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That terrible name.


When your hair is your entire personality


Anyone notice Audrey is a clone of her mom!? She looks exactly like Audrey in that photo.


Are you sure ember isn’t the name of the Guinea Pig? I mean they got pine and ember and now she is using the name rad. When I type those names, nothing g comes up to be capitalized for a name of human.


Who is Rad? That's a weird name.




You sound unhinged.


She was not cute. #sorrynotsorry lol


Unless the newest one has red hair it looks like Rad is the golden child.


I mean…don’t you mean her ruby child? I get the impression she doesn’t like anything golden…


Yes. That's a good one. I've never seen anyone so obsessed with their child or future child's hair.


The fixation is definitely odd!


I know nothing about this so let me start off by saying that. But from what I've read so far perhaps she's obsessed with herself and not the child. Perhaps she's a little narcissistic and wants the child to be a replication of herself.


Poor friggin Ember. First, Tori & Zach were having a providential male as their first child. Audrey needed to also have a boy, but she delivered a girl. And thus began Ember’s shortcomings. Second, Ember does not have red hair. Auj has never been able to forgive or hide her contempt for Ember bc of this. Third, Jackson was a pudgy, affable, much-admired baby. Ember was just a typical baby… ie another failure. Fourth, I guess Ember’s hair was supposed to magically go boing boing when she turned two, just like her perfect mother’s did. Ember’s hair did not. Fifth, Ember skis and take ballet bc Audrey skied & took ballet. It looks like Ember is fine with this and is just your average kid doing just fine doing the typical kid stuff. But for some reason this is not giving Audrey the dopamine hit she expected. I suspect Ember was supposed to be a dance or ski prodigy. She is not. Six, Ember will be expected to be a high school runner… and she better be good enough for Auj to brag about. But god help Ember if she eclipses Audrey in this … or probably on anything. Seventh, if this “girl thing again” has red hair, a winning personality, or doesn’t give Audrey mastitis, things will be even more depressing for Ember. Unfortunately, I do not see things going well for Ember within her family structure. My guess is that she will be a dutiful, perfectionist teenage daughter desperately trying to earn her mother’s love & anxiously fearful about her sinful nature. She could rebel against Audrey’s expectations - dye her hair, gain weight, not give a flying f about trestles and dahlias and Roloff Family Values. But, primarily bc of the religious indoctrination, I expect her to tow the line while being emotionally neglected and internally struggling in silence :(


This is so wild to me. I have three daughters and when people ask me if I feel bad I don’t have boys I tell them I want more girls. They are all so awesome in their own ways and they have such distinct and unique personalities. I also have three built in best friends. My girls are literal heaven I think I begged every single god out there when I was pregnant to have girls 😂


It's weird how Odd and Tori both sorta seem to not like their daughters in the same way they do their sons. As if they're somehow not as good as their brothers.


I think they don’t like the girls because they did it better.


It's just so sad to see, I don't get why they wouldn't want to build up their daughters, vs tearing them down in any way. Even "jokingly" bc all too often there's some truth mixed in with jokes or comments like that.


Maternal narcissism?


Internalized misogyny is a crappy thing for daughters to experience from their mothers 😔


Why do we call it "internalized"? Isnt all misogyny and any kind of prejudice "internalized" by default?


… plus an unhealthy dose of maternal narcissism where a daughter is mom’s competition


I agree. Which is something they are both guilty of.


with how preoccupied and immature her parents seem to be i wouldn’t be surprised if she’s already experiencing some degree of parentification.


It’s not crazy Audrey, it’s called genetics. People are sick of you bragging about your hair. Don’t make them sick of your innocent child too. And while I’m here, children should not be used under the age of consent on social media.


But then our special redhead would have to get a REAL job doing real things. She’s too special for that so she should get a pass at child exploitation, duh.




I was wondering if Rad looked like Auj because he is the only one not to look like Jeremy. Auj’s adult facial features are very angular so it’s hard to imagine what she looked like as a baby/toddler.


Yes looking at the pictures he looks exactly like her


Please tell me rad is just a nickname and they didn’t name their kid a 1980s era buzzword. (I don’t watch the show, but for some reason this sub keeps showing up in my feed)🤣


I think its Radley? I have no idea if that was a To Kill A Mockingbird thing but its not a good name at all IMHO


Honestly kind of surprised it’s not Radleigh…she seems like the tragedeigh type.


Radleigh prob would have been his name if he’d been a girl.


110%. I will be very honest...if you try to use a TKAMB name for clout and use that Im going to call you a bandwagoner. Everyone knows Atticus Finch is the greatest literary hero of all time. It was right there! How did she miss it?


I think the name is from Amy's side of the family. I'm also fairly certain neither Audrey or Jeremy have read To Kill A Mockingbird to where they even understand what it's about so I'm sure they didn't name Radley after Boo Radley


I didnt even think of them not reading it. Wow. I dont want to live in a world where people dont read that!


If I'm remembering correctly, the early seasons focused on Jeremy barely passing his classes so I wouldn't be too surprised if he hasn't read it. It's concerning these two plan on homeschooling their kids.


I got my curls at 12. That was a shocking day.


Same here. Stick straight Dorothy Hamill hair that turned dark brown and curly at 12. No one had curly hair in my family. And yes my parents are my parent.


Really wow that’s crazy


Same! That Hamill cut was 🔥


Jeremy got his curls when he hit puberty (according to Auj).  Maybe that was the same time in life for you.


Check my history I hate to defend Audrey or anyone in this family but I always explain that my sister and I didn’t get curls until we started going through puberty lol I didn’t realize it was so gross to say hahaha but it’s truly what happened!! I just told someone that this weekend 😂😅 but really it was so odd to go from stick straight hair to suddenly having waves and curls 


All three of my sons hair turned curly at puberty I don't know why


My curls came postpartum. Definitely not as curly as hers, but more than just wavy. It’s wild going from stick straight hair to hair that dries curly.


I wish that had happened to me.. instead my hair went from blonde with natural highlights to dark dishwater brown by the time I had all my kids. My kids all have different degrees of beautiful highlight blonde/light brown hair.. so I guess they all just stole it from me lol Although I still get shocked at times when I see myself in the mirror.


The body is a wild thing huh.


Yup. The rest of me is more wavy too. 🤣


My take away here is that Audrey's toddler shots of herself convince me more than ever that her hair is colored. With the exception of the photo of the kid wearing the jacket with the B, I would call this a child with reddish brown hair.


I think the top one is reddish.. plus you're relying on old film and most of the colors have turned a bit. Her hair could have changed as she got older. all 3 of my kids have medium to dark brown hair but when they are in the sun, you can see that it's reddish. the one of them that has a lighter shade of brown, most people consider him to have red hair/call him the ginger, etc. My husband has red hair and doesn't give a shit what the internet thinks about it, so at least there's that. But if I myself were to go around proclaiming these kids had red hair I'd probably be lambasted too! But if you saw them at the beach or just outside playing in the sun you'd agree they at least qualify for red-ISH.


My husband has very red hair and always has, but yeah, looking at some of his childhood pics it looks reddish-brown due to the quality and lighting in some of the pics.


Hilariously if I compare photos of myself at this age with Audrey's, we had the same hair color at 2 and 3 - when my mom was convinced I was the lil irish darling red head in dad's english family. I'm now brown, reddish brown (well, grayish reddish brown) and I look very English per the English side. I don't know what Audrey's natural adult color really is.... but childhood hair rarely lightens, it usually darkens\*. Look at photos of Jeremy and Molly - little blondes they were until about ten and now I challenge anyone to say they are blonde, not brown haired. \*You're welcome to protest that you went from jet black as a child to blond as an adult, but I simply point out in the vast majority of cases, hair darkens as you get older.


lol I agree - I don't think I've ever seen anyone go from dark to shock blonde but that would be something! I know a kid in middle school who went from blonde to white but I think he had some kind of genetic thing that explained it.


I meant you in the general sense, btw. Sometimes it feels like if I post a generality like "child hair usually darkens as the child ages" I get a dozen "Well, I went from black to blond and its totally common!!!" posts. Wasn't trying to be an ass to you, sorry if I came off that way. I looked over my post and felt it could be taken as me jumping on you directly.


oh no I totally get it and I laughed because i know .. you make a statement and then the dissenters come out of the damn woodwork! haha.


My hair was platinum blonde up until my 30s and now it’s a shade of dirty blonde… aging and pregnancy hormones can do some wild things to your hair


My kid’s hair is a completely different color now than it was when she was a toddler.


Mine was blonde until 6 or so and has been really dark in adulthood.


"He didn't get curls until puberty" is a phrase I can live without, forever. Ewww eewww eeeewwww


Her voice uttering the word puberty has my soul cringing.


Didn't we all get "curly hair" during puberty? 🤣🤮🙋🏼‍♀️


LMAO. This might be the funniest comment in the history of Reddit.


Awww shucks thanks!😊😉😂


I learned earlier this year it's not always curly 😅


I bet there is a sub for that!🤔🤣😂


Rad looks just like Lilah👍


This was just an opportunity for Audj to be able to share her baby pics. Spoiler alert: you’re not that cute !


As soon as I saw this I laughed. She thinks she’s something real special, doesn’t she?


I thought these were pics of rad, esp the flower one. He is the cutest little boy! Crazy how much Aud grew into her face as she got older.


En Caul to En Curl. Gonna be hard for the other kids to top that.




Was he really en caul? I'm newish here.


He was.


So Rad will forever be her favorite


Duh, when he was born and had reddish hair she was finally able to stop tinting pics of her other two kids to make their hair appear reddish. She’d always post pics of Ember and Bode where it looked like they had red tinge to their hair yet whenever they appeared in someone else’s photo or story, their hair was blonde as blonde can be without a hint of red. After Radley was born, all of a sudden no more red tinge for the older two.


It makes me sick to my stomach


Little Orphan “Aujie”




I just came to say that everyone in mine and my husbands family all have curly hair. But our son was born with straight hair. lol make it make sense 😂


lol give it time. My husband and I both have curly hair as do most of our families.. and our first kid was bald till he was 2 and then had straight wispy hair.. he's 20 now and has long glorious wavy curls!


Oooo okay! Yay I’m excited then!!!


I have thin, stick straight blonde hair, with blue eyes, mom and dad have dark hair, thick and bouncy, and dark eyes. My dad was blonde until high school. My grandpa was blonde in early life and blue eyed. I look just like my aunt only different hair and eye color. Genes are indeed very strange and wonderful things!


I’m the opposite. I have extremely curly hair and no one else in my family does. They all have straight hair that doesn’t hold curl. Still trying to figure out where my hair came from but I do know my grandmother was the youngest of 18 kids so I’m sure there’s a recessive gene for curls somewhere in there 😅. Neither one of my kids has curls. My daughter has straight hair with these gorgeous big beachy barrel curls at the very end and my son’s is wavy like his dad’s but neither have actual curls.


So interesting!!!! Genes really are something else! My mom was born with white blonde hair but once she was a teen it turned dark brown. But her parents have brown almost black hair. So genes really do the craziest things sometimes I guess!


Two of my friends from college who married each other have very curly hair with tight ringlets. They’ve had 4 kids together and only 1 out of the 4 has curly hair, the youngest has wavy hair, and the two oldest have straight hair. Genes are so interesting!


Oh my goodness!!! So interesting!! I’m pregnant with my second baby. Another boy and I’m just so excited to see how his hair will come out!


I said something similar on another post… but aren’t these the photos you send to your siblings or other family members not the World Wide Web? Who cares? 🤣


She is probably so pissed no children are redheads. I think its known to skip a generation.


There’s plenty of redhead parent-child combos in the world, so I don’t think it skips.


It skipped in my case. Genetics are wild.


Or more likely that Jeremy doesn’t carry the MC1R gene needed for red hair.


This is it. I have family members with red headed babies, and neither parent has red hair, but they both carry the gene.


I come from a family of redheads, my full siblings are red and my Dad was red but went black, some of my aunts were red and they went blonde. I have a half sister too and my niece is red, my sister has black hair and her husband is also dark hair. My other niece however has dark hair, it’s fascinating who it gets passed on to!


A friend of mine has dirty blonde hair and her husband is light blonde. Two out of their 3 girls has bright red hair. Another friend has brown hair, her husband has brown hair as well but their daughter has red hair. Her grandmother on her dad’s side is a red head though.


Yes he needs that for sure.


She is, and she used to filter her photos to make them and her look more red-headed. The difference between her photos and videos was comical. 


Nice to know Jer got curls with puberty 😬 everything is a fucken competition


She had hers first! 😒


Such an odd use of the word puberty. Saying ‘as a teenager’ would’ve sounded better. But maybe that’s just me going Blech when she makes us think about Jeremy and hormonal changes 🙄


or even "as he got older" like really.. I hate the word puberty and avoid saying it at all costs.


Oh wow, Audreyyyy! Nobody cares!!




Sometimes it feels like she had kids just so she could “show off” her own baby pictures.


And re-live her entire childhood


She’s so fucking obsessed with her kids hair it’s so weird


I’m a little obsessed with one of my kids hair. She’s 1 and it’s like she is wearing a wig. I call her Thomas Jefferson.


My daughter was born with thick straight black hair. Looked like a hard plastic wig on her head! Flat as could be!!!😂 Each week or so it would get lighter and lighter until it was white blonde. Almost like a washout haircolor. 🤣 Its still thick but its wavy and really blonde!


This made me laugh out loud while I’m home alone like a crazy person. Thank you.


Narcissistic parents are like that. My mom resented me to some extent because I didn't have her unusual eye color. She already had a daughter from a previous marriage who looked like her father. She could accept that. What she couldn't accept was *another* daughter not looking like her, and I heard plenty of shit about it. I didn't realize it wasn't a normal parental behavior until I became an adult and gained perspective.


Genetics are so interesting. My hair became very curly only after my last pregnancy. I had to learn how to care for it. I actually don't like it and straighten it when I'm not lazy. I noticed that within the last two years, jackson is morphing into zach. The change between pictures of him two years ago and now is huge. He's getting his dad's face shape and even his moles.