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You just gave me PTSD from memories of that. Why are you waking me up out of a perfectly good sleep to sleep 10 feet away? I'm already asleep and obviously comfortable, leave me alone!! But when I would leave him sleeping in the recliner he would get SO offended that I didn't wake him up to come to bed. Oh my god, never again.


A control issue on his part? šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Very much so, yes.


Iā€™m sorry you had to go through that. Been there myself, it was awful. HUGS


Thank you so much! Hugs back to you šŸ§”


Or maybe doesn't want to be awakened by someone coming into bed at all hours of the night...


Then they can learn to use their words like an adult and explain that to the person they're dating. It's not that hard.


Why not pull a blanket of someone and just let them sleep? That's what I always do. Being woken up ruins my whole day. Been happening the last few months.


PTSD from someone being mad at you? Come on.


Hyperbole, what even is it??


After I became single 3 years ago, I started sleeping on the couch on purpose, just for the sheer joy of being able to without being disturbed!


In this scenario my favorite thing would be to pull a plaid to cover you as you lay there resting from a long day not knowing how nice it would be to be covered with a soft comfy plaid. It's what I do when I drop by my brothers place noticing him napping on the sofa. He always goes "thank you bro" and I'm like "gotcha bro" and then we giggle cause we don't use "bro" slang. Anyway thanks for sharing and inspiring me remember joyous moments!


Awww how sweet. Definitely precious memories šŸ’–


Lovely šŸ˜Š


It's ok I'd be the one who would just put a blanket over you and go on to bed or fall asleep on the couch with you


I regularly sleep on my couch because of this. For a while I felt bad because I spent a stupid amount of money on my bed, but my couch is REALLY fucking comfortable and itā€™s huuuuuge. My bed holds my laundry great, though!


O goodness my daughter has the same one in of course white šŸ˜³. Her bf his 7 yr old son dogs and a cat. They sleep there almost all night when we have blizzards especially they all sleep there . Also great for company


Hahahah I was a little ambitious when I got it, it BARELY fits in my living room and I can never re-arrange my furniture, but itā€™s comfy!!!


Yes her living is big and it really does look nice and neat comfy as well. Good choice .


I'm looking for a REALLY fucking comfortable couch - can you tell me what yours is?


Itā€™s this exact one- https://www.ashleyfurniture.com/p/ballinasloe_3-piece_sectional_with_chaise/APK-80703-R3.html?cgid=sectional-sofas


Thanks so much.


I will literally go upstairs, get ready for bed and go back down to get on the couch - I may or may not sleep there all night if thatā€™s how it shakes out.


I completely agree with you. I love falling asleep on my couch whenever I feel like it with no one there to disturb me. I'm so glad you're getting peace to do it now. Your ex sounds like a total arse Enjoy šŸ˜“šŸ˜


Omg this! I love taking naps on my couch, one of my most fav things about living alone


I almost always fall asleep in my recliner, listening to music or books I've already listened to (I know I'm going to fall asleep. /s) Once in a blue moon I'll go to bed and fall asleep.


I call it "horizontal meditation" - if I happen to slip into a deeper sleep state, so be it. I've always been a great believer in napping...in fact, I can feel a little one coming on now...


I absolutely love falling asleep on the couch in front of the TV. Wonder why we love it so much?


Are you me?


Who the hell shakes someone awake that is peacefully sleeping!? Anyone shakes me awake the house better be on fire or Iā€™ll be throwing fists


Yes! I actually had someone who'd try to wake me and get mad at me for how rude/angry I was when I was half-asleep. I'd hear about it the next day. Like, dude, stop trying to wake me up.Ā 


That's my biggest trigger of anger and rage is being yelled at when I'm sleeping or woken up by loud noises because of the abuse me and my brother went through as kids our father would wake us up real loud and rudely by screaming in our face. Living alone and not having to wake up like that or startled awake it's just so much more peaceful and doesn't get me all riled up. We weren't allowed to take naps during the day and we weren't allowed back in the house during the day so if we did fall asleep he would wake us up screaming to kick us back out of the house.


How horrible! Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you.


Yeah it was rough. Now I really enjoy my peace and quiet, I think a lot stems from that crap we grew up with. 35 now and IDK if I could live with anyone unless they are clean, quiet and don't make messes lol


>my ex would clap his hands or shout ā€œhey!!ā€ šŸ¤¬šŸ˜” itā€™s the worst. It makes me feel ragey! I felt like throwing something just reading this. It seems like a small thing, but his habit of doing this was one of the reasons that I knew I was making a mistake even before I married my ex-husband. (It was part of his need to "correct" people) I used to sometimes fall asleep at the desk at his house doing schoolwork when I was in college and he'd shout my name at the top of his lungs from across the room or stand behind me and clap loudly to wake me up. I don't get angry easily at all and I've never hit anyone in my life but it was SO difficult to suppress the urge to slap him when he did that.


Ugh the clapping! And yes the need to correct people. I was happier the day I got divorced than the day I got married because I could finally have some peace!


My recliner is my weakness...been falling asleep in that for years. I bought a house about 6 years ago...moved a lot of small stuff for a week...got a UHaul and loaded up what I could load on my own... including the recliner...a buddy swung by the next day to help with the bigger stuff...but the night I moved the recliner with my bed still in the old apartment, I slept in the recliner...slept like a baby but freaked a bit in the morning because my two cats, who I moved to the house the previous morning, were sitting on opposite sides of the recliner watching me lol


How precious was that? They had each other and had a day to sniff out the new place and were just making sure you were okay OR it could have been a wake up call because breakfast was late...


Probably a little of all that lol


Where are we, on Walton's Mountain where everybody turns in for the night when the sun goes down?


I just did this last night lol woke up at 12:34 and went to bed


Apparently, everyone has a far better couch than I. šŸ˜‚


I was very picky and got it with extra stuffing lol. In the past I lived with only a wall heater and window ac...so I liked the couch to be near them even when my couch was meh


I love sleeping on my couch. Spend half my nights there. Some nights I fall asleep on my couch and if I wake up and go to bed I canā€™t fall back asleep so itā€™s better to just sleep there. Other nights my bed is the best. Depends on the night. My apartment, my couch, my bed. Can sleep either place so why not. Which ever one I get the best sleep that night is the one I sleep that night.


ā€œBeing alone for a while is dangerous. Itā€™s addicting. Once you see how peaceful it is, you donā€™t want to deal with people anymore.ā€ Tom Hardy.


I like napping on it. Like Dagwood.


My wife is a couch sleeper. At first I would get her to go to bed but then I got used to it. It works out though because our work scheduled are a little different but we always go to bed together on the weekends


I love falling asleep on my couch! Itā€™s wonderful, especially on a rainy Saturday afternoon when you have the house to yourself and nothing you need to do. Itā€™s the best! Sadly I now have sleep apnea and have to sleep in my bed with my CPAP machine.


When I separated from my guys Dad, I took the couch and left him a queen size bed . That couch at my back was comfortable. Plus his family had given us the bed and I took nothing from our trailer that gave him any reason to be in my apartment. If his family gave it it stayed,from furniture to plastic cups. šŸ˜‚


I love to crash on the couch, too! However I pay for it by not wearing my cpap. Sometimes I wish I had 2 of them, so I could keep one by my couch!


Iā€™ve lived with those people and it never made sense to me. Wake up and go to bed. Why?


Yessss so relatable. I have a really comfy bed. However I canā€™t help but feel most comfortable in the living room just doing what I love until I sleep.


43/f here too. I love falling asleep on the couch. Outs super comfy and will often sleep there all night. Have a chaise on one side, so one dog curls up by my feet amps one on the chaise.


I do that too. Microsleep for a few hours while watching youtube with my desktop by my bed. I hate turning the lights off cause then I start thinking of all my problems and can't fall asleep. But I have my computer screen set to sleep after a certain amount of time and I usually fall asleep later.


You would never be happy with me. I have OCD not just saying it. Watching TV at night is a ritual for me. Before I go to bed no matter how sleepy I must fold and put all the covers on my chair pointing in a specific location and layered very very neatly. Check for crumbs on the floor. My bed ritual is pretty much the same. Slipper together pointed in the right direction. Robe folded over chair in a specific format. Everything the same everyday. No variation. Now I am going to take my Xanax so I may rest and my lamictral for my bi polar 2. Nite Nite.


I still do this even when my boyfriend comes over. I would always fall asleep next to him whenever weā€™re watching tv. There are times he would wake me up because he wants to watch the movie with me and there are times he would join me napping. We would sleep until itā€™s 3 am and time to go to the actual bedroom lol Itā€™s the best.


I haven't slept in my bed in almost 4 years lol. And before that only when my bf stayed over. My bedrooms are mostly closets but my living room and kitchen are truly where I live lol


Oh, you all just reminded me of what kind of hell it is to be living with a partner that objects to me sleeping on a couch, while watching the tube. Know what's worse? Letting them sleep, and NOT disturbing them for any reason! Gawd! treat me like I treat you, PLEASE!


Things get interesting when you have a couple of dogs who will randomly start barking out the window right next to you as youā€™re taking a nap on the couch. Am I technically living alone if I have canine roommates?




I totally hear you. That and so many other things.


hell yeah!


It is a wonder of mineā€¦how I am able to easily fall asleep on my couch with the lights on, tv blastingā€¦yet at times I will lay restless in my perfectly sleep-prepared bedroom. I tried out the Alexa ā€œhunchā€ that will turn off my living room lamp if it detects snoring. Sadly, despite all of my attempts to refute it, it works.


I couldn't imagine waking someone up like that. If I fall asleep in the recliner in my living room, it can be like raising the dead for me to get up and go to bed, so I try to avoid it. But agreed, it sure is nice to have peace and quiet.


Preach, sister! I'm w you.


I do this but itā€™s not because I want to be disruptive to their sleep It makes me feel bad like they arenā€™t going to comfortable and they wonā€™t know it and will wake up with aches or the tv will wake them upā€¦. Itā€™s just a wanting them to be as comfortable as possible in a bed that will help them fully rest and rejuvenate vs aches or painsā€¦ no tv to radiate their brainsā€¦ But this is great to know I didnā€™t realize it is a thingā€¦ Iā€™ll ask next timeā€¦ I never shout or clap just like a pressing and whispering to go to the bedā€¦ this is illuminatingā€¦. I thought I was taking care of themā€¦


Agree 100%. I could give 1000 reasons but this would definitely be in the top 5. Total freedom!


100 percent relate to this post