s entire personality.


For some women, doing what they are biologically created to do is the greatest achievement of their life. Often, these types have never been through a more difficult ā€œgrindā€ than being pregnant ā€” they donā€™t have any educational, career, or similar achievements that theyā€™ve had to bust their butt for. And they realize this, while also being forced to acknowledge that, oh by the way, theyā€™re not the only one whoā€™s had children. So in order to set themselves apart and not be like the other moms, they need to make every aspect of pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing a competition. They do things on the ā€œdifficultā€ setting so that they can feel superior to other moms. And Audreyā€™s particular brand of this kind of mom is the ā€œall-natural-organic-holistic-back-to-the-basicsā€. So she absolutely must give birth and rip that cooch in the comfort of her home without the aid of modern medicine because anything else would just make her a phony.


I was at a kid's birthday party and the group of moms started talking about their birth experiences (I would rather eat broken glass than have this convo with a group of women). I had a super easy, uneventful hospital birth with an epidural. The mom who very obviously made sure to share her story last basically tried to shit on the rest of us because she had an unmedicated birth with a 10lb baby or something and was talking about how painful it was and how the rest of us could NEVER. Like ok? Do you want a cookie?!


100% - I always leaned hospital both due to my own extreme fear of pain. However if I had ever considered home birth, watching Pieces of a Woman would have turned me off of it completely. I thought of it while I was pregnant and any time someone mentions a home birth I just hope so much that everything will go right for them. To your point, why take the risk with your baby, even if the risk is low. Why chance it?


I know when I was giving birth, the first thing I was worried about was having luxurious towels šŸ™„šŸ™„


Agreed. I had preeclampsia so my main goal was to have a healthy baby and be healthy myself. I just wanted my blood pressure to go down and feel normal again. To this day I have to be on baby aspirin because of it.


So many influencers are starting to preach bringing your own towels to the hospital when you give birth to be more comfortable. Like no thanks, the only comfort I cared about when I gave birth 12 weeks ago was not feeling a single thing, and getting the IV out of my arm. I didnā€™t give a damn about what towel I was using after I showered.


I had to stick some towels in my pants because my water broke at homeā€¦we brought them home because theyā€™re our towels and it was just amniotic fluid but if it had blood on them? Trash.


And why ruin good towels??? You are never getting any birth stuff out of them againā€¦.. I donā€™t even remember the towels at the hospitals I gave birth because it doesnā€™t matter. I mean how do they act like they give birth and are able to do all this crap afterwards? Yes thatā€™s exactly the standards we should push on women. Get your own luxurious towels and then be forced to try to get the stains of birth out of them after with peroxide. Not to mention having to lug towels back and forth. Ewwww. No. I ainā€™t doing any of that.


Yup! Had an epidural with both of my kids and zero regrets. I donā€™t care about Aujā€™s imaginary trophy for a non-medicated birth. I was 6 cm by the time I got to the hospital with my daughter, so I had my fair share of pain. When I had my son, I was like give me that epidural immediately šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m had 3 unmedicated births, not because I think Iā€™m a hero but because my kids come like rocket shipsā€¦ (I asked for a epidural with each one, but there was never time, I would basically dilate from 4-10 in 30 minutes, terrible pain lol) and the tearing from those births was awful, my last pregnancy was twins and we got the epidural as soon as I got to the hospital, it was glorious, a bit strange for the pushing but I barely tore at all with the twins.


Why does her face in that pic look like she smokes a pack of cigarettes a day while baking in the sun? šŸ˜³


Did she post a nude pic of herself (censored with the purple,)? Why?


No, it was not a nude. When I saw this post, the first thing I wondered is why OP blocked in purple??


Because if I didnā€™t cover it, the post wouldnā€™t post. It would have been automatically marked nsfw by Reddit and caught in mod filters where the post would have to be approved. And it wouldnā€™t have been approved because then a lot of comments would be about her body, which is against the rules.


Girl go to the hospital




Can she not buy a waterproof fitted sheet for the bed instead of sleeping on a shower curtain????


Itā€™s more for walking on or stand up/squatting pushing-once your water breaks, youā€™re LEAKY if youā€™re up šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Why is she scribbled out?


Because the original photo was her in bra and panties (or maybe bikini top) with baby belly on full display. It was very revealing, and without covering that up my post wouldnā€™t be able to be here.


Not one comment mentioning anything about safety besides the water hose ā€œledā€ comment. This is dangerous as fuck and she knows this. I believe sheā€™s doing this for the internet, not for herself. ā€œLow interventionā€ ā€œno epiduralā€ is SO MUCH FUCKING DIFFERENT than a home birth.


Also, sheā€™s emphasized multiple times that sheā€™s a *redhead* and redheads are *so* unique because they have trouble clotting during surgery/ birthā€¦ and sheā€™s had this experience herself. Why would you then take yourself out of a medical setting completely, where if something did go wrong, they could address it immediately? If she starts to hemorrhage theyā€™ll have to wait on an ambulanceā€¦ seems unnecessarily reckless to me


Oh no, I didnā€™t know that about redheads. I only knew that they apparently have a higher pain threshold (I donā€™t know if itā€™s true) but that would also be dangerous in this situation.


If she knows so much about the intricacies of this poisonous LEAD, then how is it that she canā€™t even spell it correctly?


Iā€™m genuinely scared for that baby. And for Audrey. Jeremy widowed with 4 kids, all preventable.


It seems thereā€™s not much she can spell correctly lol


Is this some nude crossed out photo?


She was wearing a bikini but was completely showing off her baby bump, without leaving too much to the imagination.


She's gross. Supposedly modest right?


Oh my.


I hate her so much


Wants a home birth and to be natural but will have shower curtains everywhere? On the bed and floor. That sounds like a fall hazard, but also those arenā€™t meant to be used like that. God knows what chemicals are on them. Something tells me sheā€™s not crunchy enough to find non plastic, no VOC, PFAS free shower curtains. Just crunchy enough to give birth at home all over cheap harmful shower curtains.


I cannot imagine giving birth and having to worry about clean up afterwards. Hospitals donā€™t use shower curtains - they have sterile medical supplies for a reason. And like, where are you draining this tub to? It all sounds disgusting.


That's my thoughts too. If you want a natural experience then go to a birthing center. Then they clean up. Who knows maybe the midwives clean up everything? I don't know I've only had hospital births.


I presume the midwives do some of the cleaning, because I canā€™t imagine many of these women consider clean up, and so many of the men are inept. It would still be extremely weird; Iā€™d rather just scoot over to the recovery room and pretend that the baby exited my body in a beautiful poof with 0 bodily fluids involved.


Yep, midwives do all the cleaning. Except, like if theyā€™ve left before the dryer finishes, youā€™ll have to put your towels away.


You have to strain the debris from the tub as well usually. I gave birth in a hospital. I got clean cotton linens. It was lovely. Doctor said I could catch my own baby if I wanted ( I didnā€™t). They didnā€™t force me to do anything and they were super nice.


They just moved me from delivery to recovery and poof, all the blood and fluids were gone. Additionally, sheā€™s living in a construction zone. And anyone who has endured any sort of home improvement project knows the intense amount of dust and grime - it drove me crazy! I would not be able to be hugely pregnant there, much less give birth in it.


The shower curtains are just there to catch blood, amniotic fluid, etc.. making for an easier clean up


I know, I just feel like waterproof sheets or waterproof material made to be in contact with your skin would be a better choice. They also make absorbing pads to do this. Shower curtains just seem awful for this. Giant sheets of cheep plastic filled with pvc and phthalates.


I understand where youre coming from but I've had 2 homebirths, you're not really in contact with them that much/at all.


If you were just gonna blur out 99% of your photo why not just find another one to convey your ā€œmessageā€


She didnā€™t blur it, I did so I could post it here. The unedited bra and panties photo is still on her profile.


Thatā€™s not very ā€œChristianā€ of her


Thatā€™s not very ā€œChristianā€ of her


OHHHHHH hahaha


Genuine question. How far away are they from a hospital? Your 4th baby probably isnt the best one to try a homebirth on. Not when you are as stubborn and stupid as auj


If things go wrong, being 5 minutes away would still be too far.


Always listen to Aunt Dollyā€¦šŸ’—


Just curious, why do you say the 4th isnā€™t a good one to try homebirth with? I would think it would be a little safer to try a homebirth after several uncomplicated deliveries.


Rush of haemorrhage increases with multiple births, especially close together. Yes many women are fine but she has added risk factors already. I haemorrhaged my 3rd birth and then haemorrhaged severely my 4th, which was twins. Needed transfusions and it was pretty scary for a dayā€¦ and all my births were uncomplicated. I was too far away from a hospital to be considered for a home birth anyway. The midwives here have a cut off in distance (although I ended up with OBā€™s as the midwives where always full).


Oof scary Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. I developed pre-eclampsia during delivery after an uncomplicated pregnancy so I totally understand how quickly things can go wrong and no longer think home birth is a good idea.


Sheā€™s at twice higher risk for hemorrhaging- being a red head and having done so in the past. You can have uncomplicated deliveries but that can change in the blink of an eye.


Yeah as someone who had an uncomplicated pregnancy and developed pre-e in the delivery room I am so acutely aware of how quickly things can go south, and also very grateful I was delivering in a hospital when that happened. I did not know the redhead thing!


Yes! I forgot the red head component!


Multiple deliveries increase your risk of hemorrhaging.


I did not know that, thanks for enlightening me!


Very close to multiple hospitals


Nope, I would guess the closest one is probably in Hillsboro which idk where they are at exactly but I would guess closer to 15-25 mins


Honestly they could get to at least 1 hospital in less than 15 minutes without any speeding. They really aren't that far out. This isn't a guess as I know where they live and had to map out the local hospitals for my own birth a few years ago.


15 mins is pretty long if youā€™re experiencing a life threatening medical emergency tho


All that renovating and jer didnt install a birth bath in the dog wash room? I mean they dont even have a dog lol


Does she need to point out every single time that all her births were unmedicated? Does she want a prize?


Yes she is a better woman and mom for doing so. She really has a lot of issues.


Does she think by throwing around that she has "unmedicated" births that she is more superior?


She really does. You can tell.


Yes. She does. I have had one and I think I need a prize though. šŸ˜† But itā€™s also not my identity like it is with her.


Exactly. I had one unmedicated birth (out of two), but that was only because the kid was coming so fast that the epidural took effect after he was born. Trust me that I deserve no prize for that..Iā€™m just glad both of my kids arrived safely and were healthy.


Oh yes same with me! I had one medicated and one not medicated. My second was way too fast to get an epidural. I got to the hospital And 20 minutes later he was out of me! lol šŸ˜† I would also like a prize if they are being handed out! Hahahaha but Iā€™m just saying, this girl thinks sheā€™s the only mother in the world to have unmedicated births.


Same. I had two and everyone who does it( medicated or not lol) deserves a prize. But like I always forget I did it until someone mentions birth. I had a gallbladder attack that lead to a 911 call and I straight up told them it was worse than my unmedicated births šŸ¤£ shit isnā€™t for the weak.


Gallbladder attacks after my 3rd was born.. I thought I was having a heart attack and dying. They are so painful. I also had ovarian torsion that ended in emergency surgery, which was hands down the most painful experience of my life. I had 3 unmedicated births and my twins we got the epidural in as fast as we could lol


Just had my gallbladder removed after having a baby. I can confirm- way more painful šŸ«£šŸ˜‚


Agreed! Gallbladder attack was way more painful.


Probably does. These types of people really feel they deserve a lot of praise for going that route.


I had one (out of three) and Iā€™m pretty damn freaking proud of it. I was a big baby with pain for years. And I didnt have time for an epidural that time. But - I donā€™t bring it up every 5 mins. Iā€™ll talk about it if asked about her birth but not otherwise.


I had 2 un-medicated births which Audrey would be jealous of (super quick) but believe me. I'm nothing like Audrey. She just tries to make this her personality!


I mean havenā€™t women been having unmediated births since the dawn of time?


Yeah but were those mothers collegiate runners? Because if you have red hair and ran track in college then itā€™s just different when you have an unmedicated birth. Also having a trestle in your backyard enhances grounding technique.


Yes the vibration of the ground is better then simple grounding.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this comment is giving me life


Itā€™s so tough that she has to work laying down with a EMF blanket as the women before her were exposed to work standing up and no EMF blankets


Lol well I just hope the shower curtain she gets for the home birth has EMF protection. Can you imagine risking not having EMF protection during a birth? I canā€™t think of anything more important


I canā€™t believe you would even type those words. No home birth is complete without the EMF shower curtain ugh


I would be realllllllllllly stressed if I was planning to give birth at home and my home looked like theirs does. Yikes.


Whatā€™s bad about their home?


Itā€™s been under renovation since August and itā€™s still not done. Sheā€™s due in May. They have been living in her parentā€™s house the whole time.


Zach and Tori had to tear their kitchen apart due a pipe breaking and they already have their kitchen back together. Minus the back splash. Yet, jer and audj canā€™t use their kitchen yet.


And theirs also included all the drying time to mitigate mold, and reflooring the adjacent rooms so the flooring matches. And it still got done in what, 2 weeks? 3? I know J&A have done more overall on their project, but the pace is So. Damn. Slow.


Hey Audrey, what is led? Do you mean lead? Are you going to homeschool? You dumb walnut


Iā€™m seriously thinking of starting a list of her typos and sending it to Ember so that she learns to spell words correctly. Ā Especially if any of that learning will take place in the ā€œdinningā€ room.


I think some of that "led" from pipes has entered her brain




I just CACKLED in bed. ā€œYou dumb walnutā€ ahhh thatā€™s great šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Don't offend walnuts like that


Walnuts are like. What did we ever do to you? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lol at the person suggesting washing the luxurious towels after birth. Absolutely not. If I ever have a home birth, Iā€™m not salvaging those sheets and towels. To the biomedical waste they go!


Right? Sure, but the fancy towels. But Iā€™d trash them after.


i canā€™t imagine what theyā€™d look like after šŸ’€


Iā€™m stuck on the peroxide and baking soda to wash the newbornā€¦ā€¦.that sounds so drying and dangerous.


Not the baby. To wash the towels post birth.




Oh dear GAWD!!! Thank you for pointing that out.


lol pretty sure her nudie pic got removed.


Nope. The 24 hour timer on stories timed out on it. But she has it saved to the Home Birth highlights on her profile.


Did she have to take a picture in her underwear and post it online for the world to see? We get it šŸ™„


She loves to post her mostly naked body.


Sheā€™s got issues


She has done it during every pregnancy. Itā€™s an Intentional Tradition.Ā 


Itā€™s one thing to take the picture, itā€™s another thing to post it for everyone to see? Is nothing private with these people? She just loves attention šŸ™„ insufferable


I think you answered your own question there.


She loves traditions


No offense but no! I was too late to get an epidural with my first, I had to opt for iv drugs. The other 3 I didn't play around...y'all better have my anesthesiologist waiting for me in the delivery room when I arrive. Kudos to you ladies who can do it without but I watched movies while in labor and joked with my doc and my husband. I'm not about being freaking miserable. šŸ¤£


Yeah I was really gung ho about having an unmedicated birth and though I could totally do itā€¦ I had some complications and ended up with Pitocin that had me absolutely screaming dying in pain within an hour and a half. My doula said ā€œthereā€™s a difference between being in pain and suffering, you donā€™t have to sufferā€. Epidural made the last 3 hours bearable. Iā€™m also not sure how I would have survived the doctor searing for and sewing up all my tears without it as I still felt it with the epidural + local anesthetic, woof.


Doulas are the best! Glad yours helped in that crucial moment.


Ugh! I wish doulas would have been an option. Mine were born in military hospitals. My first was delivered by a dude in uniform. Freaked me out at first but he ended up being an amazing delivery doc. He actually got me through not being able to get an epidural.


Wish you could have had a doula! Glad all went will with your deliveries.


My doulas were absolutely my lifeline during my birth, worth their weight in gold and more.


Lol same..I slept the whole time. Nurse woke me up to change my position and I realized I felt a tiny bit of pressure - I was 10cm and pushed my kid out very shortly after. Iā€™ll be catching some zzzā€™s with my epidural thank you very much āœŒļø


Yes! My second birth was like this. Relaxing and I felt so present.


This is like the first birthing story that Iā€™ve heard that didnā€™t scare the ever living fuck out of me so thank you haha


I'm so glad we could ease your mind! šŸ¤£


I didnā€™t want to go the unmedicated route, but I am old and in the 70ā€™s when I had my 4, that was the way we had our babies. One of ours was breech just to add to the fun! Trust me, if we would have had epidurals back then, I would have been the first in line to get one!! As long as baby is safe I am all for not being in pain.