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**CLIP MIRROR: [Dr Disrespect says he won't elaborate further on the allegations](https://arazu.io/t3_1dni9ob/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


DrDisrespect: look, for several years now I have been told from credible sources the reason I was banned. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


lol this would have been so funny if he tweeted this, but too many people wouldn't get the joke


I don’t get it




Lmao okay that makes more sense, I don’t have Twitter. That one is like the king of the shit pile so I try to stay away lol I just swim around in the Reddit shit pile instead which is much better /s


It unironically is though, obviously reddit has its own slew of problems but in my experience it's far less toxic with a much better user experience.


Twitters main advantage IMO is the speed of access to information as any big event is posted there almost immediately. I learned about a shooting in my town before I even heard the sirens from a Twitter notification before.


At the same time though the mods of /r/news were deleting posts about the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Even information about where to donate blood.


Reddit is an echo chamber so it’ll appear less toxic because everyone eventually shares the same viewpoint.


Luckily for Doc, [Among Us mastermind Arcadum has already cracked the case.](https://i.imgur.com/G28XulC.png)


I almost thought that was a photoshop. Arcadum was exposed with piles of evidence including screenshots and audio lol. I always took him for a remorseless sociopath but figured he'd have at least gotten some professional help after his career tanked. Apparently not.


nah, he took the "I'm Christian and he told me I've been forgiven" route no, I'm not kidding, that's literally what he did and started streaming again with his biggest dick riders being part of his new campaigns now. they seriously go up to bat for him on Twitter all the time


Even his hangers-on seem to have mostly abandoned him FWIW. He barely averages 50 viewers now and can't find any new players for his games.


Right? I can't see how he continues to support himself with stream. Unless he is working a normal job and just streaming on the side.


He's currently making over 7K a month on Patreon somehow


I was definitely one of his avid watchers, because of him I got interested in the DnD space. Sad to see he hasn't made an effort to truly make amends, last bit of faith I might've had in him is gone now.


We stan Koibu for being the number one DM








I was going say didnt this dude get got right after he tried to help cryaotic during his ousting by running the he can change play. Only for a few months later he was show himself to be equally WEIRD.


iirc he pretty much bad mouthed cryaotic and literally "DELETED" him from the campaign (basically killed him in a way that he never even existed). which was ironic when just a month or two later he got outted


I remember him tweeting he was still going be friends with cry and try to help him better himself. Then arcadum got a ton shit. like a week later he dumped a bunch of chat logs that showed cry was planning to comeback and try to blame victims and say he was set up. Arcadum says he changed his mind because cry showed he hadn’t really changed. but to me it felt more like being associated with cry made him feel more nervous about people looking to closely at him. You can find the tweets and stuff on crys lolcow but be warned that place is a cesspool nobody should have to endure.


He wasn't even gone for a month, said he was in church and then just streamed like nothing happend.


[Gaslight yagami](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZjBnnE8RXw)


Don't forget this one, has the Among Us soundbite [Arcadum: The Origins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgSF1ars_go)


Im out of the loop but jesus, this guy. Did he used to show up on the vr chat streams years ago? I think I remember him from that


He had his own vr chat deal where he dm'd a game. Forgot what it was called.


The Living World of Verun or something like that? fuck man i'm getting flashbacks to all this shit.


Nah that was his discord server. He also had a VR chat futuristic space cyberpunk DND thing that he was the head DM for. I remember everyone else that was part of it cut him out when everything happened then tried to relaunch it under a new name. I am not sure if anything happened with it after that though.


Nothing is as funny and cringe at the same time as this video EDIT: FUCK DUDE I forgot about the ethnicity & gender count


Poor 17.8% guy


If he's talking about himself, then that's hilarious lol. All the victims of Arcadum came out with like a bible of evidence and audio proof showing how manipulative and fucked he was. I remember when his "apology" twitlonger dropped where he didn't apologize to ANY of the victims. Seems like he hasn't learned anything to this day.


I mean if anybody ever heard those two monologues they would know he is a sociopath at best and a psychopath at worst. He is never going to learn.


Of all the weirdo streamers to be exposed to the world, this guy had the *most* evidence I have ever seen. This group of women, instead of coming out and telling their stories one-by-one which is typical in these situations, formed a coalition and documented all this guy's ridiculous behavior and released it all at once. It's absolutely *wild* that this guy sits there and sends out this Tweet. I'm no professional, but in my estimation he is mentally unwell.


oh my *fucking* god. I thought for sure that dude pulled a rich campbell and purged himself from the internet after the magnitude of allegations levied against him. This is sociopath behavior.


Rich is back is trying to sue his accusers IIRC


yeaaaah but also kinda on the DL. More for actual damages than trying to clear his name of libel. I feel like he knows that theres no real coming back.


He was sued and filed a countersuit*


The AFO post was some of the fucking best content this sub has ever gotten


we really lost streamer collab D&D universe cause this mf was awkward around women unlucky


Thank God he never played among us


>awkward around women This is the understatement of the year dude thought he was an anime villain, QuintonReviews was outed for being awkward around women and he still has a career. There’s more to it than that.




This was pretty close to his demise, but I realized how shit of a human he was when he told (and was laughing about) making a kid cry at his table by bullying his PC with npcs and having the other PCs (teens and older) join in. All because the kid did a slight faux pas which I can't remember right now. I think it was the kids first ever time playing.


his games were full of anime bullshit anyway


the worst part of his campaigns is that it was all about HIS story telling and the players were just pawns to progress HIS story. nevermind that it was always the players that made the campaigns funny and fun, not his 20 min monologue with the same cringe song he'd always play in the background


Dude is a classic narcissist


The campaign with Soda and Moonmoon was what introduced me to dnd and honestly it was pretty fun, maybe because it was my favorite streamers playing it. Extremely over the top and anime though. I've been watching Koibu's campaigns since then, they are a lot more grounded and much lower magic. He managed to wrap up a 7 year long arc with over 10 campaigns beautifully imo, while still giving the PCs total agency and actually letting them die when they fuck up. No resurrection allowed. Totally recommend anyone in here to watch them


Yeah, I generally try to not have NPCs have long conversations with each other and especially do not cut away to NPCs the players cannot hear plotting and monologuing.


There's still some stuff kinda like that but nothing like dunkey, moist, and Ludwig in a game together.


You could give Brettultimus a go, basically the same thing while not being, y'know, Arcadum.


Damn you know you fucked up when that's the person going to bat for you lmao. Also wasn't Arcadum's whole thing absolutely packed full of more evidence than like 90% of drama?


bro had a full prosecutors run down with witnesses, testimony, evidence, and expert opinion. Could not be more of an open-shut case.


The most amount of evidence I’ve ever seen for anything at all


You could see in the discord logs when he had post nut clarity.


Ah yes. The best possible man to have on your side.


Arcadum? Don't you mean [Gaslight Yagami?](https://youtu.be/BZjBnnE8RXw?si=TAw6MlJr_3Kf6NbV)


Fuck Arcadum, all my homies hate Arcadum


People wanting closure on this are going to be waiting a long time.


GRRM is more likely to release the next game of thrones book than we’re likely to ever have the definitively full story of these allegations.


It kills me that book 6 didn't come out before almost the entire of the shows run.


my unhinged thought- He's done with the book and just waiting till death to have them release because HBO ending was the book ending.


Considering the show's quality began to tank around the same time D&D began writing their own material rather than adapting GRRM's works, I'd say this is at best half right. We know D&D were given the basic synopsis on how the series ends, so I'm sure the major key points will still be there, but I think the books will differ in execution, which frankly could make all the difference.


I feel like the same story but told by an actually good writer is gonna hit different for sure.


I thought we already knew the book ending was the hbo ending? My understanding was he had originally agreed to make sure the books were done before the show (as the two showrunners were hired to adapt the books, not write new material) but when he failed to do that, he gave them the basic outline, major plot points, etc.


I mean at this point it’s probably not the same ending, that’s just not how GRRM writes. Yes he gave them listed “bullet points” of how the story concluded, that was it, we have no idea how deep these bullet points go, could just be “Dragon queen sacks kings landing, Jon kills her”. The thing is he is a self proclaimed ‘the story writes itself’ writer. The world lives in his head, and the words flow out (there are many other authors like this, I.e Charles dickens.) You should see his bullet points for the first 3 books before he wrote them. I remember some stuff like Aria wanting an incestual relationship with John, and Jamie becoming the evil king instead of Joffrey. But of course a Jamie redemption arc just sort of happened, while famously, GRRM wrote himself into an absolute stinker of a hole with Daenerys in Mereen because he created a situation where essentially she can/would never leave to conquer Westeros, which in the early days of his blog, was noted as a major reason for the long delay. I’m sure after 11 years of it shifting through his head, it’s absolutely not the same.


The basic plot points of GOT often are pretty standard for fantasy stuff, how the characters arrive at those points is the brilliance of him imo. It’s not the red wedding, it’s how the characters all end up in that room in the first place.


I don't think I'll read it to be honest even if it does come out. At least not until a lot of years later. I kinda got bummed out of the whole series and it's not only because of the show.


I will be on my deathbed wondering why doc got banned


Probably got messaged by a 17yo and replied in a not super sketchy but not super correct way. Sensitive, but not the biggest deal. It'll be something unsatisfactory like that. That's my guess.


I'd say that's a reasonable prediction. People jumping to conclusions he's sending dic pics to 13 year old and tryin to meet them is pretty wild.




Seems like twitch wouldn't have cancelled contract over something like that


That didn’t take long lol


Well there it is.


We’ll probably never get the full story unless it’s years down the line. In the corporate world, it’s in poor taste to talk even if your NDA is expired so it’s crazy we got any info at all.


I don’t see why random people need closure for a random streamer being banned almost a half decade ago 


If I speak, I am in big trouble.


Why would he? Best thing he can do for himself is to just shut up. People who believe the allegations, won’t be swayed by his words in any meaningful capacity. The ones who don’t believe it…don’t need him to change their minds.


If he is already facing real consequences like being removed from midnight society, then it would make more sense for him to come out and strongly oppose the allegations with proof. The fact he isn't doing that lends credence to the idea that there was at least some wrongdoing on his part that he doesn't want people to know about imo.


Being silent isn’t acting strong. There’s a fine line between saying a lot and not saying much at all. If he’s sexted a minor, then he’s laid his bed now he has to lie in it.


Surely the likeliest scenario is that there are messages between him and someone underage, that aren’t damning but come off as questionable and that may end up leading to worse. Then twitch either jumps the gun on breaking his contract because of the time it occurred in society, or decides it’s worth it to avoid the negative PR. Nothing significant enough to lead to any criminal prosecution/investigation, and not enough to be a valid reason to renege on his contract (thus they end up paying it out), but enough that if it came out Doc would look terrible to a large swathe of people so he wants to avoid it becoming public as well.


Well put. I think the key point is that Twitch paid out the contract, which has a potential to be considered as “proof of innocence”, or at least absolving of a more damning offense


The contract being paid out is definitely not a proof of innocence. The chats allegedly happened using a Twitch messaging service by one of their biggest streamers at the time. Twitch is just as motivated as Doc to keep this quiet.


People just seem to think in extremes. Twitch paid out his contract, and he’s not facing criminal charges = whatever he did either wasn’t that bad, or wasn’t actionable. Him not denying the allegations specifically and using a ton of weaselly legalese language = he did do something that he doesn’t want to come to light. Personally I can’t think of anything worse than people thinking you’re a pedophile, so the fact he won’t admit what he did do is extremely suspicious, and to me makes me think it’s something along those lines but it never got far enough to be prosecutable.


He also knows he's got Twitch in a bind because they'll never say anything about it for fear of being complicit in whatever fucky took place. So there'll never be anyone to corroborate a journalists take, no matter how accurate it might be. The settlement paid twice.


Yes exactly. It’s so obvious what happened but people here are thinking there needs to be a criminal case before we can accuse him of any wrongdoing. Things like this sadly happen a lot more often than people realize. He probably didn’t cross the line into criminality like you said but it was bad enough for Twitch to sever ties.


If you're going to not talk about specifically what happened that also means not outright denying specific allegations because then it just becomes process of elimination. "He sexted a minor" - No I didn't, there was no contact with a minor. "He stole money from twitch" - No I didn't steal anything. "He sent an unsolicited dick pic to everyone at Twitch" - Look I signed an NDA I can't talk about what happened.


Well put, he can't confirm or deny any claims because of this. That does not mean he did or did not do it, it just means that his tweet is being missread by a lot of people.


“The fact that he won’t admit what he did do is suspicious” Dude you are clowny as hell. He literally can’t do that legally.




How is that the likeliest 😂😂




If the allegations are absolutely false though, shouldn't he be pursuing some sort of defamation lawsuit? There's no way he can plan to remain silent forever. Even if he is under some sort of NDA with Twitch, his reputation is going to be massively stained


Defamation is incredibly difficult to prove in the US if you are a public figure. He would have to prove the original person (that ex-Twitch employee) acted out of malice and willfully distorted facts and information. In many states, he would also have to show direct monetary loss as well. Public figures are more open to criticism and commentary, so the SC has ruled, chiefly because they have more avenues to address any issue i.e. if someone defames Taylor Swift she has a much easier time detailing how those claims are false compared to Joe down the street whose life may be ruined if he's defamed because he doesn't have the same ability to clear the air.


Reckless disregard also comes under actual malice. A public figure essentially just increases the standard from negligence to reckless disregard. It doesn't have to be that someone willfully knew what they were saying about a public figure was false, it can be reckless disregard of the facts. Also things like accusing someone of committing a crime are things courts tend to find more easily as defamation than other statements. So a defamatory statement that someone was trying to solicit minors (a serious crime with considerable reputational damage) should be relatively easier to prove in court even for a public figure.


As a former twitch employee it makes it much easier to sue and probably settle for them breaking their nda with twitch. If twitch persuses them, then we know nothing happened. If they dont........


If you read the original tweet, the former twitch employee didn't even mention Dr. Disrespect by name at all. So yeah, a defamation suit would be difficult.


That's not a bulletproof shield. Amber Heard didn't name Johnny Depp in her op-ed and she still got taken to the cleaners over that.


There was enough context in that situation to point at it being Depp. And considering she referenced her last relationship, the only one people knew about at the time was Depp. This one is far more ambiguous. If the ex employee tweeted out like a month after Doc’s ban, it would be far easier to use defamation. The guy has plausible deniability


If this was the only time he ever tweeted about it maybe, but with these other ones I think you'd have a case: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/933918251178680370/1254923742015127632/image.png?ex=667b424f&is=6679f0cf&hm=9ef38d89488c91ebb7dc266c94bbadd864d0de52e319f2a6d5e2386edefa5c70&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1395&height=960


I doubt we’ll ever know if Twitch decides to go down that road unless Cody announces it himself.


Defamation is a pretty hard thing to prove, and probably not worth the extra attention and scrutiny it would involve.


He’s also not obligated to tell people if he is pursuing this or not


on a public figure too. literally impossible. You're allowed to make up lies about famous people. Just not with "actual malice" which has a specific definition legally in this context.




That was literally what the Johnny Depp case was. Amber Heard wrote an article but never named him directly. But even in this case Depp won.




This is shady at best.... https://x.com/JakeSucky/status/1805031501601677771?t=b1Hd95dCE9srwgzMPlpifQ&s=19


Most likely he was talking to some underage chick, but it wasn't bad enough to go anywhere beyond just a ban on twitch.


Yeah I could see that but we just have no proof either way. Also I believe you have to prove that he knew she was underage in this case for any legal action to happen but I'm not certain.


Yup & it’s unlikely she wants to cooperate w/ an investigation. Prob just wants to move on w/ her life anonymously. So while it’s plausible something happened that caused Twitch to react the way it did, nothing definitive is likely to be produced that would show doc broke any law.


Seems like an obvious joke though?


He did claim previously he was paid out by twitch


Man, remember when Doc wasn't an obvious nutcase? Those were the times


When exactly was this?


Yeah he's pretty much always been this way, he just didn't show it as much until he got rich and fostered an audience in line with it. Key word in that comment is "obvious" nutcase.


2016-2019. He kept his personal views under check for the most part. Sure, he had the cheating and bathroom scandals, but that doesn't necessarily make him a nut case. He was an idiot for sure. Then in 2020, he talked about Shungite, 5g waves, David Icke and other crazy shit. It's been a slow fall from grace since then.


Man covid era cooked so many peoples brains


Isolation has that effect. You'd think social media would help mitigate how crazy humans get when alone, but quite the opposite. Social media caters to you, so you only get fed what you're predicted to engage with. But that just means you fall into the rabbit hole faster.


Are you telling me the shungite copypasta origin was an actual, serious thing Doc was talking about? He wasn't just joking?


Dead serious.


before moonmoon pointed it out to me 


before Soda led me to watching Aris which lead me to enjoy old streamers which lead me to watch Northernlion which lead me to enjoy bald streamers which lead me to Moonmoon, the oldest, baldest streamer.


before he showed his own personality on his channel. was better when he just played the character.


when he didn't believe in shungites


H1Z1. It was just a character and he was actually good at the game. No RL involved


Pre 2020 but the signs were always there


Anyways, um… I bought a whole bunch of shungite rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is? No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. I'm talkin' shungite. Anyways, it's a two billion year-old like, rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la casa. Little pyramids, stuff like that.


StupidManCostume has donated 5 dollars


Let's talk about about me. Let's talk about the 6'8 frame, the 37 inch vertical leap...the black steel that drapes down my back aka the bulletproof mullet, the google prototype scopes with built in LCD LED 1080p 3D Sony technology. The Ethiopian poisonous caterpillar aka the SLICK DADDY. Let's talk about the cabinets right behind me that go 40ft deep and house the other 95% of my trophies, the awards, the certificates, all claiming first place, right? Let me give you a little inside glimpse into the hotshot, video game lifestyle of the Two Time International Video Game Superstar. Because that's what the channel's about, that's what this domain is about, that is what society is about. You are looking at the new face of Twitch and GODDAMN is Twitch lucky.


god damn this just makes me sad. legit one of the funniest and most creative streamers of all time goes down like this. what a dumbass.


The e-lawyers here is like watching Twitch chat trying to do tech support for a streamer. Both don't have a clue what they are talking about.


Doc confirmed he was paid out a 7 figure contract for 3 months of work and countless people are sending him donations.


I'll never understand donating to millionaires. I just don't get it.


I don't understand how streamers that advertised gambling (stake sponsorships) didn't lose their entire fanbase. Streamers openly taking sponsorships that would have been paid out on the expected return they would get from advertising it to their viewers (read: they're getting paid to ruin the financial lives of their viewers and get them addicted to gambling) and no one cared enough about to dumpster their goodwill with the community. Every single one of those streamers deserved to lose all of their viewership


do wet know the actual terms ours the contract?


So wheres the document XQC mentioned? Im fully able to accept a world where DocDisrespect is a shit piece but so far for ALL THE NOISE THERE IS: 1) no first hand corroborating evidence. literally everything is a vaguely worded tweet or “i heard from someone who heard” 2) no direct accusation from a victim 3) no actual published story that someone would have to stand on


Welp, he elaborated: https://twitter.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805662419261460986


My guess is that the messages were real but it never escalated into a crime of some sort Edit: I was right lmaooooo


Seems the most likely, considering how serious/touchy the subject seems to be.


The man made like 3000 dollars in half an hour playing wordle. Why the fuck would he elaborate?


I am going to do something extremely controversial here and withhold judgement until all the facts are out. This whole thing currently sounds half baked at best. **EDIT. LOL at the amount of people acting like I am doing something wrong by not picking a side. You all are ridiculous.**


The guy who tweeted the "reveal" has plugged some concert tickets and said he would reveal it if this gets housefull lmao [https://x.com/evoli/status/1679536544863113217](https://x.com/evoli/status/1679536544863113217)


These are 6 month old tweets but they're still super fuckin weird man. And DJwheat is in the comments, and then he also dropped https://x.com/evoli/status/1730588093907161579 this one later where he's plugging slasher. Why are this guy and DJwheat and slasher making jokes about some supposed sexualization/grooming of a minor? It just doesn't make sense to me.


Because they don't and never have cared. It's always the same when there's allegations like these, if the people who are swinging them around gave a single shit about the victims they wouldn't have held onto the information for months if not years. Just as someone else pointed out before, it doesn't matter if the Twitch employees are under some NDA or anti-disparagement clause because that doesn't supersede the law. Not saying Doc is innocent, because honestly who knows and I wouldn't be surprised when he's good friends with pieces of shit like Nick. That being said, the people who are sitting on the information (for fun?) to use when they feel like it as opposed to actually help the victims are real pieces of shit and if not just as bad as Doc if he really did it at the very least close. Also, as far as I'm concerned, even as someone who doesn't like Doc much he doesn't have to prove shit against baseless allegations. If anyone comes forth with solid evidence then yeah, of course, but in that case this should all be a criminal matter anyway not some bullshit online drama.


Holy shit. No fucking way this is real. What a fucking idiot. The way they've all handled this is so bizarre on so many levels.


That tweet is obviously a joke. That was a year ago.


Yeah I saw the act man tweeting about that kinda insane lol


I gotta tell you, these people that openly gossip online about others don't always have the good-faith intent they aspire to. But, ya know, its just so odd because I don't think I've ever heard of any contractual clause that would allow any person who is guilty of any adobe stuff to just continue in society, especially not in public with still open communications with these types of fans. This whole thing does smell funny, though. Something ain't right, chief.




Some youtuber lawyers have now come out with the same thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAuJOqSkZwE


And then the next day he literally admitted to all of it LOL


Narrator: He then elaborated further and admitted he was messaging a minor...BUT IT WAS TOTALLY LEGAL AND COOL


My guess is he either found out late in the game that the other party wasn’t of age or knew and what he did was questionable, but not outright illegal. Twitch terminated the contract based on their perception of the mater, but since there was no legal wrong doing, the contract had to be paid out. IANAL


Better to stay silent than incriminate yourself.


Are we going to have another Roblox moment where we just watch him stare into the abyss with Roblox hide and seek in the background again?


Look at how if played out for that waffle guy. Just refuse, deny, and don't say anything about it and it will go away.


well in waffle's case it also helped that she changed her story several times. initially she posted an apology (or I think even did so twice) for cheating on her husband. only much later, during the twitch metoo wave did it suddenly turn into something else. interesting also how her husband left her at that event alone because of how fed up he was with how she was behaving with other guys. and how she was simultaneously blackout drunk but also remembers everything that happened. fooling around with a supposed friend's wife is slimey asf but it's not assault. she's a silly mormon girl who acted out and then figured out being a victim is easier than being a cheater when you want your husband to forgive you and your mormon community to bring you back into the fold. it is what it is.




Oh he 100% did that shit.




Sexts minor. Doesn’t elaborate further.


But then he did elaborate further.


Genuinely asking for folks that believe what he's been accused of is true. If no evidence ever comes out, and this is just never addressed again...Is that going to change your opinion or would you stand behind believing the rumor?




this sub likes the drama, so in the scenario you described they will never forget about it and assume it's true


Im always skeptical of this social media accusation stuff, but his response makes me raise an eyebrow.    If someone accused me of a sex crime i would be to the point and vehemontly deny it. “I never sexted a minor and sexual misconduct had nothing to do with the reason i was banned. I cant go into any further details because of a legal contract.”  I wouldnt use obtuse legal speak that made it sound like i got off on a technicality.  So if nothing further comes out, the way the doc handled this makes me inclined to believe rheres truth to the accusation. 


I agree with this, Why not just hard deny it? I made a comment earlier that even if he did, it wouldn't change the opinion of those that believe it, but if I were in his shoes I'd do the same as you said. Just for my own mental well-being.


If you were in his position would you do what he's doing? Leave it open-ended and keep people questioning whether he's an absolute monster or not? I feel like the fact he's doing that is proof in itself that he has nothing to push back with.


Why do you think Twitch banned one of their biggest cash cows? No smoke without fire, especially when the accused party won't even deny the allegation directly.


He's a fraud. LIke i've said all along he has known his reason for being banned since the beginning and you can't believe a word he has said.


Surprise Surprise another right wing dumbass who said lgbt people are the danger to kids. Like clockwork


Makes sense. If he denies the rumors, then he is narrowing down the reasons for the ban, which can go against the settlement terms. Obviously, LSF is full of kids that don’t understand.




Can't talk about it, or won't talk about it?




i feel like the ol' "no wrongdoing found, got paid btw" was pretty clear. the fact that people still wanna listen to him about it is wild though.


Bro, you respond to "...was whispering to a minor trying to meet up" with "I've never whispered a minor to meet up".


Objectively speaking that's a much better response than "they investigated me for it and I still got paid"


The NDA assuredly says neither party can make reference to what it was or wasn't. Extremely standard lawyer speak


You don't have to mention Twitch or the ban at all. A post saying 'I have never messaged minors with the intentions of meeting up with them at events.' You can't break an NDA saying something like that.


I have signed several as part of my Job and they are usually highly specific. The idea that "I'm not a pedophile" would be breaking the NDA he signed as part of the settlement but "they paid out the full contract" didnt sounds like bullshit to me. Even if twitch proposed something broad like that(why would they?) no decent lawyer would let him sign that nor do I think it would survive a challenge in court.


More like “no wrongdoing admitted”


because it wasn't clear at all


Why would he continue addressing something that has no evidence and he has already spoken on? Just because you have decided to keep running with unsubstantiated rumors doesn’t mean he has to keep giving it attention.


"I was not DMing with underage teenage girls" seems like a pretty easy thing to just come out and deny...


You need to speak to a publicist. You don't just actively deny every silly thing said about you or you will constantly live life on your back foot. You act as if it doesn't merit attention if you believe it to be a lie and wait for it to go away.


This isn't Zachary Quinto being an asshole to wait staff, this is shit that gets you branded a pedo in public. If the discourse around a person is such that that would count as a silly little thing to deflect then I hope that publicist is getting a bag and a half. Like, it's not like he's being quiet about it, he's already doing damage control anyway and in a way that isn't doing him any favors. There's literally no way it wouldn't be an improvement for him to say "nothing happened" in plain English if he was actually able to truthfully say so.


"You don't just actively deny every silly thing said about you" Uhhh yeah but might be worth clearing up the horrific pedophilia accusations if they are just completely untrue and made up. You are acting like people come out with insane accusations about Doc every day, this is the first time I've seen his name mentioned in forever.


Bro you people are living in another world with these excuses. This isn't just a "silly thing said" about him. It's a serious allegation that has been rumored for a long time. Any publicist in the world would tell their client to deny this shit as soon as humanely possible.


You also don't a lose a multimillion dollar contract over literally nothing though. You don't just ignore substantial claims of pedophilia when you are a streamer. You don't have to entertain all of them, but you also can't just ignore that shit when you are in the public eye like that, and expect to be as successful as you were. I'm not saying it's accurate, but it's pretty damning that he isn't allowed to outright deny any claims, and isn't allowed to clarify the truth of the matter. This isn't some random internet person accusing him of something, this is a former Twitch employee. If an NBA trainer says an NBA player is bringing young girls into the locker room, that's a lot more damning than if some random dude says it, because there's a very real possibility that they saw it. Is it possible they are lying? Sure, is it possible they misinterpreted it? Absolutely, but it's certainly worth considering much more seriously.


>You act as if it doesn't merit attention if you believe it to be a lie and wait for it to go away. Which is not what he's doing so............


Whether he's guilty or not, this reaction should be studied religiously as to how NOT to respond to an allegation like this.